人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Vocabualry 课件(19张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Vocabualry 课件(19张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 129.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-11 03:32:27



1. moral adj.道德的; 道义上的 n. 品行 道德; 寓意
moral responsibility /character道义上的责任/品质
morally adv. 道德上;有道德地;确实地 
immoral adj.不道德的;邪恶的
2. virtue n. 高尚的道德; 美德 优秀品质; 优点 优势
Honesty is a virtue. So is punctuality(守时 准时).
He was extolling the virtues of the Internet. 他赞扬了互联网的长处。
We can defeat the virus by virtue of(因为 由于 凭借) our unity.
团结一心 共克时艰
3. dilemma n. 进退两难的境地 困境 窘境
be ___ a dilemma 处于两难境地
_____ a dilemma / __________ a dilemma 面临着困境
She was faced with a dilemma of whether to accept the invitation or not.
4. faint adj. 光/声/味微弱的 模糊的; 微小的;不热情的; 昏眩 v. 晕眩
a faint glow / glimmer / light / smell of perfume / cries
His breathing became faint.
There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.
a faint smile 淡淡一笑
The walkers were faint from hunger. 步行者饿得头昏眼花。
adv. faintly She smiled faintly. 她淡淡地笑了下。
5. illustrate vt. 用示例图画等说明,解释; 加插图
To ~ my point, I tell you a little story.
an illustrated textbook 有插图的课本
n. illustration
6. precious adj. 珍贵的 珍稀的 (近: valuable / treasured)
7. entrust vt. 委托 交付 ~ sb with sth / ~ sth to sb 将…委托给…
The teacher entrusted the monitor with the arrangements for the party.
8. carry sb through sth: 帮助某人度过难关 (近义: help sb through)
It was the my friends’ help and support that carried me through the tough times.
9. marriage n. 结婚 婚姻 a happy marriage
vt. marry sb. 与某人结婚
adj. be/get married ___ sb
a newly-married couple 一对新婚夫
10. majority n.大部分 大多数 a / the majority of sth/sb 大多数
反义: minority n. 少数 in the/a majority/minority 占多数/少数
major adj./n./v. play a major role扮演主要角色 发挥主要作用
a major road 一条主路/主干道
I’m an English major.我是一名英语专业的学生
= My major is English. 我的主修专业是英语。
= I major in English. 我主修英语。
11. complain vi./vt. 抱怨 发牢骚
complain (to sb) _____ sth / that从句 (向某人) 抱怨某事
She always complained (to me) about his rudeness.
n. ____________ 抱怨 投诉
a letter of complaint 投诉信
make a complaint about sth / that……
12. fee n.专业服务费 报酬 加入某组织的费
tuition / entrance / admission / fee 学费 / 入场费 门票
bus/taxi/train ____ 车船等的旅费
13. respond vi. 回答 回复 作出反应回应
respond ( __ sth (with sth))
如: He responded to my greetings with a faint smile.
n. response 反应 答复 in response (to … ) 作为…的回应
He smiled in response to my greetings.
make a / no response to sth对…作出回应
She made no response to my greetings.
14. union n.协会 联合会 工会
the students’ union学生会
15. scholarship n. 奖学金 scholar 学者
16. hire vt. 聘任 雇佣 租用
hire/rent a car/room租用一辆车、一个房间
hire sb as/to do sth 聘用或雇佣某人
hire sth out 出租
n. 租借 租用 for hire / on hire 供出租
17. physician n.医师 内科医生 a resident physician 住院医师
surgeon 外科医生
18. colleague n.同事 (workmate, coworker, fellow worker)
19. reject vt. 拒绝接受 不予考虑 拒绝接纳
reject an offer / proposal / claim要求 / suggestions / application…
n. _______
To her disappointment, her application met with rejection.
20. appoint vt.任命 委派
appoint sb (as) sth / to do sth任命某人成为…/去做…
A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.
They appointed him (as) captain of the English team.
