Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 4 Writing 课件+教案


名称 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 4 Writing 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-11 21:36:10


课题 Space Exploration 单元 Unit 4 学科 英语 年级
教材分析(语篇研读) The theme of the writing section is "Elaborate on arguments related to space exploration". The type of reading article is explanatory, and the purpose of writing is to explore the possibility of future human settlement on Mars. Despite significant achievements in the aerospace industry, there has always been controversy over whether human exploration of space is worth it. This article mainly introduces the problems faced by Earth, the current challenges and response methods faced by humans, as well as the ongoing Mars project. In the first paragraph of the main text, the author proposes the theme of the article - exploring the benefits of space. In paragraphs 2 to 4, the author proposes three major advantages and specific examples of sounding exploration. In paragraph 5, the author concludes that space exploration has brought many different benefits to the world.Students learn about people's different attitudes towards exploring space, the costs of space exploration, and its positive impact on human life by reading an argumentative paper. Students can express their views on space exploration and improve their critical thinking ability. After reading the argumentative paper, students will understand the main points of the article and determine the topic sentences for each paragraph. Master the writing style and structure of the article, and be able to write an article about space exploration.
核心素养教学目标 Knowledge objectives: ① Master the usage of key words and phrases in this lesson.② Quickly read to understand the main idea and central idea of the text.③ Master the writing style and structure of the article, and read carefully to obtain detailed information.④ Learn the elements of argumentation and understand its characteristics or structure.Skill objectives:① Able to express opinions on space exploration.② Can write an article about space exploration.③ Learn to collaborate with classmates and correct problems in others' articles.Emotional objectives:Being able to observe the pros and cons of space exploration, make objective judgments, and express one's own opinions.Thinking capacity:Cultivate students' logical thinking ability, summary and writing ability.
重点 ① Being able to express opinions on space exploration.② And you can write an article about space exploration.③ Master the writing style and structure of the article.
难点 ① Being able to express one's views on space exploration.② You can write an article about space exploration.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Discussion:The teacher introduces the new lesson content, divides the students into groups,and asks students questions about space exploration:1.What are the advantages of space exploration Does space exploration also bring some problems 2.Some people support space exploration because they believe it has brought many benefits to humanity. But some people also believe that there are many problems and risks that can lead to a significant waste of funds. People should pay more attention to issues such as hunger and disease, why not spend more money and energy on these issues What is your idea Why Students look at pictures, discuss and answer questions. Introduce relevant topics from the text to stimulate students' interest in learning.
讲授新课 Key wordsThe teacher teaches students the pronunciation and meaning of words.二、Pr-reading(一)Read the text about space exploration and answer the questions.1. What kind of text is it An argumentative essay.2.What kind of discourse structure is used in the article Deduction and summary (总—分—总).3.How many parts is the article divided into Para 1. IntroductionPara 2-4. Main bodyPara s. Conclusion(二)Ask students to answer the questions after reading the argumentative paper on space exploration.1. Why are some people against space exploration 2. What has space exploration done for food production 3. What did the pictures of Earth from space make people realise 4. How does space exploration benefit the products that people use nowadays (三)根据词义写出正确的单词The teacher asked students to complete word and sentence exercises according to the requirements.①__________n.设施;设备 ②________ adj.浅的;肤浅的;浅薄的 ③__________n.图案;模式;方式 ④________n.监视器;显示器vt.监视;检查⑤__________n.泡沫橡胶;海绵橡胶 ⑥____________n.智能手机⑦__________vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论 ⑧__________n.资源;财力;物力 ⑨__________adj. 有限的 ⑩_________adv.经常;定期地 __________vt. 系;绑;贴; 与......有关联(四)根据词义写出正确的短语①发射卫星______________________ ②记录数据______________________③探索太空______________________ ④有很大影响____________________⑤导致__________________________ ⑥从中受益______________________⑦先进的技术____________________ ⑧满足要求______________________⑨改变我们的生活________________ 有限的资源____________________ 靠近;接近_____________________ 提供__________________________ 解决问题的办法________________ 用完;耗尽______________________ 促进技术改进__________________三、While--reading(一)Reading task The teacher assigns reading tasks, analyzes the text, and guides students to complete the exercises.1.Read the first paragraph and answer the questions.2.How does exploring space help to fight against world hunger Fill in the correct words in the table below.3.Read the third paragraph and answer the questions.