人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money语法练习(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money语法练习(原卷版+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-15 17:09:24


高一新人教版必修第三册Unit 5语法练习(解析版)
1.— What are you going to do next week
— I am not sure. I ________ work in an old people’s home.
A.must B.may C.should D.can
句意:—— 你下周打算做什么?—— 我不确定。我可能在养老院工作。
考查情态动词。must必须;may可能;should应该;can可能。根据“I am not sure.”可知,“在养老院工作”的这种可能性相对来说较小,结合选项,may符合句意。故选B。
2.Don’t go out if you have the flu. You ________ stay at home.
A.should B.may C.will
考查情态动词。should应该;may可能;will将要。根据“Don’t go out if you have the flu.”可知,此处表示得了流感应该待在家里,表示建议,用情态动词should。故选A。
3.—Should Jim ________ his umbrella with him
—Of course, look at the black clouds, it will rain.
A.to take B.take C.taking
4.—________ Tom read poems well when he was a child
—I’m afraid not. But he really does it well now.
A.Can B.May C.Could D.Will
5.— It’s dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.
— You’re right. We ________ be too careful while crossing the street.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.can D.must
句意:——不加小心地穿过马路是危险的。 ——你说得对。我们过马路时再小心也不为过。
考查情态动词固定短语。can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;can能够;must必须。固定短语“can’t be too+形容词”意为“无论怎样都不为过”,结合句意,这里指再小心也不为过,故选A。
6.— The work ________ in two hours.
— No problem. Let’s do it now.
A.should have finished B.must be finished C.must finish
考查被动语态。should have finished应该已经完成;must be finished必须被完成;must finish必须完成。主语work与动词finish之间是被动关系,排除C选项。根据“ The work … in two hours”及“Let’s do it now”可知,必须要在两个小时内完成,故选B。
7.—Must I finish all my homework today, Mum
—No, you ________, my dear. You can finish some tomorrow if you like.
A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t
考查情态动词。needn’t不必;shouldn’t不应该;can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止。must引导的一般疑问句否定回答为needn’t或don’t have to,故选A。
8.You look quite tired. You’d better _______ a rest.
A.stop to have B.to stop to have C.stop having D.to stop having
考查情态动词后接动词原形以及非谓语动词。had better do sth“最好做某事”。stop doing sth停下正在做的事情;stop to do sth停下来去做某事。根据“You’d better … a rest”可知,是停下来去休息一下,用动词不定式作宾语,故选A。
9.—I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.
—You ________ never be too careful in the street.
A.should B.can C.may D.must
考查情态动词辨析。should 应该;can 可能;may 也许;must 必须。can never be too……“再……都不为过”。故选B。
10.—Some people don’t show their talents at the very beginning.
—I agree. Even Einstein ________ read until he was seven.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’t
考查情态动词辨析。根据答语中“until he was seven”可知,此处应用一般过去时。can’t意为“不能”,为一般现在时;mustn’t意为“不准,禁止”;needn’t意为“没必要”; couldn’t意为“不能”,为一般过去时。故选D。
11.— Must I clean my bedroom this afternoon, Mom
— No, you________. You can do it tomorrow, dear.
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.won’t
句意:—— 妈妈,今天下午我必须要打扫我的房间吗?—— 不,你不必。明天也可以打扫的,亲爱的。
12.I’m afraid I ________ go shopping with you. I have too much work to do.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not
考查情态动词。can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要;may not可能不;根据“I have too much work to do.”可知,此处说的是不能一起去购物了,故选A。
13.—May I watch TV now, Mom
—No. You ________ finish your online class first.
A.must B.may C.can
14.Richard ________ be at home because he phoned me from the office just now.
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t
考查动词辨析。needn’t不需要;mustn’t禁止;can’t不可能。根据“because he phoned me from the office just now”可知,此处表示否定推测,故选C。
15.—Don’t feed the animals any more, kids! It’s harmful to them.
—Sorry, sir. We ________.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.won’t D.needn’t
考查情态动词。can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;won’t不会;needn’t不必。根据“Don’t feed the animals any more, kids! It’s harmful to them.”可知,此处是我们不会去喂动物了。故选C。
16.—________ I go to see a film with Ann tonight, Mom
—Sure, that’s OK.
A.Will B.Need C.Could D.Should
考查情态动词。Will将会;Need需要;Could能,可以;Should应该。根据“Sure, that’s OK.”可知是请求允许,用Could来提出委婉的请求。故选C。
17.—Is the man over there Adam
—It ________ be him. He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation.
