初一英语 M3 基础知识能力提升
班级________ 姓名_________
基础知识总结 能力提升-----完形填空:
一、重点单词 Shanghai is a busy and beautiful city. Now we’re 1
1. Australia (adj.)__________ 2. two (序数词)__________ _______sightseeing in this city.This is our first trip here.
3. play (n.)__________ 4. fun (adj.)__________ We are staying in my friend’s home, not in a hotel.
5. I (反身代词)__________6. late (adv. ) _____________ There 2______ many interesting places in the city. I'm
6. 迷,支持者___________ 7. 早的;提前____________ looking forward to 3______them. My friend’s home is near
8. 赢______ (过)_____ 9. 在…期间 (prep.)___________ one place, 4______ we are going to walk there tomorrow.
二、重点短语 We are going to have dinner in a restaurant. The food in
1. go over lessons__________ 2. have a picnic____________ 5_______restaurant is delicious. The city is very beautiful, so
3. help with the housework____________ I'm going to take some 6________. I plan 7________here for
4. check one's email______________ a few days, and I am going to buy some presents 8
5. have a piano lesson_____________ ______my friends in England. Next Monday I'm going to
6. look forward to________________ 9______ back to England. I am going to tell my friends about
7 .make friends_____________ 8.enjoy oneself__________ my trip and show(展示) 10_______ the photos. I’m happy to
9. May Day__________ 10. take a walk ____________ have a trip in Shanghai.
11. go sightseeing ________12. go on a summer camp_____ 1.A.going B.go C.goes D.go to
13. at the weekend_________ 14. see a movie_________ 2.A.be B.am C.is D. are
15. cheer the players_________ 16. collect litter__________ 3.A.visit B. visiting C.visits D. visited
三、重点句子--理解背诵 4.A.so B. because C.or D. but
1. I’m going to check my email and do my homework. 5.A.a B.an C.the D./
2. I’m going to help with the housework. 6. A. photo B. photos C.flower D.flowers
3.We’re going to cheer the players. 7.A. stays B. staying C. to stay D. stay
4. I’m going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday. 8.A. with B.to C.for D. about
5. We’re also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on 9.A. to fly B. flies C.flying D.fly
the beach 10.A.he B.him C. they D.them
四、课文改编 语法填空
Martin is looking forward to the football match. He is My friend Tom and I are going to have a trip to London.
going to watch 1._______(he) favourite football team with On Friday,we are1.______ (take) the plane to London. We
his friends. They are going to meet other 2. _______(fan) and are going sightseeing 2. _______(连词)there are so many
make some new friends. They are going to 3._______(cheer) wonderful places to see. On Saturday morning,we are going
the players. He hopes their team can 4_______(win). Zhang to visit the British Museum(大英博物馆) and have lunch in a
Sijia is going to enjoy 5. _______(she) 6. ________(介词 ) restaurant. Tom enjoys 3._______(watch) English films, so in
the May Day holiday. She is going to take a walk or go the afternoon we are going to see a film. After 4.____(冠词)
swimming with her family and friends. They are going to film we are going to do some 5._______(shop) because I
collect 7.______(litter) in a park. It’s going to be a great want to buy some nice 6._______(present) for my family. On
holiday busy 8._______(连词) good fun! Lucy is going on Sunday morning,we are going to visit Hyde Park. In the
a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. She is going to 9. afternoon there 7.________(be) a football match, and we are
______(stay) with an 10. _________(Australia) family and going to 8._______(watch) it and cheer those 9._________
speak English.They are also going sightseeing and going to (play) in the evening, we are going to stay in the hotel and
have a picnic on the beach. have 10. _______(冠词) rest. And we are going back home
on Monday.
初一英语 M4 基础知识能力提升
班级________ 姓名_________
基础知识 _______work. And they 5______ more free time to enjoy the
一、重点单词 things they like.
1. life (pl.)__________ 2. rain (adj.)____________ People will wear special 6______ in 3,000 years. They
3.wind (adj.)__________ 4. heavy (adv.)___________ don’t have to 7________ clothes because they won't get dirty.
