Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 5 Listening and Talking & Assessing Your Progress & Project(课件+教案)


名称 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 5 Listening and Talking & Assessing Your Progress & Project(课件+教案)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-18 13:38:25


课题 Space Exploration 单元 Unit 4 学科 英语 年级
教材分析(语篇研读) The theme of Listening and talking is "Astronauts' Space Life". The context is an interview about Captain Brown's life in space. This lesson is mainly divided into three parts: first, let students discuss whether the objects represented by the pictures on page 43 of the textbook are useful in space life; Then listen to the recording and obtain detailed information about Captain Brown's life in space to answer the questions; Finally, group activities will be conducted to discuss the questions that Captain Brown would like to ask in the form of role-playing. Guide students to understand the necessity and living conditions of astronaut space activities, develop interest in the mysteries of the universe, and cultivate the spirit of daring to explore science.In Assessing Your Progress part,the first part is language knowledge testing, which tests students' mastery of key vocabulary and grammar points in this unit. The second part is self reflection and evaluation, guiding students to review the content learned in this unit, the content they still want to know, the content they are most interested in, and the difficulties they encounter in learning. In the final part, students can solve problems, improve their learning methods and methods, and conduct evaluations. In project part, with the theme of "showcasing China's achievements in space exploration", requires students to investigate the historical achievements of China's space exploration in groups, and summarize China's space missions, major events, and related achievements in recent years. Students accumulate knowledge about aviation exploration and China's aviation achievements, exercise their thinking ability and sense of cooperation, and enhance their love, patriotism, national pride, and cultural confidence in aviation and aerospace.
核心素养教学目标 1.Knowledge objectives: ①Master the usage of key words and phrases.②Students understand the conditions of astronauts' space life.③Be able to collect information about China's achievements in the aerospace industry through Internet mobile phones.2.Skill objectives: ①Use relevant sentences or phrases to express your views.②Learn more about space life, and be able to use relevant sentences or phrases to express for oral practice.③Review the grammar points where the infinitive of the verb is used as an attribute and adverbial, and complete the grammar exercises of the text.3.Emotional objectives:Enhance students' love for aerospace, patriotism, national pride and cultural confidence.4.Thinking quality objectives: Students can broaden their horizons, exercise students' thinking ability and sense of cooperation. ( https: / / fanyi. / aldtype=16047" \l "zh / en / javascript:void(0); ) ( https: / / fanyi. / aldtype=16047" \l "zh / en / javascript:void(0); )
重点 Guide the students to review the unit knowledge and learn to express their views with the learned knowledge. And can complete project activities through team division and cooperation.
难点 Guide students to learn and understand space exploration in language practice.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 一、Review(一)The teacher introduced the important sentences from the previous lesson and asked the students to review them.(二)Can you name any famous astronauts from China or abroad (三)Do you know anything about the requirements for becoming an astronaut 二、Lead in(一)Can you imagine the daily life of astronauts in space (二)How do astronauts eat in space Imagine how astronauts eat in space What does their food include Students should take note of the important sentence patterns from the previous lesson.Students look at the pictures displayed by the teacher, imagine the life and eating situation of astronauts in space, summarize and answer questions. Review and consolidate the content of the previous lesson.Introduce relevant content about imagining astronauts' lives in space and prepare for the new lesson.
