人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Welcome unit 晨读速记练习检测(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Welcome unit 晨读速记练习检测(含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 395.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-15 10:24:29



1.lecture n.        vi.        vt.       
2.sex n.            
3.campus n.        
4.guy n.       
5.goal n.       
6.strategy n.       
7.partner n.       
8.        n. 交换;交流 vt. 交换;交流;交易;兑换
9.        adj. 正式的;正规的
10.        adj. 爱交际的;外向的
11.        adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的
12.        adv. 向前;前进 adj. 向前的;前进的
13.        n. 光;信号 vi. 闪耀;闪光;发出信号 vt. 使闪耀;发出(信号)
14.        n. 公司;商行;陪伴
1.        vt. & vi. 登记;注册→        n. 登记;注册;挂号
2.        adj. 男(性)的;雄的 n. 雄性动(植)物;男子→
        adj. 女(性)的;雌的 n. 雌性动(植)物;女子
3.        n. 国家;民族;国民→        adj. 国家的;民族的→        n. 国籍;民族
4.        n. 设计;设计方案 vt. 设计;筹划→        n. 设计者
5.        adj. 焦虑的;不安的→        n. 焦虑;不安
6.        adj. 恼怒的;生气的→        v. 使恼怒;打扰→        n. 恼怒;烦恼
7.        adj. 惊吓的;害怕的→        adj. 令人害怕的→        vt. 使惊吓;使害怕→        n. 惊吓;恐怖
8.        adj. 级别(或地位)高的 n. 较年长的人→        adj. 地位(或职位、级别)低下的 n. 职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年
9.        vt. 使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象 vi. 留下印象;引人注目→        n. 印象;感想→        adj. 给人深刻印象的
10.        vi. & vt. 集中(注意力);聚精会神→        n. 集中;专注
11.        n. 实验;试验→       adj. 实验的
12.        vt. & vi. 探索;勘探→        n. 探索;勘探
13.        n. 信心;信任→        adj. 自信的;有把握的
14.        vt. 组织;筹备;安排;组建 vi. 组建;成立→        n. 组织;团体;机构→        n. 组织者
15.        vi. & vt. 改进;改善→        n. 改进;改善
16.        adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的→        n. 好奇心
17.        n. 性格;个性→        n. 人,个人→
        adj. 个人的,私人的
18.        n. 方式;作风→        adj. 时髦的;新潮的;高雅的
1.The educators have over 30 years of experience in helping minority (nation) students get into college.
2.To create the best visual effect, the (design) decided to use some bright colors.
3.Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her (personal) forceful.
4.(curious) is an important attitude to have in building the thinking habit.
5.His application for membership of the (organise) was rejected.
1.senior high school       
2.       终于;最终
3.       留下好印象
4.       集中精力于
5.       不打扰;不惊动
6.junior high school      
7.        盼望;期待
8.        记笔记
9.flash card       
1.You'll have to play better than that if you really want to .
2. the determination and patience of the scientists paid off.
3.I have to put the storybook away to my lessons.
4.The experiments aimed to find out whether using a laptop increased the tendency to “mindlessly”.
5.We're so much seeing you again.
1.What if… 要是……会怎么样呢
2.… that if… 引导的宾语从句,that可以省略
3.the same… as… 与……一样
4.never… without… 双重否定
5.no matter what/who/when/where… 不管什么/谁/什么时候/在哪儿……
1.Everybody, (不管他们是谁), has psychological imbalances.
3.(做事绝不要无目标), or you'll gain nothing.
4.If you are time poor, you need run for only half the time (可获得和其他运动一样的好处).
5.I would like to warn you in advance (如果你在这里吸烟,你会被罚款).
1.阐明写信事由; 2.征求建议; 3.表示感谢。
注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 
Dear Chris,In order to spread splendid Chinese culture and display something representative of my country, my school intends to hold a theme class meeting, ①which is to be posted on an English website later. Now I am in earnest need of your practical advice. It's widely acknowledged ②that China boasts abundant and unique culture with its long history, ranging from themed exhibitions of artworks and calligraphy to folk dances and local operas. Besides, its tea culture and traditional handicrafts hold worldwide appeal. To add a different flavour and give our culture an international touch, I wonder ③which ones are most suitable and attractive to you foreign friends Which ones cater to your desires and gain the most popularity I am assured ④that your suggestions will definitely contribute to better promotion of the grace and glamour of our culture. I am looking forward to your earliest reply.Yours,Li Hua 语篇类型:咨询信行文逻辑:写信目的→咨询内容→表示感谢句式句法:①非限制性定语从句②主语从句③宾语从句④宾语从句
1.ballet n.       
