人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture 复习习题(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture 复习习题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-03 07:22:35


选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture
Fees & Passes
The entrance fees you pay when visiting Yellowstone make a difference!Under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act,national parks keep 80% of all fees collected and use that money to fund critical projects that improve services and protect resources.In Yellowstone,entrance fee income provides $8.8 million a year for improvements,campgrounds,roads,native fish restoration,and more.
Entrance Fees
Whether you’re planning a single visit or coming back multiple times a year,enjoy the convenience of purchasing a Yellowstone National Park site specific digital pass on Recreation.gov before you arrive.You have immediate access to your digital pass and can easily download it on your phone or tablet.Your pass will also be emailed as a PDF and can be printed out for display when you arrive.
Learn more about your pass options,find the right Yellowstone National Park pass for you,and buy your pass online.
Visitors entering Yellowstone’s south entrance will be traveling through Grand Teton National Park first;separate entrance fees are charged.
The following passes are sold at all entrance stations.
Seven day Pass
Good for entry into Yellowstone National Park for seven days from the date of purchase.
·Private,non commercial vehicle:$35
·Motorcycle or snowmobile:$30
·Individual (by foot,bicycle,ski,etc.):$20/person
Annual Pass
Annual pass provides free entrance into Yellowstone National Park for one year (valid through the month of purchase).On a snowmobile,this pass admits the signer(s).When travelling by snowcoach or shuttle,this pass admits a signer and up to three additional persons (16 and older) for a total of four people.
·Yellowstone National Park Annual Pass:$70
1.What are national parks’ entrance fees mainly used for
A.Improving public services.
B.Supporting important programs.
C.Resources protection.
D.Fish restoration.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...national parks keep 80% of all fees collected and use that money to fund critical projects that improve services and protect resources.”可知,国家公园门票的80%用于为至关重要的项目提供资金,所以B项为正确答案。
2.Why is a digital pass recommended in the text
A.One can enter the park easily with it.
B.It can save extra entrance fees.
C.It can be bought conveniently.
D.It can be emailed to the park.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据Entrance Fees部分中的“...enjoy the convenience of purchasing a Yellowstone National Park site specific digital pass on Recreation.gov before you arrive.”可知,购买数字通行证是非常方便的,所以C项为正确答案。
3.How much should you pay if you travel in the park on a bike with a Seven day Pass
A.$20. B.$30.
C.$35. D.$70.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据Seven day Pass部分中的“Individual (by foot,bicycle,ski,etc.):$20/person”可知,一个有七天通行证的人骑自行车游览公园需要付费20美元,所以A项为正确答案。
One of the most powerful social desires expressed by teenagers is to be thought of as cool and popular by their peers(同龄人),which is quite natural.
Often,the terms “cool”and “popular”get used interchangeably as if they were just different labels for the same perception.On closer examination,however,it becomes clear that they are quite different and have a fairly complicated relationship with each other.
Let’s start by examining what popularity is all about.At first glance,popularity is easy to define and recognize: A popular person is an individual who is well known,well liked,and admired by others.However,the sources of the social power possessed by popular people can be quite different.Specifically,sociometric popularity (SP) primarily reflects “like ability”and it is linked with qualities such as being kind and trustworthy.However,peer perceived popularity (PP) is based upon a judgment of how popular others think that person is among his or her peers.It reflects what we might call “status”and is often related with less desirable qualities such as being dominant,aggressive,or “stuck up”.
So,popularity is a more complicated concept than it may seem.As complicated as popularity is,coolness is even more so.
Coolness is a broader category than popularity.One can be cool by having cool stuff,by doing cool stuff,or by just plain “being cool”.It is a combination of self presentation,fashion,and attitude.It’s push back against norms and authority that may label itself as not caring about traditional routes to success such as academic achievement and being “too cool for school”.
Hence,coolness and popularity represent two completely independent terms.The pursuit of being cool and popular will probably always be part of the human experience,especially among young people.In and of itself,this is neither good nor bad.But it may be useful to be aware of the differences in these qualities and be clear about exactly what it is that we are pursuing.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要分析了青少年所认为的“酷”和“受欢迎”是不是表达同一感知的不同标签,最后提出这两个概念是完全不同的术语,应该加以区分。
4.What is a common understanding of coolness and popularity
A.They contradict each other.
