人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement 复习习题(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement 复习习题(原卷版+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-03 07:31:04


选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement
Banff National Park is home to an amazing wildlife population.But the busy Trans-Canada Highway that cuts through the park is a hazard to the lovely animals.To address the problem,Banff first put up wildlife fencing on either side of the highway to discourage animals from entering the busy road.Then,since 1996,six wildlife overpasses and 38 underpasses have been opened to help the animals cross the highway in safety.
I was fortunate to visit Banff’s Red Earth Overpass with Trevor Kinley,the project manager of Parks Canada.He told me that so far,they had documented 10,000 safe animal crossings on this overpass alone.
“Some animals have learned how to use the crossings much more quickly than others.Black bears are the fastest learners,followed by deer.Wolves and lions take the longest to work out how to use them,” Kinley said,laughing.“But those animals that are slower to adapt are usually more capable and determined to figure out the safest way to cross those overpasses and underpasses.”
There is some criticism(批评) that channeling so much wildlife into a few bridges and tunnels is like making a trap for the animals,offering big animals an easy meal on either side.“But research has shown that this is not the case,” Kinley assured me.“There are no more killings around the crossings than anywhere else in the park.”
Walking over the Trans-Canada Highway and then walking underneath through one of the tunnels,I was amazed to see the fresh tracks of black bears,wolves,deer and many kinds of smaller animals.Somehow,I was so happy to see all these animal footprints,knowing that all this wildlife was passing safely under and over the longest road in Canada.
Hopefully,the success of the wildlife crossings in Banff will continue to inspire similar solutions around the world,where human pressure on wildlife continues to grow.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一条横贯Banff国家公园的公路给动物自由活动带来了困难,为了给动物们提供安全的行走途径,园区在该公路沿途修建了一些空中及地下通道,本文主要讲述了作者参观这些通道时的见闻。
1.Which of the following best explains the underlined “hazard” in paragraph 1
A.Shelter. B.Message.
C.Answer. D.Danger.
答案 D
解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词之前的“But”和之后的“To address the problem”和“six wildlife overpasses and 38 underpasses have been opened to help the animals cross the highway in safety”可知,为了应对问题,修建了天桥和地下通道让动物安全地通过公路,结合选项可以推断,hazard和danger含义相近。
2.What does Trevor Kinley say about those wolves and lions
A.They are stupid animals.
B.They are cautious learners.
C.They are very dangerous.
D.They are good at adapting.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段末句可知,适应得慢的动物通常更有能力和决心找出最安全的穿过天桥和地下通道的方法。由此可以推断出,Trevor Kinley认为狼和狮子是谨慎的学习者。
3.What are the critics worried about
A.There are too many bridges and tunnels.
B.Many animals will not use the crossings.
C.More killings might happen at the crossings.
D.Illegal hunting might be encouraged in the park.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第四段首句可知,批评者担心的是集中穿过这些通道时,小型动物容易被其他大型动物吃掉。
4.How does the author feel at the end of the visit
A.Concerned. B.Disappointed.
C.Shocked. D.Delighted.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Somehow,I was so happy to see all these animal footprints”可知,作者在参观结束时是高兴的。
Plants don’t have ears or a central nervous system,but new research out of the University of Missouri has demonstrated that they might still have the ability to “hear”.More specifically,plants have been shown to exhibit an immune response to the mere sound of a hungry insect.
For the study,researchers played the sound of a caterpillar chewing to a group of plants,which caused slight vibrations(振动) on the plants’ leaves.The plants were able to recognize these vibration patterns as danger,and responded by mounting the appropriate immune response.In other words,it appears that plants can “hear” themselves being chewed on.
Researchers assume that plants achieve this remarkable ability thanks to proteins that respond to pressure found within their cell membranes.Vibrations cause pressure changes within the cell,which can change the behavior of the proteins;however,additional study will be required to confirm or deny this theory.
