人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration 综合测试(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration 综合测试(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-17 18:26:27



Unit 3 Sea Exploration 综合测试
After a confirmed rabies(狂犬病) case in Parke County, Indiana, experts are urging caution if you find a bat(蝙蝠) in your home or office.
“If you try to kill a bat, you are more likely to get bitten,” said Joy O’Keefe, assistant professor of biology and director of Indiana State University’s Centre for Bat Research, Outreach and Conservation. “Most bats people find in their houses are healthy and are not going to bite them and give them rabies.” But they could be a federally endangered species, such as the Indiana Bat, which is found in this area.
So if you spot a bat in your home or office, don’t kill it or touch it with bare hands, O’Keefe said. Instead, put on a pair of heavy gloves and gently move it into a box or bucket. Once contained, the bat can be removed outside.
“If it’s a healthy bat, it’ll fly away eventually,” O’Keefe said. “If it doesn’t move or seem to be healthy, you can take it to the health department to be tested.”
This is the time of year when bats move from their summer resting sites to their winter resting sites, O’Keefe said.
“We get calls every year during the first month of school year from people finding bats in the university’s buildings,” said O’Keefe.
Bats are a great help to people, as every night they can eat up to their entire body weight of insects. Bats, however, are facing great threats from epidemics(流行性疾病), habitat destruction and other things.
“The best way the average person can help bats is by understanding them and by telling other people how awesome bats are and what bats do for us,” O’ Keefe said. “Hopefully, it will make people think that if there’s a bat in their house, they should try to get it out but not kill it. That would be really positive for bats—to not have people be one of their major threats.”
1.According to the text, experts are giving the public a warning about _______.
A.the biting by bats
B.the danger of keeping bats
C.the spreading of an infectious disease
D.the extinction of an endangered species
2.In O’Keefe’s opinion, when you find a bat in your house, you should _______.
A.put it on a tree B.send it to get tested
C.remove it with gloves D.report to the health department
3.We can infer that the text is probably written in _______.
A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
4.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably means _______.
A.what bats like to eat
B.people’s awareness of bats
C.the best way to protect bats
D.the greatest threat bats are facing
If you’ve ever had a dog, you know just how deep a connection you can develop with “man’s best friend“. But a dog’s life is much shorter than humans, about 12 to 15 years long, which means every dog owner has to go through the heartbreaking moment when their loving pet passes away.
Why not make a clone of that dog then This is the solution offered by a South Korean company, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. The company has already successfully cloned at least 400 dogs, mostly for US customers, ever since it pioneered the technique in 2005. Now, Sooam Biotech has introduced its business to UK dog owners as well, offering them dogs that look just like their lost ones.
To clone a dog, researchers first need to take a skin cell from a living dog or one that has just died. Meanwhile, another dog is selected to supply an egg. Researchers then replace the DNA in the egg with that from the skin cell and implant the egg into the womb of a female dog. The egg grows into a puppy over the following two months.
The whole process takes less than a day, but it comes at a shockingly high price-around 63,000. But if you can’t afford it now, you can also save the cell in a laboratory and access it at a later date.
However, magical as cloning might sound, there is no guarantee that the cloned dog will be a perfect copy of the original one. Just like identical twins of humans, they share the exactly same DNA but there will still be small differences between them. “The spots on a Dalmatian clone will be different, for example,” Insung Hwang, head of Sooam Biotech, told The Guardian.
Dog owners will also have to accept the fact that personality is not “clone-able”. Apart from genes, personality is also determined by upbringing and environment, which are both random elements that cloning technologies simply cannot overcome, Professor Tom Kirkwood at Newcastle University, UK, told The Telegraph.
Perhaps bringing our dogs back by cloning is not the best way to remember them after all. Kirkwood, a dog owner himself, pointed out, “An important aspect of our relationship with them is coming to terms with the pain of letting go.”
5.What service does Sooam Biotech Research Foundation offer
A.Making copies of pet dogs. B.Giving pet dogs identical twins.
C.Helping dogs give birth to more puppies. D.Helping dog owners love their dogs more.
6.Which order is correct in the dog cloning process
a. An egg is taken from another dog.
b. A skin cell is taken from the pet dog.
c. The egg grows into a puppy in two months.
d. The egg is placed in the womb of a female dog.
e. The DNA in the egg is replaced by the DNA from the skin cell.
A.a→d→b→e→c B.a→e→b→ c C.b→a→d→e→c D.b→a→e→d→c
7.What can we learn about dog cloning from the passage
A.It has not been put into practice until recently.
B.It is very popular among US and UK pet owners.
C.It might not give the owners an exactly same dog.
D.It is very expensive and usually takes half a year to complete.
