人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages Around the World课件(共115张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages Around the World课件(共115张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 579.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-20 22:23:25



Unit 5 Languages Around the World
Period Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking
Part Ⅰ Vocabulary & Grammar
1.Keep the list of phone numbers next to the phone for easy _________ (refer).
解析 句意为:电话旁边放一个电话号码列表,以便查询。设空处前有形容词easy修饰,故用名词reference。
2._______ (globe) warming is a large danger to our planet.
解析 句意为:全球(气候)变暖会对地球造成巨大的危害。global warming意为“全球(气候)变暖”。故填Global。
3.There are a _______ (various) of programmes provided by TV stations to meet the needs of people of all ages.
解析 a variety of 为固定搭配,意为“各种各样的”。故填variety。
4.Sooner or later you will be rewarded for your positive attitude __________ your work and life.
解析 句意为:你对工作和生活的积极态度迟早会得到回报。an attitude to/towards意为“对……的态度”。故填to/towards。
5.Basing an important decision more ____ emotion than on reason, you'll regret it sooner or later.
解析 句意为:如果你作一个重要的决定时更多的是基于感情而不是理智,你迟早会后悔的。base… on/upon… 意为“以……为……的基础”,than引出比较的第二部分,根据空后的on可知,此处填on。
6.When China's ancient scientific and technological achievements are mentioned, people will generally refer ___ the Four Great Inventions.
解析 句意为:提到中国古代的科技成就,人们一般都会提到“四大发明”。refer to为固定搭配,意为“提到;提及”。故填to。
7.I am a native English speaker, majored ___ English Literature, and have been teaching English for more than 10 years.
解析 句意为:我是一个以英语为母语的人,主修英语文学,已经教英语超过10年了。major in 为固定搭配,意为“(在大学)主修”。故填in。
8.I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your ________ (help) my son Robert last Thursday when he injured his leg.
解析 appreciate sb's doing sth意为“感激某人做某事”。故填helping。
9.The book is very interesting, so I will buy it no matter _____ much it may cost.
解析 句意为:这本书很有趣,所以不管花多少钱我都要买它。此处表示“不管花多少钱”,故填how。
10.Many lessons are now available online, from _______ students can choose for free.
解析 句意为:许多课程现在都可以在网上获得,学生们可以从中免费选择。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Many lessons,指物,关系词在从句中作介词from的宾语,应使用关系代词which。故填which。
1.玩手机成瘾被认为是许多人现在睡眠不足的原因之一。(regard; why)
Cellphone addiction ___ _________ ___ _____ ___ ____ ________ _____ many people can't get enough sleep now.
Today, ___ ___ ______ _______ ___ _________, bike-sharing is getting more and more popular in many cities.
____ __________ ___ ___ you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience.
4.不管将来我们到了哪里,我们都会记得我们之间发生过的事。(no matter+疑问词)
____ _______ _______ ____ ____ in the future, we will remember what have happened among us.
Many students have just reached____ __________ _______ _____ ____ _______ their moods and actions.
China's ancient civilisation has continued into modern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history. One of the main factors 1. . (be) the Chinese writing system.
2. . (date) back several thousand years to longgu, written Chinese was a picture-based language. At that time, people carved some 3. . (symbol) on animal bones and shells. By the Shang Dynasty, it had already been a 4. . (high) developed system. Later, there was a time 5. . the Chinese people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of dialects and characters. The Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction from the Qin Dynasty, when Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country.
The writing system is not only of great 6. . (important) in uniting the Chinese people and culture, but also an important means 7. . which China's present is connected with its past. Today, we can read the classic works which 8. . (write) by Chinese in ancient times. Now, Chinese calligraphy, as 9. . art form, has become an important part of Chinese culture.
were written
With China playing a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to learn Chinese 10. . (appreciate) China's culture and history.
to appreciate
解析 be 动词在此是谓语,主语是One of the main factors,所以谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。此处描述客观情况,应用一般现在时,故填is。
解析 分析句子结构可知,设空处应用非谓语形式,动词date与句子的主语written Chinese之间是逻辑上的主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式。故填Dating。
【知识拓展】date back (to)的用法
date back (to)相当于date from,只能用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态和进行时,可以用其现在分词形式作定语、补语和状语等。
解析 symbol 意为“符号”,是可数名词,设空处前有some 修饰,所以应用复数形式。故填symbols。
解析 设空处修饰形容词developed,应用副词。故填highly。
解析 设空处引导定语从句,先行词为time,关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,所以应用关系副词when。故填when。
解析 此处应为“be+of+抽象名词”结构,相当于“be+形容词”。be of great importance意为“是非常重要的”。
解析 此处为“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句。by和means连用表示“通过某种方式”。which代替先行词means,在从句中作by的宾语。
were written
解析 设空处是从句的谓语,which代替先行词works,为复数,在从句中作主语,与动词write之间是被动关系,且此处表示的动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。
解析 此处泛指“一种艺术形式”,且art的发音以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。
to appreciate
解析 句意为:随着中国在全球事务中发挥更大的作用,越来越多的国际学生开始学习汉语,以领会中国的文化和历史。此处为非谓语动词短语作目的状语,应用不定式形式。故填to appreciate。
[江西新余一中2023高一开学考试] 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
I always have my own ways to learn English. First, I always read the text in advance so that I can know what I must pay much attention 1. . in class. To my delight, when my teacher raises a question, I know how to answer more often. And whenever I answer a question correctly, I have 2. . strong sense of achievement.
Besides, I always try to take notes in class. Important language points, grammar rules, useful 3. . (expression) and key words are 4. . I want to write down. After class, I organise the notes so that I can have a 5. . (good) understanding of them. Of course, I will certainly read aloud the notes in the morning.
6. . (develop) my interest in English, after class I 7. . (wide) read English materials. By this means I can also develop my capability of reading.8. . (chat) with my teachers and classmates is also one of my ways to learn English. We often talk in English about different topics concerning friendship, sports, etc. Speaking English freely always9. . (make) me feel proud of myself, 10. . in turn inspires me to learn English better.
