人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around 复习一轮资料(4分打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around 复习一轮资料(4分打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-27 09:11:28


Unit 2
Travelling Around
castle n.城堡;堡垒
visa n.签证
flat adj.平坦的;扁平的
empire n.帝国
emperor n.皇帝
brochure n.资料(或广告)手册
package n.包裹;包装盒
package tour 包价旅游
civilisation n.文明;文明世界
statue n.雕塑;雕像
BCE(=before the Common Era) 公元前
tomb n.坟墓
unearth vt.挖掘;发掘
rent vt.租用;出租
pack vi.& vt.收拾(行李)
source n.来源;出处
site n.地点;位置;现场
type n.类型;种类
vi.& vt.打字
flight n.空中航行;航班;航程
unique adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的
path n.小路;路线;道路
destination n.目的地;终点
contact vt.联络;联系
soldier n.士兵;军人
transport n.交通运输系统
hike vi.徒步旅行
credit n.借款;信用;称赞;学分
request n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求
view n.视野;景色;看法
sight n.景象;视野;视力
comment n.议论;评论
vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
apply vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)
→application n.申请(书);应用
→applicant n.申请人
amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的
→amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的
→amaze vt.使惊奇
→amazement n.惊奇;惊喜
arrangement n.安排;筹备
→arrange vt.& vi.安排;筹备
extremely adv.极其;非常
→extreme adj.极其的;极度的 n.极端;极度
narrow adj.狭窄的 vi.& vt.(使)变窄
→narrowly adv.勉强地;狭隘地
powerful adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的
→power n.能力;力量;权力
→powerless adj.无力的;无能的
official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 n.官员
→office n.办公室
→officer n.军官;官员,高级职员
recognis(z)e vt.辨别出;承认;认可
→recognition n.承认;认可;辨认
accommodation n.住处;膳宿;停留处
→accommodate vt.提供住处;容纳
admire vt.钦佩;赞赏
→admiration n.崇拜;赞赏
→admirable adj.令人赞赏的
architecture n.建筑设计;建筑学
→architect n.建筑设计师
economy n.经济;节约
→economic adj.经济(上)的;经济学的
→economical adj.经济的;实惠的
detail n.细节;详情;细微之处
→detailed adj.详细的;精细的
admission n.准入;入场费
adolescent adj.青春期的
adore vt.崇拜;爱慕
advantage n.优点;好处
aggressive adj.侵略性的;有进取心的
advertisement n.广告
advocate vt.拥护;提倡
afford vt.负担得起(……的费用);提供
apply for 申请
take control of 控制;接管
other than 除……以外
make up 构成;形成
credit card 信用卡
check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记
check out 结账离开(旅馆等)
get ready for 为……做准备
be made of 由……制作成
can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.(强调句型)
Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building.(表语前置引起的倒装)
Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.(so that引导的结果状语从句)
Each statue has a different face,leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier.(现在分词短语作结果状语)
However,no one in modern times knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974,when some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well!(when引导的定语从句)
A travel agency gave me a brochure which included some package tours to Peru.Because I hadn’t 1. for a visa,I refused.But I was amazed that the travel agent said they could make an arrangement for me.
2. happy,I said,“I am going home to pack up my luggage and I will catch my 3. at 8 a.m.tomorrow.” My first destination was the Amazon river,and there I saw different types of animals 4.________ to the Amazon rainforest.Then I saw the statue of an emperor who ruled the powerful Inca Empire before the Spanish took control of it.Later I 5. the architecture and the Inca civilisation.I also went hiking through a narrow path in the Andes Mountains.
My 6. was in a flat with a good view,from where I could catch sight of many amazing tourist sites.When I checked out,I couldn’t find my credit card.It was requested that I should 7. a Chinese official.I told him all details and he 8. for a soldier to transport my luggage to a castle.Suddenly I woke up.Though it was a dream,I recognised it as the most economical travel.
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核 心
vi.申请;请求 vt.涂;敷;应用;运用[application n.申请(书);应用 applicant n.申请人]
apply (to sb) for sth (向某人)申请某物
apply to sb/sth 适用于……
apply sth to...把某物应用/涂抹于……
apply oneself to (doing) sth 致力于/集中精力于(做)某事
(1)He was one of the 30 (apply) for the manager’s position,so he had no confidence in himself.
(2)In my view,the official rule applies all the emergencies that occur.
(3)He fetched some cream,applied it the wound with care and rushed me to the hospital.(读后续写之动作链描写)
you offered in yesterday’s newspaper.
I’m writing to apply to you for the position
(5)If you apply yourself to your learning,you can make much more progress sooner or later.
→ much more progress sooner or later.(用“祈使句+and+陈述句”改写)
→ much more progress sooner or later.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)
Apply yourself to your learning,and you can make
Applying yourself to your learning,you can make
be amazed at/by...对……感到惊讶
be amazed to do sth 对做某事感到惊奇
be amazed that...对……吃惊
to one’s amazement让某人惊讶的是
adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的(amaze vt.使惊讶 amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的;惊讶的 amazement n.惊讶)
(1)I am amazed (find) that my son often contacts an architect in private.
to find
(2)It is (amaze) that the huge statue is carved from a single block of stone.
