人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career 综合测试(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career 综合测试(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-17 18:27:53



Unit 5 Launching Your Career 综合测试
What does it take to become an astronaut It’s a question that’s been asked since the start of the Space Age in the 1960s. In those days, pilots were considered the most well-trained professionals, so military fliers were first in line to go to space. More recently, people from a wide range of professional backgrounds - doctors, scientists, and even teachers- have trained to live and work in near-Earth orbit. Even so, those selected to go to space must meet high standards.
People who want to become astronauts must be in top physical condition. Each country’s space program has health requirements for its space travelers. They usually assess a candidate’s fitness to withstand some pretty tough conditions. For example, a good candidate must have the ability to endure the rigors of lift-off and to function in weightlessness. All astronauts must have good visual acuity and normal blood pressure. Beyond that, there is no age limit. Most astronaut trainees are between the ages of 25 and 46, although older people have also flown to space later in their careers.
People who go to space are usually self-confident, risk-takers, adept at stress management and multitasking. They also need to be able to work as part of a team for any given assignment. On Earth, astronauts are usually required to perform various public relations duties. such as speaking to the public, working with other professionals, and sometimes even testifying before government officials. So, astronauts who can relate well to many different kinds of people are seen as valuable team members.
Often, astronauts have a background as scientists and many have high-level degrees, like Ph. Ds. Others have military training or space industry expertise. Regardless of their background, once an astronaut is accepted into a country’s space program, he or she goes through rigorous training to actually live and work in space.
1.Which of the following is of least importance to an astronaut
A.Normal blood pressure. B.Good eyesight.
C.Tough body. D.Young age
2.According to the passage, an astronaut is one who
A.is strong and healthy. B.has self-confidence
C.can work under great pressure D.All of the above.
3.Why are astronauts asked to perform public duties
A.To make them famous among people.
B.To relieve their feeling of tension.
C.To raise their awareness of teamwork.
D.To promote public interest in the aerospace.
4.What could be the best title for the passage
A.Everyone Can be an Astronaut
B.The Professional Qualities of an Astronaut
C.Training Astronauts is Much Easier Nowadays
D.It’s not Mysterious to be an Astronaut
Since COVID-19 first appeared in 2020, Shanghai has held over 180 press conferences to inform the public of the latest situation. Have you ever watched them on TV
If you have, then you’ve probably noticed that there is always a busy but silent man or woman on the right side of the screen. These people are sign language interpreters.Thanks to the team of seven, people with hearing loss can receive timely and accurate pandemic information.
The job is not easy. It’s a real test of one’s knowledge. During one press conference, Dr. Zhang Wenhong used a few medical terms. They were hard for ordinary people to understand. But Tang Wenyan, one of the interpreters, managed to communicate their meanings to people who cannot hear. “For cycle threshold, for example, I interpreted it as an important value,” she said. We need to make our interpretations as easy to understand as possible.
Tang has had 16 years of experience in sign language interpretation. The woman picked up sign language out of curiosity. Later, after discovering a serious shortage of sign language interpreters, she decided to build a career out of it. Tang admits that her job is tiring. However, she really wants to do her bit to make her city a better place. Behind the hard work, she says, is the wish to help people who cannot hear to overcome the difficulties they meet with in their lives.
Such efforts seem to be paying off. Tang and her colleagues have won lots of praise from the deaf community. More importantly, many people have become interested in sign language after watching their interpretations.
Perhaps one day you, too, can join the interpreters to become a “bridge” between the deaf community and the rest of society.
5.What do sign language interpreters do
A.Give talks on TV. B.Create hard medical terms.
C.Hold press conferences. D.Communicate with the deaf.
6.Why did Tang Wenyan decide to become a sign language interpreter
A.She wished to gain reputation.
B.She found it was in great need.
C.She developed an interest in it.
D.She had a gift for interpretation.
7.What does Tang Wenyan think of her job
A.Tiring but important. B.Busy but interesting
C.Boring but well-paid. D.Easy but meaningful.
8.What’s the passage mainly about
A.A Special job. B.A TV programme.
C.A worthy person. D.A deaf community.
After graduating from Chongqing City Management College, Tan Minyan from Chongqing decided to become a cemetery custodian(守墓人).