8.What is the attitude of Kirkwood towards dog cloning
A.negative B.supportive C.unconcerned D.critical
Ants know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered. Their behavior changes significantly prior to the quake and they resume normal functioning only a day after it. Gabriele Berberich of the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany presented these findings on Thursday at the European Geosciences Union annual meeting in Vienna according to LiveScience.
Berberich and her colleagues discovered that red wood ants preferred to build their colonies right along active faults in Germany. They counted 15,000 mounds (土堆))lining the faults. These faults are the places where the earth violently bursts in earthquakes.
Using a special camera that tracked changes in activity. Berberich and her colleagues tracked the ants round the clock for three years, 2016 to 2019. They found that the ants' behavior changed only when the quake was over magnitude (级数)2. There were 10 earthquakes between magnitude 2.0 and 3.2 during this period, and many smaller ones. Humans can also sense quakes of over magnitude 2 only.
According to Berberich, normal ant activity consists of going about collecting food etc,during the day and resting in the night But before an earthquake, the ants didn't go back to their mound in the night and moved around outside it. This strange and abnormal behavior continued till a day after the earthquake, Berberich told a news conference, according to Livescience.
How do ants know an earthquake is coming Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas emissions or noting tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic fields (磁场). "Red wood ants have special cells which can detect changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have special cells for detecting electromagnetic fields." she said. Berberich and her colleagues are planning to continue the research in areas where there are more and bigger earthquakes
9.What's the meaning of the underlined word "resume" in Paragraph 1
A.Form. B.Avoid.
C.Recover. D.Improve.
10.What's the function of the first paragraph
A.To lead to the main topic. B.To describe a new species of ant,
C.To introduce a famous researcher D.To tell how to predict an earthquake.
11.What happens to the ants before an earthquake
A.They have no appetite. B.They are too excited to rest.
C.They get lost on their way home. D.They refuse to go inside their nests.
12.What can we conclude from the last paragraph
A.Ants can only detect smaller earthquakes.
B.The result of the research is completely reliable.
C.Ants may have two ways to predict earthquakes.
D.Researchers don't know how ants predict earthquakes.
During winter, when it is cold and freezing outside, all we want to do is stay wrapped up in our blankets and remain in bed. ____13____ During times like these, one might envy animals like bears, who doze through the coldest season and wake up fresh in the spring. But how do they go without food for such a long time
____14____ Because of terrible weather and shortages of food, certain animals hibernate (冬眠) to save energy and survive. Hibernation involves a significant slowdown of the metabolism (新陈代谢) and a drop in body temperature. Reducing their metabolism allows these animals to conserve energy during those long cold months.
To understand the need for hibernation, we first must understand the difference between endothermic and ectothermic organisms. Ectotherms are those animals whose body temperatures depend on the surrounding temperature. ____15____ Usually, they have a body temperature that changes with the temperature of their environment. They depend on things like sunlight or the surface of heated rocks to warm up. ____16____ They are also known as “cold-blooded” animals, which include fish, amphibians, and reptiles.
On the contrary, endotherms can regulate their own body temperature by generating internal heat. They are capable of maintaining their physiological body temperature in a stable range, regardless of the changes in the environment. Endotherms adjust their metabolic heat production and insulation to stay warm, whereas during hot weather, they sweat to cool down. Endotherms are capable of maintaining a steady temperature as compared to their changing surroundings. They are called “warm-blooded” animals, and include mammals and birds. ____17____
A.Conversely, they seek shade to cool down.
B.A cup of noodles or hot chocolate also helps.
C.Most animals usually try to gain as much weight as they can before they hibernate.
D.Hibernation is an energy-saving adaptation to protect against unpleasant conditions.
E.Thus, many animals hibernate to save energy and survive these bad winter conditions.
F.Metabolism is the process through which our body changes the food we eat into energy.
G.This means that they depend on their external environment to regulate their body temperature.
Science may never know the secrets to memories of the California sea hare, a foot-long sea snail. But a research team claim to have made progress in ___18___ the simplest kind of memory a mollusk (软体动物) might form, and, with a swift injection, managed to ___19___ one sea snail’s memory to another.
The kinds of memories that start a defensive reaction in the snails are encoded not in the ___20___between brain cells, but in RNA molecules (分子), according to David Glanzman, a biologist at UCLA.To ___21___ the idea, Glanzman implanted wires into the tails of California sea hares and gave them a series of electric shocks. The procedure made the animals so ___22___ that when they were touched, they contracted parts of their bodies intensely. Glanzman compares the reaction to being nervous after an earthquake: the memory of the event causes a(n) ___23___ response to any loud noise. After sensitizing the sea snails, Glanzman took RNA out from them and ___24___ it into new sea snails to see what would happen. He then found the new ones are ___25___ sensitized, suggesting the “memory” of the electrical shocks had been transplanted. According to Glanzman and his research team, the experiment shows that ___26___ parts of the memory trace are held in RNA, rather than in the connectivity of brain cells.
