人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues复习学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues复习学案(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-30 16:58:13



1.moral adj.道德的;道义上的 n.品行;道德;寓意
2.dilemma n.进退两难的境地;困境
3.moral dilemma道德困境
4.entrust vt.委托;交付
5.tuition n.(小组)教学;讲课
6.tuition fees学费
7.physician n.医师;(尤指)内科医生
8.resident physician住院医师
9.colleague n.同事;同僚
10.faraway adj.遥远的
11.kindergarten n.学前班;幼儿园
12.insurance n.保险;保险业
13.import n.进口;进口商品 vt.进口;输入;引进
14.export n.出口;出口商品 vt.出口;输出;传播
15.pole n.(行星的)极;地极
16.lap n.(坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等的)一圈
17.café n.咖啡馆;小餐馆
18.waitress n.(餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者
19.pregnant adj.怀孕的;妊娠的
20.disguise vt.装扮;假扮;掩盖 n.伪装;化装用具
21.maple n.枫树;槭树
22.cart n.手推车;运货马车
23.spill vt.& vi.(spilt/spilled,spilt/spilled)(使)洒出;(使)溢出
24.might n.力量;威力
25.fable n.寓言;寓言故事
1.virtue n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
2.faint vi.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的;微弱的
3.illustrate vt.(举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图
4.precious adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
5.fee n.专业服务费;报酬
6.union n.协会;联合会;工会
7.hire vt.聘任;雇用;租用 n.租借;租用
8.clinic n.诊所;门诊部
9.decade n.十年;十年期
10.elsewhere adv.在别处;去别处
11.publish vt.发表(作品);出版
12.staff n.员工;全体职员
13.principle n.道德原则;法则;原则
14.passive adj.被动的;顺从的
15.whisper vi.& vt.悄声说;耳语;低语 n.耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传
16.midnight n.子夜;午夜
17.bite vt.& vi.(bit,bitten)咬;叮;蜇 n.咬;(咬下的)一口;咬伤
18.lip n.嘴唇
19.chairman n.主席;主持人;董事长
20.chain n.一连串(人或事);链子;链条
21.limp vi.跛行;一瘸一拐地走
22.tear n.眼泪;泪水
23.despair n.绝望 vi.绝望;感到无望
24.court n.(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭
25.income n.收入;收益
26.per prep.每;每一
27.therefore adv.因此;所以
1.marriage n.结婚;婚姻→marry v.(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶
2.majority n.大部分;大多数→major adj.主要的 vi.主修 n.主修课程;少校
3.complain vi.& vt.抱怨;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨;投诉
4.respond vt.回答;回复 vi.做出反应;回应→response n.反应;回答;回复
5.scholarship n.奖学金→scholar n.学者
6.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→rejection n.拒绝接受;否决
7.appoint vt.任命;委派→appointment n.约会;任命;委任→appointed adj.约定的;指定的
8.elect vt.选举;推选→election n.选举;推选;当选
9.tend vt.照顾;照料 vi.倾向;趋于→tendency n.趋势;趋向
10.retire vt.& vi.退休;退职;退出→retirement n.退休→retired adj.退休的
11.saving n.节省物;节省;节约;[pl.]储蓄金;存款→save vt.救;节省;储蓄
12.scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的→scare vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓→scary adj.吓人的;恐怖的
13.sharp adj.(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→sharply adv.急剧地;严厉地→sharpen vt.削尖;磨快;使提高
14.energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的→energy n.精力;活力;能量
15.replace vt.接替;取代;更换→replacement n.更换;更替;替换的人/物
16.accident n.事故;车祸;失事→accidental adj.意外的;偶然的→accidentally adv.偶然地
17.operation n.手术;企业;经营→operate vt.& vi.做手术;经营;操作;运转→operator n.操作员;接线员;经营者
18.assist vt.帮助;援助→assistant n.助理;助手→assistance n.帮助;援助
19.memory n.记忆力;回忆→memoriz(s)e vt.记住;记忆
20.harm n.& vt.伤害;损害→harmful adj.有害的→harmfully adv.有害地→harmless adj.无害的
21.flexible adj.灵活的;可变通的→flexibly adv.灵活地→flexibility n.灵活性
22.tension n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑→tense adj.紧张的;(尤指肌肉、身体)拉紧的 n.(动词的)时态
1.compulsory adj.义务的;强制的
2.condemn vt.谴责;使注定
3.conflict vt.冲突;抵触 n.冲突;矛盾
4.conscious adj.神志清醒的;有意识的