,she feels as if all the air were to disappear and people around the world were watching her.
,it was the video that made me become a web celebrity,which made me float on air.
Amazed and embarrassed
To my amazement
make arrangements/an arrangement for...为……做安排
arrange to do sth 安排去做某事
arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事
n.安排;筹备(常用复数形式)(arrange v.筹备;安排;整理)
(1)The director specially arranged for a person (rent) the castle to make a film.
to rent
(2)We arranged (watch) an English film from 16∶00 to 17∶00 at our school theatre tomorrow.(话题写作之学校生活)
to introduce traditional Chinese culture to foreigners.
to watch
Our school is to make arrangements for a theme class meeting
be recognised as/to be...被公认为……
It is recognised that...人们公认……
beyond/out of recognition认不出来
vt.辨认出;承认;认可(recognition n.认出;承认)
(1)In the past few decades,our city has changed so much that it is now beyond (recognise).
①Online learning an important way to study recently.
has been recognised as/to be
It has been recognised that online learning is an important way to
study recently.
contact sb at...通过(邮箱、电话等)与某人联系
get into/make contact with和……取得联系
stay/keep in contact with与……保持联系
be out of/lose contact with与……失去联系
vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触
(1)Taking on this challenge will bring you in contact someone who shares your interests.(2020·江苏)
(2)十年前我和这位士兵取得联系,因此我们已经彼此联系十年了。 在我看来,我们再也不会失去联系了。
I the soldier ten years ago,so we ________
each other for ten years.In my view,we ___
each other again.
If you want to know more details about the activity,__________________
got into/made contact with
stayed/kept in contact with
never lose contact with
please contact Li Hua
at sb’s request=at the request of sb 应某人的请求、要求
request sb to do sth
request that sb (should) do sth
It is requested that sb (should) do sth
n.& vt.要求;请求
(1)Our travel agency offers a couple of package tours the request of tourists.
(2)Our teacher requested that we (exchange) our ideas on learning regularly.
→Our teacher requested us (exchange) our ideas on learning regularly.
(should) exchange
to exchange
personal information online.
用法点拨 动词request后的宾语从句及名词request之后的表语从句或同位语从句的谓语动词要用“should do”,should可以省略。
It is requested that anyone who wants to apply for the course (should)
in one’s view=from one’s point of view在某人看来
in view of考虑到;鉴于
have a good view of...清楚地看到;饱览
n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;看待
(1)Arriving at our destination on the mountain top through a small path,I finally had a good view the castle.
(2)Liang Sicheng was viewed one of the best architects of his generation.
Although the present isn’t worth much,I value it very much.__________
From my
point of view/In my view,it’s the love contained in it that really counts
,I finally determined to hand in all the money I earned,so I sprinted home.
In view of my family’s awkward situation
强调句的基本句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分.
强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他
not...until...结构的强调句型:It is/was not until...that...
It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.正是由于这个原因,西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。
(1)It was my head teacher I respect most helped me out whenever I was in trouble.(2020·全国Ⅰ,书面表达)
I firmly believe that I will adapt to the college life as soon as possible.
he sank into hopelessness
It is with your generous help that
Was it because Jack learnt the result of the examination that
made his eyes twinkle with excitement
(5)I didn’t realize a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness until I experienced the event.(读后续写之助人与善举升华句)
→Not until I experienced the event a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness.(用倒装句改写)
→ I realized a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness.(用强调句改写)
What was it that
did I realize
It was not until I experienced the event that
用法点拨 (1)记住句式结构,不管强调人或物都可用that;强调人时可用who。
(2)强调句与定语从句的区别:①强调句的特点:去掉it is/was和that/who后句子结构完整,意义清楚。②时间、地点状语前是否有介词是判断这两种句式的关键。
At this point,it is not clear why dogs seem to be equipped with the ability to recognize different facial expressions in humans.
When people attend a concert,they are paying for music,sure,maybe even hotel rooms,meals,and transport,but they also gain an incredible experience,a unique atmosphere and a memory that will go through the rest of their lives.(2021·天津6月)
Activities there range from whale watching to hiking and accommodations aim to have a low impact on the natural environment.(2021·全国乙)
It’s a good idea to choose an alternative destination in case your first-choice tourist spot is not available.(2021·天津6月)
If there is truly a concern about a professor’s professionalism or ability,be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments.(2019·全国Ⅲ)
(1)The expert recommended a perfect way to narrow the gap between imports and exports. __
(2)There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. __
(3)Obviously,it was a narrow victory,by only five votes. __
A.adj.狭窄的 B.adj.勉强的 C.v.使……变窄
(1)Women officers make up 13 percent of the police force. ___
(2)Actually I think it’s very unkind of you to make up stories about him.
(3)She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs. ___
(4)You must focus on your study from now on and try to make up the time lost in the past.                         ___
A.化妆 B.组成,构成 C.弥补 D.编造
2.make up
(1)The editor needed a flat surface to write on. ____________
(2)Overseas visitors are attracted to the beautiful sights of Beijing.
