人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems Learning About Language课时作业(十四) (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems Learning About Language课时作业(十四) (含答案)
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文件大小 91.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-20 08:47:29



课时作业(十四) UNIT 5 Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
?维度1 用适当的关系词填空
1.[2021·天津卷3月]William Hastie once suggested that history informs us of past mistakes from ________ we can learn without repeating them.
2.The students benefiting most from college are those ________ are totally engaged in academic life.
3.When travelling, we will enjoy ourselves and learn something from the exploration, ________ attracts me very much.
4.In China, a teahouse is a place ________ people gather to enjoy tea, chat and socialise.
5.The air quality in the city, ________ is shown in the report, has declined over the past two months.
6.My neighbour has a son and a daughter, both of ________ live in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province.
7.In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of ________ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.
8.________ is often the case, some students play computer games so late that they can't finish their homework on time.
?维度2 语法与写作
1.我积极参加英语讲座, 从中了解到英国和美国的文化。
I have actively attended English lectures, ______________________________________.
Our school will ______________________ “Traditional Chinese Customs” next Sunday.
3.《今日中国》有着来自全世界的读者群, 这说明全球越来越多的人想要了解中国。
ChinaToday attracts a worldwide readership, ________________________.
4.学生们应该参与社团活动, 在这些活动中他们可以获得成长的经验。
Students should involve themselves in community activities ________________________________________.
5.很多年轻人都去了偏远地区追求自己的梦想, 他们中大部分人都受过良好的教育。
Many young people, ____________________________________,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.
?维度3 给下列短文中的定语从句填上适当的关系词
Yangshuo, China
It was raining lightly when I arrived in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours before, I'd been at home in Hong Kong, 1.________ I breathed its choking smog.Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.
I'd skipped nearby Guilin, 2.________ is a dream place for tourists 3.________ seek the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 4.________ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings.Instead, I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those 5.________ fly to Guilin, it's only an hour away by car and offers all the scenery of the better known city.
Yangshuo is really beautiful.A study of travelers 6.________ was conducted by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations 7.________ are famous in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people and their families 8.________ are in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent, 9.________ is a travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people 10.________ live in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
[2023·河北省衡水市高二期中]I remember that it was a fall morning when the orchestra (管弦乐队) teachers came into Miss Newell's third grade classroom. “You have hands for the viola (中提琴),” Miss Ciano told me. I was excited because my hands were finally good for something. I told my parents I wanted to play, and naturally, they agreed.
Since I first touched the viola, I haven't been able to put it down. Ignoring the difficulty, I am pulled closer to it each day.
Classical music is truly my best friend. It is the trusted friend of every man, woman and child. Various feelings are expressed in classical music. I discovered that when I was eleven and played a cello concerto (大提琴协奏曲) of Bach in a competition, the first movement was joyful, but the second movement was mysterious and full of pain. From the piece, I learned that music expresses not only feelings, but also sudden mood changes. By listening to classical music, I know that someone else shares these feelings. Since I am lucky enough to be able to play classical music, I am comforted by it when I am upset. It gives me a way to escape from my problems for a short period. Classical music can express my joy, sadness and anger.
Now look back at that fall day in the third grade and think how gullible I was for believing that anyone, even music teachers, could tell whether hands were perfect for a certain instrument. I'm certain they told me I had “viola hands” not because they were fortune tellers (算命师), but because there was a lack of violists in our district. Classical music is one of the best things that ever happened to mankind. If you get introduced to it in the right way, it will become your friend for life.
1.What's the author's purpose in writing the first and second paragraphs
A.To introduce an interesting musical class.
B.To offer the evidence of her gift for music.
C.To show the importance of proper guide.
D.To tell the power of support from parents.
2.According to the passage, in what way does classical music help the author
A.By developing social skills.
B.By improving mental health.
C.By broadening life experience.
D.By building close relationship.
3.What does the underlined word “gullible” mean in the last paragraph
A.Easily tricked. B. Firmly loved.
C.Greatly challenged. D. Secretly hidden.
4.Which could be the best title for the passage
A.Special event, sweet memory.
B.Classical music, endless friendship.
C.Lifetime dream, great effort.
D.Happy childhood, unforgotten experience.
