Teachers’ Unit-based Teaching design
学校: 备课组老师:
Title: 6B Module1 Unit1 You and me 日期:
一、单元教学目标 (参照2022版课标中的分级标准描述)
语言能力 1.能掌握和运用核心单词、核心句型,能够用比较级对自己和他人的姓名、年龄、身高、体重等进行对比介绍。 2.能读懂和理解有关人与人之间差距主题的语篇和相应故事内容。 3.能用辩证的方法看待事物的不同,学会接纳人与人之间的多元性。 1、在语境中询问和应答彼此身高、体重及课余生活差异;能结合语境描述个人情况和生活环境,进而了解城市与乡村差异。 2、能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇weigh/ centimeter/ kilogram描述自己的身高、体重。 3、能用核心句型How much do you weigh / I weigh...kilograms;How tall are you / I’m …centimeters tall.来询问和应答自己的身高、体重,用I usually…介绍自己的课余生活,用There is/ are…说说自己居住的环境。
文化意识 1、通过对比过去和现在的变化,更加热爱生活。 2、理解城市和乡村生活的利弊。 3、能理解和尊重来自不同文化背景的人。
思维品质 1.通过创设情境,启发学生根据不同的情境作出合适的回答,培养学生运用所学语言知识进行简单交流的能力。 2. 通过合作学习,培养学生自主学习及合作学习的意识。
学习能力 1、根据字母a, a-e, ai, ay, eigh, i, i-e, y, igh, ie 的发音规律,运用发音规律拼读单词。 2、通过做调查,使学生联系生活实际,主动积极地参与课堂活动,感受使用英语的快乐。
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Objective (课时目标) 1. 能正确朗读和理解weigh, kilogram, centimetre等核心词汇,并在语境中运用核心词汇。 2. 能借助“How much do you weigh ” “How tall are you ” “… weigh(s) … kilograms.”以及 “… centimeters tall.”等相关句子对身高和体重信息进行对话; 3. 能就身高、体重、兴趣爱好对朋友进行综合口头表述。 1. 学习掌握元音/ei/在字母及字母组合a, a-e, ai, ay, eigh中的发音规律以及元音/ai/在字母及字母组合i, i-e, y, igh, ie中的发音规律,并能准确朗读含有相关读音的单词; 2. 学习描述城乡生活环境的语篇,能运用思维导图提取关键信息,并根据关键信息对城乡生活的差异进行归纳和总结; 3. 能根据本课所学知识,口头列举补充说明城乡生活的利弊,并能在辩论活动中运用例子表明自己的观点和态度; 4. 引导学生在辩论的过程中认真倾听和理性思考,客观认识城乡生活的差异。 1. 复习巩固Joe和George以及城乡之间的差异,能够借助思维导图等梳理和对比事物的异同; 2. 在语境中理解学习关于世界七大洲同龄人之间不同之处的语篇,感知不同国家的人及文化的差异,尊重多元文化; 3. 能够根据图片、思维导图、关键词等提示,找出人与人之间的差异,并能正确运用本单元的核心语言知识对差异进行准确描述。 1. 在语境中理解学习几种代表性动物的体型、生活习性等特点,找出它们之间的差异并能进行口头的对比描述,感知不同物种的差异,尊重自然多样性; 2. 能够借助图片、思维导图、表格等提示,写出自己与朋友或同学之间的差异以及差异带来的积极影响。
Topic (课时话题) Differences between Joe and George Differences between city and countryside Differences between you and me Differences make our life wonderful
Content (教学文本) Hi, I’m a sparrow. I’m 16 centimetres long and I weigh 30 grams. I live in a tree in the city. I usually eat seeds and insects. I sing in the tree every morning. Sometimes I visit the countryside. But farmers don't like me because I eat their crops! Hi, I’m a swan. I weigh 9 kilograms and I’m 1 metre long. I’m a big bird! I live on a lake in the countryside. People like seeing me. They always feed me bread. I sometimes eat small fish too. I can fly, but I don't fly very often. Hi, I’m an eagle. I’m heavy. I weigh 6 kilograms and I’m 87 centimetres long. I live on a hill. There are many trees there! I can fly fast. I like eating small animals.