B.They share a complex connection.
C.They are simply the same concept.
D.They can only be owned by the young.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Often,the terms ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ get used interchangeably as if they were just different labels for the same perception.”可知,人们通常认为这两个词可以互换,也就是人们认为这是同一个概念。故选C。
5.Why does the author mention SP and PP in paragraph 3
A.To make a proposal.
B.To illustrate a concept.
C.To classify popularity.
D.To list typical qualities.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,社交人气(SP)主要反映了“喜欢能力”,它与善良和值得信任等品质有关。然而,同伴感知的受欢迎程度(PP)是基于别人对这个人在他或她的同伴中的受欢迎程度的判断。因此,作者提到SP和PP是为了说明一个概念,即popularity。故选B。
6.Which can be regarded as being cool
A.Following suit.
B.Prioritizing others.
C.Observing traditions.
D.Challenging authority.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第五段中“It’s push back against norms and authority that...being ‘too cool for school’.”可知,挑战权威被认为是很酷的。故选D。
7.What does the author think of the pursuit of coolness and popularity
A.It’s unblamable. B.It’s rewarding.
C.It’s undesirable. D.It’s shameful.
答案 A
解析 观点态度题。根据最后一段中“The pursuit of being cool and popular...is neither good nor bad.”可推断,作者认为追求酷和流行是不必苛责的。故选A。
Columbia high school girls’ soccer team had lost every game in the season until a new 1 stepped in two years ago.
Stuart Henley,a former soccer player and now a truck driver, 2 the team and started training hard in February 2020.He 3 the progress of the girls to team building activities to help them bond on and off the field.He focused on the basics of football like passing, 4 ,and movement to try and bring the girls up to a good standard.His 5 :coaches could give them guidelines,but girls 6 what they felt they needed to work on.
Obviously,the girls were onto something big in the new season.They 7 the skills they had learned and teamwork into their 8 ,which led them to an 9 run of eight games,until they were sadly beaten 3-2 by Wyrley Pumas Team.Although this means they have been 10 the league title,the team have still exceeded(超出) expectation by earning the 11 to the county’s top division.
“Whatever brings you down will 12 make you stronger,especially for girls,”Captain Chelsea said.“Stuart has really 13 our girls the philosophy of playing soccer.We’re going into next season full of confidence and ready to compete against tougher 14 ,but for now we’re still very much enjoying our 15 .”
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了曾经屡战屡败的哥伦比亚高中女子足球队,在新教练斯图尔特·亨利的带领下,在新的赛季获得了亚军,还晋级到了高一级的联赛。
1.A.player B.driver
C.colleague D.coach
答案 D
解析 player运动员;driver司机;colleague同事;coach教练。根据下文“Stuart Henley,a former soccer player and now a truck driver, the team and started training hard in February 2020.”可知,球队换教练了。故选D。
2.A.recognized B.rewarded
C.reorganized D.founded
答案 C
解析 recognize认可;reward酬谢,奖励;reorganize改组,整顿;found成立。根据上文可知,新教练加入后,对球队进行整顿。故选C。
3.A.applied B.preferred
C.credited D.adjusted
答案 C
解析 apply应用;prefer更喜爱;credit认为……是……的功劳;adjust调整。credit...to...意为“认为是……的功劳;把……归于……”。根据第一段可知,足球队不再输掉比赛,说明她们在进步,可推知此处表示他把球队的进步归功于团建活动。故选C。