Robert Frost (1874-1963) is one of America's most beloved poets. He was a contemporary of many modernist poetic movements, but he wasn't associated (与……有联系) with any particular group of poets.He stuck to his own literary beliefs, and as a result, he attracted a good deal of criticism from the literary world.But, it is just because he was such a person and his voice was so original that Frost became so beloved.If you are to choose one of his poems and read it aloud on a busy street, we are sure that many people will recognize the poem immediately as Frost's.
MendingWall, which is the first poem in NorthofBoston, Frost's second book of poetry, is one of his most popular poems.It is a poem about two neighbors who fix a rock wall that lies between their homes.“I” want to destroy the wall, and the “neighbor” wants to leave it standing.
We just can't get enough of walls, can we People love boundaries (界线).We love them when we're little, protecting our precious toys from our troublesome (令人烦恼的) brothers and sisters.As we get older, we begin to throw around the gentle term “personal space”, as in “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” In college, we really learn how the idea of “My house is your house” doesn't always result in happy roommate relationships.After we become adults with good jobs and a lot of cool things, we often put up fences, gates, walls, or doors to protect our stuff and keep the peace.
Walls help us protect ourselves, but their downside is that they often keep people from communicating with each other. MendingWall makes us take a look at how we use our walls and boundaries, and why we use them the way we do.This poem sends a wakeup call to the universe.There are walls between our hearts.
5.What can we learn about Robert Frost
A.His writing style is special.
B.His first poem is about life.
C.He often criticized other poets.
D.He joined in many poetic movements.
6.What does the author want to show in Paragraph 3
A.Sharing with others brings us happiness.
B.There seem to be lots of walls in our life.
C.Walls let people know about themselves.
D.Personal space is important to everyone.
7.How does the third paragraph develop
A.Space. B.Example.
C.Time. D.Comparison.
8.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “downside” in the last paragraph
A.True use. B.Old way.
C.Negative part. D.Major difference.
[2023·鄂州市部分高中高二期中]There are three basic kinds for memory: short term memory, working memory, and long term memory. Short term memory is the sort of memory you use when someone tells you their phone number and you remember it just long enough to write it down. Working memory is a more active version of short term memory and the brain is able to retain it a little longer. __1__
To get something into your short term memory, you need both Input and Output. Here's a formula: Input+Output=Short Term Memory.
__2__ It is something outside of your head being put into your head. Output is even more exciting because you have so many creative choices and it's up to you to decide how to apply what you've learned.
__3__ By thinking about new information and then doing something active with it, you are essentially telling your brain that this new information is worth remembering. That “doing something” could be a lot of creative possibilities.
But how should you improve your long term memory __4__ Here's the formula: Input+Output+Review=Long Term Memory.
Imagine a grassy lawn that is between someone's driveway and front door. Rather than walk the long way down the path, most people just cut through the grass to get to their car, right The more times someone cuts through the grass, the flatter the grass becomes on that new pathway until, eventually, there is a permanent dirt path. __5__ Every time you review something, neurons (神经元) form a “pathway” in your brain and make it more permanent. Maybe we should really be saying “practice makes memory”.
A.All you need to do is review.
B.A good memory is very important.
C.That is pretty much how the brain works.
D.It's quite different from long term memory.
E.We make a memory only when we use information.
F.Input is quite simply putting something into your brain.
G.However, long term memory stores information for a few days up to decades.
[2023·山东省聊城市高二期中联考]Noah Ruiz is 4 years old and loves the SpongeBob Popsicle (海绵宝宝冰棒). After sitting through an online class last month, he wanted a __1__. His mom said OK. Then she saw the __2__ of cases of the ice pops sold on Amazon. When seeing a case of 18 pops cost $51, Jennifer Bryant __3__. She is a working mother of three and she is studying for an advanced degree in social work. She doesn't have much extra __4__.
Then some boxes __5__. Surprisingly, they were __6__ 918 ice pops. The order cost $2,618.85. Bryant was totally __7__ and she rushed to __8__ her bank account. Somehow, Noah had __9__ 51 cases of treats. In fact, the little boy suffers from a brain condition—he must have ordered them wrong. Bryant was frightened. She wanted to __10__ the ice pops to Amazon and get her money back. No luck. She went online and tried to __11__ the pops to dessert sellers. However, __12__ worked. She posted it on her classmates' Facebook group. “If my tuition is late this month, this is why.” she wrote. “You may laugh about it, but, you know, my bank account is __13__ right now!”
