Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful Section B 教学设计


名称 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful Section B 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 169.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 仁爱科普版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-03 06:41:07



设计主题 科普课标版(2013年10月第一版) Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. Section B
1. 指导依据说明: 《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》中指出,义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面整体发展的基础之上。以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面共同构成的英语课程总目标,既体现了英语学习的工具性,也体现了其人文性;既有利于学生发展语言运用能力,也有利于学生发展思维能力,从而全面提高学生的综合人文素养。 2. 整体设计思路: 整堂课贯穿“闽江国际时装秀”这一主线,分为四个主要部分:主线PART 1: The start of the Minjiang International Fashion Show; 主线PART 2: Live;主线PART 3: Interview;主线PART 4:The best design group for the next Minjiang International Fashion Show。 首先,主线PART 1以T台作为聚焦点,作为自然的导入,引出重点新词:catwalk、cheongsam、traditional,并体现了旗袍的传统美。以弘扬中华文化为核心,突显56个民族大团结并紧接着呈现少数民族服饰,引入重点新词:minority以及重点句型:How do you like… 学生感受民族服饰文化的璀璨并评价民族服饰,进一步的互动不仅促进课堂积极性还巩固了重点单词和句型。进一步把服饰文化介绍从本国以及本国民族到世界各民族地区的范畴。通过精美图片,引出课本呈现的另五种服饰:Zhuang minority costume、Tibetan costume、Russian costume、Korean costume 以及kimono,自然引出重点新词:Korean以及Tibetan。 其次,主线PART 2以Jane和Sarah现场带来的时装秀视频直播带领学生感受世界各地服饰文化,并引导孩子发现中华服饰文化的宝贵以及挖掘出内心深处的民族自豪感,因此引出第一个德育目标:We should be proud of our own Chinese culture of costume and develop it around the world。书本1b为课本呈现的六种服饰紧密联系的听力训练有利于学生巩固重点新词和话题概念,该听力环节分两个步骤:1)Number the costumes; 2) Match the costumes with the models. 紧接着,进行第二个听力训练,本听力训练改编于课本99面的1c,通过8选6选填语篇的方式,促进学生将重点新词融入语篇语境。接下来,运用手机软件,制作6位学生的个人不同民族不同地区不同国家的服装展示图片。并邀请本人来到讲台前与图片进行鲜明对比,并引出重点句型:What kind of costume are you wearing 以及复习句型:How do you like… 该环节话题联系实际,加深服饰认知,进一步调动了课堂积极性,并增添了学生的英语学习乐趣。引导学生发现中华服饰的魅力,并展示外籍国际巨星和中国的国际模特以及国母穿中国风的服饰,引出第二个德育目标,习主席在中共十九大上说到:深化中华文化的继承创新,并展现出永久魅力和时代风采(Deepening the inheritance and innovation of the Chinese culture and showing the permanent charm of the times)。 主线PART 3,Jane和Sarah在闽江国际时装秀结束后到后台采访穿着瑶族服饰的中国模特。该环节进一步加强学生Ask & Answer的互动能力。观看Jane和Sarah对中国模特的采访后,引导学生通过Ask & Answer的方式,转述对话双方询问和回答的内容(该环节也是对上一个Section内容的巩固和继续学习)。通过第一副图的转述例子,引导学生进行Pair Work讨论并邀请上台,学生到讲台前向其他同学展示其余两幅图的转述,巩固复习上个话题的重点内容。 主线PART 4,根据最新消息:学校要选出下一届闽江国际时装秀的最佳服装设计团队。为此,班级开展了服装设计比赛。引导每4个学生为一组的设计团队打开信封,得到一张设计图、一张采访单以及一张汇报单。在小组活动中,将每组4个成员分为A Leader、A Designer、An Interviewer和A Reporter。学生可根据自己的喜好和理解对本团队的服饰进行涂色以及进一步的设计。完成小组活动后,将各小组的设计服饰背面贴在黑板上,并抽选部分小组的Designer和Interviewer上台展示设计服饰进行采访(Interview)。紧接着,邀请部分小组的Reporter上台展示设计服饰进行汇报(Presentation)。最后的家庭作业设计结合课本以及生活乐趣,将课堂延伸,引导学生完成个人的服装设计和介绍以及背诵本课对话。
教学内容分析: 本节课是选自科普2011课标版(2013年10月第一版)Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful Section B。我们可以从该部分了解关于服饰的新词汇以及复习重点词汇、句型以及利用宾语从句进行转述表达。基于课本上的对话信息进行交流,引导学生认识了解世界各国尤其是我们国家璀璨的民族和不同地区的服饰文化,能并能在日常生活中学以致用。 学生情况分析: 所执教的学段为八年级下学期,执教片区的学生英语能力参差不齐。大部分的学生表现出的英语学习氛围较活跃积极,并且能够在课堂上踊跃发言、不害怕用错说错答错讨论错表演错。但,也有些基础较薄弱的学生输出困难,缺乏自信难于表达,对英语的学习热忱仍需提高。因此,选择本课有利于调动整个班级的学习和互动积极性,并由于服饰该日常话题平衡少数学生和大多数学生的学习积极性,促进学生的表达欲,培养学生的信心和好奇心,并将课本联系实际,激发学生的英语学习兴趣。
