人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science fiction Words单词讲解课件(共35张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science fiction Words单词讲解课件(共35张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 5.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-10 12:06:30



Words and Expressions
1. test out 检验; 测试
They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market.
Hank: I'd also like to test out the overhead projector.
汉克: 我也想测试一下投影机.
1. test out 检验; 测试
1. test sb. on sth. 在...方面测试某人
2. test sth. on. sb./sth. 在...身上测验...
3. test sb. for sth. 为某事检查某人
1. take a test 参加考试
try out 测试; 试验(unit 2)

2. persuade v.使相信,使信服; 劝说,说服
persuade sb.that... 使某人相信/信服….
persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信/信服某事物
persuade sb. to do/(into doing) sth.
persuade sb. not to do/(out of doing) sth.
persuasive adj.有说服力的,令人信服的
persuasion n. 说服,劝说

2. persuade v.使相信,使信服; 劝说,说服
We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us.
Jack is so stubborn that I'm afraid I can't persuade him to change/into changing his mind.
You should try to persuade your father out of drinking because it does harm to his health.
3. ridiculous adj. 愚蠢的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的
ridiculously adv. 荒唐地;荒谬地;
absurd adj. 荒谬的;荒唐的
4. integrity / n teɡr ti/ n.诚实正直;完整;完好
integrate [ nt ɡre t]
v. (使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体;
adj. 整合的
These programs will integrate with your existing software.
His integrity was unchallenged.
adj. 不成问题的;未引起争论的
5. dignity [ d ɡn ti]: n. 庄重; 庄严; 尊严
with dignity: 有尊严地

This award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity.
The robot always treated her with dignity.
I wanted to bring her home and let her die ____________.
with dignity
6. appointment n. 预约; 约会; 委任
appoint v.任命; 委任; 约定
appoint sb to be/as 任命某人为
appoint sb to do sth. 委派某人做某事
keep/make an appointment 守约/赴约
break an appointment 失约
have/make an appointment with… 和…约会 (办事情等)
have a date with… 和…约会 (情人之间)

1.Kate________________as secretary last month. Now she is making an______________with the marketing manager.(appoint)
2.A new engineer was appointed_________(deal) with the products returned by customers.
was appointed
to deal
7. guilty adj. 内疚的; 有罪的; 有过失的
guilt n. 内疚; 犯罪; 罪行
be/feel guilty about/for/at... 对...感到内疚/到惭愧
be guilty of 犯有……罪
innocence n. 天真; 单纯; 无罪
innocent adj. 天真无邪的; 无辜的; 无恶意的

8. suspend vt. 悬; 挂; 暂停; 暂缓
suspension n.暂缓;延迟;延期;暂停
hang v. 吊; 悬挂 (hung) (用主动表被动)
stop v. 使停止; 停下; 停止
halt v/n. 停止,停下
pause v.暂停; 停顿
delay v. 延迟; 延期; 推迟
postpone v.延迟; 延期
put off 推迟; 拖延

8. suspend vt. 悬; 挂; 暂停; 暂缓
1)The company has to suspend the space exploration project due to financial problems.
2)A lamp/fan is suspended from the ceiling.
= A lamp/fan hangs from the ceiling.
3)The body was found suspended by a rope.
9. dismiss vt. 让(某人)离开; 解散; 解雇;
dismiss the class 下课
dismiss sb. for...因…解雇某人
dismiss sb. from one's post/position
dismiss/fire/lay off/ sb 解雇某人
hire/employ sb 雇用某人

9. dismiss vt. 让(某人)离开; 解散; 解雇; 消除
1)I was so pleased to hear the bell ring and our teacher announce, “Class is dismissed.”
2)If you don't work hard, you'll be dismissed from the company.
3)The doctor's explanation cannot dismiss their doubt.
①The professor dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.
②Let's not just dismiss the idea before we think about it.
③As a consequence of your laziness and rudeness,I am forced to dismiss you.
Tom______________________for dishonesty last month.
was dismissed from his job
10. declare vt. 表明; 宣称; 公布
declaration n.宣称;宣布;公告
declare for/against 赞成/反对
declare … to be/as… 宣布…是…
declare war on/against… 向…宣战
It is declared that… 据宣布
announce v. 宣布; 宣告; 通知; 声称; 宣称
claim v. 宣称; 声称; 索取

1.The moment Linda______________(declare)the winner of the English speech competition, she jumped with joy.
2.As witnesses to the accident, we were asked to make a____________(declare ) of what we had seen.
3.The teacher declared Wang Fei_______(be) monitor of the class.
was declared
to be
11. presume vt. & vi. 假设; 假定; 认为
presumption n. 假设; 假定
assume v. 设想; 假定; 认为
suppose v. 假定; 假设; 认为 (正式)
providing + that句子…: 假如; 假定

