人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit4 Sharing语法课件(共35张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit4 Sharing语法课件(共35张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 19.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-08 19:36:35



Learning About Language
Discovering Useful Structures
Learning Objectives
By the end of the class, you will be able to:
perceive the form and meaning of the phrases in the context, and summarize the usage and function of the phrases through exploration;
2. through multi-level practice, skillfully use phrases for oral and written expression.
Discovering the rules
part 1
Chapter 1 of sharing --- Look and Answer
What happened in the picture
An earthquake happened in Turkey and Syria. It was a disaster.
A devastating [ dev ste t ] (毁灭性的) magnitude 7.8 earthquake hitting/striking (袭击) Turkey and Syria claimed (夺去) more than 15,000 lives , inflicting tremendous damage
Chapter 1 of sharing --- Look and Answer
What happened in the picture
The earthquake made many people homeless.
The deadly earthquake which shook Turkey at dawn left some people displaced, forcing them to flee from their homes and seeking shelter in makeshift (临时的) camps and temporary shelters.
Chapter 1 of sharing --- Look and Answer
What happened in the picture
Rescue teams tried their best to search people.
In the rubble(碎石) of collapsed buildings, rescue workers and medical teams searched for both survivors and those killed. With thousands of collapsed buildings, it is not clear how many people might still be trapped under the rubble.
Chapter 1 of sharing --- Look and Answer
What happened in the picture
The situation was urgent and tough, but rescuers didn’t give up.
The situation was extremely urgent! But rescusers did not give up halfway until every possible life was saved.
Chapter 1 of sharing --- Observe and Discover
What can make the description more detailed and specific
a devastating earthquake; the deadly earthquake; collapsed buildings; rescue workers and medical teams; every possible life claimed more than 15,000 lives; inflict tremendous damage; shook Turkey; left some people displaced; seek shelter; give up halfway it is not clear; be trapped under the rubble; extremely urgent; under the rubble; at dawn;
in makeshift camps and temporary shelters;
with thousands of collapsed buildings
(限定词) + (数词、形容词、形容词短语、描述性名词) + 名词 + (介词短语) 动词+(介词)+名词/(副词) +(介词); 动词+名词+介词; 动词+介词+名词; (副词) + 形容词 + (介词短语) (副词) + 副词 介词+名词
Noun phrase (NP) Verb phrase (VP) Adjective phrase (AdjP) Adverbial phrase (AdvP) Prepositional phrase
名词短语 动词短语 形容词短语 副词短语 介词短语
Studying the rules
part 2
Identify the phrases and analyze their functions
My secondary school① is a bush school②.
subject 主语
predicate 谓语
object 宾语
predicative 表语
attribute 定语
adverbial 状语
appositive 同位语
①NP (subject)
②NP (predicative)
Chapter 2 of Sharing --- Identify and Analyse
1. I’ve been dying① to have some of my favourite sweets②, and it’s always nice③ to get mail④!
2. The mixture① was bubbling out② the test tube③ spilling almost everywhere④!
Activity 1
Identify the phrases and analyze their functions
①VP (predicate) , ②NP (object) ,
③AdjP (predicative), ④VP (real subject)
①NP (subject) , ②VP (predicate) ,
③NP (object), ④AdvP (adverbial)
3. Tombe’s father①, Mukap, a man② with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead③, led us④ to his house⑤.
4. He then placed the hot stones① in an empty oil drum② with kau kau (sweet potato), ripe corn, and greens③.
Identify the Phrases and Analyse Their Functions
①VP (predicate), ②PrepP (adverbial), ③PrepP (adverbial)
①NP (subject) , ②NP (appositive), ③PrepP (attributive) ,
④VP (predicate) , ⑤PrepP (adverbial)
5. Later, I noticed a can① standing upside down② on the grill③ over the fire④.
6. My muscles① were aching② and my knees③ shaking as we dragged ourselves④ down the mountain⑤ towards home⑥.
Identify the Phrases and Analyse Their Functions
①NP (object), ② AdvP (adverbial),
③PrepP (adverbial) , ④PrepP (adverbial)
①NP (subject),② VP(predicate), ③ NP (subject), ④ VP (predicate), ⑤PrepP (adverbial) , ⑥ PrepP (adverbial)
Five types of phrases
Phrases Functions Formations Sample phrases
NP (限定词)+(形容词、形容词短语、描述性名词)+ 名词 +(介词短语) my favourite sweets; The mixture; the test tube; Tombe’s father; the hot stones; a can; My muscles
VP 动词+副词 动词+介词 动词+副词+介词 动词+名词+介词 动词+名词 have been dying; get mail; was bubbling out; led us; placed the hot stones; were aching; dragged ourselves
AdvP (副词)+ 副词 almost everywhere; upside down
AdjP (副词)+ 形容词 +(介词短语) it’s always nice
PrepP 介词 + 宾语(名词、宾格代词、动词的-ing形式) to his house; with kau kau (sweet potato); on the grill; over the fire; towards home
Chapter 2 of Sharing --- Discover and Summarize
Chapter 2 of Sharing --- Discover and Summarize
Proper phrases make the language informative diverse vivid
Applying the rules
part 3
Chapter 3 of Sharing --- Brainstorm and Exchange
Have you heard of
the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 3 of Sharing --- Watch and Think
Background information about the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 3 of Sharing --- Brainstorm and Exchange
1. What is it
2. What is the aim of the Belt and Road
①To improve transport infrastructure (基础设施) along the routes, a network of highways, railways, ports, facilities for energy, healthcare and education;
②To provide assistance in areas;
③To allow isolated areas to develop together;
④To facilitate investment, trade and cultural exchange.