语言知识目标(Knowledge Objectives): 学习和掌握重点新词汇:catwalk、cheongsam、traditional、minority、Korean以及Tibetan。 掌握重点句型:How do you like... What kind of costume are you wearing 掌握简单提问:What did... ask... What did...say 继续学习主句是过去式的宾语从句。 语言技能目标(Skill Objectives): 能听懂基本的课堂用语并作出适当的反馈和互动。 能听懂有关询问服饰文化等内容的表达和简单对话。 能流畅地朗读对话,口头表达上发音准确清晰,语音语调自然。 能根据图文内容,顺利进行学习互动活动。 能进行简单的采访类对话输出。 能简单介绍服饰。 能注意宾语从句四要素正确地向第三方转述简单的信息。 情感态度目标(Emotional Objectives): 引导学生培养出国家和民族自豪感,拥有继承发展中华文化推陈出新的决心和信心。 引导学生融入璀璨的世界服饰文化中,培养求同存异和具有包容性的世界观。 采用丰富的互动形式,通过Pair Work、Group Job进行输出,引导学生进行踊跃回答、转述、设计、采访以及汇报,极大地激发了学生的好奇心和求知欲、提高了学生的英语学习自信以及学习英语的兴趣和积极性。 促进了小组之间的交流互动和积极合作和提升了学生之间的情谊。 学习策略目标(Learning Strategy Objectives): 逐渐培养预习和复习的良好学习习惯。 模仿教师正确发音(尤其是重音)以及自然的语音语调,发音清晰,朗读响亮。 做英语采访,锻炼英语对话能力。 培养向第三方转述的能力。 文化意识目标(Emotional Objectives): a. 了解世界各国各地区各民族服饰文化。 b. 了解服饰文化与各国各地区各民族人民日常生活之间的联系。
教学重点(Key Points): 学习并掌握新词汇,例如:catwalk、cheongsam、traditional、minority、Korean以及Tibetan,注意新词汇的准确发音(重音)和书写。 掌握重点句型:How do you like... What kind of costume are you wearing 掌握简单提问:What did... ask... What did...say 教学难点(Difficult Points): 对不同民族、地区以及国家服饰的识别和认知。 继续学习主句是过去式的宾语从句,注意宾语从句四要素,并正确地向第三方转述简单的信息。 进行简单的采访对话。 d. 介绍服饰。
教学方法(Teaching Methods): 交际法(The Communicative Method) 任务型教学法(The Task-based Teaching Method) 视听法(The Audio-visual Method) 活动法(The Activity Method) 合作学习法(The Cooperative Learning Method) 情景教学法(The Scene Teaching Method) 教学用具(Teaching Aids): 多媒体课件(The Multimedia Courseware:The PowerPoint) 自制卡贴(Card Posts) 信封(Envelopes) 自制小组合作学习单(Cooperative Learning Sheets for the Group Job)
Step 1: GreetingsTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT: Class begins! T: Good morning, everyone. T: Sit down, please.S: Stand up, please. S: Good morning, Mr. Ivan. S: Thank you. 师生问候。Remark:教师精神面貌良好,带动学生积极投入课堂。主线PART 1:The start of the Minjiang International Fashion Show Step 2: Lead-in Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT: Everyone, We know, Jane and Sarah, they are taking part in the Minjiang International Fashion Show. Now, let’s have a look what is happening there. What’s this T: Yeah. It’s a catwalk. Please follow me… (操练新单词) T: And then, there is a model. What is she wearing T: Great! Please follow me… (操练新单词) T: We know cheongsam is a traditional dress for Chinese women, right T: Please follow me… (操练新单词) T: In our country, we have different kinds of people. How many peoples do we have in our country T: That’s right, thank you. So, we have 56 peoples in our country. Now please look here. T: Yeah, please follow me… (操练新单词) T: Different mino- rities have different costumes. Then, how do you like their costumes Any volunteer You, please. T: Well done, thank you. Now, boys and girls, let’s guess what kinds of costumes they are. T: Then, the second one. T: please follow me… (操练新单词) T: What about the next one T: please follow me… (操练新单词) T: How about this one T: Great! The last one S: Catwalk S: Catwalk(模仿跟读) S: Cheongsam S: Cheongsam (模仿跟读) S: Yes. S: Traditional (模仿跟读) S: 56 S: Minority. (模仿跟读) S1: Colorful. S2: They are special and nice. S3: They look very beautiful. S4: It’s so wonderful. S5: Fantastic. S: Zhuang minority costume S: Tibetan costume S: Tibetan. (模仿跟读) S: Korean costume. S: Korean. (模仿跟读) S: Russian costume. S: Kimono.