牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5 阅读教学
课题 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 2:Reading The story of Xi Wang
课型 阅读课
教材分析 “Reading”部分A,学习一篇大熊猫“希望”的成长过程的文章,同时学习新的词汇,训练从上下文猜测文章大意的方法。通过这篇文章的学习,增强学生保护野生动物的意识,让他们学习从自我做起,保护生态环境。
学情分析 Learning analysis 知识储备:预设本节课的教学对象为钦州普通八年级学生,学生通过七年级一年的英语学习,应该具备所需的基本表达能力。 心理及技能特点:学生长期坚持小组合作学习,课堂参与性好,但本文篇幅偏长,故教师的问题情境创设一定要设问精当,注意阅读策略的指导训练,活动设计一定要具可做性,要注意开启和训练学生思维,从而发展思维,提升能力。 学习需要:语言交际需要和卷面成绩与课堂活跃程度不成正比的问题,显示学生知识点落实与实际需要之间的矛盾成为了本课的最大“学习需要”。
教学目标 Teaching aims 1. Key vocabulary: mean, however, action, serious, none, sadly, mainly, danger; 2. Key phrases: in the beginning, live on, as a result, in danger, take action, right away. 3. Can describe the growth and problems of the giant pandas; 4.To be able to talk about how to protect wild animals.
核心内容 Key points To arouse students’ interests to learn English and get to know more knowledge about giant pandas. To prompt students to explore new knowledge autonomously. To learn to get specific information by reading skills. To encourage students to be cooperative and learn from each other through experiencing, participation and practice.
教学重难点 Difficult and important points How to help students have improvement of reading skills. Enable the students to describe the growth and problems of the giant pandas. How to protect wild animals.
教学与学法 Teaching methods Communicative approach; “Task-based” language teaching; Classified teaching method; Student-based model; Audio-Visual method.
教学步骤 教师预设 学生活动预设 教学 资源 设计意图
Step1 Greeting & Warming up Greet the students. Show the Donation Certificate to students and talk about the pandas . Introduce the rules of the competition. Show the learning goals. Greet the teacher. Teacher and students’ free talk and answer the question: Why do pandas need help (Because they are in danger.) Read the learning goals loudly. 教师利用捐款证书,引起学生的好奇心,通过自由交谈,引导学生头脑风暴说出大熊猫需要爱心捐款的原因,猜想手段顺理成章进入主题。 1.互相问候,拉近师生情感距离。 2.设问激发,抓住学生的好奇心理。 3.引入本课话题:大熊猫。 4.明确学习任务,分组竞赛,提高学生参与的积极性。
Step 2 Enjoy the story and words game and match 1.Show the pictures and story . 2. Guide students to play the game. 3.Ask students to match :P59 B1 4. Check the answers together. 1. Read out the story and learn the new words and phrases. 2.Play the words game: speak out Chinese or English. 3.Finish the match. 4.Check together. 1.准备相关熊猫信息的图片,引导学生看图读故事。 2.设计单词气球游戏:中英文互查。 3.课文59页B1部分材料的准备。 4.利用101教育教学平台设置计时器,限时完成。 1.图片帮助学生理解本课需掌握的单词和词组。 2.单词气球游戏激发学生的兴趣,检测预习效果,让学生动起来进一步熟悉和巩固本课新单词。 3.通过读故事和单词游戏,学生对单词有了一定的认知储备,此时完成词义连线题恰到好处,让学生静下来理解词义。
Step 3 Fast reading ( Individual work) Task 1 Skimming(跳读) Task 2 Scanning(扫读) 1.Ask Ss to read quickly and finish the exercise. 2.Check the answers. 3.Ask Ss to correct the wrong sentences. 4. Check the answers. Read and finish the exercise: Matching Part1(Para.1-3) Part2(Para.4 ) Part3(Para.5-6) The action(s) we should take. b. The growth of Xi Wang. c.The problems giant pandas face. 2. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. 1. When the writer first saw Xi Wang, she was just ten days old. 2. It’s very easy for pandas to have babies. 3. Giant pandas live mainly on a special of grass. 4. Building more reserves for giant pandas will help to protect them. 5.There are now about16,000 pandas in the wild. 1.按照文章的段落分布,把文章划分为三部分。 2.根据课文内容编写5道判断正误题。 3.利用101教育教学平台设置计时器,限时完成。 1.训练学生通过跳读方式获取段落主旨大意,同时渗透猜词策略。 2.阅读前教授跳读阅读策略,帮助学生学习运用阅读策略。 3.通过判断正误训练学生运用扫读方式获取文章的关键信息。 4.阅读前教授扫读策略,点拨学生学会抓住关键词,阅读后进行简单总结,提升学生阅读技能。