①How does space exploration benefit the products that people use nowadays ②In what area has it helped 4.Read the fourth paragraph and answer the questions.①What are the problems of our planet ②What are the ways to solve them 5.Paragraph analysis①How many parts can the text be divided into What is the main idea of each part Part1 (Para. ___ )_________________________Part2 (Paras. ___ ) ________________________Part3 ( Para.___ ) _________________________②Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.Para 1 ___________________________________Para 2 ___________________________________Para 3 ___________________________________Para 4 ___________________________________Para 5 ___________________________________③What is the main content of this text 6.Complete the exercise questions on page 45 of the textbook.(1) Read the argumentative essay about space exploration and answer the questions.①Why are some people against space exploration ②What has space exploration done for food production ③What did the pictures of Earth from space make people realise ④How does space exploration benefit the products that people use nowadays ⑤What is the conclusion of the text about exploring space ⑥What is the author's attitude towards exploring space (2)Study the organisation and language features.①Read the first paragraph and underline the different opinions about space exploration.②Find the three topic sentences that summarise the writer’s arguments about space exploration.③Underline the sentence that repeats the writer 's opinion in the last paragraph.四、Post readingFill in the blanks according to the content of the text.Before writingTeachers teach students how to determine the structure and language features of an article, and how to express arguments.While-writing(一)Example analysisStep 1 .Topic最近,你班同学就“太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的情况。Step 2.Writing OutlineStep 3. List the words , phrases and sentences.Step 4. List the outline of the passage.Step 5. finish the passage by using the following words:and,on the other hand,also, what's more, Finally(二)Complete the composition in the textbook and write an essay on space exploration.1 The teacher asked the students to write down their views on space exploration.①Are these arguments for or against exploring space Put them in the table below.Then add your own ideas and write your essay.2 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner 's draft.3 Get your draft back and revise it.4 Present your essay to the rest of the class.七、Language pointsTeachers teach important language points to students.八、SummaryThe teacher summarizes the important words and phrases in the text. Students learn vocabulary and take notes.Browse the text and answer question (一). Then browse through question (二) and answer the questions after studying the text.Read the text with a clear understanding of the questions and questions.Students complete the exercises as required and grade each other with their classmates.Students complete reading tasks and correct each other's mistakes in a timely manner.Students complete the form based on the mind map of the reading passage.Students study and take notes.Students learn how to write examples and record important content.Students complete their compositions according to the requirements of the topic.Students learn important language points, complete exercises, and revise answers with each other.Learn and memorize important words and phrases in the text. Clear reading barriers and prepare for learning the text.Train students on strategies such as skimming and skipping before reading.Train students in reading strategies such as scanning.Consolidate the words and sentences in the text.Train students in reading strategies such as skimming and searching to enhance their reading abilities.Enable students to understand the structure of the text and prepare for writing.Enable students to understand the structure and expression of the text, and after learning, they can refer to writing methods to complete their compositions.Learning example questions is beneficial for students to understand the writing requirements and methods of this type of question, and prepare for future writing.Train students' writing skills and language organization skills.Sorting out the knowledge points of the text is beneficial for students to master the key content.Summarize the key points for students to remember.
课堂练习 最近你班同学就“人类是否应该进行宇宙探索”这个问题进行了激烈的讨论。有人认为,探索宇宙不仅让人类更好地了解宇宙的发展,还可以用来指导农业生产,以及把一些探索太空的高新技术用于现实生活;也有一些人认为探索太空花掉了大量的人力物力;影响了人们的生活水平。请你根据以下情况写一篇报告并发表自己的观点。注意:1.写作内容应包括以上全部要点,可适当发挥,使上下文连贯;2.词数80左右。 Students complete writing tasks after class. Consolidate the content learned in the course and train students' writing skills.