展现T台,自然导入,同时学习重点新词汇:catwalk、cheongsam以及traditional, 并通过跟读加深印象,为后续学习做好铺垫。 通过上一环节旗袍的展示作为引入,扩展到中华56个民族的服装展示,旨在体现民族大团结,深化爱国情怀。同时自然引出少数民族的概念,学习重点新词:minority和重点句型:How do you like… ,并询问学生对少数民族服饰的看法,为之后的德育目标做好铺垫。 通过滚动的图片,引导学生猜测不同服饰的图片,再次加深学生对不同服饰的了解。借此环节,将服饰的介绍从我国少数民族扩展到世界的范畴,体现世界文化的包容性。学习重点新词汇:Tibetan、Korean,认知课本提供的六种服饰。Remark: 加强重点新词汇的操练与朗读,引导学生正确发音(注意重音的处理)。主线PART 2: The Minjiang International Fashion Show (Live)Step 3: Listening Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT: Now, Jane and Sarah, they want to show us the live of our Minjiang International fashion show. Let’s watch. T: What a wonderful fashion show, right We can find that Chinese costumes are so special in the fashion show. So, we should be proud of our own Chinese culture of costume and develop it around the world. (德育目标:培养民族自豪感,继承发展中华服饰文化。) T:Then everyone please open your book and turn to page 99. Let’s listen to 1a . Number the costumes according to what you hear and match them with the models. Clear T: Could anyone tell me which one is the first one T: That’s right. Cheongsam, thank you. Then what about the second one T: The next one T: Then T: No. 5 T: What about the last one T: Now, can you match them with the models Which one is cheongsam T:Kimono T:Russian costume T: Zhuang minority costume T: Korean costume T: Tibetan costume T: Now, please look here. Listen to the tape and choose the right words to fill in the blanks. T: Who wants to try the first one T: Yeah, thank you. And you please. T: Then T:You, please. T: Anyone else T: What about the last one T: I think you guys really did a good job! S: Yes. S: Yes. S: Cheongsam S: Kimono S: Russian costume S: Zhuang minority costume. S: Korean costume. S: Tibetan costume. S: B. S: C S: A S: D. S: E S: F. S: The first model wore a cheongsam. S: It’s traditional. S: The second one wore a kimono. S: She wore a traditional Russian costume. S:Such as the ones in the Zhuang minority costume. S: Korean costume.通过Jane和Sarah在闽江国际时装周现场的视频直播,刺激学生视听能力,并总结以上展示的服饰和重点新词汇。之后,引出本课的第一个德育目标,培养学生的民族自豪感和树立发展中华文化的使命( We should be proud of our own Chinese culture of costume and develop it around the world.)。 通过课本P99的听力训练再次加强学生对六种服饰的了解,并加深印象。Number和Match两个步骤相辅相成,清晰总结对话内容,为学生的理解提供良好渠道。通过听力训练,搭配六个模特的图片对比,进一步帮助学生比较不同服饰,产生新观点。 通过书本1c改编过的听力训练,使学生能在相对真实语境的听力语篇中形成对课本对话的更进一步理解,同时熟悉重点新词汇。 Remark:听力训练作为后期口语训练的铺垫,注意在听力训练中检验学生掌握重点新词汇以及对服饰认知识别的程度,并自然提出第一个德育目标。Step 4: Pre-speaking Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT:We know many students in our class like wearing different kinds of costumes. Now, let’s guess who they are. T: Please come here. Let’s welcome! T: Could you please tell me what kind of costume are you wearing in the picture T: How do you like your costume T: I think so, thank you.
