学科 英语 年级 八年级 执教者 金函冰
课题 Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. (Section A 3a-3c Reading)
本课时选自人教版《英语》八年级下册Unit6 SectionA3a-3c。本单元的话题是Legends and stories,属于“人与社会”主题范畴内的“文学、艺术与体育”主题群中的“跨文化沟通与交流,语言与文化”子主题内容以及“历史、社会与文化”主题群中的“中外文学史上有代表性的作家和作品”和“身份认同与文化自信”子主题内容。单元主题意义是学生通过单元学习能够形成积极面对、不畏困难、坚持不懈的品格态度,并通过了解中外经典文学、文化作品,提高跨文化交际能力及民族文化自信。
What:本语篇是描写《西游记》主人公孙悟空的一篇文章。主要介绍了《西游记》在中外儿童之间的认知差异及其主人公孙悟空的能力及其产生的影响。 Why:作者通过阐述孙悟空受欢迎的原因,引导学生发现,要想取得真经,克服困难取得成功,不仅要有较强的个人能力,还必须要具备顽强的意志品质(积极面对、不畏困难、坚持不懈等品格态度)。体现在漫漫人生长路中,需要具备的勇气、毅力与奋斗精神。 How:全文共3段。第1段主要从1979年电视剧《西游记》在英国播放这件事引出《西游记》这本书,并引出主人公——孙悟空。第2段介绍了孙悟空的能力及其局限。第3段讲了孙悟空在全世界广受欢迎及其原因,引导学生学习其积极面对、不畏困难、坚持不懈的品格态度。
By the end of this class, students will be able to 1.use the target words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly. (学习理解) 2.be aware of the three reading strategies.(应用实践) (1)Looking at the picture for the prediction about the article. (2)Skimming for the main idea of each paragraph. (3)Scanning for the specific information. 3.introduce the Monkey King according to the things learned in this class.(迁移创新) 4.learn to face the difficulties in life and have critical thinking about the Monkey King.(迁移创新)
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
1.Students will be able to use the target words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly. (学习理解) Step1.Lead in 1.Enjoy a video -Which book is the TV show from 2.Free talk 教师观察学生是否参与互动交流,主动分享对该话题的已有知识、经验,适时进行追问和给予鼓励。
1.Students will be able to use the target words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly. (学习理解) 2.Students will be able to be aware of the three reading strategies. (应用实践) Step2. Before reading 1.Let’s watch and talk! -What can the Monkey King do -What does he have 2.Let’s predict! -Who may the passage mainly talk about (Reading Tip1: Looking at the picture for the prediction about the article.) 教师观察学生看图预测情况以及观看视频后的交流互动情况,适时进行追问,并根据学生表现给予指导和反馈。
1.Students will be able to use the target words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly. (学习理解) 2.Students will be able to be aware of the three reading strategies. (应用实践) 3.Students will be able to learn to face the difficulties in life and have critical thinking about the Monkey King. (迁移创新) Step3.While reading 1.Fast reading Read and match the main idea of each paragraph. (Reading Tip2: Skimming for the main idea of each paragraph.) 2.Careful reading (1)Read para1 and answer -What happened in November 1979 (2)Read para2 and fill in the blanks. (Reading Tip3: Scanning for the specific information.) (3)Read para3 and find out -Why is the Monkey King so popular 教师观察学生是否能根据略读、寻读等阅读策略进行有效阅读。教师适时进行追问,并根据学生表现给予指导和反馈。
1.Students will be able to use the target words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly. (学习理解) 2.Introduce the Monkey King according to the things learned in this class.(迁移创新) Step4.Post reading 1.Role play Introduce the Monkey King according to the things learned in this class. 教师观察role play表现,给予指导和反馈。其中引导学生在role play 环节进行自评及他评,评价这节课教与学成果。
Step5.Homework Must do: Introduce the Monkey King to your friends. Choose to do: Search for more information about the Monkey King and make the introduction better.