To develop
解析 句意为:首先,我总是提前阅读课文,这样我就能知道我在课堂上必须非常注意什么。固定短语pay attention to中的to是介词;此处是一个由连接代词what引导的宾语从句,what在该从句中作介词to的宾语。故填to。
解析 句意为:每当我正确地回答了一个问题,我都会有一种强烈的成就感。sense作“(对事物的)感觉”讲时是可数名词,此处泛指一种感觉,应用不定冠词修饰,且strong的发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。
解析 句意为:重要的语言点、语法规则、有用的表达和关键词都是我想要写下来的。此处为几个名词短语并列作主语,expression表示“措辞;表达方式”时为可数名词,根据并列主语的形式可判断,此处表示复数概念,应用expression的复数形式。故填expressions。
解析 句意见上一题解析。空处引导表语从句,从句缺少write down的宾语,指代写下的东西,应用连接代词what引导该从句。故填what。
解析 句意为:下课后,我就会整理好这些笔记,以便我能更好地理解它们。此处暗含与整理好笔记之前相比,表示“更好地理解”,所以用比较级。故填better。
To develop
解析 句意为:为了培养我对英语的兴趣,下课后我广泛阅读英语材料。句中已有谓语,此处应用非谓语,表目的,应用不定式作目的状语。故填To develop。
解析 句意见上一题解析。此处修饰谓语动词read,应用副词widely作状语。故填widely。
解析 句意为:与我的老师和同班同学聊天也是我学习英语的方法之一。分析句子结构可知,_____ with my teachers and classmates在句中作主语,此处表示经常的、一般性的动作,设空处应用动名词形式。故填Chatting。
解析 句意为:流利地说英语总是让我为自己感到骄傲,这反过来激励我更好地学习英语。分析句子结构可知,设空处在主句中作谓语,结合语境可知,此处陈述事实,应用一般现在时;主句的主语为动名词短语Speaking English,为单数概念,谓语应用第三人称单数形式。故填makes。
解析 句意见上一题解析。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面的整个句子,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
Period Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking
Part Ⅱ 拓展阅读训练
[天津河东区2023高一期中] A
I first heard the Spanish language in 2017 while lining up to ride the London Eye. Two boys were murmuring (低语) something in the sweetest language. I asked them what the language is, and they told me it was Spanish.
In the fall of the same year, I selected Spanish as a compulsory foreign language course throughout the next six years in my junior and senior high schools.
I had a burning desire and persistence to learn Spanish well. My interest and passion helped me succeed.
Spanish trills (颤音) were quite difficult for me at the very beginning. I repeatedly tried to figure out where to place my tongue to pronounce perfect trills.
There is no easy short-term solution to mastering a foreign language. Spanish conjugations (动词变位) are much more complicated than English ones, so I practised more. The cycle of learning, forgetting and memorising continued.
Reaching milestones has always been important. I set up several goals for learning Spanish in 12 semesters. For example, I drew up a plan last winter to pass the DELE B2 test before graduating from my high school.
I usually split up my tasks into six sections—vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, writing and oral practices. I regularly read Spanish books, recited (背诵) words and phrases, and kept on doing grammar exercises. I did listening exercises every day while showering or bathing. I wrote e-mails and letters to my Spanish friends as practice and took all opportunities to talk with my Spanish teachers and Spanish speakers I met online to enhance my oral Spanish.
I believe that success only comes with practice, patience and persistence. There's no end to learning!
1.Why did the author begin to learn Spanish ( )
A.He was attracted by the beauty of Spanish. B.His friends encouraged him to learn it.
C.It was a compulsory course at his school. D.Spanish is quite useful in travelling.
解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的Two boys were murmuring something in the sweetest language.I asked them what the language is, and they told me it was Spanish.可知,作者把西班牙语看作是最悦耳的语言,由此可推断作者决定学习西班牙语是因为他被西班牙语的优美所吸引。
2.What was hard for him to learn at the beginning ( )
A.Listening skills. B.Spanish vocabulary. C.Spanish conjugation. D.Spanish trills.
解析 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句Spanish trills were quite difficult for me at the very beginning.可知,作者在一开始学习西班牙语时认为学习西班牙语的颤音是非常困难的。
3.What is the second-to-last paragraph mainly about ( )
A.His short-term learning plans. B.His goals for learning Spanish.
C.The ways he practised Spanish. D.The ways he prepared for the DELE B2 test.
解析 主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段中的第一句I usually split up my tasks into six sections—vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, writing and oral practices.可知,这一段主要讲的是作者学习西班牙语的具体方法。
4.Which of the following best describes the author ( )
A.Creative and hard-working. B.Patient and modest.
C.Organised and determined. D.Outgoing and humorous.
解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的Reaching milestones has always been important.I set up several goals for learning Spanish in 12 semesters.以及倒数第二段中的I usually split up my tasks into six sections—vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, writing and oral practices.可推断,作者是一个有条理的人;再结合最后一段中的I believe that success only comes with practice, patience and persistence.可知,作者是个有耐心、有毅力的人。
[云南昆明一中2022高一期末] B
According to parents in the United States, the popular children's cartoon Peppa Pig is changing the way their children speak.
The British show has always been popular, but children have been exposed to it more since the pandemic (流行病) broke out, when parents desperate to keep their children occupied while working and attending online meetings relied more heavily on Peppa Pig as a babysitter.
According to The Wall Street Journal, one California mother recalled her child speaking to her with a British accent and asking,“Mummy, are you going to the optician's (眼镜店) ” During the lockdown, her child had watched numerous episodes of the hit children's show, which is now regularly topping global viewing rankings.
Dominique Parr, a parent, shared a TikTok video of her 3-year-old daughter Hazel repeating lines from the show. The video went viral, receiving over 10 million views and support from parents whose children were adopting a similar accent.
According to Parrot Analytics Ltd, Peppa Pig is one of the world's most popular cartoons, ranking second on their charts, just behind SpongeBob SquarePants.
In a statement, Entertainment One Ltd, the owner of Peppa Pig, said, “Young Peppa fans see the pig as a friend and, as we do with friends that we admire, pick up some of their characteristics. Imitation is the sincerest form of praise.”
At the height of the pandemic in 2020, Amazon Prime Video made Peppa Pig—along with a selection of other family-friendly content—available for free streaming after schools were closed to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
A user of Twitter said, “I have a kid who spoke with a British accent for a year and a half because of Peppa.” “The story about Peppa Pig making kids talk like they're British is really funny to me because my kid watched it when she was like 4 or 5 and for quite some time, she had a little British accent and I thought it was funny,” another user wrote.
1.Why did children spend more time watching Peppa Pig during the lockdown ( )
A.They had no babysitters. B.It was well received by children.
C.It helped improve their language levels. D.Their parents were too busy to care for them.
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,自从流行病暴发,孩子们接触卡通片《小猪佩奇》的次数更多了,父母在忙于工作和参加在线会议的时候为了让孩子有事可做,更多地依赖它当“保姆”。
2.How do children pick up a British accent ( )
A.By watching hit shows on TikTok. B.By following the lines in Peppa Pig.
C.By learning the language at a young age. D.By self-study after the schools were closed.
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的a TikTok video of her 3-year-old daughter Hazel repeating lines from the show及第六段中的“Young Peppa fans see the pig as a friend and, as we do with friends that we admire, pick up some of their characteristics.Imitation is the sincerest form of praise.”可知,孩子们模仿“佩奇”,重复剧中的台词,由此学会了英国口音。
3.How do most American parents feel about their children's British accent ( )
A.Amused. B.Shocked. C.Annoyed. D.Confused.
