人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 23.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-05 21:42:46



【what】该单元的主题是“逆境与勇气”,主要围绕英国探险家沙克尔顿及其“坚韧号”船员的南极探险展开。Reading and Thinking板块的子主题是“探讨冒险精神”(Explore the spirit of adventure)。这一板块展现了探险家沙克尔顿招募船员、少年珀西登上“坚韧号”、“坚韧号”被困并沉没、船员登陆象岛、沙克尔顿组队求援的大致过程。
本堂课以“the spirit of exploration”为主线,通过文本的阅读及基于文本设置的层层递进、环环相扣的教学活动,引导学生深入探究文本及人物品格,思考并体会探险精神的实质内涵。
Step 1: Lead-in
Ss talk about some famous foreign explorers.
Step 2: Pre-reading activity
Activity 1: Reading the advertisement
T introduces the background information of this expedition. Ss read this advertisement and think about what kind of people are qualified for this job.
【设计意图】激活文本话题相关的词汇链,如expedition, Antarctica, crew members等,为下一环节的阅读活动做好语言知识的准备,同时引导学生关注探险精神所涵盖的品格。
Step 3: While-reading activities
1. General Reading
Activity 1: Reading for structure and writing type
Ss scan the passage and divide the passage into two part. Then Ss conclude the main idea for each part.
Activity 2:Reading for background information and main idea for each diary
Ss read the passage for more background information about the expedition and conclude the main idea of each diary.
Background information about the expedition
Time duration
Name of the ship
Other crew members
Main idea for each diary
Diary 1 How the crew members lived on the Elephant Island
Diary 2 How Blackborow joined the Endurance expedition
Diary 3 How Shackleton and his crew abandoned the ship Endurance
2. Detailed Reading
Acivity 3: Reading for events and feelings
(1) Ss read the first diary and answer the following questions.
Q1: Why did Blackborow apply for this job when he happened to read this advertisement
Q2: How did Blackborow feel when applied for the job
Q3: Did he successfully get this job
Q4: How did he fell when he was turned down
Q5: What did he do to be a member of this expedition
Q5: What was Shackleton’s reaction when he faced this unexpected situation
(2) Ss read diary 2&3 and find out the adversities in the expedition and Shackleton’s reaction.
Step 4: Post-reading activities
Activity 1: Discussing characters’ personal qualities
Ss discuss in groups about the personal qualities of Shackleton and Blackborow. Ss are supposed to support their opinions with relevant evidence from the three diaries.

Activity 2: Exploring the meaning of the title
Ss discuss in pairs about their understanding the title.
n Watch a documentary to get more information about this expedition
https://www./video/BV1Jt411Q7FX/ spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=f20fbeecef1a9128d83f1e3f6464ee80
n If you were Perce Blackborow, during the days of waiting for Shackleton’s return, what would you do to stay hopeful and positive Please write a diary and share with classmates.
Writing tips: events+feelings+personal qualities
1. 通过熟悉的航行家导入,能够引导学生迅速感知文本主题和激活背景知识。
2. 通过层层递进的问题链的设置,引导学生查找Blackborow如何成功登船的信息及概括人物心情变化,培养学生的思维严密性和逻辑性。
3. 通过events&feelings的坐标建立,帮助学生直观感知“坚韧号”航行途中经历的困境和Blackborow的个人情感起伏变化。
1. 学生了解了日记的文体格式和写作特点
2. 学生掌握了话题相关词汇和表达
3. 学生理解了“坚韧号”航行途中遇到的困难及人物情感变化,探究船员们遇到困难所展现出的品格,体会“探险精神”的实质内涵
教师:What personal qualities did Shackleton and Blackborow have
学生1:I think Shackleton is a responsible person because he thought Blackborow was too young and turned down his application.
学生2:I think Shackleton is a calm and selfless person because he calmly told us what to do when the ship sank and threw away all his gold.
学生3:I think Blackborow is a persistent person because he didn’t give up even if he was rejected.
教师:How do you understand the title What does succssful mean What does failure mean
学生1:I think succssful means the crew members survived on the island.
学生2:I think failure means they failed to reach their destination.