A.must B.can’t C.mustn’t D.can
考查情态动词。must必须,一定;can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止;can能。根据“He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation”可知,他已经去香港度假了,因此有把握推测那边的那个男人不可能是亚当,因此用情态动词can’t。故选B。
18.—Please be quiet. Our head teacher is coming.
—It ________ be our head teacher. He has gone to the library.
A.may B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
考查情态动词辨析。may可能;can’t不可能;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“He has gone to the library”可知,校长去图书馆了,所以不可能是他要来,否定推测用can’t,故选B。
19.—I failed the driving test again, Mum.
—Don’t worry. Just like the weather, life ________ be beautiful all the time.
A.can’t B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.wouldn’t
考查情态动词。can’t不可能;needn’t不需要;shouldn’t不应该;wouldn’t不会。根据“life… be beautiful all the time.”可知,生活不可能总是美好的,表否定推测。故选A。
20.They have many eggs in the fridge. You __________ buy any more.
A.don’t need B.needn’t to C.don’t need to D.need to not
考查need的用法。need作情态动词后接动词原形,否定式是needn’t,排除AB;need to not是错误搭配,排除D;need作实义动词时常用need to do sth.结构,在need前借助助动词do的适当形式与not构成否定。故选C。
21.—There is a box on the table. What’s in it
—I don’t know. It ________ be a gift from your aunt.
A.can B.might C.must D.should
考查情态动词辨析。can能够;might可能;must一定;should应该。根据“I don’t know”以及“It… be a gift from your aunt”可知,此处是推测可能是来自姑姑的礼物,故选B。
22.Now most young people like shopping online because they ________ spend a lot of time going from shop to shop.
A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t
考查情态动词词义辨析。needn't不需要;can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止;shouldn’t不应该。根据“Now most young people like shopping online”可知,年轻人喜欢网购,因此他们在网上购物,不必花费时间花费在来回逛商店上,故选A。
23.The news that Linda has gone to Paris ________ be true, for I just saw her five minutes ago.
A.must B.might C.can’t D.may not
考查情态动词。must必须;might可能;can’t不可能;may not可能不;根据“for I just saw her five minutes ago.”可知,此处指的是“不可能”,否定的推测用can’t,故选C。
24.— _________ I get up early next morning
— No, you _________. Tomorrow is Sunday.
A.Must, mustn’t B.Must, needn’t
C.May, can’t D.Should, shouldn’t
考查情态动词辨析。must必须;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;may可能;can’t不可能;should应该;shouldn’t不应该。根据“I get up early next morning”以及“Tomorrow is Sunday”可知,第一句询问必须要早起吗,故第一空应填must。must引导的一般疑问句否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to,故选B。
25.In order to keep the roads clear and safe, we________ obey the traffic rules.
A.can B.need C.must D.may
考查情态动词。can能够;need需要;must必须;may可能。根据“In order to keep the roads clear and safe”可知,为了保持道路畅通和安全,我们必须遵守交通规则。故选C。
26.You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest. It ________ kill plants, animals and even people.
A.must B.can C.might
考查情态动词。must必须,一定;can能够,一般不用于肯定句猜测;might可能。根据上文“You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest”可知,不允许在森林里玩火是因为它可能引起火灾,造成物和人的损失。故空格处应填意为“可能”的表推测的情态动词“might”,故选C。
27.People ________ use public transportation if they don’t wear masks(罩) or show the QR codes.
A.mustn’t B.wouldn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’t
考查情态动词。mustn’t“禁止”;wouldn’t“不会”;needn’t“不必”;couldn’t“不能够,不会”。根据常识和“if they don’t wear masks(罩) or show the QR codes”可知人们不戴口罩或不出示二维码禁止乘坐公共交通工具,故选A。
28.—Listen! I think it ________ be Mr. White singing in the office.
—No. It ________ be him. He left for London just now.
A.must; mustn’t B.may; mustn’t C.must; can’t
考查情态动词。must必须,一定是;mustn’t禁止;may可能;can’t不可能。根据“I think”可知推测在办公室唱歌的是怀特先生,must或may均可;再由“He left for London just now.”可知此处是语气强烈的否定推测,第二空用can’t。故选C。
29.I’ll be free tomorrow. I ________ go to the museum with you.