Blackboard design (板书设计) 6BM1U1P3 Differences between you and me 6BM1U1P3 Differences make our lives wonderful
Period 1
Procedures Contents Methods Purposes
Pre-lesson Think and talk Q1: Are we different Q2: What are the differences among you and your classmates 学生根据实际情况举例子,如:hobbies, looking, eating habits等等。 激发思维,为课时话题做铺垫;
Pre-task preparation Lead-in: Joe is visiting his cousin George in the countryside. What are they talking about 创设情景,出现本课时主人公Joe和George。 引出话题:Differences between Joe and George
While-task procedure 1. Listen and say Q: What are Joe and George talking about 2. Part1:height and weight Read and complete Q: What are the differences between Joe and George 3. Look and learn Kilogram=kilo+gram Centimeter=centi+metre How much do you weigh I weigh … kilograms. How tall are you I’m… centimeters tall.” 4. part 2–hobbies -Listen and say Qs: What do they like doing Why do they have different hobbies 1. 学生根据问题引领,听完Joe和George的对话后回答问题。 2. 学生根据课文和图片提示提取关键信息,找出Joe和George的身高体重差异并完成表格。 3. 根据谐音法、形象记忆法和词根法突破核心单词centimeter和kilogram的理解和记忆,并和同桌互问身高体重。 4. 学生根据录音和图片提示提取Joe和George日常活动的关键信息,并进一步思考其原因。 在Joe和George的交流中整体感知文本。 2-4. 提取关键信息,落实重难点;通过谐音法、形象记忆法和词根法突破核心单词; 发散思维,并进一步运用核心词汇。
Post-task activities 1.Watch a video The healthy standard of height and weight for 10-12 year-old children 2. Talk and share Introduce you or your friends’ basic information, including height and weight. 1. 学生观看视频,该年龄段标准身高和体重。 2. 运用核心句型介绍自己或朋友的基本信息,包括身高、体重、兴趣爱好等。 拓展知识。 综合运用核心语言,提高语用能力。
Assignment Must-do: 1. Read the recite and passage, imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 2. Pair work: Ask about desk mate’s height and weight. Choose to do: Think and write: About me/ my friend
Period 2
Procedures Contents Methods Purposes
Pre-lesson Learn the sounds Let’s chant Find the rules 2. Watch a video about cities and countrysides. 3. Free talk: What do you know about cities and countrysides 1. 在韵律诗中感知和学习学习元音/ei/在字母及字母组合a, a-e, ai, ay, eigh中的发音以及元音/ai/在字母及字母组合i, i-e, y, igh, ie中的发音。 2-3. 学生根据教师出示的乡村生活和城市生活视频,自由表达自己对城乡的认识。 1. 学习元音/ei/在字母及字母组合a, a-e, ai, ay, eigh中的发音以及元音/ai/在字母及字母组合i, i-e, y, igh, ie中的发音。 2-3. 视频输入,感知了解; 引发思考,激活旧知。
Pre-task preparation Look and say Q1. Where do Joe and George live in Q 2. What are there in the city and countryside 1. 学生根据图片猜测、预判Joe和George生活环境的差异。 观察图片,提取关键信息,感知预判。
While-task procedure Joe’s city life Watch and answer Q1. What’s in the city Q2. How do people go to work Q3. What do people do at the weekend Fill in the blanks George’s countryside life True or false There are a lot of houses with gardens in the countryside. (T) People here like to take underground to work. (F) Listen and complete 1.观看Joe介绍自己城市生活的视频, 了解语段大意,提取关键词,简要归纳并回答问题。 2. 观看George介绍自己乡村生活的视频,提取关键信息,判断正误。 3. 再次聆听文本,根据录音填空。 1-2视听输入,感知文本,提取关键, 巩固操练。 巩固所学。
Post-task activity Read and retell 2. Group discussion: Which life do you like better, city life or countryside life Why 3. Emotional Value Different places, different happiness. 1. 听读文本并根据思维导图进行复述。 2. 小组讨论自己更倾向于城市生活还是乡村生活,并阐明理由。 3. 情感目标升华。 1. 输出核心知识。 发散思维,表达观点并阐述理由。 感受城乡生活的美好,热爱生活。
Assignment Must-do: 1. Read the recite and passage, imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 2. worksheet: Listen and number, read and match, think and complete Choose to do(二选一): Think and write: Write about the differences between city and countryside. Talk about which place you want to live and give reasons. Shoot a video: Share your colorful city life or countryside life and share it in class.