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的The video went viral, receiving over 10 million views and support和最后一段的内容可知,有家长把孩子重复《小猪佩奇》中的台词的视频发到网上,获得了很多点击量和支持;有些家长觉得孩子说话有英国口音很有趣。
4.Which of the following could be the best title for the text ( )
A.Cartoons Become a Great Partner of Children
B.The Pandemic Makes a Big Difference to Children's Life
C.Peppa Pig Is Changing the Way American Children Speak
D.Imitation Plays a Key Role in the Development of Language
解析 主旨大意题。文章第一段点明主题,再根据全文的描述可知,美国一些孩子在观看广受欢迎的卡通片《小猪佩奇》后,说话有了英国口音。本文对其原因进行了探讨。
[山东潍坊2022高一期末] As a speaker of 10 languages I know the benefits of speaking more than one language. Actually, it is not a big challenge to learn languages. We only have to change the way we learn them.1. .
Language learning is hard.
It is only difficult to learn a language if you don't want to.2. . What you mostly need to do is spend some time listening and reading. Believe me, it is that simple. I have done it many times. Soon you will feel the satisfaction of understanding another language. Before you know it you start speaking.
3. .
No, you don't. Anyone who wants to learn can succeed. In Sweden and the Netherlands most people speak more than one language. They can't just all be gifted in languages. Foreign athletes in North America usually learn to speak English faster than people in more formal learning environments. In language learning it is attitude that determines success.
You have to live where the language is spoken.
Some immigrants (移民) to North America never learn to speak more than broken English. Yet we meet people in other countries who speak perfect English. In 1968, I learnt to speak Mandarin fluently while living in San Francisco.4. . You can download it to your cellphone and listen. Where you live is not a problem.
I would love to learn but I don't have the time.
How about the time you spend waiting in line, doing things around the house and going for a walk 5. . Once you get started, even 10 or 15 minutes a day will soon grow to 30 minutes a day, or one hour. If you believe you will achieve great results, and if you enjoy doing it, as I do, you will find the time.
I believe if you can avoid these traps, you will surely become masters of language learning.
A.The following are some tips for you to follow.
B.You have to have a gift for learning languages.
C.Learning a language takes time, but is not difficult.
D.We need to avoid some common misunderstandings.
E.Languages can only be learnt instead of being taught.
F.Why not use that time to listen to a language on your cellphone
G.With the Internet, language content is available to anyone with a computer.
解析 根据设空处前两句可知,学习语言并不是艰巨的挑战,我们只需改变自己学习语言的方式。再根据下文各段小标题可知,接下来要介绍的是对语言学习的一些误解。D项“我们需要避免一些常见的误解”承接上文并引出下文内容。故选D项。
解析 根据上文It is only difficult to learn a language if you don't want to.可知,作者认为如果我们想要学习语言,那么学习语言实际上并不难。C项“学习一门语言需要花些时间,但是不难”和上文意思一致,且C项中的takes time与下文中的spend some time呼应。故选C项。
解析 根据设空处位置可知,设空处为本部分小标题。再根据下文中的Anyone who wants to learn can succeed.In Sweden and the Netherlands most people speak more than one language.They can't just all be gifted in languages.可知,这一部分解释学习语言和天赋的关系,即语言学习与天赋无关。B项“你必须在学习语言方面很有天赋”是对语言学习的一种误解,能够概括本部分主要内容。故选B项。
解析 根据下文中的You can download it to your cellphone and listen.可知,这里提到代词it,所以设空处要说明it是指什么。G项“有了因特网,任何人都可以使用电脑获得语言内容”提到了it的指代对象“语言内容”,符合语境。故选G项。
解析 根据上文中的How about the time you spend waiting in line, doing things around the house and going for a walk 可知,作者是在指出哪些时间是可以用来学习语言的。F项“为什么不利用那段时间用你的手机来听一种语言呢?”和上文意思一致。故选F项。
broken adj.熟义:坏的;破的;断裂的 生义:(语言)说得结结巴巴的;不流利的
Period Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures—Reading for Writing
Part Ⅰ Vocabulary & Grammar
1.We have to give a detailed ___________ (describe) of the street where we live and give the report to the teacher tomorrow.
解析 句意为:我们必须对我们所居住的街道作详细的描述,明天将报告交给老师。设空处在句中作宾语,且其前有a限定,故应用单数名词。故填description。
2.No matter what background you come from, you can be ________ (equal) successful with your hard work like many others.
解析 句意为:不论你来自何种背景,你都可以像许多其他人一样通过努力工作获得成功。设空处修饰形容词,应用副词。故填equally。
3.Facing the global economic crisis, the Chinese government has taken measures related ___ people's life to deal with it.
解析 句意为:面对全球经济危机,中国政府已经采取了关乎民生的措施加以应对。be related to… 意为“与……相关”。故填to。
4.Struggling ____ our dreams, as the headmaster said at the meeting, offers us a sense of responsibility.
解析 句意为:正如校长在会议上所说的那样,为我们的梦想而奋斗给了我们一种责任感。struggle for 意为“为……奋斗”。故填for。
5.I can see what you mean, even if I don't agree with your point ___ view.
解析 sb's point of view 为固定搭配,意为“某人的观点”。故填of。
6.There is no doubt that you must have ___ wide vocabulary if you want to learn English well.
解析 句意为:毫无疑问,如果你想学好英语,就必须掌握大量词汇。a wide vocabulary意为“大量的词汇”。故填a。
7.The president demanded that the problems referred to __________________ (pay) attention to.
(should) be paid
解析 句意为:总统要求(人们)关注提到的问题。demand后接宾语从句时,从句谓语应用“should+动词原形”,should 可以省略。pay与从句主语the problems之间是被动关系,所以应用被动语态。故填(should) be paid。
8.The old couple can hardly get used to ______ (live) with their children in the city.
解析 句意为:这对老夫妇难以习惯和孩子们在城里生活。get used to是固定短语,意为“习惯于”,其中to是介词,后接名词或者动名词形式。故填living。
9.Some experts think reading is one of the basic skills ________which school education depends.
解析 此处为“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,depends upon/on为固定搭配,意为“依靠”,关系代词which作介词upon/on的宾语,介词可以提到关系代词前。故填upon/on。
10.Mr Smith owned this oil painting until the early 1990s, ______ he gave it to his grandson.
解析 句意为:史密斯先生一直拥有这幅油画,直到20世纪90年代初,他把它送给了他的孙子。_____ he gave it to his grandson是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the early 1990s,关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,所以用关系副词when。
The soldier was badly wounded but he _________ ___ ____ _____ at last.
Young as he was, John _____ ______ ___ the important task.
Whenever we _____ _______ _____ our study, our teachers help us patiently.
Globalisation is the best way to _______ ____ _____ ________ developing countries _____ developed countries.
My demand is that the information ________ ___ in my report _______ ____ _________ to Mr Brown without delay.
