Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 2 Reading and Thinking课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 2 Reading and Thinking课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-29 18:22:35


课题 The Value of Money 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级
教材分析(语篇研读) The reading part of this lesson is the third scene of the first act of Mark Twain's famous play "Million Pounds". Roderick and Oliver are rich brother. They have made a bet. Oliver thinks that a million-pound note can make people live in London for a month. They saw a poor young man, Henry Adams, give him a check for a million pound, and then look what happened. In this class, students are familiar with the content and basic structure of the play. The teacher guide students to summarize the main contents, central ideas, character characteristics, mind map summary and other teaching methods, so that students are familiar with the text. Through the sentences and language (including lines and body language) that express the characters' emotions in the play, we can analyze the characters' personality characteristics and judge the characters' subtext. Deeply understand the content of the text, put forward their own views, and establish correct values. Teachers can guide students to understand and feel the dramatic language through the development of the dramatic plot, summarize the main details, draw lessons from its language expression, and be able to use the vocabulary and functional sentence patterns they have learned to express their views and discuss with their classmates in English.
核心素养教学目标 1.Knowledge objectives: ①Master the usage of important words and phrases.②Understand the life of the writer Mark Twain and his main representative works.③Understand the writing characteristics and the central idea of the script.2.Skill objectives: ①Guide the students to analyze the character characteristics of the characters, judge the subtext of the characters.②Deeply understand the hidden truth of the text through the emotions, actions, language and other aspects of the characters in the script.③Students can objectively express their views on the text content, character and other aspects.④Guide the students to analyze the character characteristics of the characters, judge the subtext of the characters.⑤Deeply understand the hidden truth of the text through the emotions, actions, language and other aspects of the characters in the script.⑥Students can objectively express their views on the text content, character and other aspects.3.Emotional objectives: ①Students can cultivate cross-cultural communication skills by studying foreign classic literature.②Students can understand the deeply expressed values in the article and correctly judge that "money is everything".4.Thinking quality objectives: Cultivate students' logical thinking ability, analysis and summary ability, expression ability and cooperation ability. ( https: / / fanyi. / aldtype=16047" \l "zh / en / javascript:void(0); )
重点 ①Understand the writing characteristics and the central idea of the script.②Learn the main content of the play and know the hidden truth in it.③Students can understand the deeply expressed values in the text, and correctly judge that "money is everything".
难点 ①Learn the main idea of the play and know the hidden truth in it.②Students can understand the deeply expressed values in the text, and correctly judge that "money is everything".
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 一、Lead inThe teacher introduces background knowledge and author information of a million pound drama, allowing students to discuss and answer questions.Questions:1.Which writer's work is "Million Pounds bank note" selected from Do you know anything about the writer 2.Do you know more about Mark Twain 3.Do you know his famous works 4.Teacher ask students to look the picture and discuss with your classmates, then answer the following questions.二、DiscussionWe know money is very important. We can use money do a lot of things. So what would you do if you had a million-pound bank note Questions:1 What is the man holding in his hand 2 What do you think this film is about Students look at pictures, discuss and answer questions.Students will discuss what they would do if they had one million pounds and have them summarize the answers. Teachers introduce knowledge of millions of pounds of drama, stimulate students' interest in learning, and prepare for new lessons.Train students to express their opinions and communicate with others to complete exercises.