2.content n.       
3.greenhouse n.       
4.title n.       
5.topic n.       
6.freshman n.       
7.literature n.       
8.extra adj.       
9.plate n.       
10.       n. 志愿者
11.        n. 辩论;争论 vt. & vi. 辩论;争论
12.        n. 挑战;艰巨任务 vt. 怀疑;向……挑战
13.        vi. & vt. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等) 
14.        n. 工作计划;日程安排 vt. 安排;预定
15.        n. 冒险;奇遇
16.        n. 青年时期;青春
17.        n. 专家;行家 adj. 熟练的;内行的;专家的
18.        n. 行为;举止
19.        n. 一代(人)
20.        vi. & vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n. 中心;重点;焦点
21.        n. 成年人 adj. 成年的;成熟的
1.        adj. 十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的→        n. (13至19岁之间的)青少年
2.        vt. 较喜欢→        n. 喜爱,喜好
3.        n. 动作;运动;活动→       v. 移动
4.        adj. 合适的;适用的→        v. 适合;对……方便 n. 套装;成套服装
5.        adv. 事实上;的确→        adj. 实际的;事实的
6.        adj. 难以理解的;不清楚的→        vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑→        adj. 糊涂的;迷惑的
7.        adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的→        adv. 流利地;熟练地
8.        vi. & vt. 毕业;获得学位 n. 毕业生→        n. 毕业
9.        vt. 建议;推荐;介绍→        n. 推荐;建议
10.            adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的→        n. 前进;发展 vi. 前进;发展 vt. 发展;促进
11.        adv. 显然;明显地→        adj. 显然的;明显的
12.        adj. 负责的;有责任的→        n. 责任;义务
13.        n. 解决办法;答案→        vt. 解决,解答
14.        n. 主编;编辑;编者→        vt. 编辑
15.        n. 生存;幸存;幸存事物→        vi. 生存;存活 vt. 幸存;艰难度过→       n. 幸存者
16.        vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)→        adj. 有吸引力的;有魅力的→        n. 有魅力之物;吸引力
17.        adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的:入迷的→      n. 对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人→        n. 瘾;入迷→
        adj. 使人上瘾的
1.It's both an exciting but frightening experience for parents the moment their(teenage) obtains a driver's license.
2.I have a (prefer) for wild release, because it is very convenient for the other persons who want to read books.
3.For those with limited space, a (solve) to grow your own vegetables lies closer to homeusing pots.
4.(responsible) is the price every man must pay for freedom.
5.People (obvious) have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit.
1.        喜欢……多于……
2.        打扫(或清除)干净
3.        对……适合的
4.        报名(参加课程)
5.        对……负责  
6.        喜爱
7.        集中;特别关注
8.        对……很入迷
1.Research suggests that half of all teenagers feel their mobile devices, while about 60 percent of parents believe their kids are addicted.
2.It was up to him to his studies and make something of himself.
3.We hope more people will helping the blind and bringing them some relief.
4.She saw that girls and boys in her community were not treated equally becuase girls all the household.
5.So you can see how easy it is to persuade a woman into buying the things that aren't her.
1.动词 ing形式作主语
3.This/That/It is because… 这是因为……
4.feel like… 想要……
5.Chances are that… 有可能……
1.            (学好英语) is challenging for him as he is an average student.
2.I am afraid             (对我来说不方便) to leave the phone number to you.
3.Tom was absent from class. That was            (因为他生病了).
4.Sometimes when I do this, I             (想要放弃).
5.            (有可能) he was raised by a wealthy family.
1.时间和地点; 2.内容:学习唐诗; 3.课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。
注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Leslie,I'm writing to inform you of the plan for our next Chinese lesson. ①Here are some details about it. The lesson begins in the lecture hall at nine next Monday morning. We're going to learn some poems of the Tang Dynasty, ②which you're bound to be interested in. As a foreigner, you may have some difficulty understanding Chinese ancient poetry, so ③it would be wise of you to make some preparations in advance. You may as well read some books related to the history of the Tang Dynasty ④so that you can better appreciate the poems. I'll be waiting for you at the entrance to the lecture hall at 8:30.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua 语篇类型:告知信行文逻辑:写邮件目的→上课计划安排→建议、祝愿 句式句法:①倒装;②定语从句;③it作形式主语;④so that引导目的状语从句
1.castle n.       