★1)Supposing that she doesn't come, we will still go.
★2) Supposing he is absent, what shall we do
★3)We presumed (that) he understood all the rules.
12. on a ... basis 根据; 以…的方式(基准)
on a regular basis 定期地;例行地;有规律地
on a daily/ weekly basis 每天/每周
eg.The truck is checked on a regular basis.
on the basis of ... 以……为基础
base ... on/upon ...把……置于……基础之上
be based on/upon ... 以……为基础/根据
I read the English newspaper for half an hour ____________. ____________ much reading, I have greatly improved my English. ___________ my own experience, I call on all of you to read the English newspaper ________________.
My niece based her science fiction ________ a true story.
on a daily basis
On the basis of
Based on/ upon
on a regular basis
stadium : n. 体育场; 运动场
sportsground : n. 操场; 运动场
playground: n. 游乐场; 操场
gym[d m]: n.健身房; 体育馆
13. venue [ venju ]: n. 活动场地(如音乐厅/会场等)
14. alien [ e li n]: n. 外星人(生物); 外国人
adj. 陌生的; 外星的; 外国的
foreign adj. 外国的; 外来的; 陌生的
foreigner n. 外国人
an alien environment 陌生的环境
an alien culture 异域文化
15. blurred adj. 模糊不清的; 难以区分的
blur v. 使模糊不清;难以区分
a blurred image/picture(photo)/ memory
16. (be) superior to...:比…更好; 更胜一筹
superior adj.更好的;占优势的;级别高的
superiority n. 优越性;优势;优越感
inferior adj. 次的;较差的;级别低的
inferiority n. 低等;劣势
be senior/junior to sb 比…年长/年幼; 比...级别高/低
In sci-fi stories, robots often become superior and take over.
17.take over 占上风;取而代之;接管,接手
take off 起飞;脱下;大获成功
take on 呈现;雇佣;承担
take in 包括;吸收;理解;欺骗;收留
take up 占据;开始从事
It was declared that he had ________ the company. He dismissed some unqualified workers and _______ many capable ones. Furthermore, being a modest person, he______ others' constructive suggestions.Managing the company _______ all his time, but he _______ the burden with great confidence. With joint ef-forts, it turned out that the company had ________ and a satisfied smile emerged on his face.
taken over
took on
took in
took up
took on
taken off
18. conflict n. 矛盾;冲突 v. 冲突;抵触
conflict with 与……冲突或抵触
in conflict with 与……有冲突
come into conflict with 与……产生冲突
You have conflicted with your deskmate.
She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career
John often comes into conflict with his boss.
19. grip v. 紧握;抓紧(用手)
grasp 指抓紧、抓牢
hold 抓住、抱住、托住、握住
cling 尤指用身体紧抱、紧握、抓紧
clutch 尤指用手抓紧、紧握、抱紧、突然抓住
20. fetch vt. (去)拿来;(去)请来
take v. 带去,拿去
指从说话人所在或所说之处把某人或某物带走,侧重方向而非方式,与 bring 的方向正相反。
bring v. 带来,拿来
fetch v. [尤英](去)拿来
指去取了某物或带上某人再返回原处,即一往一返,相当于 go and bring,但有时也可说 go and fetch,意思和 fetch 并无不同。
get v. 带来,去拿
指从别处带来或拿来,常可与 fetch 换用,但语气较随便,多用于口语。
The teacher took the students to the art museum.
I brought the novel to you.
Please fetch me my coat.
Get/fetch me some water.
21. turn out 关掉,熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是
turn down 调低(音量等);拒绝
turn in 上交;交还,退还
turn to 求助于;致力于;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关闭(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn up 调高(音量等);出现
He _________on time at my birthday party and I was wild with joy.
What annoys my grandmother is that I like ________ lights but often torget to ___________.
turning on
turn them off
turned up
22. fall away (逐渐)减少;消失
fall over 倒下,摔倒;被……绊倒
fall off 从…摔下(其后直接接宾语)=fall down from
fall behind 落后;跟不上
My supporters fell away and I felt as if I were sitting on pins and needles.
I dashed out of the dormitory, slipped on a banana skin and fell over.
Seeing a boy fall off his bike, I rushed to him like an arrow.
When I sensed that I fell behind in my studies, my heart ached, tears streaming down my cheeks without control.
23.urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐
urgent adj.紧急的;迫切的
have/ feel an urge to do stb. 有强烈的欲望做某事
urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事
urge that. .. (should) do sth. 极力主张/强调……做某事
It is urged that. (should) do sth.极力主张/强调……做某事
Although I had an urge to buy a bike, my sense of responsibility urged me to hurry home/urged that I (should) hurry home to hand in my hard-earned money to my parents.
24. random adj. 随机的;不可思议的
at random 随意,随机
25. explode v. 爆炸;爆破
explosion n. 爆炸,爆破
explosive adj. 爆炸的;易爆炸的;可能引起爆炸的
n. 炸药;爆炸物
26.stun vt. 使震惊;使昏迷(stunned,stunned)
stunned adj. 震惊的,惊愕的
27.mud n. 泥;泥浆
muddy adj. 多泥的;泥泞的(muddier, muddiest)