讲授新课 Key words(一)The teacher teaches students the pronunciation and meaning of words.(二)Practice根据中文含义填空1. The scene (情景)would always be engraved on her memory.2. It's his turn to cook dinner, but I bet (打赌) he'll try to duck out of it.3. There are many different sorts (种类) of animal on the island.4. His jacket w as covered with spots (斑点;污点) of mud.5. Patience (耐心)is one of the most important attributes in a teacher:6. Research indicates (显示) that eating habits are changing fast.7. We'll have to postpone (推迟) the meeting until next week.8. Some would call these odd (奇怪)pieces of iron and wood ''antiques''.二、DiscussionThe teacher asked students to discuss questions about millions of pounds and drama, and asked them to answer.(一)What would you do if you had a million-pound bank note Discuss the question in pairs.(二)Group discussion, do you know what drama is What are the six elements of drama Drama is the art of actors performing a story or situation on stage through dialogue, singing, or action. The six elements of drama are character, plot,settings,topic,characters, actions,and dialogue.Reading(一)Analyze the structure of the text, and content etc.The teacher asked the students to listen to the recording and read the text aloud, analyzing the content of the text.Ask students to identify the text's main idea and its supporting details.Analyze the structure of the text, and ask students to identify its features, such as headings, subheadings, and paragraphs.(二)Reading taskTask 1. Read the play quickly and fill in the blanks.Task 2. Discuss with your partner, what kind of people do you think Henry Adams was Which sentences can explain their personalities.Task 3:Read the text and complete the structure diagram of the following article.Task 4. Put the events below about Henry below in correct order.____ About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.____ Henry wandered in London streets.____ The next morning he was spotted by a ship.____ The ship brought him to England. Then he went to the American consulate to seek help, but got nothing.____ Towards night he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.答案:1,5,3,4,2Task 5. 单选题1. Why did the two brothers give Henry Adams an envelope A. Because they wanted to play a trick on Henry. B. Because they made a bet. C. Because they had a pity on Henry. D. Because Henry was not an Englishman. 2. How did Henry Adams feel when he got an envelope from the brothers A. Sad.     B. Happy. C. Astonished. D. He took it for granted. 3. Henry came to Britain for the first time in his life ______. A. to find a better lifeB. to make an adventureC. all by accidentD. to find the two brothers4. Why did Henry’s eyes stare at the leftovers on the brothers’ table A. Because he had never seen such a nice dinner. B. Because he wanted to help them clean the table. C. Because he was very hungry. D. Because he was angry. 5. Why was Oliver so happy when hearing Henry say he had no money A. Because they could do something good for him. B. Because they were interested to find so poor a man. C. Because they could show off their bank note to him. D. Because they finally found the right person for their bet. 答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C5.DTask 6. Read the scene and answer the questions.1What bet did Roderick and Oliver make They bet on whether a man could live for' a month in London if he had a million-poundbank note.2 How did Henry come to England He came to England by accident. He was sailing when his boat was carried out tosea, and a ship rescued him,ta king him to England.3How does Henry want the brothers to help him He would like them to offer' him a job.Task 7. Read these sentences and describe Henry's feelings using suitable adjectives.1.Who Me, sir surprised2.Well, I can't say that I have any plans. As a matter' of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. anxious3.I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.Puzzled4.Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! if this is your idea of some kind of joke, Idon't think it's very funny. angry and upset5.Well, why don't you explain what this is all about puzzled, angry, curious, surprisedTask 8. 短文填空Henry, a San Francisco businessman, found himself (1) carried (carry) out to sea by a strong wind. When he was just about to give himself up, he (2) was spotted (spot) by a ship, so he landed in London (3) by accident. Hungry and alone, he walked on the streets of the city when he was (4) unexpectedly (expect) called into a mansion, (5)where two rich brothers, Oliver' and Roderick, gave him a letter' and told him not to open it till two o'clock of the day. Not (6) knowing (know) it was a million pound bank note, Henry left the mansion and went into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach.Everybody was rude to him (7)because/as he was in rags and looked depressed. Then, tothe surprise of everybody,he handed the owner a million pound bank note to pay(8) for the meal. Seeing the note, all the people in the restaurant became polite and tried their best (9) to please (please) Henry. Don't you think it's (10) the most incredible tale in the world Task 9. Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.1 I went to the American consulate to seek help, but..Anyway, 1 didn't dare to try again.I didn't get any help in the consulate and my experience there was unpleasant. I'mafraid to go back to the consulate.2 You mustn't worry about that. It's an advantage.It's an advantage to us that you were brought to England by accident and you don'thave any money because you're the rig person for the bet. You don't need to worryabout your situation because we're going to give you a million-pound bank note.3 What luck! Brother, what luck!F fortunately, we found the right person for the bet. It's good luck for us.4 Oh, this is silly.It's very strange that I can't open the envelope until two o’clock. What's happening Task plete the passage, with words from Act1, Scene3.The two gentlemen had been having a heated argument for a couple of days, and had decided to make a bet which would settle their argument. They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry walking on the street outsides.They invited him into their house. where Henry told them he had landed in Britain byaccident. Although he had gone to the American consulate to seek help, he had not received any. Henry hoped that the brothers would offer him some sort of work because he had no money. Henry got upset with the brother's when they seemed too happy about his bad luck.Theyquickly told him not to feel that way and they gave him an envelope with money in it.They said the letter inside would explain what it was all about, but he had to postpone opening it until 2 o'clock. Henry felt that was odd. The scene ended with Henry leaving their house and promising that he would not open the until two o'clock.三、Role playListen to Act 1,Scene 3 and role play it with your partners.四、Language pointsTeachers teach important language points to students.八、SummaryThe teacher summarizes the important words and phrases in the text. Students complete the exercises within the designated time and make timely corrections.Students discuss what they would do if they had one million pounds, what drama is, the six elements of drama, and provide answers.Students listen to the recording and follow it, listening to the teacher explain the content of the text.Students discuss and complete reading tasks, and correct any errors in a timely manner.Students and classmates role-play plays together.Students learn important language points, complete exercises, and revise answers with each other.Learn and memorize important words and phrases in the text. Learn the key words in the text to prepare for future learning.Train students to express their opinions on issues, cultivate their ability to think independently, and develop their English speaking ability.Have a preliminary understanding of the text content and prepare for the reading task.Train students in reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and skipping.Train students' ability to collaborate with others and improve their English speaking skills.Sorting out the knowledge points of the text is beneficial for students to master the key content.Summarize the key points for students to remember.