2.source n.       
3.flat adj.         n.        
4.site n.       
5.flight n.       
6.accommodation n.      
7.path n.        
8.brochure n.       
9.civilisation n.      
10.soldier n.       
12.detail n.       
13.statue n.       
14.BCE(=before the Common Era)       
15.unearth vt.       
16.        vt. 租用;出租 vi. 租用;租金为 n. 租金
17.        vi. & vt. 收拾(行李) vt. 包装 n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包
18.        adj. 狭窄的 vi. & vt. (使)变窄
19.        n. 类型;种类 vi. & vt. 打字
20.        adj. 唯一的;独特的;特有的
21.        n. 目的地;终点
22.        n. 包裹;包装盒 vt. 将……包装好
23.        vt. 联络;联系 n. 联系;接触
24.        vi. 徒步旅行 vt. 去……远足 n. 远足;徒步旅行
25.        n. (正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vt. (正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
26.        n. 视野;景色;看法
27.        n. 景象;视野;视力
28.        n. 议论;评论 vi. & vt. 发表意见;评论
1.        vi. & vt. 申请;请求 vt. 应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)→        n. 应用;申请书→        n. 器具;家用电器
2.            adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→        adj. 惊奇的;惊喜的→        n. 惊奇;惊诧→        vt. 使惊奇;使惊诧
3.        n. 安排;筹备;整理→        vt. 布置;整理
4.        adv. 极其;非常→        adj. 极度的;极端的
5.        adj. 强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→        n. 力量;能量;能力;影响力;权力;统治 vt. 驱动,给(车辆或机器)提供动力→        adv. 强有力地;强健地;强烈地
6.        n. 帝国→        n. 皇帝
7.        adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 n. 官员;要员→        adv. 官方地;正式地
8.        vt. 辨别出;承认;认可→         n. 识别,认出;承认,认可
9.        vt. 钦佩;赞赏→        n. 钦佩→        adj. 令人钦佩的
10.        n. 建筑设计师→        n. 建筑设计;建筑学→        adj. 建筑方面的;建筑学的
11.        n. 交通运输系统 vt. 运输;运送→        n. 运输;交通运输系统;运输工具
12.        n. 经济;节约→        adj. 经济(上)的;经济学的
1.The (economy) problems of one country often has a great effect on the whole world.
2.To our (amaze), we found the river had been seriously polluted.
3.Here are some (power) tips which can help teenagers succeed in high school.
4.Being recognised in public has brought her much trouble, so she is always wearing dark glasses to avoid (recognise).
5.What makes them (admire) is their ability to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment.
1.        申请
2.       控制;接管
3.        除……以外
4.package tour       
5.        构成;形成
6.credit card       
7.        (在旅馆、机场等)登记
8.        结账离开(旅馆等)
1.He is always        a variety of jokes which make everyone laugh.
2.It is the first time China has landed a probe(无人航天探测器) on a planet        Earth.
3.I am writing to        the activity for the simple reason that I love reading and I own a large number of books.
4.The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to        your food and your schedule.
5.Passengers should        one hour before their flight time at the latest.
3.spend time/money doing sth花费时间/金钱做某事
5.动词 ing形式作状语
1.           (正是在那一天) people celebrated their victory.
2.           (参观长城的是) 200 American college students.
3.They spend half their time          (想出) ways of getting rich, and the rest of their time           (思考) all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich.
4.            (值得怀疑) whether this method is more scientific.
5.He sat in the armchair,             (看报纸).