“With four colleagues. I don’t need to worry about any complicated relationships, ”the 22-year-old shared on her Sina Weibo. “Moreover, my office, dormitory and canteen are in the same building. the pace of work is slow and I almost feel as if I have retired early.”
Her decision has caused heated discussion on social media in November about how young people nowadays can deal with social anxiety and benefit from genuine interpersonal relationships.
According to the survey conducted in2021 by China Youth Daily, more than 80 percent of the nearly 5,000 college students questioned said they had mild social anxiety disorder. The disorder surfaces most frequently when speaking in front of large groups, communicating with strangers and asking for favors.
Cheng Qiang, who works for a media group in Beijing is one of them. The 29-year-old told China Daily he started having social anxiety disorder in middle school.
To avoid contact with coworkers, Cheng often wore a mask even when going to the toilet or kitchen so he would encounter fewer people.
”The disorder becomes more severe when I am around people who know me but are not close.“ he told China Daily. ”Their attention makes me nervous, and I don’t know how to respond.“
Wang Wenda, a psychology lecturer at Ningxia University’s Xinhua College, found that most of the people who suffer from social anxiety are introverted, lack confidence or social skills, or have suffered traumatic(造成创伤的)interpersonal relationships.
He also believes that the disorder is not trivial. It may lead to panic attacks and other psychological problems as a result of a lack of contact with other people.
According to China Daily, Wang’s suggested solution was as follows: ”People with social anxiety disorder should go out and expose themselves to more social gatherings and practice their social skills, adding that through greater social experience and small successes in social encounters, they will reap the benefits of having a real social life and come to enjoy positive interpersonal relations.”
9.Why is Tan Minyan’s experience mentioned at the beginning of the text
A.To suggest an alternative career path.
B.To lead up to the topic of social anxiety.
C.To illustrate what young people value in their work.
D.To present people’s attitudes toward her profession.
10.What do we know about people with social anxiety disorder
A.They are unwilling to help others.
B.They find it hard to do everyday tasks.
C.They feel uneasy when asking for favors.
D.They always feel anxious in public places.
11.What does the underlined word “trivial“ in the second-to-last paragraph most probably mean
A.Urgent. B.Influential.
C.Unimportant. D.Complicated
12.What does Wang suggest people with social anxiety disorder do
A.Join a social anxiety support group.
B.Go outside to relax themselves.
C.Seek help from a professional.
D.Engage in more social activities.
Choosing a major is a very important thing in our life. However, it can be extremely challenging. So it’s necessary to learn some simple tips that much easier. ___13___. And how does that choice affect your future career We can help guide you in choosing a major.
Your major is your primary field of study in your undergraduate (大学的)program. It is the subject in which you earn your bachelor’s degree. After completing a list of general education courses, you spend the rest of the time studying one subject of your choice. ___14___.
For many students, it's best to try out different classes to figure out a major you’ll like, but you need to have a couple of solid choices. ___15___, you should begin taking courses you are required to complete before graduation, so it will decrease your chances of needing to switch majors later because you already know what to expect.
___16___, you should begin thinking about how your field will lead to a job as soon as possible.Consider clubs, research programs and part-time jobs related to potential career choices for your major.
For more career-specific majors like nursing and engineering, the majority of your studies will include skills that can be used in a future job. ___17___. The sooner you begin working in a lab, on research projects or helping as a teaching assistant for a professor, the better you'll be able to figure out your career.
A.You have to think of ways to choose a major
B.Be sure that you choose a major that suits your interests
C.Once you have a better idea of which major you like best
D.While your major may or may not lead directly to a career
E.Do some research to find out which majors can help you get that job
F.Roughly one-third to one-half of your courses will be related to your major
G.However, you should still consider doing activities outside of the classroom to better prepare you
My father always told me: "All work is noble." He wasn't ____18____ , but he earned a reasonable living. Thanks to his ____19____ , I was able to go to Art College. I, however, wanted to do something ____20____ , something more interesting-I was special!
After graduation, I moved to New York in search of a graphic designer job. It was winter and, ever the optimist, I'd only brought enough money to ____21____ myself for about a month. I wasn't ____22____ -I was sure I'd find a fantastic job immediately.
