高中英语新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art 单元测试卷(含答案)


名称 高中英语新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art 单元测试卷(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-23 15:31:16



高中英语新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art 单元测试卷
(考试时间:100分钟 分值:100分)
班级:_________ 姓名:__________ 得分:__________
This book describes the development of a __________ (原始的) society.
These are computer design tools that work in three __________ (维).
She soon acquired a __________ (名声) as a first-class cook.
More and more __________ (贵族成员) made Moscow their home during Catherine’s reign.
Be careful to avoid being __________ (主观的) and one-sided.
He studied __________ (雕塑) because he enjoyed working with clay.
The town raised a __________ (纪念碑) to those killed in the war.
Heavy reliance on one __________ (客户) is risky when you are building up a business.
__________ (当代的) cars are more streamlined than older ones.
The town fell into a __________ (衰落) after the mine closed.
She pronounced the word very slowly and __________ (precise).
This country needs __________ (invest) in education.
He’s become the target for a lot of __________ (criticise) recently.
The company intends a slow-down in __________ (expand).
She is one of the most __________ (influence) figures in local politics.
__________ (arch) windows are a typical characteristic of architecture in that area.
The town has changed beyond __________ (recognise) since I was last here.
He explained the journey __________ (visual) by use of pictures.
The singer is regarded as a __________ (represent) of the youth of her generation.
There was a new mood of __________ (realistic) among the leaders at the peace talks.
1. 特别是海外销售大约增长了10%。
_____________, overseas sales increased by about 10 percent.
2. 给特殊客人坐的椅子与其他椅子分开了。
The chair was _____________ the others for the special guest.
3. 人皆好名,我则不然。
Others may _____________ titles and honors, but I am not.
4. 这个称呼他可能当之无愧。
This is a name he may _____________.
5. 我要是能使他起死回生该多好啊!
I wish I could __________ him back __________!
British Museum
Located in Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, the British Museum houses a vast collection of world art and artifacts and is free to all visitors. The British Museum’s remarkable collection spans over two million years of human history and culture, and it has more than 7 million objects, so it would probably take a week to see everything.
Over 6 million visitors every year experience the collection, including world famous objects such as the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies.
Admission and opening times
Free, open daily 10:00 to 17:30.
Open until 20:30 on Fridays, except Good Friday.
Closed on 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January.
Large luggage, suitcases and cabin baggage
For everyone’s safety, all bags, packages and personal items may be searched before entry. Wheeled cases and large items of luggage are not allowed in the British Museum for safety and security reasons. Storage for luggage is available at major rail stations, including Euston, King’s Cross and Charing Cross.
Membership allows you to discover 2 million years of human history with free unlimited entry to special exhibitions, an exclusive discount offer on magazine subscription and many more benefits.
Individual membership: 74
Under 26 membership: 54
Young friends (ages 8-15): 25
The Museum has four shops where you can buy books, souvenirs, and family gifts.
1. When can you visit the British Museum
A. At 9:00 on Friday. B. At 12:00 on Monday.
C. On Christmas Day. D. On Good Friday.
2. Where can visitors store their large luggage
A. At major train stations.
B. At some crossings.
C. In the hall of the Museum.
D. At the entrance to the Museum.
3. If two friends aged 14 and 18 apply for membership of the British Museum, how much should they pay
A. 25. B. 50. C. 79. D. 148.
A painting stamped with more than 4.8 million fingerprints and cost over 80,000 yuan in paper has set the Guinness World Record for the largest fingerprint painting.
The fingerprint painting, named Descendants of the Dragon, was created by Kuang Xianpeng, a 35-year-old painter from Zhuzhou, Hunan Province. It describes a mix of nine Chinese dragons and six arts in ancient Chinese culture.
With a surface area of 1195.14 square meters, 51.526 meters long and 23.195 meters wide, the whole painting used 685 pieces of xuan paper and took Kuang over two years to complete. It also took 40 volunteers two whole days to lay out the painting for Guinness certification officer to measure.