课堂小结 In the reading chapter of this lesson, the author proposed three major advantages and specific examples of sounding exploration. It is concluded that space exploration has brought many different benefits to the world. After reading the argumentative paper, students can understand the main points of the article and determine the topic sentences of each paragraph. Master the writing style and structure of the article, understand people's different attitudes towards space exploration, the cost of space exploration and its positive impact on human life, and improve their critical thinking ability. Can write an article about space exploration. Clarify the learning objectives of the course, compare with one's own learning situation, and promptly solve difficulties and correct mistakes. Cultivating and enhancing students' awareness of learning goals, enabling them to strengthen their goal-oriented approach, is beneficial for increasing information feedback and timely problem-solving and error correction.
板书 1.facility n.设施;设备2.shallow adj.浅的;肤浅的;浅薄的3.pattern n.图案;模式;方式4.monitor n.监视器;监控器;显示器vt.监视;检查5.foam n.泡沫 橡胶;海绵橡胶;泡沫6.argue vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论7. as a result所以;结果(是)8. resource n.资源;财力;物力9.limited adj.有限的10.result in导致;造成11.regularly adv.经常;定期地12.attach vt.系;绑;贴; ....有关联;认为有重要性13.provide for sb.提供生活所....供养;.为...做准备14.run out 用完;耗尽 Visually display the key words and phrases in this lesson.
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Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 4
Reading for Writing
Group discussion, what are the advantages of space exploration Does space exploration also bring some problems
① Being able to understand the origin and evolution of the universe.
② Understand whether there are planets in the universe that can allow people to survive.
③ Space exploration promotes technological progress.
Group discussion, what are the advantages of space exploration Does space exploration also bring some problems
① Space exploration requires a significant amount of human, financial, and material
resources from the country.
② Space exploration has produced a large amount of space garbage, which is not conducive
to environmental protection.
Some people support space exploration because they believe it has brought many benefits to humanity. But some people also believe that there are many problems and risks that can lead to a significant waste of funds. People should pay more attention to issues such as hunger and disease, why not spend more money and energy on these issues What is your idea Why
I think we should support space exploration because space technology has stimulated the development of technologies such as electronics, computers, and GPS.
I think we should stop because we need more funds and energy to help the poor and disabled. Space exploration carries many risks, such as the Challenger accident. And it will produce a lot of space debris.
Key words
[ ɑ ɡju ] v.
argue with sb.
[r s s]n.
limited resources
[ l m t d] adj.
limited time
[ l ] adj.
Key words
[ m n t (r)] n.&vt.
computer monitor
[ reɡj l li] adv.
[ t t ] vt.
Key words
run out
provide for sb.
result in
1. What can you see in the picture
2. Who do you think took this picture
3.Where do you think this photo was taken
4.Do you know anything about NASA
Present an argument about space exploration
A powerful cyclone.
It was taken by NASA satellite.
Look at the following pictures and answer the following questions.
Taken from the space.
NASA is an administrative research institution in the United States responsible for developing and implementing the country's space program, as well as conducting research in aviation and space science.
2.What kind of discourse structure is used in the article
一、Read the text about space exploration and answer the questions.
Present an argument about space exploration
1. What kind of text is it
An argumentative essay.
Para 1. Introduction
Para 2-4. Main body
Para 5. Conclusion
3.How many parts is the article divided into
Deduction and summary (总-分-总).
二、Answer the questions after reading the argumentative paper on space exploration.
1. Why are some people against space exploration
2. What has space exploration done for food production
3. What did the pictures of Earth from space make people realise
4. How does space exploration benefit the products that people use nowadays
NASA satellite image of Typhoon Goni
①__________n.设施;设备 ②________ adj.浅的;肤浅的;浅薄的
③__________n.图案;模式;方式 ④________n.监视器;显示器vt.监视;检查
⑤__________n.泡沫橡胶;海绵橡胶 ⑥____________n.智能手机
⑦__________vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论 ⑧__________n.资源;财力;物力 ⑨__________adj. 有限的 ⑩_________adv.经常;定期地 __________vt. 系;绑;贴; 与......有关联
①发射卫星______________________ ②记录数据__________________________
③探索太空______________________ ④有很大影响________________________
⑤导致__________________________ ⑥从中受益__________________________
⑦先进的技术____________________ ⑧满足要求__________________________
⑨改变我们的生活________________ 有限的资源________________________
靠近;接近_____________________ 提供______________________________
解决问题的办法______________________ 用完;耗尽___________________
advanced technology
limited resources
change our lives
provide for
launch a satellite
collect data
explore space
make a difference
result in
benefit from
meet the requirements
be close to
provide solutions to problem
promote technological improvement
run out
Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions,whether to Mars or other planets much further away. Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring space. Instead, we should feed the world's poor and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as pollution and fatal diseases However, others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realise how exploring space helps us.
