Unit 12 The future Lesson 24 A quiz 教案(含反思)


名称 Unit 12 The future Lesson 24 A quiz 教案(含反思)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 新概念英语
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-03 09:23:02



Lesson 24 A quiz 青少版新概念小学英语六年级上册
本节课是青少版新概念英语A quiz第一课时。本单元共设计为四课时。第一课时主要是了解文本内容,包括对Robert设计的Quiz 的问答,以及课文中的新词及内容的理解。如:the longest river , the highest mountain , the lowest population . 教材借助对话的形式呈现了本单元的词组和单词:quiz , try out on , continent , the Nile, the Amazon, Ben Nevis , population density , obvious, Antarctica 等。在对话中引导学生在交际中自然恰当地使用形容词的比较级和最高级,从而达到了解更多的自然科学知识的目的。 学情分析 本课的授课对象为小学六年级的学生。我校学生从一年级就开始学习英语,他们对英语有强烈的好奇心和兴趣并且已经具有一定的语言积累,知识储备和英语学习的经验。他们初步具备一定的口语表达能力,能够积极参与课堂并进行自主学习和小组合作等学习活动。同时,他们活泼好动,喜欢并乐于表现,敢于开口用英语表达。
(1) 通过本课的学习,学生能听、说、读、写有关地理方面 的单词:continent , the Nile , the Amazon , Ben Nevis , Antarctica , 能掌握本课的四会生词:quiz ,try on , try out , continent, population density, trick question , square mile, obviously
(3)能听懂、会说,理解并会使用形容词的比较级和最高级。 (4)能流利地朗读课文,并能根据课文内容表演或进行对话。
(1) 能够根据读音规则自读单词,进一步掌握自然拼读并体验认读方法。
(2) 能够通过师生说,两两说,小组讨论,教师引导,动脑思考,同桌交流,表达和反馈学习过程,体验和感悟表达的要求和方法。
(3) 能够通过听、读、模仿、创编的方法,表达自己的体验、感受、意见和看法。
(4) 能够仔细倾听其他同学的发言,有将意见表达出来与其他同学交流的愿望,体验合作学习的过程和方法。
(1) 利用条件,创造条件为学生创设真实的情景。利用quiz进行问答,让学生对这个话题进行描述和讨论,让学生更进一步加强单词的认读和记忆以及句型的实际应用。
(2) 诱发动机,激发兴趣。运用激励和比赛激发学生的学习兴趣。开展各种层次的活动,达到稳定内部动机的效果。
(3) 注重实践,学用结合。通过猜测、讨论、对话、表演等形式让学生真实地进行语言的交流,鼓励学生表达自己的思想,让他们能够在实际的生活中加以应用。
1. 通过本课的学习,初步认知形容词的比较级和最高级。
2. 根据实际情况进行相关问答,学习自己创编相关的Quiz .
1、 能初步理解并使用形容词的比较级和最高级,如high-highest, long-longest, low-lowest。
2、 能尝试用所学的句型、单词恰当地在生活进行相关的表达和使用。
教师活动 学生活动
1.Enjoy a song : Five hundred miles
2. Daily report : story about travelling Sing the song Questions and comments
[设计思路] 课前的歌曲是课堂内容的前奏。通过相关歌曲,学生唤起了对课堂学习内容的回忆,为下一环节的学习进行了铺垫。 课前演讲延续了歌曲内容,同时也揭示了本课与地理相关的主题
Step 2 Lead in
1.T: We are so excited about the travelling . Look at the children on the picture. Why are they so excited They are watching the quiz show . Read and try to understand the meaning of quiz . quiz: a competition or a game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge. 2.Watch a video of quiz show . Read the word: quiz
Watch a video about a quiz show .
[设计思路] 教师利用quiz 为切入点,通过观看视频,了解quiz的含义和形式,以quiz为主题,在课堂中创设情景主线
Step 3. Presentation
1. T: Do you want to have a quiz show Let s try it out . How much do you know about the things around you .
2. Look at the pictures , try to fill in the blanks with the suitable words . ________ is big /small / fast , but _____ is bigger /smaller/ faster. Tip for comparative degree.
3. look at the pictures and try to say the words about the superlative degree . Tip for superlative degree. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Brian storm : say the words with the comparative degree and superlative degree .
4 . listen to the song and try to fill in the blanks . Try to look at the pictures and finish the sentences Tip1:当我们在两个物体或是人之间比较时,可以用比较级。 Read the new words : Tip2:在对三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级(superlative degree)形式.形容词最高级前面必须加定冠词 the. Listen to the song Fill in the blanks with the correct words .
5.T: Let s have some more difficult questions . How many months has 28 days Learn to read “ trick question ” Trick question :a question that seems to have an easy answer but is really designed to trick you Practice some more . Answer the trick questions , try to understand what trick question means .