Kuang said it was a very arduous journey, and he had used up all his spare time to finish the work. “It was very hard to master the amount of strength you put in your fingers,” he said. “You can’t press too hard or too light. Otherwise, your prints will blur. I have wasted over 300 pieces of paper due to blurred fingerprints.”
The Guinness certification officer Luo Qiong said this world record wasn’t easy to earn. She said each fingerprint must be clear, the painting must have more than four different colors, and the distance between each fingerprint mustn’t be more than 1 centimeter.
The world record for this category had been broken 15 times since 2014, with the previous one set by an Indian with a work measuring 1,188 square meters.
Before this painting, Kuang had spent 14 years in drawing a pen-and-ink painting of 247 meters long and 1.6 meters wide, telling stories of historical myths. He also said he would never stop exploring more creative works.
4. What can we know about the painting created by Kuang Xianpeng
A. It’s worth at least 80,000 yuan.
B. It measures 1,188 square meters.
C. It took him 14 years to complete it.
D. It consists of over 4.8 million fingerprints.
5. Which of the following best explains “arduous” underlined in paragraph 4
A. Difficult. B. Satisfying.
C. Thrilling. D. Frightening.
6. What’s probably the key factor in creating the work
A. The colors of paints.
B. The amount of strength.
C. The quality of xuan paper.
D. The distance of fingerprints.
7. What is Kuang Xianpeng like according to the text
A. He is full of creativity.
B. He is full of imagination.
C. He is very courageous.
D. He is rich in experience.
In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced a period of artistic prosperity known as the Dutch Golden Age. During this period, artists found inspiration in Northern Renaissance painting techniques, contributing to masterpieces like Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. Known as the “Mona Lisa of the North”, this painting represents the best of Dutch art and it has become one of the most beloved paintings in art history.
Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer is famous for his paintings of contemporary Delft, a city in Holland where the artist was born, lived and died. Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s most well-known work of art. However, it did not attain international fame at its time of completion. That came about at the end of the 20th century, when it was featured in a special exhibition in Washington, D.C.
Girl with a Pearl Earring does not show a specific person. Instead, it shows an unknown girl dressed in grand clothing, who is “like a vision coming from the darkness” and “belongs to no specific time or place”, art historian Arthur K. Wheelock explained.
Vermeer is known for his ability to create shapes and forms using light rather than lines. This characteristic approach is particularly evident in Girl with a Pearl Earring. First, he would “invent”, or create an initial drawing on the canvas. Then, he made a single colored underpainting (底层色). Next, he added color. And, finally, in order to make the piece extraordinarily bright, he would apply a thin layer of glaze (釉) to certain parts of the painting.
In addition to its fascinating context and appealing beauty, the piece is celebrated for the mystery that surrounds it. “When you think about Mona Lisa, she is also looking at us, but she isn’t engaging — she’s sitting back in the painting, self-contained,” Tracy Chevalier, the author of The New York Times’ best-selling historical novel, Girl with a Pearl Earring, points out. “While the girl with a pearl earring in the painting is right there — there is nothing between her and us. She has this magical quality of being incredibly open and yet mysterious at the same time — and that is what makes her so appealing.”
8. What inspired the creation of the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring
A. The appearance of the girl.
B. Vermeer’s international fame.
C. Previous artists’ painting skills.
D. Encouragement from other artists.
9. What do we know about the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring
A. It is set in the artist’s birthplace.
B. It makes the artist famous overnight.
C. It describes a particular and famous girl.
D. It is regarded as a match for Mona Lisa.
10. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about
A. The subject of the painting.
B. Techniques used in the painting.
C. The historic value of the painting.
D. The mystery behind the painting.
11. How does Tracy comment on the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring
A. By citing a theory.
B. By giving a definition.
C. By offering an example.
D. By making a comparison.
The MacDowell Colony is one of America’s best-known artist colonies. It is a place where artists of all types can sweep away distractions (分神之事) and just create.