Once researchers identify the exact mechanisms at play in this process,it could lead to advances in crop protection.Farmers could potentially learn to use sound to cause a plant’s natural chemical defenses against insect threats,rather than turning to poisonous chemicals.
“We can imagine applications of this where plants could be treated with sound or genetically engineered to respond to certain sounds that would be useful for agriculture,” said study author Heidi Appel.
The study adds to the growing list of ways that plants have been shown to sense their environments.They are not the boring organisms that many people assume they are.For instance,some plants are able to communicate with each other and signal upcoming danger to their neighbors by releasing chemicals into the air.Plants can respond to light (think about sunflowers) and temperature.Some can even respond to touch,such as the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草),which snaps shut when an insect stimulates its hairs.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。一项新研究表明:植物可能有“听”的能力,对饥饿昆虫的声音有免疫反应,这一发现可以应用于农业以保护庄稼。
5.Why did researchers carry out the study
A.To find out if plants can react to sounds.
B.To learn how plants recognize dangers.
C.To discover if plants can shake their leaves.
D.To see how plants improve immune systems.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“更具体地说,植物已经被证明会对饥饿昆虫的声音表现出免疫反应”及第二段的研究过程可知,这项研究的目的是查明植物是否对声音有反应。故选A。
6.What’s the potential use of researchers’ discovery
A.To remove insects.
B.To protect crops.
C.To treat plant diseases.
D.To produce chemicals.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第四段首句可知,研究人员的这一发现的潜在用处是保护庄稼。故选B。
7.What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph
A.There are more plants than we know.
B.Lots of secrets about plants remain unclear.
C.Plants fit in well with their environments.
D.Plants are more active than we think.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句可知,植物并不是人们设想的乏味的生物体,下文举例说明植物能够互相交流,以释放化学物质的方式向邻居发出危险信号,对光、温度和外界的触摸作出反应。所以本段想要告诉我们植物比我们想象的更加活跃。故选D。
8.What can be the best title for the text
A.Can Plants “Talk” with Each Other
B.How Do Plants Make Use of Sounds
C.Can Plants “Hear” Themselves Being Eaten
D.How Do Plants Defend Themselves Against Attacks
答案 C
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述一项新研究表明植物可能有“听”的能力,并讲述了这项发现的潜在用途。故C项“植物能‘听到’自己被吃掉吗?”最适合作文章标题。故选C。
The Tiangong space station is a space station being constructed by China.The construction of the station is based on the experience gained from its pioneers,Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2.The first module(舱),the Tianhe core module,was launched on April 29,2021,followed by multiple crewed and uncrewed missions and two more modules to be launched by 2022.
According to China Manned Space Agency(CMSA),which operates the space station,the purpose and missions of Tiangong space station are listed as:breakthroughs in key technologies such as permanent human operations in orbit,long-term autonomous spaceflight of the space station,life support technology and development of technology that can aid future deep space exploration.
The Tianhe Core Cabin Module(CCM) provides life support and living quarters for three crew members and provides guidance and navigation(导航) for the station.The module also provides the station’s power.The station is equipped with a small kitchen for food preparation and the first-ever microwave oven in the spaceflight,so that astronauts can always have hot food whenever they need.120 different types of food,selected based on astronauts’ preference,are stored aboard.
China’s intention to build its own space station was amplified(增强) after NASA refused Chinese participation in International Space Station in 2011.On February 22,2017,CMSA and Italian Space Agency(ASI) signed an agreement to cooperate on long-term human spaceflight activities.The agreement holds importance due to Italy’s leading position in the field of human spaceflight with regard to the creation and development of the International Space Station and it shows Italy’s increased expectations of China’s developing space station program.Tiangong is also expected to host experiments from many other countries.
9.What do we know about the Tiangong space station
A.It aims to build a core module.
B.Its construction has been finished.
C.Self-controlled flight is impossible.
D.It can further assist space exploration.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the purpose and missions of Tiangong space station are listed as...development of technology that can aid future deep space exploration”可知,天宫空间站可以进一步帮助太空探索。故选D。
10.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Food stored aboard the station.