1.黄山位于安徽省南部,闻名中外; 2.黄山以奇松、怪石等著称; 3.黄山是中国传统绘画和文学的常用主题之一。
注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 
参考词汇:黄山 Mount Huang;奇松 uniquely shaped pine trees;怪石 breathtaking rocks
Dear Nancy,I'm more than delighted to hear ①that you'll pay a visit to Mount Huang during the summer holiday. I feel honored to briefly introduce it to you.Mount Huang, ②a well known tourist attraction worldwide, is located in the south of Anhui Province. ③It is uniquely shaped pine trees and breathtaking rocks that make it world famous and attractive. Besides, you can also enjoy other spectacular natural scenes there like the sea of clouds and hot springs. It is one of the most popular subjects of traditional Chinese painting and literature, ④winning high praise from artists both at home and abroad.I hope this trip will make a deep and unforgettable impression on you.Yours,Li Hua 语篇类型:邀请信行文逻辑:引出话题→景点介绍→衷心祝愿句式句法:①that引导宾语从句;②同位语;③强调句;④现在分词作状语
1.soccer n.       
2.stadium n.       
3.boxing n.       
4.badminton n.      
5.gym n.       
6.gymnastics n.      
7.legend n.       
8.athlete n.       
9.medal n.       
10.captain n.      
11.million num.      
12.audience n.      
13.        n. 比赛项目;大事;公开活动
14.        adj. 滑雪的 vi. 滑雪
15.        vt. 主办;主持 n. 主人;东道主;节目主持人
16.        n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道 vt. & vi. 追踪;跟踪
17.        vt. 使出汗;出汗弄湿 vi. 出汗;流汗 n. 汗水;出汗
18.        n. 高手;主人 vt. 精通;掌握
19.        adv. 分离;分开;成碎片
20.        vt. & vi. 假装;装扮
21.        adj. 积极的;正面的;乐观的;肯定的
22.        adj. 苗条的;单薄的
23.        n. 规定饮食;日常饮食 vi. 节食
24.        adv. 相当;有点儿
25.        vi. 慢跑 n. 慢跑
26.        n. 错误;差错
1.        n. 健康;健壮;适合→       v. 适合
2.        n. 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸→        adj. 值得尊敬的
3.        n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美→        adj. 荣耀的;光荣的
4.        n. 冠军;优胜者→        n. 锦标赛;冠军赛;冠军称号
5.        n. 决心;决定→       v. 决心;决定
6.        vt. 使受伤;损害→        n. 伤害;损伤→
        adj. 受伤的;有伤的
7.        adj. 优美的;优雅的→        n. 优美;优雅
8.        n. 力量;体力→        v. 加强;使更坚固→        adj. 强壮的
9.        n. 失败;失败的人(或事物)→        v. 失败
10.        vi. 竞争;对抗→        n. 竞争→        adj. 有竞争力的→       n. 竞争者
11.        vi. 作弊;舞弊 vt. 欺骗;蒙骗 n. 欺骗手段;骗子→        n. 作弊者;骗子
12.        n. 压力;紧张;重音 vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安→        adj. 紧张的;压力重的→        adj. 紧张的;焦虑的
1.One day, he gathered up all his        (strong) and was        (determine) to attend a job interview.
2.You can attend an upbeat group        (fit) class that'll keep your workout on track.
3.It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a       (compete) and       (stress) society.
4.By openly sharing stories of your        (fail), we can treat errors as an opportunity to learn.
5.I know that if I do this, he may break bones or suffer a bad        (injure).
1.        跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2.track and field       
3.        锻炼;计算出;解决
4.        获得成功;准时到达
5.        树立榜样
6.        破裂;破碎;崩溃
7.        丧失信心;泄气
8.        放弃;投降
9.        有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
10.        假装做某事
11.        即使;虽然
12.        有作用或影响
13.        而不是
14.        停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
15.        有时;偶尔 
16.       与……比较
1.When people do something out of the kindness, sometimes they may wonder whether it really        .
2.It is a pity that Jane and George can't       to the party.
3.Her mother was ironing clothes and every        she glared at her husband, who hid behind his newspaper pretending to read.
4.However, in many ways virtual reality seems more like a toy        a useful technology.
5.If we expect people to        the habit of driving, we must give them an alternative they can rely on.
2.even if/though引导让步状语从句  
3.rather than而不是
1.            (那里耸立着一座古庙) which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
2.            (即使明天下雨), we won't change our plan.
3.We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite,             (而不是分裂我们).
4.For the past two years, Gordon's students        (study) ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity.
5.My teacher always reminds me that under no circumstances should I abandon my learning goals               (一旦我设定了这些目标).