4.A.shooting B.cheering
C.walking D.observing
答案 A
解析 shoot射门;cheer欢呼;walk散步;observe观察。根据“the basics of football”可知,这里是列举足球的基本技能,shooting(射门)是其中的一项。故选A。
5.A.principle B.dream
C.plan D.virtue
答案 A
解析 principle原则;dream梦想;plan计划;virtue美德。根据上文可知,新教练是个有想法的人,他的原则是:教练可以给她们指导意见,但由她们自己决定加强训练的内容。故选A。
6.A.found B.decided
C.watched D.liked
答案 B
解析 find发现;decide决定;watch观看;like喜欢。根据语境,教练针对她们的情况给出自己的指导意见,但由队员们确定自己的不足之处,自己决定加强训练的内容。故选B。
7.A.turned B.divided
C.integrated D.translated
答案 C
解析 turn翻;divide把……分开;integrate合并,整合;translate翻译。根据上文语境,新教练的指导意见被队员们采纳,她们学以致用,在比赛中发挥基本技能,默契配合。integrate...into...意为“把……融入……”。故选C。
8.A.styles B.training
C.rules D.game
答案 D
解析 style方式;training训练;rule规则;game比赛。根据前一句“Obviously,the girls were onto something big in the new season.”可知,足球队参加了新赛季的比赛,她们把基本技能和团队配合融入比赛中。故选D。
9.A.embarrassing B.unlucky
C.intense D.unbeaten
答案 D
解析 embarrassing使人尴尬的;unlucky不幸的;intense强烈的,激烈的;unbeaten未被击败的。根据语境,这个赛季,她们取得了八连胜,没有被对方打败。故选D。
10.A.awarded B.denied
C.saved D.limited
答案 B
解析 award授予;deny拒绝;save救助,豁免;limit限制。根据上文可知,新赛季中,这支球队打败了八支球队,直至败给了威利美洲狮队,没有获得冠军头衔,deny sb the league title意为“拒绝给某人联赛冠军头衔”。故选B。
11.A.promotion B.approach
C.solution D.contribution
答案 A
解析 promotion晋升,晋级;approach方法;solution解决办法;contribution贡献。根据语境,她们没能获得冠军,但也晋级到了更高一级的联赛。故选A。
12.A.hopefully B.officially
C.fortunately D.eventually
答案 D
解析 hopefully有希望地;officially正式地;fortunately幸运地;eventually最终。一支曾经屡战屡败的球队,最终变得强大,一举获得亚军。故选D。
13.A.brought B.taught
C.left D.reserved
答案 B
解析 bring带来;teach教;leave离开;reserve保留。作为教练的斯图尔特,不仅督促队员们练习技能,更教会她们足球运动中的哲学,并用行动进行了验证。故选B。
14.A.participants B.winners
C.opponents D.partners
答案 C
解析 participant参赛者;winner获胜者;opponent对手;partner伙伴。根据语境可知,球队将进入更高一级的联赛,并迎来更强大的对手。故选C。
15.A.harmony B.victory
C.company D.dignity
答案 B
解析 harmony和谐;victory胜利;company陪伴;dignity 尊严。根据语境,一支曾经屡战屡败的球队,在赛季中获得亚军,还晋级到高一级的联赛,就是一次值得庆祝的胜利。故选B。
A photo taken on March 23,2022 shows students attending a livestreamed popular science lecture given by the Shenzhou 13 crew members.1. class began at 3:40 p.m.and was attended by students from three classrooms across China.
Wang Yaping,2. was assisted by the other two crew members,conducted several scientific experiments.One of the most 3. (appeal) experiments was the “ice ball”experiment.As she shows,4. the space station maintains a fixed temperature at all times,she can transform water into “ice”with only a “tap”.It turned out to be a crystallization(结晶) effect 5. (cause) by the micro gravity environment in space.Students 6. (enthusiastic) raised questions concerning their daily lives.The live stream was broadcast by China Central Television,7. (draw) a total of 3.3 million views.
A number of countries have engaged in space lectures,but only China and the US 8. ________ (realize) the live streaming of lectures with smooth two way connections between Earth and space so far.It will not only promote 9. (man) understanding toward the values of manned space flight but more importantly,serve as an 10. (inspire) to youngsters and boost the country’s talent reserve in the fields of science and technology.
