人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册人教版 Unit 2 Looking into the future单词复习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册人教版 Unit 2 Looking into the future单词复习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 33.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-18 15:02:21



Unit 2 Looking into the future
1. phrase [fre z] n . 短语;词组
2. persuade [p swe d] vt . 劝说;说服
● persuasion n.劝说,说服
3. switch [sw ] vi&vt n. . 转换;交换;. (使)改变;转变;开关;转换器;改变
● switch off/on [sw f/ n] 关/开(电灯、机器等)
4. distant [ d st nt] adj . 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
● distance n.距离;远方v.与…疏远
5. secure [s kj ] adj vt . 安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的;. 获得;拴牢;保护
● security n. 保护描施;安全工作
6. knob [n b] n . 旋钮;球形把手
7. appliance [ pla ns] n . 电器;器具
8. remote [r m t] adj . 远程的;偏远的
9. remote control [r m t k n tr l] 遥控器;遥控
10. air conditioner [e k n d n ] 空调机;空调设备
11. automatic [ t m t k] adj . 自动的
12. integrated [ nt gre t d] adj . 各部分密切协调的;综合的
● integrate vi.&vt. (使)合并;成为一体
● integration n.结合,整合,一体化
13. sensor [ s ns ] n . 传感器;敏感元件
14. efficient [ f nt] adj . 效率高的;有功效的
● efficiency n. 效率;提高功效的方法;功率
15. mode [m d] n . 模式;方式;风格
16. routine [ru ti n] n adj . 常规;正常顺序;. 常规的;日常的
● daily routine [ de li ru ti n] 日常生活
17. preference [ pr f r ns] n . 爱好;偏爱
● prefer v.较喜欢;喜欢…多于
18. instant [ nst nt] n adj . 瞬间;片刻;. 立即的;速食的;速溶的
● instance n.例子
mand [k mɑ nd] n vt . 指令;命令;控制;. 命令;控制
20. obey [ be ] vi. &vt . 服从;遵守
21. warning [ w n ] n . 警告;警示;先兆
● warn v.警告
22. constant [ k nst nt] adj n. . 不断的;重复的;不变的;. 常数;常量
● constantly adv.不断地
23. early on [ li n] 在初期;早先
24. abnormal [ b n m l] adj . 不正常的;反常的
● abnormality n.不正常,反常,畸形
● normal adj.正常的
25. critical [ kr t k l] adj . 严重的;关键的;批判性的
● criticize v.批评
● criticism n.批评
● critics n.批评家
26. cancer [ k ns ] n . 癌;癌症;毒瘤
27. potentially [p t n li] adv . 潜在地;可能地
● potential [p t n l] adj n. . 可能的;潜在的;. 潜力;可能性
28. leak [li k] vi&vt n. . 漏;渗漏;透露;. 漏洞;裂缝;透露
29. electrical [ l ktr k l] adj . 电的;用电的
● electric adj.发电的n.供电
● electricity n电
30. wiring [ wa r ] n . 电线线路;线路系统
● wire [ wa ] n vt . 电线;金属丝(或线);. 接通电源;将……连接到
● wireless adj.无线的
31. detect [d t kt] vt . 发现;查明
● detective adj.侦查的,侦探的
32. relevant [ r l v nt] adj . 有关的;有意义的
33. catch fire [k fa ] 着火
34. fantasy [ f nt si] n . 幻想;想象
● fantastic adj.极好的;怪诞的;富于想象的
35. innovation [ n ve n] n . 创新;创造
● innovate v.引入;创新;改革
● innovator n.革新者
36. available [ ve l bl] adj . 可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的
● availability n.可利用;可用性
37. in this sense [ n s s ns] (in…sense) 从这种(某种)意义上来讲
38. nevertheless [ n v l s] adv . 尽管如此;不过;然而
39. structure [ str k ] n vt . 结构;体系;. 系统安排;精心组织
40. security [s kj r ti] n . 保护描施;安全工作
41. crime [kra m] n . 犯罪活动;不法行为
42. combine [ k mba n] vt. &vi . (使)结合;混合
● combination n.结合体;结合;联合;混合
43. nanobot n . 纳米机器人
44. artificial [ ɑ t f ( )l] adj . 人工的;人造的;假的
● artificial intelligence [ ɑ t f ( )l n t l ns] (AI) 人工智能
45. clone [kl n] vt n . 克隆;以无性繁殖技术复制;. 克隆动物(或植物)
46. predict [pr d kt] vt . 预测;预言;预料