讲授新课 三、Before listeningThe teacher asked the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.Before you listen, look at the pictures below and guess whether they would be useful for astronauts in space.Listening Teacher plays the recording and asks students to complete the second listening question on page 43 of the textbook.五、Talking(一)Ask students to work in groups. Imagine you are going to a space camp and Captain Brown has been invited to give a talk. Discuss the questions you would like to ask him and then make a list.(二)The teacher guides students to engage in discussion and allows them to answer questions.If you interview an astronaut about space life, what questions do you want to ask 六、Assessing Your ProgressAsk to complete questions 1 and 2 on page 46 of the textbook.七、Project(一)Complete the first question of project on page 47 of the textbook.Teachers have students search online or in the library for information about China's achievements in space exploration, including technological breakthroughs and space missions. Organize the information and fill out the plete the first question of project on page 47 of the textbook.The teacher divided the students into small groups and discussed with each other to prepare for the speech.(三)Ask students to prepare a slide presentation using the information you have found.八、Language pointsTeachers teach important language points to students.九、SummaryThe teacher summarizes the important words and phrases in train students' ability to capture key information and quickly record information. Students take a look at the pictures below and guess if the pictures given in the question are useful for astronauts in space.Students listen carefully to the recording, record the key information in the listening, and after completing, check each other's answers and make plete the dialogue in groups between plete the exercises and revise each other.Students search online or in the library for information about China's achievements in space exploration, organize and fill out forms.Teach students to group and discuss with each other to prepare for the speech.Students prepare their speech and give a speech in front of the whole class.Students learn language points, complete example exercises, and record key points.Students learn the knowledge taught by the teacher, record important content, and prepare for review. Before listening practice, present some pictures of daily necessities to students, allowing them to understand and discuss the items used by astronauts in space life. This helps to activate students' background knowledge, help them understand the content of listening topics, prepare for listening, and enhance their interest in learning.Listen to the recording to obtain a description of the characters' life experiences in space in the conversation, and learn the main vocabulary and sentence structures for describing space life. Train students' oral skills to fluently express their questions about astronaut space life in English.Through practice, consolidate the usage of important words in the text.Students accumulate knowledge about aviation exploration and achievements in Chinese aviation, exercise their thinking ability and sense of cooperation, and enhance their love, patriotism, national pride, and cultural confidence in aviation and aerospace.Cultivate students' expression skills and teamwork spirit.Train students' oral and expressive abilities.Summarize the important content of the text and consolidate the knowledge points through practice.It can simplify, refine, and summarize knowledge, consolidate it, and lay a solid foundation for future review, homework, and application.
课堂练习 根据提示填写单词1. My parents always attach labels to things before they file them way. (根据首字母单词拼写)2. There was a shortage of oxygen (氧气)at the top of the mountain.(根据汉语意思填写单词)3. Public facilities (设施) such as parks and roads in Changzhou have been greatly improved, giving locals many more choices for relaxation and entertainment. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)4.They were keen (热切的;渴望的) on going to Europe in the spring.5. I glanced over to see him studying me with curious (好奇的) eyes. Students complete writing tasks after class. Consolidate the usage of important words through practice.
课堂小结 The theme of listening and talking is "Astronauts' Space Life". The content is an interview about Captain Brown's space life, guiding students to understand the necessity and living conditions of astronaut space activities, cultivating interest in the mysteries of the universe, daring to explore the spirit of science, and improving students' listening and speaking abilities.In the evaluation of your progress section, students accumulate knowledge about aviation exploration and achievements in Chinese aviation, exercise their thinking ability and sense of cooperation, and enhance their love, patriotism, national pride, and cultural confidence in aviation and aerospace. Classroom summaries can promote students' consolidation of knowledge, expand their thinking abilities, and promote the development of their comprehensive qualities. Teachers can also improve their classroom effectiveness and promote the development of teaching quality.
板书 1.curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的;奇特;不寻常2.keen adj. 热衷的;渴望的;敏锐的3.facility n.设施;设备;(机器等的)特别装置4.attach v. 贴上;把......固定,把......附在(......上);(使)与…有联系5.oxygen n.氧气;氧 Visually display the key words and phrases in this lesson.
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Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 5
Listening and Talking & Assessing Your Progress & Project
Learning objectives
1.People have always wanted to learn more about space,and scientists work hard to find answers.
2.Some scientists were determine to help humans realise their dream to explore space.
3.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died.
4.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003...
5.To be an astronaut is my dream.
6.China wanted Chang'e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon.
Can you name any famous astronauts from China or abroad
Liu Yang
Wang Yaping
Zhang Xiaoguang
Neil Armstrong
Alan Shepard
Do you know anything about the requirements for becoming an astronaut
Education background:
Health condition:
Special training:
college degree, trained to be a fighter pilot
more than 1, 000 hours of fight experience
must be in prefect health and shape
English, science, and astronomy
practise using space equipment, and do a lot of mental and physical
Can you imagine the daily life of astronauts in space
Lead in
Lead in
How do astronauts eat in space Imagine how astronauts eat in space What does their food include
Before listening
Talk about life in space
1 Before you listen, look at the pictures below and guess whether they would
be useful for astronauts in space.
soap towel guitar shower
①be useful for ...说有用 ②soap /s p/n.肥皂 ③towel / ta l/ n.毛巾;抹布
Talk about life in space
1 Before you listen, look at the pictures below and guess whether they would be useful for
astronauts in space.
microwave pen tape tissue
①microwave / ma kr we v/ n. 微波炉 ②tissue / t u / n.纸巾; (人、动植物细胞的)组织
Before listening
Talk about life in space
1 Before you listen, look at the pictures below and guess whether they would be useful for
astronauts in space.