1.The moment he entered the school,the freshman applied (be) a volunteer for the movement.
2.It’s (amaze) that the editor prefers ballet to literature.
3.Obviously,some adults are not content with the __________________
(arrange) of their accommodation.
4. Actually,the solution was recognised the best one to solve the challenging problem.
to be
5.The expert requests teenagers (focus) on what
they are doing and be responsible for their behaviour.
6.From my window I can have a good view the greenhouse.
7.Unfortunately,they lost contact each other after they graduated from college.
8.As a matter of fact,it was the title rather than the content made us confused.
to focus/(should) focus
9.After hearing his adventure stories,I admired him his survival skills.
10.My trip (make) up of challenges,but this is what attracts me most.
返 回
is made
写 作
应师生的要求,我们学校图书馆一楼开放了一个自习室。(at the request of)
At the request of students and teachers,a self-study room has been opened on the first floor of our school library.
因此,我写信邀请你体验自习室,自习室被公认为是一个自主学习或者合作学习的理想场所。(be recognized as)
So I am writing to invite you to experience the room,which is recognized as an ideal place to study independently or cooperatively.
It is some basic facilities,such as free wireless network,that make the room enjoy great popularity.
如果您接受我真诚的邀请,我会为你做些相关的安排。(make arrangements for)
If you accept my sincere invitation,I will make relevant arrangements for you.
请打电话13705374737联系我。(contact sb at)
Please contact me at 13705374737.
amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的
→amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的
admire vt.钦佩;赞赏
extremely adv.极其,非常
view n.视野;景色;看法
sight n.景象;视野;视力
pack vi.& vt.收拾(行李) vt.包装
hike vi.徒步旅行 vt.去……远足
request n.& vt.要求;请求
comment vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
I _______________David and he was .Seeing me,he held my hands tightly,whimpering,“Our school’s coach has
participate in the cross-country run or not.I am afraid that the kids from other schools will .” Although a brain disease prevented him from walking or running like other children,his classmates ___________________________________
was that he promised to run and he swung his feet toward the starting line.
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caught sight of
extremely frustrated
requested that I decide whether to
comment on me
viewed him as a regular kid and admired
him for his amazing determination
what made me amazed必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around
Where to find money that can help you pay for a college or university after high school.
The Student Assistance Program(SAP)
It is a provincial student support program,offering a mix of financial assistance to thousands of students each year.You can only be suitable for SAP if you don’t get enough money from other sources to cover your college or university expenses.The income that you report to SAP generally needs to match what you report to the school when you file your taxes.
You can use the online calculator to help.You’ll see how much financial assistance you could be suitable to receive from SAP.
Financial Aid from Schools
You can check with the school directly to see what financial aid programs they offer.You could be suitable for assistantships,scholarships,work-study programs and summer employment opportunities.These are all sources of money you don’t have to pay back.
Emergency Loans
Most schools also offer emergency loans.For example,you could be suitable for a short-term loan (90 days) to cover tuition,if you’re waiting for SAP to arrive.Banks,trust companies and credit unions offer student loans and lines of credit.Talk to your financial institution for more information.
It’s a good idea to save money from a summer job or job you hold throughout the year to help pay for your education.Your parents or other relatives might also be able to contribute to education costs.
Another option is to consider investing savings through a bank/financial institution—so that money can earn interest—if you plan to go to college or university in the future.
Extra Assistance
Some students,such as those with disabilities or who receive social assistance,may be suitable for additional student aid.
1.What kind of financial assistance does SAP offer
A.Banking methods.
B.Education expenses.
C.Future job funds.
D.Campus medical costs.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据The Student Assistance Program(SAP)部分中的“It is a provincial student support program,offering a mix of financial assistance to thousands of students each year...cover your college or university expenses.”可知,这个项目资助学生的教育费用。故选B。
2.Which of the following aids must be repaid in a short time
A.Assistantships. B.Self-fund.
C.Emergency loans. D.Additional aid.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据Emergency Loans部分中的“...you could be suitable for a short-term loan (90 days) to cover tuition...”可知,Emergency loans的款项需要在90日之内偿还。故选C。
3.What may one learn from Self-fund
A.Academic instructions.
B.Online courses.
C.After-school programs.
D.Investment methods.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据Self-fund部分中的“Another option is to consider investing savings through a bank/financial institution—so that money can earn interest—if you plan to go to college or university in the future.”可知,在Self-fund学生可以学到一些投资方法。故选D。
A recent study has followed the origins,or beginnings of the family of languages that include modern Japanese,Korean,Turkish and Mongolian.The findings show a shared genetic ancestor for the hundreds of millions of people who speak what the researchers call Transeurasian(跨欧亚的) languages.Such languages had their origin with millet farmers who lived in an area in northeastern China about 9,000 years ago.Millet is a small,round whole grain.It was an important early crop as hunter-gatherers became farmers.
The study’s findings show how the use of agriculture following the Ice Age powered the movements of some of the world’s major language families.The research highlights the complex beginnings of modern populations and cultures.
