人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Language Points 2 课件(共26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Language Points 2 课件(共26张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 701.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-11 10:14:15



Language points
Unit 2
1.To have a good understanding of main words, phrases and
sentence pattern:
take action, make up one’s mind,replace,pick up, in control of ......
2.To learn how to use them correctly.
Learn the following words and expressions:
take action, make up one’s mind,replace,pick up, in control of ......
Self-study time
结合金版教程unit2 Language points.
1.take action 采取行动
take action (on) 采取行动
take steps/measures 采取措施
take notes 做记录;记笔记
take a chance 碰碰运气
take breath 歇一歇;喘口气
take risks 冒风险
take advantage (of) 利用;引诱
take aim (at) 瞄准
take charge (of) 负责;接管
take effect 生效;起作用
1. 开火前仔细瞄准目标。
Take careful aim at the target before firing.
2. 新法律从明天起生效.
The new law takes effect from tomorrow.
3. 让我们看看他们接下来会采取什么行动.
Let’s see how they will take action next.
4. 警方不得不采取坚定的行动来对付骚乱riot.
The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.
5. 政府已采取措施维持秩序。
The government has taken measures to preserve order.
Half-way up the mountain we stopped to take breath.
7. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。
They took a risk in driving on, in spite of the storm.
8. 我将利用这次旅行来探索这座城堡的历史。
I’m going to take advantage of this tour to explore the history of the
2.make up one’s mind 下定决心
make a living谋生
make one’s way前往某处
make sense有意义;行得通
make use of利用
make a face做鬼脸
make a fool of sb. 捉弄某人
make a friend of sb. 和某人搞好关系
make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友
make a mess弄得乱七八糟
make note of sth. 注意;记下来
make excuse找借口
make an attempt企图
make certain/sure弄清楚
make clear讲清楚
make (both)ends meet使收支两抵
make fun of sb. 开某人的玩笑
make (a) difference有关系;有影响
make a display of宣扬
make a deal with达成协议;做成交易
make it按时到达某地;成功;把时间定在(某个时候)
3.replace vt. 取代;替换;代替;放回原处
replace sb. /sth. with/by…用……替换
be replaced with/by…被……所替代
replace=take the place of代替;替代
in one’s place=in place of 代替
(1)The boss of the company has decided to replace the workers
________ robots.
(2)Teachers will never ____________ (replace) by computers in
the classroom.
(3)The young man will be ________ place of the old headmaster
next week.
be replaced
4.pick up 拿起;捡起
pick off摘下
pick on选择;找碴;责备
pick out选好;选出;认出;看清楚
pick up是一个多义词语,它可以表示如下含义:
1. The car soon picked up its speed.
2. She picks up VOA every evening.
3. I’ll pick up my daughter from school.
4. He picked the old book in the second-hand shop.
5. The police picked up the thief in the end.
6. Mr Li picked up Japanese while working in Japan.
7. After a few minutes, the old man picked up his story.
8. She can pick up some extra money in her spare time.
9. What a mess in your room. You should learn to pick it up!
10. He picked up a stone from the ground and ran after the dog.
11. After a period of three months, he picked up his health gradually.
12. He picked up the cold because he was caught in a heavy rain.
(1)The old man picked ________ English by teaching himself on the radio.
(2)The farmer picked ________ an apple and gave it to his child.
(3)He is always ready to pick ________ his colleagues, so he is not in
good terms with them.
(4)This photo was taken when I left middle school. Can you pick ________
who I was
(5)Many students of English enjoy picking ________ VOA and BBC.
(6)This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can pick
________ my father.
(7)Kathy picked ________ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys
and girls.
5.in control of 掌控;控制
take/gain/get control of 控制;支配;管理
get/bring/keep sth. under control 控制某事/ 某物
have control of/over 对……有控制权/ 有组织能力
lose control of 对……失去控制;无法控制住……
beyond one’s control 某人无法掌握/ 无法控制
out of control 不受控制;失去控制
under control 受支配;受控制
in/under the control of 受……的控制/ 管理/ 支配
(1)He is ____ control of the company. I mean,the company is in ____       
control of him.
(2)You can turn to him. He takes control _____ this ward.
(3)Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was ________       
of control.
(4)She used diet and exercise to bring her weight _________ control.
(5)Students are encouraged _____(take) control of their own study,
rather than just depend on the teacher.
(6)You can’t always be ________________(控制)everything.
(7)I’m sorry. I recognize that I have to __________(控制)my temper.
to take
in control of
take control of
6. stressed out 焦虑不安;心力交瘁
① stress n.压力;紧张;重音;强调v强调,着重;重读;(使)焦虑不安
② __________ stress在压力下
③ ___________ adj.(事物)压力重的,紧张的
④_____________ adj.(人)焦虑不安的
1.(2020天津5月,阅读理解B,)One of the most _________(stress) days of Susan McFrederick's life was watching her son get wheeled away for surgery hours after he was born in 2011.
2. If you feel stressed ________by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify greatness and less importance.
3. People learn better about positive than negative outcomes __________stress.
relieve/reduce stress 缓解压力
suffer from/deal with stress 承受/ 应对压力
lay/put/place stress on/upon 强调;着重于
stress the importance of 强调……的重要性
(1)I try not ______________(焦虑不安) when things go wrong.
(2)Driving in cities really _____________________(让我疲惫不堪).
(3)The teacher ______________________(强调)the importance of
not leaving out any important details while retelling the story.