5. rise (过)__________ 6. work (adj.) ___________ There will be more kinds of foods for people to enjoy. And
7. will (过) __________ 8. 空闲的____________ they are all healthy food.
9. 用,乘,靠(prep.) ________10. 询问, 问 _________ People will use energy(能量)from the sun and the wind.
11. 变化_________ 12. 更多的 ____________ So there 8_______ be any pollution(污染)problems.
13. 便宜的___________ 14. 短的____________ People will use a special car to travel.It can run on the
15. 轻的,少量的 __________ 16. 容易的____________ road and 9_______in the air. It will be very And 10______
二、重点短语 for people to travel to the moon and other planets(行星 )
1. in the future_________ 2. get information__________ Some people will live on other planets.
3. on the Internet_________ 4. be able to do sth. _________ It will be a happy world in 3,000 years.
5. not…any more________ 6. free time__________ 1.A.same B. different C. much D.few
7. in twenty years’ time_______8. need to do sth. _________ 2.A.a B. an C. the D. /
9. come true__________ 10. a new kind of________ 3.A.With B.So C.But D.Since
11.all year _________ 12. heavy rain_________ 4. A. light B.funny C. interesting D. difficult
13. as well _______ 14. traffic jam____________ 5.A.have B. don't have C. will have D. won't have
15. in the air ___________ 16. working hours__________ 6.A.jackets B. dresses C. pants D. clothes
17. heavy work__________ 18. a change of __________ 7. A.have B. wear C.wash D. make
三、重点句子----理解背诵 8.A.is B.isn't C.will D.won't
1. What will life be like in the future 9.A.walk B.fly C.climb D.sleep
2. Here are some ideas. 10.A.easy B.happy C.hardD.far
3. There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring. 语法填空
4. No more expensive cars---it’ll be cheap to travel At the moment, Daming and Lingling are talking
everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the 1________(介词) the year 2050 in the classroom.
sea or even into space. “What will our world be like in the year 2050 ”asks
5.Teachers won’t use chalk on a blackboard and students Daming. “Well, nobody 42_________(know), but it’s
won’t use pens and paper, or erasers any more. 43.__________(interest) to guess(猜测),” says Lingling.
四、课文改编 “I think in the year 2050, everyone will carry a small
Hello,Im Tony Smith. I think in the future, 1._______(冠 computer. The computer will give people the answers to all
词) of weather won’t mean a change of clothes. the weather the questions. We’ll have new telephones too. And we'll be
will 2. _______(be) quite warm or even hot all year in the able 44________(talk) to our friends all over the world and
future. The sea level will 3. _______(rise) as well. People see them at the same time.”
will wear a new kind of clothes. We won’t travel “A lot of people would like to live and work in the sea.
4________(介词 ) bus or bike any more. Every family will In 45._______(介词) future, there will be big towns,
have a small plane. We will be able to 5.________(travel) by 46________(factory) and farms in the sea. Machines will do
plane often. It'll be cheap 6._________(travel) everywhere. most of the work, 47_______ (连词) people will have more
Maybe there will be traffic 7._______(jam) in the air. Do you holidays. Maybe they'll work two or three days a week. They
like long holidays You can have long holidays in the future. will 48._______ (fly) to the moon and spend 49________
8.________(robot) and machines will help do heavy and (they) holidays there,” says Daming. “I am looking forward
difficult jobs. People will only do light and 5. easy work. 9. 50._______(介词) the year 2050. I hope to fly to the moon!”
__________(work) hours will be short 10. _______(连词 ) “I hope I'll be able to live in the sea,” says Lingling,
we will have a lot of free time to enjoy our holidays. “ just like a fish!”
What will life be like in 3,000 years Different people
have 1._______answers. Here is my answer.
I think life will be very different in 3000 years. Every
family will have 2______robot.The robot can do everything
for people.3________people won’t have to do heavy and 4