Within a few weeks, though, I found myself wandering around the streets having been ____23____ by every design office in town. My hostel ____24____ was almost gone and I hadn't eaten in days. “How had I reached this point?""I wondered as I ____25____ in my thin jacket.
I was just about to ____26____ when my dad called. He suggested that I get a job in a ____27____ until something else came along. At first, pride made me ____28____. But I was cold, hungry, and unwilling to go home feeling ____29____ and defeated.
I entered an expensive-looking cafe near one of the design offices that had turned me away and asked the manager if they were ____30____. She said they were ____31____, and offered me a job right away.
____32____ , I found that I really enjoyed serving people. I started making big ____33____ right away. Later, the manager learned that I had a design ____34____ and asked me to design the cafe menus. That led to a part-time job at an advertising company.
Previously, I'd have never considered being a ____35____, but there I was. I ____36____ got my dream design job, but that winter I learned not to make ____37____ about work.
18.A.concerned B.wealthy C.generous D.caring
19.A.education B.time C.power D.effort
20.A.different B.simple C.strange D.safe
21.A.entertain B.protect C.support D.identify
22.A.disappointed B.worried C.helpless D.alone
23.A.rejected B.annoyed C.restricted D.invited
24.A.host B.room C.contract D.rent
25.A.waited B.trembled C.regretted D.sweated
26.A.show off B.settle down C.give up D.set out
27.A.library B.gallery C.factory D.restaurant
28.A.hesitate B.agree C.continue D.reply
29.A.relieved B.ashamed C.secure D.lonely
30.A.hiring B.working C.serving D.checking
31.A.reasonable B.popular C.overstaffed D.shorthanded
32.A.Hopefully B.Undoubtedly C.Surprisingly D.Obviously
33.A.designs B.contacts C.meals D.tips
34.A.hobby B.company C.background D.task
35.A.waiter B.designer C.director D.manager
36.A.simply B.nearly C.eventually D.temporarily
37.A.preparations B.assumptions C.changes D.suggestions
Jack Lund, 91, of Richfield, retired __38__ the U.S. Postal Service after a perfect 69 years on the job.
“Nobody has ever accused ___39___(I) of being smart, and I didn’t know you had to quit when you are 65. I have enjoyed driving the truck, so you could say it is ___40___I wanted to do all my life,” said Lund.
Lund never failed in his duty. His fellow employees described him as ___41___(rely) and always delivering despite poor weather or car trouble. One time there was four feet of snow on the mountain and he ___42___(insist) on heading for Phoenix. After__43__(stop) by a highway patrolman (巡逻者), he said, “This is a mail truck and you can’t stop me unless it is impossibe.” And the patrolman __44__(eventual) let him go.Last week, Lund decided it was time to retire.
On Wednesday, a ceremony was held __45__(honor) and thank him for his years of service at the Richfield Post Office.
Lund said that though he hadn’t made a lot of money, he had led ___46___happy life. As for what’s next, he believes his life will be different without the __47__ (responsible) of delivering the mail but he can handle it.
48.The l______ argued the case for hours. (根据首字母单词拼写)
49.For Chinese, education is a top p________, which is thought more important than other things and should be dealt with first. (根据首字母单词拼写)
50.The career you have defines your life, and so taking time to think about it is an e_________ exercise for young people.(根据首字母单词拼写)
51.Sydney wants to become a ______(律师) in the future.
52.The principle of distribution in ____ (共产主义的) society is “from each according to his ability” and “to each according to his needs”. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
53.Lately, the ________ (优先事项) for traveling has been shifting from shopping to food and scenery. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
54.The little naughty boy was b________(蹦来蹦去) around in the classroom. (根据中英文提示填空)
55.We should give p________(优先) to people who are in desperate need of food and shelter. (根据中英文提示填空)
56. ________ (没有必要做) something if you are not having fun doing it. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
57.I wish you ____________ (没有患上这么厉害的头痛). Otherwise, you would have enjoyed the concert.(根据汉语提示完成句子)
58.The lady ________(手拿钱包的)came to the bank counter. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
59.There is something wrong with your car. You should have it repaired. (合并成一个复合句或并列句)
60.He is an expert on rice planting. The local Zhuang people have learnt a lot from him. (合并成一个复合句)
62.现在是你整顿财务状况的时候了。(It’s about time...)(汉译英)
63.她英语语法掌握得很好。(SVO) (汉译英)
64.现象n. (单数) p________
65.家具n. f________
66.争吵,论据n. a________
67.律师n. l________
68.先驱n. 当先锋v. p________
69.建立v. e________
70.内科医生n. p________
71.准备n. p________
72.埃及n. E________
73.考虑周到的,体贴的adj. c________
Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or at other places, tend to have higher scores on standardized tests. In a review of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic performance investigators found that the more children moved the better their grades were in school, particularly in the basic subjects of math, English and reading.