Period 3
Procedures Contents Methods Purposes
Pre-lesson Enjoy some pictures 老师呈现一些城市生活和乡村风貌的照片 热身活动同时兼顾了复习功能,能迅速将学生带入学习状态
Pre-task preparation 1. Look and say What are the differences between Joe and George Where do they like to live Why 2. Think and say Where do you want to live Why 1. 出示P1及P2的关键图片,学生根据图片归纳复习Joe和George以及城乡之间的差异。 2. 出示思维导图,学生根据思考和讨论结果罗列原因。 复习导入,帮助学生再次理解和运用核心语言知识 提供更多的综合语用输出的机会
While-task procedure 1. Look and say Who are they Do they look the same 2. Listen and answer Where are they from 3. Look and learn seven continents: Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica 4. Read and complete Read the passage and complete the table 1. 观察图片中的人物,发现他们之间的差异。 2. 初听语篇,找出地点信息。 3. 呈现一张世界地图,学生根据地图了解七大洲的名称及大致的地理位置。 4. 阅读语篇,将表格信息补充完整。 听前观察,有助于猜测语篇大意 带着问题听录音,有助于理解语篇大意 图文结合,帮助学生更好理解多元文化的意义 精读语篇,可以帮助学生更好地理解语篇,理解更多的细节知识
Post-task activity 1. Read and draw Draw the mind map and find out the differences. 2. Do a survey Get to know the difference between you and your friends/classmates. 3. Talk and share 1. 再读语篇,根据语篇内容画出思维导图,找出他们之间的异同。 2. 问卷调查了解自己和身边朋友/同学之间的差异。 3. 小组内及课堂中分享自己的调查结果。 学会提炼语篇信息,帮助学生建立理解和语用之间的桥梁 从他人经验过渡到自己的实际经历,能帮助学生进行学习迁移 积极分享可以提高综合语用能力
Assignment Must-do: 1. Do a survey and complete the information card. 2. Talk to others about the differences between you and your friend/classmate. Choose to do: Find out more differences between the continents.
Period 4
Procedures Contents Methods Purposes
Pre-lesson Check the homework 学生展示及分享作业 检查作业完成情况,了解学生对核心语言知识的掌握情况
Pre-task preparation Watch a video about the natural world 观看一个跟自然相关的视频 通过视频将自然环境与人文环境相联结
While-task procedure 1. Read Passage 1 and answer What is it How much does it weigh How long is it What does it do /What does it like to do 2. Complete the information car together 3. Read Passage 2 and fill in the blanks 4. Read Passage 3 and find out the differences 1. 阅读第一个语篇并回答老师提出的问题 2. 师生共同完成信息卡的填写 3. 阅读第二个语篇,独立完成信息卡的填写 4. 阅读第三个语篇,画出思维导图,将三种动物进行对比,找出不同之处 通过第一个语篇的阅读,快速了解本节课的主要内容 师生共同完成,为了后续学生能自己编制信息卡做铺垫 从提炼信息到信息归纳,帮助学生逐步提升语用能力
Post-task activity 1. Make and say 2. Write and share 1. 学生制作信息卡,提炼自己和朋友/同学的信息 2. 根据信息卡的内容写下关键词,并与同学分享 提升学生的实践能力和语用能力 提升语用能力和交际能力
Assignment Must-do: 1. Read the passages of the whole unit and complete the exercise on the workbook. 2. Write a passage about the difference between you and your friend/classmate and talk about how differences affect your life. Choose to do: Find out more differences in the natural world.