B.Ways of cooking in space.
C.Living conditions on Tianhe CCM.
D.Life supporting technologies.
答案 C
解析 段落大意题。根据第三段中的“The Tianhe Core Cabin Module(CCM) provides life support and living quarters”和下文的具体描述可知,第三段主要讲的是天和核心舱内的生活条件。故选C。
11.What will the future of the Tiangong space station be like according to the text
A.Dependent and unclear.
B.Promising and influential.
C.Leading but unpredictable.
D.Internationalized but risky.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,中意签署了长期合作协议,他国对中国正在发展的空间站项目愈发抱有期望,且天宫空间站预计将承载许多其他国家的实验。综上可推知,天宫空间站的未来将会是有前途且有影响力的。故选B。
12.In which section of a website may this text appear
A.Space fiction.
B.Life & Health.
C.Historical events.
D.Science & Technology.
答案 D
解析 文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍的是天宫空间站,属于科技领域的内容,因此可能在网站的科学与技术专栏出现。故选D。
Every day,a lot of people move house.With a newfound appreciation for space and air,it may suddenly have seemed as if a new kind of life was possible. 1 .Here’s some expert advice on how to build a new community.
Ask people you already know if they could introduce you to anyone in the location to which you are moving.Posting on social media is probably the easiest way to tap your friends’ friends.It increases the chance that there’s someone you will get along with.
Don’t expect friends to magically appear
3 .People really need to take the initiative to go out there and meet people and not assume that friends are just going to fall into their lives.As people become familiar to us,we like them more,and it’s completely unconscious.
Be open to a broader range of people
You have spent a lifetime narrowing your social circle to those you really care about,but the chances are you’re not going to meet new best friends in your new area instantly.When it comes to friendships,having close friends is one of the best things we can do for our health and wellbeing.But even having brief interactions with people in general benefits us. 4 .
Don’t despair
Remember to maintain pre-existing friendships,so that you’re not feeling lonely and disconnected while developing new relationships. 5 .But people don’t realize that if they put themselves out there,the process can go faster than they think.It really makes a difference if you’re willing to attend different events;you can really change your social life.
A.Make a public appeal
B.Put some work in before you move
C.Quality is best,but quantity still does something
D.It can take a long time to build up new friendships
E.But now the pandemic has made it harder to connect with strangers
F.It doesn’t necessarily mean you made the wrong decision in moving
G.We tend to think friendships happen naturally and that’s a huge misconception
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了在当前形势下搬家到一个新的地方该如何建立新的人际关系。
1.答案 E
解析 上文提到人们搬家后会面对新的环境,并且下文给出了建立新的人际关系的建议,所以此处应是表达交友的困难。因此,E项(但现在,疫情使得与陌生人联系变得更加困难)切题。故选E。
2.答案 B
解析 根据下文可知,本段主要建议通过熟人和社交媒体来与新家所在地的人建立关系,这些都属于搬家前的准备工作。因此,B项(在你搬家之前先做些工作)切题。故选B。
3.答案 G
解析 根据本段标题和下文可知,本段主要建议主动出去社交,而不是认为朋友会从天而降,因此,G项(我们往往认为友谊是自然发生的,这是一个巨大的误解)切题。故选G。
4.答案 C
解析 根据本段标题以及空前的内容可知,亲密的好友很重要,那些短暂接触的泛泛之交也很重要,即要有高质量的朋友,但大量的普通朋友也有必要,因此,C项(有质量是最好的,但数量也有意义)切题。故选C。
5.答案 D
解析 根据下文可知,改变自己的社交生活,多参加不同活动,可以使建立新友谊的过程加快,D项(建立新的友谊可能需要很长时间)切题,该选项引出下文,且选项中的“take a long time”与下一句中的“go faster”相呼应。故选D。选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement
Banff National Park is home to an amazing wildlife population.But the busy Trans-Canada Highway that cuts through the park is a hazard to the lovely animals.To address the problem,Banff first put up wildlife fencing on either side of the highway to discourage animals from entering the busy road.Then,since 1996,six wildlife overpasses and 38 underpasses have been opened to help the animals cross the highway in safety.