5.consequence n.结果;后果
6.conservative adj.保守的;守旧的
7.considerate adj.体贴的;考虑周到的
8.consistent adj.一贯的;一致的
1.carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关
2.tend to do sth 易于做某事;往往会发生某事
3.first aid急救
4.pass away去世
5.in memory of作为对……的纪念
6.trip over被……绊倒
7.in tears流着泪;含着泪
8.in despair处于绝望中
9.a great deal (of) 大量
10.choose to do sth选择做某事
11.care for喜欢;照顾
12.succeed in doing sth成功地做某事
13.be responsible for为……负责
14.make an attempt to do sth尝试做某事;努力做某事
1.To a person nothing is more precious than their life...(“否定词+比较级”表达最高级含义)
2.She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.(the+序数词+n.+to do)
3.Though Lin Qiaozhi never married,she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”,having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.(having done作状语)
4.Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died,22 April 1983.(not...until)
5.Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems.(whose引导的定语从句)
Li Hua,an energetic medical student,was walking by a kindergarten when an accident happened.A pregnant woman tripped over and fainted.Seeing this,her first response was to conduct first aid,but a passer-by 1.whispered to her “Think twice.” She was in a moral dilemma.After a short hesitation,she chose to send the woman to a clinic.A physician who had just retired came to assist her.However,her mother spoke sharp words and 2.complained about this for fear of a blackmail(讹诈).Li Hua became 3.scared.She had no income,savings or insurance.What if the woman asked her for a great deal of money Maybe she could earn tuition fees or work as a waitress in a nearby caf?.Her scholarship might also help.A chain of terrible thoughts flashing through her mind,she was almost in 4.despair,and therefore could not sleep until midnight.Her father’s words carried her through the hard time.“Patients tend to entrust a doctor with life and a doctor will save a patient with all the might.What is 5.more precious than life How can you 6.reject your duty and ignore your principles?” The following day,she found the pregnant woman’s husband waiting in her classroom.He thanked Li Hua again and again in tears.At last,her tension 7.was replaced with pride.Afterwards,Li Hua was hired by a hospital and accepted by her colleagues quickly.Soon,she was able to perform operations in a wonderful way.A decade later,she was appointed to be chairwoman of the hospital union.
respond vt.回答;回复 vi.回答;响应;做出反应;回应 (response n.回答;回复;反应)
respond to对……做出回应或反应;答复 in response to对……的答复;对……做出反应 make a/no response to对……做出回应/不予回答
(1)She made no response(respond) to the principle,which made me boil with anger.
In response to your letter of complaint,I made the following promises.
Every time I asked him for advice,he would respond to/make a response to me immediately.
appoint vt.任命;委派 (appointment n.约会;任命;预约;委任 appointed adj.约定的;指定的)
appoint sb as/to be...任命某人为…… appoint sb to do sth 委派某人做某事 make/have an appointment (with sb)(与某人)约会/预约
(1)I have something urgent to handle and therefore,I have to cancel the appointment(appoint) with you,and I will appoint my brother to meet(meet) you at the airport.
Learning that you have been appointed as/to be chairman of the Student Association,I sincerely congratulate you.
Because I have made/had an appointment with the dentist,I am terribly sorry for not accompanying you to the bookshop at the appointed time.
