高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit1 Festivals and CelebrationsWords and Expressions 课件(42张PPT)


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit1 Festivals and CelebrationsWords and Expressions 课件(42张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-13 18:24:47



Words and expressions
Unit 1
1. dress (sb) up 穿上盛装;装扮
dress up as 打扮成…
dress sb/oneself 给…穿衣 (表示动作)
be dressed in 穿着… (表示状态)
get dressed 穿好衣服
________ (dress) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
2. march vi.&n. 行进;前进;示威游行
in March 在三月
long march 长征
march on 行进;向前进
3. congratulation n. 祝贺;恭喜
congratulate sb on (doing) sth 因为(做了)某事祝贺某人
congratulations (to sb) on sth 为某事向某人祝贺
congratulation 常用复数形式。
_______________ (congratulate) on your marriage!
I congratulated myself _____ my good fortune.
4. ceremony n. 典礼;仪式
attend the ceremony 出席典礼
wedding ceremony 婚礼
graduation ceremony 毕业典礼
opening ceremony 开幕式
closing ceremony 闭幕式
5. range n. 一系列;范围、界限
vi. 包括;(在一定范围内) 变化
a (wide) range of...  一系列的;各种各样的
in/within the range of... 在…的范围之内
out of/beyond the range of 超出…的范围
range from…to...=range between...and...
He has had a number of different jobs, ________________________ (从飞行员到演员).
ranging from pilot to actor
6. origin n. 起源;起因;出身;血统
in origin 本质上;从起源上看
originate from 起源于;发源于
---originate vi. 发源;发生;起航
---original adj. 原先的;起初的;原创的
---originally adv. 原来;起初
---originator n. 创始人
7. figure n. 人物;数字;身材;画像
vt. 认为;认定;估计;计算;理解
① She is dieting to keep her figure although she is slim. _______
② Can you read this figure Is it a three or an eight? _______
③ He was one of the greatest figures of his age. _______
④ I can’t figure out why she said so. _______
figure sth in  将某事物包括在内;计算在内
figure out 理解;弄清楚;弄明白;计算出
keep one’s figure 保持身材
8. charm n. 魅力;迷人的特征;咒语
---charming adj. 迷人的;令人着迷的
---charmingly adv. 令人着迷地
9. joy n. 高兴;喜悦
to one’s joy 令某人高兴的是
be filled with joy
be full of joy
with/for joy 开心地;高兴地
---joyful adj. 高兴的;快乐的
---joyfully adv. 高兴地;喜悦地
= happy = cheerful = delighted = pleased
with gratitude 感激地
be grateful to sb for sth  因某事而感激某人
be grateful to do sth 因做某事而感激
I would be grateful/thankful if you could...
=I would appreciate it if you could... 如果你能… , 我将感激不尽。
10. gratitude n. 感激之情;感谢
---grateful adj. 感激的;表示感谢的
---gratefully adv. 感激地
11. agriculture n. 农业;农艺
---agricultural adj. 农业的
---agriculturist n. 农业家
12. crop n. 庄稼;作物;一季的收成
---cropper n. 收割机;种植者
13. gather vi. 聚集;集合 vt. 聚集;搜集;收割
gather in 收割;收获
gather together/up  聚集;收拢
gather round/around 围拢
gather one’s courage 鼓起勇气
① All the children gathered ____________ the old man to listen to his stories.
② The farmers are busy_______________ the crops in the field.
gathering in
14. feature vt. 以…为特色 
n. 特色;特征;特点;(报纸, 杂志)专题报道
feature ... as 以…为特色;由…主演
feature in 在…方面起重要作用/占重要地位
---featured adj. 特定的;有…的面貌特征的
---featureless adj. 无特色的
15. decorate vt. 装饰;装潢
decorate ... with  用…装饰…
be decorated with… 装饰着…
The exhibition hall is decorated _______ many paintings.