The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes for senior three students should be reduced or even cancelled. The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away study time. With standardized test scores in the US dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground. But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be consequently exclusive. Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain, memory, attention and creativity, which are essential to learning.
1. 用约3个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;
2. 谈谈你是否赞成“高三学生应该减少体育课时间”,并用2-3个理山或论据支撑你的观点。
75.I would greatly appreciate it _____________.
Ann _________ the position of Sales Director and now she is waiting anxiously for the result.
1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B
1.细节理解题。根据第二段“Beyond that, there is no age limit. Most astronaut trainees are between the ages of 25 and 46, although older people have also flown to space later in their careers.”(除此之外,没有年龄限制。大多数受训宇航员的年龄在25岁至46岁之间,尽管年纪较大的人也曾在职业生涯后期飞向太空。)可知,成为宇航员并没有严格的年龄限制,甚至有人在年龄较大的时候也飞向过太空,可知相比其他条件,年龄对于宇航员是最不重要的。故选D项。
2.细节理解题。根据第二段“People who want to become astronauts must be in top physical condition. Each country’s space program has health requirements for its space travelers. They usually assess a candidate’s fitness to withstand some pretty tough conditions.”(想成为宇航员的人必须有最好的身体条件。每个国家的太空计划都对太空旅行者有健康要求。他们通常会评估应聘者是否适合承受一些相当恶劣的条件。)可知,宇航员需要健康和强壮的身体;根据第三段“People who go to space are usually self-confident, risk-takers, adept at stress management and multitasking.”(去太空的人通常都很自信,敢于冒险,擅长压力管理和多任务处理。)可知,宇航员充满自信且能承受高压;综合以上信息,要选D项。故选D项。
3.推理判断题。根据第三段|“They also need to be able to work as part of a team for any given assignment. On Earth, astronauts are usually required to perform various public relations duties. such as speaking to the public, working with other professionals, and sometimes even testifying before government officials. So, astronauts who can relate well to many different kinds of people are seen as valuable team members.|”(他们还需要能够作为团队的一员完成任何给定的任务。在地球上,宇航员通常需要履行各种公共关系的职责。比如向公众讲话,与其他专业人士合作,有时甚至在政府官员面前作证。所以,能与不同类型的人相处融洽的宇航员被视为有价值的团队成员。)可知,宇航员被要求履行公共职责是锻炼他们的团队合作能力,提高他们的团队合作意识,使他们成为团队中有价值的成员。故选C项。
4.主旨大意题。文章第一句“What does it take to become an astronaut ”(怎样才能成为一名宇航员?)以设问的方式引起下文,是文章的主旨句,接下来具体分析了成为一名宇航员需要具备的专业素质,包括身体素质、心理素质、专业知识等,所以B选项“宇航员的职业素质”概括了文章内容,适合作为标题。故选B项。
5.D 6.B 7.A 8.A
5.细节理解题。根据第一段“These people are sign language interpreters. Thanks to the team of seven, people with hearing loss can receive timely and accurate pandemic information.(这些人是手语翻译。多亏了这个七人小组,听力丧失者能够及时、准确地获得大流行信息)”可知,手语翻译可以使听力丧失者获取信息,即他们可以与听力丧失者交流。故选D项。
