人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit3 Food and Culture Listening and Speaking课件(28张pp,内镶嵌2视频和音频t)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit3 Food and Culture Listening and Speaking课件(28张pp,内镶嵌2视频和音频t)
格式 zip
文件大小 60.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-14 21:49:19



Listening & Speaking
Listen and talk about how to order food in restaurant.
Learn about some listening skills.
Listen for the details about some Hunan dishes in the conversation.
学习目标 1’
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1. How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine
2.What are the reasons why Hunan people like spicy food
3.Why do so many people love steamed fish head covered with chilies
4.Why does Tingting recommend bridge tofu instead of dry pot duck with
golden buns
5 .Why is red braised pork the most famous dish
问题导学 6’
A: Hand-torn cabbage
B: bridge tofu
C: dry pot duck with
golden buns
D: steamed fish head
covered with chillies.
Before listening
Match the dishes below to their English names. Then in groups, discuss what you know about these dishes, including what they contain and how they are made.

In groups, discuss the menu below.
1.What kind of restaurant is it and what kinds of food are served
It is a Hunan restaurant, and it serves somewhat spicy food.
2.Which dishes would you recommend to a foreigner Why
The steamed fish head covered with chillies. It is a typical dish in Hunan.
点拨精讲 25’
Red braised pork 红烧肉 42元
Dry pot chicken 干锅鸡 32元
Pearl meatballs 珍珠丸子 26元
Hand-torn cabbage 手撕包菜 18元
Bridge tofu 过桥豆腐18元
Mushroom soup 菌菇汤 22元
Dry pot duck with golden buns 干锅炒鸭金黄杂粮包 38元
Vegetable soup 蔬菜汤 18元
Steamed fish head covered with chillies 剁椒鱼头48元
Steamed preserved meat 腊味合蒸 38元
Tingting, Anna, and Lisa are at the Hunan Restaurant. Listen to their conversation and tick the dishes that they order in the menu above.
Red braised pork 红烧肉 42元
Dry pot chicken 干锅鸡 32元
Pearl meatballs 珍珠丸子 26元
Hand-torn cabbage 手撕包菜 18元
Bridge tofu 过桥豆腐18元
Mushroom soup 菌菇汤 22元
Dry pot duck with golden buns 干锅炒鸭金黄杂粮包 38元
Vegetable soup 蔬菜汤 18元
Steamed fish head covered with chillies 剁椒鱼头48元
Steamed preserved meat 腊味合蒸 38元
Listen again and answer the questions.
1. How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from
Sichuan cuisine
2.What are the reasons why Hunan people like spicy
3.Why do so many people love steamed fish head
covered with chilies
4.Why does Tingting recommend bridge tofu instead of
dry pot duck with golden buns
5 .Why is red braised pork the most famous dish
Fill in the blanks
1.The heat in Sichuan cuisine comes from ______ ______ . Hunan cuisine is often ____ and the heat usually comes from just ______.
2. Hunan people will tell you that they like bold flavours because they are a _____ ______. But many Chinese people think that hot food helps them overcome the effects of ______ or _______ weather.
3. Because the meat is ___ and there are very few small __.
4. As it has a _______ taste.
5. ______ was from Hunan, and this was his favourite food.
chillies peppercorns
rainy wet
bold people
Chairman Mao
1. How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine
The heat in Sichuan cuisine comes from chillies and Sichuan peppercorns. Hunan cuisine is often hotter and the heat comes from just chillies.
2.What are the reasons why Hunan people like spicy food
Because they are a bold people. But many Chinese people think that hot food helps them overcome the effects of rainy or wet weather.
3.why do so many people love steamed fish head covered with chilies
People love it because the meat is quite tender and there are very few small bones.
4.why does Tingting recommend bridge tofu instead of dry pot duck with golden buns
Because bridge tofu has a lighter taste.
5 .why is red braised pork the most famous dish
Because Chairman Mao was from Hunan, and this was his favorite food.
Tingting: Welcome to my favourite Hunan Restaurant! I hope you enjoy it!
Anna: Thanks, Tingting. I’m very excited. I had never even heard of Hunan cuisine until you invited us.
Lisa: But what kind of food is Hunan cuisine exactly Is it spicy like Sichuan food
Tingting: It’s even spicier, Lisa! But the flavour is somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine. The heat in Sichuan cuisine comes from chillies and Sichuan peppercorns. Hunan cuisine is often hotter, and the heat usually comes from just chillies.
Anna: But why do Hunan people prefer such spicy food
Tingting: Well, Hunan people will tell you that they like bold flavours because they are a bold people. But many Chinese people think that hot food helps them overcome the effects of rainy or wet weather, and it is often wet in Hunan as well as in other places in the south, such as Sichuan and Chongqing.
Lisa: So what shall we order
Tingting: I recommend the steamed fish head covered with chillies. I know fish head may sound strange, but the meat is quite tender and there are very few small bones, so everyone loves it.
Lisa: OK. And what's this here: dry pot duck with golden buns
Tingting: It's duck stir-fried with garlic, ginger, and black bean paste, and it has some bread with it. It's quite good, but I suggest the bridge tofu instead, as it has a lighter taste.
Lisa: Yes, let's order that.
Tingting: Now, what else would you like to eat, Lisa.
Lisa: I’m really hungry for some pork.
Tingting: Well, then you should have the red braised pork. It's the most famous Hunan dish.
Anna: Why is that
Tingting: Well, Chairman Mao was from Hunan, and this was his favourite food.
Anna: Oh, that's interesting. Let's have that then.
Tingting: So, we're ready to order waitress!
Video Time on Page 36
While you watch
Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. Insects are _______ in protein, cheaper, and _______ sustainable than beef.
A. lower, less B. higher, more C. equal, just as
2. More than _______ people worldwide eat insects as a part of their diets.
A. two billion B. two million C. a few billion
3. Insects are a common part of people's diets in parts of Asia, _______ America, and Africa.
A. North B. Central C. Latin
4. Bugs _______ a regular feature on Aussie dinner tables.
A. are not yet B. are already C. will soon be
课堂小结 1’
1. Listening skills
2. Learning strategies.
Preview: Listening is often combined with some picture or text. If you preview the picture or text before you listen,it will help you better understand what you hear.
1.我的愿望是我可以被一所重点大学录取。(be admitted to, 表语从句)
3.可是事实是我不擅长英语。(It is a fact that ....)
(what主语从句, whether表语从句,the College Entrance Examination)
5.但我相信人人都有获得成功的潜力。(宾语从句, the potential to do sth)
My wish is that I can be admitted to a key university.
I find it important to learn English well.
However, it is a fact that I don’t have a good knowledge of English.
What I am worried about is whether I can pass English exam in the College Entrance Examination.
But I believe (that) everyone has the potential to achieve success.
My wish is that I can be admitted to a key university. I find it important to learn English well. However, it is a fact that I don’t have a good knowledge of English.What I am worried about is whether I can pass English exam in the College Entrance Examination. But I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve success.
【2020·浙江卷】Some time after 10,000 BC,people made the first real
attempt to control the world they lived 56. ,through agriculture. Over thousands of years,they began to depend less on 57. could be hunted or gathered from the wild,and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown.Farming produced more food per person 58. hunting and gathering,so people were able to raise more children. And,as more children were born,more food 59.(need). Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology 60.________(change)lives.By about 6000 BC,people 61. (discover)the best crops to grow and animals to raise. Later,they learned to work with the 62. (season),planting at the right time and,in dry areas, 63. (make)use of annual floods to irrigate(灌溉)their fields.This style of farming lasted for quite a long time. Then,with 64. rise of science,changes began. New methods 65. (mean)that fewer people worked in farming. In the last century or so,these changes have accelerated. New power machinery and artificial fertilizers(化肥)have now totally transformed a way of life that started in the Stone Age.
当堂检测 12’
was needed
to change
had discovered
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
challenging, crawling onto, flying out of, proving, starting to
1. There's an unfamiliar cuisine ____________________
2. It's _____________ the harvest of diners.
3. A twist of lime and a dash of salt has these crickets 蟋蟀______________ the kitchen.
4. Insects remain a hard sell不好卖, but bug by bug, that could be _________________ change.
5. The unique treat is ______________ popular at farmer's markets and trendy eateries时尚的餐馆.
Before you watch
crawling onto 爬到
flying out of
starting to
2. Complete these quotes with the words you hear in the video.
1. Nowshad Alam Rasel, Chef: "They're asking ________. Yeah, it's very ___________________.”
2. Skye Blackburn, Entomologist: "Some of them will try edible _________ and some of them won't, but they'll go away and talk about _____________..."
3. Guy McEwan: "So I'm going to go _______ gob ... Yeah, _________________!”
4. Danny Stagnitta: "Sometimes ______________ the packet, it looks like _________________.”
for it
famous here
eating insects
a big
it’s great
when you move
they’re alive
take a big bite
After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. Has anyone in your group ever eaten an insect What was it like
2. Would you ever eat an insect Why or why not
3. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten Why was it strange What makes a food strange
Thank you!
In groups of three, discuss what types of restaurant you would like to take a foreign visitor to, and why. Then take turns role-playing taking your foreign guest to the restaurant you have chosen. One of you should act as the foreign guest, one as the Chinese host, and one as the waiter or waitress. You may start like this:
A: l really love spicy food, so what dish would you recommend
B: I suggest Mapo tofu.
A: Really what's that