Martine Robbeets,head of the Archaeolinguistic Research Group,said people often think of Japan,Korea and China as powerful nations representing one language,one culture and one people.“All languages,cultures and humans,including those in Asia,are mixed,”Robbeets said.“Accepting that the roots of one’s language,culture or people lie beyond the present national boundaries is to surrender identity,which some people are not yet prepared to make.”
The researchers studied data of vocabulary from the 98 languages.They identified a group of words related to agriculture and created a language family tree.The researchers examined data from 255 archaeological sites in China,Japan,Korea and eastern Russia.They studied ancient objects including pottery,stone tools and plant and animal remains.They also included the dating of 269 ancient crop remains from different areas.
The researchers found that farmers in northeastern China eventually grew rice and wheat along with millet.The crops spread along with farming populations to Korea by about 1300BCE and from there to Japan after about 1000BCE.As the ancient farmers moved across northeastern Asia,related languages spread into Siberia,Korea and Japan over thousands of years.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了最新的研究表明,一个庞大的语系——跨欧亚语系起源于中国。
4.According to the study,what do Transeurasian languages originate from
A.Ice Age people.
B.Ancient Japanese.
C.Ancient millet farmers.
D.Early hunter-gatherers.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第三句可知,研究表明,跨欧亚的语言起源于古代种植小米的农民,故选C。
5.What does the underlined word “surrender”probably mean in paragraph 3
A.Give up. B.Maintain.
C.Take in. D.Destroy.
答案 A
解析 词义猜测题。根据画线单词前面的内容“Accepting that the roots of one’s language,culture or people lie beyond the present national boundaries”以及下文“which some people are not yet prepared to make”可知,有些人不愿意承认自己的语言、文化或民族的根源在当前的国界之外,所以可以推断出,如果承认此观点,就意味着要放弃身份认同,由此可知,画线单词“surrender”表示“放弃”,故选A。
6.How do the researchers conduct their study
A.By giving examples.
B.By analyzing some statistics.
C.By setting down general rules.
D.By doing an experiment.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“The researchers studied data of vocabulary from the 98 languages...examined data from 255 archaeological sites...”可知,研究人员是通过分析一些数据来进行研究的,故选B。
7.What is the main idea of the text
A.Food has a close relationship with culture diversity.
B.A large language family has ancient origins in China.
C.Human activities lead to different language movements.
D.The research on the language family’s beginnings counts.
答案 B
解析 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段和最后一段可知,文章主要讲述了最新的研究表明,一个庞大的语系——跨欧亚语系起源于中国,所以B选项符合文章的主旨大意,故选B。
Putting a microchip(芯片) into one’s brain brings the world a super hero,which is common in sci-fi movies.However,we may find it possible in reality.
Elon Musk,founder of SpaceX and co-founder of electric car maker Tesla—has been working on this technology.On Aug.28,Musk gave a livestream demonstration of the chip,which was implanted into the head of a pig named Gertrude.
The chip,developed by Musk’s company,is the size of a coin.But don’t let its size fool you.The tiny chip has over 3,000 electrodes(电极) attached to flexible threads,which can monitor about 1,000 neurons(神经元).It collects neural signals from an area of the brain,and then transmits those signals wirelessly to nearby computers.In the livestream,Gertrude could be seen walking around sniffing the ground while a monitor showed her brain activity.
Though the technology is still in its early stage,it is encouraging for humans.This technology “would solve a lot of brain injuries”,which allows the human brain to combine with an artificial intelligence,Musk said.
When the device can be applied to humans,its main goal will be to help those who have mobility issues,such as those suffering from paralysis(瘫痪).Musk hopes this technology could also be used to help those with hearing and eyesight issues and one day lead to a cure for epilepsy(癫痫).
Although such a device could,in principle,repair those problems,putting it into practice is by no means a piece of cake.Currently,the device can transmit signals from about 500 neurons in the pig’s brain.Compared to 80 billion neurons in a human brain,this number is tiny.And to cover the whole human brain also means the electrodes have to be much smaller.Also,implanting the chip into the brain poses a potential danger.There is a possibility of the immune system attacking this foreign body.
Right now,the hope of controlling the brain via controlling a few neurons seems overly optimistic.“There are many technological challenges...to overcome before Neuralink can put its devices to the purposes,”Yuan Lanfeng,an associate professor at the University of Science and Technology of China,told China Daily.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了马斯克公司开发的一种芯片有望应用到人类大脑当中,来帮助行动不便的人,但是这项技术仍然存在风险,需要克服许多挑战。
8.What do we know about Elon Musk’s microchip according to the first three paragraphs
A.It is able to collect wireless signals.
B.It was inspired by sci-fi movie plots.
C.It is tiny in size but powerful in function.
D.It has no more than 1,000 electrodes.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段前三句可知,这种芯片虽然体积小但是功能强大。故选C。
9.What is the major goal of the microchip in human applications
A.To develop a cure for epilepsy.
B.To monitor animals’ brain activity.
C.To contribute to the research in AI technologies.
D.To help people with difficulty in moving freely.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一句可知,微芯片在人类应用中的主要目标是帮助那些行动困难的人。故选D。
10.What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about
A.Key differences between pigs’ and humans’ brains.