---decoration n. 装饰;装潢;装饰品
---decorative adj. 装饰性的
---decorated adj. 装饰的
16. significant adj. 有重大意义的;显著的;重要的
It is significant that... (= Significantly, )  ……很重要
be significant = be of significance 重要的
The proposals she put forward in this report are very _________________/
are of great significance
---significance n. 意义;意思;重要性;重要意义
---significantly adv. 重大地;明显地;显著地;意味深长地;含义深远地
17. fade vt./vi. 逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(身体)变得虚弱
fade away 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱
fade into 渐渐融入于…
fade in (画面)淡入;渐显;(声音)渐强
fade out (画面)淡出;渐隐;(声音)渐弱
---faded adj. 已褪色的
18. typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的;平常的
be typical of sb/sth 是…的典型
It is typical of sb to do sth. 做某事是某人的风格。/某人一贯…
---type n. 类型;种类;典型 v. 打字
---typically adv. 典型地;代表性地
19. take advantage of 利用;欺骗;占…的便宜
take full advantage of 充分利用
have the advantage over 比…有利;占优势
to sb’s advantage 对某人有利或有帮助
= make use of  利用;使用
make good/full use of 好好/充分利用
20. medium n. 媒介;手段;方法
adj. 中等的;中号的
[ pl ] media
大众媒体 mass media 社交媒体 social media
a medium-size car/business 中型车、中型企业
a man of medium height/build 中等身高/身材的人
21. reflect vt. 显示;反映;反射;映射;认真思考;沉思
on reflection 经过深思
reflect on/upon sth 思考/反思某事
be reflected in sth    倒映在;在…中看到
---reflection n. 反射;反映;映像;沉思;深思
---reflective adj. 沉思的;反光的;代表性的
22. belief n. 信仰;信心;信任
相信······: have belief in = believe in
have/ hold the belief that…
in the belief that…
beyond belief = unbelievably 令人难以置信地
---believe v. 相信;认为
---disbelief adv. 不相信;怀疑
---believable adj. 值得信赖的
---unbelievable adj. 难以置信的
have/lose faith in... 对…有/失去信心
restore/regain one’s faith in... 重拾信心
keep/break faith with sb 对某人守信/失信
be/remain faithful to… 忠实于
---faithful adj. 忠实的;忠诚的
---faithfully adv. 准确地;如实地;忠诚地
---faithless adj. 不忠实的;无信仰的
23. faith n. 宗教信仰;信任;相信
1. On the occasion ______ the candlelight lit up, I send you my truest greeting.
2. It is a happy occasion ______ people feast on delicious moon cakes.
时刻, 机会 --- when
场合, 庆典 --- where
on no occasion 在任何情况下都不
on the occasion of... 在…之际
---occasional adj. 偶尔的;偶然的
---occasionally adv. 偶尔;有时
24. occasion n. 特别的事情(或仪式、庆典) ; (适当的)机会; 时刻; 场合
25. have sth in common (兴趣、想法等)相同;有相同的特征
have nothing/little in common with… 和…没有/几乎没有共同点
in common with sb /sth 与某人/某物一样
common sense 常识
26. atmosphere n. 气氛;氛围;(地球的)大气(层)
create a romantic/friendly/comfortable atmosphere
pollution of the atmosphere 大气污染
27. lunar adj. 阴历的;月球的;月亮的
the lunar calendar 农历;阴历
28. pleased adj. 高兴的;满意的
be pleased with… 对…感到满意
be pleased to do sth 很高兴做某事
be satisfied/content with… 对…感到满意
---please v. 使开心;使满意
---pleasing adj. 令人高兴的;令人满意的
---pleasant adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的
---pleasure n. 愉快;欢乐;满意;欣慰;乐事
29. frank adj. 坦率的;直率的
be frank with sb 对某人坦诚相告
be frank about sth 坦白某事
to be frank = frankly speaking = frankly 坦白说;坦率地说
to be honest = honestly speaking 老实说
to be exact 确切地说
30. go off 爆炸;走火;离开
go after 追赶;追逐;追击;追求
go ahead 开始吧;请吧
go against 对…不利;违背;违反
go down 下降;落下;沉默
go up 上涨;上升
go through 经历;经受
go over 仔细检查;反复研究
31. represent vt. 象征;代表;相当于;描绘;呈现
---representative n. 代表(人);典型人物 adj. 典型的;有代表性的
---representation n. 代表;代理;代表团
represent sth to sb   向某人说明某事
represent...as 把…描绘成
be representative of 是…的代表
32. set off 出发;动身;启程
set aside 保留;储蓄;把…放到一边
set down 放下;写下
set up 建立;设立
set about doing sth/set out to do sth 开始/着手做某事
33. fancy adj. 花哨的;精致的;昂贵的
vt. 想要;倾慕;自认为是;想象
fancy (doing) sth 喜欢(做)某事
take a fancy to 喜欢上/爱上 (to为介词)
34. grace n. 优美;优雅;高雅
---graceful adj. 优美的;优雅的
---gracefully adv. 优美地;优雅地
---graceless adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的;不优美的
35. absolutely adv. 绝对地;完全地;当然
---absolute adj. 绝对的;完全的
1. Jim knew     (absolute)nothing about the business when he joined the firm.
2. — It is what parents say and do that really matters in children’s character training.
—       (absolute)!
3. —Do you let your kids travel alone at night
—         (绝对不行)!
4. It is difficult to go across the desert,but not _____________________       (绝对不可能).
Absolutely not
absolutely impossible
36. moment n. 片刻;瞬间
at the moment = now 目前;此刻;现在
for the moment 目前;暂时
for a moment = for a while 片刻;一会儿
in a moment 立刻;马上
37. brief adj. 简洁的;简单的;短暂的
n. 摘要;简报
to be brief = in brief = briefly speaking = in a word = in short
---briefly adv. 简略地;短暂地
38. respect n.&vt. 尊敬;尊重;方面
1. They showed great respect _______ the old man.
2. ____________ the content, the article is very good, but it is not satisfactory in other _________ .
In respect of
---respectable adj. 体面的;值得尊敬的
---respectful adj. 表示敬意的;有礼貌的
---respected adj. 受人尊敬的
show respect for sb = respect sb 尊敬某人
out of respect 出于尊重
in respect of 关于;就...而言
respect sb for (doing) sth 因…尊重某人
39. horrible adj. 令人震惊的;恐怖的;极坏的
---horror n. 震惊;恐惧;厌恶;恐怖故事
---horribly adv. 可怕地;极其;非常
with/in horror 惊恐地
to one’s horror 让某人大为惊恐