Introduce the topic
other's opinion
Some people’s opinion

What does the author think of space exploration
The author believes that exploring space is not a waste of time or money, but helpful to us.
三、Reading task
Reading task 1: read the first paragraph and answer the questions.

many satellites
that now orbit Earth
& analysed
provide useful
and advice
science has
helped Farming
Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger. It has directly resulted in the many satellites that now orbit Earth. A number of the satellites record data on land and weather patterns. Then the data is transmitted to scientists on Earth. After careful analysis, the scientists can provide useful recommendations and advice for farmers. As a result, space-based science has helped Farming in its efforts to grow enough food to feed Earth's increasing population.

Evidence one :Provide supporting details on how exploring space can help fight against world hunger.
everyday products
high-end products
made to a higher
new material
heart monitors
&other machines
4.After careful analysis,the scientists can provide useful recommendations and advice for farmers.
help to fight against world hunger
1.It has directly _________ the many satellites that now orbit Earth.
resulted in
2.A number of the satellites ___________ on land and weather patterns.
record data
3.Then the data _______________ scientists on Earth.
is transmitted to
5.As a result, space-based science has helped ________ in its efforts to grow enough______ to feed Earth' s increasing population.
Reading task 2:How does exploring space help to fight against world hunger Fill in the correct words in the table below.
They have helped make better heart monitors and machines,widely used in industries, GPS, memory foam pillows, and smartphone cameras.
Evidence two:Provide supporting details on how exploring space has already promoted technological improvements.
1. How does space exploration benefit the products that people use nowadays
2. In what area has it helped
Secondly, space exploration has already promoted technological improvements that benefit us all. High-end products around the world are made to a higher standard now because of advanced technology which was first created to meet the requirements for space exploration. For example, space technologies have helped the research and development of different types of new material. They have also helped companies make better heart monitors and other machines that doctors regularly use. Today, space technologies are widely used in all kinds of industries, and everyday products such as GPS, memory foam pillows, and smartphone cameras are changing our lives.
High-end products around the world are made to a higher standard now.
Reading task 3:read the third paragraph and answer the questions.
Finally, sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about the world' s problems and even to find ways to solve them. Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realise that our planet's resources are limited. In order to provide for such a rapidly increasing population, scientists are trying to find other planets that could one day be our new home. The greatest attention at present is on Mars because it is closer to Earth in the future, humans may live on both planets.
Evidence three:Provide supporting details on how exploring space helped people to find ways to solve the world' s problem.
2. What are the ways to solve them
1.What are the problems of our planet
Resources are limited and a rapidly increasing population.
Find other planets that could one day be our new home by exploring space.
Reading task 4:read the fourth paragraph and answer the questions.
a rapidly increasing
the world's
find other
our planet's
resources are limited
find other planets
In closing, exploring space provides the world with many different benefits. Therefore
it should continue so as to provide new and better solutions to people's short-term and long-term problems.
It should continue so as to provide new and better solutions.
provide... with...提供......供应......
Exploring space brings us many benefits.
Part1 (Para. __ ) __________________________________________________
Part2 (Paras. ___ ) ________________________________________________
Part3 ( Para.___ ) _________________________________________________
1.How many parts can the text be divided into What is the main idea of each part
Different opinions about space exploration.
Benefits of space exploration.
Space exploration is beneficial and should be continued.
While reading
Reading task 5: Paragraph and main content analysis
While reading
2.Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Para 1 ______________________________________________________________________
Para 2 ______________________________________________________________________
Para 3 ______________________________________________________________________
Para 4 ______________________________________________________________________
Para 5 ______________________________________________________________________
Reading task 5: Paragraph and main content analysis
Present an argument whether exploration space is a waste of time and money.
Exploring space has contributed great to the fight against world hunger.
Space exploration has already promoted technological improvement.
Sending astronauts into space has furthered understanding of the world’s problems and figuring out ways to solve them.
Draw a conclusion that exploring space is of great benefit, so we should continue.