课堂练习 根据汉语提示填写单词1.Firefighters were on the ______(现场) immediately.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)2.Teaching children requires_________ (耐心)and understanding. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)3.He ___(打赌) $50 that his horse would win. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)4.The circus chose the _____(地点) in the downtown to put up the tent.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)5.One school in India made its students pay their “school fees” by collecting, bringing to school, and recycling ______(塑料的) waste that was lying across the town.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)6.Clouds that ____(飘;航行) across the sky are prettier than boats on the rivers and ships on the seas. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)7.There is something ____(奇怪的,怪异的) about that man. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)8.We may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been ___________(推迟).(根据中英文提示填空)9.Though the shoreline can be seen, it is impossible to j______how far away it is. (根据首字母单词拼写)10.Wang Zheng a___________________ to Chen because he couldn’t offer her more money. (根据首字母单词拼写)答案:1.scene2.patience 3.betspot5.plastic 6.sail7. odd 8.postponed 9.judge 10. apologised/apologized Students complete the exercise and correct their mistakes. Consolidate the content learned in the course and train students' writing skills.
课堂小结 The reading part of this lesson is the third act of the first act of Mark Twain's famous play Million Pounds. In this class, students became familiar with the content and basic structure of drama. Summarized teaching methods such as the main content, central idea, personality characteristics, and mind map summary. Analyze the personality traits of characters and determine their subtext. Deeply understand the content of the text, present one's own viewpoints, and establish correct values. Understand and experience the language of drama through the development of the plot, summarize the main details, and be able to use the vocabulary and functional sentence patterns learned to express one's views in English and discuss with classmates. Clarify the learning objectives of the course, compare with one's own learning situation, and promptly solve difficulties and correct mistakes. Cultivating and enhancing students' awareness of learning goals, enabling them to strengthen their goal-oriented approach, is beneficial for increasing information feedback and timely problem-solving and error correction.
板书 1. scene n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面;场景;景象2. bet v.打赌;赌注3. spot vt.看见;注意到;发现几地点:处所:斑点;污迹4. sort n.种类;类别vt.把...类整理5.Patience n.耐心;忍耐力;毅力6. indicate vt. &vi表明;显示vt象征;暗示7. postpone vt.延迟;延期;延缓8.odd adj.奇怪的;怪异的;反常的;偶然出现的;奇数的9.as a matter of fact事实上;其实;说真的10. to be honest说实话;坦率地说 Visually display the key words and phrases in this lesson.
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Unit 5
The Value of Money
Period 2
Reading and Thinking
The Million Pound Bank Note is partly selected from the works
by American writer Mark Twain. Now let’s know more about the
greatest writer in the 19th century.
Mark Twain( (November 30th, 1835 to April 21st, 1910),was an
American writer and speaker. He once said, ____________________ __________________________________________________________
“To believe yourself to
be brave is to be brave; it is the only essential thing.”
Which writer's work is "Million Pounds bank note" selected from Do you know anything about the writer
Lead in
Do you know more about Mark Twain
Lead in
Mark Twain is the founder of critical realism literature in America. His works criticize unreasonable phenomena or the ugliness of human nature. Both experts and ordinary readers think that humor and satire are the characteristics of his writing.
