人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues暑假作业(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues暑假作业(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 44.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-08 20:47:44



(3)Unit 2 Morals and Virtues——2022-2023学年高一英语人教版(2019)暑假作业
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Here are opportunities for international student volunteers. You can apply your academic training to overall development programs in service. Group service options are explained here.
Elder Assistance Assist at the elder care center with activities such as playing cards and swapping stories. And you can join the elders on day-trips to the local museums, parks and grocery stores. Or, help prepare, serve and deliver meals at the assisted living center on the reservation. Blackfeet Reservation Montana September 15—September 21
Early Childhood Education Inspire children 1 to 5 years old through doing arts and crafts, reading storybooks, playing with toys, teaching hand washing with soap and water, and more. As a volunteer in the Cook Islands, you make contributions to the future through the youngest of citizens. Rarotonga Cook Islands August 17—August 24
Health Care Health care volunteers are needed at the clinic, serving all of the 1,300 children of the community. To help specialists, volunteers can be engaged to help sort medicines, make cotton balls and take children's temperature, etc. Health Care volunteers do not need any special permit or license. Lima September 3—September 24
Teach English Started in 1996, the program is to teach English in China and build a bridge of friendship and respect. Here you teach English lessons to secondary or university students with all levels of language abilities. After school, you can join your students in a number of cultural activities to extend the day's English lessons. Xi'an August 22—August 28
1.Which program will you choose if you are good at crafts
A. Elder Assistance. B. Early Childhood Education.
C. Health Care. D. Teach English
2.What can a volunteer do in Health Care
A. Assist doctors in sorting out medicines.
B. Read stories to children aged one to five.
C. Participate in students' cultural activities.
D. Accompany the elders to the grocery store.
3.When can you volunteer at the elder care center
A. On September 3. B. On September 20.
C. On August 24. D. On August 28.
Manfred Steiner had a successful and productive career as a doctor, helping generations of medical students learn about hematology(血液学). But all along, he had a strong feeling that he should be doing something else: studying physics. At age 89, he has finally realized that dream, earning his PhD in physics from Brown University.
"I am really on top of the world. It's my third doctoral degree, but this is the one I really cherish a lot. made it—and made it at this age," said Steiner in an interview with NPR. "I always had this dream: Someday I'd like to become a physicist."
Steiner grew up in Vienna. When he was just a teenager, he was fascinated with physics. However, persuaded by his parents, he decided to pursue a medical career instead. But during his studies in Vienna, physics still tugged at him. "When I was a medical student, I used to go to the institute of physics, which was very close to the medical school," he said, "and listen to some lectures about physics there."
When Steiner moved permanently to the US from Vienna, he focused on medicine and hematology, training at Tufts University and MIT. He then became a professor at Brown and led the hematology section in the university's medical school.
It was only after Steiner retired from his career in medicine in 2000 that he was finally able to scratch the physics itch(痒). He started taking classes at MIT. "I had to do a lot of physics classes at MIT before being allowed to start graduate studies," he said.
Steiner worked slowly—he's a grandfather who likes to spend time with his family, and health problems have been a concern—but the credits kept piling up. And before long, Steiner was eyeing yet another PhD.
"You know, it took a long time," he said. "There were very serious health problems in between. But fortunately, I' m here now and I've overcome these problems."
1.What did Manfred Steiner share with NPR in paragraph 2
A. His desire to earn more degrees.
B. His deep love for medical careers.
C. His delight in realizing his dream.
D. His great efforts to study physics.
2.What does the underlined phrase "tugged at" in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Changed. B. Refused. C. Bothered. D. Attracted.
3.Which is a barrier to Manfred Steiner's physics study at MIT
A. His heavy medical workload. B. His poor physical health.
C. His family's disapproval. D. His devotion to medicine.
4.What lesson can we learn from Manfred Steiner's story
A. Don't give up your dream.
B. Be flexible about your choices.
C. Be modest enough to keep studying.
D. Don't be proud of your achievements.
Have you felt annoyed when a cellphone rings during the class Something must be done to stop this. Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out in schools. Students can't even bring cellphones to school. Is it a good thing or not
Anxious parents say that cellphones are an important tool in holding New York City's families together.