MacDowell’s operations are funded by foundations, corporations and individuals. Writers, composers, photographers, filmmakers and sculptors — both famous and unknown — compete for the 32 free studios at the place. Once accepted, an artist can stay for as little as a couple of weeks, or as long as a couple of months.
When they arrive, artists find a kind of isolation (隔绝) hard to find in our world. There’s no phone. No fax. No friends. No family. It’s just a cabin in the snowy woods.
Writer Emily Raboteau lives in New York City. She came to MacDowell to work on a novel. She received a desk, chairs, pencils and paper — and ice grippers. The walk from one isolated, one-room studio to another is icy, so colony residents fasten the ice grippers to the bottom of their shoes.
Another colony resident, Belfast composer Elaine Agnew, plays a piece called “To a Wild Rose” written by Edward MacDowell. She says it’s so famous that every pianist in the world has played the tune. A hundred years ago, MacDowell owned the land where the colony now sits. He liked its isolation and his ability to get work done there. After his death, his wife, Marion, encouraged other artists to come.
And for the last century, artists have accepted the invitation, coming to step outside of their daily lives for a short time. Privacy is respected, but cooperation and discussion is common.
Screenwriter Kit Carson — who wrote Texas Chainsaw Massacre II and the film adaption of Sam Shepherd’s play Paris, Texas — has visited MacDowell twice. He says that the interdisciplinary (学科间的) discussion there is valuable.
“You sit around at dinner, talking, and then somebody runs off and brings you back some stuff and shows it to you,” he says. “That, I didn’t realize, is part of the magic here, because people are really open to showing their opinions here.”
12. Who sponsored MacDowell’s operations
A. Artists of all types.
B. The government and individuals.
C. Foundations, corporations and individuals.
D. Writers, composers, filmmakers and sculptors.
13. What can we learn about colony residents
A. They find it hard to survive the loneliness.
B. They usually stay in the colony for months.
C. They are already famous in their own field.
D. They are nearly cut off from the outside world.
14. Why is Elaine Agnew mentioned in the text
A. To show respect for MacDowell.
B. To admire her great musical talent.
C. To introduce the origin of the colony.
D. To tell us the wide range of the residents.
15. Which of the following could be the best title for the text
A. Artists and Their Dreams
B. Wonderland for Artists
C. Creativity at Work
D. Power of Silence
Teach children to paint, and you will offer them a world of creativity that can last a lifetime. Start when children are young, and they will not feel the sting of criticism. 1
When you decide to teach a child to paint, don’t base the venture (冒险) on your experience.
2 Or, your willingness to make mistakes. You don’t have to be good, you just have to be there.
3 Instruct the child to pick a paint color that will be the background. The entire cardboard should be painted with this color, or a mixture of colors.
After the first paint has dried somewhat, help the child decide what they want to do next. Paint a flower A puppy It doesn’t matter. Let the young artist know there will be plenty of paint days in their future. 4
Teaching your child to paint shouldn’t be too expensive. Think about investing a little in some paint supplies for future endeavors (活动). Royal and Langnickel offers an art supply kit that is great for beginners. See www.. We have some art supply kits purchased there that are $20, and include acrylics, oils, brushes, reusable palettes, and pastels.
5 This will make the child more willing to learn. Be sure to have more paint days, eventually explaining some color theory or art history. For other art ideas, see www..
A. This is just the beginning.
B. Use cardboard for the first few projects.
C. Instead, they will grow confident in their ability.
D. Children are fascinated by art and love to experience it first-hand.
E. Show the children examples of famous works of art throughout history.
F. Just have fun with it, and let the child learn from your willingness to teach.
G. Once the child has completed a masterpiece, display it with pride in an area they spend time in, such as their room.
Have you ever watched an artist paint a picture He or she works close to the canvas
1 small sections at a time in the process of completing the whole painting.
But every once in a while, the artist must step back from his/her work and look at the whole picture. Only by stepping away from what they’re working on can they 2 the proper perspective. The proper point of view is 3 to the end result.