I don't know how to solve the problem./I have no idea how to solve the problem.
1.I am looking forward to the day ______ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.
解析 句意为:我一直盼望我女儿能够阅读这本书并知道我对她的感情的那一天。分析句子可知,句子是含有定语从句的复合句,先行词是the day,关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when引导该从句。
2.The exact year __________ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.
解析 句意为:安杰拉和她的家人在中国生活的确切时间是2008年。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词为The exact year,关系词指代先行词,在从句中作spent的宾语, 因此用that或which引导该从句。
3.Many countries are now setting up national parks _______ animals and plants can be protected.
解析 句意为:许多国家目前正在建立国家公园,动物和植物在那里可以受到保护。分析句子可知,设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词national parks,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导该从句。故填where。
4.We have launched another man-made satellite, _______ is announced in today's newspaper.
解析 句意为:我们已经发射了另一颗人造卫星,这在今天的报纸上宣布了。设空处引导定语从句,先行词为前面的整个句子,关系词在从句中作主语,应用which引导该从句。
5.I can think of many cases _______ students know a lot of words but still fail to write a good essay.
解析 句意为:我能想到很多例子,学生知道很多单词,但仍然写不出一篇好文章。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词cases为抽象地点名词,关系词指代先行词,在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导该从句。
若先行词为一些表示地点的抽象名词,如situation、point、stage、position等,且关系词在从句中作状语,常用关系副词where引导该定语从句。如:I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.我已经到了人生中的一个阶段,在这个阶段我应该自己作决定。
6.Creating a relaxing atmosphere in _______ employees are less scared to state their views is a big challenge.
解析 句意为:创造一种轻松的氛围,让员工不那么害怕说出自己的观点,这是一个很大的挑战。此处为“介词+关系代词”引导限制性定语从句,先行词是atmosphere,表示抽象的地点,关系词在从句中作介词in的宾语。故填which。
7.The reason _____ he was late was that something was wrong with his bike on the way.
解析 句意为:他迟到的原因是他的自行车在路上出了毛病。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词The reason,指原因,关系词在从句中作原因状语,应用关系副词why引导该从句。
8.Andrew lives alone and enjoys the company of a pet cat ___ which he's grown so fond.
解析 句意为:安德鲁独自生活,享受着一只宠物猫的陪伴, 他越来越喜欢这只宠物猫。此处为“介词+which”引导的定语从句,固定短语be fond of意为“喜欢”,此处将介词提前至关系代词which前,故填of。
9.The website is a popular means ____ which information and knowledge are exchanged.
解析 句意为:该网站是一种流行的交流信息和知识的工具。此处为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,关系代词which指代先行词means;此处表示方式,应用介词by。
10.In the café, customers will enjoy themselves in the historical environment __________ is created for them.
解析 句意为:在咖啡馆里,顾客可以在为他们创造的历史环境中尽情享受。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词environment;关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which或that引导该从句。
[山西省2023高一期末教学质量监测与诊断] 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
What is standard English Is it spoken in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, India or New Zealand Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. Many people believe that 1____ English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English. This is because in the early days 2___ the radio, those who reported the news were expected 3_________ (speak) excellent English. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.
When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”, it 4_________ (call) a dialect. American English has many dialects, especially the Midwestern, Southern, African and Spanish dialects. Even in some 5______ (part) of the USA, two people from neighbouring towns speak a little 6__________ (different).American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world.
to speak
is called
Geography also plays a part in 7________ (make) dialects. Some people who live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with a much 8______ (old) kind of English dialect. When Americans moved from one place to another, they 9_____ (take) their dialects with them. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA.The USA is a large country in 10_______ many different dialects are spoken. Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognise and understand each other's dialects.
解析 句意为:许多人认为电视和广播里说的英语是标准英语。结合句意可知,此处特指电视和广播里说的英语,应用定冠词the进行修饰限定。故填the。
解析 句意为:这是因为在广播节目的早期,那些报道新闻的人被期望能说一口很棒的英语。结合句意可知,此处表示所属关系,in the early days of the radio表示“在广播节目的早期”。故填介词of。
to speak
解析 句意见上一题解析。(sb) be expected to do sth为固定用法,表示“(某人)被期待做某事”,应用动词不定式。故填to speak。
is called
解析 句意为:当人们使用不同于“标准语言”的词语和表达时,他们所使用的语言被称为方言。分析句子结构可知,此处为主从复合句,设空处在主句中作谓语,根据从句中的use可知,此处表示客观陈述,主句时态也应用一般现在时;结合语境判断,call与主句主语it之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态;主句主语是it,be动词应用is。故填is called。
解析 句意为:甚至在美国的部分地区,来自邻近城镇的两个人说话也有点不同。part在此处意为“区域;地区”,是可数名词,空前有some (一些)修饰,应用名词复数形式。故填parts。
解析 句意见上一题解析。设空处修饰动词speak,应用副词形式作状语。故填differently。
解析 句意为:地理也在方言的形成中发挥作用。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语plays,设空处应用非谓语动词形式;设空处位于介词in之后,应用动名词形式作宾语。故填making。
解析 句意为:一些住在美国东部山区的人说一种更古老的英语方言。结合语境可知,此处表示“更古老的英语方言”,且much用于修饰比较级,由此可知,此处应用形容词的比较级。故填older。
解析 句意为:当美国人从一个地方搬到另一个地方时,他们带着自己的方言。分析句子结构可知,设空处在主句中作谓语,根据句中的moved可知,此处表示过去发生的事,设空处应使用一般过去时。故填took。
解析 句意为:美国是一个使用多种不同方言的大国。分析句子结构可知,此处为“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,修饰先行词country,关系代词作介词in的宾语,“in+关系代词”在从句中作地点状语,相当于where,故此处应用关系代词which。
Period Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures—Reading for Writing
Part Ⅱ 拓展阅读训练
[广东深圳2022高一期末] A
Having moved to a new city, I was looking for things to do in my spare time. I intended to meet new people, for I am a social person. Hearing that the Confucius Institute of Business (CIB) was offering Chinese evening classes on the university campus, I was determined to sign up for Level 1 class.
This initial (最初的) decision was made on a whim.I had no grand career goals or plans to travel to China in the near future. Learning a new language was the fact that it was not something I had done before. My mother is from Spain and I was raised with two languages, but there is a huge difference between acquiring a language in childhood and learning one in adulthood. I expected to find out how I would get along with Chinese.
In each class our Chinese teacher would teach us what seemed like thousands of new words and expressions, and then get us to act them out in role-plays reproducing basic Chinese introductions and conversations. After each lesson I felt as though my brain had been placed in a deep oil pot for a long time. But then, I began to realise that the more my brain ached right after class, the more information I had taken in. I found that the Chinese words and expressions our classes had covered would rush unexpectedly into my head at any moment, such as when I was in the shower or driving to work. I have now completed the Business Confucius Level 3 class and am able to hold basic conversations with Chinese people on a variety of topics.