B.Hidden challenges and risks in practice.
C.Implanting the chip costs a lot.
D.The immune system is the major problem to the implant.
答案 B
解析 段落大意题。根据第六段内容可知,将这种装置付诸实施绝非易事。与人脑中的800亿个神经元相比,猪脑中神经元的数量太渺小。而且要覆盖整个人类大脑意味着电极必须要小得多。此外,将芯片植入大脑会带来潜在的危险。免疫系统有可能攻击这种异物。由此可知,第六段主要讨论实践中隐藏的挑战和风险。故选B。
11.How does Yuan Lanfeng feel about implanting the chip into the human brain
A.Excited. B.Cautious.
C.Optimistic. D.Worried.
答案 B
解析 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段第二句可知,袁岚峰认为这个装置想要投入使用要克服很多技术上的挑战,由此可推知,他对将芯片植入人脑持谨慎的态度。故选B。
How do you get yourself to take action now?Here are some powerful suggestions.
Focus intensely on the positive things that your actions will accomplish. 1 Whether it’s something you’re seeking to accomplish,or something you’re seeking to be rid of,picture exactly how your life will be after the work is done.The more intensely you can imagine it,the better.
2 The only real reason you have for avoiding action is because you associate some kind of pain or discomfort with it.Therefore,it helps to associate something even more painful with not taking action.Instead of focusing on the relatively minor pain of taking action,focus instead on the major pain of not taking action.
3 Think of all the reasons you can come up with to not take action,and then destroy all those reasons with a single word—“But.”Simply state the excuse,put the word “but”after it,and then finish the sentence.For example,“I’ve never done this before,BUT I can learn.”Stick the word “but”in there,and challenge yourself to finish the sentence.
Take the first small step.Don’t even concern yourself with committing to the whole project or course of action.Just do something very easy and very small.The point is to find a little momentum(动力). 4 Then climb aboard the momentum train,and let it help you keep the effort going.
Make it fun.Realize that just about anything can be fun if you’ll think of it as fun and enjoyable.Find a way to make something fun,and not only will you want to do it;you’ll also be better at it. 5
A.You always choose what to do.
B.Lay all your excuses out on the table and deal with them.
C.Whatever you must do to achieve success,find a way to enjoy it.
D.In your mind,picture in great detail what your actions will bring you.
E.Focus on the negative things that will happen if you don’t take action.
F.Once you take that small action,let yourself fully enjoy how great it feels.
G.Getting started with your biggest task or most difficult action may seem too much.
1.答案 D
解析 根据下文的“picture exactly how your life will be after the work is done”可知,要想象工作完成后生活会是怎样的。D项中的“picture...what your actions will bring you”与此呼应,符合文意。故选D。
2.答案 E
解析 由本段最后一句(与其把注意力集中在采取行动的相对较小的痛苦上,不如集中在不采取行动的主要痛苦上)可知,E项(把注意力集中在如果你不采取行动将会发生的消极的事情上)切题,符合本段大意。故选E。
3.答案 B
解析 由本段第二句“简单地陈述理由,在后面加上‘但是’,然后完成句子”可知,这是针对不采取行动的方法,承接下文,B项(把你所有的借口都摆出来,然后处理它们)切题。B项中的“all your excuses”与空后的“all the reasons”相呼应。故选B。
4.答案 F
解析 由本段第三句“做一些很简单且很小的事情”可知,F项(一旦你采取了这个小行动,让自己充分享受它的美妙感觉)切题。该选项中的“take that small action”与本段第一句“Take the first small step.”语义一致。故选F。
5.答案 C
解析 由本段第一句“让它变得有趣”可知,C项(无论你必须做什么来获得成功,找到一种享受它的方式)切题。该选项中的“find a way to enjoy it”对应上文中的“Make it fun.”。故选C。Ⅰ.认阅读单词
1.castle n.城堡;堡垒
2.visa n.签证
3.flat adj.平坦的;扁平的 n.公寓;单元房
4.empire n.帝国
5.emperor n.皇帝
6.brochure n.资料(或广告)手册
7.package n.包裹;包装盒 vt.将……包装好
8.package tour包价旅游
9.civilisation n.文明;文明世界
10.statue n.雕塑;雕像
11.BCE(=before the Common Era)公元前
12.tomb n.坟墓
13.unearth vt.挖掘;发掘
1.rent vt.租用;出租 vi.租用;租金为 n.租金
2.pack vi.& vt.收拾(行李) vt.包装 n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包
3.source n.来源;出处
4.site n.地点;位置;现场
5.type n.类型;种类 vi.& vt.打字
6.flight n.空中航行;航班;航程
7.unique adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的
8.path n.小路;路线;道路
9.destination n.目的地;终点
10.contact vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触
11.soldier n.士兵;军人
12.transport n.交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送
13.hike vi.徒步旅行 vt.去……远足 n.远足;徒步旅行
14.credit n.借款;信用;称赞;学分
15.request n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
16.view n.视野;景色;看法
17.sight n.景象;视野;视力
18.comment n.议论;评论 vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
1.apply vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)→application n.申请(书);应用→applicant n.申请人
2.amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的→amaze vt.使惊奇→amazement n.惊奇;惊喜
3.arrangement n.安排;筹备→arrange vt.& vi.安排;筹备
4.extremely adv.极其;非常→extreme adj.极其的;极度的 n.极端;极度
5.narrow adj.狭窄的 vi.& vt.(使)变窄→narrowly adv.勉强地;狭隘地
6.powerful adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→power n.能力;力量;权力→powerless adj.无力的;无能的
7.official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 n.官员→office n.办公室→officer n.军官;官员,高级职员
