人教版(2019)选择性必修四高中英语 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 单元检测


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修四高中英语 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 单元检测
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科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-27 20:30:17


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人教版(2019)选择性必修四高中英语 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 单元检测
More than two thirds of the world's polar bears will be
wiped out by 2050, according to a shocking new study.By then, scientists say,
global warming will have melted 42 percent of the Arctic sea ice.By 2100, only
a very few of these important creatures will be left.
The report has been produced by the US Geological Survey.The
scientists have publicized their findings in the hope of influencing US
Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, who has been asked to put polar bears on
the US endangered species list.
Polar bears depend on floating sea ice as a platform for
hunting seals, which are their main food.Without enough ice, polar bears would
be forced to go onto the land, where they are poorly skilled hunters, and would
be unlikely to adapt to the life on the land in time.Experts say few little
bears would survive and the stress could make many females unable to get
The team of American and Canadian scientists spent six
months studying bears:on the ground, from
spotter planes and in the lab, using computer models.Some team members fear the
result is even worse for the bears than what their report says.They say the
Arctic is warming faster than anywhere in the world and much faster than their
computer has been forecasting.Satellite observations have showed that the ice
has decreased to an all time low.
However, not everyone in the scientific community believes
that global warming is happening on such an alarming scale.Another
investigation has found that polar bears are still being hunted by wealthy
"sportsmen" who want their skins and heads.At least ten international
companies offer bear hunting trips.
1.What do we know about Dirk Kempthorne according to the passage
A.He is an animal scientist.
B.He is a protector of animals working for the US government.
C.He has been asked to put polar bears on the US endangered species list.
D.He has offered to put polar bears on the endangered species list.
2.Why will polar bears die out if there is not enough sea ice
A.Because polar bears can't catch enough food without ice.
B.Because polar bears eat ice when they feel thirsty.
C.Because polar bears will be easily found by hunters without ice.
D.Because most female bears are used to giving birth under ice.
3.After a six month study, some scientists fear that .
A.there is something wrong with their computers
B.polar bears will disappear even faster than they have ever expected
C.their computer models are not as accurate as they expected
D.global warming will destroy everything in the Arctic
There has been a lot of publicity recently surrounding 5G,
the next generation of wireless technology for the world.But what is this
technology and how might it change our lives
5G stands for fifth generation, meaning the next step in the
progression of technology to replace the current 4G system.4G was the
replacement for 3G, which came after 2G, and so on.Earlier "G"
systems were designed to improve mobile communication operations.Each new
technology brought major improvements in speed and greatly increased network
capacity(容量). The new 5G system promises more of the
same.However, technology experts say there is a major way that 5G is different
than the earlier systems.It will move well beyond mobile network technology to
affect many more devices and industries than other "G" versions.
Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future
"smart cities" by connecting sensor(传感器) networks.5G is also expected to connect self driving cars and
support new technologies involving virtual reality.Higher 5G speeds could also
permit doctors to commonly perform remote medical operations.Factories and
businesses could use 5G technology to increase automation and improve the
collection of information.
Every coin has two sides.Much of the data could contain
private details about individuals, businesses or government organizations.The
increased data flow would give Internet attackers a lot more possibilities to
steal and misuse data.In addition, the wider use of a 5G wireless network means
any breakdown of the system would have more widespread and severe results.Such
difficulties could affect public safety as well as world economic activity.
4.What is the significant difference between 5G and the early "G" systems
A.It will affect more devices and industries.
B.It will change the way people communicate.
C.It will reform the pattern of information system.
D.It will improve Internet speed and network capacity.
5.What can we learn about "smart cities" from the passage
A.Smart cities are cities full of intelligent people.
B.Now many smart cities have been built all over the world.
C.As long as there are wireless networks, you can build smart cities.
D.The development of 5G accelerates the construction of smart cities.
6.Why can 5G allow doctors to perform long range medical operations
A.Because of the low cost of 5G.
B.Because of the wide range of 5G.
C.Because of the high speed of 5G.
D.Because of the ability of 5G to collect information.
7.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.Possible risks of 5G technology.
B.The advantages of 5G technology.
C.The influence of 5G technology on the world.
D.The importance of information security in the 5G era.
Travel is one of the most exciting experiences a human being
can have.Imagine how the Italian traveler Marco Polo must have felt when he
found himself on Chinese soil, seeing a way of life quite different from what
he'd seen before.And how marvelous(了不起的) it must have
been to listen to Zhang Qian when he returned to China from his journey through
Central Asia and West Asia!His brain must have been
packed with everything he'd seen and heard, leading to the founding of the Silk
Some people have traveled all over the world, and travel is
a way of life for them.They perhaps know what to expect before they
travel.That's why the best travel is the first one.Imagine a person who has
always wanted to travel to the United States.Of course, he has probably seen
the Statue of Liberty a thousand times on TV, and the White House, and all the
other famous sights.But nothing would compare to the thrill of looking out of
the cabin window(舷窗) as the plane
lands, watching the buildings and streets of the real America come into view.
Although travel is often just for recreation, it's
also educational.We may not know that we are getting an education, but we still
We're learning every day:new
words in a new language, new people, and new ways of life.But this learning
takes place in the school of the world, not the classroom.One of the lessons we
learn is undoubtedly a moral one.As we get to know foreign places, we come to
understand that there are many different ways to live, and that the way we live
isn't necessarily the best.The British politician Benjamin Disraeli summed this
up well when he said, "Travel teaches toleration."
8.The author uses Marco Polo and Zhang Qian as examples to .
A.explain how the Silk Road was founded
B.present travel as an amazing experience
C.show how the way people travel has changed
D.describe important cultural exchanges in history
9.By saying "the best travel is the first one" in Paragraph 2, the author means that .
A.one's first trip is usually the most challenging
B.no other trip is better than one's first trip
C.there is always much to learn on one's first trip
D.people usually make better preparations for their first trip
10.The underlined word "recreation"in Paragraph 3 probably means " ".
A.learning B.knowledge C.fun D.risk
11.According to the last two paragraphs, the author believes that .
A.traveling should be included in formal education
B.traveling improves people's confidence in their lifestyle
C.a foreign journey may raise people's cultural understanding
D.there is more to learn from adventures than classes
One day in March, seven years ago, during happy hour at a
bar in my hometown of Fayetteville, Arkansas, I made a surprising announcement
to my friends:I was going to shut down my law practice
and attempt to travel around the globe in a year.What's more, I would do it
without taking any flights or making a single advance reservation of any
kind.My announcement drew mixed reactions from my friends.Some offered support
and encouragement, while others were more doubtful.
Once I had said the words, there was no turning back.It took
months to shut down my law practice and get things in order.Once I set off on
my adventure in December 2008, I found travelling without using planes was not
easy.Trying to circle the globe in 16 months (it took me a bit longer than the
initial 12 months I planned) made it even harder.Even so, travelling overland was
the most amazing way to truly understand the immensity(浩瀚无际) of our wonderful planet.
I took three consecutive(连续的) overnight buses to travel 3,000 km through Argentina, from Ushuaia
to the capital Buenos Aires.I would look out of the windows for hours on end at
the completely unspoiled plains, as if humans had never touched it.
It took seven consecutive days and nights on trains to get
from Moscow to Beijing, each day spent staring out of the windows for hours as
the Siberian plains swept by.Sometimes, I wouldn't see a village or a human
being for 10 hours.Later in my journey, it took 22 days on a cargo freighter(货船) to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to
Philadelphia, to finish my round the world adventure.
It turned out that travelling with no reservations was far
less difficult than I had imagined.Pulling into a city on a bus with a
backpack, looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions of accommodations(住所), and then finding an empty room was never much of a problem
anywhere.It also kept me flexible(灵活) and open about
all my travel plans, which is advice I give everyone who asks—plan far less
than you think you should.
12.The author's trip was special in that .
A.he made it at the expense of giving up his job
B.it hardly cost him anything
C.he did not make advance booking or travel by air
D.it was a global trip
13.The author most probably returned to the United States in .
