小学五年级英语(深圳朗文版) 多媒体暑假作业四
一 听力小练笔
(a)听对话,选择最佳答案(4 *5=20)
(A)1.where did they go
A HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" B C HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com"
(C)2.What was the weather like there
A HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" B HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" C HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com"
(B)3.where are they going to do tomorrow
A HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" B HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" C
(C)4.who will they ask to go with them
A Tim B Li Lei C HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" Jim
(B)5.what time will they meet
A B. B B C
(b)听一听,写一写 (4 *5 =20)
Hi, children! There will be a fire 1.drill this week.
First, when you hear ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) the fire alarm, you must 2. line up at the front door of your classroom. You mustn’t 3. push each other.
Next, you must walk 4.quickly down the stairs. You must be quiet.
After that, you must line up quietly in the 5.playground.
HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" 二 根据情境,选择答案(2 * 5 = 10)
(C) 1. 别人夸奖你是个优秀的孩子,你应该说:
A Yes B OK C Thanks
(A) 2. 你想帮助别人时应该说:
A Can I help you? B Thank you C Can you help me?
(B) 3. 你请别人帮忙二别人没有帮到你时,你应该说:
A Sorry B Thank you all the same C No
(C) 4. 别人告诉你不要在游泳池里吃东西,你应该说:
A I am OK B go away C Sorry
(B) 5. 别人告诉你绝对不能把宠物带到学校来,她应该说:
A You can’t take pets to school
B You mustn’t bring pets to school
C You mustn’t take pets to school
三 时文阅读
在美国佛罗里达州,一只名叫Cody 的拉布拉多犬成为了当地的一位明星服务员。
Dog works as a waiter at a gas station
Cody the chocolate La ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )brador retriever has become a celebrity among regulars of a gas station convenience store in Clearwater, Florida. Wearing a uniform and a name tag, the store owner's dog greets customers at the store's drive-through window. Customers grin and kids squeal with joy in response.
一只名叫科迪的棕色拉布拉多猎犬近日成为美国 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )佛罗里达州克利尔沃特市一个加油站的明星。科迪是加油站主人的宠物犬,它每天都会身穿工作服、佩带姓名牌,在加油站便利店的免下车购物窗口问候过往顾客。见到科迪,顾客们很开心,孩子高兴得叫喊。
HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com"
Hello,everyon ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e! My name is Cody. I come from Florida in America. I work as a waiter at a gas station. I am a pet dog. My owner has this station. I am very famous here! The customers like me very much. When the children see me, they become very happy.
I wear a uniform an ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )d a name tag every day. Look! I am greeting the customers. I am very friendly. Do you like me Welcome to our gas station.
根据短文内容,判断下列说法是对T 或错F。(5 * 4 =20)
(T)1 Cody is a famous dog comes from Florida.
(F)2 Cody’s father has this station.
(F)3 The customer ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s like me very much, but the children are afraid of (害怕)me.
(T)4 He wears a uniform and a name tag every day、
四 数学园地 (5 * 4 = 20)
Travelling Distances
Use the informati ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )on above to answer the following questions. Write your answers giving the letters of the route. E.g. A – E -D or A – E- B.
(A) 1.If Pooh goes to Eeyore’s house, which is the shortest route
A Route A – D –E B Route A – C –E C Route A – B –E
(B) 2.If Eeyore goes t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )o Pooh’s house and goes through the forest, what is the total distance he travels
A 411KM B 680KM or 761 KM C 750KM
(B) 3.What is the distance from D to E rounded to the nearest 10KM
A 300KM B250KM C 240KM
(C) 4.What is the total distance from A to E via B
A 397KM B 384KM C774KM
五 快乐课堂
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
(C)1 你是谁?
A who you are?
B who is he
C who are you
(B)2 我能进来吗?
A Can you come in?
B Can I come in?
C Can I come?
(A)3 这是Jane 的家吗?
A Is this Jane’s house?
B This is Jane’s house?
C which is Jane’s house?
(A)4 你想要茶还是咖啡?
A Which do you prefer,coffee or tea?
B Which do you prefer,coffee and tea?
C Do you like coffee and tea
(B)5 Did the man really look for Jane
A Yes, he did.
B No, he didn’t.
C No, he doesn’t.
Pooh’s House
390 KM
128 KM
384 KM
243 KM
126 KM
168 KM
247 KM
Eeyore’s House