Katie Schloss knew Bryant from class. She started to __14__ money for Bryant online. She hoped friends and strangers might give money to help __15__ the order. By May 20, they had collected more than $24,800. “Never would I have ever imagined this,” Bryant said thankfully. 
1.A.treat B.game
C.chance D.break
2.A.bill B.price
C.dish D.introduction
3.A.promised B.escaped
C.doubted D.refused
4.A.time B.energy
C.money D.need
5.A.opened B.arrived
C.gathered D.disappeared
6.A.equal to B.wrong with
C.good for D.full of
7.A.curious B.tired
C.shocked D.disappointed
8.A.check B.close
C.remove D.test
9.A.sent B.served
C.applied D.ordered
10.A.contribute B.return
C.leave D.report
11.A.gift B.transport
C.show D.sell
12.A.something B.anything
C.nothing D.everything
13.A.crying B.ringing
C.sleeping D.waving
14.A.earn B.save
C.raise D.borrow
15.A.pay for B.search for
C.pick up D.hand out
层级一 课时跟踪检测
1.which 2.who 3.which 4.where 5.as 6.whom 7.whose 8.As
1.from which I have a good knowledge of British and American culture
2.hold an activity whose theme is
3.which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China
4.where they can gain experience for growth
5.most of whom were well educated
1.where 2.which 3.who/that 4.that/which 5.who
6.that/which 7.that/which 8.that/who 9.which
层级二 主题阅读训练
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者一个偶然的机会开始拉中提琴, 感受到古典音乐对我们的情感带来的好处, 并把它看作一生最诚挚的朋友的故事。
1.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段第二句老师说的话“You have hands for the viola (中提琴)”;第一段最后一句“I told my parents I wanted to play, and naturally, they agreed.”以及第二段最后一句“Ignoring the difficulty, I am pulled closer to it each day.”推断出, 作者写第一、二段的目的是为了说明老师和父母的正确引导对作者后来喜欢上古典音乐的重要性。
2.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数三句“I am comforted by it when I am upset. It gives me a way to escape from my problems for a short period. Classical music can express my joy, sadness and anger.”可知, 古典音乐可以帮助作者改善精神状况。
3.答案与解析:A 词句猜测题。文章第四段中画线词后的一二句“for believing that anyone, even music teachers, could tell whether hands were perfect for a certain instrument. I'm certain they told me I had ‘viola hands’ not because they were fortune tellers (算命师), but because there was a lack of violists in our district.”可知, 作者认识到当时相信了老师说自己“有一双拉中提琴的手”, 而这其实并不是真话, 由此可以猜测作者觉得自己轻信了老师的话, 即gullible意思为“轻信的, 易受骗的”。
4.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。根据文章第三段第一句“Classical music is truly my best friend.”和文章最后一句“If you get introduced to it in the right way, it will become your friend for life.”可知, 本文主要讲述了作者一个偶然的机会开始拉中提琴, 从此古典音乐成了作者最好的朋友。因此“Classical Music, Endless Friendship(古典音乐, 永恒的友谊)”适合用作文章标题。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇诗歌评论。文章介绍了美国著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特, 并赏析了他的名作《修墙》。
5.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知, 弗罗斯特有自己的风格, 有许多独创的诗;再根据该段最后一句可知, 随便拿一首弗罗斯特的诗到街上去朗读, 就会有人辨别出这是他的诗。这些都说明他的写作风格独特。
6.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。作者对弗罗斯特的名作《修墙》进行简单介绍后, 在第三段描述了这样一个事实:人们从小到大不断地构建各种围墙。
7.答案与解析:C 写作手法题。通读第三段可知, 作者是按照时间顺序展开的, 指出了人们从孩童时期到长大成人, 不断地构建“心墙”。
