人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement 词汇课件(共33张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement 词汇课件(共33张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-17 21:46:59



Words and Expressions
Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.
— Albert Einstein
physiology / f zi l d i/ n. 生理学;生理机能
physi=nature physio=生理 -(o)logy=科学或研究的领域
biology: 生物学
biologist: 生物学家
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
2. artemisinin /,ɑ t 'mi s n n/ n. 【药】青蒿素
3. wormwood / w mw d/ n. 蒿;洋艾
4. malaria /m le ri / n. 疟疾
5. crucial /'kru l/ adj. 至关重要的;关键性的
=vital=essential=very important
play a crucial role/part in...在......中起至关重要的作用
be crucial to/for sb: 对某人至关重要
It is+adj+for sb+to do sth
It is crucial that ...(should) ......极其重要
6. vital / va t( )l/ adj. 必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的
be vital to/for对……极为重要的
be of vital importance……是至关重要的
It is vital that…(should) do sth 做某事是十分重要的
It is vital (for sb) to do sth(对某人来说) 做某事……很重要
It is crucial for students to build a proper attitude
Learning are crucial to/for our development.
Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria.
7. commit /k m t/
committed adj. 坚定的,尽心尽力的
commitment n. 承诺,奉献 commission n. 委托
(1) 犯(错误、罪行等)commit+罪行/错误
commit murder/ a crime/ a mistake/ suicide
(2)commit oneself to sth/to do/doing sth承诺/保证做某事
(3)be committed to doing sth.尽心尽力做某事
promise to do
8. academy / k d mi/ n.(艺术、文学、科学等的) 研究院;学会;专科
Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院
academic / k dem k/adj. 学业的;学术的
10. objective / b d ekt v/
(1) n. [C] 目标; 目的 (aim) =goal set/ achieve/ meet an objective
The Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective/aim of discovering a new treatment for malaria.
(2) adj. 客观的
[反] subjective (主观的)
The attitude of the author is objective or subjective
subject: n.话题;学科;科目;课程;主语
object v.反对;不同意;不赞成
objection n. [C/U]反对;异议
11. botanical /b t n k( )l/ adj. 植物学的 a botanical garden 植物园
botany / b t( )ni/ n. 植物学 botanist
12. eevaluate/ v ljue t/ vt. 评价;评估 evaluation n. 评估;评价
①evaluate sb. on ... 根据...评价某人
②make an evaluation of... 对……进行评估
13. property / pr p ti / n. 性质;特征;财产
[U] 所有物;财产;资产;(房)地产
intellectual property (IP) 知识产权 property rights 产权
(2) [C] (常用pl.)性质;性能;特性
chemical/ physical properties
proper adj. 合适的; 恰当的
14. distinct/d st kt/ adj. 清晰的;清楚的;有区别的
distinctly adv. 清楚地,明显
distinction n.[C]差别/区别 [U] 区分/辨别 [U] 优秀/卓越
distinctive adj. 有特色的
distinguish v. 区分;分清
①A be distinct from B (in C ) A与B (在C方面) 不同
②It is distinct that...  很明显……
【练透】 单句语法填空/选词填空(distinct/distinctive/distinction)①Some of our friends can be similar to us, and some of them can be distinct _____ one another in some ways.②The ____________ between them is not so ___________, for they are twins.③The cheongsam (旗袍) is a female dress with ____________ Chinese features and enjoys growing popularity in the international world of fashion.
15. extract / ekstr kt/ n. 提取物;摘录
[ k str kt] vt.提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出
n: extraction
This substance is extracted from wormwood. (extract from ...)
16. boil /b l/ vt. & vi. (使)沸腾;煮开;烧开
区分:boiled water boiling water
eg: Her rudeness made her boil with anger.
vi. 发怒;发火
17. liquid / l kw d/ n. 液体 adj. 液体的;液态的
solid 固体 gas 气体
A watched pot never boils.
18. obtain / b te n/ vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得
=gain/get/acquire v. 获得,得到;
obtain sth...from... 从……获得……
obtain sb.sth.=obtain sth.for sb. 给某人带来某物
obtainment n. 取得 obtainable adj. 可获得的;可得到的
vi.(规章、习俗等)存在; 流行
19. acknowledge / k n l d / vt. 承认(属实、权威等); (公开)感谢
--- acknowledgement n. 承认;确认;鸣谢
acknowledge sth./doing/having done 承认做了……  承
acknowledge sb/sth as/to be… 承认某人/事为……
acknowledge sb. with…  用……对某人表示感谢
It's universally/widely/generally acknowledged that……是大家所公认的
It's acknowledged that he is a good man.
