人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单词课件(27张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单词课件(27张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 167.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-11 16:07:23



Unit 2
words and expressions
moral adj. 道德的; 道义上的 n. 品行; 道德; 寓意
immoral adj. 不道德的
virtue n. 高尚的道德; 美德; 优秀品质
Honesty is a virtue.
dilemma n.困境; 进退两难的境地
face a dilemma 面临左右为难的困境
be in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地
. faint v.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的; 微弱的
faint from hunger 饿昏过去
a faint memory 模糊的记忆
a faint light 微弱的光线
a faint chance 很小的机会
. illustrate v.(举例)说明;阐明; 给(书或文章)加插图
illustration n. 图解
illustrative adj. 解释性的
illustrator n. 插图画家
an illustrated book 一本有插画的书
. precious adj. 珍稀的; 宝贵的
precious memory 珍贵的记忆
precious treasure 珍贵的财宝
. entrust v. 委托; 交付
entrust sth to sb = entrust sb with sth:
eg: He entrusted the task to his daughter.
= He entrusted his daughter with the task.
. carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关
carry him through the hardships
. marriage n. 结婚; 婚姻; 婚礼
marry [ m r ]: v. 结婚; 为…主持婚礼
marry sb 和…结婚; 嫁; 娶
married adj 结婚的
.majority n. 大部分;大多数
major adj.主要的; 大的; 重要的
v.主修 【major in+专业】
major causes / source 主要原因/来源
play a major role in… 在…中扮演主角
.complain v. 抱怨; 埋怨; 发牢骚
complaint n. 投诉; 抱怨; 控告; 不满
make a complaint 提出投诉
make a complaint to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨…
a letter of complaint 投诉信
eg: He complained (to the headmaster) that he hadn’t been fairly treated.
.respond vt.回答;回复; vi. 做出反应; 回应
respond to... 对...回答/回应/回复
They will respond positively to the request .
response n. 反应;回答;回复
in response to... 作为…的答复;响应, 回答…;
make no response to 对…没做回应
.union n.协会;联合会;工会
The Students’ Union 学生会
scholarship n.奖学金
scholar n. 学者; 奖学金获得者
.hire v. 聘任;雇用;租用 n. 租借; 租用
hire sth out [短期] 出租某物
hire sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事
hire的反义词:fire vt.开除,解雇
reject v. 拒绝接受;不录用; 拒收
rejection n. 拒绝接受;否决
reject a decision 拒绝一个决定
reject sb./sth 拒绝接受; 不录用; 拒收
refuse v. 拒绝; 回绝; 推却;
appoint v. 任命;委派
appoint sb (as) sth: 任命某人当什么
appoint sb to do sth: 派某人做某事
appoint a time/place to do sth
appointment n. 任命; 预约; 约会; 委任
make an appointment 预约
appointed adj. 约定的,指定的
at the appointed time 在约定的时间
tend v. 照顾; 照料; 倾向; 趋于
tendency n. 趋势;倾向
tend to do sth 易于做某事; 往往会发生某事
tend (to) sb/sth 照料,照顾
1)The doctors and nurses will tend the injured.
2)Women tend to live longer than men.
retire v. 退休; 退职;退出
retire from …… 从……退休
retired adj. 退休的
retirement n. 退休,退职,退休生活
passive adj.被动的; 顺从的
n. 被动式,被动语态
passive voice 被动语态
active adj. 积极的; 忙碌的; 活跃的
scared adj. 害怕的; 对…感到惊慌/恐惧的
be scared of (doing) sth 害怕…
be scared to do sth. 害怕做某事
scare vt. 惊吓,使害怕 vi.受惊吓
scare sb. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事
scare…off/away 把…吓跑
scary adj. 恐怖的,吓人的
a scary movie 恐怖片
sharp adj.(增长/下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的
sharpen v. [使]锋利,[使]提高
sharp teeth 锋利的牙齿
have sharp eyes 有敏锐的眼睛
have a sharp tongue 说话尖刻
insurance n.保险; 保险业
insure vt. 确保,给…保险 vi. 投保
an insurance company 一家保险公司
China Life Insurance Company
energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
energetically adv. 精力充沛地,积极地
energy n. 精力; 力量; 能源
replace v.接替; 取代; 更换
replacement n. 取代,代替
replace A with B 用B取代A
A be replaced by B 被…取代
replace the old with the new 除旧迎新
in place of sb = in one’s place
take the place of sb.= take one’s place
instead of 代替;而不是
accident n.事故;车祸;失事 [指偶然发生的不幸事故]
accidental adj. 意外的,偶然
accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地
by accident 偶然地,意外地
operation n. 手术;企业;经营
put sth. into operation 使…运转,启动
have an operation on sb. 给某人做手术
operate v. 操作; 使用; 控制; 动手术
operate on/ upon… 给...动手术
operate a company 经营一家公司
operator n. 操作员,经营者
assist v.帮助; 援助
assistant n.助手,助理
assistance n. 援助,帮助,支持
assist sb in doing…: 帮助某人做…
assist sb to do sth: 帮助某人做…
with the assistance of… 在…的帮助下
in memory of ...: 作为对…的纪念
memory n. 记忆力,记忆
memorize v.记住,熟记
1)We will set up a monument(纪念碑) in memory of the dead in the earthquake.
2)In memory of the great scientist, a new library has been built.
chain n. 一连串(人或事);链子; 连锁商店
a chain of supermarkets 连锁超市
a chain of restaurants 连锁餐厅
a chain reaction 连锁反应
food chain 食物链
waitress n.(餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者
waiter n. 男服务员; 男侍者
actor n. 男演员
actress n. 女演员
host n. 男主人
hostess n. 女主人
pregnant adj.怀孕的,妊娠的;充盈着
pregnancy n. 妊娠,怀孕
disguise v. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装;化装用具
eg: 1)You’ll have to travel in disguise.
2)She disguised herself as a man so she could fight in the war.
3)He couldn’t disguise the fact that he had
made a bad mistake.
spill v.(使)洒出; (使)溢出
it is no use crying over spilt milk.
trip over (sth.) 被…绊倒
1)One woman tripped over the stone and her water
pot went crashing to the ground.
2)Watch out! Don’t trip over the chair.
harm n./v. 伤害; 损害
harmful adj. 有害的
harmless adj. 无害的
do harm to sb/sth
= be harmful to 对…有害,伤害…
a great/good deal (of + 不可数名词): 大量
a lot of = lots of = plenty of
+ 不可数名词/名词复数: 大量; 许多
1)After a great deal of effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street.
2)They spent a great deal of money on the house.