6.细节理解题。根据第四段“Later, after discovering a serious shortage of sign language interpreters, she decided to build a career out of it.(后来,在发现手语翻译严重短缺后,她决定用手语来建立自己的职业生涯)”可知,唐文妍决定做手语翻译是因为她发现它严重短缺。故选B项。
7.推理判断题。根据第四段“Tang admits that her job is tiring. However, she really wants to do her bit to make her city a better place. Behind the hard work, she says, is the wish to help people who cannot hear to overcome the difficulties they meet with in their lives.(唐承认她的工作很累。然而,她真的想尽自己的一份力量,让她的城市变得更好。她说,努力工作的背后是希望帮助那些听不见的人克服生活中遇到的困难)”可知,唐文妍认为自己的工作是很累的,但是对于那些听不见的人来说很重要。故选A项。
8.主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Perhaps one day you, too, can join the interpreters to become a “bridge” between the deaf community and the rest of society.(也许有一天,你也可以加入手语翻译的行列,成为聋人社区与社会其他人之间的“桥梁”)”以及文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了手语翻译这一特殊的职业。故选A项。
9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D
9.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Her decision has caused heated discussion on social median in November about how young people nowadays can deal with social anxiety.(去年11月,她的这一决定在社交媒体上引发了热烈讨论,话题是现在的年轻人该如何应对社交焦虑。)”可知,Tan Minyan的经历引起了社会焦虑的话题。故选B项。
10.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“The disorder surfaces most frequently when speaking in front of large groups, communicating with strangers and asking for favors.(在一大群人面前讲话、与陌生人交流以及寻求帮助时,这种障碍最常见。)”可知,有社交恐惧症的人在寻求帮助时会有障碍。故选C项。
11.词义猜测题。根据第九段“the disorder is not trivial. It may lead to panic attacks and other psychological problems as a result of a lack of contact with other people.(这种混乱并非trivial。由于缺乏与他人的接触,这可能会导致恐慌发作和其他心理问题。)”可知,这种紊乱并不是小事,且该词前有否定词not,因此trivial为“小的、无关紧要的”的意思。故选C项。
12.细节理解题。根据最后一段“go out and expose themselves to more social gatherings and practice their social skills(走出去,多参加社交聚会,锻炼自己的社交技能)”可知,Wang强调注重社会人际关系,多参加社交活动。故选D项。
13.A 14.F 15.C 16.D 17.G
13.根据上文的So it’s necessary to learn some simple tips that will make your decision much easier.(因此,有必要学习一些简单的技巧,让你的决定更容易)和下文的And how does that choice affect your future career (这个选择对你未来的职业有什么影响?)可知,A项:You have to think of ways to choose a major(你必须想办法选择专业)承上启下,故选A。
14.根据上文的After completing a list of general education courses, you spend the rest of the time studying one subject of your choice.可知,完成公共课程后,你把剩下的时间花在学习你选择的一个科目上。此处是关于学习的课程,由此可推断出,F项Roughly one-third to one-half of your courses will be related to your major(大约三分之一到一半的课程与你的专业相关)符合本段文意。故选F。
15.根据下文的you should begin taking courses you are required to complete before graduation, so it will decrease your chances of needing to switch majors later because you already know what to expect.可知,你应该开始学习毕业前必须完成的课程,这样会减少你以后换专业的机会,因为你已经知道该期待什么了。,由此可推断出C项:Once you have a better idea of which major you like best(一旦你对你最喜欢的专业有了更好的了解)与下文衔接。故选C。