A.June 2009 B.December 2009
C.February 2010 D.April 2010
14.The author's travelling route was .
①Moscow②Philadelphia③New Zealand④Ushuaia⑤Beijing⑥Buenos Aires
A.⑤④①⑥③② B.④⑥①⑤③②
C.④⑤①⑥③② D.⑤①⑥④③②
15.What did the author think of his around the world tour
A.Challenging but pleasant. B.Dangerous but wonderful.
C.Boring and disappointing. D.Costly and painful.
A travel blog produces interest in people for visiting the
new places. 16.   A blog owner might identify a place, such as
travel locations within a small region of a country, or broaden the scope to
include countries across the globe.Writing a travel blog requires recording
notes and observations, taking pictures and talking to local people while
traveling.Here are a few tips for writing a travel blog.
First of all, you must visit various places so that you can
teach your visitors about these locations.Visitors of your site want an
eye catching text such that they feel as if they are at the place you're
 17.   Protect the reliability of your travel blog by
proving all facts.Write down directions as you travel to various locations so
that you can provide accurate information to readers.Provide the correct
spelling of towns, people, restaurants and streets.Call phone numbers and visit
website links before publishing to verify accuracy.
 18.   As you travel, write down your
impressions.After a memorable dining experience, for example, write down the
name of the restaurant, the dish you ordered, its ingredients and the details
of the decor and music.
You must add people's interview during the journey. 19.   The scent of rare flowers, the beautiful view
from a mountain top, the feel of soft towels in a high end hotel, and the sound
of a waterfall are examples of descriptions that help people to connect
immediately with a place or experience.
Take pictures.To help people see things with their own eyes,
take pictures of all locations about which you wish to write.Local cuisines,
landmarks, traditional clothing and scenic locations are possible examples. 20.  
Respond to readers' comments.Blogs typically allow you to
accept or disable comments.Allowing comments is an opportunity to build rapport
with readers and answer questions.
A. Keep a travel
B. Record events on
C. Provide correct
D. Ask for
submissions from other travelers.
E. Visiting gives
mental satisfaction to all people.
F. Use the senses
when writing about locations.
G. Take photos,
posting the clearest and most bright pictures.
It has been five years.No one's quite sure how Sasha, the
6 year old black cat, 21. it
from Portland to New Mexico after five years.But apparently it isn't uncommon
for cats—who are known for their 22. character—to go hitchhiking(搭便车).
"It's like he never left.He's so 23. ,
" said its owner Usov."I guess he was on a great American 24. ."
When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might
have 25. wolves.But not every cat that disappears 26. a bad end.It's very common for a cat to 27. on a train or the back of a truck, but for a
cat to travel 1,200 miles and then go back to its owner That 28. happens.
Sasha's fur was matted(乱成一团的) when he was
found 29. the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal
Shelter this month.They set out to find his owner."Sasha didn't miss a
meal, " Kirdar, a worker at the shelter, said.
The shelter reunites families with their 30. pets every day, 31. this
is the first time Kirdar has done an in person delivery.Sasha's 32. would not have been possible if he had not
been microchipped(植入微芯片).
"The microchip is the best form of 33. ,
" said Kirdar.However, just getting your pet microchipped isn't
enough.It's important to 34. the microchip's producer if there is a 35. in your contact information.
21.A.hated B.made C.received D.learnt
22.A.complex B.popular C.independent D.weak
23.A.happy B.annoying C.pitiful D.helpful
24.A.adventure B.farm C.island D.holiday
with B.fallen victim to
C.made friends with D.fought against
26.A.brings B.demands C.meets D.expects
27.A.bite B.live C.sleep D.jump
28.A.actually B.rarely C.normally D.hopefully
29.A.clearing B.blocking C.wandering D.checking
30.A.thrilled B.unlucky C.missing D.crazy
31.A.and B.but C.because D.though
32.A.return B.illness C.disappearance D.movement
33.A.technology B.civilization C.identification D.explanation
34.A.download B.record C.copy D.update
35.A.fact B.number C.name D.change
The Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City, is the  36.  (large) and most well  37.  (reserve) imperial(皇帝的) residence in China today.It is divided into an outer and an inner
court with a rectangular shape, 961 meters long from north to south and 753
meters in
 38.  (wide)
from east to west.It has a splendid history since the Ming Dynasty, and it
 39.  (rebuild)
and repaired many times in the past.I was so excited to visit it  40.   my family last summer vacation.After we passed
through the Front Gate, a lot of palaces appeared.The tour guide told us there
were almost 8,700 rooms in the Palace Museum.During the Ming Dynasty,
construction began in 1406. 41.  took
14 years to build the Forbidden City.I was
 42.  (real)
surprised that the workers could build it so well  43.  even today it is not out of style.I
could not remember all the names of the buildings, but I took hundreds of
 44.  (photo)
on the way.I think I will never forget the  45.  (amaze) trip I had in Beijing,
China and I can go there next time with my friends.
原因:①风景优美(有激流、峡谷、森林等); ②便宜便捷(乘车约两小时可到);
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
47.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It was the hottest time of the year in southern
California.Steve, a star basketball player at the University of California,
with his cousin Zach, had planned a camping trip in the Great National Forest
for their summer vacation.
The boys gathered clothes and supplies, and began their
great adventure with Brady the dog early in the morning.Upon arrival, Steve
pulled over to the side of the road along the bank of the river."A
wonderful place for fishing, " Steve exclaimed in delight.Zach nodded in
At high noon, the sun was scorching hot.With a good harvest
of fish, the boys marched into the forest with Brady following them.After a
long walk, they found a clearing that was ideal for a campsite.The camp was set
up immediately as Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness
An afternoon nap was absolutely a special treat in
mid summer.However, the boys were waken up by the fierce barks of
Brady.Outside, heavy smoke filled the air and wind blown flame was skipping
from the top of one tree to another.The long dry summer turned the forest into
a tinderbox.In a little while, Steve and Zach were inside their tent packing
their belongings.
"Let's go! We can make it back to the river!" They
headed down against the fire wind in the direction of the river.But Brady
barked a sharp warning.Ahead of them lay a thick curtain of smoke across the
track.They would never make it through that.Steve was uneasy for it was hard to
find a safe way to escape in the heavy smoke.
Brady lifted his head and snuffed(嗅) the smoke laden wind.Next moment, the dog bounded away and
disappeared down a sharp slope(坡). The boys shouted for
him, but he didn't come back.Steve couldn't blame Brady for panicking.He
himself wanted to run even though he didn't know where to run.