"I worry about it," said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid. "It's necessary in our everyday life. We have a washing machine. We have running water, and we have cellphones."
Many American parents think they can contact their children on buses, getting out from subways, or walking through unknown places.
"I have her call me when she gets out of school," said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirl's mother. " No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cellphone."
What about the cellphone owners, the students Most of the students say cellphones are essential and that they are like extra (额外的) hands or feet for them.
"I feel so empty," said May Chom, 14. "There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip."
1.What can we learn from the passage
A. Many American parents don't think cellphones are necessary for the students.
B. Cellphones only bring troubles to the school life.
C. Cellphones connect children with their families when they are outside.
D. Cellphones can help students learn better.
2.What does the underlined word "essential" mean
A. Popular. B. Necessary. C. Smart. D. Expensive.
3.What may students do by using a cellphone according to the passage
A. To enjoy listening to music.
B. To make phone calls to their teachers.
C. To listen to some uptodate news.
D. To guide themselves to school.
4.What does this passage mainly talk about
A. The problems caused by using cellphones.
B. Parents' concern over students' study.
C. The debate about forbidding students to use phones in school.
D. The importance of using phones in school for children.
Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don't give friendship back. That is why some friendships don't last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous (宽宏大量的); be understanding.
Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you don't tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven't been honest, you may lose your friend's trust. Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly. Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don't have to give your lunch money or your clothes, or enjoy, like our hobbies and your interests. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them you help your friend know you better.
Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve . Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend's place so you can understand the problem better.
No two friendships are ever exactly alike(相同). But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friendships, you must practice honesty. Generosity and understanding.
1.Some friendships don't last very long because .
A. there are too many people who want to make friends
B. they don't know friendship is something serious
C. those who give others friendships receive friendships from others
D. those who never give others friendships receive no friendship from others
2.According to the passage, honesty is _______.
A. as important as money B. more important than anything else
C. something countable D. the base of a friendship
3.Which of the following is NOT true in the passage
A. A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.
B. Always tell your friend the truth.
C. Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem.
D. Sharing your mind with your friend is of great value.
4.The best title of this passage is _______.
A. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed B. Honesty Is the Best Habit
C. How to Be a Friend D. Three Important Points in Life
Passing the Torch: A Firefighter Dad's Legacy(传承)
When Dekalb Walcott Ⅲ was just 8 years old, his father, a Chicago fire chief, let him tag along on a call. Dekalb says a lot of kids looked up to the basketball player Michael Jordan when he was growing up in Chicago in the 1990s. Not him.
"I wanted to be like Dekalb Walcott Jr. ," he says of his father.①______"I'm jumping up and down, saying, 'Mum, can go Can I go '"
The experience changed Dekalb's life. He tells his dad on a visit to StoryCorps. "My eyes got big from the moment the alarm went off," the younger Dekalb says. "This is the life that I want to live someday."
②______He became a firefighter at 21 and went to work alongside his dad at the Chicago Fire Department. Before his father retired, the pair even went out on a call together—father supervising(监督)son.
"You know, it's everything for me to watch you grow," his father says. But he also recalls worrying about one particular fire that his son faced.
"I received a phone call that night. And they said, 'Well, your son was at this fire.' I said, 'OK, which way is this conversation going to go '" Dekalb Walcott Jr. recalls.
"They said, 'But he's OK.③______Everybody here was proud of him.' And the word went around, 'Who was out there managing that fire Oh, that's Walcott! That's Walcott up there!'④______"
Dekalb Walcott Jr. retired in 2009.⑤______"You know, it makes me look forward to fatherhood as well, because I'm definitely looking forward to passing that torch down to my son."