16.本段主要讲了你应该开始思考你的领域将如何尽快找到一份工作,考虑与你专业的潜在职业选择相关兼职工作。由此可知,作为本段的首句(主旨句),应涵盖本段的主要内容,因此D项While your major may or may not lead directly to a career(而你的专业可能直接或间接导致你的职业生涯)符合本段文意。故选D。
17.根据上文提到对于一些专业,你的大部分学习将包括在未来工作中可以使用的技能。再结合下文说:你越早开始在实验室工作,做研究项目,或帮助教授做助教,你就越能更好地规划自己的职业生涯。由此可知,G项:However, you should still consider doing activities outside of the classroom to better prepare you(然而,你仍然应该考虑课外活动,以更好地为你做准备)衔接上下文,故选G。
18.B 19.D 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.C 37.B
18.考查形容词辨析。句意:他不富有,但他的生活还算过得去。A. concerned关心的;B. wealthy富有的;C. generous大方的;D. caring关心的。根据下文父亲的努力,作者才能上艺术学院可知作者家庭并不富裕。故选B。
19.考查名词辨析。句意:由于他的努力,我得以上艺术学院。A. education教育;B. time时间;C. power力量;D. effort努力。根据上文作者家庭并不富裕可知,经过父亲的努力作者上了大学。故选D。
20.考查形容词辨析。句意:然而,我想做些不同的事情,更有趣的事情!A. different不同的;B. simple简单的;C. strange陌生的;D. safe安全的。根据I was special!可知作者想做与众不同的事,故选A。
21.考查动词辨析。句意:当时是冬天,我一直很乐观,只带了支撑自己一个月的钱。A. entertain娱乐;B. protect 保护;C. support支撑,支持;D. identify确定。根据下文for about a month可知作者只带了足够了养活自己一个月的钱。support oneself“自食其力;养活自己”,故选C。
22.考查形容词辨析。句意:我不担心,确信自己马上会找到好工作。A. disappointed失望的;B. worried担心的;C. helpless无助的;D. alone独自的。根据下文I was sure I'd find a fantastic job immediately.可知作者确信自己会找到好工作,因此一点也不担心。故选B。
23.考查动词辨析。句意:然而,几周后,我发现自己在街上闲逛,却被镇上所有的设计室拒之门外。A. rejected拒绝;B. annoyed惹恼;C. restricted限制;D. invited邀请。根据下文作者钱花完了,好几天没吃东西可知作者没找到工作。故选A。
24.考查名词辨析。句意:我的旅社房租几乎没了,我已经好几天没吃东西了。A. host主人;B. room房间;C. contract合同;D. rent租金。根据hostel可知是房租,故选D。
25.考查动词辨析。句意:当我穿着薄夹克发抖时,我在想:“我是怎么走到这一步的?”A. waited等待;B. trembled颤抖;C. regretted遗憾;D. sweated出汗。与上文It was winter呼应,作者几天没吃饭又没钱,因此穿着薄夹克发抖。故选B。
26.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我正要放弃的时候,我爸爸打来电话。A. show off炫耀;B. settle down定居;C. give up放弃;D. set out出发。根据当时作者所处的状况可知作者想放弃,故选C。
27.考查名词辨析。句意:父亲建议我去餐厅打工,直到别的事情发生。A. library图书馆;B. gallery画廊;C. factory 工厂;D. restaurant餐厅。根据下文I entered an expensive-looking café可知父亲建议作者去餐厅打工。故选D。
28.考查动词辨析。句意:一开始,骄傲让我有些犹豫。A. hesitate犹豫;B. agree同意;C. continue继续;D. reply回答。作者的梦想很伟大,与众不同,现在父亲建议作者去餐厅打工,作者有些犹豫。故选A。
29.考查形容词辨析。句意:但是我又冷又饿,不愿意回家,感到羞愧和挫败。A. relieved放心的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. secure安全的;D. lonely寂寞的。作者的梦想很伟大,但现实生活却找不到工作,没饭吃没地方住,所以感到羞愧。故选B。
30.考查动词辨析。句意:我走进了一家看起来很贵的咖啡馆,旁边是一家拒绝我的设计室,我询问经理餐厅是否雇人。A. hiring雇用;招聘;B. working工作;C. serving服务;D. checking检查。作者询问经理餐厅是否在招人,故选A。
31.考查形容词辨析。句意:经理说现在人手不够,所以马上给了我一份工作。A. reasonable合理的;B. popular受欢迎的;C. overstaffed人员过多的;D. shorthanded人手不足的。根据下文offered me a job right away可知餐厅人手不足,故选D。
32.考查副词辨析。句意:令人吃惊的是,我发现我真的很喜欢为别人服务。A. Hopefully有希望地;B. Undoubtedly确实地;C. Surprisingly惊人地;D. Obviously明显地。根据下文I found that I really enjoyed serving people. 作者惊讶地发现自己真的很喜欢为别人服务。故选C。
33.考查名词辨析。句意:我很快就收到了很多小费。A. designs设计;B. contacts联系人;C. meals餐饭;D. tips小费。作者是服务员,所以很快就收到了很多小费。故选D。