Steve and Zach hadn't gone far when there was a familiar
Brady pulled again, in spite of the boy's disbelief,
1.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“The scientists have publicized their findings in the hope of influencing US Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, who has been asked to put polar bears on the US endangered species list.“科学家们公布了他们的发现,希望能影响美国内政部长德克 肯普索恩,他被要求将北极熊列入美国濒危物种名单。可知,Dirk Kempthorne 被要求将北极熊列入美国濒危物种名单。故选C。
2.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Polar bears depend on floating sea ice as a platform for hunting seals, which are their main food. Without enough ice, polar bears would be forced to go onto the land, where they are poorly skilled hunters, and would be unlikely to adapt to the life on the land in time.”北极熊依靠漂浮的海冰作为捕食海豹的平台,而海豹是它们的主要食物。如果没有足够的冰,北极熊将被迫爬上陆地,因为它们是缺乏技能的捕猎者,也不太可能及时适应陆地上的生活。可知,北极熊依靠漂浮的海冰作为捕食海豹的平台,所以没有足够的冰,北极熊就不能找到足够的食物,那样它们就会面临灭绝的危险,故选A。
3.考查主旨大意。根据第一段“More than two thirds of the world's polar bears will be wiped out by 2050, according to a shocking new study. By then, scientists say, global warming will have melted 42 percent of the Arctic sea ice. By 2100, only a very few of these important creatures will be left.“一项令人震惊的新研究显示,到2050年,世界上超过三分之二的北极熊将灭绝。科学家们说,到那时,全球变暖将融化42%的北极海冰。到2100年,这些重要的生物将只剩下极少数。可知,本文主要讲述由于全球变暖导致北极海冰融化,导致在本世纪末,北极熊或将灭绝。故选B。
4.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“It will move well beyond mobile network technology to affect many more devices and industries than other ‘G'versions.”它将远远超越移动网络技术,影响比其他“G”版本更多的设备和行业。可知,5G和早期的“G”相比会影响更多的设备和行业。故选A。
5.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future ‘smart cities' by connecting sensor(传感器) networks.“无线行业表示5G会通过连接传感器网络推动未来“智慧城市”的发展。可知,5G推动了智慧城市的建设。故选D。
6.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Higher 5G speeds could also permit doctors to commonly perform remote medical operations.”更高的5G速度也可以让医生常规进行远程医疗操作。可知,手术可操作性得益于5G的高速。故选C。
7.考查段落大意。根据最后一段中的“Every coin has two sides.“任何事物都有两面性;以及“The increased data flow would give internet attackers a lot more possibilities to steal and misuse data. In addition, the wider use of a 5G wireless network means any breakdown of the system would have more widespread and severe results. ”增加的数据流会给网络攻击者提供更多窃取和滥用数据的可能性。此外,5G无线网络的广泛使用意味着系统的任何故障都会产生更广泛和更严重的后果。可知,此段主要讲述5G应用可能带来的一些风险。故选A。
8.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Travel is oneof the most exciting experiences a human being can have.”旅行是人类可以拥有的最令人兴奋的经历之一。可知,作者举马可·波罗和张骞的例子就是为了证明旅行是一种令人兴奋的经历。故选B。
9.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Of course, hehas probably seen the Statue of Liberty a thousand times onTV , and the White House , and all the other famous sights. Butnothing would compare to the thrill of looking out of the cabinwindow as the plane lands, watching the buildings and streetsof the real America come into view.”当然,他可能已经在电视上看过一千遍自由女神像、白宫和所有其他著名景点。 但没有什么能比得上飞机降落时从机舱窗户向外望去,看着真实美国的建筑和街道映入眼帘的那种快感。可知,作者这么说想表达的是第一次旅行是最好的。故选B。
10.考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“it's also educational”这也很有教育意义,以及上下文语境可知,此处表示旅行不只是为了娱乐,还有教育意义,可推知recreation是“娱乐”之意,故选C。
11.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“We're learning every day :new words in a new language , new people,and new ways of life. But this learning takes place in theschool of the world , not the classroom.”我们每天都在学习:新语言的新词、新的人和新的生活方式。 但这种学习发生在世界的学校,而不是教室。可知,作者认为出国旅行会提高人们对文化的理解。故选C。
12.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"I made a surprise announcement to my friends: I was going to shut down my law practice and attempt to travel around the globe in a year. What's more, I would do it without taking any flights or making a single advance reservation of any kind.”我向朋友们宣布了一个令人惊讶的消息:我打算在一年内关闭我的律师业务,并试图环游世界。此外,我也不会乘坐任何航班,也不会提前预订任何种类的机票。可知他的旅行没有提前订票.故选C。
13.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Once I set off on my adventure in December 2008, I found that travelling without using planes was not easy. Trying to circle the globe in 16months (it took me a bit longer than the initial 12 months I planned) made it even tougher.“当我在2008年12月开始我的冒险之旅时,我发现不使用飞机旅行并不容易。在16个月内我试图环游地球(比我最初计划的12个月花的时间要长一点),这使我的旅行更加艰难。可知作者于2008年12月开始,然后经过16个月结束,所以就到了2010年了。故选D。
14.考查细节理解。根据第三段" I took three consecutive (连续) overnight buses to travel 3,000km through Argentina, from Ushuaia, the world's southernmost city, to the capital Buenos Aires. I would look out the windows for hours on end at the completely unspoiled plains, as if humans had never touched it.”我连续坐了三趟连夜公共汽车,从世界上最南端的城市乌斯怀亚到首都布宜诺斯艾利斯,穿越阿根廷3000公里。我在完全未受破坏的平原上,从窗户向外看了好几个小时,就好像人类已经"他说;以及第四段"It took seven consecutive days and nights on trains to get from Moscow to Beijing, each day spent gazing out the windows for hours as the Siberian plains swept by. Sometimes, I wouldn't see a village or a human being for 10 hours. Later in my journey, it took 22 days on a cargo freighter to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to Philadelphia, to finish my round-the-world adventure.“从莫斯科到北京,连续花了七天七夜的火车,当西伯利亚平原被横扫时,每天都要花几个小时凝视窗外。有时,10小时后,我就看不到村庄或人了。我的旅程,用了22天的时间,在一艘货船上,我从新西兰经过巴拿马运河,回到费城,完成了我的环球探险。可知作者的路线是Ushuaia--Buenos Aires--Argentina--Moscow --Beijing--New Zealand-- Panama,故选B。
15.考查观点态度。根据最后一段" It turned out that travelling with no reservations was far less difficult than I had imagined.Pulling into a city on a bus with a backpack, looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions of accommodations(住所), and then finding an empty room was never much of a problem anywhere.It also kept me flexible(灵活) and open about all my travel plans, which is advice I give everyone who asks—plan far less than you think you should.”结果发现,毫无准备地旅行比我想象的要容易得多。坐在公共汽车上,背着背包进城,在旅游指南中寻找一些住宿建议,然后找到一个空房间,这可不是一件容易的事。任何地方都有问题,它也使我对我的旅行计划保持灵活和开放的态度,这是我给每一个提出建议的人的建议——比你认为的要少得多的计划。可知,作者的旅行比想象的要容易的多,虽然有一些问题,但是这样的旅行更灵活.总之作者的态度是积极的。综上所述作者应该认为这次旅行虽然有挑战性,但也很愉快。故选A。
16.根据空前“A travel blog produces interest in people for visiting the new places.“旅游博客引起人们去新地方旅游的兴趣。可知,此处介绍旅游的好处,可以给人精神上的满足。E. Visiting gives mental satisfaction to all people."参观给所有人精神上的满足。"符合上下文语境,故选E。
17.根据空后"Protect the reliability of your travel blog by proving all facts.“通过证明所有的事实来保护你的旅行博客的可靠性;以及本段内容可知,本段陈述旅游博客里要提供正确的事实。C.Provide correct facts.”提供正确的事实。"符合上下文语境,故选C。
18.根据空后"As you travel, write down your impressions. After a memorable dining experience,for example, write down the name of therestaurant, the dish you ordered,.its ingredients and the details of the decor and music.“当你旅行时,写下你的印象。例如,在一次难忘的就餐经历之后,写下餐厅的名字,你点的菜,它的配料,装饰和音乐的细节。可知,本段陈述旅游时可以写旅行日记。A. Keep a travel journal.”写旅行日记。"符合上下文语境。故选A。
