人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Discovering Useful Structure 导学案(1)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Discovering Useful Structure 导学案(1)(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 77.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-17 15:06:16



Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 导学案
Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures
Step 1 Activity 1
Read the three sentences from Reading text and discuss the meaning and grammatical function of the italic -ing form in the sentences.
①We are not allowed to speak aloud in the reading room. ___________________________
②There is a swimming pool in our school. ___________________________
③Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible. ___________________________
④Her duty is taking care of the babies. ___________________________
Step 2 Activity 2
Look for other sentences in the passage that contain the -ing form of the verb and are used as an object complement or adverbial.
①To a person nothing is more precious than their life,and if they entrust me with that life,how could I refuse that trust, saying I’m cold,hungry,or tired ( )
②At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care. ( )
③The new People’s Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role. ( )
④Though Lin Qiaozhi never married,she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”,having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime. ( )
Step 3 Activity 3
Complete the conversations using the correct forms of the words in the brackets.
1. A: You look really_______( tire).You should go home and have a rest.
B: Yes, well, a five-hour operation is pretty_______(tire).
2. A: Did you hear that Susan and Bob got married
B: Really That’s the most_______(shock) news I have heard today.
3. A: Harry, you forgot to return my phone call last night!
B: Oh, I'm very sorry. I went to sleep_______(listen)to music.
4. A: How can you sit inside_______(play) games all day Isn't there anything more important you can do with your time
B: Come on, Mum. It's a holiday.
5. A: The museum was_______(interest),wasn’t it
B: It was great. I was quite_______(interest)in those ancient pieces of jade.
6. A: Are you sure this is the man you saw that night
B: That’s right. From my window, I saw him_______(come)into the building.
A: Did you hear a gunshot after that B: No, but I heard people_______(shout) downstairs.
B:I saw an injured man_______(lie) on the floor.
Step 4 Activity 4
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs given.
1.After the party, most guests left, with only two of them______ (remain) in the host family, ______ (help) him clean up.
2.The young man was caught______(steal) a car.
3.He was just about to sit down when he felt something______(move) near his feet.
4.It was a really______(terrify) experience. Afterwards, everybody was very ______ (shock).
5.The flowers______(smell) sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature.
6.We found the house easily with the little boy______ (lead) the way.
7.On the bank of the river, we found him______(lie) on a bench, with his eyes______(fix) on a kite in the sky.
8.A woman asked the primary school in her neighborhood to accept her six year old son, Zejd, who has a______ (hear) disability.
9.I stood on the bridge and watched boats______(pass) by.
10.The most popular pastime is______(play) chess.
Step 5 Activity 5
Rewrite the following sentences using the -ing form or the past participle as the adverbial.
e Because I did not know anyone, I sat alone my seat for two hours.→
Not knowing anyone, I sat alone in my seat or two hours.
Although Joe was upset by the reporter's words, he responded to his questions politely.→
Although upset by the reporter s words, Joe responded to his questions politely.
1. As she was frightened by the noise, Amy turned on all the lights in the house.
2. While they were driving along the freeway, they noticed a kangaroo standing in the middle of the road.
3. After we watched the movie for ten minutes,we felt so bored that we decided to leave.
4. As I came out of my house, I saw the volcano erupting(爆发).
5. After she turned fifteen, she became interested in travelling.
6. Because she didn’t want to be late, sally ran to the subway station.
7. Tim was feeling tired, so he went to bed as soon as he got home.
8.After he gathered all his courage,he ran back into the burning house to rescue the child.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
1. tiring, tiring; 2.shocking; 3.listening; 4.playing; 5.interesting, interested; 6.coming,shouting,lying
Step 4
1.remaining,helping;2.stealing;3.moving;4.terrifying,shocked;5.smelling ;6.leading;7.lying,fixed;8.hearing;9.passing;10.playing
Step 5
1. Frightened by the noise, Amy turned on all the lights in the house.
2. While driving along the freeway, they noticed a kangaroo standing in the middle of the road.
3. After watching the movie for ten minutes, we felt so bored that we decided to leave.
4. Coming out of my house, I saw the volcano erupting.
5. After turning fifteen, she became interested in travelling.
6. Not wanting to be late, Sally ran to the subway station.
7. Feeling tired, Tim went to bed as soon as he got home.
8.(After) Gathering all his courage,he ran back into the burning house to rescue the child.