However, the work has not yet found widespread ____27____. “Further work needs to be carried out to determine whether these phenomena are obvious and what is the ____28____ of such phenomena,” said Prof Vann at Cardiff University. “While a sea snail is a fantastic model, we must be very ____29____ in drawing comparisons to human memory processes, which are much more complex.”
Tomás Ryan at Trinity College Dublin, is ____30____. “This work takes us down an interesting road, but I have doubt about it and I don’t think they’ve transplanted a memory,” he said. “This work tells me that maybe the most basic behavioral responses involve some kind of change in the animal.”
____31____, Ryan added that such creative thinking about memory was in great need: “In a field full of acceptance but lacking ____32____, we need as many new ideas as possible.”
18.A.deleting B.disturbing C.refreshing D.understanding
19.A.transfer B.adjust C.compare D.relate
20.A.connections B.conflicts C.secrets D.distances
21.A.promote B.test C.eliminate D.impose
22.A.sensitive B.adaptable C.strong D.relaxed
23.A.necessary B.peaceful C.unconscious D.impossible
24.A.plunged B.invested C.translated D.injected
25.A.crazily B.dangerously C.scarcely D.equally
26.A.optional B.essential C.memorial D.virtual
27.A.association B.recognition C.innovation D.publication
28.A.depth B.application C.basis D.description
29.A.imaginative B.careful C.ambitious D.speedy
30.A.supported B.persuaded C.unappreciated D.unconvinced
31.A.Nevertheless B.Eventually C.For example D.As a result
32.A.expression B.likelihood C.suspicion D.disturbance
Many animals use camouflage (保护色) to make them harder ___33___ (see). Hunters such as leopards do this so that the animals they want to eat don’t see them and run away. Prey animals such as deer use camouflage to avoid ___34___ (eat).
Will Allen at the University of Bristol is enthusiastic about why animals such as cats have different patterns. For example, why are a leopard’s spots different from ___35___ of a cheetah (猎豹) In ___36___ attempt to find out the reasons, he decided to use a mathematical technique called “reaction-diffusion”. He also talked to scientists from many different fields such as ___37___ (psychological), engineering and computer science. In this way, he could compare camouflage patterns with the animals’ behaviors and habitats much more ___38___ (accurate).
Will has discovered that the patterns ___39___ (connect) with the environment. Cats that live in forests with many trees have more complicated patterns and cats ___40___ (spend) more time in trees have more irregular patterns. Will concludes that cats’ camouflage depends on ___41___ they live and how they hunt. Evolution has created the most suitable pattern for each particular hunter. Will’s studies mean we can predict a big cat’s habitat and lifestyle ___42___ looking at the patterns of its fur.
43.Jennifer thought skipping meals would be a simple way to s________ down. (根据首字母单词拼写)
44.With the loud noise outside, it is hard for students to c________ on the exam. (根据首字母单词拼写)
45.Please try to c________ down, sir, and tell me where you are and what has happened. (根据首字母单词拼写)
46.The audience________(鼓掌) loudly. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
47.They have decided to ________ (装饰) the room with flowers for their wedding. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
48.The_________(专业) is my last choice. I just want to complete my studies. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
49.The operation failed to s________ (维持)his life when he became seriously ill. (根据中英文提示填空)
50.Nowadays, some college students lack the ability to i________ (创新), which puts them at a disadvantage in the labor market. (根据中英文提示填空)
51.To ________(询问) our products, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
52.Did you remember to_______________(给钟上发条) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
53.Despite the difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever he could do ______________ (帮助,援助) the Chinese people. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
54.I am so honored. I am here to give a speech on behalf of our school. (将句子合并成一句)
55.You are so diligent that I'll try my best to help you know more about Tang poems. (同义句转换)
You are so diligent that I'll ________ help you know more about Tang poems.
You are so diligent that I'll _______help you know more about Tang poems.(what引导宾语从句)
56.越来越多的大学生面临着这样一个事实:疫情期间找一份合适的工作实属不易。(fact that) (汉译英)
59.想出计划 ________
60.从……清除掉 ________
61.怀着这个目标 ________
62.在岛上投放病毒 ________
63.导致兔子的数量从……下降到…… ________
64.结局是 ________
65.重新注意…… ________
66.多达 ________
67.在二十世纪八十年代 ________
68.用捕猎夹抓猫 ________
69.In the wild, lions tend to pick on the animals that are weak, old, sick or hurt. Even with the strength of their numbers they will go after the easy prey (捕猎).
The lions picked their prey of choice for this poor Gazelle. The Gazelle, surrounded by lions, looks as if she were crying when the camera closed up on her face.