19.根据空后“The scent of rare flowers, the beautiful view from a mountain top,the feel of soft towels in a high end hotel, and the sound of awaterfall are examples of descriptions that help people to connect immediately with a place or experience.“稀有花卉的香味,从山顶俯瞰的美景,高档酒店里柔软的毛巾的感觉,以及瀑布的声音都是帮助人们立即与一个地方或经历联系起来的描述。可知,写作的时候要运用味觉、视觉、触觉和听觉等感官。F. Use the senses when writing about locations. ”写地点时要运用感官。“符合上下文语境。故选F。
20.根据空前"Take pictures. To help people see things with their own eyes,take pictures of all locations about which you wish to write.”拍照。为了帮助人们用他们自己的眼睛看到事物,对所有你想要写的地点拍照。可知,这里陈述旅游时拍好照片并把照片上传到博客中。G. Take photos, posting the clearest and most bright pictures. “拍照,上传最清晰最明亮的照片。"符合上下文语境。故选G。
21.句意:已经五年了。没人知道这只6岁的黑猫萨沙是如何在5年后从波特兰来到新墨西哥州的。A:hated”厌恶“;B:made”制造,使,让“;C:received” 收到“;D:learnt “学习”。 此处指使猫来到这里。故选B。
22.句意:但显然,猫这种以个性独立著称的动物搭便车旅行并不少见。A:complex“复杂的”;B:popular“受欢迎的”;C:independent“独立的”;D:weak “弱的”。根据空后的“character-to go hitchhiking(搭便车)”可知,猫有独立的个性。故选C。
23. 句意:他好像从来没有离开过。他是如此开心。A:happy“高兴的”;B:annoying“恼人的”;C:pitiful“可怜的”;D:helpful “ 有帮助的”。根据上文“It's like he never left.”此处指猫很开心。故选A。
24.句意:我猜他是在进行一次伟大的美国冒险。A:adventure“冒险“;B:farm”农场“;C:island” 岛“;D:holiday”假日“。根据上文”from Portland to New Mexico after five years.“可知,他来美洲冒险。故选A。
25.句意:2014年萨沙失踪时,乌索夫认为这只猫可能是狼的牺牲品。A:teamed with” 与……合作“;B:fallen victim to”成为……的牺牲品 “;C:made friends with” 与……交朋友“;D:fought against”与……对抗“。根据空前的”When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might have “和空后wolves.可知,此处指狼吃了猫。故选B。
26.句意:但并不是所有消失的猫都有不好的结局。A:brings” 拿来,带来“;B:demands”需求“;C:meets”遇见“;D:expects ” 期盼“。根据空后的”a bad end“可知,此处指遭遇不好的结局。故选C。
27.句意:猫跳上火车或卡车后座是很常见的事,但猫跑了1200英里后又回到主人身边,这种情况很少发生。A:bite”咬“;B:live”居住“;C:sleep” 睡觉“;D:jump ”跳跃“。 根据空后的”on a train or the back of a truck, but for a cat to travel 1, 200 miles and then go back to its owner?“可知此处指猫跳到卡车上。故选D。
28.句意:猫跳上火车或卡车后座是很常见的事,但猫跑了1200英里后又回到主人身边,这种情况很少发生。A:actually”事实上“;B:rarely” 罕见地“;C:normally”正常地“;D:hopefully ” 充满希望地“。根据空前的”but for a cat to travel 1, 200 miles and then go back to its owner?“可知,这事是罕见的。故选B。
29.句意:本月,当萨沙被圣菲动物收容所的工作人员发现在街上游荡时,它的毛被缠上了。A:clearing”清理“;B:blocking” 阻挡“;C:wandering”徘徊“;D:checking ”核对“。 根据空后的”the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter this month“可知,猫在大街徘徊。故选C。
30.句意:这家收容所每天都能让失踪宠物的家人团聚,但这是科达第一次亲自接生。A:thrilled”非常兴奋的“;B:unlucky”不幸运的“;C:missing”丢失的“;D:crazy ”疯狂的“。 根据空前的”The shelter reunites families“可知,此处指丢失的动物。故选C。
31.句意:这家收容所每天都能让失踪宠物的家人团聚,但这是科达第一次亲自接生。A:and”和“;B:but” 但是“;C:because”因为“;D:though ”尽管“。根据空前"The shelter reunites families with their 10 pets every day”这家收容所每天都能让失踪宠物的家人团聚;以及空后“this is the first time Kirdar has done an in-person delivery.”这是科达第一次亲自接生,可知,此处表示转折,故选B。
32.句意:如果不是植入了微型芯片,萨沙的回归是不可能的。A:return“返回“;B:illness”疾病“;C:disappearance”消失“;D:movement ”移动“。 根据空后的”would not have been possible had he not been microchipped(植入微芯片的).”可知,此处指猫的回归。故选A。
33.句意:微芯片是最好的识别形式。A:technology“科技”;B:civilization“文明”;C:identification“鉴定”;D:explanation“解释”。根据空前的“The microchip is the best form”可知,用芯片来识别。故选C。
34.句意:如果你的联系信息有变化,更新微芯片的制造商是很重要的。A:download“下载”;B:record“记录“;C:copy”抄写“;D:update ”更新“。此处指更新微芯片。故选D。
35.句意:如果你的联系信息有变化,更新微芯片制造商是很重要的。A:fact”事实“;B:number”数字“;C:name”名字“;D:change”改变“。根据空后的”in your contact information.“可知,此处指信息变化。故选D。
【答案】36.largest;37.reserved;38.width;39.was rebuilt;40.with;41.It;42.really;43.that;44.photos;45.amazing
36.句意:故宫博物院,也被称作紫禁城,是现在中国境内最大的也是保存最完好的皇帝的住所。根据后面的”most well 2 (reserve)“可知,这里的large也应该使用最高级,故填largest。
37.句意:故宫博物院,也被称作紫禁城,是现在中国境内最大的也是保存最完好的皇帝的住所。 imperial residence和动词reserve之间是被动关系,应用过去分词,此处作定语,故填reserved。
38.句意:分外院和内院,呈长方形,南北长961米,东西宽753米。此处需要使用所给词的名词形式来作介词in的宾语。数词in +length/ width/depth,为常见搭配,意为“长度/宽度/深度为……”,故填width。
39.句意:过去它曾经被重建维修过很多次。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语in the past可知应用一般过去时,且主语it与rebuild之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填was rebuilt。
41.句意:20万人花费了14年的时间才建成了紫禁城。It takes sb. some time to do sth.固定句式,“花费某人…时间做某事”,故填It。
43.句意:我真的很惊讶工人们能把它建造得如此之好,以至于即使在今天它也没有过时。此处是so. .. that...“如此……以至于……”引导的结果状语从句,故填that。
44.句意:我不记得所有建筑物的名称,但我在路上拍了数百张漂亮的照片。根据句子中的修饰语hundreds of可知应用名词复数形式,故填photos。
46.【答案】Dear Peter,
I'm writing to suggest a popular holiday destination—beautiful Colorado.
There are rushing rivers and great valleys.The forests there are home to many kinds of trees and animals.Besides, it's cheap and convenient for us to get there by bus.It takes about 2 hours.
We can camp in national parks in our tents.We can also have a picnic along the river.Best of all, there is something for everybody to do in Colorado.We can fish in streams; we can go hiking; we can wander around the park taking photos or just sit somewhere and paint pictures.
Don't you think Colorado would be great
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份写一封建议信。写作背景:现在在美国某所中学作交换生。你所在的旅游社团计划下周末组织大家去旅游,该社团负责人彼得就旅游目的地及活动项目征求大家的意见。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1)旅游目的地:罗拉多州(Colorado);原因:①风景优美(有激流、峡谷、森林等); ②便宜便捷(乘车约两小时可到);2)活动项目:国家公园宿营、河边野炊、垂钓、徒步、摄影、绘画等。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。 例如:I'm writing to suggest a popular holiday destination—beautiful Colorado.运用了不定式作目的状语;Besides, it's cheap and convenient for us to get there by bus.运用了it作形式主语;we can wander around the park taking photos or just sit somewhere and paint pictures.运用了现在分词作伴随状语;Don't you think Colorado would be great 运用了宾语从句。
47.【答案】 Steve and Zach hadn't gone far when there was a familiar bark.Brady came bounding, stopped directly in front of Steve and hit him with his head, pushing him back toward the slope.But Steve didn't get it.Then Brady grabbed the boy's jeans and started pulling.The message was clear, but Steve hesitated.Of course he remembered Brady saving his uncle's life when the dog was much younger.Was he still sharp enough to get them through this
Brady pulled again, in spite of the boy's disbelief, urgently."OK, big guy, " seeing the fire was touching underbrush nearby, Steve made up his mind.Brady led them back down the slope and into the trees.Several times the big dog stopped.Often he changed directions to find the right way.The boys were so tired but the dog bullied both boys to go on.Steve was almost numb when he heard it—the wonderful sound of rushing water! They made it back to the river.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。 例如:The message was clear, but Steve hesitated.运用了转折并列句;Of course he remembered Brady saving his uncle's life when the dog was much younger.运用了宾语从句,时间状语从句;The boys were so tired but the dog bullied both boys to go on.运用了转折并列句;Steve was almost numb when he heard it—the wonderful sound of rushing water! 运用了时间状语从句。
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人教版(2019)选择性必修四高中英语 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 单元检测
More than two thirds of the world's polar bears will be
wiped out by 2050, according to a shocking new study.By then, scientists say,
global warming will have melted 42 percent of the Arctic sea ice.By 2100, only
a very few of these important creatures will be left.