Step 4 Task 3 Careful reading (Pair work) 1.Ask Ss to read the passage carefully. 2.Ask Ss to finish P59 B2. 3.Ask Ss to check the answers with partners. 4.Play the video. Read the passage carefully. Finish Exercise P59 B2. Check the answers with partners. Watch the video. 1.课本59页B2部分材料准备。 2.熊猫成长100天成长记录视频。 3.利用101教育教学平台设置计时器,限时完成。 1.分段阅读,训练学生扫读能力,通过排序练习,学生通过细读方式进一步获取文章信息,从而把握熊猫成长过程。 2.对学的形式,减低做题难度,另一方面,让学生学会分享,互帮互助,共同进步。 3.观看熊猫成长视频,激发学生保护熊猫的欲望,为下文铺垫。
Step 5 Task 4 Carefully reading ( Individual work) 1.Ask Ss to read the passage carefully again. 2.Ask Ss to finish the exercise. 3.Check the answers together. 1. Read the passage carefully again. 2.Choose the best answer: 1.Why do giant pandas have no place to live or food to eat A.The giant pandas are difficult to have babies. B. Many baby pandas die when they are very young. C. The bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. D.Giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. 2.How many problems do giant pandas face in the wild A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 3.Pandas are difficult to have babies,what can we do for them A. Make laws to protect them B. Build more panda reserves C. Help pandas have more babies D. Give some money to them Why did the writer write the report A.To tell us the growth of Xi Wang B. To tell us the problems that pandas face C. To ask us to take action to protect pandas. D. To tell us the growth of Xi Wang and the problem she faces 3.Check together. 1.根据课文内容,结合考试题型,编写四道单选题。 2.利用101教育教学平台设置计时器,限时完成。 1.通过单选题,进行语篇整合,评估和检测阅读效果。 2.通过挖空练习,在选择题的基础上深化学生对文章细节信息的把握。 3.为下面讨论如何保护野生动物做铺垫。
Step 6 Mind -map Guide Ss to complete the Mind-plete the Mind-map together. 运用101教育PPT互动工具生成思维导图,帮助学生理清文章架构。 思维导图搭建语篇结构,理清行文套路。
Step 7 Study reading Group practice Ask Ss to work in groups to write some suggestions to protect wild animals. Organize the Ss to show their posters. Show sentence model. Work in groups to write down the suggestions. Design the poster together. Show their own posters. 1.知识的升华,语言的迁徙,设计情景。 2.准备本校文学社和微电影俱乐部的徽标,创设为倡议活动征集海报的情景。 3.准备卡纸、彩笔。 导入学生自由表达思想,给出建议。 让学生运用常识和获取的信息来解决实际生活中的问题。 通过示范帮助学生修订自己的句子。 提供学生展示的平台。
Step 8 Summary Click the website. Show the website and Wechat to Ss. Sum-up the story of Xi Wang. Go through the website . Scan the QR code. Retell the main point of the story of Xi Wang. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基金会的官网链接,微信公众号、新浪官方微博等信息渠道的使用,引导学生积极思维,理解作者真正的观点,训练学生的思维深度。 现场链接官方网站等,引导学生积极思维,理解作者真正的写作意图,训练学生的思维深度。 总结是为了让学生运用“层式解读法”理清文章结构,为课后写作做铺垫。
Step 9 Homework 1.Give an outline. 2.Ask Ss to finish writing. 1 .Discuss in groups according to the outline. 2.Finish the writing and send it to Miss Xie’s e-mail. 为了让学生学以致用,合理的作业,突出的亮点是联系钦州有白海豚的实际情况,让学生用本课学到的保护野生动物的措施,为学校广播站撰写保护白海豚的倡议书。 巩固并运用所学习的文章行文搭路的知识,课后延伸训练学生的写作和进一步输出信息的能力,指导学生利用好提纲设计文章层次,同时可通过上网获取信息的方式来完成作业,体现了对学生的学习策略的指导。
板书 设计 Unit 5 Reading: The story of Xi Wang (
) (
ive on
ight away
ake action
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)Group A PK Group B (
) We should… We can’t…
教学 反思 本节课的课堂教学中,教师借助多媒体,通过视频、图片等创设真实的教学情境,与学生现实生活紧密联系,学生兴趣浓厚,学习积极主动,教师巧设问题,环环相扣,学生积极主动参与设计问答等活动,由浅入深、循序渐进地理解课文,整堂课的教学中,学生都在积极探索,进行新旧知识的整合,课堂生成了整堂课的亮点,教师和学生在学习中都获得了极大的满足。