It’s no difference for any other creation. 4 it’s a business, a project or your life, you need to step back sometimes in order to get it right. From a 5 , you can see things you can’t see when you’re close. The difference is in working on your project instead of working in it. It’s all too easy to focus on something but 6 the important parts needed to create a satisfying result.
Stephen Covey calls it “ 7 the saw (锯)”. It would be 8 to keep sawing without stopping from time to time to make your tool sharper. But unfortunately, that’s what too many of us 9 .
Just like music, we need spaces between the notes in order to create the lovely melody. A continuous collection of notes with no spaces is not good — it’s 10 .
You may need to take a vacation to 11 work or study. At other times, it’s better to take a course or attend a meeting to 12 some new ideas. Sometimes, it may be better to take a complete break, to go away and just do something totally 13 — take on a volunteer project, build a house for Habitat for Humanity or some other worthy causes.
The important thing is to take the breaks. Without them, we are not 14 and we don’t enjoy our work or our life as much. Our pressure 15 and both our work and our health suffer.
1. A. picking B. painting C. losing D. enjoying
2. A. turn B. change C. gain D. give
3. A. important B. special C. ordinary D. popular
4. A. Although B. Where C. Because D. Whether
5. A. height B. depth C. distance D. length
6. A. meet B. destroy C. collect D. miss
7. A. repairing B. sharpening C. touching D. hiding
8. A. foolish B. interesting C. clever D. practical
9. A. notice B. do C. find D. lose
10. A. music B. noise C. sound D. pollution
11. A. look forward toB. catch up with C. get away from D. work hard at
12. A. obtain B. prove C. desert D. explain
13. A. difficult B. necessary C. common D. different
14. A. native B. creative C. attractive D. sensitive
15. A. reduces B. disappears C. increases D. improves
Stephen Wiltshire, a British architectural artist, is known for his ability 1 (draw) a landscape from memory after seeing it just once.
Stephen Wiltshire was born in London in 1974. Aged three, he was diagnosed with autism (自闭症). He had no language and lived 2 (entire) in his own world. Actually, it was not until at the age of nine 3 he learned to speak fully. Aged five, Wiltshire was sent to Queensmill School in London, 4 he expressed interest in drawing. He communicated
5 the world through the language of drawing, first animals, then London buses, and finally buildings.
Wiltshire can look at a subject once and then draw 6 accurate and detailed picture of it. He frequently draws entire cities from memory, 7 (base) on single, brief helicopter rides. In May 2005 Wiltshire produced his 8 (long) ever memory drawing of Tokyo on a 64.8 foot long canvas (帆布) within seven days following a helicopter ride over the city. Since then he 9 (draw) Rome, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Madrid, Dubai, London and many other cities.
Today, Stephen Wiltshire’s works have gained worldwide popularity and are held in a number of important 10 (collect).
假定你是李华,暑假期间你们学校准备接待来自英国的友好学校访问团一行,请你代表学校给访问团的负责人Mr Colbert写一封邮件,介绍一下为期一周的交流活动和注意事项。要点如下:
1. 体验中国文化,如学习剪纸和书法;
2. 游览黄山;
3. 几点温馨提示。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mr Colbert,
I am more than pleased to learn that you and your students will come to our school for a one week visit. __________________________________________________________________
I’m looking forward to seeing you in Anhui.
