Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger 教案


名称 Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger 教案
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版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-10 08:14:50



Module 2 Relationships 5 Animals in danger Period 2 教学设计-沪教牛津版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册
Period 2 Grammar Language goals
1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇
interesting, sad, surprising, surprised, need, hard, place, good, decide, right, to do, hear 2. Key structures 重点句式 It’s (not) + adj. + to do sth. I was surprised to do sth. decide to do sth. need to do sth. a good place to buy things The surprising thing was to hear that bad news. Ability goals
能力目标 Enable students to use infinitive correctly.
1、southwest, mainly, live on, reason, less and less, situation, symbol, turtle, cause, feed
2. Key structures 重点句式 Pandas have less and less land to live in.
Teaching methods
教学方法 Explanation and practising. Teaching aids
教具准备 Handout. Teaching procedures and ways
Step I Lead-in Grammar
T: Good morning, boys and girls! Today we’re going to learn a new grammar. Now I’ll write down 5 sentences on the blackboard, and please write them down on your notebook, too. Then tell me the similarity between them.
S: OK. Show the following.
1. It’s interesting to watch a movie.
2. It’s not hard to learn English.
3. I am surprised to see you here.
4. We need to finish our homework every day.
5. HongKong is a good place to buy things.
6. The surprising thing was to hear that bad news.
Step II Explanation First encourage students to tell the similarity between the sentences. Show the following.
1. to + v.
2. It’s + adj. + to do
3. need to do sth.
4. be to do sth.
T: We can see that the above sentences all include “to + v”. In fact they are in the same family, and they are called “infinitive”. (Write “infinitive” down and ask students to use a red pen to emphasize the infinitives). Now look at the first sentence. Can you give me more examples
S: It’s good to eat vegetables.
S: It’s sad to hear the accident.
S: It’s nice to see you here. It’s easy to learn math. It’s right to tell the truth. T: Excellent! Now I want to change these sentences. Look carefully, please.
Show the following.
1. To watch a movie is interesting.
2. To eat vegetables is good.
3. To hear the accident is sad. T: Maybe you have found something different. What’s the function of “to do” S: As the subject of the whole sentence.
T: Great! That’s it. We can use the infinitive to work as the subject of the whole sentence. But how come these sentences “It’s + adj. + to do” Well, do you want to have a big, long head and short legs Maybe that will look uncomfortable. So we need our old friend “it” to help us. Thus we have all these sentences.
Then ask students to read the following aloud.
1. It is interesting to watch a movie.
2. It’s good to eat vegetables.
3. It’s sad to hear the accident. T: OK. Now let’s go on with the next sentence “It’s not hard to learn English.” Clearly it’s the negative form of the infinitive. How is it formed
S: To add “not” before the infinitives.
T: Yes, so change the sentences above into negative ones.
S: 1. It’s not interesting to watch a movie.
2. It’s not good to eat vegetables.
3. It’s not sad to hear the accident. T: Well, the next type. Look at sentence3 “I was surprised to see you here.” And it’s just easy for you to give other examples. S: He was afraid to tell his mother the matter. I’m glad to hear you. T: This time the infinitive functions as adverbial in the whole sentence.
Then give the students some examples.
1. She was ready to go.
2. You’re right to do it.
3. The water is not good to drink. Ask students to read these sentences together. And then go on to the next type.
T: “We need to finish our homework every day.” The infinitive is used as the object of the main verb. Many verbs can be followed by infinitives.
Such as: learn, tell, forget, remember, decide, ask, try, like, need, etc. Show the following.
eg: We learn to speak English every day.
Mary forgot to give me my book.
Helen decided to have a holiday. We’ll learn the usage of the verbs and you should pay attention to the usage. OK, next type, as attribute. I think you’re familiar with it. S: There is a house to live in. We have something to discuss. Would you like something to drink T: Well, the last type, infinitives as predictive.
For example:
1. My only wish is to be a good teacher. 2. The important thing is to finish it on time.
3. The first thing was to open the door. T: Well, we have went through five main usages of infinitives, and they are “subject, adverbial, object, attribute and predictive”. Now let’s read all the examples again.
Step III Practice
1.Tell him ____ the window.
A. to close B. not close C. close
2. It’s important ____ the truth.
A. know B. to know C. knowing
3. I was excited ____ from you.
A. hearing B. hear C. to hear
4. Is there anyone ____ to
A. talk to B. to talk to C. talking
5. It’s wrong ____ others.
A. to laugh at B. laugh at C. laughing at
6. The thing now is ____ the right people.
A. find out B. to find out C. find
1. Do you remember ____ (return) the book tomorrow
2. It’s impossible ____ (live) without water.
3. It’s hard ____ (talk) with him.
4. We have a good book ____(read).
5. I’m happy ____ (have) a nice present.
6. The problem is ____ (make) a right chance.
1. 她决定周末回家.
2. 学习英语是一种乐趣.
3. 课前预习很重要吗
4. 这是一个娱乐的好地方.
5. 听到妈妈病了,他很伤心.
6. 他的目标是当科学家.
Step IV Homework Ask students to
1. review the grammar carefully, and make up three sentences for each type.
2. learn the words on pages 186—189.