The lions were faster than the Gazelle, and my goodness they were smart. When the lions got close enough to the Gazelle, even while running at speed, they would trip the running animal.
This Gazelle was moving. When pressure came from a different angle she changed directions. When she could feel the breath of the lions on her neck she changed direction. When they tried to trip her, stop her, trick her, block her, she changed direction. She ran until they stopped chasing after her. It was pointless to the lions. This Gazelle had purpose. She was running for her life.
I do not care what, who, when, where, or how often life tries to take you down a path you have not intended to go. If you feel the pressure and things are not going the way they should, change direction.
1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;
2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:
1. 发表观点时必须提供理由或论据;
2. 阐述观点或提供论据或叙述经历时,不能直接引用原文语句;
3. 作文中不能出现真实的姓名和学习名称;
4. 不必写标题。
You need to ________ ________ a visa before you go abroad.
The trip to Beijing strengthened his______his parents.
1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B
1.A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“After a confirmed rabies case”及第二段中的“If you try to kill a bat, you’re more likely to get bitten”可知因为有了被蝙蝠咬后导致人得狂犬病的案例,所以专家向公众发出了小心被蝙蝠咬的警告。故选A.
2.C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“put on a pair of heavy gloves and gently move it into a box or bucket. Once contained, the bat can be removed outside”可知O’Keefe建议大家戴上手套把蝙蝠移到户外。故选C.
3.C推理判断题。根据第五段中的“This is the time of year when bats move from their summer resting sites to their winter resting sites”及第六段中的“during the first month of school year”可知蝙蝠在这个时期从它们夏天的窝迁徙到冬天的窝,再根据新学年的第一个月可推测这篇文章写于秋季。故选C.
做细节理解题具体方法与步骤如下:①略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨;24小题根据第一段中的“After a confirmed rabies case”及第二段中的“If you try to kill a bat, you’re more likely to get bitten”可知因为有了被蝙蝠咬后导致人得狂犬病的案例,所以专家向公众发出了小心被蝙蝠咬的警告。故选A.
②按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词。如for example, first, second…等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实;
③将自己精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上。快速通篇跳读,全文扫视,找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。如第25小题根据第三段中的“put on a pair of heavy gloves and gently move it into a box or bucket. Once contained, the bat can be removed outside”可知O’Keefe建议大家戴上手套把蝙蝠移到户外。故选C.
5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A
5.细节理解题。根据第二段“Why not make a clone of that dog then This is the solution offered by a South Korean company, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. The company has already successfully cloned at least 400 dogs, mostly for US customers, ever since it pioneered the technique in 2005.(那为什么不克隆那条狗呢?这是韩国企业Sooam生物技术研究财团提出的解决方案。自2005年首创这项技术以来,该公司已经成功克隆了至少400只狗,主要面向美国客户)”可知,Sooam生物技术研究基金会提供复制宠物狗服务。故选A。
6.细节理解题。根据第三段“To clone a dog, researchers first need to take a skin cell from a living dog or one that has just died. Meanwhile, another dog is selected to supply an egg. Researchers then replace the DNA in the egg with that from the skin cell and implant the egg into the womb of a female dog. The egg grows into a puppy over the following two months.(要克隆一只狗,研究人员首先需要从一只活着的狗或一只刚刚死亡的狗身上提取皮肤细胞。与此同时,另一只狗被选中提供一个卵子。然后,研究人员用皮肤细胞的DNA替换卵子中的DNA,并将卵子植入一只母狗的子宫中。在接下来的两个月里,蛋会长成一只小狗)”可知,b“皮肤细胞取自宠物狗”排序第一,故排除A、B选项;a“从另一只狗身上取下一个卵子”排序第二;e“卵子中的DNA被皮肤细胞的DNA取代”排序第三,故排除C选项。正确顺序是b→a→e→d→c。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“However, magical as cloning might sound, there is no guarantee that the cloned dog will be a perfect copy of the original one. Just like identical twins of humans, they share the exactly same DNA but there will still be small differences between them.(然而,尽管克隆技术听起来很神奇,但并不能保证克隆出来的狗是原狗的完美复制品。就像人类的同卵双胞胎一样,他们拥有完全相同的DNA,但他们之间仍然会有一些小的差异)”可知,狗克隆可能不会给主人一条完全一样的狗。故选C。