The main idea of the passage is about an argument about introducing different benefits of exploring space.
While reading
3.What is the main content of this text
Reading task 5: Paragraph and main content analysis
(1) Why are some people against space exploration
(2) What has space exploration done for food production
Because they think exploring space is a waste of time and money,and that we should use this money to feed the world's poor people and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as pollution and fatal diseases,instead.
Satellites have helped people study land and weather pattern. These studies help farmers grow more crops and warm them about natural disasters before they occur.
1 Read the argumentative essay about space exploration and answer the questions.
Reading task 6:Read the text and answer the following questions.
(3)What did the pictures of Earth from space make people realise
(4)How does space exploration benefit the products that people use nowadays
Advanced technology developed for space exploration has promoted technological improvements that benefit us all by allowing products to be made to a higher standard.
They made people realise that our planet's resources are limited.
1 Read the argumentative essay about space exploration and answer the questions.
Reading task 6:Read the text and answer the following questions.
Read the text and answer the following questions.
(5) What is the conclusion of the text about exploring space
Exploring space should continue to provide new and better solutions to people's
(6) What is the author's attitude towards exploring space
1 Read the first paragraph and underline the different opinions about space exploration.
2 Study the organisation and language features.
Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring space.However, others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realise how exploring space helps us.
2 Find the three topic sentences that summarise the writer S arguments about space exploration.
Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger.
Secondly,space exploration has already promoted technological improvements that benefit us all.Finally,sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about the world's problems and even to find ways to solve them.
3 Underline the sentence that repeats the writer 's opinion in the last paragraph.
In closing, exploring space provides the world with many different benefits.
It has helped people to 6.___________ the world' s problems and even to 7._________________ them.
It has already 4._________ technological improvements that 5._______ us all.
Some people argue that we should stop exploring, while others feel this is a 1. ________ view which fails to realise how exploring space 2.______ us.
Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text.
think about
Post reading
Different opinions
about space
Different benefits
of exploring space
It has 3. _______________ in the fight against world hunger.
made a difference
find ways to solve
Draw a conclusion
Exploring space should 8. _________
Explain people's different opinions on space exploration.
The organisation
and language features
First, exploring space has made a difference in the fight against world hunger.
Secondly, space exploration has already promoted technological improvements that benefit us all.
Finally,through space exploration, human being may
uncover the unknown resources of the universe.
Exploring space provides the world with many different benefits.
Closing opinion
(The writer's
Before writing
How to present
an argument
space exploration
stop wasting time and money exploring space
feed the world's poor
find immediate solutions to other problems
has made a difference in the fight against word hunger
has promoted technological improvements
has helped people to think about the world's problems and
even to find ways to solve them
Space exploration is beneficial and should be continued
Before writing
Step 1 List the outline of the passage.
Paragraph l:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Step 2 List the words , phrases and sentences.
1. Words and phrases
①进行讨论 ②值得做
③adj.值得的 ④离.....很远
⑤被用来做..... ......受益良多
⑦n.交际 ⑧天气预报
2. Sentences
30%的同学认为: 70%的同学认为
1.不值得探索 2.离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远 3.浪费金钱。这些金钱本可用来解决地球上的饥饿、污染等问题 1.值得探索
Step 1. While-writing



Step 2. 写作大纲
①__________n.设施;设备 ②________ adj.浅的;肤浅的;浅薄的
③__________n.图案;模式;方式 ④________n.监视器;显示器vt.监视;检查
⑤__________n.泡沫橡胶;海绵橡胶 ⑥____________n.智能手机
⑦__________vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论 ⑧__________n.资源;财力;物力 ⑨__________adj. 有限的 ⑩_________adv.经常;定期地 __________vt. 系;绑;贴; 与......有关联
Step 3. List the words , phrases and sentences.
2. Sentences
③总有一天,我们可以搬到其他星球去解决人口问题。(by doing)
70% of people think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it.
Space research will enable us to find new resources to solve the problem of energy shortages on Earth.
And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve Earth's problems such as starvation and pollution.
We may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day.
While writing
Step 4. List the outline of the passage.
Paragraph l:__________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:__________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 3:__________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 4:__________________________________________________________________
Recently, our classmates had a discussion on the topic of "whether space exploration is worth it".