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲的是神舟13号乘组航天员王亚平等三人在中国空间站进行的天宫课堂直播授课及其意义。
1.答案 The
解析 考查冠词。此处特指前面提到的“a livestreamed popular science lecture”,应用定冠词the,位于句首,首字母大写,故填The。
2.答案 who
解析 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导的是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词指人,故填who。
3.答案 appealing
解析 考查形容词。空格处用形容词作定语,修饰名词experiments,appeal的形容词形式为appealing,意为“吸引人的”,故填appealing。
4.答案 while/though/although
解析 考查连词。句子表示“虽然空间站一直保持着固定的温度,但她只需要一个‘轻扣’就能把水变成‘冰’”,空格处表示“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,故填while/though/although。
5.答案 caused
解析 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应用非谓语动词,由by可知,空格处用过去分词caused作后置定语,表被动,故填caused。
6.答案 enthusiastically
解析 考查副词。空格处用副词修饰动词raised作状语,故填enthusiastically。
7.答案 drawing
解析 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应用非谓语动词,The live stream和draw之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词作结果状语,表主动,故填drawing。
8.答案 have realized
解析 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。由前面的have engaged以及时间状语so far可知,空格处用现在完成时,且主语China and the US是两个国家,因此空格处填have realized。
9.答案 man’s
解析 考查名词所有格。man和understanding之间是所属关系,因此空格处用名词所有格man’s,表示“人类的”,故填man’s。
10.答案 inspiration
解析 考查名词。不定冠词an后跟名词的单数形式,inspire的名词是inspiration,意为“激励人的事物”,故填inspiration。选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture
Fees & Passes
The entrance fees you pay when visiting Yellowstone make a difference!Under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act,national parks keep 80% of all fees collected and use that money to fund critical projects that improve services and protect resources.In Yellowstone,entrance fee income provides $8.8 million a year for improvements,campgrounds,roads,native fish restoration,and more.
Entrance Fees
Whether you’re planning a single visit or coming back multiple times a year,enjoy the convenience of purchasing a Yellowstone National Park site specific digital pass on Recreation.gov before you arrive.You have immediate access to your digital pass and can easily download it on your phone or tablet.Your pass will also be emailed as a PDF and can be printed out for display when you arrive.
Learn more about your pass options,find the right Yellowstone National Park pass for you,and buy your pass online.
Visitors entering Yellowstone’s south entrance will be traveling through Grand Teton National Park first;separate entrance fees are charged.
The following passes are sold at all entrance stations.
Seven day Pass
Good for entry into Yellowstone National Park for seven days from the date of purchase.
·Private,non commercial vehicle:$35
·Motorcycle or snowmobile:$30
·Individual (by foot,bicycle,ski,etc.):$20/person
Annual Pass
Annual pass provides free entrance into Yellowstone National Park for one year (valid through the month of purchase).On a snowmobile,this pass admits the signer(s).When travelling by snowcoach or shuttle,this pass admits a signer and up to three additional persons (16 and older) for a total of four people.
·Yellowstone National Park Annual Pass:$70
1.What are national parks’ entrance fees mainly used for
A.Improving public services.
B.Supporting important programs.
C.Resources protection.
D.Fish restoration.
2.Why is a digital pass recommended in the text
A.One can enter the park easily with it.
B.It can save extra entrance fees.
C.It can be bought conveniently.
D.It can be emailed to the park.
3.How much should you pay if you travel in the park on a bike with a Seven day Pass
A.$20. B.$30.
C.$35. D.$70.
One of the most powerful social desires expressed by teenagers is to be thought of as cool and popular by their peers(同龄人),which is quite natural.
Often,the terms “cool”and “popular”get used interchangeably as if they were just different labels for the same perception.On closer examination,however,it becomes clear that they are quite different and have a fairly complicated relationship with each other.
Let’s start by examining what popularity is all about.At first glance,popularity is easy to define and recognize: A popular person is an individual who is well known,well liked,and admired by others.However,the sources of the social power possessed by popular people can be quite different.Specifically,sociometric popularity (SP) primarily reflects “like ability”and it is linked with qualities such as being kind and trustworthy.However,peer perceived popularity (PP) is based upon a judgment of how popular others think that person is among his or her peers.It reflects what we might call “status”and is often related with less desirable qualities such as being dominant,aggressive,or “stuck up”.
So,popularity is a more complicated concept than it may seem.As complicated as popularity is,coolness is even more so.
Coolness is a broader category than popularity.One can be cool by having cool stuff,by doing cool stuff,or by just plain “being cool”.It is a combination of self presentation,fashion,and attitude.It’s push back against norms and authority that may label itself as not caring about traditional routes to success such as academic achievement and being “too cool for school”.
