The world meets China
Understanding ideas
1. Students could learn to memorize some words and phrases.
2. Students could get the main idea of this passage.
3. Students could write sentences about this topic.
Learning Aims:
gateway / ɡe twe / n. 通向……的门户
oasis / e s s/ n. (沙漠中的)绿洲
glorious / ɡl ri s/ adj. 辉煌的
boast /b st/ v. (地方、机构等)自豪地拥有
grotto / ɡr t / n. 小洞穴
testimony / test m ni/ n. 证据;证明
statue / st t u / n. 雕像;塑像
mural / mj r l/ n. 壁画
religious /r l d s/ adj. 宗教的
Apsaras / ps r s/ n. 飞天
New words!
New words!
immortal / m tl/ n. 神
heavenly / hev( )nli/ adj. 天国的
peak /pi k/ n. 高峰,顶点
Taoist priest 道士
scroll /skr l/ n. 纸卷,卷轴
ceramics /s r m ks/ n. 陶瓷制品
crossroads / kr sr dz/ n. 活动中心,汇集地
expo / eksp / n. 展览会,博览会
strengthen / stre θ( )n/ v. 加强
coverage / k v( )r d / n. 覆盖范围
Answer the questions.
What things makes Dunhuang unique
Because of the Mogao Grottoes, its colourful murals and the Mingsha Mountain.
What else do you know about Dunhuang
莫高窟,坐落于河西走廊的西部尽头的敦煌。它的开凿从十六国时期至元代,前后延续约1000年,这在中国石窟中绝无仅有。它既为中国古代文明的一个璀璨的艺术宝库,也是古代丝绸之路上曾经发生过的不同文明之间对话和交流的重要见证。莫高窟现有洞窟735个,保存壁画4.5万多平方米,彩塑2400余尊,唐宋木构窟檐5座,是中国石窟艺术发展演变的一个缩影,在石窟艺术中享有崇高的历史地位。窟内绘、塑佛像及佛典内容,为佛徒修行、观像、礼拜处所。敦煌石窟是建筑、雕塑、壁画三者结合的立体艺术。 洞窟分南北两区:南区492个洞窟是莫高窟礼佛活动的场所,北区243个洞窟主要是僧人和工匠的居住地,内有修行和生活设施土炕坑、烟道、壁龛、灯台等,但多无彩塑和壁画。
What is the passage most probably from
A travel brochure.
A tour commentary.
A blog.
A lecture.
1 Welcome to Dunhuang! On the old Silk Road, this city was the gateway to and from Ancient China, a place where East met West, and a green island in the middle of the desert. You can only imagine how travellers felt when they saw the oasis of Dunhuang ahead of them.
Try to translate the sentences
the gateway to ……的门口
the entrance to ……的入口
the key to ……的关键
the approach to ……的途径/方法
the solution to ……的解决办法
2 Dunhuang’s long and glorious history represents its significance as a centre of cultural and commercial exchange. Today, Dunhuang is a world-class tourist destination boasting sites with UNESCO-protected heritage status. Now, we are going to enter some of the city’s famous caves, of which there are more than 700. Known as the Mogao Grottoes, these ancient caves were carved out of the rock over a period of 1,000 years. If you look up, you can see the paintings and other artworks that are testimony to how the Silk Road brought East and West together. Look at these statues! You can see elements from Ancient Greece, India and Iran. Now look around the walls of the e a little bit closer so that you can get a better view. Look at them! The murals cover an astonishing area of 45,000 square metres.
Try to translate the sentences
敦煌的英文:Dunhuang (city in Gansu)
The beauty of Dunhuang is unique in the world.
The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is surely a shining pearl on the Silk Road.
Most of the Dunhuang Murals depict Buddhist stories.
They prepared a big exhibition of Dunhuang Art.
The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of ancient Chinese art
3 The subjects of the Dunhuang murals vary from religious stories to scenes of everyday life. But one type of mural that is unique to Dunhuang shows the Apsaras, or “Flying Immortals”. Representations of these heavenly musicians, singers and dancers decorate the walls of many caves. Take a look at this mural. The Apsaras are depicted sailing in the bright blue sky, with their scarves flying, as if they are about to fly down to meet us. And here is another one. Move over here where you can see it in more detail. The Apsaras are holding lotuses, playing musical instruments, dancing and throwing flowers. The painting of Apsaras reached a peak during the Tang Dynasty; these images are full of life, reflecting the confidence and optimism of people from that time.
Try to translate the sentences
4 Now, something really extraordinary happened in 1900, when a Taoist priest made one of the most important finds of the 20th century.In a sealed cave, now known as the famous Library Cave, were hidden thousands ofmanuscripts, paintings and scrolls, as well as silk embroideries. We’ll have a chance to seesome of them shortly – the Library Cave is only a stone’s throw from here. Dating from405 AD to 1002 AD, these hidden treasuresgive us a picture of Dunhuang when it was atthe very centre of the Silk Road trade. Thanks to this ancient library, we now know thatgoods arrived in Dunhuang from as far away as North-east Europe, and that goods were also exported from Dunhuang across Asia and Europe. The scrolls are so detailed that they describe the vast range of goods that were imported and exported from Dunhuang, suchas ceramics, medicine, perfumes and fruit, to name just a few. The scrolls also reveal how many different communities lived side-by-side within this great city. However, the reason why the Library Cave was sealed up all those years ago remains a mystery.