A.must B.should C.need D.can
考查情态动词。must必须;should应该;need需要;can能,可以。根据“I’ll be free tomorrow.”可知,明天有空,能去博物馆,用can表示能够。故选D。
30.When the class begins, all the students must ________ and listen to the teacher.
A.stop to talk B.stop talking C.to stop talking D.talking
考查动词形式。stop是动词,意为“停止”。stop to do停下来去做某事(另外一件事情)。stop doing sth.停止做某事(正在做的事情)。must是情态动词,后接动词原形;这里表示停止说话,应该是stop talking。故选B。
31.—________ I return this book to the library today
—No, you needn’t. You can return it tomorrow.
A.Can B.May C.Must D.Need
考查动词辨析和一般疑问句。Can可以;May也许;Must必须;Need需要。根据答语“No, you needn’t.”可知,此处应用must进行提问,故选C。
32.— What will the weather be like this afternoon, Anna
— It ________ be fine. But who knows It’s always changing quickly.
A.must B.will C.may D.need
考查情态动词。must必须,一定;will将会;may可能;need需要。根据“But who knows It’s always changing quickly.”可知,此处表示“可能”,是一种不确定的推测,应用may。故选C。
33.Jack likes history very much. His history ________ be very good.
A.can B.must C.may
考查情态动词辨析。can能够;must一定;may可能。根据“Jack likes history very much.”可知,猜测历史很好,肯定的猜测用must或may,must表示十分有把握的猜测,may表示一种可能性,此句表示“一定很好”,故选B。
34.—I saw Mr. White just now.
—It ______be him. He has gone to Shanghai.
A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t
考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;can’t不可能。根据“ He has gone to Shanghai.”可知,空处指不可能是他,表示否定推测。故选C。
35.—Would you like to go to the cinema with us after school
—Sorry, I _________ do my homework first.
A.must B.can C.may
36.We ________ love animals. They are our friends.
A.would B.may C.should D.can
考查情态动词。would将;may可能;should应该;can能。根据“They are our friends.”可知我们应该爱动物们,故选C。
37.—Mom, must I go shopping with you
—No, you ________. You can watch the film Big Hero 6 with your friends.
A.needn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t
考查一般疑问句。must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must;否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to。故选A。
38.Could you please speak a little louder I ________ hear you very well.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t
考查情态动词。can’t不能;mustn’t禁止,不允许;shouldn’t不应该;needn’t不需要。根据“Could you please speak a little louder ”可知,后一句表示“我不太能听清。”。表示“不能”,应用can’t。故选A。
1.They made up their mind that they______ a new house once Larry changed jobs.
A.bought B.would buy
C.have bought D.had bought
2.----Why didn’t you apply for the job
----I ________, but my old friend offered me a better one.
A.was going to B.would C.will D.am going to
试题分析:考查情景交际和时态。句意:--你为什么没有申请那份工作?--我本打算(申请),但是我的老朋友给我提供了一个更好的。am/is/are going to表示按照计划、打算、安排要发生的事情,will只是表示纯粹的将来,表示临时的决定。was/were going to可表示原本打算做某事,其实没有实现。故选A。
3.The English teacher told us this morning that we _____ an exam at the end of this month.
A.will have B.would have
C.have had D.had had
试题分析:考查时态:句意:老师今天早上通知我们,我们月底将有场考试。因为主句用过去式 而at the end of this month是将来时时间状语,所以用过去将来。选B。
4.She hurried to the entrance at which the car _____, and looked forward to seeing her husband.
A.would arrive B.has arrives C.arrived D.will arrive
试题分析:考查动词时态。根据looked forward to seeing her husband.可知汽车还没有到达,因此用过去将来时态,句意:她匆忙跑到汽车将会到达的入口处,盼望着能看到她的丈夫。
5.Daddy promised me he ________ me a computer.
A.was bought B.had bought C.bought D.would buy
考查时态。句意:爸爸答应我会给我买一台电脑。谓语动词promised使用了一般过去时,buy这个动作发生在promised之后,因此buy应该使用过去将来时,即 would do的形式。故选D。
6.Tony said that he _________ to China to see the giant pandas the next week.
A.will go B.would go C.have gone D.had gone
试题分析:考查宾语从句的时态:主句的时态是过去时said,宾语从句的时态用相应的过去时,时间是the next week,用过去将来时。
7.Tom took out a piece of paper he and started reading in a clear tone.
