课 题 Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B (2a-2c) 二次备课
教材分析 This lesson is selected from Unit 11, Volume 2 of Grade 7 of the People's Education Press, and it is a reading class. 2a is a pre reading activity that requires students to use adjectives to describe things, consolidate and expand vocabulary; 2b is the reading of two diaries, presenting the basic elements of past experiences described in this unit; 2c is a table filling exercise, sorting out the descriptions of different things by the two protagonists in the diary. Both 2b and 2c are beneficial for students to organize the structure of the article, extract detailed information, and provide learning examples for subsequent writing.
学情分析 The topic of this unit is to discuss past experiences. On the one hand, it is difficult for students to learn the past tense for the first time, and the change of the new tense requires a certain amount of time to learn and adapt; On the other hand, students have gained some exposure and familiarity through the listening and speaking exercises in Section A, and the reading topic of school travel is also close to students' daily lives. Therefore, this topic can easily bring students closer and stimulate their interest.
教学目标 Language goals:1. Students can read and consolidate the past tense tense of the verbs went, got and could in the text;2. Students can master and use adjectives in the text to describe things or experiences;3. Students can describe their travel experiences by imitating the article.Learning goals:1. Students can use reading strategies such as skimming and skipping to extract the necessary information;2. Students can quickly grasp the main idea of an article by extracting topic sentences.Thinkinggoals:1. Students can clarify the structure and key points of the article by sorting out its main content, and organize and process the content of the article;2. Using reading to promote writing, students build a framework for writing through reading.Cultural goals:Students can broaden their horizons by understanding the school travel experiences of different places and people, and also compare and analyze their own experiences.
教学重难点 Teaching focusRead a diary about school trips, grasp the main idea of the article through reading strategies such as skimming and skipping, and extract the necessary information.Teaching difficultiesUsing reading to promote writing, imitating writing on the basis of learning from reading articles, accumulating language materials, clarifying structures, and training writing thinking for writing.
教学方法 任务型语言教学法;问答教学法;合作学习法;独立的学习方法。
教学准备 PPT
教 学 过 程
Step 1 Lead-inThe teacher plays the movie clip from Up.Students watch the video and talk about how they feel about the trip. They can use some adjectives to talk about their feelings.【设计意图】通过电影《飞屋环游记》的片段引入“旅行”这一话题。视频内容生动有趣,能迅速吸引学生注意、激发学生兴趣;通过提问引导学生运用形容词对视频中的旅行进行描述也自然过渡到下一环节。Step 2 Pre-readingThe teacher presents the adjectives in 2a.The teacher asks some questions about students’ trips: How was your last trip What do you think of the people there How was the food there Students use some adjectives to answer the questions and talk about the trips they had.【设计意图】通过视频过渡到学生的旅行,询问学生之前的旅行经历,可参考提供的形容词进行描述,让学生在真实具体的情境中运用词汇。Step 3 While-reading1.Fast reading(1) Read the two passages quickly and choose the correct answers:What kind of articles are the two passages A.stories B. diaries C. newsWhat are they about A. a train B. a museum C. a school trip(2) Read quickly and answer the questions: When was the school trip Did they go on the same school trip How did they feel about the trip 2.Careful reading(1) Find out the topic sentences of each diary entry.(2) Why do they have different feelings about the same trip a.Listen and circle the description words.b.How do Helen and Jim describe these things Finish the chart.【设计意图】首先通过快速阅读完成两道选择题的方式让学生迅速把握文章体裁及中心话题;随后通过提问引导学生发现“两人进行了同一次学校旅行”这一事实;再通过找主旨句明确两人对于同一次旅行的观点,抛出“为什么两人对于同一次学校旅行的看法截然不同?”这一问题,引发学生思考;最后通过圈画描述词、完成表格这两项更细节的任务找出问题答案。既有对文章体裁、主旨的把握,也有对重要细节信息的提取,同时设问引发学生思考。Step 4 Post-reading1.Retell(1) Fill in the blanks about Helen’s school trip.(2) Retell Jim’s trip in the third person referring to the mind map.2.ReflectionIf you were Jim, how would you feel What would you do Suggestion: Think positively. Enjoy the trip.3.DiscussionThe teacher plays the video about the benefits of traveling.Students think about: Why do we travel Summary: What does “travel” mean Treasure relax adventure view experience learn【设计意图】首先通过填空及思维导图的方式进行复述,再次梳理和熟悉文章内容;随后引导学生由己及人,从Jim的角度反思本次旅行,启示学生用积极正面的心态看待事物、思考问题;最后以“旅行的益处”视频作为拓展结尾。从文本出发而不局限于文本,从文中的人物出发而不局限于文中人物,将学生本人与学习的内容相连接。Step 5 Homework1. Retell Helen's and Jim's school trip.2. Keep a diary about your best/worst trip.【设计意图】巩固文章所学,以读促写,阅读为写作搭建支架。
教 学 反 思
本节课在实施过程中通过情景化的任务层层深入,各环节过渡自然,贴近学生的日常生活,趣味性和互动性较强,学生参与程度高。既有具体的语言知识的学习、阅读策略的运用,也引导学生对阅读内容进行组织和逻辑化的呈现,同时注意对学生进行积极向上的价值观的引导,在文本内容的基础上进行拓展。 当然,本节课尚待完善,如:对于一节40分钟的阅读课来说,内容偏多,可以考虑将复述部分用于第二个阅读课时的开始作为复习;部分开放性问题设置有一定难度,在针对不同学生提问时可做适当调整;以读促写体现得不明显,在第二课时需要进一步落实。