30% of students argue that space exploration is not worth it and should stop wasting time and money exploring space.
On the other hand, 70% of people think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it.
Finally, exploring space brings many different benefits to the world. I think exploring space is worth it.
Recently, our classmates had a discussion on the topic of "whether space exploration is worth it".
30% of students argue that space exploration is not worthwhile and should stop wasting time and money.And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution.
On the other hand, 70% of people think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it,such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. What’s more, with further space research,we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. Also,space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth.
Finally, exploring space brings many different benefits to the world. I think exploring space is worth it. Not only can it promote the development of society but also enrich our life.
Step 5. finish the passage by using the following words:and,on the other
hand,also, what's more, Finally
Step 6. finish the composition
1.Are these arguments for or against exploring space Put them in the table below.Then add your own
ideas and write your essay.
1 Use what you have learnt to write about your opinion about space exploration.
A.There are a lot of unsolved mysteries on Earth. So why are we going into space to explore
B. It is necessary to find a new home for people in space, as the resources on Earth will run out.
C. I cannot understand spending all this money on expensive research and experiments when so many people need food.
D. Exploring space encourages scientists to improve technology that can help people in other ways, too.
Against space exploration
For space exploration
Space exploration is a Waste of Time and Money
Everyone gets excited by the news of the most recent space fights,and I too share in people's sense of awe (敬畏) and wonder at the photos from space that we see.
Having said that, it is hard to believe that the high cost of space flight is justified
so that we can get some lovely pictures. We should be spending our money more wisely, on what people need.
I cannot understand spending all this money on expensive research and experiments when so many people need food.Around the world. millions of people are hungry and dying of starvation. On the other hand, we hear on TV that for as little as a dollar a day,a child in Africa can be saved.Considering the billions spent on space travel, it just seems a better investment to feed the hungry.
Some people argue that someday we will have to go to live in space because the world will be made impossible to live in through pollution. This seems silly. When your house gets dirty, you spend the time and money cleaning it up. You don't move house simply because you need to wash your windows or vacuum the floor. In the same way,it makes more sense to use our time and money to take care of our planet, rather than look for a new home.
Finally, there are a lot of unsolved mysteries on Earth. So why are we going into space to explore There are still many things to discover in the ocean depths and the Antarctic. But we do not even have to go that far: Science has yet to unlock all the mysteries of the atom, and there are many realms of technology that we are just beginning to understand and explore.
In the end, it just does not seem a very wise investment to go to space. We have too many needs here on Earth to be wasting our effort on space exploration.
√Does the introduction state the topic
√Does the introduction express different opinions about the topic
√Does the body give arguments with suitable supporting information
√Does the closing express the writer s opinion and end properly
√Are there any grammar,spelling, or punctuation errors
2 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner 's draft.
3 Get your draft back and revise it.
4 Present your essay to the rest of the class.
argue vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论( argument n.争论;争吵;论点)
1.argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事 2.argue for 为支持……而争辩
3.argue against 为反对……而争辩;不赞成 4.argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/ 不做某事
例句:She got into an argument with the teacher.她和老师争论了起来。
例句:His parents had to argue Tom out of leaving his job. 汤姆的父母力劝他不要离职。
1.Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring space.
Language points
1.Father argued _______ an increase in our pocket money.
2.We argued him________ going on such a dangerous journey.
argue vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论( argument n.争论;争吵;论点)
1.argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事 2.argue for 为支持……而争辩
3.argue against 为反对……而争辩;不赞成 4.argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/ 不做某事
例句:She got into an argument with the teacher.她和老师争论了起来。
例句:His parents had to argue Tom out of leaving his job. 汤姆的父母力劝他不要离职。
1.Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring space.
out of
Language points
【词语辨析】argue与 debate
1.argue 侧重“说理”“论证”和“企图说服”。
2.debate 侧重“双方各抒己见”,内含“交锋”的意思。
argument n. 争论;争吵;论点
have an argument with sb. 与某人争论/ 争吵
an argument for/against... 支持/ 反对……的论据/ 理由
Language points
(1)Tom has been arguing    his brother about whether they should hire more people to work for them.
(2)Robert argued      shooting creatures to make profits.
(3)Most teachers argued     an increase in their salaries.