The report has been produced by the US Geological Survey.The
scientists have publicized their findings in the hope of influencing US
Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, who has been asked to put polar bears on
the US endangered species list.
Polar bears depend on floating sea ice as a platform for
hunting seals, which are their main food.Without enough ice, polar bears would
be forced to go onto the land, where they are poorly skilled hunters, and would
be unlikely to adapt to the life on the land in time.Experts say few little
bears would survive and the stress could make many females unable to get
The team of American and Canadian scientists spent six
months studying bears:on the ground, from
spotter planes and in the lab, using computer models.Some team members fear the
result is even worse for the bears than what their report says.They say the
Arctic is warming faster than anywhere in the world and much faster than their
computer has been forecasting.Satellite observations have showed that the ice
has decreased to an all time low.
However, not everyone in the scientific community believes
that global warming is happening on such an alarming scale.Another
investigation has found that polar bears are still being hunted by wealthy
"sportsmen" who want their skins and heads.At least ten international
companies offer bear hunting trips.
1.What do we know about Dirk Kempthorne according to the passage
A.He is an animal scientist.
B.He is a protector of animals working for the US government.
C.He has been asked to put polar bears on the US endangered species list.
D.He has offered to put polar bears on the endangered species list.
2.Why will polar bears die out if there is not enough sea ice
A.Because polar bears can't catch enough food without ice.
B.Because polar bears eat ice when they feel thirsty.
C.Because polar bears will be easily found by hunters without ice.
D.Because most female bears are used to giving birth under ice.
3.After a six month study, some scientists fear that .
A.there is something wrong with their computers
B.polar bears will disappear even faster than they have ever expected
C.their computer models are not as accurate as they expected
D.global warming will destroy everything in the Arctic
1.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“The scientists have publicized their findings in the hope of influencing US Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, who has been asked to put polar bears on the US endangered species list.“科学家们公布了他们的发现,希望能影响美国内政部长德克 肯普索恩,他被要求将北极熊列入美国濒危物种名单。可知,Dirk Kempthorne 被要求将北极熊列入美国濒危物种名单。故选C。
2.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Polar bears depend on floating sea ice as a platform for hunting seals, which are their main food. Without enough ice, polar bears would be forced to go onto the land, where they are poorly skilled hunters, and would be unlikely to adapt to the life on the land in time.”北极熊依靠漂浮的海冰作为捕食海豹的平台,而海豹是它们的主要食物。如果没有足够的冰,北极熊将被迫爬上陆地,因为它们是缺乏技能的捕猎者,也不太可能及时适应陆地上的生活。可知,北极熊依靠漂浮的海冰作为捕食海豹的平台,所以没有足够的冰,北极熊就不能找到足够的食物,那样它们就会面临灭绝的危险,故选A。
3.考查主旨大意。根据第一段“More than two thirds of the world's polar bears will be wiped out by 2050, according to a shocking new study. By then, scientists say, global warming will have melted 42 percent of the Arctic sea ice. By 2100, only a very few of these important creatures will be left.“一项令人震惊的新研究显示,到2050年,世界上超过三分之二的北极熊将灭绝。科学家们说,到那时,全球变暖将融化42%的北极海冰。到2100年,这些重要的生物将只剩下极少数。可知,本文主要讲述由于全球变暖导致北极海冰融化,导致在本世纪末,北极熊或将灭绝。故选B。
There has been a lot of publicity recently surrounding 5G,
the next generation of wireless technology for the world.But what is this
technology and how might it change our lives
5G stands for fifth generation, meaning the next step in the
progression of technology to replace the current 4G system.4G was the
replacement for 3G, which came after 2G, and so on.Earlier "G"
systems were designed to improve mobile communication operations.Each new
technology brought major improvements in speed and greatly increased network
capacity(容量). The new 5G system promises more of the
same.However, technology experts say there is a major way that 5G is different
than the earlier systems.It will move well beyond mobile network technology to
affect many more devices and industries than other "G" versions.
Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future
"smart cities" by connecting sensor(传感器) networks.5G is also expected to connect self driving cars and
support new technologies involving virtual reality.Higher 5G speeds could also
permit doctors to commonly perform remote medical operations.Factories and
businesses could use 5G technology to increase automation and improve the
collection of information.
Every coin has two sides.Much of the data could contain
private details about individuals, businesses or government organizations.The
increased data flow would give Internet attackers a lot more possibilities to
steal and misuse data.In addition, the wider use of a 5G wireless network means
any breakdown of the system would have more widespread and severe results.Such
difficulties could affect public safety as well as world economic activity.
4.What is the significant difference between 5G and the early "G" systems
A.It will affect more devices and industries.
B.It will change the way people communicate.
C.It will reform the pattern of information system.
D.It will improve Internet speed and network capacity.
5.What can we learn about "smart cities" from the passage
A.Smart cities are cities full of intelligent people.
B.Now many smart cities have been built all over the world.
C.As long as there are wireless networks, you can build smart cities.
D.The development of 5G accelerates the construction of smart cities.
6.Why can 5G allow doctors to perform long range medical operations
A.Because of the low cost of 5G.
B.Because of the wide range of 5G.
C.Because of the high speed of 5G.
D.Because of the ability of 5G to collect information.
7.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.Possible risks of 5G technology.
B.The advantages of 5G technology.
C.The influence of 5G technology on the world.
D.The importance of information security in the 5G era.
4.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“It will move well beyond mobile network technology to affect many more devices and industries than other ‘G'versions.”它将远远超越移动网络技术,影响比其他“G”版本更多的设备和行业。可知,5G和早期的“G”相比会影响更多的设备和行业。故选A。
5.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future ‘smart cities' by connecting sensor(传感器) networks.“无线行业表示5G会通过连接传感器网络推动未来“智慧城市”的发展。可知,5G推动了智慧城市的建设。故选D。
6.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Higher 5G speeds could also permit doctors to commonly perform remote medical operations.”更高的5G速度也可以让医生常规进行远程医疗操作。可知,手术可操作性得益于5G的高速。故选C。
7.考查段落大意。根据最后一段中的“Every coin has two sides.“任何事物都有两面性;以及“The increased data flow would give internet attackers a lot more possibilities to steal and misuse data. In addition, the wider use of a 5G wireless network means any breakdown of the system would have more widespread and severe results. ”增加的数据流会给网络攻击者提供更多窃取和滥用数据的可能性。此外,5G无线网络的广泛使用意味着系统的任何故障都会产生更广泛和更严重的后果。可知,此段主要讲述5G应用可能带来的一些风险。故选A。
Travel is one of the most exciting experiences a human being
can have.Imagine how the Italian traveler Marco Polo must have felt when he
found himself on Chinese soil, seeing a way of life quite different from what
he'd seen before.And how marvelous(了不起的) it must have
been to listen to Zhang Qian when he returned to China from his journey through
Central Asia and West Asia!His brain must have been
packed with everything he'd seen and heard, leading to the founding of the Silk
Some people have traveled all over the world, and travel is
a way of life for them.They perhaps know what to expect before they
travel.That's why the best travel is the first one.Imagine a person who has
always wanted to travel to the United States.Of course, he has probably seen
the Statue of Liberty a thousand times on TV, and the White House, and all the
other famous sights.But nothing would compare to the thrill of looking out of
the cabin window(舷窗) as the plane
lands, watching the buildings and streets of the real America come into view.
Although travel is often just for recreation, it's
also educational.We may not know that we are getting an education, but we still
We're learning every day:new
words in a new language, new people, and new ways of life.But this learning
takes place in the school of the world, not the classroom.One of the lessons we
learn is undoubtedly a moral one.As we get to know foreign places, we come to
understand that there are many different ways to live, and that the way we live
isn't necessarily the best.The British politician Benjamin Disraeli summed this
up well when he said, "Travel teaches toleration."