20. defeat /d fi t/ n. 失败;挫败 vt. 击败;战胜
(2)acknowledge defeat 承认失败
(3)defeat sb. 击败某人
He won me.
He defeated/beat me.

21. analyse[-ze] [ n la z] vt.分析; 分解; 细察;
analysis [ 'n l s s] n. 分析或分析报告 (复数analyses)
defeat 击败,强调过程和结果 宾语是对手
beat 打败;(连续)击打 宾语是对手
win 赢得;获胜 宾语是game或prize等
【练透】 选词填空(defeat/beat/win)/单句语法填空①Yesterday I ______________ John at chess.He ____ only one set, while I ____ two sets.②Our team _____________ (defeat) last night, which made us sad and disappointed.
22. apparently adv. 显而易见; 看来; 显然
apparent adj.显而易见的;明白易懂的;显然的;表面上
①It is apparent that… 显然...
It is clear/obvious/distinct/evident that. . .
Clearly/Obviously/Distinctly/Evidently,. . .
23. substance n.[C]物质, 物品;[U]事实根据
a harmful substance
an organic substance
24. insist vi./vt. 坚持; 坚决要求
①insist on doing sth. 坚持要求做某事
b.表示“坚持说/认为”时,从句用陈述语气, 从句谓语按实际需要选择时态。
1)He insisted on ______ (pay) for the meal in return for my assistance.
2)She insisted that the boy had stolen her wallet and that he should be sent to the police station.
My mom insisted that I should apologize to him.
Though nobody believed, he insisted that he had done nothing wrong.
类似用法: 一坚持二命令三建议四要求
25. scientific adj.科学(上)的;细致严谨的;科学的
science n.科学
scientist n.科学家
26. mostly adv.主要地;一般地 =
most adj.大多数
27. conclusion [n.] 结论,结束
make a conclusion下结论
come to/draw/reach a/the conclusion得出结论
in conclusion(=to conclude)最后,总之 (常作插入语)
conclude vt.得出结论,推断出
vt./vi. 结束,终止
conclude sth. with sth. 以……结束……
= conclude sth. by doing sth.
28. flee vt/vi 迅速离开,逃跑
flee from = escape from... 从……逃跑
flee to/into... 逃到/进……
29. circumstance n.条件;环境;状况
under/in the circumstances在此情况下
under/in no circumstances决不;无论如何都不(位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装)
if circumstances permit/allow如果情况允许
30 .novelist n. 小说家
novel n. (长篇)小说
adj. 新颖的; 新的; 与众不同的
novelty n.新奇/新颖/新鲜
31. flow n.流;流动;流畅;供应 vi.流;流动
flow through/into 流经、流进
go with the flow 随大流
32. found / fa nd / vt. 创建; 建立;把……建立在
=set up /establish
founder n.创办人;发起人
foundation n. 基础
动词 过去式 过去分词 意思
found founded founded 成立
find found found 发现、找到
/t ɑ t/
n. 图表
vt. 记录;制定计划
Flow chart 流程图
Pie chart 饼图
Line Chart 线形图
/ n f (r)/
v. 推断;推定
What can we infer from the text
inference n.推断的结果;结论;推论
infer from 从……中推测……
It can be inferred that…可推断出……
33. politician 政客/ p l t n /
political adj.政治的
politically adv.政治上
politics n.政治,政治学
34. numerous adj.众多的;许多的
too numerous to mention/list不胜枚举
make numerous efforts付出巨大的努力
35. theory / θ ri / n. 理论; 学说
in theory 理论上,从理论来说
☆theoretical adj.理论上的←→practical adj.实际的/切实可行的
☆theoretically adv.理论上/理论地←→practically adv.几乎;实际上/事实上
theory of relativity相对论
relative adj.相对的;相关的 n.亲戚
be relative to与……有关;相对于
relatively adv.比较而言;相对地the
36. relativity/ rel t v ti/n. (物理)相对论;相对性
37. genius / d i ni s / n. (pl: genuses) 天才; 天资; 天赋
反义:idiot / di t / n. 笨蛋,蠢材
a genius for (doing) sth.