The most useful items by far in space would appear to be the tape and tissues. Both are light and do not take up much space,and neither of them can cause a mess which is difficult to clear up.
microwave pen tape tissue
Before listening
1 What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station
2 How did he prepare his food in space
3 How did he keep himself clean in space
Talk about life in space
2 Max is interviewing Captain Brown about his life in space. Listen to the
interview and answer the questions.
He wore shorts and a T-shirt.
The food was prepared and stored for him. He just had to heat the food and enjoy it.
He used a soapy towel to wash.
4 How did he spend most of his time in space
5 Why did he do during his free time
6 What did he look forward to most during his stay in space
Talk about life in space
2 Max is interviewing Captain Brown about his life in space. Listen to the
interview and answer the questions.
He was often busy doing different experiments.
He played the guitar and chess.
He looked forward to having a weekly video call with his family most.
look forward to (+n./pron./v. -ing)期待,盼望
Interviewer:Hello,Captain Brown. You’re back on Earth now. Are you happy to be back
Captain Brown:Well,yes and no. It’s great to see my family again,but I also miss the International Space Station. I’ve gotten used to floating around just wearing shorts and a
Interviewer:So let me ask about the space station. Was eating in space difficult
Captain Brown:Not really. We don’t have to cook in space. We choose what we want to eat before we go to space, and then the food is prepared and stored for us. We just have to heat the food and enjoy it.
Interviewer:Cool. Well,I know astronauts cannot shower in space since the water would float away,so I’d love to know how you keep yourselves clean.
Captain Brown:Oh,we use a soapy towel to wash. And we brush our teeth the same way as we do on Earth. But astronauts usually swallow their toothpaste.
Interviewer:Gosh,I hope it tasted good! So how long did you stay in space during your last mission
Captain Brown:I was there for more than five months.
Interviewer:Wow! So what kind of work did you do up there
Captain Brown:I was usually busy doing different experiments.
Interviewer:Did you have any free time Do astronauts get time off
Captain Brown:Yes. When I was free,I played the guitar. That’s right—I took my guitar with me. I also played chess. My favourite thing to do,though,was to have my weekly video call with my family.
A: Hey, guys. We're going to meet a real astronaut. Isn't it exciting
B: Yeah. I can't wait to see Captain Brown! I'm really curious about his life in space. I have plenty of questions to ask him.
C: Such as
B: Oh, such as what facilities do they have in space to support their daily life
C: That sounds like a good question. But I'd also like to know about how astronauts sleep. What do they do so as not to float around while they sleep
3 Work in groups. Imagine you are going to a space camp and Captain Brown has been
invited to give a talk. Discuss the questions you would like to ask him and then make a list.
curious [ kj ri s] adj.好奇的;求知欲强;不寻常
curious about对…...好奇
facility [f s l ti] n.设施;设备
Expressing curiosity
●I'd love to know . ●I wonder how/what/why/...
●Well, I'd really like to find out. ●I'm most interested to discover ...
●I'm most curious about. ●I wish to know ...
●I'd particularly like to know ...
●I'm very keen to know.
●I hope you won't mind me asking about.
keen [ki n] adj. 热切的;热衷于;渴望;热切;热情的
be keen (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事
be keen on (doing) sth. 热衷于(做)某事
A:Hey, guys. We re going to meet a real astronaut Isn't exciting
B: Yeah.
C:Such as
B:Oh,such as what facilities do hey have in space to support their daily life
C:That sounds like a good question But I'd also like to know about how astronauts sleep. What do they do so as not to float around while they sleep
A:I wonder how they get exercise on space it's not like they can go out jogging.
C:I'd never thought of that. But then, after they exercise ,I'm very keen to find out how they wash heir clothes.
B:Never mind that. I'd really like to find out how women astronauts wash their hair.