(4)One of the most effective ways to _________________(减轻压力)
is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.
(5)People ______________a lot of stress may experience headaches.
(6)Moving to a new house is a very __________(stress)experience.
(7)When feeling __________(stress),most people tend to breathe
short breaths.
to stress out
stresses me out
laid/ put/placed stress on
relieve/reduce stress
7. worn out 筋疲力尽的;疲惫的
① wear v.穿,戴;磨损;留,蓄;流露;耐用--_________ pt.__________pp.
② wear ________ 用坏,穿破;磨损
③ wear sb _________使筋疲力尽;使厌烦
④ wear ________ 耐用,耐穿,耐磨
⑤ wear a beard 留胡须
No matter how smart you think you are, too many funny complaints can
____ _____ _____.
The children, all of whom had played the whole day long, were____ ______.
3. Yet, our cells might wear _____, and as a result, we get old and eventually die.
wear people out
worn out
wear sth. out磨损某物
be worn out疲倦的;困乏的;磨损的;破烂的
8.absorb vt. 吸引全部注意力;吸收
(1)absorb sth. 吸收某物
absorb/attract/draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意
(2)be absorbed into… 被……吸收;被并入……
be absorbed in sth. 专心致志于某物
(1)The second suggested that people ____________________
_____________with their meals.
(2)Our town has ____________________ that city.
(3)I _________________ this book that I didn’t see you come in.
absorbed this virus into
their bodies
been absorbed into
was so absorbed in
be lost in 全神贯注于;沉浸于
be buried in 埋头于;专心于
be occupied in 忙于
1.(2019课标全国Ⅱ,阅读理解D) These kids are so absorbed _______ their studies that I just sit back.
2.(2018课标全国Ⅲ,阅读理解D) We both became ___________(absorb)in the simplicity of playing together.
3. As he was absorbed in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.
→______ ________painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.
4. (2020全国新高考I,七选五) 事实上,大多数人只理解说话人传达出的大约20%的信息。
In fact, most people only ____ _____ _____ _______ of a speaker's message.
5. (2019课标全国1,七选五) It takes sunscreen(防晒霜) about fifteen minutes to start working, and that is plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day‘s worth vitamin D. (翻译句子)
absorb about 20 percent
Absorbed in
9.take your mind off sth. 使不想某事
make up one’s mind决心
have sth. /sb in mind记住;考虑到;想到
bear/keep sth. in mind记住
change one’s mind 改变主意
apply one’s mind to sth. 专心于
come to one’s mind忽然想起
keep one’s mind on sth. 专注于某事;关心某事
be/go out of one’s mind 心智失常;发疯
I’ll never change my mind. 我永远不会改变主意
take action
make up one’s mind
pick up
in control of
1.Other ____________(psychology )stress that cognition the process of acquiring knowledge, is far more Important than habits.
2.____________( physical ) attractive people are more likely to be treated well by others
3.At present, do you think it's really ____________(rely )to pay by “swiping your face(刷脸)”
4.The number of "likes“ or followers cannot compare to long-term and __________(reward )friendships.
5.As a famous___________ (surgery ), he has the ability to reattach a fingertip that is cut off in an accident.
6. If you have a specific problem that requires special skills, you need to hire a __________ (special)who has those skills.
7.Nowadays, many high school students suffer from insomnia(失眠) or mental illness, so my deskmate wants to become a health______ (consult) in the future.
8. It is a _________(disturb) piece of news that she is suffering from mental illness.
9. We should know how they won the___________ (liberate )of China.
10. He was so ________(absorb) in thought that he ran Into a passer-by on his way home.
11. You'd better avoid drinking too much_______ ( sugar)drinks because they are bad for our health.
12. The average _________(month) wage in 38 major cities of China hit 8, 829 yuan in the winter season of 2019.
13. In yesterday's physical fitness test, many of us became worn _______ after finishing the one-thousand-meter running.
14. Although he had been treated with medicine, he suffered from fever ___________ (repeated).
15. He helped the old woman to her feet and ________ (refresh) her with a cup of water.
16.They appeared surprisingly ___________ (pessimism) about their chances of winning.
17. His _________ (dominate) by his brother made him very angry.
18. He recalled that she never responded _______ his letter.
19. Driving in cities really made me________(stress)out.
20. This school is composed ______ sixty classes.
21. The police has closed the KTV in this community in ________(respond) to the citizens' demand.
假如你是李华,随着世界无烟日(World No Tobacco)(5月30日)的来临,《健康周刊》杂志社向社会征稿,请你写一篇关于父亲戒烟的文章向其投稿,内容如下:
With the World No Tobacco Day approaching, I can’t help remembering my father’s experience in getting rid of smoking.
My father used to smoke cigarettes far too often and was always coughing, which disturbed me greatly. One day , I spoke to the health consultant at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is harmful and can do great damage to my father’s lungs. Then I persuaded my father to see a lung specialist. The specialist said my father should make a monthly plan to smoke less. Otherwise, he may need surgery in the future. Taking all this adverse factors into account/consideration, my father made up his mind to rid of his bad habit, smoking. It was a big struggle to fight against the previous habit. However, he succeeded in making it.
Now, having stopped smoking for half years, he feels more energetic and refreshed. Quitting smoking has not only enhanced his life quality, improve his health but also increase his happiness. Recalling his experience in getting rid of smoking, my father admits that saying goodbye to cigarettes is the start of his new life.