Hence,coolness and popularity represent two completely independent terms.The pursuit of being cool and popular will probably always be part of the human experience,especially among young people.In and of itself,this is neither good nor bad.But it may be useful to be aware of the differences in these qualities and be clear about exactly what it is that we are pursuing.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要分析了青少年所认为的“酷”和“受欢迎”是不是表达同一感知的不同标签,最后提出这两个概念是完全不同的术语,应该加以区分。
4.What is a common understanding of coolness and popularity
A.They contradict each other.
B.They share a complex connection.
C.They are simply the same concept.
D.They can only be owned by the young.
5.Why does the author mention SP and PP in paragraph 3
A.To make a proposal.
B.To illustrate a concept.
C.To classify popularity.
D.To list typical qualities.
6.Which can be regarded as being cool
A.Following suit.
B.Prioritizing others.
C.Observing traditions.
D.Challenging authority.
7.What does the author think of the pursuit of coolness and popularity
A.It’s unblamable. B.It’s rewarding.
C.It’s undesirable. D.It’s shameful.
Columbia high school girls’ soccer team had lost every game in the season until a new 1 stepped in two years ago.
Stuart Henley,a former soccer player and now a truck driver, 2 the team and started training hard in February 2020.He 3 the progress of the girls to team building activities to help them bond on and off the field.He focused on the basics of football like passing, 4 ,and movement to try and bring the girls up to a good standard.His 5 :coaches could give them guidelines,but girls 6 what they felt they needed to work on.
Obviously,the girls were onto something big in the new season.They 7 the skills they had learned and teamwork into their 8 ,which led them to an 9 run of eight games,until they were sadly beaten 3-2 by Wyrley Pumas Team.Although this means they have been 10 the league title,the team have still exceeded(超出) expectation by earning the 11 to the county’s top division.
“Whatever brings you down will 12 make you stronger,especially for girls,”Captain Chelsea said.“Stuart has really 13 our girls the philosophy of playing soccer.We’re going into next season full of confidence and ready to compete against tougher 14 ,but for now we’re still very much enjoying our 15 .”
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了曾经屡战屡败的哥伦比亚高中女子足球队,在新教练斯图尔特·亨利的带领下,在新的赛季获得了亚军,还晋级到了高一级的联赛。
1.A.player B.driver
C.colleague D.coach
2.A.recognized B.rewarded
C.reorganized D.founded
3.A.applied B.preferred
C.credited D.adjusted
4.A.shooting B.cheering
C.walking D.observing
5.A.principle B.dream
C.plan D.virtue
6.A.found B.decided
C.watched D.liked
7.A.turned B.divided
C.integrated D.translated
8.A.styles B.training
C.rules D.game
9.A.embarrassing B.unlucky
C.intense D.unbeaten
10.A.awarded B.denied
C.saved D.limited
11.A.promotion B.approach
C.solution D.contribution
12.A.hopefully B.officially
C.fortunately D.eventually
13.A.brought B.taught
C.left D.reserved
14.A.participants B.winners
C.opponents D.partners
15.A.harmony B.victory
C.company D.dignity
A photo taken on March 23,2022 shows students attending a livestreamed popular science lecture given by the Shenzhou 13 crew members.1. class began at 3:40 p.m.and was attended by students from three classrooms across China.
Wang Yaping,2. was assisted by the other two crew members,conducted several scientific experiments.One of the most 3. (appeal) experiments was the “ice ball”experiment.As she shows,4. the space station maintains a fixed temperature at all times,she can transform water into “ice”with only a “tap”.It turned out to be a crystallization(结晶) effect 5. (cause) by the micro gravity environment in space.Students 6. (enthusiastic) raised questions concerning their daily lives.The live stream was broadcast by China Central Television,7. (draw) a total of 3.3 million views.
A number of countries have engaged in space lectures,but only China and the US 8. ________ (realize) the live streaming of lectures with smooth two way connections between Earth and space so far.It will not only promote 9. (man) understanding toward the values of manned space flight but more importantly,serve as an 10. (inspire) to youngsters and boost the country’s talent reserve in the fields of science and technology.
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲的是神舟13号乘组航天员王亚平等三人在中国空间站进行的天宫课堂直播授课及其意义。