人教版(2019)选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art知识·技能·考试课件(共13张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art知识·技能·考试课件(共13张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 5.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-09 11:57:35



Unit 1
例 [四川宜宾2022高三适应性考试]Prior to 2500 BCE, in order to keep records more ________ (precise), Cang Jie originated a set of characters from observing the tracks of birds and mammals.
【答案】例:precisely 句意为:公元前2500年以前,为了更精确地保存记录,仓颉通过观察鸟类和哺乳动物的足迹创造了一套文字。
2.in particular
例1 [辽宁沈阳一二〇中学2022高一月考·改编]________ particular, the revised law serves as a push for establishing affordable nursery care service systems.
例2 I have to know exactly why it is that I’m doing a ________ (particularly) job.
【答案】例1:In 句意为:特别是,修订后的法律推动建立负担得起的幼儿护理服务体系。
例2:particular 设空处修饰名词job,应用形容词。
例3 [河南三门峡2022高二期末·改编]Located on narrow plains along the coastline of Fujian, Quanzhou was a large port along the historic Maritime Silk Road, ________ (particular) in ancient China in the Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty.
例4 My mother has a preference for cooking meals. She also told me it was bad to be particular ________ food.
【答案】例3:particularly 句意为:泉州位于福建沿海的狭长平原上,是历史悠久的海上丝绸之路的一个大港口,特别是在中国古代的宋朝和元朝。
例4:about/over be particular about/over… 意为“对……挑剔”,为固定短语。
例 [山东泰安2022高二期中·改编]Known as China’s national opera, Peking Opera, which originated in the late 18th century, is a combination of music, dance, art and acrobatics (杂技). It is the most ________ (influence) and representative of all operas in China.
【答案】例:influential 句意为:京剧被公认为中国的国剧,起源于18世纪晚期,是音乐、舞蹈、美术和杂技的结合体。它是中国最具影响力和代表性的戏剧。
例1 [陕西十校2022高三段测]Coca cola ________ (rank) the world’s No.1 plastic polluter by Break Free From Plastic and its bottles were the most frequently found on beaches, rivers, parks and other litter sites.
例2 Of those, China owns 82,300 applications, accounting for 45.56 percent of the total and ________ (rank) first worldwide.
【答案】例1:was ranked 根据后一分句中的were可知,此处为一般过去时;根据语境和空后的by可知,此处表示被动关系。故用一般过去时的被动语态。
例1 Across Africa, all giraffe populations ________ (decline) by over 70 percent in the past 20 years.
例2 After she lost the election, her influence on the public was ________ decline.
例3 The designer of the cruise ship Titanic declined ________ (answer) questions about the project’s costs.
【答案】例1:have declined 由时间状语in the past 20 years可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语为all giraffe populations,故谓语用复数形式。故填have declined。
例2:in in decline意为“在下降”。
例3:to answer 句意为:游轮“泰坦尼克号”的设计者拒绝回答有关工程造价的问题。
例4 [江苏G4 2022高三期末]And the long period from the Tang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty turned out to be a time when the royal seal was ________ the decline and seal cutting was waiting to be rejuvenated (使恢复活力).
例5 The woodland is good, and the new trees are growing like mad, but the creatures are ________. The rabbits have disappeared and the owls have moved. The bees and butterflies are still there but in smaller numbers.
A.in place B.in order C.in decline D.in question
【答案】例4:on 句意为:而从唐朝至元朝这段漫长的时期,是皇家玺印走向衰微而篆刻有待复兴的时期。
例1 They really are heroes and they show us every day that they are worthy ________ that name.
例2 [湖北荆州八县市2022高二期末·改编]Someone gave me a book for my ninth birthday because they knew how much I loved to read.The adult thought this kind of book was worthy ________ (read). But I never read it.
【答案】例1:of 例2:to be read
例1 [河北石家庄2022高二月考·改编]Despite the styles or schools, all popularly _____ (recognise) forms of T’ai Chi are based on a perfect balance of yin and yang, stress breathing, and build up the balance of both the mind and body.
例2 [湖南长沙一中2022高二段测]Whatever happens, we need to make sure that facial ________ (recognise) technology can be trusted—or we will have to face the consequences.
【答案】例1:recognised 句意为:尽管有不同的风格或流派,所有公认的太极拳形式都是建立在阴阳完美平衡的基础上的,强调呼吸,增强身心的平衡。
例2:recognition 句意为:无论发生什么,我们都需要确保面部识别技术是可信的,否则我们将不得不面对后果。
例3 Humour in advertising tends to improve ________, but does not improve product recall, message credibility, or buying intentions.In other words, consumers may be familiar with and have good feelings towards the product, but their purchasing decisions will probably not be chosen.
A.company reputation B.brand recognition
C.consumer image D.product quality
【答案】例3:B 句意为:广告中的幽默往往能提高品牌的认知度,但并不能提高产品的记忆度、信息的可信度或购买意向。brand recognition意为“品牌认知度”。