I was fortunate to visit Banff’s Red Earth Overpass with Trevor Kinley,the project manager of Parks Canada.He told me that so far,they had documented 10,000 safe animal crossings on this overpass alone.
“Some animals have learned how to use the crossings much more quickly than others.Black bears are the fastest learners,followed by deer.Wolves and lions take the longest to work out how to use them,” Kinley said,laughing.“But those animals that are slower to adapt are usually more capable and determined to figure out the safest way to cross those overpasses and underpasses.”
There is some criticism(批评) that channeling so much wildlife into a few bridges and tunnels is like making a trap for the animals,offering big animals an easy meal on either side.“But research has shown that this is not the case,” Kinley assured me.“There are no more killings around the crossings than anywhere else in the park.”
Walking over the Trans-Canada Highway and then walking underneath through one of the tunnels,I was amazed to see the fresh tracks of black bears,wolves,deer and many kinds of smaller animals.Somehow,I was so happy to see all these animal footprints,knowing that all this wildlife was passing safely under and over the longest road in Canada.
Hopefully,the success of the wildlife crossings in Banff will continue to inspire similar solutions around the world,where human pressure on wildlife continues to grow.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一条横贯Banff国家公园的公路给动物自由活动带来了困难,为了给动物们提供安全的行走途径,园区在该公路沿途修建了一些空中及地下通道,本文主要讲述了作者参观这些通道时的见闻。
1.Which of the following best explains the underlined “hazard” in paragraph 1
A.Shelter. B.Message.
C.Answer. D.Danger.
2.What does Trevor Kinley say about those wolves and lions
A.They are stupid animals.
B.They are cautious learners.
C.They are very dangerous.
D.They are good at adapting.
3.What are the critics worried about
A.There are too many bridges and tunnels.
B.Many animals will not use the crossings.
C.More killings might happen at the crossings.
D.Illegal hunting might be encouraged in the park.
4.How does the author feel at the end of the visit
A.Concerned. B.Disappointed.
C.Shocked. D.Delighted.
Plants don’t have ears or a central nervous system,but new research out of the University of Missouri has demonstrated that they might still have the ability to “hear”.More specifically,plants have been shown to exhibit an immune response to the mere sound of a hungry insect.
For the study,researchers played the sound of a caterpillar chewing to a group of plants,which caused slight vibrations(振动) on the plants’ leaves.The plants were able to recognize these vibration patterns as danger,and responded by mounting the appropriate immune response.In other words,it appears that plants can “hear” themselves being chewed on.
Researchers assume that plants achieve this remarkable ability thanks to proteins that respond to pressure found within their cell membranes.Vibrations cause pressure changes within the cell,which can change the behavior of the proteins;however,additional study will be required to confirm or deny this theory.
Once researchers identify the exact mechanisms at play in this process,it could lead to advances in crop protection.Farmers could potentially learn to use sound to cause a plant’s natural chemical defenses against insect threats,rather than turning to poisonous chemicals.
“We can imagine applications of this where plants could be treated with sound or genetically engineered to respond to certain sounds that would be useful for agriculture,” said study author Heidi Appel.
The study adds to the growing list of ways that plants have been shown to sense their environments.They are not the boring organisms that many people assume they are.For instance,some plants are able to communicate with each other and signal upcoming danger to their neighbors by releasing chemicals into the air.Plants can respond to light (think about sunflowers) and temperature.Some can even respond to touch,such as the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草),which snaps shut when an insect stimulates its hairs.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。一项新研究表明:植物可能有“听”的能力,对饥饿昆虫的声音有免疫反应,这一发现可以应用于农业以保护庄稼。
5.Why did researchers carry out the study
A.To find out if plants can react to sounds.
B.To learn how plants recognize dangers.
C.To discover if plants can shake their leaves.
D.To see how plants improve immune systems.
6.What’s the potential use of researchers’ discovery
A.To remove insects.