(Applause) And then what about the second one T:Everyone, let’s ask him. One, two, go! T: Thank you. (Applause) T:Who is the next one T: Come here, please. (Applause) One, two, go! T: Thank you. (Applause) T: Who T: Fancy Are you sure T: Yeah, because fancy is not a good word to describe costume. It doesn’t matter. Thank you. (Applause) T: How about the next one T: Come here, please. (Applause) One, two, go! T: And the last one T: You think it’s perfect for you T: Then ou can try it again. Thank you. (Applause) T: Everyone, we know Chinese-style costumes are so popular on the international stage. Now, look here. International super star Lady Gaga and our international Chinese model Hesui, they also wear different kinds of Chinese-style costumes, right T: And our Chairman Xi and our first lady also like wearing different kinds of Chinese-style costumes on the international stage. So, we should deepen the inheritance and the innovation of our Chinese culture and show the permanent charm of the times.(第二个德育目标,习主席在中共十九大上说到:深化中华文化的继承创新,并展现出永久魅力和时代风采。) S: (Say the student’s name.) S: I’m wearing an Indian costume. S: I think it’s fantastic. S: (Say the student’s name.) S: What kind of costume are you wearing in the picture S: I’m wearing a Miao costume. S: How do you like your costume S: I think it’s beautiful. S: (Say the student’s name.) S: What kind of costume are you wearing in the picture S: I’m wearing Tibetan costume. S: How do you like your costume S: I think it’s cool. S: (Say the student’s name.) S: What kind of costume are you wearing in the picture S: I’m wearing Dai costume. S: How do you like your costume S: I think it’s fancy. S: No, it’s beautiful. S: What kind of costume are you wearing in the picture S: I’m wearing kimono. S: How do you like your costume S: I think it’s sweet. S: (Say the student’s name.) S: What kind of costume are you wearing in the picture S: I’m wearing Han costume. S: How do you like your costume S: I think it’s perfect. S: yes. S: (Applause) S: yes. 通过信息技术,运用手机软件制作出学生穿戴世界各民族不同服饰的照片。邀请学生上台,与屏幕上呈现的学生个人变装照片进行对比,引发学生的好奇心,迅速激发学生的学习兴趣。促进重点句型:What kind of costume… 和 How do you like… 的操练。 通过国际巨星Lady Gaga和中国的国际超模何穗在国际舞台上穿中国风格服饰进行表演,以及国家主席习近平与夫人在国际交流中常穿中国风格服饰,体现中国服饰形成的国际新时尚。同时,借用习主席在中共十九大提到的Deepening the inheritance and the innovation of the Chinese culture and showing the permanent charm of the times来强调本课的又一个德育目标: 深化中华文化的继承创新,并展现出永久魅力和时代风采。Remark:加强两个重点句型的操练,以学生为主,教师为辅,并自然提出第二个德育目标。主线PART 3: Jane and Sarah are doing an interview. (The Minjiang International Fashion Show is over)Step 5: While-speaking Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT: The Minjiang International Fashion Show is over. Now, let’s have a look what Jane and Sarah are doing. T: Read it together. One, two, go! T: So, Jane and Sarah, they are doing an interview on the backstage of the Minjiang International Fashion Show. T: Please look at the first picture. Try to ask & answer by following the example. Now, please turn to page 100. Please think about2 questions: What did Jane ask the model & What did the model say You guys have 1 minute to think about it. One, two, go! (1 Minute later) T: Time’s up! Any volunteer T: You, please. Let’s do an interview. (Applause) T: What did Jane ask the model T: What did the model say T: It’s a good example. Thank you. (Applause) T: Now, please look at the next two pictures. You’ll have 2minutes to talk with your group members and to try down. One, two, go! (2 Minutes later) T: Time’s up! Please turn back. Now, I need 2 volunteers to come here to show us how to interview (Ask & Answer) .Welcome! (Applause) T: One, two, action! T: Well done, thank you. (Applause) T: Now, let’s do it together. One, two, action! T: And now I need another 2 volunteers. Who want to