

名称 2023届高三英语二轮复习高考常见易混词识记课件(共20张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 926.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-05-21 14:39:00




1.altitude n.海拔高度,海拔,高程
2.attitude n.态度,看法,姿势
3.attribute n.属性,特征;v.把…归因于
eg:①One's attitude can influence their personality traits and behavioral attributes.
②During the ascent of Mount Everest, both physical endurance and altitude are important attributes that climbers must know.

4.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的,含混不清的,不明确的
5.ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的,有野心的,耗时的
eg:Because the answer to that question was ambiguous, I had to adopt a more ambitious and driven attitude to find a clearer solution.

6.appropriate adj.适当的,合适的,恰当的;v.盗用,侵吞
7.approximate v.近似,概略估算;adj.近似的,大约的
eg:When making any approximate calculations, please make sure to use the appropriate mathematical formulas and appropriate units.

8.command n.命令,指令,控制,管辖,指挥部;v.命令,指挥,统率
9.commend v.赞扬,举荐,得到认可,把…托付给
ment n.议论,评论,解释,批评;v.表达意见
eg:I want to leave a comment to commend you for your excellent performance and outstanding leadership skills at work. I think you have done a great job commanding and managing this project.

1.transfer v.转移,调动,改变;n.转移,变换,调动
2.transform v.使改变,使改观,使转换
eg:This paper points out that, in the Western Development, we must seize the opportunities to transfer and transform the traditional culture of the ethnic Yi.

3.transport n.运输,运输工具,运送;v.运输,运送,输送
4.transplant v.移植,移栽,使迁移;n.移植
5.transparent adj.透明的,清澈的,显而易见的
eg:①The transplantation of large trees requires the cost of transportation to be included.
②The book is remarkably accurate and transparently fair-minded.

6.transit n.运输,搬运,通过,通过;v.经过,穿过
7.transient adj.转瞬即逝的,短暂的;n.暂住某地的人,临时工
8.transcend v.超越,超出
9.translate v.翻译,译,被翻译
eg:①During their talks, the two presidents discussed the transit of goods between the two countries.

②Both the present and the future were transient, but tomorrow ripened the fruit.
③The significance of the film transcends time and national borders.
④I hope all the hard work will translate into profits.

1.stretch v.伸展,拉长,拽宽,拉紧;n.一段,伸展;adj.有弹力的
2.stream v.流动,飘动,飘扬;n.溪,小河,一连串,班,组
eg:A small stream stretches into the distance.
3.scheme n.计划,规划,方案,草图;v.密谋,计划,料想
4.sheer adj.纯粹的,完全的,陡峭的;adv.垂直地,陡峭地;v.偏航;n.透明薄纱,偏航
5.steer v.驾驶(船、汽车等),行驶,操纵,控制

eg:①The ship steered a course between the islands.
②Outside there was a sheer drop down to the sea below.
③The advantages of the scheme far outweighed the disadvantages.

6.subtract v.减,减去
7.abstract n.摘要,概要;adj.抽象,纯理论的;v.把…抽象出,提取,分离,写摘要
eg:As mentioned in the abstract, let's subtract the excess elements.
8.strain v.拉紧,扭伤,尽力;n.压力,重负,拉伤,扭伤
9.drain v.排水,排空,(使)流光,放干,耗尽;n.消耗,排水管,下水道

10.grain n.粮食,谷物,谷粒,纹理;v.把…作成细粒,染透
eg:①Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you) .
②I felt drained of energy.
③It really goes against the grain to have to work on a Sunday.

1.immense adj.极大的,巨大的
2.immerse v.沉浸在,(使)深陷于
eg:The entire empire was immersed in immense sorrow.
3.impair v.损害,削弱
4.impart v.通知,透露,传授,把...赋予
eg:①Even one drink can impair driving performance.
②He had no news to impart.

5.imperial adj.帝国的,皇帝的;n.纸张尺寸,特大号
6.imperative adj.重要紧急的,迫切的,祈使的;n.重要紧急的事,必要的事,祈使语气
eg:①They executed Russia's imperial family in 1918.
②It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.

7.impose v.强制实行,迫使,把…强加于,使意识到
8.impulse n.推动,驱使,冲力,冲击,刺激;v.推动,促进;adj.一时兴起的
eg:①She always wants to impose her will on other people.
②He finally gave way to an impulse and pulled her toward him.

9.immigrate v.移居,移民
10.immigrant n.移民,外侨;adj.侨民的
eg:During the immigration wave, he immigrated to the United States in 1999, and according to him, the life of the expatriates was not very easy.

1.inherit v.继承,接替,继任
2.inhibit v.阻止,阻碍,抑制,使拘束,使尴尬
3.inhabit v.居住在,栖居于
4.inherent adj.固有的,内在的
eg:①Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
②Shyness inhibited her from speaking.
③The building is now inhabited by birds.
④War is inherently a dirty business.

5.instinct n.本能,天性,直觉;adj.充满的
6.instruct v.指导,通知,传授,告知,委托
eg:①She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal.
②She came on every ride herself, the better to instruct her eager pupils.

7.innocent adj.无辜的,无罪的,天真的;n.无辜者,单纯的人
8.innovation n.创造,创新,改革
eg:If you knew that every innovation harmed innocent people, would you still do so
9.inevitable adj.不可避免的;n.必然发生的事,不可避免的事
10.initiative n.倡议,新方案,主动性
eg:Given the current situation, the proposal of new initiatives is inevitable.