Do you know his famous works
The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer
The Million Pound Bank Note
The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
Lead in
1 What is the man holding in his hand
2 What do you think this film is about
The man is holding an old-style British bank note. In those days, British bank notes were often quite large, even for small amounts of money. However, the amount of money that this bank note is for is incredible — 1 million pounds!
The film is probably about a poor man who finds a lot of money and becomes famous because of it.
Please look the picture and discuss with your classmates, then answer the following questions.
We know money is very important. We can use money do a lot of things. So what would you do if you had a million-pound bank note
donate a school for impoverished children
Investing and
establishing a business
We know money is very important. We can use money do a lot of things. So what would you do if you had a million-pound bank note
buy a new luxury mansion
Donate money to people in need
/si n/n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场
first scene
spot vt.
a quite spot
on the spot
/s t/v.分类
[语块积累]a sort of
all sorts of
Key words
/bet/ v.打赌
/ pe ns/n.耐心
no patience with
/ nd ke t/v.表明;象征
indicate sth.to sb.
/ d/adj.古怪的;奇怪的
feel odd
/p sp n/vt.推迟;延期
postpone doing sth.
Key words
1. The _______ (情景)would always be engraved on her memory.
2. It's his turn to cook dinner, but I _____ (打赌) he'll try to duck out of it.
3. There are many different ______ (种类) of animal on the island.
4. His jacket was covered with _____ (斑点;污点) of mud.
5. _________ (耐心) is one of the most important attributes in a teacher.
6. Research ________ (显示) that eating habits are changing fast.
7. We'll have to _________(推迟) the meeting until next week.
8. Some would call these ____ (奇怪)pieces of iron and wood ''antiques''.
1 What would you do if you had a million-pound bank note Discuss the question in pairs.
Reference answer one:
If I had a million-pond bank note ,I would open a school for kids from poor families. It would help the kids complete their schooling and give them hope for a better future. Many kids in rural areas have to leave school early because their families can't afford it or because they have to start working to help their families By giving them a chance to get an education, they could go on to find a well-paid job. This would help their families fanciable,and also break the chain of poverty.
1 Read about a bet between two wealthy men
the art of actors performing a story or situation on stage through dialogue, singing, or action
Drama is ________________________________________________________
_______________________. The six elements of drama are _________, _____, _______, _____, _________, _______, and _________.
Group discussion, do you know what drama is What are the six elements of drama
Reference answer two:
If I had a million-pound bank note, I would find a millionaire and sell the bank note to him at a cheap price. He could deposit the bank note into his bank account without any trouble . and I would still have plenty of money to do what I wanted. Then I would help my parents pay of all their debts. Next,I would look for ways to invest the money or build my own business so that it would provide long-term income for myself and my
entire family.
Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver,have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million-pound bank note a man could live a month in London. His brother Roderick doubts it. They see a poor young man walking outside their house. It is Henry Adams.
The bet:
a man with a million-pound bank note (a piece of paper) could live a month in London.
A play usually consists of several acts. Each act can have several scenes.
Narrator always gives information or comment on the action of the scene or the motivations of characters. Characters may narrate, or a performer who is not involved in the action can carry out the role of ‘narrator’.
Young man, would you step inside a moment, please
Who Me, sir
Yes, you.
(opening a door) Good morning, sir. Would you please come in (Henry enters the house.)
How do you do, Mr... er...
Adams. Henry Adams.
Come and sit down, Mr Adams.
Thank you.
Roderick&Oliver: polite
Henry:polite; unsure
We should pay attention to the explanations or tips in the drama in order to better understand the plot.
explanations or tips
You're an American
That's right, from San Francisco.
May we ask what you're doing in this country and what your plans are
Well, I can't say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, l landed in Britain by accident.
How is that possible
Well, I had my own boat About a month ago, I was sailing, and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. The next morning I was spotted by a ship.
And it was the ship that brought you to England.
Yes. I went to the American consulate to seek help, but... Anyway, I didn't dare to try again.
Well, you mustn't worry about that. It's an advantage.
I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.
Tell us, what sort of work did you do in America
I worked for a mining company, Could you offer me work here
Patience. If you don't mind, may I ask you how much money you have
Well, to be honest, I have none.
Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don't think it's very funny, Now if you'll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.
(The brothers smile at each other.)
(happily)What luck! Brother, what luck!
Please don't go. You must think we don't care about you. Oliver, give him the letter.