8.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Perhaps bringing our dogs back by cloning is not the best way to remember them after all. Kirkwood, a dog owner himself, pointed out, “An important aspect of our relationship with them is coming to terms with the pain of letting go.”(也许通过克隆把我们的狗带回来并不是记住它们的最好方式。柯克伍德自己也是狗的主人,他指出:“我们与它们关系的一个重要方面是接受放手的痛苦。”)”可推知,Kirkwood对狗克隆的态度是不支持。故选A。
9.C 10.A 11.D 12.C
9.词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段“This strange and abnormal behavior continued till a day after the earthquake” 这种奇怪和反常的行为一直持续到地震后的一天。所以研究人员发现,蚂蚁知道地震何时来袭。他们的行为在地震前发生了很大的变化,那么在震后很快就 “恢复” 正常了。故可推断出“resume”的意思为“恢复”。故选C。
10.推理判断题。文章第一段“Ants know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered”提出了蚂蚁能预测地震的发生。接着在第二段一直到最后一段叙述了Berberich和她的同事对红木蚁的追踪研究,得出了红木蚁是如何知道地震的来临。因此可推断出第一段是为了引出下文的主题。故选A。
11.细节理解题题。第四段“But before an earthquake, the ants didn't go back to their mound in the night and moved around outside it. This strange and abnormal behavior continued till a day after the earthquake,” 但在地震前,蚂蚁晚上没有回到自己的土堆(巢穴),而是在巢穴外活动。此处的their “mound”是指蚂蚁的“nests(巢穴)”,由此可知,蚂蚁在震前没有进入它们的巢,故选D。
12.推理判断题。根据最后一段How do ants know an earthquake is coming Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas emissions or noting tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic fields (磁场). "Red wood ants have special cells which can detect changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have special cells for detecting electromagnetic fields." 蚂蚁如何知道地震即将来临 Berberich指出他们要么是在监测不断变化的气体排放,要么是注意到地球磁场的微小变化。“红木蚁有特殊的细胞,可以检测二氧化碳含量的变化。他们也有特殊的细胞来探测电磁场。”由此判断出, 蚂蚁可能有两种方法来预测地震,即检测二氧化碳的变化和探测电磁场。故选C。
【点睛】推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。第4小题属于推理判断题。推理判断题。根据最后一段How do ants know an earthquake is coming Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas emissions or noting tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic fields (磁场). "Red wood ants have special cells which can detect changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have special cells for detecting electromagnetic fields." 蚂蚁如何知道地震即将来临 Berberich指出他们要么是在监测不断变化的气体排放,要么是注意到地球磁场的微小变化。“红木蚁有特殊的细胞,可以检测二氧化碳含量的变化。他们也有特殊的细胞来探测电磁场。”由此判断处, 蚂蚁可能有两种方法来预测地震。故选C。
根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。
13.B 14.D 15.G 16.A 17.E
13.根据上一句“During winter, when it is cold and freezing outside, all we want to do is stay wrapped up in our blankets and remain in bed.(在冬天,当外面很冷的时候,我们想做的就是裹着毯子躺在床上。)”可知,下一句是对上一句补充说明,说明冬季特别冷的时候人类可以做的事。B项“A cup of noodles or hot chocolate also helps.(一杯面条或热巧克力也有帮助。)”符合语境。故选B。
14.根据此段下文关键句“Hibernation involves a significant slowdown of the metabolism (新陈代谢) and a drop in body temperature.(冬眠意味着新陈代谢的显著减缓和体温的下降。)”可知,此段主要在讲什么是冬眠及其好处。D项“Hibernation is an energy-saving adaptation to protect against unpleasant conditions.(冬眠是一种节约能源的适应方式,以抵御不愉快的环境。)”在介绍冬眠的概念,符合语境。故选D。
15.根据上句“Ectotherms are those animals whose body temperatures depend on the surrounding temperature.(变温动物是指体温取决于环境温度的动物。)”和下句“Usually, they have a body temperature that changes with the temperature of their environment. (通常,它们的体温会随着环境温度的变化而变化。)”可知,变温动物的体温随着环境温度的变化而变化。G项“This means that they depend on their external environment to regulate their body temperature.(这意味着它们依靠外部环境来调节体温。)”承上启下,同时G项中的“body temperature”与上下句中的“body temperatures”呼应。故选G。