A. The younger Dekalb says he's proud of being a second-generation firefighter.
B. He looked forward to living such a worthy life.
C. So when his dad asked if he wanted to go on that call with him when he was 8, Dekalb was excited.
D. And he put it out all by himself.
E. Now 27, the younger Dekalb is living that life.
F. So, you know, moments like that, it's heaven on Earth for a dad.
G. Dekalb WalcottⅢis proud that his son has become an excellent firefighter.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
I was walking home from school one day and it happened to be a particularly 1 and windy day. It was cold and I was crazy enough to forget my hat and scarf. You can imagine my cheeks were rosy red and my hands were as numb(麻木的) as they could be.
All of a sudden, an old lady 2 up beside me and asked if I would like a ride home. At first, I said it was OK and her 3 smile melted (融化)away the thought that I should never talk to 4 ! We had an amazing chat and she was just such a good woman. She told me her 5 and she dropped me off.
I didn't see her or talk to her for about a month and one night as I 6 her kind gesture (姿势) I decided to return the favor. So, I made a lot of 7 and walked down to her house with my friend. At first I was a bit 8 that she wouldn't remember me or think that I was a bad man who poisoned cookies but luckily, I was 9 wrong. She was so happy, and she hugged me and kissed me and seemed so 10 that someone would do something like that!
When I got home my mom told me that she 11 and told my mom on the phone that she 12 because she was so touched. She said she would never 13 the kindness that was given to her! That filled me with such 14 ! There really is nothing else joyful like 15 others and making someone's day brighter!
Let us never forget the joy we get by giving others a hand!
1.A.precious B.freezing C.energetic D.flexible
2.A.drove B.turned C.picked D.took
3.A.simple B.passive C.warm D.strange
4.A.strangers B.drivers C.women D.neighbors
5.A.number B.address C.family D.car
6.A.regretted B.forgot C.repeated D.remembered
7.A.cookies B.salad C.bread D.sweets
8.A.nervous B.worried C.confused D.disappointed
9.A.generally B.hardly C.completely D.usually
10.A.surprised B.puzzled C.satisfied D.fearful
11.A.visited B.called C.drove D.came
12.A.laughed B.slept C.despaired D.cried
13.A.permit B.replace C.forget D.imagine
14.A.happiness B.interest C.puzzle D.tension
15.A.rejecting B.assisting C.defeating D.blaming
A man had a little daughter—an only and lovely child. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became ill,he tried every means desperately to bring her back to ①________(healthy).
His best efforts,however,failed and the child died. The father became terribly sad,②_______ (shut) himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream.
He was in heaven,witnessing ③_______ group of little child angels. They ④________ (march) in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every angelic child in white robes carried a candle ⑤________he noticed that one child's candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the unlit candle was his own little girl. Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her ⑥_______(tender),and then asked,"How is it, darling,that your candle alone is not lighted " "Daddy,they often light ⑦________again and again,but your tears always put it out."
Just then he ⑧______(awake) from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear,and its effects were immediate. From that moment on he didn't hide himself,but communicated ⑨_______ (cheer) with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling's candle be extinguished by his useless ⑩_______(tear).
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 人物基本情况介绍;
2. 人物成就及影响;
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
When school was over, the day was fading and it started to drizzle(下毛毛雨). I stood at the school gate, with a loaded backpack on my shoulders. It was Friday again: a weekend of joy with unlimited sleeping hours and dinner courses specially made to my taste, a weekend at home. I waved goodbye to my friends as they jumped into their fathers' warm and comfortable cars. Curiously, this gave rise to a disturbing feeling in me. It was not exactly what they called jealousy, but something like dismay(沮丧). I knew all I could expect was an old bike Mom would ride along on, with the badly-oiled chain creaking(嘎吱作响) against the wheel to announce her arrival.
Every 'Friday when Mom came to pick me up for the weekend, it was a moment full of great expectation and great unease. I always felt my face burning as we rode our way in and out of the numerous cars and saw my friends' faces sticking out of the car windows. It was like stepping into a ballroom with beautifully dressed ladies and finding yourself in a smelly T-shirt.