This experience helps me a lot. Recently I landed a new job in the School of Law at the University of Leeds, providing job opportunities for Chinese students. Learning Chinese helps me in my career and further fuels my motivation for continuing my studies.
1.What was the writer's purpose of signing up for the Chinese class ( )
A.To make new friends. B.To show off his ability.
C.To adapt to the city life. D.To get working experience.
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的I intended to meet new people, for I am a social person.可知,作者报名参加中文课是为了结识朋友。故选A项。
2.What does the underlined word “whim” in Paragraph 2 probably mean ( )
A.Deep love. B.Careful thought. C.Sudden wish. D.Strange dream.
解析 词义猜测题。根据文章第一段最后两句和第二段中的I had no grand career goals or plans to travel to China in the near future.Learning a new language was the fact that it was not something I had done before.可知,最初作者学中文的决定是一时的念头,只是为了结交新朋友。由此可知,画线词意为“突然的想法”,与C项意思相近。故选C项。
3.What can be known about the writer from Paragraph 3 ( )
A.He was an expert in spelling words. B.He enjoyed the Chinese classes a lot.
C.He was troubled by those Chinese words. D.He made great progress in learning Chinese.
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的I have now completed the Business Confucius Level 3 class and am able to hold basic conversations with Chinese people on a variety of topics.可知,作者在中文学习上取得了很大的进步。故选D项。
4.What does the writer think of the experience of learning Chinese in the end ( )
A.Unusual. B.Beneficial. C.Funny. D.Stressful.
解析 推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段中的This experience helps me a lot.以及Learning Chinese helps me in my career and further fuels my motivation for continuing my studies.可知,作者认为他学中文的经历是很有益处的。故选B项。
sign up for报名参加
1.land 熟义:n.陆地;大地 vi.着陆 生义:vt.成功得到;赢得
2.fuel 熟义:n.燃料 vt.给……提供燃料生义:vt.增强;加强;刺激
[河南郑州等五地新高考联盟2023高一期末联考] B
When learning a foreign language, most people fall back on traditional methods: reading, writing, listening and repeating. But if you also gesture (做手势) with your arms while studying, you can remember the vocabulary better, even months later. Linking a word to brain areas responsible for movement strengthens the memory of its meaning. This is the conclusion a research team reached after using magnetic pulses (磁脉冲) to disturb these areas in language learners.
As Mathias and his colleagues describe in the Journal of Neuroscience, they had 22 German-speaking adults learn a total of 90 invented words (such as “lamube” for “camera” and “atesi” for “thought”) over four days. While the test subjects first heard the new vocabulary, they are also shown a video of a person making a gesture that matched the meaning of the word. When the word was repeated, the subjects performed the gesture themselves.
Five months later, they were asked to translate the vocabulary they had learnt into German in a test. At the same time, they had equipment tied to their heads that sent weak magnetic pulses to their primary motor cortex (运动皮层)—the brain area that controls voluntary arm movements. According to the results of the experiment, the researchers concluded that the motor cortex contributed to the translation of the vocabulary learnt with gestures.
The effect did not occur when the test subjects were only presented with matching pictures instead of gestures when learning vocabulary. In contrast, children—unlike adults—seem to benefit from pictures as much as gestures in the long run. In an experiment published in 2020, the Leipzig research group had young adults and eight-year-old children listen to new vocabulary for five days, sometimes paired with matching pictures or videos of gestures. After two months, the two methods were still tied.But after six months, the adults benefited more from the gestures than the pictures, while the children were helped equally by both.
1.Which method might be better in memorising words according to the passage ( )
A.Watching videos. B.Using magnetic tape.
C.Reading the words repeatedly. D.Making hand movements.
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的But if you also gesture with your arms while studying, you can remember the vocabulary better, even months later.可知,学习词汇时做手势可以帮助人们更好地记住词汇。故选D项。
2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about ( )
A.The design of the research. B.The purpose of the research.
C.The subjects of the research. D.The result of the research.
解析 主旨大意题。根据第二段内容可知,实验挑选了22名说德语的人在四天内学习90个新创造出来的单词,并观看含有和单词含义相匹配的手势的视频,同时也要求他们在重复单词时对手势进行模仿。由此可以推断出第二段介绍了实验过程的设计。故选A项。
3.What helped remember the meanings of the new words ( )
A.The best questions. B.The equipment. C.The word type. D.The motor cortex.
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的the researchers concluded that the motor cortex contributed to the translation of the vocabulary learnt with gestures可知,在记忆新单词时起帮助作用的是运动皮层。故选D项。
4.What do the underlined words “were still tied” mean in the last paragraph ( )
A.Achieved the same results. B.Did not help the adults equally.
C.Failed to have beneficial effects. D.Were connected with each other.
解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的But after six months, the adults benefited more from the gestures than the pictures可知,六个月后通过手势辅助学习的成年人获益更多,结合still表示“仍旧”可推断出两个月后这两种学习方法的测试结果是一样的,be still tied在此处表示“拥有相同的结果”。故选A项。
Eight years ago, I went to a school in the United States to study as an international student when I was fourteen years old.
I remember my first day at that school . 1 it were yesterday. I was very . 2 .. It seemed as if there had been many butterflies in my stomach. My main 3 . was that I would not be able to 4 myself due to the language barrier (障碍). I was trying to have as little . 5 as I possibly could. And I almost . 6 , until we had to introduce ourselves in front of the class.
And the moment the word “international” flew out of my . 7 ., I was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after another. It . 8 to be the opposite of less communication, but it was so much fun.
During the first three months, I 9 experienced a little bit of culture shock. I think my classmates are the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life. They always smile and say, “Hi, how are you ”
One day, I . 10 the students looking at me with doubt. Finally, one classmate 11 to my locker and whispered, “Is that true that you are a princess and that you come to study here so that nobody would . 12 you ” At one point, I even had an image of myself wearing a crown and gracefully waving at the crowd. People do have a wild . 13 .!
I think it was a . 14 . one-year experience! I saw a totally new world, experienced different culture, met a lot of nice people and 15 my English. This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages. That is why I speak five different languages today.