8.recognis(z)e vt.辨别出;承认;认可→recognition n.承认;认可;辨认
9.accommodation n.住处;膳宿;停留处→accommodate vt.提供住处;容纳
10.admire vt.钦佩;赞赏→admiration n.崇拜;赞赏→admirable adj.令人赞赏的
11.architecture n.建筑设计;建筑学→architect n.建筑设计师
12.economy n.经济;节约→economic adj.经济(上)的;经济学的→economical adj.经济的;实惠的
13.detail n.细节;详情;细微之处→detailed adj.详细的;精细的
1.admission n.准入;入场费
2.adolescent adj.青春期的
3.adore vt.崇拜;爱慕
4.advantage n.优点;好处
5.aggressive adj.侵略性的;有进取心的
6.advertisement n.广告
7.advocate vt.拥护;提倡
8.afford vt.负担得起(……的费用);提供
1.apply for申请
2.take control of控制;接管
3.other than除……以外
4.make up构成;形成
5.credit card信用卡
6.check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记
7.check out结账离开(旅馆等)
8.get ready for为……做准备
9.be made of由……制作成
10.can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
1.It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.(强调句型)
2.Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building.(表语前置引起的倒装)
3.Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.(so that引导的结果状语从句)
4.Each statue has a different face,leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier.(现在分词短语作结果状语)
5.However,no one in modern times knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974,when some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well!(when引导的定语从句)
A travel agency gave me a brochure which included some package tours to Peru.Because I hadn’t 1.applied for a visa,I refused.But I was amazed that the travel agent said they could make an arrangement for me.2.Extremely happy,I said,“I am going home to pack up my luggage and I will catch my 3.flight at 8 a.m.tomorrow.” My first destination was the Amazon river,and there I saw different types of animals 4.unique to the Amazon rainforest.Then I saw the statue of an emperor who ruled the powerful Inca Empire before the Spanish took control of it.Later I 5.admired the architecture and the Inca civilisation.I also went hiking through a narrow path in the Andes Mountains.My 6.accommodation was in a flat with a good view,from where I could catch sight of many amazing tourist sites.When I checked out,I couldn’t find my credit card.It was requested that I should 7.contact a Chinese official.I told him all details and he 8.arranged for a soldier to transport my luggage to a castle.Suddenly I woke up.Though it was a dream,I recognised it as the most economical travel.
apply vi.申请;请求 vt.涂;敷;应用;运用[application n.申请(书);应用 applicant n.申请人]
apply (to sb) for sth (向某人)申请某物 apply to sb/sth 适用于…… apply sth to...把某物应用/涂抹于…… apply oneself to (doing) sth 致力于/集中精力于(做)某事
(1)He was one of the 30 applicants(apply) for the manager’s position,so he had no confidence in himself.
(2)In my view,the official rule applies to all the emergencies that occur.
(3)He fetched some cream,applied it to the wound with care and rushed me to the hospital.(读后续写之动作链描写)
I’m writing to apply to you for the position you offered in yesterday’s newspaper.
(5)If you apply yourself to your learning,you can make much more progress sooner or later.
→Apply yourself to your learning,and you can make much more progress sooner or later.(用“祈使句+and+陈述句”改写)
→Applying yourself to your learning,you can make much more progress sooner or later.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)
amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的(amaze vt.使惊讶 amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的;惊讶的 amazement n.惊讶)
be amazed at/by...对……感到惊讶 be amazed to do sth 对做某事感到惊奇 be amazed that...对……吃惊 to one’s amazement让某人惊讶的是
(1)I am amazed to find(find) that my son often contacts an architect in private.
(2)It is amazing(amaze) that the huge statue is carved from a single block of stone.
Amazed and embarrassed,she feels as if all the air were to disappear and people around the world were watching her.
To my amazement,it was the video that made me become a web celebrity,which made me float on air.
arrangement n.安排;筹备(常用复数形式)(arrange v.筹备;安排;整理)
make arrangements/an arrangement for...为……做安排 arrange to do sth 安排去做某事 arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事
(1)The director specially arranged for a person to rent(rent) the castle to make a film.
(2)We arranged to watch(watch) an English film from 16∶00 to 17∶00 at our school theatre tomorrow.(话题写作之学校生活)
Our school is to make arrangements for a theme class meeting to introduce traditional Chinese culture to foreigners.
recognise vt.辨认出;承认;认可(recognition n.认出;承认)
be recognised as/to be...被公认为…… It is recognised that...人们公认…… beyond/out of recognition认不出来
(1)In the past few decades,our city has changed so much that it is now beyond recognition(recognise).
