Module 1 Unit2 Can you swim?教案


名称 Module 1 Unit2 Can you swim?教案
格式 zip
文件大小 11.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-07 16:15:50



Unit 2 Can you swim 教学设计
1.能熟练运用句型Can you... Can he/she... What can you do I can...到情境中,能用but这一联词作意思表达转换。
本课时是对第一课时和第二课时的顺承、发展和综合的运用。在知识和技能目标上,第一课时学习了动词draw, write, jump, run, fly,并学习了副词fast,以及拓展了副词high, well, slowly, 句型Can you….Yes, I can./No, I can’t. What can you do I can...,是对于Can的第一人称的认知和运用。随后的第二课时,Can .. Yes, he/she can. No, he/she can’t. What can he/she do He/She can... A/An …can …是对于Can第三人称进一步的认识和运用。在前两个课时,设计了学校迎来了两位特殊的客人Supergirl和Superdog,他们具有特殊的技能。他们准备在学校成立Super Club,并为Superdog招募了
Superanimals作为它的朋友。基于Kitty对Supergirl和Superdog的超能力的崇拜之心,第三课时我们结合课本Say and Act的内容设计了她晚上睡觉的时候梦见自己作为主持人采访Supergirl和Superdog的情境,并在拓展应用中融入第一课时所学过的Superman, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman,第二课时学过的各种Superanimals等,让教学内容更丰富,对话更充实。在最后引导学生将对话性文本转换成陈述性文本。Welcome to Super Show. Here are our friends--_________and _________. ________ can________, but he can’t . _________ . ________can __________, but he can’t __________.
1.能综合运用Can you...Can he/she... What can you do I can...句型进行对话,
T:Look, who’s she (呈现Kitty的图片)
T: Kitty likes watching Super Show. Let’s watch Super Show with her. (播放视频:What can you do )
T: The pumpkins are super, we know that they are very super, too. Supergirl has a super club, there are Spiderman, Batman, Ironman and Superman. Supergirl has a Superdog, too. And now Superdog has many friends. What can the Superanimals do
T: There will be a Super Show in the Super Club.
Kitty is very excited, she has a dream that night. Look, where is she
T: Supergirl is on TV now, guess, what would she say
T: Whom is she going to interview
T: Picture 3. 呈现Supergirl的采访问题:What can you do, Supergirl 让学生两人一组做对话。对话完后请另一位同学来描述Supergirl的能力。
T:Picture 4. 以全开放的形式,先示范,然后让学生小组内分角色的方式去表演对话。
T: Picture 5.
T: 观看Kitty梦境的视频,整体回顾。
T: 呈现Kitty采访的图片,遮挡采访的人物,提供Super Club的其他成员,让学生发挥想像,Kitty在梦中还会采访谁呢
T: 情境转换,Kitty梦醒了,让同学们一起帮她用日记的方式记录下来