1.( )A.even though B.as though C.now that D.in case
解析 根据上下文语境和第一段中的Eight years ago, I went to a school in the United States可知,作者八年前到美国留学,但作者现在依然记得去学校的第一天,那天就像是昨天一样,故选B项。even though意为“即使”;as though意为“好像”;now that意为“既然”;in case意为“以防”。
2.( )A.sad B.comfortable C.excited D.nervous
解析 由下文中的It seemed as if there had been many butterflies in my stomach.可知,此处表示作者很紧张。butterflies in one's stomach直译是“胃里有一群蝴蝶”,引申为“(做某事前)心慌;紧张”,故选D项。
3.( )A.point B.goal C.fear D.reason
解析 由下文中的I would not be able to ______myself due to the language barrier可知,由于有语言障碍,作者很害怕不能清楚地表达自己的想法,故选C项。
4.( )A.help B.relax C.control D.express
解析 由下文中的due to the language barrier可知,由于语言障碍,作者害怕不能清楚地表达自己的想法。express oneself为固定搭配,表示“表达某人自己的想法”,故选D项。
5.( )A.determination B.connection C.emotion D.communication
解析 由上文内容可知,由于语言障碍,作者害怕不能清楚地表达自己的想法,所以尽量避免和他人交流,故选D项。determination意为“决心”;connection意为“连接”;emotion意为“情感”;communication意为“交流”。
6.( )A.failed B.succeeded C.forgot D.won
解析 由下文中的until we had to introduce ourselves in front of the class和上文提到的作者尽量避免和他人交流可知,作者几乎要成功避免和他人交流了,直到不得不在全班面前作自我介绍,故选B项。
7.( )A.mouth B.eye C.heart D.mind
解析 根据上文语境及常识可知,此处指从作者口中讲出“国际”这个词。故选A项。
8.( )A.turned out B.figured out C.pointed out D.made out
解析 由下文中的to be the opposite of less communication, but it was so much fun可知,作者和别人的交流多了,这是上文提到的作者刚说出“国际”一词,就被同学围起来问问题一事的结果,故选A项。turn out意为“结果是”;figure out意为“弄清楚”;point out意为“指出”;make out意为“理解;辨认出”。
9.( )A.specifically B.certainly C.suddenly D.finally
解析 由上文中的During the first three months和下文中的culture shock可知,作者刚到美国时,身处异国他乡,必然会经历文化冲击,故选B项。
10.( )A.got B.prevented C.noticed D.kept
解析 由下文中的the students looking at me with doubt可知,作者注意到同学们疑惑地看着她,故选C项。
11.( )A.stood up B.sent up C.came up D.picked up
解析 stand up意为“站立”;send up意为“提交”;come up意为“走近”;pick up意为“拾起来”。由下文to my locker and whispered可知,作者的同学走近作者的储物柜,然后低声问作者问题,故选C项。
12.( )A.recognise B.harm C.accept D.blame
解析 由上文中的Is that true that you are a princess and that you come to study here so that nobody would… 可知,作者的同学以为作者是公主,来到美国学习是为了不让别人认出自己,故选A项。
13.( )A.imagination B.suggestion C.request D.desire
解析 由上文中的At one point, I even had an image of myself wearing a crown and gracefully waving at the crowd.可知,作者听到同学问自己是否是公主时,甚至想象到自己戴着皇冠,优雅地向人群挥手。由此可以得知,作者不是公主,这些场景是作者想象出来的,所以作者认为人们的想象力很丰富。故选A项。
14.( )A.valueless B.priceless C.terrible D.similar
解析 由下文I saw a totally new world, experienced different culture, met a lot of nice people and _____my English.可知,作者在来到美国学习的这一年里,看到了一个全新的世界,体验了不同的文化,遇到了许多很好的人,作者的英语水平也提高了,所以作者认为这一年是非常珍贵的,故选B项。
15.( )A.practised B.shared C.improved D.spread
解析 根据上文内容和空后的This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages.That is why I speak five different languages today.可知,作者的经历提高了自己的英语水平,并激励了自己学习外语。故选C项。
[重庆一中2023高一期末] It is widely believed that smiling means a person is happy, and it usually occurs when they're meeting another person or a group of people. However, a new study led by Dr Harry Witchel, a body language expert, shows that it is not always the case.
In his research, he asked 44 participants aged 18—35 to have a geography quiz consisting of nine difficult questions so that they often got the answer wrong. Participants interacted with a computer alone in a room while their faces were recorded by video.
After the quiz, the participants were asked to rate (评价) their experience using a range of 12 emotions including “bored”, “interested” and “frustrated”.Meanwhile, their facial expressions were analysed by computer frame by frame in order to judge how much they were smiling on the basis of a scale of between 0 and 1.
“According to some researchers, a real smile reflects the inner state of amusement. However, the idea of behavioural ecology suggests that all smiles are tools used in social interactions, meaning cheerfulness is neither necessary nor sufficient for smiling. Our study showed that in these human-computer interaction experiments, smiling isn't driven by happiness; it is associated with subjective involvement (主观参与), which acts like a kind of social fuel for smiling, even when socialising with a computer on your own,” Dr Witchel said.
Participants didn't tend to smile during the period when they were trying to figure out the answers. However, they did smile right after the computer informed them whether their answer was correct or not. Surprisingly, participants smiled more often when they got the answer wrong. Dr Witchel added, “During these computerised quizzes, smiling greatly increased just after they answered questions incorrectly. This behaviour could not be explained by ratings of happiness or frustration.”
1.Why did Dr Witchel use difficult questions in the quiz ( )
A.To discover the most intelligent participants.
B.To create a stressful situation for participants.
C.To make the answer period last as long as possible.
D.To make it hard for participants to answer them correctly.
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的In his research, he asked 44 participants aged 18—35 to have a geography quiz consisting of nine difficult questions so that they often got the answer wrong.可知,威彻尔博士在问答游戏中使用难题是为了使参与者很难正确回答。故选D项。
2.What can we infer from the idea of behavioural ecology ( )
A.Smiles reflect the inner state of cheerfulness.
B.Smiling is associated with objective engagement.
C.Smiling is usually connected with social activities.
D.Smiles aren't necessarily useful tools in social interactions.
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的the idea of behavioural ecology suggests that all smiles are tools used in social interactions… 可知,行为生态学认为,微笑是社交的手段,而不是快乐情绪的体现。由此可以推断出,微笑通常与社会活动有关。故选C项。
3.What can we learn from the text ( )
A.Participants were asked to interact with each other in the quiz.
B.Smiles have nothing to do with happiness or frustration.
C.Dr Witchel thought smile is connected with subjective involvement.
D.Participants smiled less when they got the answer wrong.
解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的Our study showed that in these human-computer interaction experiments, smiling isn't driven by happiness; it is associated with subjective involvement 可知,威彻尔博士的实验结果表明,微笑与实验参与者的主观参与度有关,而与快乐的情绪关联性不强。故选C项。
4.What can be a suitable title for the text ( )
A.How to Identify a Real Smile B.What Contributes to Real Happiness
C.People Hold a Wrong View on Happiness D.Smiling Doesn't Necessarily Mean Happiness
解析 主旨大意题。根据第一段内容并结合全文可知,文章主要说明了人们普遍认为微笑意味着一个人是快乐的,但是研究表明,微笑仅仅是社交的手段,并不表明这个人一定快乐。由此可知,D项(微笑并不一定意味着快乐)适合作为文章的标题。故选D项。
[湖南衡阳2022高一期末] Simplicity (简单) is a lifestyle that takes away the unimportant things in your life. It removes or changes those things that cause you to feel stressed-out, and allows you to absolutely focus on what's important. Of course, no one can suddenly lead a simple life.1. . Here are three excellent benefits.