They met each other at the __________ time(在约定的时间).
make/have/keep an ____________ with sb 与某人有个约会/守约
21. a faraway/distant/remote village 遥远的村庄
22. elect vt.选举 推选 elect sb (as/ to be…)
She was elected as Chairman of the English club.
n. election 选举 推选
________ election 参加竞选
________ an election赢得选举/参选失败
24. decade n. 十年
25. elsewhere adv. 在别处 去别处 go elsewhere
26. tend vt.照顾 照料
tend (to) the injured照顾伤者
well-tended gardens 精心照料的花园
vi.往往会 常常就; 倾向 趋于
tend to do sth易于做某事
Some parents tend to do everything for their children.
tend to/towards sth. 倾向于…;趋于…
His views tend towards the extreme. 他的观点趋于偏激。
n. tendency have a ~ to do sth 有做某事的倾向
27. publish v. 出版 发行;刊登 发表;公开
publisher n. 出版商
publishing n. 出版 a publishing house 出版社
28. staff n. 员工 全体职员 teaching/medical staff 全体教员/医务人员
29. retire vi./vt.退休 退职 退役 退出
~ from teaching从教学岗位上退休
~ as editor从编辑的位置上退下来
retiring age 退休年龄
a _____ doctor. 一位退休的医生
n. ______ 退休 退职 退出 退役
30. saving n.节省; 存款(pl.)
31. principle n.道德原则 法则 原则
have high moral principles道德高尚
it’s _______ my principles违背原则
_________ one’s principles恪守原则
It is a ______ of principle 这个是原则问题。
形近词: principal n. 大学校长 学院院长 adj. 最重要的 主要的
32. passive adj.被动的 消极的 反义: active 主动的 积极的
33. scare v.惊吓 使害怕 (近义: frighten)
It scares sb to do sth 做某事让某人害怕
如:It scared me to think I was alone in the building.
be scared/frightened to death 被吓死
a _______ look / expression 一个害怕的表情
adj. scary = frightening 如: a scary moment / a scary movie 吓人的一刻/恐怖电影
34. sharp adj.
a sharp knife 锋利的
a sharp rise / increase / decline / drop in prices 急剧的 骤然的
sharp eyes/mind 敏锐的眼神/思维敏捷
be sharp with sb 对…严厉
seven o‘clock sharp (adv.). 整点地
_________ v. 使变尖 削尖
35. insurance n.保险 life/car/travel insurance 人寿、汽车、旅行平安保险
36. energetic adj. 精力充沛的; 剧烈的 需要能量的 adv. energetically
37. replace vt.代替 (近义: take the place of…)
replace sb/sth ____ sb/sth 用…替代…
It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.
adj. _____________ 不可替代的
n. replacement 替代
38. accident n.事故 车祸 失事
by accident = by chance = _____________ adv.偶然的 无意的
39. operation n. 手术 企业 经营
have an operation接受一个手术
________ an operation on sb在某人身上做个手术
v. operate on sb/sth 动手术
Most domestic fridges operate at below18°C. 运转 工作
What skills are needed to operate this machinery 操作 控制 使运行
iIlegal drinking clubs continue to operate in the city. 经营 营业
n. operator 设备/机器的操作员; 经营者; 电话员 接线员
40. whisper vt./vi.悄声说 耳语 低语;风/叶子等沙沙作响 发飒飒声
whisper (sth) (to sb)
whisper sth in one’s ears
It is whispered that… 有人私下说…
n. 耳语 低语 传言
speak in a whisper / whispers 悄声说
41. midnight n. 子夜 午夜 ____ midnight
42. import vt. / n.进口 输入 引进 进口商品
import sth from… 从…进口某物
food imports from abroad来自国外的进口食物
43. export vt. / n. 出口 输出 传播 出口商品
be exported to… 被出口到…
an export/import license 进口/出口许可证
44. pole n.行星的极; 地级; 磁极
the North/South Pole 南极 / 北极
The truck crashed into a telegraph pole. 卡车撞上了电线杆
柱 杆
45. lap n. 大腿部;跑道的一圈
sit on one’s lap 坐在腿上
complete six laps 跑完六圈
do a victory lap 绕场一周庆祝胜利
46. bite-bit-bitten vt./vi.咬 叮 蛰
bite one’s lip / nails 咬嘴唇/咬指甲
bite one’s tongue 强忍住不说
Once bitten, twice shy.
n. 咬 咬下的一口 咬伤
________ a bite of sth 咬下一口某物
adj. biting 刺骨的 如: biting wind刺骨的风
47.assist vt. 帮助 援助
~ (sb) (in/with sth) / ~ (sb) (in doing sth) (在(做)某事上)帮助(某人)
n. ________ 帮助 协助
with the assistance of sb 在某人的帮助下
come to one’s assistance来帮助某人
n. ________ 助手 助理
48. first aid急救
49. chairman主席;董事长 chairwoman
50. pass away 去世
pass sb sth = pass sth to sb把某物递给某人
boarding pass n. 登机牌
a passing interest/thought 一时的兴趣/想法
51. memory n. 记忆,记忆力
long-term memory长期记忆
The photos bring back lots of unforgettable memories.
in memory/honor of 为了纪念…(做表语或状语)
This festival is celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan, a poet in ancient China.