Yes,I was about to go get the letter Wait! (getting it from a desk and giving it to Henry) The letter.
(taking it carefully) For me
For you. (Henry starts to open it.) Oh, no you'd better not open it.You can't open it
until two o'clock.
Oh, this is silly.
Not silly.There's money in it.
Oh, no. I don't want your charity. I just want a job that earns an honest income.
① It is ridiculous.
② They are having fun of me.
We know you're hard-working. That's why we've given you the letter, (to the servant)
Show My Adams out.
Well, why don't you explain what this is all about
You'll soon know. In exactly an hour and a half.
This way, sir.
Not until 2 o'clock Promise
Promise. Goodbye.
Character characteristics:
①He is an upright man.
②He is hard-working.
③He is honest and simple.
In the old brothers’ house located in London.
Henry Adams, a lost American businessman in London.
Roderick and Oliver, two rich English brothers.
The two old brothers bet on whether a man could live a month
in London with a million-pound bank note. And then they chose
Henry to be the right man.
Reading task
Task 1. Read the play quickly and fill in the blanks.
Reading task
carried out to sea
by a strong wind
brought to England
by a ship
by accident
an American
no plans
confused &
not happy
Think about:Could he get any help from the two gentleman who invited him in
seek help
got pissed off
1.Well, I can’t say that I have any plans.
2.Well, to be honest, I have none. (no money)
1.Could you offer me work here
2.I don’t want your charity. I just want a job that earns an honest income.
1.Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me!
2.If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.
Task 2. Discuss with your partner, what kind of people do you think Henry Adams was Which sentences can explain their personalities.
1.Young man, would you step inside a moment, please
2. May we ask what you’re doing in this country and what your plans are
3. If you don’t mind, may I ask you how much money you have
They have made a bet about one million pounds just for a bit of fun.
They can tell Henry is honest and hard-working through his words and behaviours.
a good judge of character
Task 2. Discuss with your partner, what kind of people do you think Oliver, and Roderick were Which sentences can explain their personalities.
Article structure
Oliver and Roderick gave Henry a letter and told him that there was________ in it . They persuaded him to ________, and made him promise that it wouldn't be opened until __________.
Roderick and Oliver were ____________ when they saw Henry, a poor young man.
1. two brothers
find Henry
2. Know Henry
About a month ago, Henry was sailing and later he found himself _______________________________. Fortunately, he was _______________. And it was the ship that brought him to England.
3. Offer money
to Henry
making a bet
carried out to sea by a strong wind
spotted by a ship
accept it
2 o'clock
Task 3:Read the text and complete the structure diagram of the following article.
Reading task
____ About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.
____ Henry wandered in London streets.
____ The next morning he was spotted by a ship.
____ The ship brought him to England. Then he went to the American consulate to seek help, but got nothing.
____ Towards night he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.
Task 4. Put the events below about Henry below in correct order.
Reading task
1. Why did the two brothers give Henry Adams an envelope
A. Because they wanted to play a trick on Henry.
B. Because they made a bet.
C. Because they had a pity on Henry.
D. Because Henry was not an Englishman.
2. How did Henry Adams feel when he got an envelope from the brothers
A. Sad.     B. Happy.
C. Astonished. D. He took it for granted.
3. Henry came to Britain for the first time in his life ______.
A. to find a better life
B. to make an adventure
C. all by accident
D. to find the two brothers

Task 5. 单选题
Reading task
4. Why did Henry’s eyes stare at the leftovers on the brothers’ table
A. Because he had never seen such a nice dinner.
B. Because he wanted to help them clean the table.
C. Because he was very hungry.
D. Because he was angry.
5. Why was Oliver so happy when hearing Henry say he had
no money
A. Because they could do something good for him.
B. Because they were interested to find so poor a man.
C. Because they could show off their bank note to him.
D. Because they finally found the right person for their bet.

Reading task
Task 5. 单选题
1What bet did Roderick and Oliver make
2 How did Henry come to England
3How does Henry want the brothers to help him
He would like them to offer him a job.
Task 6. Read the scene and answer the questions.
They bet on whether a man could live for a month in London if he had a million-pound
bank note.
He came to England by accident. He was sailing when his boat was carried out to sea, and a ship rescued him,taking him to England.