16.根据上文“Usually, they have a body temperature that changes with the temperature of their environment. They depend on things like sunlight or the surface of heated rocks to warm up. (通常,它们的体温会随着环境温度的变化而变化。它们依靠阳光或加热的岩石表面来升温。)”可知,变温动物的体温随着环境温度的变化而变化,上文讲变温动物如何升温,可得出讲下文会介绍变温动物如何降温。A项“Conversely, they seek shade to cool down.(相反,它们寻找阴凉的地方降温。)”与上一句构成转折关系。故选A。
17.此处位于句末以及文章最后一句,起总结作用,E项“Thus, many animals hibernate to save energy and survive these bad winter conditions.(因此,许多动物冬眠是为了节省能量并在恶劣的冬季条件下生存。)”对全文进行总结。故选E。
18.D 19.A 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.D 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.D 31.A 32.C
18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但一个研究小组声称,在理解软体动物可能形成的最简单的记忆方面取得了进展,并且通过快速注射,成功地将一只海螺的记忆转移到另一只海螺身上。A. deleting删除;B. disturbing打扰;C. refreshing使恢复精神;D. understanding理解。由上文的“Science may never know the secrets to memories of the California sea hare”可知,句子表示“一个研究小组声称,在理解软体动物可能形成的最简单的记忆方面取得了进展”,故选D。
19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但一个研究小组声称,在理解软体动物可能形成的最简单的记忆方面取得了进展,并且通过快速注射,成功地将一只海螺的记忆转移到另一只海螺身上。A. transfer转移;B. adjust调整;C. compare比较;D. relate使有联系。由“one sea snail’s memory to another”可知,是将一只海螺的记忆转移到另一只海螺身上,故选A。
20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据加州大学洛杉矶分校的生物学家大卫·格兰兹曼的说法,在蜗牛中启动防御反应的那种记忆不是编码在脑细胞之间的连接中,而是编码在RNA分子中。A. connections连接;B. conflicts矛盾;C. secrets秘密;D. distances距离。由“between brain cells”和第9空后的“parts of the memory trace are held in RNA, rather than in the connectivity of brain cells”可知,此处是指脑细胞之间的连接,故选A。
21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了验证这一想法,格兰兹曼将电线植入加州海兔的尾巴,并对它们进行一系列电击。A. promote促进;B. test测试;C. eliminate消除;D. impose实施。由后文的“Glanzman implanted wires into the tails of California sea hares and gave them a series of electric shocks”可知,为了验证这一想法,格兰兹曼将电线植入加州海兔的尾巴,并对它们进行一系列电击,故选B。
22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个过程使这些动物非常敏感,当它们被触摸时,它们会强烈地收缩身体的某些部位。A. sensitive敏感的;B. adaptable能适应的;C. strong强大的;D. relaxed放松的。由后文的“when they were touched, they contracted parts of their bodies intensely”可知,当它们被触摸时,它们会强烈地收缩身体的某些部位,说明它们很敏感,故选A。
23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:格兰兹曼将这种反应比作地震后的紧张:对事件的记忆会导致对任何巨大噪音的无意识反应。A. necessary需要的;B. peaceful和平的;C. unconscious无意识的;D. impossible不可能的。由上文的“the memory of the event causes”和下文的“response to any loud noise”可知,对事件的记忆会导致对任何巨大噪音的无意识反应,故选C。
24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在对海螺进行敏感处理后,Glanzman从海螺中取出RNA,并将其注射到新的海螺中,看看会发生什么。A. plunged猛推;B. invested投资;C. translated翻译;D. injected注射。由上文的“Glanzman took RNA out from them”和下文的“it into new sea snails to see what would happen”可知,Glanzman从海螺中取出RNA,并将其注射到新的海螺中,故选D。
25.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后他发现新的海螺同样敏感,这表明电击的“记忆”被移植了。A. crazily疯狂地;B. dangerously危险地;C. scarcely几乎不;D. equally平等地。由下文的“the “memory” of the electrical shocks had been transplanted”和上文的“The procedure made the animals so__5__ that when they were touched, they contracted parts of their bodies intensely”可知,他发现新的海螺同样敏感,故选D。
26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:格兰兹曼和他的研究团队表示,该实验表明,记忆痕迹的关键部分保存在RNA中,而不是脑细胞的连接中。A. optional可选择的;B. essential必要的;C. memorial纪念的;D. virtual虚拟的。由后文的“parts of the memory trace are held in RNA, rather than in the connectivity of brain cells”可知,该实验表明,记忆痕迹的关键部分保存在RNA中,而不是脑细胞的连接中,故选B。
27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,这项工作尚未得到广泛认可。A. association协会;B. recognition认可;C. innovation创新;D. publication出版。由后文的“Further work needs to be carried out”可知,这项工作尚未得到广泛认可,故选B。