● prediction [pr d k n] n . 预测;预言
47. forecast [ f kɑ st] vt. &n . 预测;预报
48. occupation [ kj pe n] n . 职业;占领
● occupy v.占领,占据
49. oppose [ p z] vt . 反对;抵制;阻挠
50. hence [h ns] adv . 因此;由此
51. cease [si s] vi. &vt . (使)停止;终止
52. deceased [d si st] adj . 已死的;亡故的
53. absence [ bs ns] n . 不存在;缺乏;缺席
● absent adj.缺席;缺少;心不在焉的v.缺席;不参加;
54. rural [ r r l] adj . 乡村的;农村的
55. advocate [ dv k t] n n . 提倡;支持;拥护;. 提倡者;支持者;拥护者
56. emphasis [ mf s s] n . 强调;重视;重要性
● emphasize v.强调;重视;使明显;重读,强调
57. luxury [ l k ri] n . 奢华
● luxurious adj.奢华的
58. keep in touch with... [ki p n t w ...] 与……保持联系;了解(某课题或领域的情况)
59. career [k r ] n . 职业;事业
60. prospect [ pr sp kt] n . 可能性;前景
● prospective adj.有前景的
61. resist [r z st] vi. &vt . 抵制;反抗;抵挡
● resistance [r z st ns] n . 抵制;反对;抗拒
62. paragraph [ p r grɑ f] n . 段;段落
63. signpost [ sa np st] n . 路标
64. essay [ se ] n . 文章
65. accurate [ kj r t] adj . 精确的;准确的
● accurately adv.精确地
● accuracy n.精确
66. librarian [la bre r n] n . 图书管理员;图书馆馆长
● library n.图书馆
67. Melbourne [ m lb n] 墨尔本(澳大利亚城市)
68. Christian [ kr s n] n adj . 基督教徒;. 基督教的
1.routine n.常规;正常顺序adj.常规的;日常的--- adv.例行公事地,常规地;惯常地
2.preference n.爱好;偏爱-- v.更喜爱,宁可
3.instant n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的--- adv. 立刻,马上 conj.一…就…
4.command n.指令;命令;控制vt.命令;控制--- n. 指挥官,长官
5.obey vi.&vt.服从;遵守--- v.违反;不服从
6.warning n.警告;警示;先兆--- v.提醒;警告
7.constant adj.不断的;重复的;不变的n.常数;常量--- adv.经常地,不断地--- adj.变化无常的;多变的
8.abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的--- adv. 反常地;变态地--- adj.正常的,标准的
9.critical adj.严重的;关键的;批判性的-- adv.严重地;批评性地;极为重要地
10.potential adj.可能的;潜在的n.潜力;可能性--- adv.潜在地;可能地
11.leak vi&vt.漏;渗漏;透露n.漏洞;裂缝;透露 --- adj.漏的;有漏洞的--- n.渗漏,泄漏
12.electrical adj.电的;用电的;有关电的--- adj.电动的,导电的--- n. 电工
13.wire n.电线;金属丝(或线). vt.接通电源;将…连接到--- n.电线线路;线路系统--- adj.无线的
14.detect vt.发现;查明--- n.察觉,发现--- n.探测器;检测器--- adj.未被发现的;未检测到的--- adj. 可检测的;可发觉的
15.relevant adj.有关的;有意义的--- adv.贴切地--- adj.不相关的
16.fantasy n.幻想;想象-- adj.极好的;奇妙的
17.innovation n.创新;创造--- adj.革新的;富有革新精神的--- v.革新,创新
18.available adj.可获得的;可购得的;人)有空的--- adj.不可获得的,不可使用的;抽不开身的--- _____________________ n.可用性,可得性
19.structure n.结构;体系 vt.系统安排;精心组织--- adj.结构(或构造)上的
20.security n.保护描施;安全工作--- adj.可靠的;牢固的;安全的
21.crime n.犯罪活动;不法行为--- n.罪犯
22.combine vt.&vi.(使)结合;混合--- n.结合体,联合体
23.artificial adj.人工的;人造的;假的--- adv.人工地;人为地
24.predict vt.预测;预言;预料--- n.预测;预言--- adj.可预测的,可预料的
25.occupation n.职业;占领--- v.占领,占据(空间,时间);使忙于(做某事)
26.oppose vt.反对;抵制;阻挠--- adj.反对的--- adj.相反的,对面的
27.hence adv.因此;由此=
28.absence n.不存在;缺乏;缺席--- adj.缺席的;不在的;心不在焉的--- n.出席,存在--- adj.(人)在场的,出席的
29.rural adj.乡村的;农村的--- adj.城市的,城镇的
30.emphasis n.强调;重视;重要性--- vt.强调
31.luxury n.奢华--- adj.奢侈的,豪华的
32.resist vi.&vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡--- n.抵制;反对;抗拒;电阻
33.essay n.文章-- n.散文家
34.accurate adj精确的;准确的--- adj.不准确的;错误的--- adv.精确地,准确地--- _______________ n.准确性,精确性
35.librarian n.图书管理员;图书馆馆长--- n.图书馆;书房,书斋
36.Christian n.基督徒 adj.基督教的--- n.基督;救世主
37.phrase n.短语;词组---________________ v.改述
38.persuade vt.劝说;说服--- _____________ n.说服,劝服;说服力--- ________________adj. 有说服力的