1.学校的体育场馆; 2.主要的运动项目; 3.你喜欢的项目。
注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,You asked me about information on physical exercise in our school in your last letter and the following is a brief introduction. ①Great importance is attached to physical exercise in our school and ②lots of new and modern sports facilities have been built over the years ③to satisfy the needs of the students. Besides a large playground, our school has also constructed a modern stadium, ④in which varieties of sports events are held regularly. The students in our school are encouraged to take an active part in sports and games. And as with many other Chinese, I am crazy about table tennis.Hopefully you can come to our school and see for yourself. Yours,Li Hua 语篇类型:书信 行文逻辑:引出话题→主体内容→表达愿望句式句法:①②被动语态;③动词不定式作目的状语;④“介词+which”引导非限制性定语从句
1.disaster n.       
2.drought n.       
3.slide vi. & vt.       
4.percent n.         adj. & adv.        
5.brick n.       
6.metal n.       
7.bury vt.       
8.unify vi. & vt.      
9.wisdom n.       
10.context n.       
11.volcano n.       
12.typhoon n.       
13.hurricane n.       
14.pipe n.       
15.whistle vi.        vt.        n.       
16.emergency n.       
17.kit n.       
18.summary n.       
19.        n. 洪水;大量 vi. 淹没;大量涌入 vt. 使灌满水;淹没
20.        n. & vt. 营救;救援
21.        vt. 损害;破坏 n. 损坏;损失
22.        vt. 影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动
23.        n. 避难处;居所;庇护 vt. 保护;掩蔽 vi. 躲避(风雨或危险)
24.        n. & vt. 破坏;毁坏
25.        n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt. (使)震惊
26.        vt. 使落入险境;使陷入圈套 n. 险境;陷阱
27.        n. 努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
28.        n. 供应(量);补给;[pl.] 补给品 vt. 供应;供给
29.        vi. & vt. 轻叩;轻敲;轻拍 n. 水龙头;轻叩;轻敲
30.        n. 援助;帮助;救援物资 vi. & vt. (formal)帮助;援助
31.        vt. & vi. 碰撞;撞击 n. 撞车;碰撞
32.        vt. & vi. (swept, swept)打扫;清扫
33.        n. 海浪;波浪 vi. & vt. 挥手;招手
34.        vi. & vt. (struck, struck/stricken)侵袭;突击;击打 n. 罢工;罢课;袭击
1.        vt. 摧毁;毁灭→       n. 摧毁;毁灭
2.        n. 死;死亡→        v. 死;死亡→        adj. 死的;去世的
3.        n. 电;电能→        adj. 电动的;导电的;发电的→        adj. 电的;与电有关的;电气科学的
4.        vi. & vt. 呼吸→        n. 呼吸
5.        vt. 遭受;蒙受 vi. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→
        n. 痛苦
6.        vi. & vt. (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→        n. 火山爆发;(战争等)爆发
7.        vi. 生存;存活 vt. 幸存;艰难度过→        n. 生存;存活→       n. 幸存者
8.        n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→        adj. 有力量的
9.        adj. 镇静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇静→        adv. 镇静地;沉着地
10.        vt. & vi. 递送;传达 vt. 发表→       n. 递送;传送
11.        n. 影响;结果;效果→         adj. 有效的
12.        n. 长;长度→        vt. (使)加长→        adj. 长的
1.His desire for wealth and power led him to his (destroy).
2.He was no doubt a great hero so people couldn't help but cry over his (die).
3.The war lasted over eight years and caused great (suffer) and losses.
4.Lifelong commitment and, indeed, the (survive) of society itself rely on people seeing beauty in difference and depth.
5.The latest expected (deliver) date of your ticket will be 7 days before the event takes place.
1.        似乎;好像;仿佛
2.        严重受损;破败不堪
3.        震惊;吃惊
4.        露天;在户外
5.        遭受……(疾病)折磨;患……病
6.        现有(尤指帮助);在手边;到场;在近处
7.        消灭;彻底消除
8.        平静;镇静
1.They saw by the light of the moon that part of the city lay after the storm.
2.Her husband was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly .
3.How can we learn to interact when our phones are at all times to prevent ourselves from doing so
4.We will discuss the problem tomorrow, when you      .
5.According to the latest surveys many Britons heart disease.
1.too… to… 太……而不能……  
3.as if好像
1.He walks (太慢而不能到达) there on time.