四、教学设计说明 (800字左右)
6BM1U1是第一模块Changes and differences的第一单元,比较同学、朋友间身高、体重及课余生活差异;结合语境描述个人情况和生活环境,了解城市与乡村差异,能理解和尊重来自不同文化背景的人。本单元的核心词汇是:weigh/ centimeter/ kilogram,核心句型是:How much do you weigh / I weigh...kilograms. How tall are you / I’m …centimeters tall. I usually…介绍自己的课余生活,There is/ are…说说自己居住的环境。其中句型There is/are...学生在三四年级重点学习过,I usually...是五年级的重点句型,询问他人身高、体重属于新知。
基于教材分析及学生已知、应知分析,基于单元整体设计,本单元分为四个课时,第一课时Differences between Joe and George, 第二课时Differences between city and countryside,第三课时Differences between you and me第四课时Differences make our life wonderful。四个课时从内容、目标、情感体验都是逐步递进,螺旋上升的。
第一课时Differences between Joe and George,从Free talk开始,讨论我们自己和别人之间有什么不同。在pre-task环节,创设情境,引出话题:Differences between Joe and George。在活动中,根据Joe and George的不同来感知文本,How tall are you How much do you weigh 让学生初步了解如何用数字来表达自己的身高体重。在while-task环节,学生带着任务去听、观看对话视频,了解对话的主要内容以及获取细节信息,通过对比学习,了解Joe和George的身高体重以及平时的兴趣爱好。在post-task中,通过视频资源,拓展学生知识,并运用核心语言,提高学生语用能力。
第二课时Differences between city and countryside,从语音的复习归纳开始,归纳发/ai/音的字母及字母组合: i, i-e, y, igh, ie。学生通过乡村生活和城市生活的视频学习,来自由表达自己对城乡对认识。在while-task环节,学生分别观看Joe介绍自己城市生活和George介绍自己乡村生活的视频,从视频中了解语段大意,提取关键信息,判断正误并回答问题,再次聆听文本后来进行填空训练。在post-task中,通过思维导图进行复述,四人小组讨论自己喜欢城市生活还是乡村生活,并阐明理由。
第三课时Differences between you and me,复习前两个课时中Joe和George以及城乡之间的差异,让学生了解七大洲同龄人之间的差异,进而过渡到认识和了解自己和身边人的不同,求同存异,接纳多元的世界。
第四课时Differences make our life wonderful,将会在前三课时的基础上,从生活环境、人文环境过渡到寻找自然环境中不同物种之间的差异,教会学生用开阔的眼界看到世界,对身边的人、事物、环境都要有较强的包容性。
I. 短文填空 (单词和短语)
Last year, Sally (1)______ 12 years old. She (2)________ to the primary school. She was47 (3)________. But now, she (4)________ a junior high school student. She is (5)________ than Alice. She is 158 (6)_________ tall. She is good at (7)_________ . She is a good student.
( )1. A. were B. is C. are D. was
( )2. A.go B. goes C. going D. went
( )3. A. kilograms B. kilogram C. centimetres D. centimetre
( )4. A.is B. are C. was D. were
( )5. A. tall B. taller C. short D. long
( )6. A. kilograms B. centimetres C. kilogram D. centimetre
( )7. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swam
II. 语音判断(或语音选择)
( )1.A.we B. me C. red D. she
( )2.A.baby B. favourite C. tail D. apple
( )3.A.fish B. hike C. pilot D. tiger
( )4.A.night B. eight C. right D. flight
( )5.A.happy B. early C. sky D. easy
A (文章出自深圳市小学英语第一课堂)
Hello. My name is Millie. I'm thirteen years old. I'm 180 cm tall and my weight is 50 kg. l like playing football. I am a football fan. I usually play football and basketball on Sunday. I'm fit and strong. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice at home. sometimes have rice with fish and an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. In the afternoon I sometimes have a glass of milk or a cup of green tea and some biscuits. For dinner, I often have soup, meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. They are good for me. Look at me! How tall and strong I am now!