→Having made/had an appointment with the dentist,I am terribly sorry for not accompanying you to the bookshop at the appointed time.(用having done作状语改写)
scare vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓 (scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的 scary adj.吓人的;恐怖的)
be scared to do sth 害怕/不敢做某事 be scared of sb/sth 害怕某人/某事 be scared to death吓得要死 scare sb into doing sth 恐吓某人做某事
(1)After watching a scary(scare) film in the cinema,she was scared of walking home alone and therefore,she called a taxi.
She was scared into crouching beside a big tree by the shouts of tigers,with her heart pounding.
When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us,I was nearly scared to death.
I bowed my head timidly and was scared to look at my father’s cloudy face.
assist vt.帮助;援助 (assistance n.帮助;援助 assistant n.助手;助理)
assist sb to do/in doing sth 帮助某人做某事 assist sb with/in sth 在某方面帮助某人 come/go to one’s assistance来/去援助某人 with the assistance of...在……的帮助下
(1)Having a great deal of teaching experience at a primary school,I do believe that I am qualified to be your assistant(assist) and I can assist you with/in your teaching in China.(应用文写作之申请信)
In response to your last letter,I make sure that I will assist you with/in your oral English.Firstly,I will assist you to correct/in correcting your pronunciation.
When the twins were worried that they couldn’t succeed in making a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast,their father came to their assistance.With the assistance of their father/With their father assisting them/with their father’s assistance,the twins made it,their faces brimming with happy smiles.
tear n.眼泪;泪水 vt.(tore,torn)撕破
读后续写之哭的描写: in tears流着泪;含着泪 burst into tears突然大哭起来 fight/hold back tears 强忍住泪水 be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了 be filled with tears/be brimming with tears泪流满面 be in floods of tears大哭;泪如泉涌
(1)David raised his head and stared at me and tears glistened in his eyes.
→David raised his head and stared at me,tears glistening in his eyes.(用独立主格结构改写)
Seeing the woman in despair,I couldn’t fight/hold back tears.With my eyes in tears,I tried to comfort her by hugging her.She rested her head on my shoulder and burst into tears,sobbing out the story of her unfortunate experience.
My mother tore my letter open without my permission and I wailed with my fists beating my chest.
harm n.& vt.伤害;损害;危害 (harmful adj.有害的 harmless adj.无害的;不致伤害的)
do sb harm/do harm to sb 对某人有害 There is no harm (in) doing sth.做某事无害处。 be harmful to对……有害
(1)The physician says that the medicine is harmful to children but harmless(harm) to adults.
Being addicted to online games is harmful to/does harm to our physical and mental health. Therefore,there is no harm (in) getting rid of it.
a great/good deal (of) 许多的;大量
a great/good deal of许多的,大量的,只能修饰不可数名词。修饰可数名词可以用a great many (of)。 a great/good deal用作副词短语时,可用于修饰形容词、副词比较级来加强程度,也可以用来修饰动词作状语。 a great/good deal用作名词短语时,意为“大量,许多”,作主语或者宾语。
Although David ran a great/good deal slower than the other kids,he made it to the finish line with a determined smile brimming on his face.A great many of the kids couldn’t resist applauding him.
He spent a great/good deal of time with the poor families,and he learned a great/good deal from the experience.
“否定词+比较级”表达最高级含义 To a person nothing is more precious than their life...对一个人来说,生命是最宝贵的……
To us,nothing is more important than passing on kindness to those in trouble.
I hold the strong belief that nobody is more suitable to assist you in the kindergarten than our monitor.
“I have never had a more delicious breakfast than this one!” the mother responded excitedly.
the+序数词+n.+to do She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.她随即成为北京协和医院妇产科聘任的第一位女住院医师。
此句中的不定式to be hired...作后置定语,修饰名词woman。当中心词是序数词、形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级等修饰或前面有the only,the last,the right等,常用动词不定式作后置定语。 在time,way,chance,ability,promise,attempt等名词后,常用不定式作后置定语,表示将要发生的动作。
(1)There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts to contact(contact) you failed.
John was the first person to think of making popcorn to help Bernard earn some extra money.He was convinced that he had the ability to help Bernard out of the difficulty.
I can speak fluent English and I am the only student in my class to go abroad for further study.There is no doubt that I am the best person to be responsible for the job.
