人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 复习习题(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 复习习题(原卷版+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-03 07:16:52


必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
What could driving a race car and pointing a camera at the Milky Way have in common?More than you might imagine.Race car driver Bubba Wallace and photographer Batak Tefreshi journeyed together to remote Gooseberry Mesa for an adventure aimed at capturing the night sky.
Gooseberry Mesa,far from population centers,is protected from the nighttime light pollution,which makes it perfect for star photographers.Natural night environments such as this are rare.
Camping,hiking and shooting stars in mountainous Mesa highlight the similarity between photography and racing.Bubba notes,“Once you fire up the engine there’s no turning back—I know I’ll be in that seat for more than three hours.”Batak agrees,“I have the same feeling as soon as I touch my camera—I’m ready to continue through the entire night.”For Bubba,developing patience allowed him to mature as a driver and is equally essential to Batak’s photography.
Seizing the moment is crucial too.“Every minute things are changing—the Earth’s shadow,the moonlight,the rise of stars,”Batak explains.“If you lose the moment,it’s gone forever.”Bubba finds the physical and mental demands of racing as crucial when travelling in Utah’s rugged landscapes under freezing temperatures.
Think incoming clouds,wind,or mist will ruin your chance at a perfect shot?According to Batak,“With wide-angle nightscapes,every unexpected weather condition can be an opportunity.Our photos show oranges and blues around the moon you wouldn’t see under a clear sky.”
The team discovered shared interests that go beyond photography.“We’re both passionate about bringing cultures together and using our work to break down boundaries,”says Batak.“The night sky has a unifying power.The sky connects the whole world under one umbrella.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位赛车手和一位摄影师共同捕捉星空的故事。
1.Why did Bubba and Batak choose Gooseberry Mesa
A.It has a small population.
B.It has ideal weather conditions.
C.It is free from light pollution.
D.It has a magnificent landscape.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,该地因免受夜间灯光污染而十分适合夜空拍摄。故选C。
2.Which is required in both car racing and photography
A.Willpower. B.Teamwork.
C.Bravery. D.Creativity.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。第三段内容提到在梅萨的经历集中体现了赛车和摄影的相似之处。一旦发动引擎,就没有回头路,必须坐上三个小时以上;一旦拿起相机,就要准备好整夜奋战。故摄影和赛车都需要毅力。willpower意为“毅力,意志力”,符合题意。故选A。
3.What does Batak think of unexpected weather as a photographer
A.Annoying. B.Disastrous.
C.Favorable. D.Challenging.
答案 C
解析 观点态度题。根据第五段中的“every unexpected weather condition can be an opportunity”可知,每一种意想不到的天气都可能是一个机会。由此可知,巴塔克认为意想不到的天气是有利的。故选C。
4.Which may be a message behind the team’s photography work
A.Appreciating the night sky.
B.Connecting various cultures.
C.Removing racial boundaries.
D.Protecting the environment.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“We’re both passionate about bringing cultures together and using our work to break down boundaries”可知,他们二人都希望能够融合不同的文化并且能用他们的作品打破文化壁垒。故选B。
To fight against the ballooning waistlines among people,several U.S.cities have instituted taxes on drinks with added sugar aiming to reduce consumption,but new research suggests these policies currently have one fundamental flaw.
The study found sugary drinks only reduce purchasing if price tags at stores mention consumers are paying that tax when they buy the drink.
The research included a field study at two convenience stores in San Francisco,which currently has a tax on sugary drinks of 1 cent per ounce.Researchers varied the price tags placed on the sugary drinks over the eight-week study:one tag that simply said the price for the 12-ounce drink($1.52) and one that had the price and the message “Includes SF Sugary Drink Tax”.All non-sugary drinks,which weren’t subject to the tax,simply had the price of the drink($1.40).
The researchers compared sales of the drinks during the study period to the two weeks before the study began when the sugary drink tax was in effect but there were no price tags on any drinks.Results showed sales of sugary drinks weren’t lower during the two weeks,compared to sales before the tax,indicating the tax itself didn’t reduce purchases of sugary drinks.
The researchers then looked at the effects of the two different price tags.Results showed the share of sugary drinks purchased when the tags simply showed the price wasn’t significantly different from that of the two-week period before the study,but did decline slightly when the tags mentioned the price included the added tax.
