Teachers’ Unit-based Teaching design
学校: 备课组老师:
Title: Book 4(B) Module 2 Unit 4 日期:
一、单元教学目标 (参照2011版课标中的分级标准描述)
语用任务: 1. 能在创设的语境中运用核心句型 (What lessons do we have today What subjects do you like ) 核心词汇:(Chinese, Maths, English, Art, ...) 2. 在会话活动中,能正确运用所学的句型进行交流。
知识与技能 能听懂和理解关于询问课程的对话,也能正确回答自己所喜欢的课程。 在创设的情景中,创编对话,合理运用所学句型和词汇。 能正确读出字母组合ck在单词中的发音,并拓展词汇量。
文化与情感 了解自己年级的课表,表达自己喜欢的课程。能友好询问同学喜欢的课程。 通过设置自己的 timetable ,对比同学的timetable, 按完成情况检测自己的生活习惯。
方法与策略 通过情境设置,小组讨论,小组合作创编对话,问题思考等方式,完成学习任务。
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3
Objective 单课时目标 Learn the words: Chinese, English, Maths, Science, Art, Music, PE, subject Master the sentences: What lessons do we have today We have ... 1. Understand and read the Peter’s timetable. 2. Make and talk about your timetable. Review the main contents in this unit. Learn my friend’s Saturday Timetable. Talk about my Saturday timetable.
Topic 单课时话题 Subjects we like Timetable we have My Saturday timetable
Content 单课时教学文本 Peter: What lessons do we have today Joe: We have Chinese, Maths, English and Science in the morning. Alice: We have PE and music in the afternoon. Peter: I like Chinese and Maths. What subjects do you like Joe: I like Maths and Science. Peter: What about you, Alice This is our timetable for day. We have six lessons. In the morning, we have English, Chinese, Maths and Music. I like Chinese and Maths. From 11:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. we have a lunch break. In the afternoon, we have Art and PE. Art is fun! I like painting. This is my timetable for Saturday . In the morning, I have Maths and Art . I like Art . I need to work hard on Maths . From 11:30 to 2:00 , I have a break . In the afternoon, I have Music and PE . I can sing and dance in Music lesson. I can play football in PE lesson . After PE lessons, I have a big dinner . I enjoy my Saturday.
Blackboard design 板书设计 Unit 4 Subjects What subjects do we/ you like Chinese, English, Maths, Science, Art, Music, PE Unit 4 Subjects My lessons for today In the morning, we have ______ , ______ , ______ and ______ , I like__ _. It’s/They are______. In the afternoon, we have ______ , ______ , ______ and ______ , I like__ _. It’s/They are______. Period 3 My Saturday timetable TimeSubject9:00-10:00Maths10:30-11:30Art2:00-3:00Music3:30-4:30PE
Period 1
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-lesson Show some pictures. Ask questions: What are they doing Ss : They are running. They are jumping. T: Good! They’re having PE lesson. They like PE lessons. Peter and his friends are in the classroom. They’re talking about their subjects. Do you want to know: What subjects do Peter, Joe and Alice like 旧知引新知 ,根据学生们运动的图片引出学生们正在上体育课,他们喜欢体育课。 Peter 和他的朋友们在一起谈论课程。那么Peter, Joe, Alice 各自又喜欢什么课呢? 设疑学习。 活跃课堂气氛,提问以旧知引入新知,了解更多的科目的英文表达。 2. 创设适当的情景,为了解课文和我们自己喜欢的课程做辅垫。
Pre-task preparation Watch the video. Learn the text. After watching, ask some questions What lessons do they have in the morning What lessons do they have in the afternoon Read the text after the video. 观看视频。 请学生看视频后,回答老师的问题。 学生跟着录音读课文,模仿语音语调,老师指正。 通过观看,让学生初步整体感知课文 理解文本,提有关问题,分析人物各自喜好。加深对课文的理解。 模仿跟读,为之后的语言输出做巩固。
While-task procedure Read the text again. Let’s look and match Peter Joe Alice Chinese Maths English Art Science PE Ask and answer with your pattern. What subjects do you like Practice more Show our timetable on PPT. They have 4 lessons in the morning. We are the same. What lessons do we have today morning Ss: .... T: What subjects do you like, ... S1: ... S2: ... Practice more 1.再次朗读课文,理解后连线 2. 同伴之间互相问答,What subjects do you like?了解对方最喜欢的课程。 3. 屏幕上显示本班自己的课表。Ask and an:What lessons do we have today morning?What subjects do you like?学生问答后,再生生之间问答 1. 通过连线,对课文内容加深记忆。 2. 操练重点句型,要求学生流利表达,对口语输出做进一步的操练。 3. 显示出本班同学的课表。 生生问答,更广范围地进行口语输出。
Post-task activity Groups work Do a survey What subjects do we like Group____ A: __ B: ___ C: __ D: ___ E: ___ Show time Groups talk about their favorite subjects. Sum up 四人或六人小组合作,做调查,了解小组成员各喜欢的课程。并准备展示内容。 展示环节:各小组以自己的展示方式谈论favorite subjects 主题。 师生一起总结本课知识点 通过小组合作,培养学生的口语能力,合作能力。 2. 锻炼学生的口语,为学生提供更多的机会进行输出。
Assignment Read and copy the text P2 . Find out your friends’ favorite subject. And tell him or her yours.