B.To protect crops.
C.To treat plant diseases.
D.To produce chemicals.
7.What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph
A.There are more plants than we know.
B.Lots of secrets about plants remain unclear.
C.Plants fit in well with their environments.
D.Plants are more active than we think.
8.What can be the best title for the text
A.Can Plants “Talk” with Each Other
B.How Do Plants Make Use of Sounds
C.Can Plants “Hear” Themselves Being Eaten
D.How Do Plants Defend Themselves Against Attacks
The Tiangong space station is a space station being constructed by China.The construction of the station is based on the experience gained from its pioneers,Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2.The first module(舱),the Tianhe core module,was launched on April 29,2021,followed by multiple crewed and uncrewed missions and two more modules to be launched by 2022.
According to China Manned Space Agency(CMSA),which operates the space station,the purpose and missions of Tiangong space station are listed as:breakthroughs in key technologies such as permanent human operations in orbit,long-term autonomous spaceflight of the space station,life support technology and development of technology that can aid future deep space exploration.
The Tianhe Core Cabin Module(CCM) provides life support and living quarters for three crew members and provides guidance and navigation(导航) for the station.The module also provides the station’s power.The station is equipped with a small kitchen for food preparation and the first-ever microwave oven in the spaceflight,so that astronauts can always have hot food whenever they need.120 different types of food,selected based on astronauts’ preference,are stored aboard.
China’s intention to build its own space station was amplified(增强) after NASA refused Chinese participation in International Space Station in 2011.On February 22,2017,CMSA and Italian Space Agency(ASI) signed an agreement to cooperate on long-term human spaceflight activities.The agreement holds importance due to Italy’s leading position in the field of human spaceflight with regard to the creation and development of the International Space Station and it shows Italy’s increased expectations of China’s developing space station program.Tiangong is also expected to host experiments from many other countries.
9.What do we know about the Tiangong space station
A.It aims to build a core module.
B.Its construction has been finished.
C.Self-controlled flight is impossible.
D.It can further assist space exploration.
10.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Food stored aboard the station.
B.Ways of cooking in space.
C.Living conditions on Tianhe CCM.
D.Life supporting technologies.
11.What will the future of the Tiangong space station be like according to the text
A.Dependent and unclear.
B.Promising and influential.
C.Leading but unpredictable.
D.Internationalized but risky.
12.In which section of a website may this text appear
A.Space fiction.
B.Life & Health.
C.Historical events.
D.Science & Technology.
Every day,a lot of people move house.With a newfound appreciation for space and air,it may suddenly have seemed as if a new kind of life was possible. 1 .Here’s some expert advice on how to build a new community.
Ask people you already know if they could introduce you to anyone in the location to which you are moving.Posting on social media is probably the easiest way to tap your friends’ friends.It increases the chance that there’s someone you will get along with.
Don’t expect friends to magically appear
3 .People really need to take the initiative to go out there and meet people and not assume that friends are just going to fall into their lives.As people become familiar to us,we like them more,and it’s completely unconscious.
Be open to a broader range of people
You have spent a lifetime narrowing your social circle to those you really care about,but the chances are you’re not going to meet new best friends in your new area instantly.When it comes to friendships,having close friends is one of the best things we can do for our health and wellbeing.But even having brief interactions with people in general benefits us. 4 .
Don’t despair
Remember to maintain pre-existing friendships,so that you’re not feeling lonely and disconnected while developing new relationships. 5 .But people don’t realize that if they put themselves out there,the process can go faster than they think.It really makes a difference if you’re willing to attend different events;you can really change your social life.
A.Make a public appeal
B.Put some work in before you move
C.Quality is best,but quantity still does something
D.It can take a long time to build up new friendships
E.But now the pandemic has made it harder to connect with strangers
F.It doesn’t necessarily mean you made the wrong decision in moving
G.We tend to think friendships happen naturally and that’s a huge misconception
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了在当前形势下搬家到一个新的地方该如何建立新的人际关系。