In a separate online study,the researchers asked participants to estimate what the tax would be on a can of their favorite drink that cost $1.52.The average estimate was 40 cents—much higher than the 12 cents actually demanded in San Francisco.When told the tax was only 12 cents,they reported they’d still purchase the drink.
The findings suggest price tags should mention the tax but not the amount,for consumers tend to overestimate how much the tax is.“If cities want these policies to be effective,they need to regulate how sugary drinks are labeled at stores and they currently don’t do that,”said Donnelly,lead author of the study.
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。为了对抗人们不断膨胀的腰围,美国的几个城市已经开始对含糖饮料征税,旨在减少消费,但新的研究表明,这些政策目前有一个根本缺陷。文章主要说明了这一政策的缺陷是什么以及研究是如何开展的。
5.What does the underlined word “flaw”mean in the first paragraph
A.Weakness. B.Solution.
C.Imbalance. D.Evidence.
答案 A
解析 词义猜测题。根据第二段可知,研究发现,只有当商店的价签提到消费者在购买饮料时要支付该税时,含糖饮料的销售量才会减少,说明新的研究表明这些政策目前有一个弱点。故画线词意思是“弱点”。故选A。
6.What kind of price tags may discourage customers from buying sugary drinks
A.Price tags bearing sugar content.
B.Price tags with the exact tax on them.
C.Price tags saying added tax included.
D.Price tags just showing the total price.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据文章最后三段,尤其是倒数第三段中“but did decline slightly when the tags mentioned the price included the added tax”和最后一段第一句可知,只有当价格标签标明需要支付附加税而不标明具体金额时,才可能会阻止消费者购买含糖饮料。故选C。
7.Which of the following may be Donnelly’s suggestion
A.Stores label sugary drinks at will.
B.Cancel sugary drink taxes at once.
C.Publicize the impacts of sugary drinks.
D.Cities urge stores to use proper price tags.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“If cities want these policies to be effective,they need to regulate how sugary drinks are labeled at stores and they currently don’t do that”可知,“城市应敦促商店使用合适的价格标签”是Donnelly的建议。故选D。
8.What might be the best title for the text
A.A New Way to Prevent Fatness
B.Eating Habits and Food Consumption
C.Sugary Drink Taxes Aren’t Working Well
D.Non-sugary Drinkers Benefit from New Policies
答案 C
解析 标题归纳题。根据第一段并结合全文可知,文章主要说明了美国的几个城市对含糖饮料征税这一政策的缺陷是什么以及研究是如何开展的。由此可知,C项“含糖饮料税效果不佳”适合作文章标题。故选C。
From a young age,many of us learn the benefits of being an extrovert—those individuals who always seem to be the life and soul of the party,often outspoken and able to express their opinions fluently.However,not all of us are wired that way—so is being an extrovert really better
While thinking of an extrovert,we imagine a character who is determined,approachable,cheerful and charming.We are taught to admire these personalities early on.Kids are often encouraged to interact,play and communicate with other children.It seems at times as though children are made to have a more outgoing lifestyle,with some people becoming false extroverts—introverts who copy extrovert behavior.While externally(外表上) they may seem to enjoy the company of others,or being in the center of public attention,they can still become over-extended in intense social situations.
So,while the positive aspects of being an extrovert are plain to see,what are the benefits of introversion?Although extroverts depend on social interaction,introverts are more comfortable with levels of isolation.According to Dr Berit,a college professor,extreme isolation such as times like the lockdown,does not affect introverts as much as extroverts.Lack of social contact,something extroverts rely on,can lead to depression,loneliness,and even death.
But it’s not just in an extreme situation that an introvert shines through.These people seem to have more time for deep thought and thus can become more balanced.They also tend to be good listeners and think before they speak,meaning they could become great friends.Finally,introverts are often fantastic observers,as sitting out of the focus can give them more time to watch the behavior of others.
So,whatever your personality,either introvert or extrovert,there are clear advantages to being either,and if you meet an introvert,you might just end up with an amazing friend.
语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要讲了外向者和内向者不同的特点和各自的优势,同时指出疫情封锁对这两种人的影响。
9.What is a distinctive characteristic of an extrovert
A.Intelligent. B.Considerate.