(4)You should solve the problem by       (argue),not by fight.
Language points
2.As a result, space based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow enough food to feed Earth's increasing population.所以,基于太空的科学帮助农业努力种植足够的粮食来养活地球上不断增长的人口。
Language points
“to grow enough food”是宾语补足语;“to feed Earth's increasing population”是目的状语;“in its efforts”是介词短语作状语。as a result所以;结果(是)
词语辨析:as a result与as a result of
(1)as a result“所以;结果(是)”, 单独使用,一般放在句首,后面常加逗号。
(2)as a result of“.....结果,由于”, 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。
He made a big mistake.As a result,he lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。
(1)A car crash happened last night. As    result, two passengers died.
(2)The game resulted    another victory for our team.
(3)The flood came about as a result ___ the heavy spring rains.
Language points
(1)resource n.资源;财力;物力(常用复数)
例句:A country's principal resource is its brainpower. 一个国家的首要资源是其人才资源。
precious resource珍贵的资源
Language points
3. Seeing pictures of our Planet as an island in a black sea made realise people that our planet's resources are limited.看着我们星球的照片,犹如黑色汪洋大海中的一个小岛, 人
Water is becoming an increasingly _______________.
We had an example of his readiness of _________.
precious resource
(2) limited adj. 有限的(limit 的过去式 n. & v. 限制;限度)
例句:The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels.欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的限制。
limited time/space 有限的时间/空间 limited liability company有限责任公司
a limit to...对....的限制 a time speed/age limit时间/速度/年龄限制
Language points
We are doing our best with the ________________ available.
The data is _______ in terms of both quality and quantity.
limited resources
shallow adj.肤浅的;浅的;shallowly adv.肤浅地;浅浅地; shallowness肤浅;浅薄
sallow argument 一个肤浅的论点 a sallow person一个肤浅的人
例句:His work has been criticized for being imitative and shallow.
5. However, others feel this is a shallow view...
Language points
(1)His argument was      (如此肤浅) that few people were argued into supporting his idea.
(1)It is only         (浅薄的人) who judge by appearances.
so shallow
shallow people
result in 导致;造成
(1)result in 导致,造成(其后接结果)
例句:The quarrel resulted in the ending of their marriage.争吵导致了他们婚姻的结束。
(2)result from由......引起,在于(其后接原因)
例句:Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。
6.It has directly resulted in the many satellites that now orbit Earth.如今环绕地球运行的
Language points
(1) The fire       (造成) damage to their property.
(2) His great discovery          (缘于)his determination and devotion to science.
(3) Stress and tiredness often  _        (导致) a lack of concentration.
resulted in
resulted from/lay in
result in/lead to/contribute to
(1)monitor n.班长;监视器;显示屏 vt.监视;检查;监听
a computer monitor计算机的显示器 monitor a conversation监听谈话
例句:The treadmill has a heart rate monitor. 跑步机上有个脉搏监视器。
例句:I use a mouse to select things on my monitor. 我用鼠标在我的显示器上选择东西。
7.They have also helped companies make better heart monitors and other machines that doctors regularly use.
Language points
1.The details of today's flights are displayed on the ________ (显示屏).
2.This instrument _________ (监听) the patient's heartbeats.
(2) regularly adv.经常;定期地(→regular adj.定期的;经常的;正常的;平常的;固定的;有规律的)
The purity of the water is tested regularly.
例句:My mother comes to see me on a regular basis.我妈妈定期来看我。
例句:Regular exercise is recommended to keep good health.建议有规律的进行锻炼,这样就可以保持身体健康。
work out/exercise regularly经常锻炼 on a regular basis定期地
regular breathing均匀的呼吸 a regular income固定的收入
①If you want to keep fit, you can exercise_________(regular) in a gym.
②________ (regular) exercise has a direct bearing on fitness and health.
Language points
provide for sb.提供生活所需......;供养;为…...做准备
例句:He has a wife and seven children to provide for.
例句:Elaine wouldn't let him provide for her.
provide for sth.为...做好准备 provide sb. with sth.把某物提供给某人
provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物说明
8. in order to provide for population.为了满足快速增长的人口需求......
①My father provides ____ our family by working in an IT company.
②We are here to provide the public _____ a service.