I can’t afford to miss such a precious chance to strengthen each other’s understanding.
1.New research found that middle-aged women who were physically fit could be nearly 90 percent less likely to develop dementia in later life—and if they did,it came on a decade later than less sporty women.(2022·浙江1月)
2.When she retired from dancing and her sons eventually flew the nest,she decided it was time to take the plunge.(2022·全国甲)
3.Think of a rubber band.In the beginning,it is flexible,but put it in a drawer for 20 years and it will become dry and easily broken.(2022·新高考全国Ⅱ)
4.As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform,I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him,just as our lizard had.(2021·天津3月)
5.When contributions were made by geniuses outside the club—women,or people of a different color or belief—they were unacknowledged and rejected by others.(2021·全国甲)
A.adj.急剧的 B.adj.敏锐的 C.adj.锋利的 D.adv.整点地 E.adj.急转的 F.adj.清晰的
(1)She studied the young man with her sharp bright eyes. B
(2)Recently there has been a sharp decline in interest in gardening throughout the town. A
(3)I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left. E
(4)She planned to unlock the shop at 8∶00 sharp the next morning. D
(5)All the footprints are quite sharp and clear. F
(6)She had her finger cut by a sharp knife by accident while she was cutting potatoes. C
(1)He often tends the flower beds that he has planted in the driveway.料理;照顾
(2)The operation of this machine seems to be simple but in fact it isn’t.操作
(3)I think the moral of the story is to let people mind their own behaviors.寓意
(4)We will play basketball for half an hour in a basketball court.球场
(5)When we tear one page from the calendar,it means our life has been shortened by one day.撕掉
1.It’s typical of him to respond to others’ requests in spite of his own business.
2.The majority(major) of students show great respect for their teachers.
3.His colleagues assisted him to decorate(decorate) the house for his wedding.
4.We appointed her to represent(represent) us to send our congratulations at the wedding ceremony.
5.The boys set off firecrackers to scare the monkeys into running away.
6.When the boss arrived,the joyful atmosphere was replaced by/with a serious one.
7. After all,it is immoral to take advantage of others’ weaknesses to do harm to them.
8.To his surprise,he found a great deal of money in the envelope.
9. After all,some festivals are held in memory of the ancestors.
10.I have never experienced a more exciting(exciting) moment than now.
Thank you for appointing me to be/as chairman of the Student Council.
2.我会是第一个帮助那些有困难的同学解决他们困境的人。(the+序数词+n.+to do;assist sb to do)
I will be the first one to assist those in trouble to solve their dilemmas.
3.我将耐心回答其他人的问题,并且不遗余力地提供许多实用的建议。(respond to;a great deal of)
I will respond to others’ questions patiently and spare no effort to provide a great deal of practical advice.
4.我不害怕面对各种困难。(be scared to do)
I am not scared to face various hardships.
Through my great efforts,I believe nobody can be a more responsible and qualified chairman than me.
passive adj.被动的;顺从的
despair n.绝望 vi.绝望;感到无望
complain vi.& vt.抱怨;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨;投诉
scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的→scare vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓→scary adj.吓人的;恐怖的
tension n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑→tense adj.紧张的;(尤指肌肉、身体)拉紧的
in tears流着泪;含着泪
faint vi.昏倒;晕厥
whisper vi.& vt.悄声说;耳语;低语 n.耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传
replace vt.接替;取代;更换
assist vt.帮助;援助
tend vt.照顾;照料 vi.倾向;趋于
carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关
trip over被……绊倒
Susan was caught in a car accident and fainted.She was blind forever,throwing her into a world of anger,despair,complaint and self-pity.All day long she frowned,grieved and was bathed in tears,feeling as if a knife were piercing her heart.Her husband,Mark,tended (to) her with great care and determined to assist her to regain strength and confidence and step out of such a passive dilemma.Gradually,Susan’s tension was replaced by confidence.She whispered gently,“Mark,thank you.It is you that/who carry me through the tough situation.”