C.Sociable. D.Responsible.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中“those individuals who always seem to be the life and soul of the party,often outspoken and able to express their opinions fluently”可推知,外向者的显著特征是擅长社交。故选C。
10.Which statement is TRUE according to Dr Berit
A.Introverts should learn from extroverts.
B.Extroverts tend to become better friends.
C.Introverts prefer staying cut off from others.
D.Extroverts find it tougher to handle isolation.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知,外向的人很难应对孤独。故选D。
11.What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A.The influence of introverts.
B.The strengths of being introverts.
C.The causes of introverts’ behavior.
D.The personalities of false introverts.
答案 B
解析 段落大意题。根据第四段第一句可知,内向者的优点不仅仅是在极端的情况下才会显现出来。该段下文接着讲述了内向者的其他优点。由此可知,第四段主要告诉我们内向者的优势。故选B。
12.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To state a viewpoint.
B.To advocate a lifestyle.
C.To introduce a technique.
D.To describe a phenomenon.
答案 A
解析 写作意图题。根据最后一段再结合文章主要讲了外向者和内向者不同的特点和各自的优势,同时指出疫情封锁对这两种人的影响。可推知,这篇文章的目的是陈述观点。故选A。
Whether you want to have more successful relationships,a better career,or just be able to turn down chocolate,pushing your boundaries is essential.You will have to start by working through weaknesses when they arise.
Develop a brief plan of action. 1 Set goals for yourself with time limits.Under each goal,create actionable steps that allow you to stay on track and succeed.For example,if your public speaking skills are weak,make it a goal that you can give a confident presentation.You can plan out actionable steps like writing a speech,delivering the speech to an empty room,then to one person,and then to several people. 2
Use your strengths to build confidence.While you are working to overcome a weakness,work on things you are good at,too. 3 It also keeps you looking competent and skilled while you build your skillset even more.
Rely on your working with others is a strength in any situation.Admitting that you need help in a certain area will help you to include team members and other partners in your tasks. 4 If you find it difficult to reach out or to rely on others,this might be your weakness! You can take steps to learn how to depend on others.
5 Your weaknesses are called weaknesses for a reason.It takes hard work and devotion to overcome them.Even if you fall short of a goal,acknowledge any progress that you did make.This will keep you in a positive frame of mind and help you pick up and continue overcoming the weakness.
A.Celebrate every success.
B.Be patient to figure out your weaknesses.
C.With a plan in mind,you will be better at speaking to others.
D.To overcome your weaknesses,you need a plan to beat them.
E.Eventually,you’ll be confident enough to deliver the speech to the public.
F.You can also learn to overcome your weaknesses by observing how others handle those tasks.
G.This will keep your confidence up and help you get back to work to overcome your weakness.
1.答案 D
解析 根据空前“Develop a brief plan of action.”及空后“Set goals for yourself with time limits.”可知,这里是建议读者制定一个计划。空前的plan和选项中plan一致,空后的weak与选项中的weaknesses对应。D项“为了克服你的弱点,你需要制定一个战胜它们的计划”符合题意,起到承上启下的作用。故选D。
2.答案 E
解析 根据前文“You can plan out actionable steps like writing a speech,delivering the speech to an empty room,then to one person,and then to several people.”可知,每个步骤层层递进。E项中的“Eventually”与上文的“...then...and then...”相连接,其中的“be confident enough to deliver the speech to the public”与上文的“you can give a confident presentation”相呼应。故选E。
3.答案 G
解析 根据本段主旨句“Use your strengths to build confidence.”可知,本段建议利用优势克服弱点,及空后“It also keeps you looking competent and skilled while you build your skillset even more.”可知,also提示前面也在说它的好处。G项“这会让你保持信心,从而帮助你克服你的缺点”符合题意。故选G。
4.答案 F
解析 根据本段内容可知,本段建议要依靠人际网络克服自己的弱点。空前说在你的任务中要将团队成员和其他合作伙伴包含进来,F项(你也可以通过观察别人如何处理这些任务来学习克服自己的弱点)符合利用人际网络的建议。故选F。
5.答案 A
解析 根据空后的内容,尤其是“Even if you fall short of a goal,acknowledge any progress that you did make.This will keep you in a positive frame of mind and help you pick up and continue overcoming the weakness.”可知,本段建议要承认自己的进步。空处是该段主旨句,需要概括整段内容。A项“庆祝每一次成功”符合题意。故选A。必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
What could driving a race car and pointing a camera at the Milky Way have in common?More than you might imagine.Race car driver Bubba Wallace and photographer Batak Tefreshi journeyed together to remote Gooseberry Mesa for an adventure aimed at capturing the night sky.
