人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Using language 课件(共17张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Using language 课件(共17张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-21 00:23:48



S3U3 Using language
Write a report on an environmental issue
“East or west, Guilin’s water and mountains are the best.”
Li River and its surrounding scenery is one of must-go destinations when you are paying a visit to Guilin.
What do you think might have caused water pollution in the Li River
Skim Para.1 and figure out the type and main idea of the text.
Type: A report
Main idea: the water pollution and the measures taken to deal with it in the Li River.
Go through the text and figure out its structure.
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Introducing the Topic
Describing the
Presenting some
Presenting further
Problem – solution pattern
“问题 – 解决”型文本
Create a mind map about:
(1) factors contributing to the problem (para.2)
(2) measures taken to deal with the problem (Para.3&4)
water pollution
Scan for details (Para. 2 & 3)
Water Ten Plan
River Chief System
The beautiful Li River and its amazing surrounding scenery is one of the most well-known tourist destinations (旅游目的地 =tourist attractions) in China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region(自治区). It attracts millions of domestic and foreign visitors(国内外游客) each year.
(= It attracts millions of visitors ____________________.)
However, its reputation as a top destination has had negative effects on (对…有负面的影响 have negative effects / a negative effect on) the river‘s water quality. This report looks at( ) the problem of water pollution and some actions that have been taken to deal with it.
action [C] a thing that sb does 所做之事 行为
Her quick action saved the child's life. 她行动迅速,救了小孩的命。
We must take responsibility for our own actions. 我们都须对自己的行为负责。
a heroic act of bravery 英勇壮举 an act of kindness 善行
his heroic actions/acts during the war 他在战争中的英雄壮举
act后常跟of, 且常与形容词连用。action通常不与of连用,但常与his/her等连用
Previously, water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from(遭受…之苦) an increasing volume of tourists(日益增多的游客量), many of whom frequently threw garbage into the river. Many tour boats contributed to the problem too. Kitchens on board(在船/飞机上) were using lots of oil, which was often thrown into the water.
The growth in tourism also meant the local population rose rapidly, as well as the number of commercial and industrial enterprises(工商企业). Water pollution levels(污染程度/水平) increased, with more household and commercial waste(生活垃圾和商业废弃物) ending up(结束 终结) in the river.
In order to feed more people, more chemicals were used to increase crop production. These chemicals led to severe water quality issues(水质问题), causing a decrease in (在…方面的下降) the number of fish species. Local officials were concerned that the pollution was damaging the natural environment and felt that urgent steps should be taken to restore the river’s original beauty(恢复其原来的美).
A comprehensive initiative(综合全面的什么?) was started(被发起进行), with a number of measures that addressed (vt.解决 处理) the issues. The construction of waste water treatment facilities improved the water quality and water conservation. The collection and transport of household waste was also improved. Dozens of polluting enterprises were closed or moved. The local government set up strict regulations regarding further industrial development. New rules were also introduced regarding tour boat routes and garbage disposal methods. Furthermore, the local authorities began to use the media to spread environmental awareness and encourage greater use of clean energy. At the same time, they started to carry out inspections regularly and fine tourist organizations for abuses. With these measures, it is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.
initiative n. / n t v/
1. [C] a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose 倡议 新方案
a government initiative to combat unemployment 政府应付失业问题的新方案
2. [U] 主动性;积极性;自发性
She did it on her own initiative. 她是主动这么做的。
3. the initiative [sing.] 掌握有利条件的能力(或机会);主动权
to seize/lose the initiative 掌握╱丧失先机
The construction of waste water treatment facilities improved the water quality and water conservation.
The collection and transport of household waste was also improved.
Dozens of polluting enterprises were closed or moved.
The local government set up strict regulations regarding further industrial development.
regarding prep. concerning sb/sth; about sb/sth 关于 至于
She has said nothing regarding your request.
Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.
New rules were also introduced regarding tour boat routes and garbage disposal methods.
此外, 关于游船路线和垃圾处理方法的新规定也被引进(出台)了。
Furthermore, the local authorities began to use the media to spread environmental awareness and encourage greater use of clean energy.
此外, 地方当局开始利用媒体传播环保意识, 鼓励更多使用清洁能源。
At the same time, they started to carry out inspections regularly and fine tourist organizations for abuses.
与此同时, 他们开展定期检查,并对那些滥用(旅游资源的)旅游组织进行罚款。
With these measures, it is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.
generations to come 未来的一代代 即子孙后代
With these measures, it is believed that the Li River will restore its original beauty in years to come.
In addition, the ambitious “Water Ten Plan” is also now tackling water pollution across the country( ). Other initiatives, such as the “River Chief System”, hold senior officials responsible for (hold sb responsible for…让某人对…负责) reducing water pollution. With such campaigns in effect, China's waterways are heading towards a clean and sustainable future.
ambitious adj.
1. 有野心的 有雄心的 (指人)
2. on a large scale and needs a lot of work, time ,effort and money to be carried out successfully. 宏大的 耗资耗时的 (指事)
The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.
tackle vt. to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation 应付 处理 解决(难题或局面)
The government is determined to tackle inflation.
in effect 生效 (介宾短语表状态) – put / bring sth into effect 使…生效
take effect 产生效果 (动词组) With such campaigns ______(take effect), China’s ...
The beautiful Li River attracts millions of ___________________ each year. However, its reputation as a ___________ has had negative effects on the river's water quality. Previously, water quality suffered greatly from ________________________. __________________ should be taken to restore the river's ___________. Varieties of measures have been taken to __________________ the problem of water pollution. With these measures, it’s believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for _______________. With such campaigns ______, China's waterways are heading towards _____________________.
domestic and foreign visitors
top destination
original beauty
deal with/tackle/address
generations to come
an increasing volume of tourists
in effect
a clean and sustainable future
stage /ste d / [VN]
1. to organize and present a play or an event for people to see 上演 举办 举行
to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式╱活动╱展览
The local theatre group is staging a production of ‘Hamlet’.
Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.
2. to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a public protest 组织 筹划
to stage a strike/demonstration/march/protest