This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan.
n. memorial 纪念碑
vt. memorize 记忆 记住 纪念
52. chain n. 一连串;链子 链条
chain reaction连锁反应
a supermarket chain连锁超市
a chain of events 一连串的事件
53.disguise vt.装扮 假扮 掩盖
disguise sb. / oneself as…. 将…乔装假扮成…
Huang Rong disguised herself as a man and left home.
He made no attempt to disguise the fact that he was buying the stock.
n. 伪装 化装用具
in disguise 伪装 乔装 如: a _______ in disguise 塞翁失马
54. spill-spilt-spilt vt./vi. (使)洒出;(使)溢出
spill over 溢出
spill out (使)溢/溅出;突然涌出;说出
如: Tears began to spill out of the boy's eyes.
It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收
55. trip (over/on…) vi. 绊; 绊倒
She tripped (over / on the step) and fell. 她(在台阶上)绊了一下摔倒了。
vt. trip sb over 将…绊倒;使跌倒
As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me over.他伸出腿来想把我绊倒。
56. limp vi. 跛行; 一瘸一拐地走; 缓慢费力地前进
She had twisted her ankle and was limping.
n. 跛行 walk with a limp 跛着脚走路
57. tear n.眼泪 泪水 She left the room in tears. 流着泪 含着泪
He suddenly ____________________. 突然大哭起来
Their story will _____________________. 使…感动得落泪
She _______________________. 被弄哭了
Ann _______________ from her eye. 擦去泪水
Most of the audience ______________________________. 快流泪了
Desperately she _______________________. 竭力忍住眼泪
Hearing the news, she _______ tears of happiness. 流泪 洒泪
The tears __________ in his eyes. 眼泪涌出 眼泪盈眶
v. (tear-tore-torn)撕裂 撕碎 ; 撕掉 拔掉 扯掉
He tore the letter in two. 他把信撕成两半。
I tore the package open. 我把包裹撕开。
The storm nearly tore the roof off. 暴风雨差一点儿把屋顶掀掉。
I tore another sheet from the pad. 我从本子上又撕下一张纸。
58. despair n.绝望 vi.绝望
to one’s despair 令人绝望的是
She uttered a cry of despair. 医生绝望的喊叫声/哭声
I looked at my wife in despair. 绝望地
59. harm vt./n.伤害 损害
do harm to….. = do…harm 对…造成伤害或损害
mean no harm 没有恶意
He would never harm anyone. 他不会伤害任何人。
adj. harmful 有害的 be harmful to… 反义: harmless
60. might n. 力量 威力
I pushed the rock with all my might. 用尽全力
61. a great deal of… 大量 大量地
Nowadays, a great deal has changed. (pron.代词 作主语)
I trust his opinion a great deal. (adv. 作状语)
62. court n. 网球等的球场;法院 法庭
tennis court 网球场
supreme court 最高法院
in court 在法庭上
63. flexible adj. 灵活的 可变通的;柔韧的 可弯曲的
a flexible schedule灵活的安排表 flexible working hours弹性工作时间
adv. flexibly 灵活地 可变通地;柔韧地
n. flexibility 灵活 灵活度
64. income n. 收入 收益
personal income 个人收入
high / low / annual income高/低收入 /年度收入
65. therefore adv.因此 所以
近义: hence, thus, accordingly, consequently
66. tension n. 紧张关系 紧张局势;紧张;焦虑;矛盾 对立
The atmosphere was thick with tension.
adj.紧张的 the tense atmosphere 紧张气氛
Mark was very tense at first, but at last relaxed. 马克起初非常紧张…..
v. 变得紧张 绷紧 When we are under stress our bodies tend to tense up.
n.时态 His muscle tensed as he got ready to run.