Gooseberry Mesa,far from population centers,is protected from the nighttime light pollution,which makes it perfect for star photographers.Natural night environments such as this are rare.
Camping,hiking and shooting stars in mountainous Mesa highlight the similarity between photography and racing.Bubba notes,“Once you fire up the engine there’s no turning back—I know I’ll be in that seat for more than three hours.”Batak agrees,“I have the same feeling as soon as I touch my camera—I’m ready to continue through the entire night.”For Bubba,developing patience allowed him to mature as a driver and is equally essential to Batak’s photography.
Seizing the moment is crucial too.“Every minute things are changing—the Earth’s shadow,the moonlight,the rise of stars,”Batak explains.“If you lose the moment,it’s gone forever.”Bubba finds the physical and mental demands of racing as crucial when travelling in Utah’s rugged landscapes under freezing temperatures.
Think incoming clouds,wind,or mist will ruin your chance at a perfect shot?According to Batak,“With wide-angle nightscapes,every unexpected weather condition can be an opportunity.Our photos show oranges and blues around the moon you wouldn’t see under a clear sky.”
The team discovered shared interests that go beyond photography.“We’re both passionate about bringing cultures together and using our work to break down boundaries,”says Batak.“The night sky has a unifying power.The sky connects the whole world under one umbrella.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位赛车手和一位摄影师共同捕捉星空的故事。
1.Why did Bubba and Batak choose Gooseberry Mesa
A.It has a small population.
B.It has ideal weather conditions.
C.It is free from light pollution.
D.It has a magnificent landscape.
2.Which is required in both car racing and photography
A.Willpower. B.Teamwork.
C.Bravery. D.Creativity.
3.What does Batak think of unexpected weather as a photographer
A.Annoying. B.Disastrous.
C.Favorable. D.Challenging.
4.Which may be a message behind the team’s photography work
A.Appreciating the night sky.
B.Connecting various cultures.
C.Removing racial boundaries.
D.Protecting the environment.
To fight against the ballooning waistlines among people,several U.S.cities have instituted taxes on drinks with added sugar aiming to reduce consumption,but new research suggests these policies currently have one fundamental flaw.
The study found sugary drinks only reduce purchasing if price tags at stores mention consumers are paying that tax when they buy the drink.
The research included a field study at two convenience stores in San Francisco,which currently has a tax on sugary drinks of 1 cent per ounce.Researchers varied the price tags placed on the sugary drinks over the eight-week study:one tag that simply said the price for the 12-ounce drink($1.52) and one that had the price and the message “Includes SF Sugary Drink Tax”.All non-sugary drinks,which weren’t subject to the tax,simply had the price of the drink($1.40).
The researchers compared sales of the drinks during the study period to the two weeks before the study began when the sugary drink tax was in effect but there were no price tags on any drinks.Results showed sales of sugary drinks weren’t lower during the two weeks,compared to sales before the tax,indicating the tax itself didn’t reduce purchases of sugary drinks.
The researchers then looked at the effects of the two different price tags.Results showed the share of sugary drinks purchased when the tags simply showed the price wasn’t significantly different from that of the two-week period before the study,but did decline slightly when the tags mentioned the price included the added tax.
In a separate online study,the researchers asked participants to estimate what the tax would be on a can of their favorite drink that cost $1.52.The average estimate was 40 cents—much higher than the 12 cents actually demanded in San Francisco.When told the tax was only 12 cents,they reported they’d still purchase the drink.
The findings suggest price tags should mention the tax but not the amount,for consumers tend to overestimate how much the tax is.“If cities want these policies to be effective,they need to regulate how sugary drinks are labeled at stores and they currently don’t do that,”said Donnelly,lead author of the study.
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。为了对抗人们不断膨胀的腰围,美国的几个城市已经开始对含糖饮料征税,旨在减少消费,但新的研究表明,这些政策目前有一个根本缺陷。文章主要说明了这一政策的缺陷是什么以及研究是如何开展的。
5.What does the underlined word “flaw”mean in the first paragraph
A.Weakness. B.Solution.
C.Imbalance. D.Evidence.