2.He hurried to the station, (希望能赶上) the last train.
3. (看来似乎) you have got no experience.
4.Don't talk to me (那样), please.
5.However, the number of boys will be (三分之一) or less than the girls in the class.
Dear Mr White,How are you going I am writing to invite you to serve as the judge of our English speech contest, ①whose topic is “Love the Earth”. It is expected ②that the contest will last 2 hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on March 25th on the second floor of our school hall.We would be very grateful ③if you could set aside some time and attend the contest. As an honoured guest, you are expected to make a speech at the end of the contest. We are looking forward to seeing you that day. Please contact me if you have any questions.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 语篇类型:邀请信行文逻辑:写信目的→介绍比赛安排→表达愿望句式句法:①定语从句;②主语从句;③条件状语从句
1.billion n.       
2.bone n.       
3.carve vt. & vi.       
4.dynasty n.      
5.calligraphy n.       
7.tongue n.       
8.gas n.       
9.petrol n.       
10.subway n.      
11.apartment n.       
12.gap n.       
13.vocabulary n.       
14.        adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的 n. 本地人
15.        n. 态度;看法
16.        n. 体系;制度;系统
17.        prep.即使;尽管
18.        n. 因素;要素
19.        n. 符号;象征
20.        adj. 主要的;重要的;大的 n. 主修课程;主修学生 vi. 主修;专门研究
21.        n. 方式;方法;途径
22.        adj. 传统的;最优秀的;典型的 n. 经典作品;名著
23.        n. 尊重;关注 vt. 把……视为;看待
24.        adj. 全球的;全世界的
25.        n. 公共事务;事件;关系
26.        adj. 特定的;明确的;具体的
27.        n. & vi. 斗争;奋斗;搏斗
1.        n. 指称关系;参考→        vi. 提到;参考;查阅 vt. 查询;叫……求助于
2.        adj. 以(某事)为基础的;以……为重要部分(或特征)的→        vt. 以……为据点;以……为基础 n. 底部;根据
3.        n. (植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化→        adj. 各种各样的→        v. 改变;使多样化→        adj. 各种各样的
4.        n. 文字;符号;角色;品质;特点→        n. 特点;特色;特性
5.        vt. 欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi. 增值→        n. 欣赏;赏识;感激;理解
6.        vt. 恳求;祈求;哀求→       n. 乞丐
7.        n. 同等的人;相等物 adj. 相同的;同样的→        adv. 相等地;同样地
8.        n. 要求;需求 vt. 强烈要求;需要 vi. 查问→        adj. 费力的;要求高的
9.        n. 描写(文字);形容→         vt. 描写;形容→        adj. 描述的;叙述的
10.        vt. 联系;讲述→        n. 关系;联系→        adj. 相对的;比较的;与……有关的
1.These problems do not occur as often when people use traditional
       (refer) materials, such as books, newspapers and magazines.
2.Fully occupied in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy        (variety) activities in the club.
3.Some children rarely show any        (appreciate) for what their parents do for them.
4.Men and women must be treated        (equal) in education and employment.
5.Although her        (describe) sounded wonderful, the price was beyond our range, so we declined.
1.        指的是;描述;提到;查阅
2.        浮沉;兴衰;荣辱
3.        追溯到
4.        不论……;不管……
5.        观点;看法
6.        与……相关;涉及;谈到
1.Some scientists also use the word evolution to        a series of changes in the non living world.
2.The war went on for four bitter years, with        on both sides.
3.The history of public education in the US        the society of the early pioneers.
4.Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an author's        .
5.In fact, traffic rules are part of the rules and regulations closely        public order.
1.neither… nor… 既不……也不……
3.There was a time when… 曾经有一段时间……
4.be of+抽象名词=be+形容词
5.No matter where/what… 无论哪里/什么……
1.            (它的起因和治疗方法都不) was understood.
2.By next year, the bridge             (将已经完成).
3.            (曾经有一段时间) I was getting along well with my classmates.
4.To do what you love in life is             (非常重要).
5.Each person,             (不管他们是谁), has the right to know the truth.