Li Hua
一、1. primitive 2. dimensions 3. reputation 4. nobles 5. subjective
6. sculpture 7. memorial 8. client 9. Contemporary 10. decline
二、1. precisely 2. investment 3. criticism 4. expansion 5. influential
6. Arched 7. recognition 8. visually 9. representative 10. realism
三、1. In particular
2. set apart from
3. be fond of
4. be worthy of
5. bring; to life
1. B 细节理解题。根据Admission and opening times部分提到的“Free, open daily 10:00 to 17:30.”可知,你可以在星期一中午12点去参观。故选B。
2. A 细节理解题。根据Large luggage, suitcases and cabin baggage部分最后一句“Storage for luggage is available at major rail stations, including Euston, King’s Cross and Charing Cross.”可知,游客可以在主要的铁路站寄存行李。故选A。
3. C 数字计算题。根据Membership部分的“Under 26 membership: 54; Young friends (ages 8-15): 25”可知,他们申请会员证需要79(54+25)英镑。故选C。
4. D 细节理解题。根据第一段“A painting stamped with more than 4.8 million fingerprints and cost over 80,000 yuan in paper has set the Guinness World Record for the largest fingerprint painting.”可知,指印画上印有超过480万个指印。故选D。
5. A 词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“With a surface area of 1195.14 square meters, 51.526 meters long and 23.195 meters wide, the whole painting used 685 pieces of xuan paper and took Kuang over two years to complete.”可知,完成这幅指印画绝非易事,所以arduous的意思是“困难的”。故选A。
6. B 细节理解题。根据第四段匡仙鹏所述“You can’t press too hard or too light. Otherwise, your prints will blur.”可知,指印画关键在于把控手指按压力度,不能太重也不能太轻。故选B。
7. A 推理判断题。通读全文尤其是文章最后一句“He also said he would never stop exploring more creative works.”可知,匡仙鹏乐于探索,富有创造力。故选A。
8. C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“During this period, artists found ... by Johannes Vermeer.”可知,Johannes Vermeer从北方文艺复兴时期的绘画技巧中获得灵感,创作了《戴珍珠耳环的少女》。故选C。
9. D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Known as the ‘Mona Lisa of the North’ ... most beloved paintings in art history.”可知,这幅画被称为“北方的《蒙娜丽莎》”。故选D。
10. B 段落大意题。通读第四段可知,该段主要介绍了《戴珍珠耳环的少女》所使用的绘画技巧,如利用光线而不是线条来创造形状等。故选B。
11. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,Tracy将《戴珍珠耳环的少女》和《蒙娜丽莎》两幅作品进行比较,说明了《戴珍珠耳环的少女》吸引人的原因。故选D。
12. C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“MacDowell’s operations are funded by foundations, corporations and individuals.”可知,是一些基金会、公司和个人资金赞助麦克道威尔文艺营的运营。故选C。
13. D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“sweep away distractions (分心之事)”和第三段的内容可知,艺术家们在麦克道威尔文艺营基本与世隔绝,这样他们才能更安心地创作。故选D。
14. C 推理判断题。通读第五段内容可知,作者在第五段提到作曲家Elaine Agnew以及她演奏麦克道威尔的名曲《致野玫瑰》,是为了引出麦克道威尔文艺营的起源。故选C。
15. B 标题概括题。文章介绍了麦克道威尔文艺营。很多艺术家竞相来到这里,创作的灵感在寂寥无人处得以迸发。文章引用了几位艺术家的实例来突出表现该文艺营的独特之处。因此B项“艺术家们的奇境之地”最能概括文章大意。故选B。
1. C 上文提到“... and they will not feel the sting of criticism”,C项“然而,他们会对自己的能力有信心”与上文形成了对照,符合语境。故选C。
2. F 上文提到“当决定教孩子绘画时,不要拿自己的经验来冒险”,再根据下文的“Or, your willingness to make mistakes.”可知,F项“只要玩得开心就行,让孩子从你的教学意愿中学习”与上下文语境相符。故选F。
3. B 根据下文的“Instruct the child to pick a paint color that will be the background.”可知,这是教孩子绘画的开始,结合后面的“The entire cardboard ...”可知,B项符合语境。故选B。