34.考查名词辨析。句意:后来经理了解到我有设计背景。A. hobby爱好;B. company公司;C. background背景;D. task课题。与上文作者毕业于设计学校呼应,故选C。
35.考查名词辨析。句意:以前,我从来没有想过要成为服务员,但我现在是。A. waiter服务员;B. designer设计师;C. director主任;D. manager经理。作者的理想是设计,所以从没想过会成为一个服务员。故选A。
36.考查副词辨析。句意:我最终得到了我梦寐以求的设计工作。A. simply简单地;B. nearly差不多;C. eventually最后;D. temporarily临时地。故选C。
37.考查名词辨析。句意:但是在那个冬天我学会了不要对工作做设想。A. preparations准备;B. assumptions假定,设想;C. changes改变;D. suggestions建议。故选B。
38.from 39.me 40.what 41.reliable 42.insisted 43.being stopped 44.eventually 45.to honor 46.a 47.responsibility
38.考查介词。句意:91岁的杰克·伦德在美国邮政服务公司工作了69年,退休了。由句意和retired可知,此处表示“从……退休”,应用介词from构成固定短语“retire from(从……退休)”,故填from。
43.考查非谓语动词。句意:在被一名公路巡警拦下后,他说:“这是一辆邮车,除非不可能,否则你不能拦我。”根据after可知后接动名词作宾语,结合句意和by可知,stop与主语之间为被动关系,所以此处用动词名词的被动式being done,故填being stopped。
45.考查非谓语动词。句意:周三,里奇菲尔德邮局举行了一场仪式来表彰并感谢他多年来在邮局的工作。分析句子可知,已有谓语was held,由句意可知,honor在此处作目的状语,所以应用动词不定式,故填to honor。
46.考查冠词。句意:伦德说,虽然他没有赚很多钱,但他过着幸福的生活。短语“lead a happy life ”为固定搭配,表示“过着幸福 的生活”,故填a。
47.考查名词。句意:至于接下来会发生什么,他相信他的生活将会不一样,没有了送信的责任,但他可以处理好。由句意和空前“without the”可知,此处应用名词作宾语,responsible的名词为responsibility(责任),故填responsibility。
【详解】考查名词。句意:律师们就这个案子辩论了好几个小时。根据句意和首字母提示可知,应使用名词lawyer作主语,结合“argued the case”可知,辩论是多人参与,用复数lawyers。故填lawyers。
56.There is no point doing
【详解】考查固定句型。句意:没有必要做一些你觉得没有乐趣的事情。根据固定句型“There is no point doing sth.没有必要做某事”可知,该空应填There is no point doing。故填There is no point doing。
57.hadn’t had such a bad headache
【详解】考查虚拟语气和名词。句意:我真希望你没有患上这么厉害的头痛。否则,你就能享受这场音乐会了。根据提示,表示“患这么厉害的头痛”为have such a bad headache;wish后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,结合语境和下文的“you would have enjoyed the concert”可知,此处表达与过去的事实相反,应用过去完成时had done;句中为否定,须在助动词had后加not。故填hadn’t had such a bad headache。
58.with a purse in her hand
【详解】考查“with+宾语+宾语补足语”复合结构。句意:手拿钱包的那位女士来到银行柜台。分析句子可知,“手拿钱包的”作定语,修饰The lady,用“with+宾语+宾语补足语”复合结构,宾语a purse“一个钱包”,此处表示泛指,可数名词purse“钱包”前加不定冠词,in one hand“在手里”,由上文的The lady可知,用形容词性物主代词her,故填with a purse in her hand。
59.Because there is something wrong with your car, you should have it repaired.##As there is something wrong with your car, you should have it repaired.
【详解】考查状语从句。句意:你的车出毛病了。你应该把它修好。结合语境可知,前后两句话为因果关系,将第一句话改写为原因状语从句,需用从属连词because/as引导。故答案是Because/As there is something wrong with your car, you should have it repaired.。
60.He is an expert on rice planting from whom the local Zhuang people have learnt a lot.
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他是种植水稻的专家,当地壮族人民从他那里学到了很多。把题干中的两句简单句合并为一个复合句,分析句子结构后,可用定语从句合并。先行词为an expert,先行词指人,在定语从句中作from的宾语,这时可以把from提到关系代词的前面。故答案为He is an expert on rice planting from whom the local Zhuang people have learnt a lot.
61.He was employed in cleaning the dust in the doorway when I called him.
