Unit 2 After school
(Sound time & Song time& Checkout time) 教学设计
课题 Unit 2 After school 单元 第一单元 学科 英语 年级 四年级
学习目标 语言知识目标能在图片、实物和文本语境的帮助下,熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.能在教师引导下,熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:What day is it today 及回答It’s … 学生能借助图片和文字,能演唱歌曲 Days of the week. 能感知并发现字母a在单词中发音/ /。 (二)思维能力目标能运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语和别人谈论自己的课外活动。 (三)学习能力目标1. 通过pair work等活动,学会与他人合作学习的能力。2. 通过不同的学习任务,学生能有意识地运用所学字、词、句,培养“说英语”的能力。(四)文化品格目标通过本课知识的学习,拓展学生对于课外活动的描述,培养学生开展丰富的课外活动的乐趣。
重点 能运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语和别人谈论自己的课外活动。
难点 能感知并发现字母a在单词中的一般发音规则。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 出示Ticking time 内容 让学生明确本节课的学习目标,能够紧张、高效地学习
讲授新课 Part 1 I can say the days of weekListen to a song Days of the week. Free talkHow many days are there in a week?What are they Play a game Listen and complete__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.That makes a __________, la la la.Let’s singMake a new song__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.__________, la la la.That makes a __________, la la la.Part 2 I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessonsThis is Jill’s timetable.Let’s guessWhat lessons does he have after school Listen and tick邀请若干学生完整地表述表格的内容,以核对答案。如:SI: I play table tennis on Monday and Wednesday. I play basketball on Tuesday and Thursday. I have a swimming lesson on Friday. I skate on Saturday. I play football on Sunday.Let’s sayI have a … lesson on …/I … on …/On …, I …Jill’s weekOn Monday and Wednesday, I have a table tennis lesson after school. I like playing table tennis.On Tuesday and Thursday, I have a basketball lesson after school. I can play basketball well.On Friday, I have a swimming lesson after school. I like swimming.On Saturday, I have a skate lesson. I skate after school.On Sunday, I have a football lesson after school. I like playing football.Part 3 I know the sound of the letter “a” Look and sayWhat is he looking for Listen and completeDad, dad, ________________.________________ and ________________ 这些单词里的a发什么音?Try to readhamburger sandwich snack你能读出这些单词吗?Tips:/ /是短元音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌身低平,嘴巴尽可能地向两边咧开,并逐渐压低舌头和下颚,振动声带。Make a new soundDad, dad, where’s the __________.Where’s my__________ and where’s my_________ Let’s play请你把单词放到正确的位置 跟唱歌曲S: Four/...游戏活动,复习单词听录音,填空改编歌曲S: Maybe he has a … lesson.播放录音,学生在表格相应位置打钩用这句子来介绍Jill的课外活动吧朗读Jill一周的课外活动S: ...S: Dad, cap, bag, cat.S: / /读单词改编Sound time游戏活动 通过free talk、游戏、听录音填空等形式学习、巩固歌曲,调动学生的学习积极性改编歌曲,使学生能在一定的情景中操练目标语,并提高目标语使用的正确率利用学生所喜爱的猜测游戏,激发学生对篇章的喜爱通过听录音、用重点句型介绍课外活动,通过真实情境的创设,将生活植入课堂,以活泼的游戏形式练习了重点句型。使操练更加充分、到位,使学生对本课要求掌握的重点操练到熟练和自动化的程度,为在实际中运用打好基础阅读文本内容之前进行预测,培养学生的思维能力,为文本理解做好铺垫通过听录音填空、跟读单词、改编绕口令、游戏操练等形式学习Sound time,帮助学生层层递进地熟悉本节课重点句型,为之后的语言产出做好了准备
巩固拓展 Do a surveyI have a … lesson on …. He/ She has a … lesson on ….I … on…. He/ She … on ….On … , I …. On…, he / she … 调查并记录同桌的课外活动或者课 通过设置真实情景,将教材所学的知识与实际生活紧密联系,灵活运用,让课堂任务有了更丰富的内涵
课堂小结 Summary询问今天星期几怎么说?What day is it today 怎么回答?It’s….3)介绍自己的课程怎么说?I have a … lesson on …. Educational EmotionCome on! Variety is the spice of life! 归纳总结知识点 引导学生进行自主总结,再次回顾重点,并进行适时的情感升华,呼应教学目
作业 1. 带着动作演唱歌曲Days of the week。2.搜集更多Sound Time部分含有字母a同时发音为的单词,读一读并记下来。3.用have, has说一说自己和同学或朋友的课外生活。
板书 Unit 2After schoolWhat day is it today It’s … I have a … lesson on ….
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