39.distant adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的--- ________adv.遥远地;疏远地
40.secure adj安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的vt.获得;拴牢;保护--- ____________adj.不安全的,不牢靠的--- ________n. 保护措施,安全工作
41.appliance n.电器;器具--- ________v.应用;适用
42.remote adj.远程的;偏远的--- ____________adv. 遥远地;偏僻地
43.automatic adj.自动的--- ________________adv.自动地
44.integrate vi.&vt.(使)合并;成为一体--- n.结合,综合,集成--- adj.各部分密切协调的;综合的
45.sensor n.传感器;敏感元件--- adj. 感觉的,感官的--- v. 感觉到,觉察到
46.efficient adj.效率高的;有功效的--- adv. 高效地
1.The lady has an a___________ state of mind. Whatever happens, she always assumes the worst.
2.The criminal, as well as some ______________ (相关的) people, was arrested by the police yesterday.
3.There is little chance that we will manage to change the law. N______________, it is important that we try.
4.Through technology and _________________(革新),they found ways to get better results with less work.
5.Nowadays, more and more people are dedicated to helping the poor in the _______________(遥远的) areas.
6.In that traffic accident last night the man who hit five people in a row had drunk so much that he could no longer distinguish between _______________(幻想) and reality.
7.Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no access to the health care in the west r_______________ area in China.
8.These windows can r_______________ very high winds.
9.We followed the _______________(路标) to the superstore at last.
10.My parents strongly _______________(反对) my attempt to go to college out of Beijing, because they don’t like my being far away from them.
11.This product contains no _______________(人造的) flavours—only natural substances are used.
12.Suggest your child research the job _______________(前景) as well as average salaries for majors they’re interested in.
13. As they are short of money, a week by the sea is a l______________ they can no longer afford.
14. What does the underlined word “them” in the second ______________(段落) refer to
15. The ________________ (预报) said that there’s a possibility of snow tonight.
16. I just want you to answer the question in a concrete and believable _____________(短语).
17. They include the floor exercises as a regular part of their fitness ____________ (常规).
18. The chemical ________________ (结构) of this particular molecule is very unusual.
19. She recognized my____________(潜力)and showed me that I could write with creativity and enthusiasm.
20.Then,my grandmother was diagnosed with_____________(癌症)and died later that year.
21. The new ______________(图书管理员) is a friend of mine.
22. She started her _______________ (职业) as an English teacher.
23. He turned to ___________ (犯罪活动) when he dropped out of school.
24. The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2007.___________ (因此) a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
25. Environment-friendly _________ (模式) of transport are highly appreciated.
1.Machine translation is a technology that ______________ (automatic) translates text from one language to another.