28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:需要进行进一步的研究,以确定这些现象是否明显,以及这些现象的基础是什么。A. depth深度;B. application应用;C. basis基础;D. description描述。由后文的“of such phenomena”可知,此处表示“这些现象的基础是什么”,故选C。
29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然海蜗牛是一个神奇的模型,但我们必须非常小心地将其与人类的记忆过程进行比较,因为人类的记忆过程要复杂得多。A. imaginative富有想象力的;B. careful仔细的;C. ambitious雄心勃勃的;D. speedy快速的。由后文的“drawing comparisons to human memory processes, which are much more complex”可知,我们必须非常小心地将其与人类的记忆过程进行比较,故选B。
30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:都柏林三一学院的托马斯·瑞恩对此表示怀疑。A. supported被支持的;B. persuaded被说服的;C. unappreciated未被欣赏的;D. unconvinced怀疑的。由下文的“I have doubt about it”可知,此处表示他对此是怀疑的,故选D。
31.考查副词词义和固定短语辨析。句意:然而,瑞安补充说,这种关于记忆的创造性思维是非常需要的。A. Nevertheless然而;B. Eventually最后;C. For example例如;D. As a result结果。由下文的“Ryan added that such creative thinking about memory was in great need”和上文的“I have doubt about it”可知,前后是转折关系,空格处是“然而”,故选A。
32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在一个充满接受但缺乏怀疑的领域,我们需要尽可能多的新想法。A. expression表情;B. likelihood可能性;C. suspicion怀疑;D. disturbance干扰。由上文的“a field full of acceptance”可知,此处表示“一个充满接受但缺乏怀疑的领域”,故选C。
33.to see##to be seen 34.being eaten 35.those 36.an 37.psychology 38.accurately 39.are connected 40.spending 41.where 42.by
33.考查非谓语动词。句意:许多动物使用保护色使其更难被看见。根据固定句型make sb./sth. adj. to do可知,空处应填不定式,see与逻辑主语them之间是被动关系,空处应用不定式的被动式;且see与句子主语Many animals之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,空处可以使用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。故填to see/to be seen。
34.考查非谓语动词。句意:鹿等捕食动物使用保护色来避免被吃掉。avoid doing sth.表示“避免做某事”,结合语意,此处表示避免被吃掉,空处应用动名词的被动式形式作宾语。故填being eaten。
36.考查冠词。句意:为了找出原因,他决定使用一种叫做“反应扩散”的数学技术。此处为固定短语in an attempt to do sth.表示“试图作某事”,attempt是元音音素开头的单词,前边应用an。故填an。
37.考查名词。句意:他还与心理学、工程学和计算机科学等许多不同领域的科学家进行了交谈。空处与engineering和computer science并列,应用名词psychology,表示“心理学”,作为such as之后列举的不同领域。故选psychology。
39.考查时态。句意:威尔已经发现这些模式与环境有关。that引导的宾语从句叙述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,be connected with表示“与……有关”,主语the patterns是复数,be动词应用are。故填are connected。
【详解】考查动词。句意:詹妮弗认为不吃饭是一种简单的减肥方法。slim down减肥,消瘦,a way to......的方法,该用法是固定用法,其中,不定式作后置定语,不定式to后接动词原形。根据首字母提示及句意,故填slim。
【详解】考查动词。句意:外面的噪音太大,学生很难集中精力考试。根据首字母提示和空后介词on可知,concentrate on sth.集中注意力于某事,固定搭配,符合题意;It is hard for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人来说是困难的,固定句型,此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故填concentrate。
【详解】考查动词。句意:请冷静下来,先生,告诉我你在哪里,发生了什么事。calm down平静下来;try to do sth.尽力做某事。结合首字母提示及句意,故填calm。
【详解】考查动词。句意:他们决定为婚礼用鲜花装饰房间。根据汉语提示“装饰”可知,空格处涉及单词“decorate”,意为“装饰”,动词词性,“decide to do sth.”意为“决定做某事”,不定式符号“to”后接动词原形。故填decorate。
【详解】考查动词。句意:当他病重时,手术未能维持他的生命。分析句子可知,此处为动词短语fail to do“未能做某事”,可知此处为动词原形,结合汉语意思提示可知,此处为动词sustain“维持”,满足句意要求。故填sustain。
51.make an inquiry about##inquire about
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:为了对我们的产品询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。根据汉语提示“询问”可知短语为make an inquiry about或inquire about,此处为不定式作目的状语。故填make an inquiry about/inquire about。
52.wind up the clock
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:你记得给钟上发条了吗?分析句子,设空处应填写to do不定式作宾语。根据汉语提示,表示“给钟上发条”应该用wind up the clock。故答案为wind up the clock。
53.to assist##to aid
【详解】考查不定式。句意:尽管形势困难,白求恩大夫还是尽他所能帮助中国人民。分析句子可知,此空应填不定式结构作目的状语,再根据中文提示和句意可知,应填to assist或者to aid。故填to assist/to aid。
54.I am so honored to be here to give a speech on behalf of our school.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我很荣幸能在这里代表我们学校发表演讲。原句为两个简单句,可以用动词不定式作原因状语来把两句话并列为一句话,即“I am so honored to be here”,后面的动词不定式不变。故答案为I am so honored to be here to give a speech on behalf of our school.