1.介绍你是如何利用网络学习英语的(至少写出两点); 2.简单谈谈你对利用网络学习英语的看法; 3.请友好校的学生分享他们的经验。
注意: 1.词数不少于100; 2.可适当加入细节, 使内容充实、行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
  Good morning, dear friends. My name is Li Jin. I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about how I learn English on the Internet.First, ①there are a lot of free resources related to English on the Internet, so I learn English by reading books or news, listening to influential lectures delivered by famous people and by watching streaming videos of TV and film. Besides, the Internet gives me the chance to communicate in real time with native speakers using instant messaging, video calling and online forums, ②which improves my spoken and written English.③Based on my own experience, learning English online is really a great way for English learners. But I have to remind ④that not everything on the Internet is right and that we should learn to identify the wrong information. In the end, I sincerely hope that you can share your experience of learning English on the Internet.Thank you. 语篇类型:发言稿行文逻辑:介绍经验→自己的看法→表达期望→结束语句式句法:①there be句型; ②非限制性定语从句;③过去分词短语作状语;④宾语从句
必修 第一册
1.n. 讲座;讲课;教训 vi. (开)讲座;讲课 vt. 训斥 2.性别 3.校园;校区
4.小伙子;男人;家伙 5.目标;球门;射门 6.策略;策划 7.同伴;配偶;合伙人 8.exchange 9.formal 10.outgoing 11.awkward 12.forward 13.flash pany
1.register; registration 2.male; female 3.nation; national; nationality 4.design; designer 5.anxious; anxiety 6.annoyed; annoy; annoyance 7.frightened; frightening; frighten; fright 8.senior; junior 9.impress; impression; impressive 10.concentrate; concentration 11.experiment; experimental 12.explore; exploration 13.confidence; confident 14.organise; organisation; organiser 15.improve; improvement 16.curious; curiosity 17.personality; person; personal 18.style; stylish
1.nationality 2.designer(s) 3.personality 4.Curiosity 5.organisation
1.(美国)高中 2.at last 3.make an impression 4.concentrate on 5.leave… alone 6.(美国)初级中学 7.look forward to 8.take notes 9.教学卡片;识字卡
1.make an impression 2.At last 3.concentrate on 4.take notes 5.looking forward to
1.no matter who they are 2.What if they run out 3.Never do anything without aim 4.to get the same benefits as other sports 5.that if you smoked here you would be fined
1.芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧 2.内容;[pl]目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题 3.温室;暖房 4.(书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔 5.话题;标题 6.(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生 7.文学;文学作品 8.额外的;附加的 9.盘子,碟子 10.volunteer 11.debate 12.challenge 13.quit 14.schedule 15.adventure 16.youth 17.expert
18.behaviour 19.generation 20.focus 21.adult
1.teenage; teenager 2.prefer; preference 3.movement; move 4.suitable; suit 5.actually; actual 6.confusing; confuse; confused 7.fluent; fluently 8.graduate; graduation 9.recommend; recommendation 10.advanced; advance 11.obviously; obvious 12.responsible; responsibility 13.solution; solve 14.editor; edit 15.survival; survive; survivor 16.attract; attractive; attraction 17.addicted; addict; addiction; addictive
1.teenager 2.preference 3.solution 4.Responsibility 5.obviously
1.prefer… to… 2.clean up 3.suitable for 4.sign up (for sth)
5.be responsible for 6.be attracted to 7.focus on 8.addicted to
1.addicted to 2.focus on 3.be attracted to 4.were responsible for 5.suitable for
1.Learning English well 2.it is not convenient for me 3.because he was ill 4.feel like giving up 5.Chances are that
1.城堡;堡垒 2.来源;出处 3.adj. 平坦的;扁平的 n. 公寓;单元房 
4.地点;位置;现场 5.空中航行;航班;航程 6.住处;停留处;膳宿 7.小路;路线;道路 8.资料(或广告)手册 9.文明;文明世界 10.士兵;军人 11.借款;信用;称赞;学分 12.细节;详情;细微之处 13.雕塑;雕像 