①Online learning has been recognised as/to be an important way to study recently.
②It has been recognised that online learning is an important way to study recently.(用it作形式主语;recognise改写)
contact vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触
contact sb at...通过(邮箱、电话等)与某人联系 get into/make contact with和……取得联系 stay/keep in contact with与……保持联系 be out of/lose contact with与……失去联系
(1)Taking on this challenge will bring you in contact with someone who shares your interests.(2020·江苏)
(2)十年前我和这位士兵取得联系,因此我们已经彼此联系十年了。 在我看来,我们再也不会失去联系了。
I got into/made contact with the soldier ten years ago,so we have stayed/kept in contact with each other for ten years.In my view,we will never lose contact with each other again.
If you want to know more details about the activity,please contact Li Hua at 123456543@.
request n.& vt.要求;请求
at sb’s request=at the request of sb 应某人的请求、要求 “要求某人做某事”的表达: request sb to do sth request that sb (should) do sth It is requested that sb (should) do sth
(1)Our travel agency offers a couple of package tours at the request of tourists.
(2)Our teacher requested that we (should) exchange(exchange) our ideas on learning regularly.
→Our teacher requested us to exchange(exchange) our ideas on learning regularly.
It is requested that anyone who wants to apply for the course (should) register personal information online.
用法点拨 动词request后的宾语从句及名词request之后的表语从句或同位语从句的谓语动词要用“should do”,should可以省略。
view n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;看待
in one’s view=from one’s point of view在某人看来 in view of考虑到;鉴于 have a good view of...清楚地看到;饱览 view...as...把……看作……
(1)Arriving at our destination on the mountain top through a small path,I finally had a good view of the castle.
(2)Liang Sicheng was viewed as one of the best architects of his generation.
Although the present isn’t worth much,I value it very much.From my point of view/In my view,it’s the love contained in it that really counts.(强调句型)
In view of my family’s awkward situation,I finally determined to hand in all the money I earned,so I sprinted home.
强调句型 It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.正是由于这个原因,西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。
强调句的基本句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分. 强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分? 强调句的特殊疑问句:疑问词+is/was+it+that+句子其他部分? not...until...结构的强调句型:It is/was not until...that...
(1)It was my head teacher I respect most who/that helped me out whenever I was in trouble.(2020·全国Ⅰ,书面表达)
It is with your generous help that I firmly believe that I will adapt to the college life as soon as possible.
Was it because Jack learnt the result of the examination that he sank into hopelessness
What was it that made his eyes twinkle with excitement
(5)I didn’t realize a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness until I experienced the event.(读后续写之助人与善举升华句)
→Not until I experienced the event did I realize a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness.(用倒装句改写)
→It was not until I experienced the event that I realized a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness.(用强调句改写)
用法点拨 (1)记住句式结构,不管强调人或物都可用that;强调人时可用who。
(2)强调句与定语从句的区别:①强调句的特点:去掉it is/was和that/who后句子结构完整,意义清楚。②时间、地点状语前是否有介词是判断这两种句式的关键。
1.At this point,it is not clear why dogs seem to be equipped with the ability to recognize different facial expressions in humans.(2021·浙江6月)
2.When people attend a concert,they are paying for music,sure,maybe even hotel rooms,meals,and transport,but they also gain an incredible experience,a unique atmosphere and a memory that will go through the rest of their lives.(2021·天津6月)
3.Activities there range from whale watching to hiking and accommodations aim to have a low impact on the natural environment.(2021·全国乙)
4.It’s a good idea to choose an alternative destination in case your first-choice tourist spot is not available.(2021·天津6月)
5.If there is truly a concern about a professor’s professionalism or ability,be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments.(2019·全国Ⅲ)
(1)The expert recommended a perfect way to narrow the gap between imports and exports. C
(2)There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. A
(3)Obviously,it was a narrow victory,by only five votes. B
2.make up
(1)Women officers make up 13 percent of the police force. B
(2)Actually I think it’s very unkind of you to make up stories about him. D
(3)She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs. A
(4)You must focus on your study from now on and try to make up the time lost in the past. C
(1)The editor needed a flat surface to write on.平坦的;平的
(2)Overseas visitors are attracted to the beautiful sights of Beijing.名胜;景点
1.The moment he entered the school,the freshman applied to be(be) a volunteer for the movement.
2.It’s amazing(amaze) that the editor prefers ballet to literature.
3.Obviously,some adults are not content with the arrangements(arrange) of their accommodation.
4. Actually,the solution was recognised as the best one to solve the challenging problem.
5.The expert requests teenagers to focus/(should) focus(focus) on what they are doing and be responsible for their behaviour.
6.From my window I can have a good view of the greenhouse.
7.Unfortunately,they lost contact with each other after they graduated from college.
8.As a matter of fact,it was the title rather than the content that made us confused.
9.After hearing his adventure stories,I admired him for his survival skills.
10.My trip is made(make) up of challenges,but this is what attracts me most.
1.应师生的要求,我们学校图书馆一楼开放了一个自习室。(at the request of)
At the request of students and teachers,a self-study room has been opened on the first floor of our school library.