Reading task
4 Why do you think Henry does not want the bothers charity
5 Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their be
Because he looks poor. Then when they talk to him, they discover he is poor, friendless,and alone.He is perfect for their bet.
Because he is a proud and honest man who thinks that it is important to live by
hard works.
Reading task
1.Who Me, sir
2.Well, I can't say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.
3.I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.
4.Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! if this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don't think it's very funny.
5.Well, why don't you explain what this is all about
Task 7. Read these sentences and describe Henry's feelings using suitable adjectives.
angry and upset
puzzled, angry, curious, surprised
Reading task
  Henry, a San Francisco businessman, found himself (1) _______(carry) out to sea by a strong wind. When he was just about to give himself up, he (2) ___________(spot) by a ship, so he landed in London (3) ___accident. Hungry and alone, he walked on
the streets of the city when he was (4) ____________(expect) called into a mansion, (5) ______two rich brothers, Oliver and Roderick, gave him a letter and told him not to open it till two o’clock of the day. Not (6) ________(know) it was a million pound bank note, Henry left the mansion and went into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach. Everybody was rude to him (7) _________he was in rags and looked depressed. Then, to the surprise of everybody, he handed the owner a million pound bank note to pay
(8) ___the meal. Seeing the note, all the people in the restaurant became polite and tried their best (9) ________ (please) Henry. Don’t you think it’s (10) ___most incredible tale in the world
was spotted
Task 8. 短文填空
to please
Reading task
Understand implied meaning
Some sentences have an implied meaning which is not clearly stated. This implied meaning often indicate people's feelings, attitudes, or motives.You can find this implied meaning by looking at the context. You have to read between the lines
because the real messages are often hidden beneath the literal meaning.
Task 9. Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.
Reading task
1 I went to the American consulate to seek help, but...Anyway, 1 didn't dare to try again.
2 You mustn't worry about that. It's an advantage.
3 What luck! Brother, what luck!
4 Oh, this is silly.
It's very strange that I can't open the envelope until two o clock. What's happening
I didn't get any help in the consulate and my experience there was unpleasant. I'm afraid to go back to the consulate.
It's an advantage to us that you were brought to England by accident and you don't
have any money because you're the rig person for the bet. You don't need to worry
about your situation because we're going to give you a million-pound bank note.
Fortunately, we found the right person for the bet. It's good luck for us.
Reading task
Task 9. Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.
The two gentlemen had been having a heated argument for a couple of days, and had decided to make a____which would settle their argument. They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry walking on the street outsides.
They invited him into their house. where Henry told them he had landed in Britain by
________. Although he had gone to the American consulate to_____help, he had not received any. Henry hoped that the brothers would offer him some____of work because he had no money.
Task plete the passage, with words from Act1, Scene3.
Reading task
Henry got upset with the brothers when they seemed too happy about his bad luck.They quickly told him not to feel that way and they gave him an envelope with money in it. They said the letter inside would explain what it was all about, but he had to postpone opening it until 2 o'clock. Henry felt that was odd. The______ended with Henry leaving their house and promising that he would not open the until two o'clock.
Reading task
Task plete the passage, with words from Act1, Scene3.
6 Listen to Act 1,Scene 3 and role play it with your partners.
Role play
see sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事,强调着见动作正在进行。
see sb. do sth.看到某人做过某事,强调看见动作的整个过程。
see sb./sth. done看见某人、某物被......,强调宾语与宾补之间逻辑上的动宾关系。
例句:Saw him knocked down by a car.
Language point
1. They see a poor young man walking outside their house.
found myself carried out是“find+宾语+宾补”站结构,表示发现...... ,宾语myself与宾语 carry out之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。宾补除了可以用过去分词(短语)充当
We found her ling on the floor.我们发现她骑在地板上。(现在分词短语)
We wen 10 her house but found her out我们去了她家,但发现她出去了。(副词)
It's so nice to find you on he wop of the it看到你位列名单之首,真是太好了。(介词短语)
2. About a month ago, I was sailing, and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.
Language point
本句是强调句,此处强调了主语the ship,强调句型的基本结构:It was+被强调部分
+ that+句子的其他部分。该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但需要注意的是不
例如:You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel that the coach picks up
你等错地方了。长途客车是在旅馆接游客的。( 强调地点状语)
3. And it was the ship that brought you to England.
Language point
本句是主从复合句,ended with后面跟的是动名词的复合结构,作介词with的宾语。
例句:Her coming to help encouraged all of us.