8.The author uses Marco Polo and Zhang Qian as examples to .
A.explain how the Silk Road was founded
B.present travel as an amazing experience
C.show how the way people travel has changed
D.describe important cultural exchanges in history
9.By saying "the best travel is the first one" in Paragraph 2, the author means that .
A.one's first trip is usually the most challenging
B.no other trip is better than one's first trip
C.there is always much to learn on one's first trip
D.people usually make better preparations for their first trip
10.The underlined word "recreation"in Paragraph 3 probably means " ".
A.learning B.knowledge C.fun D.risk
11.According to the last two paragraphs, the author believes that .
A.traveling should be included in formal education
B.traveling improves people's confidence in their lifestyle
C.a foreign journey may raise people's cultural understanding
D.there is more to learn from adventures than classes
8.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Travel is oneof the most exciting experiences a human being can have.”旅行是人类可以拥有的最令人兴奋的经历之一。可知,作者举马可·波罗和张骞的例子就是为了证明旅行是一种令人兴奋的经历。故选B。
9.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Of course, hehas probably seen the Statue of Liberty a thousand times onTV , and the White House , and all the other famous sights. Butnothing would compare to the thrill of looking out of the cabinwindow as the plane lands, watching the buildings and streetsof the real America come into view.”当然,他可能已经在电视上看过一千遍自由女神像、白宫和所有其他著名景点。 但没有什么能比得上飞机降落时从机舱窗户向外望去,看着真实美国的建筑和街道映入眼帘的那种快感。可知,作者这么说想表达的是第一次旅行是最好的。故选B。
10.考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“it's also educational”这也很有教育意义,以及上下文语境可知,此处表示旅行不只是为了娱乐,还有教育意义,可推知recreation是“娱乐”之意,故选C。
11.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“We're learning every day :new words in a new language , new people,and new ways of life. But this learning takes place in theschool of the world , not the classroom.”我们每天都在学习:新语言的新词、新的人和新的生活方式。 但这种学习发生在世界的学校,而不是教室。可知,作者认为出国旅行会提高人们对文化的理解。故选C。
One day in March, seven years ago, during happy hour at a
bar in my hometown of Fayetteville, Arkansas, I made a surprising announcement
to my friends:I was going to shut down my law practice
and attempt to travel around the globe in a year.What's more, I would do it
without taking any flights or making a single advance reservation of any
kind.My announcement drew mixed reactions from my friends.Some offered support
and encouragement, while others were more doubtful.
Once I had said the words, there was no turning back.It took
months to shut down my law practice and get things in order.Once I set off on
my adventure in December 2008, I found travelling without using planes was not
easy.Trying to circle the globe in 16 months (it took me a bit longer than the
initial 12 months I planned) made it even harder.Even so, travelling overland was
the most amazing way to truly understand the immensity(浩瀚无际) of our wonderful planet.
I took three consecutive(连续的) overnight buses to travel 3,000 km through Argentina, from Ushuaia
to the capital Buenos Aires.I would look out of the windows for hours on end at
the completely unspoiled plains, as if humans had never touched it.
It took seven consecutive days and nights on trains to get
from Moscow to Beijing, each day spent staring out of the windows for hours as
the Siberian plains swept by.Sometimes, I wouldn't see a village or a human
being for 10 hours.Later in my journey, it took 22 days on a cargo freighter(货船) to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to
Philadelphia, to finish my round the world adventure.
It turned out that travelling with no reservations was far
less difficult than I had imagined.Pulling into a city on a bus with a
backpack, looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions of accommodations(住所), and then finding an empty room was never much of a problem
anywhere.It also kept me flexible(灵活) and open about
all my travel plans, which is advice I give everyone who asks—plan far less
than you think you should.
12.The author's trip was special in that .
A.he made it at the expense of giving up his job
B.it hardly cost him anything
C.he did not make advance booking or travel by air
D.it was a global trip
13.The author most probably returned to the United States in .
A.June 2009 B.December 2009
C.February 2010 D.April 2010
14.The author's travelling route was .
①Moscow②Philadelphia③New Zealand④Ushuaia⑤Beijing⑥Buenos Aires
A.⑤④①⑥③② B.④⑥①⑤③②
C.④⑤①⑥③② D.⑤①⑥④③②
15.What did the author think of his around the world tour
A.Challenging but pleasant. B.Dangerous but wonderful.
C.Boring and disappointing. D.Costly and painful.
12.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"I made a surprise announcement to my friends: I was going to shut down my law practice and attempt to travel around the globe in a year. What's more, I would do it without taking any flights or making a single advance reservation of any kind.”我向朋友们宣布了一个令人惊讶的消息:我打算在一年内关闭我的律师业务,并试图环游世界。此外,我也不会乘坐任何航班,也不会提前预订任何种类的机票。可知他的旅行没有提前订票.故选C。
13.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Once I set off on my adventure in December 2008, I found that travelling without using planes was not easy. Trying to circle the globe in 16months (it took me a bit longer than the initial 12 months I planned) made it even tougher.“当我在2008年12月开始我的冒险之旅时,我发现不使用飞机旅行并不容易。在16个月内我试图环游地球(比我最初计划的12个月花的时间要长一点),这使我的旅行更加艰难。可知作者于2008年12月开始,然后经过16个月结束,所以就到了2010年了。故选D。
14.考查细节理解。根据第三段" I took three consecutive (连续) overnight buses to travel 3,000km through Argentina, from Ushuaia, the world's southernmost city, to the capital Buenos Aires. I would look out the windows for hours on end at the completely unspoiled plains, as if humans had never touched it.”我连续坐了三趟连夜公共汽车,从世界上最南端的城市乌斯怀亚到首都布宜诺斯艾利斯,穿越阿根廷3000公里。我在完全未受破坏的平原上,从窗户向外看了好几个小时,就好像人类已经"他说;以及第四段"It took seven consecutive days and nights on trains to get from Moscow to Beijing, each day spent gazing out the windows for hours as the Siberian plains swept by. Sometimes, I wouldn't see a village or a human being for 10 hours. Later in my journey, it took 22 days on a cargo freighter to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to Philadelphia, to finish my round-the-world adventure.“从莫斯科到北京,连续花了七天七夜的火车,当西伯利亚平原被横扫时,每天都要花几个小时凝视窗外。有时,10小时后,我就看不到村庄或人了。我的旅程,用了22天的时间,在一艘货船上,我从新西兰经过巴拿马运河,回到费城,完成了我的环球探险。可知作者的路线是Ushuaia--Buenos Aires--Argentina--Moscow --Beijing--New Zealand-- Panama,故选B。
15.考查观点态度。根据最后一段" It turned out that travelling with no reservations was far less difficult than I had imagined.Pulling into a city on a bus with a backpack, looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions of accommodations(住所), and then finding an empty room was never much of a problem anywhere.It also kept me flexible(灵活) and open about all my travel plans, which is advice I give everyone who asks—plan far less than you think you should.”结果发现,毫无准备地旅行比我想象的要容易得多。坐在公共汽车上,背着背包进城,在旅游指南中寻找一些住宿建议,然后找到一个空房间,这可不是一件容易的事。任何地方都有问题,它也使我对我的旅行计划保持灵活和开放的态度,这是我给每一个提出建议的人的建议——比你认为的要少得多的计划。可知,作者的旅行比想象的要容易的多,虽然有一些问题,但是这样的旅行更灵活.总之作者的态度是积极的。综上所述作者应该认为这次旅行虽然有挑战性,但也很愉快。故选A。
A travel blog produces interest in people for visiting the
new places. 16.   A blog owner might identify a place, such as
travel locations within a small region of a country, or broaden the scope to
include countries across the globe.Writing a travel blog requires recording
notes and observations, taking pictures and talking to local people while
traveling.Here are a few tips for writing a travel blog.
