课文标题 Review of Unit 6 Topic3 ,Grade 8 Bicycle Riding is Good Exercise
单元名称 Enjoy Cycling
教材版本 仁爱版
授课年级 九年级
Part Ⅰ Analysis of the Teaching Material 1. 整体设计思路及指导依据 课型模式:话题式思维型复习课堂。本节课为初三总复习阶段的复习课,复习话题为仁爱英语八年级下册Unit 6 Topic 3——Bicycle Riding is Good Exercise。在设计思路上,以骑行为主线展开话题,引导学生进行思维拓展。主要围绕Advantages →Accidents→ Bicycle Rules→ Bicycle Safety→ Graduation Cycling Trips这五个话题,循环渐进地展开一系列活动,在听说读写看的一系列活动展开中融入词汇梳理,语言结构,德育教育,同话题篇章的阅读技能,以及综合能力的提升,从而培养学生的英语核心素养。本话题涉及《英语课程标准》中的“Safety and first aid(安全与急救)” 和“Travel and transport(旅游与交通)”这两个话题。本节课联系学生现实生活,在此基础上进行思维拓展训练,学为所用。 2. 教学内容分析 本话题围绕自行车而展开,主要内容包括:孩子们由一次交通事故展开讨论,引出语法项目:“if引导的条件状语从句”和话题“骑自行车”。孩子们不仅讨论了骑自行车的好处,也提出了如何避免交通事故的一些建议,不遵守交通规则可能带来的危害及制定合理的骑行规则。通过学习本话题,可以增强学生的安全意识,激励学生热爱自行车运动,倡导“安全出行,享受骑行”的理念。 3. 学生情况分析 本班学生英语基础较好,口语表达能力较强,知识面广,词汇量较大,思维活跃,乐于发言,敢于挑战。所以在设计的难度上,选择与其能力相当的活动,以求达到进一步的提升和更深层次的探索。同时,本话题与学生的日常生活息息相关,贴近生活,容易激发学习热情。 Part Ⅱ Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge aims (1) Master some important words, phrases and useful expressions. (2) Master the usage of adverbial clauses of condition. 2. Skill aims (1)Students can get to know more about cycling safety rules. (2)Students can get some reading skills. 3. Emotional aims (1) Encourage students to join in class activities and cooperate with others. (2)Students can get to know how to keep safe while riding in their real life. (3)Students can enjoy cycling and encourage others to ride safely. Part Ⅲ Key and Difficult Points 1.Students can use adverbial clauses of condition correctly. 2.Students can express their plans about cycling based on what they learn in this lesson. Part Ⅳ Teaching Methods Audio-lingual approach, Situational and communicative approach, Task-based language teaching. Part Ⅴ Teaching Aids Multimedia devices, PPT, blackboard. Part Ⅵ Teaching Procedures Stage 1 Warm-up 1.Greet and get students ready for learning. 2.Watch a video about the evolution of bicycles as a warm-up, leading to the subject of this lesson. 3.Present the learning goals and the contents. (设计意图:以一段生动活泼的视频引出本节课话题——Bicycle Riding,同时引起学生好奇心,点燃学习热情。) Stage 2 Words Review 1.Have a words flash. Read and spell some important words or phrases. 2. The whole class read them. (设计意图:通过“单词快闪”,以看图或看音标说和拼读的方式复习本话题的重点词汇及短语,活动过程简单、有趣。) Stage 3 Advantages of Riding Bicycles 1.Enjoy a video about bicycle riding. 2.Tell the advantages of bicycle riding. 3.The teacher shows the conclusions and ask the students to read them. (设计意图:通过观看生动有趣的视频,结合自己的常识,鼓励学生说出骑自行车的优点,最后老师做总结,让学生感受到骑自行车的诸多好处。) Stage 4 Bicycle Accidents 1. T: With so many advantages, however, some bicycle accidents still happen. 2. Show pictures of bicycle accidents. 3.Tell the reasons from three parts: the traffic, the drivers and the cyclists themselves. 4.Give the solutions in case of in injury. 5.Read these expressions. (设计意图:实例展示自行车事故,引发学生对事故原因以及应对措施的探讨,拓展学生思维,同时复习到本话题重点词汇及表达。) Stage 5 Safety Rules 1.T: To keep safe, we should know more about cycling rules. 2.Give a phrase for each picture. Then match the phrases with the pictures. (设计意图:图文结合,复习与骑行有关的重点词组,并为下一个环节的输出做准备。) 3.Complete the sentences to review adverbial clauses of condition. (设计意图:用第二人称口头描述上图信息,引出条件状语从句,并强调时态。) 4.Make sentences to practice it. (Write down the sentences) (设计意图:结合中考题型模式,以看图写话的形式检验学生掌握情况,并用第三人称,提高难度。同时,第二句用来引出接下来的同话题语篇阅读。) Stage 6 Bicycle Safety (Reading) Step 1 Fast Reading 1. T:Yes, if everyone obeys the traffic rules, the road will be safer. And I think this passage may help you more. Take out your handout. 2. Read fast to underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Then choose the best title. (设计意图:设计同话题文章,引导学生找段落的中心句,并总结出中心句常在的位置。) 3. Guide the students to find key words or phrases of each topic sentence. 4. Combine these words into a sentence with the given conjunctions “but” and “so”. 5. Then choose the best title. (设计意图:引导学生提取关键词,并结合所给连词,归纳文章大意,为选最佳标题做准备。) Step 2 Careful Reading 1. Read carefully to choose the best answers. While checking the answers, guide the students to tell how they get the answers. 2. The teacher concludes some reading skills: (1)Guess the meaning of a word from the context. (2)Read the questions carefully. (3)Locate the related sentences. (4)Make marks and check details carefully. (设计意图:通过一步步地解析,引导学生总结出阅读技巧;同时,语篇中的骑行安全规则,也为接下来的演讲环节提供了部分素材。) Stage 7 Extension 1. Lead to the subject——Graduation Cycling Trips. T: Now you are so busy with your study. Right But you will be the graduates soon. Then you’ll have much free time. After graduation, what about having a cycling trip 2.Talk about some common sense of before/while/after cycling. Then the teacher gives some advice. (设计意图:为接下来的演讲做素材准备) 3.Work in groups of four. Some of them give speeches. (设计意图:结合本节所学内容,进行小组合作,拓展学生思维,以演讲的产出形式,走进现实生活,学为所用。) Stage 8 Summary Stage 9 Assignment Change your speeches into a composition, using some conjunctions and more sentence patterns. (设计意图:以书写作文的形式呈现,对演讲的材料进一步润色,使其逻辑思维更加严谨,内容更丰富,从而提高学生的写作能力) Part Ⅶ Blackboard Design. Part Ⅷ Teaching Reflection 本节复习课尝试走出传统的复习课模式,以骑行为主线展开话题,在各话题中融入所需复习的内容,在此基础上拓展学生思维,激发学习兴趣,提升学生综合能力。同时基于学生较好的英语基础以及师生高度的配合,本节课课堂效果较好,各环节流畅。然而作为复习课,出于话题设置的需要考虑,本节课然有它的局限性,难以涵盖本话题课文中的方方面面,这需要教师灵活地把知识渗透到平日的教学活动中去。