A:but we're forgetting the most important question of all,aren't we
C:And what's that
A:Well, I'd like to find out what they do when they meet aliens.
Sample Conversation
●What do they eat
●How do they keep themselves clean
●How do they sleep
If you interview an astronaut about space life, what questions do you want to ask
Lee was busy at work. Unlike most people around the world though, his workplace was in space. There was a problem with a(n)_______ .It was supposed to send information about the sun back to the _______ on Earth, but the equipment for sending ____ the was not working property. So it was Lee's mission to _________the problem and solve it. Lee was very _________ as a(n) ________,and he was also very careful. He was __________to make the satellite work properly again, but he would make sure to be safe. He knew that one small mistake could ________ death.
Assessing Your Progress
agency astronaut data determined intelligent satellite figure out result in
figure out
result in
1 Read the passage about Lee's work in space and fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box.
①Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal to achieve.
②Scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space.
③On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.
①As we all know, an astronaut needs to be healthy and calm in order to work in space.
②You must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree.
③Scientists work hard to find out the secrets of the universe.
1 After having succeeded in________satellites into space, people wanted to know if it was safe for a human to go into space. On 3 November 1957. a dog named Laika became the first Living thing _______ space. She was also the first one to die there.
2 The USSR and the US both wanted to be the first to send a person to the moon. Later,the US succeeded, and Neil Armstrong became the first man_______onto the moon.During the first moon landing. astronauts had no vehicles______,so they had to explore the moon on foot. On the fourth mission_______ on the moon, astronauts took a lunar vehicle so that they could explore places further away.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
send survive prevent reach breathe step land sleep use help
to reach
to step
to use
to land
attach [ t t ] v.attach v.贴上;把......固定;把......附在(......上);(使)与…有联系
attach to使贴 (系,粘) 在…...;使相关;使依附说明
3 Astronauts must wear spacesuits when they work in space because there is no air _________ and it can be very cold outside the spacecraft. While ________, they must attach themselves to something so as__________ floating around.
4 The accident on the Apollo 13 spacecraft resulted in a loss of oxygen, water, and electrical power. The astronauts on board had to fight_________. At the same time, Houston's Mission Control worked hard________the astronauts return to Earth safely.
to breathe
to prevent
to survive
to help
oxygen n.氧气;氧
In 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the ___________________ .
Then... , _________________ completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk,followed by the vehicle ___________ being sent to the moon to study its surface.After that,China launched the ___________________ into space and____________ to dock with it.More recently,China has sent__________to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.
Shenzhou 5 spacecraft
Shenzhou 6 and 7
Jade Rabbit
Tiangong 2 space lab
Tianzhou 1
Chang'e 4
Review the development of China's space industry and fill in the blanks.
1 Search online or in the library for information about China's achievements in space exploration, especially the important technological breakthroughs and space missions. Organise the information into a table like
the one below.
Give a presentation on China's space exploration
China's Space Missions Missions Launch Time Launch Vehicles Astronauts
Mission Goals
Shenzhou 1
Shenzhou 2
Shenzhou 3
Shenzhou 4
Final dressed rehearsal for human flight
20 November 1999
Long March 2F
Test the Long March 2F rocket
10 January 2001
Long March 2F
a monkey, a dog,
and a rabbit
Test life-support systems
25 March 2002
Long March 2F
a dummy
Test life-support systems and faculties for human
30 December 2002
Long March 2F
two dummies
China's Space Missions Missions Launch Time Launch Vehicles Astronauts
Mission Goals
Shenzhou 5
Shenzhou 6
Shenzhou 7
Tiangong 1
Shenzhou 8
Test unmanned docking with Tiangong 1
15 October 2003
Long March 2F
Yang Liwei
First Chinese manned flight
12 October 2005
Long March 2F
Fei Junlong,
Nie Haisheng
Scientific experiments; test orbital module
25 September 2008
Long March 2F
Zhai Zhigang,
Liu Boming,
Jing Haipeng
Scientific experiments ; first Chinese
29 September 2011
Long March 2F/G
Tests for a space station prototype
1 November 2011
Long March 2F
China's Space Missions Missions Launch Time Launch Vehicles Astronauts
Mission Goals
Shenzhou 9
Shenzhou 10
Tiangong 2
16 June 2012
Long March 2F
Jing Haipeng, Liu
Wang,Liu Yang
Test manned docking with Tiangong 1; China's first female astronaut
11 June 2013
Long March 2F
Nie Haisheng,Zhang
Xiaoguang, Wang
Dock with Tiangong 1 and conduct
15 September 2016
Long March 2F
A replacement for Tiangong 2 ;a testing platform for the design of a future Chinese space station
China's Space Missions Missions Launch Time Launch Vehicles Astronauts
Mission Goals
Shenzhou 11
Tianzhou 1
17 October 2016
Long March 2F
Jing Haipeng,
Chen Dong
Dock with Tiangong 2 and test life-support
An automated cargo spacecraft which tested
docking procedures with Tiangong 2
20 April 2017
Long March 7
. Pictures .Interesting stories .Outcomes
.News reports .Videos
2 Get into groups. Each group will be assigned several missions. Prepare for the presentation
by finding out more details.