2. . Unfortunately, it's easy for us to fall into the comparison trap. Studies show that comparison may cause pressure, depression and anxiety. When you live a life of simplicity, you'll feel a rebirth of the soul. You'll definitely know what's important and what isn't, and focus on things that make you happy.
Simplicity helps you feel content and happy.3. . It gives you a strong sense of freedom and warmth. When you lead a simple life, you tend to feel satisfied with who you are and your situation in life. It doesn't mean you're not hard-working or interested in improving your life. People content with their life aren't driven by an unhealthy schedule. They do what they need to do peacefully. When you're satisfied, you don't care if what you're doing is popular or what society says you should do.4. .
Simplicity helps you enjoy small things. When you choose to live a simple lifestyle, you'll slow down your life and enjoy its little moments in an absolutely new way.5. . Remember, though life is hard sometimes, slow down your life and enjoy little things that can bring you joy.
A.Contentment is a satisfying calm.
B.Simplicity says “no” to social pressures.
C.Simplicity helps you to stop comparing yourself with others.
D.It takes time and effort but it's worth the journey.
E.In other words, simplicity helps you feel satisfied.
F.You actually live according to the current popular trends.
G.You'll feel free to enjoy a sunset or go for a walk in the rain.
解析 根据设空处前一句可知,没有人能突然过上简单的生活。再根据设空处后的Here are three excellent benefits.可知,下文介绍了简单生活方式的好处。D项(这需要时间和精力,但这是值得的)承上启下,符合语境。故选D项。
解析 根据后文中的Unfortunately, it's easy for us to fall into the comparison trap.Studies show that comparison may cause pressure, depression and anxiety.可知,本段表示过简单的生活需要停止比较。所以C项(简单帮助你停止将自己同他人比较)符合语境。故选C项。
解析 根据上下文语境可知,本段介绍了过简单的生活会令你满足又快乐。A项中的Contentment为关键词,呼应本段首句中的content,且为下一句中It指代的具体内容。故选A项。
解析 根据本段首句Simplicity helps you feel content and happy.和设空处上文可知,过简单的生活会令你不在乎别人的看法而平静地做自己需要做的事情,让自己满意。E项对整段内容作出总结,符合上文语境。故选E项。
解析 由本段主题句中的enjoy small things和设空处前提到的slow down your life and enjoy its little moments可知选G项。欣赏日落或在雨中散步是生活中的点点滴滴的一部分,G项是对上文的举例说明。
[辽宁大连2023高一期末] Grandpa David lives in the same house he has lived in for over 60 years; he . .1. . the company of his dog, Friday. The dog was a regular . .2. . in his home and yard. During the time when Grandpa had Friday, he started having dementia (痴呆).My family came to visit him every day, working together to keep him living independently and . .3. ..Three years ago, Friday . .4. ..We thought of ways to let Grandpa know Friday was gone. We even had a burial service for Friday in the back yard with him. But on the . .5. . visits, he still asked about Friday. And even he . .6. . that the neighbours must have taken his dog somehow. Grandpa missed Friday so much, so we decided to do something for him. Months ago, Aunt Erin got a brilliant idea to handle Grandpa's problem. She purchased a robotic dog for him. The dog has soft fur and can move around and bark. To our surprise, Grandpa quickly . .7. . the dog as his new “Friday”.His dementia has led to his . .8. . on his new “dog” very much. And he believes the dog is an animal . .9. . a robot.
Grandpa takes good care of the dog. He always shares his . .10. . food with Friday, which happens to be eaten by the . .11. . cat at night. And throughout the day and often late at night, Friday is placed gently on the grass so he can do his own . .12. ..Life with Friday has been good for Grandpa though he still deals with . .13. . of dementia. Actually having the dog helps him . .14. . his attention and be happy. Our family is grateful that a robotic dog has brought Grandpa company and . .15. ..
1.( )A.suffered B.experienced C.enjoyed D.gathered
解析 根据后文中的the company of his dog以及Grandpa missed Friday so much可知,此处表示爷爷喜欢和他的狗在一起。故选C项。
2.( )A.sorrow B.disturbance C.trouble D.presence
解析 根据上文语境和后文中的in his home and yard可知,狗经常陪着爷爷,故此处指这只狗经常出现在家里和院落里。故选D项。
3.( )A.plainly B.luckily C.safely D.freely
解析 根据前文中的My family came to visit him every day, working together可知,作者一家人非常关心爷爷,努力让他安全地独居。故选C项。
4.( )A.passed away B.died out C.turned down D.set off
解析 根据后文中的Friday was gone及a burial service for Friday可知,弗雷迪去世了。故选A项。
5.( )A.daily B.weekly C.monthly D.yearly
解析 根据前文中的My family came to visit him every day可知,作者和家人每天都会去探望爷爷。故选A项。
6.( )A.reported B.admitted C.complained D.asked
解析 根据上文语境及后文中的the neighbours must have taken his dog somehow可知,爷爷记不住狗已经死了,抱怨说邻居把狗带走了。故选C项。
7.( )A.adapted B.titled C.honoured D.accepted
解析 根据空后的his new “Friday”和下文内容可知,爷爷接受了这只机器狗,这只机器狗后来一直陪着他。故选D项。
8.( )A.impact B.dependence C.attempt D.demand
解析 句意为:他的痴呆症导致他非常依赖他的新“狗”。根据前文中的the dog as his new “Friday”可知,爷爷把这只机器狗当成了弗雷迪,后来这只机器狗一直陪着他,由此可知,此处表示爷爷非常依赖他的新“狗”。故选B项。
9.( )A.other than B.rather than C.or rather D.less than
解析 根据后文中的Grandpa takes good care of the dog.以及He always shares his ___food with Friday可知,爷爷认为这是真狗而不是机器狗。故选B项。
10.( )A.big B.little C.rich D.own
解析 根据前文中的Grandpa takes good care of the dog.可知,爷爷把自己的食物分给机器狗吃。故选D项。
11.( )A.neighbour's B.stranger's C.doctor's D.school's
解析 根据前文中的the neighbours must have taken his dog并结合选项可知,他分给机器狗的食物应该是被邻居的猫吃掉了。故选A项。
12.( )A.best B.wonder C.business D.trick
解析 根据前文中的Friday is placed gently on the grass可知,把机器狗放下,爷爷就可以做自己的事情了。故选C项。
13.( )A.pleasures B.challenges C.reasons D.changes
解析 根据上文内容可知,爷爷患有痴呆,此处表示虽然有了机器狗的陪伴,但爷爷还是要应对疾病的挑战。故选B项。
14.( )A.focus B.avoid C.pay D.lose
解析 根据语境并结合选项可知,机器狗帮他集中注意力。故选A项。
15.( )A.eagerness B.memory C.trust D.comfort
解析 根据全文内容可知,这只机器狗代替爷爷原先养的狗,陪伴爷爷。由此可知,此处表示机器狗给爷爷带来了陪伴和安慰。故选D项。
Chopsticks play 1. . important role in Chinese food culture. Chopsticks are called kuaizi in Chinese and were called zhu in ancient times. Chinese people have been using kuaizi as one of the main 2. . (tool) for eating for about 3,000 years.