To tell you the truth, Mom is quite a headache once in a while. She just looks a homely middle-aged housewife. Being a practitioner of DIY, she knits most of my sweaters, chiefly in old styles. Whenever caught by some curious classmates asking what brand my sweaters are, I'd force a smile and reply in a half joking manner: homemade.
I couldn't remember when I started to find her such an embarrassment. As a little boy, I relied on her so much. She had been working at home, cooking in the kitchen, knitting by the lamp or riding across town to buy me a book I badly needed. It had always been much fun riding with Mom. But just now there seemed to be something standing between us, something that made her so strange to me and me to her.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Today, she showed up in a raincoat, and again, obviously homemade. _______________
She picked up the raincoat from the ground and held me tight as a storm set in._______
第一部分 阅读理解
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的inspire children 1 to 5 years old through doing arts and crafts, reading storybooks, playing with toys, teaching hand washing with soap and water, and more.可知Early Childhood Education(儿童早期教育)这个项目的内容是鼓励1至5岁的儿童做工艺品,阅读故事书,玩玩具,教他们用肥皂和水洗手,等等。所以如果擅长做手工艺品的话会选择这个。故选B。
解析:细节理解题 。根据第四段中的To help specialists, volunteers can be engaged to help sort medicines, make cotton balls and take children's temperature, etc.在Health Care这个项目中,志愿者可以帮助专家们也就是医生帮助整理药品、制作棉球、测量儿童体温等。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的September 15—September 21可知协助老人活动中心的这个项目时间在九月15号到九月21号,故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段"At age 89, he has finally realized that dream, earning his PhD in physics from Brown University.( 89岁高龄的他终于实现了这个梦想,在布朗大学(Brown University)获得了物理学博士学位)"及第二段"'I am really on top of the world. It' s my third doctoral degree, but this is the one I really cherish a lot.'(我真的站在世界之巅。这是我的第三个博士学位,但这是我非常珍惜的一个。)" 可推断,Manfred Steiner主要分享了他实现梦想的喜悦之情。故选C。
解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词前"When he was just a teenager, he was fascinated with physics.(在他十几岁的时候,他就迷上了物理。)"及画线词后的内容""When I was a medical student, I used to go to the institute of physics, which was very close to the medical school," he said, "and listen to some lectures about physics there."("当我还是医科学生的时候,我经常去物理研究所,那里离医学院很近,"他说,"在那里听一些物理讲座。")"可推断,画线词的意思与Attracted的意思最为接近,意为"吸引"。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第六段"Steiner worked slowly—he' s a grandfather who likes to spend time with his family, and health problems have been a concern...( 斯坦纳工作缓慢——他是一位喜欢与家人共度时光的祖父,健康问题一直是一个问题……)"及最后一段"'There were very serious health problems in between.'(中间有非常严重的健康问题。)"可知,他在MIT学习物理的一个阻碍是身体状况不好。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,Manfred Steiner一直有着成为物理学家的梦想,虽然他刚开始未能从事相关的职业,但是他一直心怀梦想。在他89岁的时候,他通过学习获得了物理学博士学位。由此可推断,我们应该向Manfred Steiner学习—不应该放弃自己的梦想。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段句子Anxious parents say that cellphones are an important tool in holding New York City's families together.焦虑的父母说,手机是维系纽约市家庭和孩子重要工具。可知当孩子们在户外时,手机将他们与家人联系起来。故选C。