2.Junyan added that as a reporter she needed many different skills and was ______________ (constant) challenged to learn new things.
3.I allowed myself ______________ (persuade) into entering the competition.
4.We need to make our network ______________ (secure) against attacks by hackers than before.
5.Deep reading is a process in which people ______________ (critical) think in addition to trying to catch the words on the page.
6.Dogs have a far wider hearing range than humans, making them able ______________ (detect) sounds far above a human’s hearing limit.
7.When I asked him what he was doing, he ______________ (response) that it was none of my business.
8.“Those relevant ______________ the cheating in the exam come to my office after class,” the teacher said angrily.
9.When we arrived in the deep night, we found there was no food ______________ (availability) as all the shops were shut.
10. They persuaded him_______________(change) his mind.
11. The woman often _______________(switch) on the computer the moment she gets home.
12. I prefer______________(read) books to watching TV at weekends.
13. The teacher commanded that he__________________(go) out of the classroom.
14. The little boy broke away from me ________________(instant) he saw his mother.
15. I _______________(have) a meeting at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
16. We can’t __________________ (emphasis) the importance of doing academic research in the colleges.
17.There was no __________________ (predict) for that earthquake.
18.The outgoing girl finds working as a sports reporter is her favourite____________(occupy).
19.Though there is a long ______________(distant) between Tom and his family, they don’t feel distant.
20.After a little gentle _______________(persuade),Lisa agreed to let us in.
21.The teacher praised him for his working __________________(efficient) in organizing the conference.
22.The big company has said it will give _______________(prefer) to companies with which it can do business honestly.
23.This university has been combined _______________ two relatively small colleges.
24.You must answer for the ____________ (accurate) of what you described just now.
25.We did not receive any news during his long ____________ (absent).
26.We advocate ____________ (live) a simple life and conserving water and energy.
27.In fact, the Internet has made ____________ possible to get what you need without leaving your home.
28.People will not cease _______________ (use) the new technology because of these accidents.
29.I can keep _______________ touch with my parents who are living in my hometown through the Internet.
30._______________ (advocate) by many well-known experts and film stars,theproduct was very popular at one time.
31.Recently, much more emphasis has been put _______________ developing the students’ creativity.
32.There was a lot of _______________ (resist) to the plan when it was first suggested.
33.He spent a fortune on expensive wines and other_______________(luxury).
34.The book is a collection of his previously unpublished _______________ (essay) on a variety of topics.
35. She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of ______________. (secure)


一、1.routinely 2.prefer 3.instantly 4.commander 5.disobey 6warn 7.constantly 8.abnormally normal 9.critically 10.potentially11.leaking 12.electric electrician 13.wiring wireless 14 detection detector undetectable detectable 15 relevantly irrelevant16.fantastic 17innovative innovate 18unavailable availability 19structural 20secure 21criminal 22 combination 23artifically 24 prediction predictable 25occupy 26 opposed opposite 27thus 28 absent present 29 urban 30emphasize 31luxurious 32 resistance 33 essayist 34 inaccurate不精密的; 不正确的; accurately accuracy 35 library 36christ 37 paraphrase 38 persuasion persuasive 39distantly 40unsecure security 41 apply 42 remotely 43automatically 45integration integrated 46 sensory sense efficiently

二、1.abnormal .relevant 3.Nevertheless 4.innovation 5.remote 6.fantasy 7.rural 8. resist 9.signposts 10.oppose 11.artificial 12.prospects 13. luxury 14. paragraph 15. forecast 16. phrase 17. routine 18. structure 19.potential 20.cancer 21. librarian 22. career 23. crime 24. Hence 25. modes

三、1. automatically 2.constantly 3.to be persuaded 4.more secure 5.critically 6.to detect 7.responded 8.to 9.available 10. to change 11.switches 12. reading 13. (should) go 14.instantly 15.will be having 16.emphasize 17.prediction 18.occupation 19.distance 20persuasion 21.efficiency 22.preference 23.with 24.accuracy 25.absence 26.living 27.it 28.using 29.in 30.Advocated 31.on 32.resistance 33.luxuries 34.essays 35. security