It 3. . (record) in historical data that Zhou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, used ivory chopsticks. Experts believe the history of wooden chopsticks or bamboo chopsticks can date back about 1,000 years 4. . (early) than ivory chopsticks. Gold and silver chopsticks became popular in the Tang Dynasty. It was believed 5. . silver chopsticks could detect poisons in food.
Chopsticks can be classified into five groups 6. . (base) on the materials used to make them, such as wood, metal, bones, stone and compound materials. Nowadays bamboo chopsticks 7. . (be) the most popular ones used in Chinese homes.
was recorded
There are a few things to avoid when using chopsticks. Chinese people usually don't hit their bowls with chopsticks while eating, since the behaviour used to be practised by beggars. Also, they don't insert chopsticks into rice in a bowl upright because it is a custom used in sacrifice.8. . addition, it is a common custom to allow the elders 9. . (pick) up their chopsticks first.
If you are 10. . (true) interested in chopsticks, you may want to visit the Kuaizhu Museum in Shanghai. The museum has collected over 2,000 pairs of chopsticks.
to pick
解析 play an important role in… 为固定搭配, 意为“在……中起重要作用”。故填an。
解析 tool为可数名词,one of 后接可数名词复数, 所以此处应用复数形式。故填tools。
was recorded
解析 It is/was recorded that… 为固定句型,意为“据记载……”,因此处表示的动作发生在过去,所以应用一般过去时。故填was recorded。
解析 根据上下文语境和后面的than可知应用比较级。故填earlier。
解析 It is/was believed that… 为固定句型,意为“人们认为……”。故填that。
解析 本句已有谓语,且其与设空处之间无连词连接,所以设空处应用非谓语动词形式,base与其所修饰的five groups之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应用过去分词。故填based。
解析 此处是说竹筷如今在中国家庭中最受欢迎。此处描述客观事实,应用一般现在时,且主语bamboo chopsticks为复数,谓语动词应用复数形式。故填are。
解析 in addition为固定搭配,意为“另外”。故填In。
to pick
解析 allow sb to do sth意为“允许某人做某事”,为固定搭配。故填to pick。
解析 设空处修饰形容词interested,表示“确实”,应用副词truly。
If you are walking across the campus, you can be embarrassed with every pair of eyes on you, especially when you're 13 years old. I looked around to find a friendly face or a smile, but got nothing. I was quite disappointed. And I, in turn, felt a little foolish, walking across the campus with a false smile on my face. I was simply hoping to follow the advice that my mother had given me years before: When things get awkward, smile. No matter where you are, a smile will always be understood. At that very moment, however, I felt my mother's advice didn't work.
Just at that time, I was asking myself questions and concerns of any 13-year-old on the first day of school: Where would I sit at lunch Who would I talk to Not to mention, how would I make friends when I didn't even speak the language My heart was beating fast, and I felt nervous. Still, I did my best to be calm so as not to let others know just how scared I truly was.
When the teacher introduced me to the class as the “American girl”, 10 sets of hands immediately shot up. Some students had questions, while others wanted to practise their English with me. Because I didn't speak much Chinese then, I talked with the other students through body language mixed with English and broken Chinese. However, I was not sure how much of it was positive. It was almost as if they weren't sure what to make of me and I was being examined. Then again, who could blame them After all, I was the first American ever to attend the school. So, we were all first-timers.
Then came the first class—Chinese painting._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
As I burnt with great embarrassment, Li Hua, who was next to me, gave me a warm smile._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
材料大意 本文讲述了来自美国的作者第一次到中国上学的经历。面对陌生的环境和语言不通造成的沟通障碍,作者感到尴尬和迷茫,对校园生活充满了担忧。作者听从妈妈的建议,以微笑面对尴尬,但这似乎并不起作用。伴随着紧张不安的情绪,作者迎来了在中国学校的第一堂课。
故事背景 作者13岁时第一次来到中国上学,面对陌生的环境和语言不通造成的沟通障碍,作者感到尴尬而紧张。
主要角色 作者(初到中国上学的13岁美国学生)、李华(作者的同学)
写作顺序 时间顺序
需要解决的问题 作者面对陌生的环境,且不能熟练使用中文,在中国学校的第一堂课上遇到了困难。
续写第一段(提示句:然后是第一堂课——中国画。) 根据第一段首句内容和第二段的提示句可推测,作者在学习画中国画的过程中遇到了困难,作者感到很尴尬。第一段可描述作者在第一堂课上发生了什么,描写作者学习绘画的过程。
续写第二段(提示句:当我尴尬得脸发烫时,在我旁边的李华给了我一个温暖的微笑。) 根据第二段首句内容可知,第二段可描述作者的同学李华给了作者怎样的帮助,以及作者和李华的互动。
情感变化 作者:面对陌生环境的紧张和羞怯——遇到困难时的尴尬和焦急——得到帮助后的触动和感激——为收获一个好朋友感到开心
make it go as I wished, come up, move the brush across the paper, lifelike, with one's help, make great progress in, Hesitating for a while (现在分词短语作状语), although it was such an ugly one (although引导的让步状语从句), A smile did make a difference.(对谓语动词的强调)。
Then came the first class—Chinese painting.The teacher showed us how to use a brush to paint bamboo on a piece of rice paper.Then all the other students began to paint.But it was quite difficult for me.How could I hold the soft brush and make it go as I wished Hesitating for a while, I tried dipping the brush into the inkstone.When I took it out, drops of black ink fell on the paper.There was no bamboo, but big black dots!
As I burnt with great embarrassment, Li Hua, who was next to me, gave me a warm smile.I smiled back awkwardly.He came up to me and demonstrated how to use the brush.He moved the brush across the paper, and lifelike bamboo appeared! With his help, I finally completed the painting, although it was such an ugly one.After that, we became good friends.He taught me Chinese while I taught him English.We both made great progress in our studies.Yes, my mother was right.A smile did make a difference.
1.interact v.交流;沟通;相互作用
2.on the basis of… 在……的基础上;根据……
1.add 熟义:vt.增加;添加 生义:vt.补充说;继续说
2.content 熟义:n.[pl.] 内容;目录生义:adj.满意的;满足的 n.[sing.]含量