4.The scene ended with Henry leaving their house and promising that he would not open the letter until 2o'clock.
Language point
Language point
scene n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面;场景;景象
例句:The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country.
例句:Act I, Scene 2 of “Macbeth”.
Act1, Scene 2第一幕,第二场 on the scene在现场 scene of an accident事故现场
crime scene犯罪现场 final scene终场 first/opening scene第一场/开场
1. ACT1, SCENE 3 第一幕,第三场
Language point
词语辨析: scenery, scene, sight与view
例句:We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。(2)scene是scenery的一部分,可数名词,指景象、景色,尤指有人和/或动物活动的风光。
例句:It was a delightful rural scene.那是赏心悦目的乡村风光。
例句:The flowers at the annual flower show were a beautiful sight.年度花卉展上的花是一道美丽的风景。
例句:The cottage had a delightful sea view.这小屋可以看到宜人的海景。
1. ACT1, SCENE 3 第一幕,第三场
Fire fighters will remain ___ the scene until later this morning to ensure that the fire doesn't start up again.
bet v.打赌;赌注
例句We've got a bet on who's going to arrive first.
(2)I bet you can t do this puzzle.
2.Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.罗德里克和奥利弗这对富家兄弟打了一个赌。
make a bet打个赌 have/take a bet on... .....对......打赌/下注
win/lose a bet赢/输一场赌 make a bet with sb.和某人打个赌
①I hear you're betting ____whether they will win the game.
②I can make __ bet with you that you must pass the exam.
Language point
①___a matter of fact,I knew him when I worked in a travel agency.
②He thought I had known the fact. But as a matter____fact, I knew nothing about it.
as a matter of fact事实上;其实;说真的
例句:As a matter of fact, you've been there many times.
(2)to make matters worse更糟糕的是
a matter of关.....的事情
no matter无论,不管
3.As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.事实上,我流落英国是一场意外。
Language point
4.About a month ago, I was sailing, and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 大约一个月以前, 我正在航行, 天
快黑的时候, 我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了海上。
(1)find oneself. . . 发现自己处于某种境地, 而且含有“在不知不觉中……”的意思。
例句:Yet, now that I’m growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myself needing a way to escape.
然而, 随着我的成长, 曾经简单的世界变得更加复杂, 我发现自己需要一种逃避的方式。
例句:He hurried to the store, only to find the door closed.
他匆忙赶到商店, 却发现门关着。
Language point
(3)“find+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中, 当宾语是不定式短语、动词-ing形式或从句时, 常用it作形式宾语, 将真正的宾语置于宾语补足语之后。
例句:I found it very difficult to adapt myself to things all around here.
① The little boy was very pleased to find the bottle ______ (fill) with water.
② It's quite common to find her _______ (read) the newspaper.
Language point
spot sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事 a quite/lonely spot 宁静/偏僻的地方
on the spot 当场; 在现场; 立即 be spotted with满是……斑点
spot vt.看见;注意到;发现几地点;处所;斑点;污迹(→spotted adj.有花点的;有斑点的)
例句:I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.我刚才在封面上发现了一处错误。
例句:It took a practised eye to spot the difference. 只有内行人才能看出其中的差异。
例句:Let's meet at this spot tomorrow.明天咱们就在这个地方见面吧。
5. The next morning I was spotted by a ship.
①Wearing a long red coat, she was easily________(spot) by her friend in the crowd.
②The police spotted him ________ (drive)a stolen car.
Language point
(1)本句属于强调结构, 强调句子的主语the ship。
(2)强调结构是英语中最常使用的句型之一, 其构成形式是: It is/was+被强调部分 + that / who+句子其他部分。在本结构中, it无意义。若原句属于现在或将来时态范畴, 系动词用is; 若原句属于过去时态范畴, 系动词用was。
6.And it was the ship that brought you to England.
注意:被强调部分若是句子的主语, that/who之后的谓语动词在人称和数上应与句子的主语保持一致。
例句:It is Mary and Tom who often do good deeds.是玛丽和汤姆经常做好事。
①It must be Peter _________has let this secret out.
②___was because I was that I came late.
Language point
①She likes all sorts ___ stones, which makes me think her sort ___ stupid.
②Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted _____ plastics, glass and paper.
sort n.种类;类别vt.把......分类整理
例句:(1)There are all sorts of animals in the zoo.动物园里有各种各样的动物。
例句:(2)He sorted the apples into big ones and small ones.他把这些苹果分成大小两类。
(1)a sort of 一种 all sorts of 各种各样的 sort into把......分成 sort of 有几分,有点儿
(2)sort...out (from) ( 从......中 )挑选出;整理,处理
7.Tell us, what sort of work did you do in America 告诉我们,你在美国是做什么行当的
Language point
Patience n.耐心;忍耐力;毅力(→patient adj.有耐心;容忍的;patience耐心;容忍的)
例句:(1) Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。
例句:(2)Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding.
8.Patience. If you don't mind, may I ask you how much money you
have 别着急。不介意的话,能告诉我你有多少钱吗
(1)have little/no patience with... .....无法容忍 have the patience to do sth.有耐心做某事
with patience耐心地
(2) be patient with对....有耐心 be impatient with .....不耐烦
①Fishing is a hobby which calls for a great deal of__________(patient),which I don't have.
②I wouldn't have the patience______(sit) mending watches all day.
to sit
Language point
to be honest说实话;坦率地说(=honesty speaking )
例句:To be honest, I just don't want to go.
例句:I was a little surprised to be invited, to be honest.
9.Well, to be honest,I have none.
to be honest在句中作插入语,使用时用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开。其他常见的不定式作插入语的还有:
to tell (you)the truth说实话 to be frank坦白地说 to be exact确切地说
①______(be) honest, I don't know if he broke the window on purpose.
②________(honest) speaking, that's all the money I have.
To be
Language point
indicate vt. &vi.表明;显示vt.象征;暗示(→indication n.象征;表明;标示)
例句:(1)Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.
例句:(2)Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.
10.This implied meaning often indicates people's feelings, attitudes,
or motives.这种隐含的意义往往表明人们的感情、态度或动机。
indicate sth.to sb.向某人示意/指出..... indicate that...预示/显示......
indicate one's intention表明某人的意图 give sb. indication向某人表明
①The headmaster took out a map and indicated the quickest route ___ us.
②Did he give you any__________(indicate) of his feelings
Language point
postpone vt.延迟;延期;延缓
例句:We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week.
postpone doing sth.延迟做某事 postpone the meeting推迟会议
postpone = put off= delay延期,推迟
11. ......He had to postpone opening it until 2' clock.他必须推迟到两点再打开。
①It was an unpopular decision to postpone________(build)the new hospital.
②She called this afternoon to put ____ the meeting to next month.
Language point
odd adj.奇怪的;怪异的;反常的;偶然出现的;奇数的
例句:(1)He was dressed in an odd assortment of clothes.
例句:(2)Oddly enough, the most expensive tickets sold fastest.
an odd way to behave古怪的行为 odd jobs零工 odd numbers奇数
12.Henry felt that was odd.亨利觉得那很奇怪。
①It's an ____(古怪的) tradition, but how did it get started
② I'm worried about his recent _____ (怪异的)behavior.
Language point
1. scene n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面;场景;景象
2. bet v.打赌;赌注
3. spot vt.看见;注意到;发现几地点:处所:斑点;污迹
4. sort n.种类;类别vt.把...类整理
5.Patience n.耐心;忍耐力;毅力
6. indicate vt. &vi表明;显示vt象征;暗示
7. postpone vt.延迟;延期;延缓
8.odd adj.奇怪的;怪异的;反常的;偶然出现的;奇数的
9.as a matter of fact事实上;其实;说真的
10. to be honest说实话;坦率地说
1.Firefighters were on the ______(现场) immediately.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2.Teaching children requires_________ (耐心)and understanding. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
3.He ___(打赌) $50 that his horse would win. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
4.The circus chose the _____(地点) in the downtown to put up the tent.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
5.One school in India made its students pay their “school fees” by collecting, bringing to school,
and recycling ______(塑料的) waste that was lying across the town.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
6.Clouds that ____(飘;航行) across the sky are prettier than boats on the rivers and ships on the seas. (根
7.There is something ____(奇怪的,怪异的) about that man. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
8.We may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been ___________(推迟).(根据中英文提示填空)
9.Though the shoreline can be seen, it is impossible to j______how far away it is. (根据首字母单词拼写)
10.Wang Zheng a____________________ to Chen because he couldn’t offer her more money. (根据首字
1. Review the key words and phrases in this class.
2. Complete the questions in the workbook.