【详解】考查句子结构、时间状语从句等。根据句意本句应为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。表示“我给他打电话的时候”可用when引导的时间状语从句when I called him,位置可以在句首或在句尾;表示“他正忙着打扫门口的灰尘。”可用He was employed in cleaning the dust in the doorway,be employed in doing sth“忙于做某事”是习惯用法,主语为第三人称单数,be用过去式was。句子首字母大写,故翻译为He was employed in cleaning the dust in the doorway when I called him.
62.It’s about time that you sorted out your finances./It’s about time that you should sort out your finances.
【详解】考查固定用法。It’s about time that... 为固定句型,意为“该是……的时候了”,后面的that从句中的动词要用虚拟语气。从句中的谓语动词有两种形式,可用动词的过去式,也可用should + 动词原形。“整顿”译为sort out;“财务”译为finances。故可翻译为It’s about time that you sorted out your finances./It’s about time that you should sort out your finances.
63.She acquires a good knowledge of English grammar.
【详解】考查基本句型。根据题干要求需要用到主谓宾结构,句子描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,主语是“她”译为“she”,谓语是“掌握”可替换为“获得好的英语语法”,所以谓语可译为“acquire”,宾语为“英语语法”译为“a good knowledge of English grammar”。故译为:She acquires a good knowledge of English grammar.
64.phenomenon 65.furniture 66.argument 67.lawyer 68.pioneer 69.establish 70.physician 71.preparation 72.Egypt 73.considerate
【解析】64.现象n. (单数) p,英文表达是phenomenon,故答案填phenomenon。
65.家具n. f,英文表达是furniture,故答案填furniture。
66.争吵,论据n. a,英文表达是argument,故答案填argument。
67.律师n. l,英文表达是lawyer,故答案填lawyer。
68.先驱n. 当先锋v. p,英文表达是pioneer,故答案填pioneer。
69.建立v. e,英文表达是establish,故答案填establish。
70.内科医生n. p,英文表达是physician,故答案填physician。
71.准备n. p,英文表达是preparation,故答案填preparation。
72.埃及n. E,英文表达是Egypt,故答案填Egypt。
73.考虑周到的,体贴的adj. c,英文表达是considerate,故答案填considerate。
74.exercise,effect,academic performance
A study conducted in the Netherlands suggests physical exercise has a positive effect on children' s academic performance, which may cause a heated debate about whether to reduce or even can cell the physical education classes for senior three students. As to the debate, I hold the view that physical education classes should not be reduced let alone can celled for senior three students. For one thing, students need physical exercise after long periods of study to help them relax, which can relieve their study pressure and refresh their brains. For another thing, as the above researchers report, physical exercise can improve blood flow to the brain, memory, attention and creativity, which will improve students' academic performance in turn. Last but not least, taking up physical exercise regularly is of great benefit to students' physical health, which is vital for senior three students, many of whom lack outdoor physical exercise due to the heavy study load. To sum up, physical education classes benefit students physically, mentally and academically, which are worth the time and efforts invested in them.
【点睛】本文要点齐全,观点明确,语言规范。文章使用了几个高分句型:1. A study conducted in the Netherlands suggests physical exercise has a positive effect on children' s academic performance, which may cause a heated debate about whether to reduce or even can cell the physical education classes for senior three students. which引导的非限制性定语从句。 2. I hold the view that physical education classes should not be reduced let alone can celled for senior three students. that引导了同位语从句,从句做view的同位语。 3. Last but not least, taking up physical exercise regularly is of great benefit to students' physical health, which is vital for senior three students, many of whom lack outdoor physical exercise due to the heavy study load. taking up physical exercise是现在分词短语作主语。
75.if you could take my application into consideration
【详解】考查动词短语和宾语从句。“考虑”为固定短语take...into consideration,表示“考虑我的申请”应用动词短语take my application into consideration;根据句子结构可知本句应使用it是形式宾语,构成固定句式appreciate it+if+从句, 其中if引导的真正宾语从句;根据前面“would greatly appreciate”可知宾语从句谓语动词应使用一般过去时,即could+动词原形,故填if you could take my application into consideration。
76.applied to the company for
【详解】考查固定短语和时态。对比中英文句子可知,空格处意为“向公司申请”,“向……申请”是apply to sb. for,“公司”是the company,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,apply用过去式,故填applied to the company for。