解析:猜测词义题。根据后文句子that they are like extra(额外的)hands or feet for them.对于孩子们来说手机就是他们的额外的手和脚,可见他们认为手机彩于他们是很有必要的。A.Popular受欢迎的;B.Necessary必要的;C.Smart聪明的;D.Expensive昂贵的。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段句子"I feel so empty," said May Chom, 14. "There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip."我觉得很空虚,"14岁的May Chom说在上学的路上没有手机也听不到音乐。这将是一次非常非常无聊的旅行。"可见学生们用手机听音乐。所以选A。
解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段句子Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out in schools. Students can't even bring cellphones to school. Is it a good thing or not 现在在美国纽约市,学校里执行一项规定。学生们甚至不能把手机带到学校。是好事还是坏事。引出本文,可知本文是关于禁止学生在学校使用电话的辩论。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。答案定位在第一段Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don't give friendship back. That is why some friendships don't last very long.可知一些友谊不会持续很久是因为不付出友谊的人也不会收获别人的友谊。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。答案定位在第二段Honesty is where a good friendship starts.可知诚实是友谊的基础。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。答案定位在第二段You don't have to give your lunch money or your clothes, or enjoy, like our hobbies and your interests.可知把他的午饭钱给你的人,未必是真正的朋友。故选A。
解析:主旨大意题。答案定位在第一段Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous (宽宏大量的);be understanding.这是文章的主题句,结合全文内容,可知这篇文章主要讲了如何成为一个朋友,成为一位好朋友所需要遵守的三个黄金守则:诚实、宽宏大量和理解。故选C。
答案:①-⑤ CEDFA
解析:本文是一篇故事类短文。文章讲述了一家两代对消防工作的热爱。Dekalb Walcott Ⅲ 8岁的时候他父亲就带他去消防现场,当时他激动不已,希望自己以后也成为一名消防员。现在27岁的他已经成了一名优秀的消防员。
①根据下文的信息"I'm jumping up and down, saying, 'Mum, can I go Can I go '"表明听到这个消息时,Dekalb很激动,承接下文,C项So when his dad asked if he wanted to go on that call with him when he was 8, Dekalb was excited.(所以当他爸爸问他是否想在他8岁的时候和他一起打那个电话时,Dekalb很兴奋。)切题。故选C。
②根据上一段的信息"This is the life that I want to live someday."和下文的信息"He became a firefighter at 21..."可以推断,Dekalb终于实现了自己的愿望,承接上文,E项Now 27, the younger Dekalb is living that life.(现在27岁的小迪卡尔布就过着这样的生活。)切题。故选E。
③根据下文的信息"Everybody here was proud of him."可知,这里的每个人都为他感到骄傲。选项承接下文,D项And he put it out all by himself.(他自己把火灭了。)切题。故选D。
④根据上文信息"每个人都在夸赞Walcott",听到那些人很为自己的儿子独自把火扑灭了而感到自豪,作为老爸肯定也非常开心,由此可知,F项So, you know, moments like that, it's heaven on Earth for a dad.(所以,你知道,像那样的时刻,对一个父亲来说是人间天堂。)切题。该项能够表达爸爸的心情故选F。
⑤根据下文的信息"作者也盼望成为父亲,这样就可以把火炬传递给自己的儿子"承接下文,A项The younger Dekalb says he's proud of being a second-generation firefighter.(年轻的Dekalb说他为自己是第二代消防员而自豪。)切题。表示他自己已经从父亲那儿接过了火炬。故选A。
第二部分 语言知识运用
答案:1-5 BACAB; 6-10 DABCA; 11-15 BDCAB
解析:1.根据下文可知这是极冷的、刮着风的一天。 precious珍贵的; freezing极冷的; energetic精力充沛的; flexible灵活的。故选B。
2.根据本空后的 asked if I would like a ride home可知一位老妇人开车赶到我身旁,问我是否需要搭车。 drive驾驶;turn转动;pick挑选;take拿。故选A。
3.根据本空后的 smile melted融化 away the thought可知这位老妇人温暖的笑容使我原有的想法慢慢消失。 simple简单的; passive被动的;warm温暖的; strange奇怪的。故选C。
4.根据上文内容可知,我与这位老妇人素不相识,此处是说她温暖的笑容使我不与陌生人说话的想法慢慢消失。stranger陌生人; driver司机; woman女人; neighbour邻居。故选A。
5.根据下文 walked down to her house with my friend可知这位老妇人告诉了我她的地址。 number电话; address地址; family家庭;car汽车。故选B。
6.根据本空后的内容可知一个月后的一个晚上我想起了这位老妇人的善行,我决定为她做一点事情。 regret后悔; forget忘记; repeat重复;remember想起。故选D。
7.根据下文 think that I was a bad man who poisoned cookies可知,我为她做了很多饼干。 cookie饼干; salad沙拉; bread面包; sweet糖果。故选A。
8.根据本空后的 she wouldn' t remember me or think that I was a bad man who poisoned cookies可知我担心她不记得我或把我当成坏人。 nervous紧张的; worried担心的; confused困惑的; disappointed失望的。故选B。