Language points
run out用完;耗尽
run across偶然碰见 run after追赶;追求 run away (from)逃走;逃避 run into撞上;偶然遇见;遇到
(1)run out是不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态;run out of表示“用完....耗尽.....”,是及物动词短语,
例句:The problem is that we have run out of money. 问题是我们钱已用完了。
(2)“用完, 用尽”的其他表达:use up及物动词短语;give out不及物动词短语。
Dolly's store of drinking glasses had run out. 多利存放的酒杯已经用完了。
9. It is necessary to find a new home for people in space,as the resources on
Earth will run out.由于地球上的资原将会耗尽,有必要在太空中为人
①We must take measures quickly because time is running _____.
②He has run out ____ all the energy.
Language points
attach vt. 系;绑;贴; .与.....有关联;认为有重要性
例句:Attach this rope to the front of the car.
例句:He said they would attach conditions to the handover of the base.
attach...to.....把....固定在/附在.....上 be attached to附属于;喜欢(to是介词)
10. While landing, they must attach themselves to something so as to prevent floating around.着陆时,他们必须把自己固定在某物上,以防止四处漂浮。
Language points
①Attach a recent photo ___ the application form.
②At first, we didn't feel we belong here, but now we are _________ (attach)to the land we live on.
1.facility n.设施;设备
2.shallow adj.浅的;肤浅的;浅薄的
3.pattern n.图案;模式;方式
4.monitor n.监视器;监控器;显示器vt.监视;检查
5.foam n.泡沫 橡胶;海绵橡胶;泡沫
6.argue vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论
7. as a result所以;结果(是)
8. resource n.资源;财力;物力
9.limited adj.有限的
10.result in导致;造成
11.regularly adv.经常;定期地
12.attach vt.系;绑;贴; ....有关联;认为有重要性
13.provide for sb.提供生活所....供养;.为...做准备
14.run out 用完;耗尽
Recently we have held a heated discussion about the problem whether mankind should explore space or not.Different people about it has different opinions.
Some people hold the view that space exploration will not only enable us to understand how the universe develop but also help farming to grow more food and apply the new technology to our life. While other people argue that we should stop exploring space because it costs too much time and money.
From my point of view,it is very necessary for human to explore space.Because it not only can provide the world with many different benefits,but also can solve people's short term and long term problems.
Space Exploration Is a Waste of Time and Money
Everyone gets excited by the news of the most recent space flights, and I too share in people’s sense of awe and wonder at the photos from space that we see. Having said that, it is hard to believe that the high cost of space flight is justified. We should be spending our money more wisely, on what people need.
I cannot understand spending all this money on expensive research and experiments when so many people need food. Around the world, millions of people are hungry and dying of starvation.
On the other hand, we hear on TV that for as little as a dollar a day, a child in Africa can be saved. Considering the billions spent on space travel, it just seems a better investment to feed the hungry.
Besides, there are a lot of unsolved mysteries on the earth. So why are we going into space to explore There are still many things to discover in the ocean depths and the Antarctic. But we do not even have to go that far. Science has yet to unlock all the mysteries of the atom, and there are many realms of technology that we are just beginning to understand and explore.
Finally, it just doesn’t seem a very wise investment to go to space. We have too many needs here
on the earth to be wasting our effort on space exploration.
1. Recently we have held a heated discussion about the problem whether mankind should explore space or not.
2. Some people hold the view that space exploration will not only enable us to understand how the universe develop but also help farming to grow more food and apply the new technology to our life.
3. other people argue that we should stop exploring space because it costs too much time and money.
4. From my point of view,it is very necessary for human to explore space.
5. Because it not only can provide the world with many different benefits,but also can solve people's short term and long term problems.
1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last
2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including,
3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that…
4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result
【点睛】文章内容完整,包括了提示所给的所有要点,同时语言规范、语篇连贯、词数适当、上下文意思连贯、符合逻辑关系。范文中使用了较多主从复合句,如:we have held a heated discussion about the problem whether mankind should explore space or not.这句话运用了whether…or not引导的宾语从句,如:space exploration will not only enable us to understand how the universe develop but also help farming to grow more food and apply the new technology to our life这句话是not only …but also连接的并列句。同时还有表观点对比的句子。如:Some people hold the view that….While other people argue that…。