人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction Words and expressions 单词讲解课件(共12张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction Words and expressions 单词讲解课件(共12张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 129.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-23 13:17:13



1.fiction n.小说 (U):虚构的故事
fictional adj.虚构的 science fiction 科幻小说 sci--fi
2.test out 检验;测试
try out尝试;考验:验证
3.more like更像是:更接近
He claims to be thirty-five years old,but he is probably more like fifty.他自称35岁,但很可能都50岁了.
4.ridiculous 愚蠢的;荒谬的
a ridiculous idea荒唐的主意sound ridiculous听起来荒谬It is ridiculous that-…. 是荒谬的。
absurd adj.荒谬的:荒唐的
5.integrity n.诚实正直:完整;完好
moral integrity骨气;气节
in the integrity完整;原封不动
6.dignity n.庄重:庄严;尊严
with dignity有尊严地 lose dignity失去尊严
a man of dignity有尊严的人
stand on one's dignity保持尊严
7.salary n.薪水:薪金
pay sb a salary支付某人工资
salary raise /increase加薪
8.appointment n.预约;约会;委任
appoint约定;任命:委任 appointed adj.指定的;约定的
make/have an appointment with sb与某人约会
keep/break an appointment 守/违约
have a date约会
appoint sb.as/to be +n. 任命某人担任(某职务)
appoint sb.to do sth 委派某人做某事
at the appointed time 在约定的时间
9.nail n.指甲:址甲;钉子 vt.钉牢;固定
hit the nail on the head正中要害:一针见血,说话中肯
nail sth.on/to sth. 把---钉在---上
nail the signboard on the wall 把招牌钉在墙上
10.guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的
guilt n.犯罪;过失 a sense of guilt内疚感
feel guilty感到内疚 be guilty of有…罪
11.suspend vt.悬;挂;暂停;暂缓
be suspended in…悬浮在…
suspend payment 停止支付
12.dismiss vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除
dismissal n.解雇:开除
dismiss a class下课
dismiss sb from sb'job免职 Class is dismissed.下课.
13.declare vt.表明:宜称:公布declaration n.声明;宣告the Declaration of Independence独立宜言
declare that.…宣布…
declare…to be….将…宣布为…
declare war on-- 向…宣战
declare against sth. 宣称反对---
declare for sth. 宣称赞成---
14.whereas conj.然而;但是;尽管
Some people like fat meat,whereas others hate it.
He is a worker,while I am a doctor.
15.rumour/ rumor n.谣言;传闻
spread rumours about sb散布关于某人的谣言
16.presume vt.&vi假设;假定
presumption n.假定;推论
assume假定:假设 assumption n.假定;假设
I presume so 我想是的。
It is presumed that... 据推测…
17.fare n.车费;船费;飞机票
pay full fare买全票 at half fare半票
a taxi/bus fare出租车/公共汽车费
18.weekly adj.每周的 n.周刊 a news weckly新闻周刊
daily adj.每日的 n.日报
monthly adj.每月的;n.月刊
annual adj.每年的 n.年刊
19.on a ...basis 根据;以…的方法
on a regular basis定期地 on the basis of 以---为基础
20.calculate vt.计算;核算;预测
calculation n.计算
21.chairman n.女主席;女董事长;女委员长
Chairman of the board董事长;理事长
22.alien n.外星人;外国人 adj.外星的:外国的
alien culture.异域文化an alien friend外国朋友
23.pros and cons事物的利与弊;支持与反对
advantages and disadvantages ;strengths and weaknesses
24.blurred adj.模期不清的;难以区分的
a blurred picture模糊的图片 blurred vision 模糊的视力
blur vt.弄脏;使…模期 n.污点;模糊
25.superior adj.更好的;占优势的:更高的
superiority n.优越性;优势
be/become superior to比…更好;更胜一筹
be inferior to比…差;次于…;
be senior to比…年长;比…资格深
26.take over占上风;取而代之;接管;接手
take over a company接管公司
拓展:take in吸收;欺骗;理解;收留take on呈现;雇佣
take back收回;带回take up占据;拿起;从事
27.inaction n.无行动;不采取措施
inactive adj.不活动的;停用的;惰性的
inaccurate;incorrect ;inexpensive;inconvenient;independent;indifferent不关心的;不在乎的
28.conflict with与…冲突或抵触
in conflict with sb与某人冲突
the conflict between…and…和.…之间的冲突
come into conflict with sb与某人发生冲突
29.labour(labor) n.劳动(者);体力劳动 vi.奋斗;努力工作
Labour's Day 劳动节
manual labour体力劳动
labour force劳动力 labour to do sth努力做某事
30.inch n.英寸(长度单位,等于2.s4厘米)【pl】inches inch by inch一点点地 by inches差一点
Give him an inch and he will take a mile.
31.backwards/backward adv.往回;向后;倒着
count backwards倒数
forwards adv.向前;今后
backwards and forwards来回地
32. grip vt/vi紧握;抓紧grip--gripped--gripped--gripping
grip one's attention吸引某人的注意力
grip the rope抓紧绳子
grip hands紧紧握手
33.hazy adj.模糊的;朦胧的:困惑的
a hazy image模物的图像 go hazy变得模糊
34.fetch vt.(去)拿来;(去)请来
fetch sb sth/fetch sth to sb为某人拿来某物
35.turn out 关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是
turn out结果是+形容词/that从句/to be…
拓展:turn up调高;出现 turn down调低;拒绝
turn on打开turn off关掉 turn in上交
36.pace n.速度;步伐;节奏 vt/vi确定速度;调整节奏
at a…pace以…步伐 at a… speed以…速度
keep pace with 与…并驾齐驱
37.fall away(逐渐)减少;消失fall--fell--fallen
拓展:fall behind落后fall over摔倒 fall asleep入睡
fall ill生病 fall in love with爱上
38.division n.分开;分割;差异;除(法)
a division of.…的分歧
divide vt.划分;分成 divide sth into…把.…分成(若干部分)dividing line分界线
39.puff n.(烟、气等的)一缕;少量;喘息
out of puff 气喘吁吁 a puff of smoke一缕青烟
40. urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐urgent adj.急迫的;紧迫的 urgency n.紧迫;急迫
have/feel an urge to do sth有强烈的欲望做某事
urge sb to do sth/into doing催促某人做某事
urge that…(should)do sth极力主张,.
It's urged that…(should)do sth极力主张---
41.random adj.随机的;不可思议的
randomly adv.任意地;随便地
at random随便地;任意地
42.maximum adj.最大极限的n.最大量:最大限度
minimum adj.最低的;最小的 n.最小量
at a minimum至少
at maximum speed以最快的速度
a maximum of 300 words
43.explode vt/vi.爆炸;爆破 explosion n.爆炸;爆发
explode with anger/rage勃然大怒
explode into laughter 突然大笑起来
set off explosion引起爆炸
44.jolt n.震动;摇晃;颠簸 vt/vi.(使)震动;摇晃
jolted adj.感到震惊的 be jolted by被…震惊
45.flip vt/vi.(使)快速翻转;(用手指)轻抛
flip at 扔向
46.stun vt.使震惊;使昏迷
stunning adj.极具吸引力的;令人惊奇的
stun---stunned --stunned
be stunned by one's beauty赞叹某人的美丽
47.mud n.泥;泥浆
muddy adj.泥泞的
48.overstatement n.夸大;夸张
overstate vt.夸大;夸张