Period 2
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-lesson 1. Enjoy a video. ‘School Subjects-Favorite subjects. 2. Ask and answer about what subjects do you like 1. 看视频,当看到科目得单词,学生需大声读出来。 2. 学生进行小组合作,互问互答。 1. 吸引学生注意力,复习所学重点单词。 2. 复习所学句型 What subjects do you like 鼓励学生开口说英语。
Pre-task preparation 1. Can you guess what subjects does Peter like Why 2. Enjoy a video with the above questions and then answer the questions. 1. Guess and free talk. 2. 学生带着问题看视频,然后回答问题。 1. 培养学生发散思维。让学生尽可能多得表达自己的想法。 2. 带着问题去看视频,能够集中注意力,有目的的去思考和学习。
While-task procedure 1. Watch the video again with the following questions: 1) What lessons does Peter have in the morning/afternoon In the morning, he has_________. In the afternoon, he has________. 2) What’s the meaning of a.m. and p.m., What’s the difference between them 3) What do they have from 11:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2. Watch the video again and ask students to read after it. Ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation. 1. 学生带着问题看视频,然后回答问题。 2. 演示法。教师运用一张图片,直观的展示a.m. 和p.m.的区别。 3. 学生跟读,模仿其语音语调。 1. 让学生带着问题去理解文章,获取文章中的重点内容。 2. 运用图片直观展示重点内容,能提高学生的学习效果。 3. 跟读原声带,能培养学生的语音语调。
Post-task activity 1. Make your timetable. Then talk about your timetable with your partner. 2. Talk about the subjects you like and reasons. 1. 给每个同学下发一张空白表格,让学生根据自己的想法设计课表。设计完之后和自己的搭档谈论自己的课表。看看你们之间的课表有什么有不同,讨论这样设计是否合理。 2. 和搭档谈论自己所喜欢额科目,并说明原因。 1. 让学生设计自己的课表,这样能激发学生积极思考,提高学生动手写的能力、表达能力和学习兴趣。 2. 谈论自己喜欢的课程并说明原因,这部分可以让学生充分的展示自己,充分的运用所学过的知识畅所欲言。提高学生的课堂参与度和学习兴趣。
Post-task activity 1. Make your timetable. Then talk about your timetable with your partner. 2. Talk about the subjects you like and reasons.
Period 3
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-lesson Learn the sounds 观看视频,跟读句子。 列举字母组合ck的有关单词并读一读。 学习字母组合ck的发音。
Pre-task preparation Listen and say Read and think 1、借助多媒体出示我朋友Dola的周六课外兴趣班课表,学生根据实际情况回答问题。 2、把学生分成四人一组。请每个学生在小组内讨论自己课外兴趣班的科目,并说一说报此班的原因。教师可以把关键句型写在黑板上供学生参考。然后,请部分学生介绍他们课外兴趣班及理由。 读短文回答问题,为新授内容做好铺垫。
While-task procedure This is my timetable for Saturday . In the morning, I have Maths and Art . I like Art . I need to work hard on Maths . From 11:30 to 2:00 , I have a break . In the afternoon, I have Music and PE . I can sing and dance in Music lesson. I can play football in PE lesson . After PE lessons, I have a big dinner . I enjoy my Saturday. 1、出示我的困惑,我有很多兴趣,我都想上,课时间不允许。 2、根据实际情况帮我定一份适合我的周六课外兴趣班的Timetable。 3、拓展其他国家四年级孩子一周课表。 学习周末兴趣班的安排。
Post-task activity Workbook P95 Space school Listen and look 拓展学生视野,了解太空人的课表 培养学生的空间想象能力。
Assignment Homework: 1. Make a Saturday timetable for you own. 2.Finish the exercises on P95 in workbook.