A.was preparing B.would prepare C.have prepared D.had prepared
8.The teacher told the students that there a meeting at three o’clock.
A.is going to have B.is going to be
C.was going to have D.was going to be
试题分析:考查时态和固定句式。There be有…不能与have连用;排除AC。根据上文的told说明使用过去时。故D正确。
点评:there be句式不能与have连用;另外注意题目中的关键词,往往根据这些关键词才可以判断具体使用的时态。
9.—Henry told me that he _____ to return you the book the next day.
—Yes. He _____ it to me yesterday.
A.would have come; has returned
B.would have come; returned
C.would come; returned
D.would come; has returned
考查时态。句意:—Henry告诉我他第二天会把书还给你。—是的。他昨天还给我了。第一空前主句是一般现在时,从句时间状语是the next day,是一个将来时的时间状语,所以使用过去将来时would come。第二空中使用一般过去时陈述过去所发生的动作。故C项正确。
10.Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.
A.is buying B.will buy C.would buy D.has bought
考查宾语从句的时态。句意:妈妈答应给我买一本英汉词典。she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.是一个宾语从句,主句Mother promised使用了一般过去时,从句要使用相应的过去的时态,所以用过去将来时,故选C。
11.—He promised he ______ the assembly on time. I am at a loss what happened.
—It doesn’t matter. We are starting without him.
A.will attend B.had attended
C.will have attended D.would attend
12.She set off at 9 a.m. and ____ the airport an hour later.
A.will reach B.would reach
C.had reached D.reached
试题分析:句意:她上午9点出发的,一小时之后会到达机场。根据and前动词set off可知本句使用过去时,再由an hour later.判断用过去将来时,表示一小时后就会到达,答案选B。
13.Just an hour ago he told me on the phone that he __________ home right after his work.
A.has come B.comes
C.came D.would come
14.Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that he ________ a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.
A.has been B.had been
C.was going to be D.was
考查动词的时态。句意:阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦生于1879年。小时候,很少有人猜测他会成为一位提出的理论改变世界的著名科学家。横线部分表示过去将要发生的动作,应用过去将来时,仅有C项was going to be 为过去将来时。故选C。
15.By 2003, I had grown as tall as 180 cm, and I wondered if I ______ grow taller.
A.would B.will
C./ D.am to
【解析】考查时态。句意:到2003年时,我已经长到了1米8,我想知道我是否会长得更高。这里含有一个宾语从句,主句用的过去时,从句要使用相应的过去的时态,这里应该使用过去将来时,故选A。高一新人教版必修第三册Unit 5语法练习(原卷版)
1.— What are you going to do next week
— I am not sure. I ________ work in an old people’s home.
A.must B.may C.should D.can
2.Don’t go out if you have the flu. You ________ stay at home.
A.should B.may C.will
3.—Should Jim ________ his umbrella with him
—Of course, look at the black clouds, it will rain.
A.to take B.take C.taking
4.—________ Tom read poems well when he was a child
—I’m afraid not. But he really does it well now.
A.Can B.May C.Could D.Will
5.— It’s dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.
— You’re right. We ________ be too careful while crossing the street.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.can D.must
6.— The work ________ in two hours.
— No problem. Let’s do it now.
A.should have finished B.must be finished C.must finish
7.—Must I finish all my homework today, Mum
—No, you ________, my dear. You can finish some tomorrow if you like.
A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t
8.You look quite tired. You’d better _______ a rest.
A.stop to have B.to stop to have C.stop having D.to stop having
9.—I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.
—You ________ never be too careful in the street.
A.should B.can C.may D.must
10.—Some people don’t show their talents at the very beginning.
—I agree. Even Einstein ________ read until he was seven.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’t
11.— Must I clean my bedroom this afternoon, Mom
— No, you________. You can do it tomorrow, dear.
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.won’t
12.I’m afraid I ________ go shopping with you. I have too much work to do.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not
13.—May I watch TV now, Mom
—No. You ________ finish your online class first.
A.must B.may C.can
14.Richard ________ be at home because he phoned me from the office just now.
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t
15.—Don’t feed the animals any more, kids! It’s harmful to them.
—Sorry, sir. We ________.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.won’t D.needn’t
16.—________ I go to see a film with Ann tonight, Mom
—Sure, that’s OK.
A.Will B.Need C.Could D.Should
17.—Is the man over there Adam
—It ________ be him. He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation.