6.What kind of price tags may discourage customers from buying sugary drinks
A.Price tags bearing sugar content.
B.Price tags with the exact tax on them.
C.Price tags saying added tax included.
D.Price tags just showing the total price.
7.Which of the following may be Donnelly’s suggestion
A.Stores label sugary drinks at will.
B.Cancel sugary drink taxes at once.
C.Publicize the impacts of sugary drinks.
D.Cities urge stores to use proper price tags.
8.What might be the best title for the text
A.A New Way to Prevent Fatness
B.Eating Habits and Food Consumption
C.Sugary Drink Taxes Aren’t Working Well
D.Non-sugary Drinkers Benefit from New Policies
From a young age,many of us learn the benefits of being an extrovert—those individuals who always seem to be the life and soul of the party,often outspoken and able to express their opinions fluently.However,not all of us are wired that way—so is being an extrovert really better
While thinking of an extrovert,we imagine a character who is determined,approachable,cheerful and charming.We are taught to admire these personalities early on.Kids are often encouraged to interact,play and communicate with other children.It seems at times as though children are made to have a more outgoing lifestyle,with some people becoming false extroverts—introverts who copy extrovert behavior.While externally(外表上) they may seem to enjoy the company of others,or being in the center of public attention,they can still become over-extended in intense social situations.
So,while the positive aspects of being an extrovert are plain to see,what are the benefits of introversion?Although extroverts depend on social interaction,introverts are more comfortable with levels of isolation.According to Dr Berit,a college professor,extreme isolation such as times like the lockdown,does not affect introverts as much as extroverts.Lack of social contact,something extroverts rely on,can lead to depression,loneliness,and even death.
But it’s not just in an extreme situation that an introvert shines through.These people seem to have more time for deep thought and thus can become more balanced.They also tend to be good listeners and think before they speak,meaning they could become great friends.Finally,introverts are often fantastic observers,as sitting out of the focus can give them more time to watch the behavior of others.
So,whatever your personality,either introvert or extrovert,there are clear advantages to being either,and if you meet an introvert,you might just end up with an amazing friend.
语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要讲了外向者和内向者不同的特点和各自的优势,同时指出疫情封锁对这两种人的影响。
9.What is a distinctive characteristic of an extrovert
A.Intelligent. B.Considerate.
C.Sociable. D.Responsible.
10.Which statement is TRUE according to Dr Berit
A.Introverts should learn from extroverts.
B.Extroverts tend to become better friends.
C.Introverts prefer staying cut off from others.
D.Extroverts find it tougher to handle isolation.
11.What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A.The influence of introverts.
B.The strengths of being introverts.
C.The causes of introverts’ behavior.
D.The personalities of false introverts.
12.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To state a viewpoint.
B.To advocate a lifestyle.
C.To introduce a technique.
D.To describe a phenomenon.
Whether you want to have more successful relationships,a better career,or just be able to turn down chocolate,pushing your boundaries is essential.You will have to start by working through weaknesses when they arise.
Develop a brief plan of action. 1 Set goals for yourself with time limits.Under each goal,create actionable steps that allow you to stay on track and succeed.For example,if your public speaking skills are weak,make it a goal that you can give a confident presentation.You can plan out actionable steps like writing a speech,delivering the speech to an empty room,then to one person,and then to several people. 2
Use your strengths to build confidence.While you are working to overcome a weakness,work on things you are good at,too. 3 It also keeps you looking competent and skilled while you build your skillset even more.
Rely on your working with others is a strength in any situation.Admitting that you need help in a certain area will help you to include team members and other partners in your tasks. 4 If you find it difficult to reach out or to rely on others,this might be your weakness! You can take steps to learn how to depend on others.
5 Your weaknesses are called weaknesses for a reason.It takes hard work and devotion to overcome them.Even if you fall short of a goal,acknowledge any progress that you did make.This will keep you in a positive frame of mind and help you pick up and continue overcoming the weakness.
A.Celebrate every success.
B.Be patient to figure out your weaknesses.
C.With a plan in mind,you will be better at speaking to others.
D.To overcome your weaknesses,you need a plan to beat them.
E.Eventually,you’ll be confident enough to deliver the speech to the public.
F.You can also learn to overcome your weaknesses by observing how others handle those tasks.
G.This will keep your confidence up and help you get back to work to overcome your weakness.