四、教学设计说明 (不少于800字)
本课在本册教材中属于第二模块 My favorite things,目的在于帮助学生学会认识和介绍英文课表并学会用英语讨论自己喜欢的科目。本单元学生的主要语用目标是,在语境中,学生能理解和运用What subjects do you like I like…..的句型来获知他人所喜爱的科目以及What lessons do we have today 以“三基”(基于课程标准、基于单元整体、基于语篇语境)为标准,要求内容达意、语法正确,表达基本流畅。本单元与第一第三模块有者密切的联系,主题内容都与实际生活相联系,因此在设计教学内容及运用教学方法时,都非常贴近学生实际生活,所以能充分调动学生的积极性。
基于本校学生学习情况,本单元划分为3个课题,一是lessons we have and subjects we like,二是talk about our timetable。三是 Design a timetable including the lessons we have in the morning and in the afternoon, what can we do in these classes and the subjects we like. 每个课题都为下个课题奠定基础,由旧知引入主题lessons and subjects,然后再引用key structure: What lessons do you have today What subjects do you like 最后再是篇章的理解以及知识的综合运用来描述自己的课程与喜好,以此关心学生的生活与内在,提高学生的学习兴趣。(即点-线-面的设计思路)。这样的设计既延续了旧知,也有效激发学生思维,铺垫引入新知,让学生在最近发展区中有效、快乐学习。在设计本课时,我们将课本‘Listen and say’ ‘Let’s learn’ ‘Do a survey’整合为第一课时,主要学习和运用新单词和句型,询问和表达课程内容和喜欢的科目。突出情感“了解别人的喜好,能从对方的角度思考问题;理解大家的差异性,学会求同存异”。把 ‘Look and read’作为第二课时中主要理解timetable相关内容;着重发展学生的阅读理解能力以及思维能力。把‘Think and write’ ‘Learn the sound’作为第三课时,主要学习‘ck’的发音以及训练学生对知识的综合运用,培养学生的发散思维。
在第一课时中,通过旧知running引入PE class, 从而引入话题 What subjects do you like 把剩余的新单词 Chinese, English, Maths,Art, Music, Science and PE,接着再引入新句型What lessons do we have today 内容贴合实际生活,能够引起学生的兴趣。通过个人回答问题-两两练习的方式理解和运用句型和单词。最后以小组调查的方式,了解他人的喜好,理解大家的差异性,学会求同存异。
第二和第三课时中,以 ‘Look and read’ 为主教材内容,理解和谈论Peter’s timetable。引导学生借鉴文本模式,制作和谈论自己的timetable;引导学生发散思维,充分运用所学知识制作timetable,和同学谈论自己的timetable;引导学生比较自己与别人的timetable,思考自己的timetable 是否合理,达到互相理解,求同存异的目的。最后以Learn the sound 结束本课,掌握英语拼读规律。
作业的设计同样不可忽视,有效的作业设计让课上和课下互联互通,让学生切实提高学习能力。第一课时的作业设计为:Read and copy the text P2 . Find out your friends’ favorite subject. And tell him or her yours。注重双基的掌握。在第二课时中,布置了Make your timetable. Then talk about your timetable with your partner. Talk about the subjects you like and reasons.第三课时中布置了Make a Saturday timetable for you own. Finish the exercises on P95 in workbook.Talk about the subjects you like and reasons. 注重学生发散思维和个性的培养。作业与当堂课所学内容紧密联系,注重学生知识的及时巩固与运用。
Laura is my good friend. She is from America. She likes China very much. She goes to school with me every day. We also study together. I like English and Music. Laura likes Chinese and Art. She is good at drawing. She has lunch at school. She likes to eat rice, chicken and sweet potatoes. After school, she helps her mom to cook supper for her family. Laura is good girl. I like her very much.
( ) 1. Laura is from China.
( ) 2. Laura likes Chinese and English.
( ) 3. Laura has lunch at school.
( ) 4. Laura is helpful.
( ) 5. I don’t like Laura.
I’m Helen. I’m an English girl. I’m a student. I’m in Class 1, Grade 1. Today is Saturday. I get up at eight o’clock. I have four lessons today. From 9:00 to 10:00 I have Maths at Children’s Palace. After 30 minutes later, I have an art class. Then I go home at eleven thirty. I have a break from 11:30 to 2:00pm. In the afternoon, I have Music and PE.
I can sing and dance in Music lesson. I can play football in PE lesson. After PE lesson, I have a big dinner at home.
I enjoy my Saturday, It’s so fun.
( ) 1. Helen is a ____ . A. a teacher B. a boy C. a student
( ) 2. Helen has ___ lessons on Saturday. A. four B. three C. five
( ) 3. Where does Helen have Maths lesson
A. at home B. at school C. at Children’s Palace
( ) 4. Does Helen like her lessons
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she is.
( ) 5. What time does Helen have Art lesson
A. From10:30 to 11:30 B. From10:00 to 11:00 C. From10:20 to 11:20
2020 Summer School Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:15-8:55 a.m. Breakfast
9:00-9:55 a.m. Maths English English Putonghua Maths
10:00-10:55 a.m. Chinese Maths Putonghua Chinese English
10:55-11:55 a.m. Recess(休息)
11:55-12:10 p.m. Computer Music Computer Music Computer
12:10-1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00-1:55 p.m. Dancing Football Basketball Swimming Skipping
2:00-2:55 p.m. Making noodles Painting Flying kites Painting Dancing
( ) 1. What time does breakfast end(结束)?
At 8:15 B. At 8:30 C. At 8:55
( ) 2.How many lessons are there before lunch
Three B. Four C. Five
( ) 3. What is the second (第二)lesson on Friday
Chinese B. English C. Maths
( )4. Candy is good at doing sports. She likes the lesson at______.
9:00 a.m. on Monday.
2:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
1:00 p.m. on Thursday.
( )5. At Summer School, students______.
do fun activities(活动)all day.
do fun activities in the morning and study in the afternoon.
study in the morning and do fun activities in the afternoon.