A.must B.can’t C.mustn’t D.can
18.—Please be quiet. Our head teacher is coming.
—It ________ be our head teacher. He has gone to the library.
A.may B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
19.—I failed the driving test again, Mum.
—Don’t worry. Just like the weather, life ________ be beautiful all the time.
A.can’t B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.wouldn’t
20.They have many eggs in the fridge. You __________ buy any more.
A.don’t need B.needn’t to C.don’t need to D.need to not
21.—There is a box on the table. What’s in it
—I don’t know. It ________ be a gift from your aunt.
A.can B.might C.must D.should
22.Now most young people like shopping online because they ________ spend a lot of time going from shop to shop.
A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t
23.The news that Linda has gone to Paris ________ be true, for I just saw her five minutes ago.
A.must B.might C.can’t D.may not
24.— _________ I get up early next morning
— No, you _________. Tomorrow is Sunday.
A.Must, mustn’t B.Must, needn’t
C.May, can’t D.Should, shouldn’t
25.In order to keep the roads clear and safe, we________ obey the traffic rules.
A.can B.need C.must D.may
26.You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest. It ________ kill plants, animals and even people.
A.must B.can C.might
27.People ________ use public transportation if they don’t wear masks(罩) or show the QR codes.
A.mustn’t B.wouldn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’t
28.—Listen! I think it ________ be Mr. White singing in the office.
—No. It ________ be him. He left for London just now.
A.must; mustn’t B.may; mustn’t C.must; can’t
29.I’ll be free tomorrow. I ________ go to the museum with you.
A.must B.should C.need D.can
30.When the class begins, all the students must ________ and listen to the teacher.
A.stop to talk B.stop talking C.to stop talking D.talking
31.—________ I return this book to the library today
—No, you needn’t. You can return it tomorrow.
A.Can B.May C.Must D.Need
32.— What will the weather be like this afternoon, Anna
— It ________ be fine. But who knows It’s always changing quickly.
A.must B.will C.may D.need
33.Jack likes history very much. His history ________ be very good.
A.can B.must C.may
34.—I saw Mr. White just now.
—It ______be him. He has gone to Shanghai.
A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t
35.—Would you like to go to the cinema with us after school
—Sorry, I _________ do my homework first.
A.must B.can C.may
36.We ________ love animals. They are our friends.
A.would B.may C.should D.can
37.—Mom, must I go shopping with you
—No, you ________. You can watch the film Big Hero 6 with your friends.
A.needn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t
38.Could you please speak a little louder I ________ hear you very well.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t
1.They made up their mind that they______ a new house once Larry changed jobs.
A.bought B.would buy
C.have bought D.had bought
2.----Why didn’t you apply for the job
----I ________, but my old friend offered me a better one.
A.was going to B.would C.will D.am going to
3.The English teacher told us this morning that we _____ an exam at the end of this month.
A.will have B.would have
C.have had D.had had
4.She hurried to the entrance at which the car _____, and looked forward to seeing her husband.
A.would arrive B.has arrives C.arrived D.will arrive
5.Daddy promised me he ________ me a computer.
A.was bought B.had bought C.bought D.would buy
6.Tony said that he _________ to China to see the giant pandas the next week.
A.will go B.would go C.have gone D.had gone
7.Tom took out a piece of paper he and started reading in a clear tone.
A.was preparing B.would prepare C.have prepared D.had prepared
8.The teacher told the students that there a meeting at three o’clock.
A.is going to have B.is going to be
C.was going to have D.was going to be
9.—Henry told me that he _____ to return you the book the next day.
—Yes. He _____ it to me yesterday.
A.would have come; has returned
B.would have come; returned
C.would come; returned
D.would come; has returned
10.Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.
A.is buying B.will buy C.would buy D.has bought
11.—He promised he ______ the assembly on time. I am at a loss what happened.
—It doesn’t matter. We are starting without him.
A.will attend B.had attended
C.will have attended D.would attend
12.She set off at 9 a.m. and ____ the airport an hour later.
A.will reach B.would reach
C.had reached D.reached
13.Just an hour ago he told me on the phone that he __________ home right after his work.
A.has come B.comes
C.came D.would come
14.Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that he ________ a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.
A.has been B.had been
C.was going to be D.was
15.By 2003, I had grown as tall as 180 cm, and I wondered if I ______ grow taller.
A.would B.will
C./ D.am to