have a gift/ talent/ genius for…
be gifted/ talented in…
38.gentle [ d entl]: adj. 温柔的; 文静的
gently: adv. 温柔地; 文静地
(terrible comfortable simple gentle)
a gentle voice/smile/music/breeze
反义:rude adj.粗鲁的 rudeness n.粗鲁
39. passion n.酷爱;激情
with passion充满激情地
be filled with/be full of passion充满激情
arouse one’s passion唤醒某人的激情
have a passion for酷爱……
He is delivering a speech with/full of passion, waving at me.
40. extraordinary / k str :d neri / adj. 不一般的; 非凡的;意想不到的
extra (额外的,超过) + ordinary (普通的,平凡的)
extracurriculum 课外的,课余的
master n.硕士
master’s degree 硕士学位
doctor n.博士
doctorate n.博士学位
(doctor’s degree)
bachelor n.学士
bachelor’s degree 学士学位
undergraduate n.本科生
postgraduate n.研究生
doctoral student n.博士生
41.come to power 开始掌权,上台执政
power n. 影响力;权利;能力;电力
powerful adj. 有权势的,强壮的
powered adj.电动的;由。。驱动的 wind powered 由风力驱动的
powerless adj.无权的;无能为力的
power cut/ failure 停电
within one’s power 在某人能力范围内
beyond one’s power 某人力所不能及
do all/everything in one's power 尽力而为某事;竭尽全力做某事
42. consequence n.结果;后果
consequent adj. 随之发生的
consequently adv. 因此,结果
as a consequence=in consequence=as a result结果;因此
as a consequence of=in consequence of=as a result of作为……的结果
【练透】 单句语法填空①_____________ (consequence), she understood it and became interested in traditional Chinese culture.②The warming of the Earth and the ___________ (consequence) climatic changes affect us all.
【写美】 补全句子
③_________________________________________________________, the match was cancelled.由于昨天的大雨,比赛被取消了。
43. take up a position 担任; 任职
out of position 不在适当的位置
in position 在适当的位置
翻译: 他担任班长一职
He takes up the position as the monitor.
44. peculiarity / p kju li r ti /
n. 个性; 特点; 怪异的性质
peculiar / p kju li (r) / adj.奇怪的;特别的
peculiar / p kju li (r) / adj.奇怪的;特别的
particular adj. 特殊的
45. encounter vt. 偶然碰到; 遇到 n. 邂逅; 遭遇
短语:encounter problems/ difficulties 遇到问题/困难
同:come across /run into/bump into/meet with 偶然遇到;偶然发现
When I encounter problems in English learning, my teacher always helps me overcome problems patiently.
46. professor / pr fes (r) / n. 教授
His profession is a professional professor.
48. mourn / m n / vt.&.vi. 哀悼; 忧伤
mourn sb. 向某人致哀
mourn for… 哀悼…;为…而忧伤
mourner n. 哀悼者
mournful adj.哀痛的,令人伤心的; 悲伤的
mournfully adv.悲哀地,凄惨地
49. remarkable / r mɑ k bl / adv. 非凡的;显著的
a remarkable achievement/career/talent/woman/life/price
be remarkable for因……而引人瞩目
It is remarkable that…令人惊讶的是……
remark n.谈论;言论;评述 vt.& vi.谈论;评论;说起
remark on/upon谈论/评论……
remarkably adv.不寻常地
50. device / d va s / n. 方法; 技巧; 装置; 仪器
electronic devices
medical devices
rhetorical devices
51. sum / s m / v. 总结; 概括 n.金额; 款项; 总数; 总和
【练透】 写出下列句中sum的含义①You will be fined the sum of £200. ____________ ②The sum of 7 and 12 is 19. ______ ③This is the sum of my achievements so far.
summary n. 总结
summarize v. 总结
sum up总结;概括
to sum up总之;概括地说
a sum of许多;大量 a big/large sum of money
the sum of…….的数目/总和
To sum up、In conclusion、In short、In a word
52. draft / drɑ ft / n. 草稿; 草案 vt. 起草; 草拟
the first/final draft of my speech我演讲的初稿/定稿
draft one’s speech起草某人的演讲稿