First of all, you must visit various places so that you can
teach your visitors about these locations.Visitors of your site want an
eye catching text such that they feel as if they are at the place you're
 17.   Protect the reliability of your travel blog by
proving all facts.Write down directions as you travel to various locations so
that you can provide accurate information to readers.Provide the correct
spelling of towns, people, restaurants and streets.Call phone numbers and visit
website links before publishing to verify accuracy.
 18.   As you travel, write down your
impressions.After a memorable dining experience, for example, write down the
name of the restaurant, the dish you ordered, its ingredients and the details
of the decor and music.
You must add people's interview during the journey. 19.   The scent of rare flowers, the beautiful view
from a mountain top, the feel of soft towels in a high end hotel, and the sound
of a waterfall are examples of descriptions that help people to connect
immediately with a place or experience.
Take pictures.To help people see things with their own eyes,
take pictures of all locations about which you wish to write.Local cuisines,
landmarks, traditional clothing and scenic locations are possible examples. 20.  
Respond to readers' comments.Blogs typically allow you to
accept or disable comments.Allowing comments is an opportunity to build rapport
with readers and answer questions.
A. Keep a travel
B. Record events on
C. Provide correct
D. Ask for
submissions from other travelers.
E. Visiting gives
mental satisfaction to all people.
F. Use the senses
when writing about locations.
G. Take photos,
posting the clearest and most bright pictures.
16.根据空前“A travel blog produces interest in people for visiting the new places.“旅游博客引起人们去新地方旅游的兴趣。可知,此处介绍旅游的好处,可以给人精神上的满足。E. Visiting gives mental satisfaction to all people."参观给所有人精神上的满足。"符合上下文语境,故选E。
17.根据空后"Protect the reliability of your travel blog by proving all facts.“通过证明所有的事实来保护你的旅行博客的可靠性;以及本段内容可知,本段陈述旅游博客里要提供正确的事实。C.Provide correct facts.”提供正确的事实。"符合上下文语境,故选C。
18.根据空后"As you travel, write down your impressions. After a memorable dining experience,for example, write down the name of therestaurant, the dish you ordered,.its ingredients and the details of the decor and music.“当你旅行时,写下你的印象。例如,在一次难忘的就餐经历之后,写下餐厅的名字,你点的菜,它的配料,装饰和音乐的细节。可知,本段陈述旅游时可以写旅行日记。A. Keep a travel journal.”写旅行日记。"符合上下文语境。故选A。
19.根据空后“The scent of rare flowers, the beautiful view from a mountain top,the feel of soft towels in a high end hotel, and the sound of awaterfall are examples of descriptions that help people to connect immediately with a place or experience.“稀有花卉的香味,从山顶俯瞰的美景,高档酒店里柔软的毛巾的感觉,以及瀑布的声音都是帮助人们立即与一个地方或经历联系起来的描述。可知,写作的时候要运用味觉、视觉、触觉和听觉等感官。F. Use the senses when writing about locations. ”写地点时要运用感官。“符合上下文语境。故选F。
20.根据空前"Take pictures. To help people see things with their own eyes,take pictures of all locations about which you wish to write.”拍照。为了帮助人们用他们自己的眼睛看到事物,对所有你想要写的地点拍照。可知,这里陈述旅游时拍好照片并把照片上传到博客中。G. Take photos, posting the clearest and most bright pictures. “拍照,上传最清晰最明亮的照片。"符合上下文语境。故选G。
It has been five years.No one's quite sure how Sasha, the
6 year old black cat, 21. it
from Portland to New Mexico after five years.But apparently it isn't uncommon
for cats—who are known for their 22. character—to go hitchhiking(搭便车).
"It's like he never left.He's so 23. ,
" said its owner Usov."I guess he was on a great American 24. ."
When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might
have 25. wolves.But not every cat that disappears 26. a bad end.It's very common for a cat to 27. on a train or the back of a truck, but for a
cat to travel 1,200 miles and then go back to its owner That 28. happens.
Sasha's fur was matted(乱成一团的) when he was
found 29. the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal
Shelter this month.They set out to find his owner."Sasha didn't miss a
meal, " Kirdar, a worker at the shelter, said.
The shelter reunites families with their 30. pets every day, 31. this
is the first time Kirdar has done an in person delivery.Sasha's 32. would not have been possible if he had not
been microchipped(植入微芯片).
"The microchip is the best form of 33. ,
" said Kirdar.However, just getting your pet microchipped isn't
enough.It's important to 34. the microchip's producer if there is a 35. in your contact information.
21.A.hated B.made C.received D.learnt
22.A.complex B.popular C.independent D.weak
23.A.happy B.annoying C.pitiful D.helpful
24.A.adventure B.farm C.island D.holiday
with B.fallen victim to
C.made friends with D.fought against
26.A.brings B.demands C.meets D.expects
27.A.bite B.live C.sleep D.jump
28.A.actually B.rarely C.normally D.hopefully
29.A.clearing B.blocking C.wandering D.checking
30.A.thrilled B.unlucky C.missing D.crazy
31.A.and B.but C.because D.though
32.A.return B.illness C.disappearance D.movement
33.A.technology B.civilization C.identification D.explanation
34.A.download B.record C.copy D.update
35.A.fact B.number C.name D.change
21.句意:已经五年了。没人知道这只6岁的黑猫萨沙是如何在5年后从波特兰来到新墨西哥州的。A:hated”厌恶“;B:made”制造,使,让“;C:received” 收到“;D:learnt “学习”。 此处指使猫来到这里。故选B。
22.句意:但显然,猫这种以个性独立著称的动物搭便车旅行并不少见。A:complex“复杂的”;B:popular“受欢迎的”;C:independent“独立的”;D:weak “弱的”。根据空后的“character-to go hitchhiking(搭便车)”可知,猫有独立的个性。故选C。
23. 句意:他好像从来没有离开过。他是如此开心。A:happy“高兴的”;B:annoying“恼人的”;C:pitiful“可怜的”;D:helpful “ 有帮助的”。根据上文“It's like he never left.”此处指猫很开心。故选A。
24.句意:我猜他是在进行一次伟大的美国冒险。A:adventure“冒险“;B:farm”农场“;C:island” 岛“;D:holiday”假日“。根据上文”from Portland to New Mexico after five years.“可知,他来美洲冒险。故选A。
25.句意:2014年萨沙失踪时,乌索夫认为这只猫可能是狼的牺牲品。A:teamed with” 与……合作“;B:fallen victim to”成为……的牺牲品 “;C:made friends with” 与……交朋友“;D:fought against”与……对抗“。根据空前的”When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might have “和空后wolves.可知,此处指狼吃了猫。故选B。
26.句意:但并不是所有消失的猫都有不好的结局。A:brings” 拿来,带来“;B:demands”需求“;C:meets”遇见“;D:expects ” 期盼“。根据空后的”a bad end“可知,此处指遭遇不好的结局。故选C。
27.句意:猫跳上火车或卡车后座是很常见的事,但猫跑了1200英里后又回到主人身边,这种情况很少发生。A:bite”咬“;B:live”居住“;C:sleep” 睡觉“;D:jump ”跳跃“。 根据空后的”on a train or the back of a truck, but for a cat to travel 1, 200 miles and then go back to its owner?“可知此处指猫跳到卡车上。故选D。
28.句意:猫跳上火车或卡车后座是很常见的事,但猫跑了1200英里后又回到主人身边,这种情况很少发生。A:actually”事实上“;B:rarely” 罕见地“;C:normally”正常地“;D:hopefully ” 充满希望地“。根据空前的”but for a cat to travel 1, 200 miles and then go back to its owner?“可知,这事是罕见的。故选B。
29.句意:本月,当萨沙被圣菲动物收容所的工作人员发现在街上游荡时,它的毛被缠上了。A:clearing”清理“;B:blocking” 阻挡“;C:wandering”徘徊“;D:checking ”核对“。 根据空后的”the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter this month“可知,猫在大街徘徊。故选C。
30.句意:这家收容所每天都能让失踪宠物的家人团聚,但这是科达第一次亲自接生。A:thrilled”非常兴奋的“;B:unlucky”不幸运的“;C:missing”丢失的“;D:crazy ”疯狂的“。 根据空前的”The shelter reunites families“可知,此处指丢失的动物。故选C。
31.句意:这家收容所每天都能让失踪宠物的家人团聚,但这是科达第一次亲自接生。A:and”和“;B:but” 但是“;C:because”因为“;D:though ”尽管“。根据空前"The shelter reunites families with their 10 pets every day”这家收容所每天都能让失踪宠物的家人团聚;以及空后“this is the first time Kirdar has done an in-person delivery.”这是科达第一次亲自接生,可知,此处表示转折,故选B。