9.根据本空后的 She was so happy, and she hugged me and kissed me可知事实证明我的想法完全错误,她看到我很高兴并热情地拥抱、亲吻了我。 generally一般地; hardly几乎不; completely 完全地; usually通常。故选C。
10.根据本空后的 that someone would do something like that可知我的做法让她感到很惊讶。 surprised吃惊的; puzzled困惑的; satisfied满意的; fearful可怕的。故选A。
11.根据本空后的 told my mom on the phone可知这位老妇人打电话给我妈妈。 visit拜访;call打电话;drive驾驶;come来。故选B。
12.根据本空后的 because she was so touched可知她感动得哭了。 laugh笑;sleep睡觉; despair绝望;cry哭。故选D。
13.根据文章语境可知,她说她永远也不会忘记我的好意。 permit允许; replace代替,取代;forget忘记; imagine想象。故选C。
14.根据本空后的 There really is nothing else joyful...可知,听到老妇人这样说,我的心里充满了幸福。 happiness幸福; interest兴趣;puzzle困惑; tension紧张。故选A。
15.根据整篇文章所述内容可知,此处是说没有什么事情比帮助他人更让人感到快乐的事情了。 reject拒绝;assist帮助; defeat打败; blame责备。故选B。
答案:health ;shutting;a ;were marching ;but ;tenderly;it ;awoke ;cheerfully ;tears
①考查名词。句意:所以当她生病时,他想尽一切办法使她恢复健康。bring sb. back to health为固定搭配,意为"恢复健康"。故填health。
②考查非谓语动词。句意:父亲变得非常伤心,他把自己与许多朋友隔绝,拒绝一切可能使他恢复正常的活动。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词became ,且前后句之间没有连词,所以空处需用非谓语动词作状语,动词shut与主句主语the father之间是主动关系,所以空处需用现在分词shutting作状语。故填shutting。
③考查不定冠词。a group of "一群……",固定短语。故填a。
④考查动词时态和主谓一致。结合全文的时态以及这里是小女孩的父亲"witness"的情景可知,此处应用过去进行时:was/were doing,主语是第三人称复数they,所以be需用were。故填were marching。
⑤考查连词。前文的"Every...carried a candle"和下文的"one child's candle was not lighted"形成对比,所以用表示转折关系的连词but。故填but。
第三部分 写作
A person I admire most
Tu youyou is a person who I admire most.
Tu youyou was admitted into Beijing University in 1951, majoring in making medicine. After graduation, she has been working in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1972, she succeeded in discovering and developing artemisinin out of Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria across the globe, for which she won many big awards. To our excitement and delight, she was awarded the Noble Prize in Medicine on October 5th, 2015, becoming the first Chinese woman to win the Nobel Prize.
Although she has gained such great achievements, Tu remains modest and prudent. We should learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.
Today, she showed up in a raincoat, and again, obviously homemade. I finally couldn't control myself and shouted at her with an edge of bitterness, "Why do you look so flustered I don't need you to take me home!" The whole world suddenly became quiet. Not a single sound could be heard except my heartbeat. Maybe she had never thought that I would have that feeling. She didn't interrupt the silence and just covered the raincoat on me. I tore it off wildly and threw it away.
She picked up the raincoat from the ground and held me tight as a storm set in. With a smile, she said, "Dear son, I'm trying my best to earn our living, and I'm sure that if we work harder, we will get whatever we want in the future." Hearing her words, I felt embarrassed. I thought of the time when she knitted in the deep night and cooked for me in the early morning. Yes, she had always been doing whatever she could to make me live well. But I was still unsatisfied. I knew that if I wanted to get what others had, I should spare no effort to study hard and get it by myself.