14.公元前 15.挖掘;发掘 16.rent 17.pack 18.narrow 19.type 20.unique 21.destination 22.package 23.contact 24.hike 25.request 26.view 27.sight ment
1.apply; application; appliance 2.amazing; amazed; amazement; amaze 3.arrangement; arrange 4.extremely; extreme 5.powerful; power; powerfully 6.empire; emperor 7.official; officially 8.recognise; recognition 9.admire; admiration; admirable 10.architect; architecture; architectural 11.transport; transportation 12.economy; economic
1.economic 2.amazement 3.powerful 4.recognition 5.admirable
1.apply for 2.take control of 3.other than 4.包价旅游 5.make up 6.信用卡 7.check in 8.check out
1.making up 2.other than 3.apply for 4.take control of 5.check in
1.It was on that day that 2.Visiting the Great Wall were 3.dreaming up; thinking about 4.It is doubtful 5.reading the newspaper
1.足球;足球运动 2.体育场;运动场 3.拳击(运动) 4.羽毛球运动 5.健身房;体育馆 6.体操(训练) 7.传奇故事(或人物);传说 8.运动员;运动健儿 9.奖章;勋章 10.(运动队)队长;船长;机长 11.一百万 12.观众;听众 13.event 14.ski 15.host 16.track 17.sweat 18.master 19.apart 20.pretend 21.positive
22.slim 23.diet 24.rather 25.jog 26.error
1.fitness; fit 2.honour; honourable 3.glory; glorious 4.champion; championship 5.determination; determine 6.injure; injury; injured 7.graceful; grace 8.strength; strengthen; strong 9.failure; fail pete; competition; competitive; competitor 11.cheat; cheater 12.stress; stressful; stressed
1.strength; determined 2.fitness 3.competitive; stressful 4.failure 5.injury
1.come along 2.田径 3.work out 4.make it 5.set an example 6.fall apart 7.lose heart 8.give up 9.make sense 10.pretend to do sth 11.even if/though 12.make a difference 13.rather than 14.cut… out 15.now and then pare… with/to…
1.makes a difference  2.make it 3.now and then 4.rather than 5.give up
1.There stands an old temple 2.Even if/though it rains tomorrow
3.rather than divide us 4.have been studying 5.once I set them
1.灾难;灾害 2.旱灾;久旱 3.(使)滑行;滑动 4.n. 百分之…… adj. & adv. 每一百中 5.砖;砖块 6.金属 7.埋葬;安葬 8.统一;(使)成一体 9.智慧;才智 10.上下文;语境;背景 11.火山 12.台风 13.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风 14.管子;管道 15.vi. 吹口哨;发出笛声 vt. 吹口哨 n. 哨子(声);呼啸声 16.突发事件;紧急情况 17.成套工具;成套设备 18.总结;概括;概要 19.flood 20.rescue 21.damage 22.affect 23.shelter 24.ruin 25.shock 26.trap 27.effort
28.supply 29.tap 30.aid 31.crash 32.sweep 33.wave 34.strike
1.destroy; destruction 2.death; die; dead 3.electricity; electric; electrical 4.breathe; breath 5.suffer; suffering 6.erupt; eruption 7.survive; survival; survivor 8.power; powerful 9.calm; calmly 10.deliver; delivery 11.effect; effective 12.length; lengthen; long
1.destruction 2.death 3.suffering(s) 4.survival 5.delivery
1.as if 2.in ruins 3.in shock 4.in the open air 5.suffer from 6.on hand 7.sweep away 8.calm down
1.in ruins 2.in shock 3.on hand 4.calm down 5.suffer from
1.too slowly to get 2.hoping to catch 3.It seems as if 4.that way 5.a third
1.十亿 2.骨头;骨(质) 3.雕刻 4.王朝;朝代 5.书法;书法艺术 
6.公元 7.舌头;语言 8.汽油;气体;燃气 9.汽油 10.地铁 11.公寓套房 12.间隔;开口;差距 13.词汇 14.native 15.attitude 16.system 17.despite 18.factor 19.symbol 20.major 21.means 22.classic 23.regard 24.global 25.affair
26.specific 27.struggle
1.reference; refer 2.based; base 3.variety; various; vary; varied 4.character; characteristic 5.appreciate; appreciation 6.beg; beggar 7.equal; equally 8.demand; demanding 9.description; describe; descriptive 10.relate; relation; relative
1.reference 2.various 3.appreciation 4.equally 5.description
1.refer to 2.ups and downs 3.date back (to…) 4.no matter where, who, what, etc. 5.point of view 6.relate to
1.refer to 2.ups and downs 3.dates back to 4.point of view 5.related to
1.Neither its cause nor its cure 2.will have been completed 3.There was a time when 4.of great importance 5.no matter who they are/whoever they are