It is a development strategy adopted by the Chinese government and was unveiled (首次提出) by President Xi Jinping in 2013.
Complete the passage with the phrases in their proper forms.
Chapter 3 of Sharing --- Fill in the blanks
China has offered _________________________ to many countries in its Belt and Road Initiative. In the Congo, many __________ have been transformed into____________________ since then. Trains run ____________ Europe from China, and to China from Europe, bringing new jobs and opportunities to both ends. Chinese healthcare workers have also been sent to provide aid to places ____________________. Despite all the difficulties involved in this project, these efforts have been greeted with __________ support from the locals.
a large amount of investment
dusty tracks
beautiful modern roads
straight towards
with dangerous diseases
a chorus of
beautiful modern road / a chorus of / dusty track / straight towards a large amount of investment / with dangerous disease
Compare these two versions and find which one is better why
Chapter 3 of Sharing --- Compare and Discover
China has offered a large amount of investment /money to many countries in its Belt and Road Initiative. In the Congo, many dusty tracks /paths have been transformed into beautiful modern roads /roads since then. Trains run straight towards /to Europe from China, and to China from Europe, bringing new jobs and opportunities to both ends. Chinese healthcare workers have also been sent to provide aid to places with dangerous diseases/dangerous places. Despite all the difficulties involved in this project, these efforts have been greeted with a chorus of /much support from the locals.
1. Add more and specific details
2. Enrich the language
3. Make the description vivid
Guinea is located on Africa’s west coast. French is its official language.
It is a very poor country which needs help from other countries.
1. How much do you know about Guinea
Chapter 4 of Sharing
The Republic of Guinea
2. What do you think of the genre of the following text
Chapter 4 of Sharing --- Read and Identify
Genre of the text:
3.What is the purpose of this advertisement
4.What are the key points in the advertisement
To recruit volunteers to provide health care information.
The volunteers should be responsible for organising lectures, preparing posters, and visiting schools and families;
They need to be over 18 and be able to communicate in English;
They should be friendly and outgoing.
Chapter 4 of Sharing
5. Is anything missing or unclear Discuss and make it more attractive in groups by adding proper phrases.
Chapter 4 of Sharing --- Discover and Polish
You can try by adding phrases to:
describe the situation in Guinea in detail.
stress the importance of volunteers.
make activities be described more specific.
arouse the emotion of the intended readers to take urgent action.
the language is more vivid and diverse
Chapter 4 of Sharing --- Discover and Polish
In order to ease suffering in Guinea from a lack of doctors and good healthcare advice, volunteers with a heart to help others are needed to provide healthcare information to people in rural villages. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for organizing lectures, preparing posters, and visiting schools and families throughout the southern part of the nation. There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories for the rest of your life. The program will last for one year or more, depending on your performance.
You need to be over 18 and able to communicate well both in spoken and written English (or in French). You don't need to have overseas experience, but you should be friendly and outgoing with a wonderful smile.
Evaluation (Round Robin轮转法)
Chapter 4 of Sharing --- Share and Comment
1. Share the ideas of your group with other groups and comment by filling in the following chart, focusing on the usage and functions of different phrases and effects.
2. After collecting comments from other groups, polish your advertisement again.
Evaluation (Round Robin 轮转法)
Chapter 4 of Sharing --- Share and Comment
Name Comment
Situation in Guinea Importance of volunteers Emotion initiator
Group 1 The phrase______ impresses me most because... The phrase________ impresses me most because...
The phrase______ impresses me most because... The phrase ________ impresses me most because...
The phrase______ impresses me most because... The phrase_______ impresses me most because...
Evaluation (Round Robin 轮转法) (Sample)
Chapter 4 of Sharing --- Share and Comment
Name Comment
Situation in Guinea Importance of volunteers
The phrase a lack of doctors and good healthcare advice impresses me most because it presents the extreme urgency of the situation. The phrase for the rest of your life
impresses me most because it represents what a big difference it will make
The phrase______ impresses me most because... The phrase ________
impresses me most because...
The phrase______ impresses me most because... The phrase_______
impresses me most because...
part 4
Mind map
subject --- The mixture was bubbling out the test tube.
object --- The mixture was bubbling out the test tube.
predicative --- The earthquake was a devastating disaster.
predicate --- My muscles were aching.
adverbial ---Trapped under the rubble, many people lost their lives.
predicative --- It’s always nice to get mail!
attributive --- It was an earthquake devastating to people in Turkey.
adverbial --- The mixture was bubbling out spilling everywhere.
adverbial --- These activities will leave you with unforgettable memories for the rest of your life.
attributive --- The earthquake in Turkey was devastating.
predicative --- Thousands of victims were under rubble losing hope.
Mind map
part 5
Write an application letter to the editor to be a volunteer to provide health care information in Guinea , using as many phrases as possible to make your application sincere, persuasive and competitive.
One Model Essay of the Application Letter
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my interest in volunteering to provide health care information. As a healthcare professional, I am passionate about helping people stay healthy and informed about their health.
I firmly believe that access to accurate and reliable health information is essential for good health. By volunteering to provide health care information, I hope to contribute to the well-being of the community by sharing my knowledge and expertise. I am confident that my experience and training as a healthcare professional make me well suited to this role. I have a degree in nursing and have worked in a variety of healthcare settings. I am also familiar with the latest research and best practices in health care.
I would be honored to contribute to your publication as a volunteer health care information provider. Thank you for considering my application. Looking forward to the opportunity to work with your team and serve the community.
[Your Name]