try T: You guys, please. Welcome. (Applause) T: Not bad, thank you. (Applause) T: Do it together. One, two, action! T: Really good! S: What kind of costume are you wearing S: I’m wearing a Yao costume. S: How do you like our show S: It’s wonderful. S: Can we take photos with you S: With pleasure. S: She asked what kind of costume the model was wearing. S: She said she was wearing a Yao costume. S: What did the model ask Jane S: She asked Jane how she liked their show. S: What did Jane say S: She said that it was wonderful. S: What did the model ask Jane S: She asked Jane how she liked their show. S: What did Jane say S: She said that it was wonderful. S: What did Jane ask the model S: She asked whether she could take photos with the model. S: What did the model say S: She said that it was a pleasure. S: What did Jane ask the model S: She asked whether she could take photos with the model. S: What did the model say S: She said that it was a pleasure.通过课本P100的练习2,进一步操练学生Ask & Answer,以帮助学生复习和强化对上个section的第三方转述能力。 (注意考虑宾语从句四要素)Remark: 当学生转述第三方内容时,引导学生注意宾语从句的四要素。主线PART 4: The best group for the Next Minjiang International Fashion Show. Step 6: Post-speaking Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT: I just got an email. Our school is going to choose the best group for the Next Minjiang International Fashion Show. T: Now, every group, it’s your time to try to do a group job. Please open the envelope on your desk. T: Then you can find 3 parts in it. The first one is a photo. You guys should color it and even design it. And the second one is an interview sheet and the last part is a presentation sheet. Please divide your group members into a leader, a designer, an interviewer and a reporter. Clear T: And there are 3 steps that you should do. Step1: design; step2: interview; step3: make a presentation. Now, 5minutes. One, two, go! (5 Minutes later) (收集学生的设计作品并背面朝向学生张贴在黑板上。) T: I will choose Group 4. Let’s welcome the designer and the interviewer from Group 4. (Applause) T: Good job! T: And then Group 5. (Applause) T: Great! T: Now we choose Group 3. Welcome! (Applause) T: Fabulous! T: The next choice is Group 6. Let’s welcome! T: Not bad, thank you. T: Now, let’s turn to the last part: presentation. Let’s welcome the reporter from Group 2. (Applause) T: I’m proud of you. Thank you. (Applause) T: And at last, let’s welcome the reporter from Group 1! T: Wonderful! Thank you. (Applause) T: Now, let’s show what the other pictures are. What kind of costume is it T: And T: You guys really did a good job! S: Yes. (操练:采访者对设计师进行采访) (操练:采访者对设计师进行采访) (操练:采访者对设计师进行采访) (操练:采访者对设计师进行采访) (操练:小组汇报者介绍设计作品) (操练:小组汇报者介绍设计作品) S: Russian costume. S: Zhuang minority costume.通过Group Job,将小组成员分为队长、设计师、采访者以及设计作品汇报者, 四个不同角色,开展小组合作。学生打开信封,会得到一张设计图,一张采访单,以及一张设计作品汇报单。学生需在5分钟之内协作完成各自任务。之后,开展小组采访与汇报展示。首先,由采访者采访设计师;其次,由汇报者介绍本小组的设计作品,以利调动学生学习积极性,促进课堂实践,强化语言输出。该环节,将艺术与英语,继承与创新相结合,能激发学生的创造力;将英语学习与日常生活相结合,体现英语学习的日常生活化,能培养学生英语学习兴趣和自信心。Remark : 提倡文化包容性,引导学生勇敢表达想法,教师适当引导,并通过该环节总结本课所学。 Step 7: Homework Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeT: Now, everyone, please pay attention to today’s homework. The first one, please try to make a poster. And in the poster, you should design your own costume and try to introduce it. And the second one, please try to recite the new dialog, clear T: All right, the class is over. T: Good bye, everyone. T:Thank you. Bye. S: Yes. S: Stand up, please. S: Good bye, Mr. Ivan. S: Bye.用海报作为家庭作业,要求学生课后再次创造,促进课堂学习向课外延伸。组织安排一次有关服饰主题的英文海报比赛,将获奖作品张贴宣传,营造英语学习氛围。通过要求学生背诵本课的对话,增强语言的输入与输出,促进学生日常听说能力的提高。Remark: 通过英语海报比赛,落实学生的后续作业。
7. 教学评价设计 1. 评价内容: a. 新词汇发音 b. 服饰主题的问与答 c. 向第三方转述 d. 对设计者采访 e. 服饰设计主题汇报 2. 评价方法: 评价采用自我评价和教师鼓励性评价相结合。
8. 板书设计
Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful Section B