32.句意:如果不是植入了微型芯片,萨沙的回归是不可能的。A:return“返回“;B:illness”疾病“;C:disappearance”消失“;D:movement ”移动“。 根据空后的”would not have been possible had he not been microchipped(植入微芯片的).”可知,此处指猫的回归。故选A。
33.句意:微芯片是最好的识别形式。A:technology“科技”;B:civilization“文明”;C:identification“鉴定”;D:explanation“解释”。根据空前的“The microchip is the best form”可知,用芯片来识别。故选C。
34.句意:如果你的联系信息有变化,更新微芯片的制造商是很重要的。A:download“下载”;B:record“记录“;C:copy”抄写“;D:update ”更新“。此处指更新微芯片。故选D。
35.句意:如果你的联系信息有变化,更新微芯片制造商是很重要的。A:fact”事实“;B:number”数字“;C:name”名字“;D:change”改变“。根据空后的”in your contact information.“可知,此处指信息变化。故选D。
The Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City, is the  36.  (large) and most well  37.  (reserve) imperial(皇帝的) residence in China today.It is divided into an outer and an inner
court with a rectangular shape, 961 meters long from north to south and 753
meters in
 38.  (wide)
from east to west.It has a splendid history since the Ming Dynasty, and it
 39.  (rebuild)
and repaired many times in the past.I was so excited to visit it  40.   my family last summer vacation.After we passed
through the Front Gate, a lot of palaces appeared.The tour guide told us there
were almost 8,700 rooms in the Palace Museum.During the Ming Dynasty,
construction began in 1406. 41.  took
14 years to build the Forbidden City.I was
 42.  (real)
surprised that the workers could build it so well  43.  even today it is not out of style.I
could not remember all the names of the buildings, but I took hundreds of
 44.  (photo)
on the way.I think I will never forget the  45.  (amaze) trip I had in Beijing,
China and I can go there next time with my friends.
【答案】36.largest;37.reserved;38.width;39.was rebuilt;40.with;41.It;42.really;43.that;44.photos;45.amazing
36.句意:故宫博物院,也被称作紫禁城,是现在中国境内最大的也是保存最完好的皇帝的住所。根据后面的”most well 2 (reserve)“可知,这里的large也应该使用最高级,故填largest。
37.句意:故宫博物院,也被称作紫禁城,是现在中国境内最大的也是保存最完好的皇帝的住所。 imperial residence和动词reserve之间是被动关系,应用过去分词,此处作定语,故填reserved。
38.句意:分外院和内院,呈长方形,南北长961米,东西宽753米。此处需要使用所给词的名词形式来作介词in的宾语。数词in +length/ width/depth,为常见搭配,意为“长度/宽度/深度为……”,故填width。
39.句意:过去它曾经被重建维修过很多次。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语in the past可知应用一般过去时,且主语it与rebuild之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填was rebuilt。
41.句意:20万人花费了14年的时间才建成了紫禁城。It takes sb. some time to do sth.固定句式,“花费某人…时间做某事”,故填It。
43.句意:我真的很惊讶工人们能把它建造得如此之好,以至于即使在今天它也没有过时。此处是so. .. that...“如此……以至于……”引导的结果状语从句,故填that。
44.句意:我不记得所有建筑物的名称,但我在路上拍了数百张漂亮的照片。根据句子中的修饰语hundreds of可知应用名词复数形式,故填photos。
原因:①风景优美(有激流、峡谷、森林等); ②便宜便捷(乘车约两小时可到);
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Peter,
I'm writing to suggest a popular holiday destination—beautiful Colorado.
There are rushing rivers and great valleys.The forests there are home to many kinds of trees and animals.Besides, it's cheap and convenient for us to get there by bus.It takes about 2 hours.
We can camp in national parks in our tents.We can also have a picnic along the river.Best of all, there is something for everybody to do in Colorado.We can fish in streams; we can go hiking; we can wander around the park taking photos or just sit somewhere and paint pictures.
Don't you think Colorado would be great
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份写一封建议信。写作背景:现在在美国某所中学作交换生。你所在的旅游社团计划下周末组织大家去旅游,该社团负责人彼得就旅游目的地及活动项目征求大家的意见。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1)旅游目的地:罗拉多州(Colorado);原因:①风景优美(有激流、峡谷、森林等); ②便宜便捷(乘车约两小时可到);2)活动项目:国家公园宿营、河边野炊、垂钓、徒步、摄影、绘画等。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。 例如:I'm writing to suggest a popular holiday destination—beautiful Colorado.运用了不定式作目的状语;Besides, it's cheap and convenient for us to get there by bus.运用了it作形式主语;we can wander around the park taking photos or just sit somewhere and paint pictures.运用了现在分词作伴随状语;Don't you think Colorado would be great 运用了宾语从句。
47.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It was the hottest time of the year in southern
California.Steve, a star basketball player at the University of California,
with his cousin Zach, had planned a camping trip in the Great National Forest
for their summer vacation.
The boys gathered clothes and supplies, and began their
great adventure with Brady the dog early in the morning.Upon arrival, Steve
pulled over to the side of the road along the bank of the river."A
wonderful place for fishing, " Steve exclaimed in delight.Zach nodded in
At high noon, the sun was scorching hot.With a good harvest
of fish, the boys marched into the forest with Brady following them.After a
long walk, they found a clearing that was ideal for a campsite.The camp was set
up immediately as Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness
An afternoon nap was absolutely a special treat in
mid summer.However, the boys were waken up by the fierce barks of
Brady.Outside, heavy smoke filled the air and wind blown flame was skipping
from the top of one tree to another.The long dry summer turned the forest into
a tinderbox.In a little while, Steve and Zach were inside their tent packing
their belongings.
"Let's go! We can make it back to the river!" They
headed down against the fire wind in the direction of the river.But Brady
barked a sharp warning.Ahead of them lay a thick curtain of smoke across the
track.They would never make it through that.Steve was uneasy for it was hard to
find a safe way to escape in the heavy smoke.
Brady lifted his head and snuffed(嗅) the smoke laden wind.Next moment, the dog bounded away and
disappeared down a sharp slope(坡). The boys shouted for
him, but he didn't come back.Steve couldn't blame Brady for panicking.He
himself wanted to run even though he didn't know where to run.
Steve and Zach hadn't gone far when there was a familiar
Brady pulled again, in spite of the boy's disbelief,
【答案】 Steve and Zach hadn't gone far when there was a familiar bark.Brady came bounding, stopped directly in front of Steve and hit him with his head, pushing him back toward the slope.But Steve didn't get it.Then Brady grabbed the boy's jeans and started pulling.The message was clear, but Steve hesitated.Of course he remembered Brady saving his uncle's life when the dog was much younger.Was he still sharp enough to get them through this
Brady pulled again, in spite of the boy's disbelief, urgently."OK, big guy, " seeing the fire was touching underbrush nearby, Steve made up his mind.Brady led them back down the slope and into the trees.Several times the big dog stopped.Often he changed directions to find the right way.The boys were so tired but the dog bullied both boys to go on.Steve was almost numb when he heard it—the wonderful sound of rushing water! They made it back to the river.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。 例如:The message was clear, but Steve hesitated.运用了转折并列句;Of course he remembered Brady saving his uncle's life when the dog was much younger.运用了宾语从句,时间状语从句;The boys were so tired but the dog bullied both boys to go on.运用了转折并列句;Steve was almost numb when he heard it—the wonderful sound of rushing water! 运用了时间状语从句。
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