[设计思路] 教师为学生提供了一个真实trick question , 学生们在回答一个又一个问题的同时,深刻的理解了词组的含义。
6.T: Who are they How much do you know about them What are they talking about Listen and answer : How many questions did Robert ask Lucy
7.Listen and try to tell us , Ben Nevis is ____. Where is Ben Nevis Know something about British Isles . Read paragraph 1&2 answer the questions :
a. What is Robert doing
b. Who does Robert want to try it out on 8. watch the video and try to read the names of the rivers . The Nile , the Amazon Tip: 河流、海洋等专有名词前要用定冠词 the, 并且可以省略river, ocean或sea。 如 the (River) Thames, the Pacific (Ocean)等。 Read paragraph 3&4 , try to answer questions : a. Are the Nile and the Amazon long rivers b. Why is it a good question
9. Which continent is the Nile in , Asia or Africa Learn to say : continent T: How many continents are there in the world What are they Read the names of continents Antarctica . How many oceans are there in the world Read the names of the four oceans .
10. T: How many people are there in Asia There are four billion people in Asia . It has the largest population . learn to read population and population density population :all the people who live in a city or a country; the total number of people who live there . population density: how many people are there to a square kilometre learn to say :square metre, square mile know something about population density of China and the USA . learn to say proportion , learn to say 1:147, 1:35 Listen and answer the questions Read the words
Answer the questions
Watch and answer the questions
Read the words
Read the word continent. Read the names of continent Ss try to understand the two meanings of continent.
Ss learn the world population and population density Learn the phrase : population density square mile
[设计思路] 这一环节主要的目的在于了解和掌握,拓展与实践。课文对话内容中的词汇和句型已经无法完全满足学生交流和表达的需要,因此,教师给出一些学生在生活中常用的词语和句子,为学生提供了建构知识和能力的基础和可能。同时对于文本的内容,我采取了“各个击破”的方法,使用不同的目标和手段让学生更好地掌握词组和生词,并理解文本内容。
Step 4. Practice
1、1.Read the text , try to answer : How many people are there to the square mile Does Australia have the lowest population density Which continent has the lowest population density Why
2. Words revision : game : What’s missing
3. Game : Who is still standing Rules: a. Stand up together. b. Listen and answer the questions quickly . c.. If your answer is slow or wrong , you should sit down. 4. Group work Rules: a. Three students in a group . b. One student is the judge, and should read the questions. c. The other two students should answer questions quickly.
d. Who answers more questions will win. Read and follow Answer the question Say the words quickly . Answer the questions quickly . Practice in groups
[设计思路] 通过学生对真实的quiz 的参与,进一步的激发学生阅读的兴趣,扩大学生的语料库,并激活他们真实的思维。鼓励学生将课文中学习的新的词汇和句型运用到实际的交流中,加快学生的知识内化的过程,真正将文本内容转变为自己的语言
Step5. Consolidation
1. How to write a quiz If we want to write a quiz . We can ask the questions with : Who / what / which
2.Show the phrases and try to ask :
1). longest river ----- the world
2). biggest country --- the world
3) .smallest country --- the world
4). shortest month ----the year
5). the hottest month--- the year--- China
6). tallest student---- our class
7). youngest student --- our class
Think over and try to sum up the words .
Try to ask questions
[设计思路] 如何正确地、得体地使用语言,并以此为话题进行交际是我们培养学生语用能力的重要目标。引导学生进行有效的总结和思考有助于学生的综合语言能力的发展。
Step6. Homework
1.Recite and copy new words and sentences .
2. Try to write a quiz about our class, classmates or our country .
本课是新概念2BUnit 24 A quiz 的第一课时,也是学生首次接触形容词的比较级和最高级的第一课。在课文中以Robert 完成并测试quiz 为主线,引领学生初步认识形容词的比较级和最高级,初步了解比较级和最高级的表达和区别,在学习课文的同时也进一步丰富了学生的词汇、句型和语言知识。从文本的内容和词汇来看,对于六年级的学生难度较高,特别是地名、河流、大陆的名称的认读和理解,同时也对学生的综合文化知识提出了一定的要求。 在备课中能够根据学生的实际水平把握教学目标,在设定目标上能做到准确、扎实、清晰、易于检测。在第一课时,对于课文和单词的理解是关键。这既关系到单元目标的达成,也进一步推进了学生对于语言知识的学习 教学环节设计清晰、自然,层层深入,环环相扣。从quiz 出发,到完成自己班级的quiz ,学生在真实的情景里,体验、学习,完成任务,不仅得到了更多的语言知识和技能,在学习兴趣和文化知识上也得到了提高。本堂课上,老师很好的贯彻了:在用中学,学中用,学用结合,学以致用的原则。同时体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。在这样的一个学习过程中,学习者处于相对自然的态势,不断的在习得和使用语言,学和用每分每秒都和谐的交织在一起。