3 Prepare a slide presentation using the information you have found.
4 Show your slide presentation to the whole class.
curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的;稀奇古怪;奇特;不寻常
be curious about 对……感到好奇
Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.
be curious to do sth. 很想做某事 It is/was curious that... ……是奇怪的
curiously adv. 好奇地 curiosity n. 好奇;好奇心
with curiosity 好奇地 out of curiosity 出于好奇
1. I’m really curious about his life in space. 我真的对他在
Language point
①They were very curious ______ the people who lived upstairs.
②I am also curious ________ (know) what kind of question you have to challenge me.
to know
keen adj. 热衷的;渴望的;敏锐的
She herself was not a keen gardener.
搭配:be keen (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 a keen mind/brain 灵敏 / 敏锐的头脑 
be keen on(doing)sth. 热衷于(做)某事 a keen eye for beauty 对美有敏锐的眼光
词语积累:keenly adv. 强烈地;(观察)敏锐地 keenness n. 渴望;热衷
Language point
2. I’m very keen to know... 我很想知道……
He was _____________ swapping books with friends.
She was ________ acquire more advanced culinary skills.
quite keen on
keen to
Language point
3.Oh, such as what facilities do they have in space to support
their dally life 哦,比如说他们在太空中有什么设施来维持他们的日常生活?
facility n.设施;设备;(机器等的)特别装置
The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.
The museum offers extensive facilities for study.
①The brochure details all the hotels in the area and their________ (设施).
②The museum has special ________(设备)for blind and partially sighted visitors.
4.They must attach themselves to something so as to prevent floating around.
attach v. 贴上;把......固定,把......附在(......上);(使)与…有联系
[语块积累]attach to使贴 (系,粘) 在…...;使相关;使依附说明
We attach labels to things before we file them away.存档前,我们先贴上标签。
Install the screws attaching the mirror to the door. 安装把视镜固定在车门上的螺丝。
① I _______ (附上)a copy of my notes for your information.
②Hang the frame on the wall and use pegs to ______ (把......固定) pictures to the wires.
Language point
Language point
5.The accident on the Apollo 13 space craft resulted in a loss
of oxygen. 阿波罗13号宇宙飞船上的事故造成了损失氧气含量。
oxygen n.氧气;氧
Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
①Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and _______ (氧).
② Blood is the medium in which ________ (氧气) is carried to all parts of the body.
1.curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的;奇特;不寻常
2.keen adj. 热衷的;渴望的;敏锐的
3.facility n.设施;设备;(机器等的)特别装置
4.attach v. 贴上;把......固定,把......附在(......上);(使)与…有联系
5.oxygen n.氧气;氧
1. Read the listening material aloud.
2. Introduce what questions you would like to ask the astronaut and explain the reasons.
3.Review the words, phrases and important sentences in this unit.
4. Search more information about China's space exploration on the Internet.
5.Finish the exercises after class.
1. My parents always a _____ labels to things before they file them way. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2. There was a shortage of _______ (氧气)at the top of the mountain.(根据汉语意思填写单词)
3. Public ________ (设施) such as parks and roads in Changzhou have been greatly improved, giving 1ocals many more choices for relaxation and entertainment. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
4.They were ______ (热切的;渴望的) on going to Europe in the spring.
5. I glanced over to see him studying me with ________ (好奇的) eyes.