( ) 1.- How old is Millie -She is______.
A. 12 years old B. 13 years old C.14 years old
( )2. Millie likes football and very much.
A. Volleyball B. basketball C. tennis
( )3.Millie is a fan.
A. football B. basketball C. tennis
( )4. Millie likes apples because they y're
A. healthy B. delicious C. sweet
( ) 5. Millie is tall, strong and healthy Because she
A. eats healthy food B. exercises often C.A and B
判断句子正误。正确的写T ,错误的写 F。
(1) Sue is taller than Ann. ( )
(2) Ann lives in the city and Sue lives in the city, too. ( )
(3) There are some shops, rivers and trees around Ann’s home. ( )
(4) Sue likes riding and running. ( )
(5) Ann usually reads books at weekends. ( )
你心中最喜欢的生活方式是什么 读一读,判断句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写 F。
What are the differences between city life and country life When we talk about city life,we will surely think of tall buildings, busy streets, flourishing(繁荣的)businesses and a lot of advanced(先进的)equipment(设备). What about country life Our first feeling is peace and quiet. People in the countryside have less noise and pollution(污染) than those who live in the city.It is pleasant to live with green mountains, blue sky, red sunsets and golden crops(庄稼) . Wow! What a lovely picture!
Which is better, city life or country life The answer is not certain. In the old days there was a clear difference between city life and country life. But now the countryside looks like modern cities, while some cities are almost as beautiful as the countryside.
( )1. City life is quite different from country life now.
( )2. There isn’t a lot of advanced equipment in the city
( )3. The air in the city is as fresher as the air in the countryside
( )4. People are happy to live in the peaceful and quiet countryside.
( )5. You cannot see green mountains, golden crops and flourishing businesses in the countryside.
读一读,判断句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写 F。(文章出自深圳市小学英语mini课堂)
It was a fine day yesterday. Bob went to a park. Suddenly, he fell into a lake. But he couldn't swim. He shouted for help. A man jumped into the lake and saved him. His wife was very happy and wanted to thank that man. She said: “ We should give him some money. How about two hundred yuan ” “I was half dead(死的) when he pulled me out of the lake. So, give him one hundred yuan. I think that is enough." said Bob.
( )1.It was a sunny day yesterday.
( ) 2. Bob is good at swimming.
( ) 3.Bob fell into a river.
( )4.A man saved Bob
( )5.Bob's wife wanted to give the man three hundred yuan.
本单元我们学习了如何向别人介绍自己,请根据思维导图和 Think and say的提示,以“About me”为题,从姓名、年龄、身高、体重、兴趣爱好以及梦想的工作等方面写一篇自我介绍。要求:不少于 60 词,书写规范,没有语法错误。
参考词汇:kilograms, centimeters, doctor, scientist, nurse, pilot…
建议使用句型: I weigh ... kilograms. I'm ... centimeters tall.
I like ... In the future, I want to be ...
At the weekend, I usually / often / sometimes ...
Think and say:
Think and write:
1. 所选取的阅读材料必须与单元主题相关,体裁务必多样,其中1篇为应用文体;
2. 所选取的文段要有意义、有趣味,语言材料尽可能原滋原味;
3. 在为学生提供阅读体验的同时注重阅读习惯的培养和阅读方法技巧的指导。
1. 老师给孩子们推荐与主题相关的阅读材料或者影视剧作品等;
2. 孩子可以根据自己的选择在课外阅读或观赏,不做硬性要求。