55. do all/everything in my power to do what I can to
【详解】考查动词,从句和短语。句意:你太勤奋了,我会尽力帮助你多了解唐诗。根据句意和提示可知,原句中的“try my best to”表示“尽力做某事”,可以变换为do all/everything in my power to“尽我所能做一切事情”,或者do what I can to“尽我所能去做某事”,what引导宾语从句,故填①do all/everything in my power to②do what I can to。
56.More and more college students are faced with the fact that it is very hard to find a suitable job during the epidemic.
【详解】考查名词、主谓一致、固定句式、同位语从句、it的用法和非谓语动词。句子描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,表示“越来越多的大学生”,可用more and more college students;表示“面临”可用短语be faced with。主语为复数,be动词应用are,即are faced with;表示“事实”可用the fact,名词前加上定冠词the表示特指,作介词with的宾语。the fact后接that引导的同位语从句,对fact进行解释说明。从句中,可以使用it作形式主语,be动词使用is,表语“属实不易”可用very hard来表示。表示“找一份合适的工作”可用find a suitable job。使用不定式形式作真正的主语。表示“疫情期间”可用during the epidemic,介词短语作状语,即: it is very hard to find a suitable job during the epidemic。故翻译为More and more college students are faced with the fact that it is very hard to find a suitable job during the epidemic.
57.At that time, the most common way to study horse painting was by copying the works of previous painters.
【详解】考查短语、时态和非谓语动词。at that time当时,在那时;common way普遍的方法;way to do sth做某事的方法,名词way后接不定式作定语。介词by 后接动名词形式,表示“通过……”。名词works 为“作品”之意。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时。根据句意,故翻译为At that time, the most common way to study horse painting was by copying the works of previous painters.
58.This is a new start for you to pave the way for your future career.
【详解】考查动词不定式作定语。“对……而言”使用介词for,“这是”使用指示代词this,“新的开始”译为new start,start此处用作可数名词,表示泛指,其前用不定冠词,“铺平道路”译为动词短语pave the way,用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词start,“为未来的事业”译为for your future career,句子用一般现在时,be动词用is,故翻译为:This is a new start for you to pave the way for your future career.。
59.come up with a plan 60.remove…from… 61.with this goal in mind 62.release a virus onto the island 63.cause the rabbit population to decrease from…to… 64.in consequence 65.turn one’s attention back to… 66.up to 67.in the 1980s 68.use traps to catch the cats
【解析】59.想出计划。“想出”come up with,“计划”a plan。故答案填come up with a plan。
61.怀着这个目标 。“怀着”with sth. in mind,“这个目标”this goal,故答案填with this goal in mind。
62.在岛上投放病毒。“投放”release,“病毒”a virus,“在岛上”onto the island,故答案填release a virus onto the island。
63.导致兔子的数量从……下降到……。“导致”cause,“兔子”the rabbit,“……的数量”the population of,“从……下降到……”decrease from…to…,故答案填cause the rabbit population to decrease from…to…。
64.结局是。英文表达为in consequence,故答案填in consequence。
65.重新注意……。“重新”turn sth. back,“注意”one’ attention to,故答案填turn one’s attention back to…。
66.多达 。英文表达为up to,故答案填up to。
67.在二十世纪八十年代 。英文表达为in the 1980s,故答案填in the 1980s。
68.用捕猎夹抓猫。“用”use,“捕猎夹”traps,“抓猫”to catch the cats,故答案填use traps to catch the cats。
69.What the passage conveys is that we should change direction flexibly while going through challenges and even dangers in our life, which is of significance to our development and success.
It is necessary for us to change direction at the right moment. Following the wrong path stubbornly, we may waste a lot of time and energy, with which we could otherwise achieve a lot. More importantly, we may lose some precious opportunities in life if we don’t adapt ourselves to different situations in time.
In our daily life, there are many cases like what Gazelle experienced, in which we suffer failures because we haven’t changed direction in time. For instance, if we analyze some very difficult problems from different angles in our study, we can solve them more easily. Therefore, to run for my life I will change direction when I’m stuck in the things life throws at me.
更重要的是:more importantly→what’s more
例如:for instance→for example
原句:It is necessary for us to change direction at the right moment.
拓展句:It is necessary that we should change our direction at the right moment.
【点睛】【高分句型1】What the passage conveys is that we should change direction flexibly while going through challenges and even dangers in our life, which is of significance to our development and success. (运用了What引导的主语从句,that引导的表语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Following the wrong path stubbornly, we may waste a lot of time and energy, with which we could otherwise achieve a lot. (运用了现在分词作状语和“介词(with)+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句)
70. apply for
【详解】考查动词短语。根据句意和前文need to do sth. (需要做某事)可知,表示“申请”应用动词(原形)短语apply for,构成不定式短语作宾语。故填①apply ②for。
71.bond with
【详解】考查固定搭配。bond with sb表示“与某人形成亲密关系”bond作宾语,故填bond with。