B: waiter!
C: May l take your order
Ordering food
Can I help you
Are you ready to order, sir/madam
I'll take your order in a minute.
What would you like ...
What should I order
What would you suggest/recommend
why don’t you order ...
You could order ...
Do you have ...
You might like ...
How about ordering ...
Why not ...
You should have/try-.
You'll like it because ...
This restaurant has the best ...
Right now. ... is in season.
It will cool you down/warm you up.
Td like .../T'll have ...
Anything else, please
Enjoy your meal!
Can I have the bill, please
Here’s your bill./Here you are.
How will you pay
Do you accept credit cards
I’ll pay in cash/through my mobile phone/by credit card.
Here’s your change. Thank you for your coming. Goodbye.
Paying the bill
Sample Conversation
A: I ready love spicy food, so what dish would you recommend
B:I suggest Mapo tofu.
A: Really What's that
B: It's tofu served in a spicy bean and chilli sauce with beef or pork. It's quite hot.
A:That sounds OK, except that I don't really like tofu. what else do you recommend
B: You know, this restaurant has the best hot pot. You'll like it because it is really spicy and you decide what you want to put in it. That sounds great! But then we should order some cold drink as well.
sample Conversation:
A: Why
B: Well, the food is so spicy that we'll need something to cool us down.
A: That sounds good.
B: Waiter!
C: May I take your order
B:We'd like hot pot for two with a good selection of meat and vegetables.
C: So that's hot pot for two.
B:Oh, and do you have iced tea
C: Yes, we do.
B:Then we'd like two glasses to go with our meal.
C:Thank you very much. I'll have your order to you in just a moment.