Unit 7 Protect the Earth第3课时 表格式教案


名称 Unit 7 Protect the Earth第3课时 表格式教案
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文件大小 54.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-21 18:27:34



昆山娄江实验学校 六年级 英语备课 序号:33
教学内容:Sound time & Culture time 课型:新授
本课题教时数: 6 本教时为第 3教时 备课日期 11月18日
教学目标:1.学生能在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练地运用句型 we should... We shouldn’t ...2. 能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展3. 学生能了解并体会字母组合oo 在单词中的发音4. 紧密联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球,保护地球
教学重点:阅读并了解相关的 Culture time
教学难点:学生能了解并体会字母组合oo 在单词中的发音
教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1. Greeting and lead-in1. Greeting2. Free-talk: T: The Earth is our home. We should love it and protect it. Some holidays have been set up to protect it, such as the Earth Day and the World Environment Day. Do you know when they are Step 2. Culture time1.T: Look! I have a poster too.What do you know from it Earth Day is on 22nd April. World Environment Day is on 5th June. Invite some students to read the sentences.Pay attention to the expression of the date. 2. T: We know Earth Day and World Environment Day. Do you know other days about environment protection (Demand students to prepare before class. They can surf the Internet or refer to the books.) Invite students to answer the question. 3 T: You introduced a lot of days about environment protection. Now I’ll show you some pictures about it too.Eg: (Show the picture of World Food Day) World Food Day is on 16th October. We should not waste food. Because in many places, there is not much food for people, like Africa. We should save food. As a student, we should finish all the food every meal.(Show picture one) T: World Water Day is on 22ndMarch. Group Activity: Every group choose one day and discuss in groups: what should we do or not do on these days. And why T: We should love and protect our Earth. We should take activities not only on these special days but also in daily life. Step 3 Sound time1 T: We should do a lot of things to protect the environment —— our big home “the earth”, and I think we should start from the little things around us, like our little home —— school.T: (PPT 呈现) Everyday I go to school. I think it's really cool.We have fun in the classroom.Every morning and afternoon. 修改之处1:Read after the computer.2 T: Who can read it Invite several students to read.3 T: Read Sound time by yourselves and find the same rhyme. 4 T: Say more words with letters “oo” pronounces /u:/ Write them on the blackboard. 5 Game: Finding home (PPT)Help students to distinguish the sound /u:/ and /u/.6.Try to read:T: Can you read these words: choose, noon, goose Step 4 ConsolidationT: Nowadays we face a lot of problems on the Earth, we should…(lead students to say the sentence “We should love and protect our Earth.”)修改之处2:Step 5 Extended reading跟上兔子Roy's Maple Syrup Festival Share some sentences:Protect the environment, protect ourselves. We have only one Earth. Protect the Earth, benefit the people. Step 5 Homework 1 Recite Cartoon time 2 Make a poster about environment protection in groups S1: Earth Day is on 22ndApril. S2: World Environment Day is on 5th June. S:Read the sentences after the teacher. S: …World Wetlands Day 湿地日on 2nd FebruaryArbor Day 植树节 on 12th MarchWorld Forest Day 森林日on 21st MarchWorld Land Day土地日 on 25th June (Show picture two) S: World No-Smoking Day is on 31stMay.(Show picture three) S: World Animal Day is on 4thOctober.(Show picture four) S: World Wetland Day is on 2nd February.(Show picture five) S: Tree Planting Day is on 12thMarch.(Show picture six) S: World Forest Day is on 21st March. S…Group Activity: S: school, cool, classroom, afternoon“oo” pronounces /u:/ S: Food, wool, moon, fool, oops…Read these words. S: We should love and protect our Earth. (read) 拓展有关环境保护的主题日名称,感受多样性,提升学生保护地球的意识。 课前学生搜集资料,课上进行交流介绍,同时复习了日期的表达法, 让学生学会对新知的迁移运用。鼓励学生读出没有学过的含有字母oo且读音为/u:/ 的单词。还可以鼓励学生用含有字母组合oo的单词创编新的绕口令。 修改意图:歌谣节奏比较难读,多跟读几遍,感受韵律之美,同时学会节奏。 以学生为主,教师为辅,放开手让学生去发现规律,老师总结规律。对高年级学生来说更有利于他们自主学习能力的进一步发展。 修改意图:增加词汇量,提高阅读能力,拓展知识面。 出示Culture time中的最后一句作为本课时总结,紧紧围绕环保主题。
板书设计: Unit7 Protect the Earth Let me …We / You shoud …We / You shoud not……oo /u:/cool food roomschool zoo
教学反思: 授课日期: 月日