2.因此,我写信邀请你体验自习室,自习室被公认为是一个自主学习或者合作学习的理想场所。(be recognized as)
So I am writing to invite you to experience the room,which is recognized as an ideal place to study independently or cooperatively.
It is some basic facilities,such as free wireless network,that make the room enjoy great popularity.
4.如果您接受我真诚的邀请,我会为你做些相关的安排。(make arrangements for)
If you accept my sincere invitation,I will make relevant arrangements for you.
5.请打电话13705374737联系我。(contact sb at)
Please contact me at 13705374737.
amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的
admire vt.钦佩;赞赏
extremely adv.极其,非常
view n.视野;景色;看法 vt.把……看作
sight n.景象;视野;视力
pack vi.& vt.收拾(行李) vt.包装
hike vi.徒步旅行 vt.去……远足 n.远足;徒步旅行
request n.& vt.要求;请求
comment vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
I caught sight of David and he was extremely frustrated.Seeing me,he held my hands tightly,whimpering,“Our school’s coach has requested that I decide whether to participate in the cross-country run or not.I am afraid that the kids from other schools will comment on me.” Although a brain disease prevented him from walking or running like other children,his classmates viewed him as a regular kid and admired him for his amazing determination.Finally,what made me amazed was that he promised to run and he swung his feet toward the starting line.必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around
1.castle n.城堡;堡垒
2.visa n.签证
3.flat adj.平坦的;扁平的 n.公寓;单元房
4.emperor n.皇帝
5.brochure n.资料(或广告)手册
6.package n.包裹;包装盒 vt.将……包装好
7.civilisation n.文明;文明世界
8.tomb n.坟墓
9.unearth vt.挖掘;发掘
1.source n.来源;出处
2.site n.地点;位置;现场
3.type n.类型;种类 vi.& vt.打字
4.flight n.空中航行;航班;航程
5.unique adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的
6.path n.小路;路线;道路
7.destination n.目的地;终点
8.contact vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触
9.transport n.交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送
10.credit n.借款;信用;称赞;学分
11.request n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
12.view n.视野;景色;看法
13.sight n.景象;视野;视力
14.comment n.议论;评论 vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
1.apply vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)→application n.申请(书);应用→applicant n.申请人
2.amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的→amaze vt.使惊奇→amazement n.惊奇;惊喜
3.extremely adv.极其;非常→extreme adj.极其的;极度的 n.极端;极度
4.narrow adj.狭窄的 vi.& vt.(使)变窄→narrowly adv.勉强地;狭隘地
5.powerful adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→power n.能力;力量;权力→powerless adj.无力的;无能的
6.official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 n.官员→office n.办公室→officer n.军官;官员,高级职员
7.recognis(z)e vt.辨别出;承认;认可→recognition n.承认;认可;辨认
8.accommodation n.住处;停留处;膳宿→accommodate vt.提供住处;容纳
9.admire vt.钦佩;赞赏→admiration n.崇拜;赞赏→admirable adj.令人赞赏的
1.admission n.准入;入场费
2.adolescent adj.青春期的
3.advertisement n.广告
4.advocate vt.拥护;提倡
5.afford vt.负担得起(……的费用);提供
1.apply for申请
2.take control of控制;接管
3.other than除……以外
4.credit card信用卡
5.check out结账离开(旅馆等)
6.can’t wait to do sth迫不及待做某事
1.Much to my amazement,he was able to recite the whole point from amazing memory,which also amazed those around him.(amaze)
2.The experts don’t suggest arranging everything for children,who should make some arrangements on their own.(arrange)
3.When applicants are applying for a job,the information they offer in their applications can’t be too general.(apply)
4.I had some difficulty recognizing him because he had changed beyond recognition.(recognize)
5.He narrowly escaped being caught by hiding in this narrow street.(narrow)
6.This work of the distinguished architect shows a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions.(architect)
7.Admirable Sam has worked in the company for 20 years,and his honesty has earned him great respect and admiration.So everyone of us admires him.(admire)
8.The government officers/officials will make an official visit to Tokyo.(office)
9.Almost all the countries’ economies have been badly influenced by the economic crisis.(economy)
10.Can you tell me the detailed information about what has happened That is to say,can you explain what has happened in detail?(detail)
1.Our head teacher asked us excitedly,“Have you got ready for the sports meeting?”
2.The doctor has great difficulty taking control of her serious illness.
3.Our teacher asked us to make up some sentences using the given words.
4.As far as I am concerned,applying for this position rather than that one is your best choice.
5.Tom needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight.
6.The fence of the big farm is/was made of posts joined together with wire.
It is for this reason that we should make strict demands on ourselves while learning online.
Especially admirable is that he can draw maps in great detail in a very short time.
3.最近不曾有人打扫这个房间,以至于里面的所有东西都布满了灰尘。(so that引导的结果状语从句)
Nobody has cleaned up the room recently so that everything in it is covered with dust.
The teacher kept silent on purpose,leading us to think that he was annoyed.
How about the last Sunday of June,when the examination is over and we are free