8.答案与解析:C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段but一词的转折以及全段内容可知, 墙在保护人们的同时, 也阻止了人们的交流。因此画线词在此处意为“不足之处”。
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。记忆可以分为三种:短期记忆、工作记忆和长期记忆。文章介绍了这三种记忆及获得长期记忆的秘诀。
1.答案与解析:G 根据本段第一句“There are three basic kinds for memory: short term memory, working memory, and long term memory.”可知, 本段主要在介绍三种记忆, 再根据前文“Short term memory is the sort of memory you use when someone tells you their phone number and you remember it just long enough to write it down. Working memory is a more active version of short term memory and the brain is able to retain it a little longer.”可知, 已介绍了短期记忆和工作记忆, 所以空处应该要介绍长期记忆了, 故选G。
2.答案与解析:F 分析句子设空可知, 空处位于段首, 应是对整段的高度概括, 根据后文“It is something outside of your head being put into your head.”可知, 空处是在讲输入, 所以F项符合文意, 后句是对本句的进一步解释。
3.答案与解析:E 根据后文“By thinking about new information and then doing something active with it, you are essentially telling your brain that this new information is worth remembering.”可知, 此处是在讲大脑如何记住信息, 故选E。
4.答案与解析:A 根据前文“But how should you improve your long term memory?”可知此处在提问, 所以后文应该是对本句的回答, 再根据后句“Here's the formula: Input+Output+Review=Long Term Memory.”可知, 输入和输出前文都已讲过, 所以此处应是讲复习, 故选A。
5.答案与解析:C 根据全文“Imagine a grassy lawn that is between someone's driveway and front door. Rather than walk the long way down the path, most people just cut through the grass to get to their car, right The more times someone cuts through the grass, the flatter the grass becomes on that new pathway until, eventually, there is a permanent dirt path.”可知, 此处作者是在用例子来说明大脑的工作原理, 再根据后文“Every time you review something, neurons form a ‘pathway’ in your brain and make it more permanent.”是对原理的进一步解释。
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。主要讲的是Noah Ruiz喜欢海绵宝宝冰棒, 他无意中用妈妈的亚马逊账户订购了918支冰棒, 他的妈妈没有那么多闲钱, 他妈妈的同学得知此事后帮她在网上筹款支付了这笔钱。
1.答案与解析:A 句意:上个月, 在听完一节在线课程后, 他想犒劳自己。 根据上文“After sitting through an online class last month”可知, 在听完一节在线课程后, 他想犒劳自己, 空格处意为“款待”, 且空后的“51 cases of treats.”也是提示。
2.答案与解析:D 根据下文“When seeing a case of 18 pops cost $51”可知, 她看冰棒的介绍。
3.答案与解析:B 根据下文“She is a working mother of three and she is studying for an advanced degree in social work. She doesn't have much extra”可知, 她没多少钱买那么贵的冰棒, 所以从亚马逊的页面退出了。
4.答案与解析:C 根据上文“She is a working mother of three and she is studying for an advanced degree in social work”可知, 她没有多少闲钱。
5.答案与解析:B 根据下文“they were __6__ 918 ice pops”可知, 一些箱子到了。
6.答案与解析:D 根据下文“918 ice pops”可知, 箱子里面装满了918个冰棒。
7.答案与解析:C 句意:该订单花费了2,618.85美元。Bryant完全惊呆了, 她赶紧去查她的银行账户。根据上文“The order cost $2,618.85”可知, 订单花的钱太多了, 所以Bryant很震惊。
8.答案与解析:A 根据下文“Somehow, Noah had __9__ 51 cases of treats”可知, 她赶紧去查她的银行账户。
9.答案与解析:D 根据上文“The order cost $2,618.85”可知, Noah订购了51箱甜食。
10.答案与解析:B 根据下文“to Amazon”可知, 她想把冰棒退还给亚马逊。
11.答案与解析:D 根据下文“to dessert sellers”可知, 她上网, 试图把冰棒卖给甜点卖家。
12.答案与解析:C 根据“However”表转折可知, 一切都无济于事, 也就是没有什么是有用的。
13.答案与解析:A 根据上文“You may laugh about it”和but表转折可知, 此处和前面笑形成对比, 此处表示“我的银行账户现在正在哭”。
14.答案与解析:C 根据下文“they had collected more than $24,800”可知, 她开始在网上为Bryant筹款。
15.答案与解析:A 根据上文“friends and strangers might give money”可知, 她希望朋友和陌生人可以捐款帮助支付订单。