4. A 根据“Let the young artist know there will be plenty of paint days in their future.”可知,未来还有很多绘画的日子,因此,这只是一个开始。故选A。
5. G 根据下文的“This will make the child more willing to learn.”中的This可知,上文应该提到一种做法,观察选项可知,G项符合该特征。故选G。
1. B 考查动词辨析。结合上一句中的“an artist paint a picture”及空后的“completing the whole painting”可知,此处指艺术家靠近油画布画画(painting)。故选B。
2. C 考查动词辨析。根据上下文语境可知,艺术家走到离画布远一点的地方是为了获得(gain)更恰当的创作视角。故选C。
3. A 考查形容词辨析。根据下一段的内容可知,此处表示合适的视角对作品最后的效果很重要(important)。故选A。
4. D 考查连词辨析。此处表示不管(Whether)是生意、工程还是生活,你都需要适时地往后退一步,才能把事情做好。故选D。
5. C 考查名词辨析。from a distance“从远处”,与后面的“when you’re close”对应。隔一段距离(distance),你能够看到在近处所看不到的东西。故选C。
6. D 考查动词辨析。做事情过于投入会漏掉(miss)一些重要的部分,而这些部分是创造出令人满意的结果所必需的。故选D。
7. B 考查动词辨析。结合语境及后面的“sharper”可知,此处表示“使锯锋利”(sharpening)。故选B。
8. A 考查形容词辨析。根据上文中强调的“后退”的重要性及磨刀不误砍柴工的道理可知,一味工作而不懂得停下来是很愚蠢的(foolish)行为。故选A。
9. B 考查动词辨析。句意:但不幸的是,我们多数人都是这么做(do)的。即一味做事而不懂得停下来。故选B。
10. B 考查名词辨析。空处与上一句中的“the lovely melody”相对应。音符间没有空隙的音乐,毫无旋律可言,这种音乐是噪音(noise)。故选B。
11. C 考查动词短语辨析。也许你需要度假来远离(get away from)工作或学习。look forward to“期待”;catch up with“赶上”;work hard at“努力做”。故选C。
12. A 考查动词辨析。在其他时候,参加课程或会议更能获取(obtain)一些新点子。故选A。
13. D 考查形容词辨析。破折号后面提到的几件可做的事是与平时工作不同的,由此可推断出,挖空处所在句是说,有时候,最好彻底休息一下,走开,去做一些完全不同的(different)事情。故选D。
14. B 考查形容词辨析。不注意休息,我们就不会富有创造力(creative)。此处与上一段第二句中的“new ideas”照应。故选B。
15. C 考查动词辨析。压力增加(increases),我们的工作和健康都会遭受损害。故选C。
1. to draw 考查非谓语动词。ability to do sth.意为“做……的能力”。故填to draw。
2. entirely 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词,应用entire的副词形式。故填entirely。
3. that 考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知,该句使用了强调句型,被强调的是not until引导的时间状语。故填that。
4. where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Queensmill School in London,且在定语从句中作地点状语。故填where。
5. with 考查介词。communicate with是固定搭配,意为“与……交流”。故填with。
6. an 考查冠词。结合句意可知,这里表示泛指,意为“一幅精确而又详细的图画”,且accurate发音以元音音素开头。故填an。
7. based 考查非谓语动词。be based on是固定搭配,意为“以……为基础”,因此此处是过去分词短语作状语。故填based。
8. longest 考查形容词最高级。ever常与最高级连用,表示“有史以来最……的”。故填longest。
9. has drawn 考查动词的时态和语态。根据时间状语“Since then”可知,此处应用现在完成时,且draw和主语he是主动关系。故填has drawn。
10. collections 考查词性转换。a number of后需跟可数名词的复数形式。故填collections。
Dear Mr Colbert,
I am more than pleased to learn that you and your students will come to our school for a one week visit. I am writing to tell you our arrangements.
We are going to pick you up at the train station on July 10th. During the first four days you will have the opportunity to experience Chinese culture in our school. You can learn Chinese paper cutting and calligraphy. On July 14th, you’ll go on a three day trip to Huangshan Mountain, one of the famous tourist attractions in China.
Also, here are some pieces of advice for you. You should pay attention to the traffic rules here. Cars always go along the right side of the road. Besides, it’s necessary for you to take more clothes with you, for it’s much cooler in the mountain.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in Anhui.
Li Hua