Try to translate the sentences
5 In the Ming Dynasty, trade routes changed and Dunhuang was not as prosperous as it used to be. Gradually, it faded from memory, even though it was once such a great city
6 This century is bringing the Silk Road to life once more through the Belt and Road Initiative. Dunhuang has once again become a global crossroads since it hosted hundreds of representatives from 51 countries for the Silk Road International Cultural Expo in 2017. Given that the theme of the Expo was to promote cultural exchange and strengthen mutual cooperation between the countries along the Silk Road, Dunhuang was the ideal place.
7 Now let’s move on to the next cave…
Try to translate the sentences
Dun Huang Introduction
It is a magnificent art treasures filling the famed Mogao Grottoes, among the ancient and consummate creations in China, carved the time of the Mongolian conquest. The grottoes show an uninterrupted history of Chinese painting, over a period of nearly a thousand years.
The Magao Grottes, popularly known as the Thousand Buddhas Caves, were built on the eastern cliff of Mingsha Mountain, 25 kilometres to the south-east of DunHuang city. In 366 A.D. a monk named Yuezun had a vision of the Buddhas over the Sanwei Mountain opposite the cliff of the Mingsha Mountain, so the devout believer set to build the first cave on the cliff. Since then more and more caves have been excavated over a thousand year. The Grottes is the largest in the world and the best preserved treasure-house of Buddhist art, keeping 492 caves, 45,000 sqpare meters of murals, and about 3,000 painted statues.
Mogao Grottoes 敦煌莫高窟
Chinese painting 中国画 ; 国画
a period of 一段时期
be known as 被称为 ; 被认为是 ; 以…而闻名
cliff 悬崖,绝壁
uninterrupted 未被打断的
Choose the best summary of the passage.
A. The Silk Road was an ancient trade route between East and West, which passed through Dunhuang.
B. The Silk Road city of Dunhuang has a splendid history and is once again a meeting place for people from around the world.
C. In Dunhuang there are grottoes, murals and other sights that attract tourists from all over the world.
its murals
its Library Cave
Faded gradually
It was brought to human life
Welcome to Dunhuang!
Location: Gansu Province
UNESCO-protected heritage sites
the gateway
a centre of cultural and commercial exchange
Caves in Mogao Grottoes:
The caves were carved out of the rock
The statues include elements from
over 1,000 years
Ancient Greece, India and Iran
Coverage: 5_______________________
Topics: 6 _________________________
Also called 7__________________, they represent 8_________________________.
Apsaras painted during the Tang Dynasty are a reflection of the 9_____________________________
during that time.
45,000 square metres
vary from religious stories
to scenes of everyday life
“Flying Immortals”
musicians, singers and dancers
confidence and optimism of people
Library Cave
Discovered inside were 10________________________
These give us 11____________________Dunhuang has once again become 12 ________________.
a global crossroads
manuscripts, paintings,scrolls,embroideries.
a picture of Dunhuang
洞窟编号第96号,初唐(618~705)。 此窟开凿于初唐,窟内的大佛高35.5米,两膝间宽度为12米,是莫高窟的第一大佛。根据敦煌遗书《莫高窟记》记载,这尊大佛为唐代武周证圣元年(695年)由禅师灵隐和居士阴祖所建。是佛国三世中的"未来佛"弥勒佛,即释迦牟尼的"接班人"。大佛的制作方法为石胎泥塑,即在崖壁的石沙岩体上凿出佛像的大体形状,再用草泥垒塑、用麻泥细塑,最后着色而成。这尊大佛因多次重修,已非唐塑原貌,但仍不失雄伟壮观的气势。窟前的建筑为九层楼,因其共有九层而得名,原为四层,晚唐(874~879)年间建成五层,宋初(966年)重
莫高窟 云冈石窟 龙门石窟 麦积山石窟
What is the main idea of the passage
the Belt and Road Initiative will revitalize Dunhuang once again.
Dunhuang has a glorious history.
Dunhuang becomes the world-class tourist destination thanks to Mogao Grottoes.
How the Library Cave was discovered.
What would you most like to see in Dunhuang
What is your understanding of these words
Dunhuang has once again become a global crossroads”
Its history and charm.
Try to write a passage about Dunhuang.
Dun Huang Introduction
It is a magnificent art treasures filling the famed Mogao Grottoes, among the ancient and consummate creations in China, carved the time of the Mongolian conquest. The grottoes show an uninterrupted history of Chinese painting, over a period of nearly a thousand years.
The Magao Grottes, popularly known as the Thousand Buddhas Caves, were built on the eastern cliff of Mingsha Mountain, 25 kilometres to the south-east of DunHuang city. In 366 A.D. a monk named Yuezun had a vision of the Buddhas over the Sanwei Mountain opposite the cliff of the Mingsha Mountain, so the devout believer set to build the first cave on the cliff. Since then more and more caves have been excavated over a thousand year. The Grottes is the largest in the world and the best preserved treasure-house of Buddhist art, keeping 492 caves, 45,000 sqpare meters of murals, and about 3,000 painted statues.
Mogao Grottoes 敦煌莫高窟
Chinese painting 中国画 ; 国画
a period of 一段时期
be known as 被称为 ; 被认为是 ; 以…而闻名
cliff 悬崖,绝壁
uninterrupted 未被打断的
Try to talk your ideas with others
Thank you!