Lesson 12 The tiger’s lunch教学设计
Part 1.Teaching content
教学内容 本节课是科普版小学英语第四册第十二课的“Read”部分,语篇内容围绕饥饿的老虎寻找午餐展开。
Part 2.Teaching aims 教学目标:
1. 认知目标: a.能听懂,会说over there, catch, deer, rabbit, fast, Go away!等重点词句,并能恰当的运用到口语交际中。 b.能理解文本并能回答与文本内容相关的问题。能根据简笔画板书及关键词进行复述。
2. 能力目标: a. 学生能够围绕“老虎的午餐”这一话题展开讨论,并进行语言和文字描述,达到提高英语综合能力运用的目的。 b. 能够利用本课的主题句表达自己的思想,进一步提高学生听、说、读、创作的能力。 c. 培养学生的阅读习惯及阅读技巧。
3.情感目标: a.通过语篇的学习,使学生明白做任何事情都不可太贪心,引导学生在学习成长的过程中要一心一意,做好每一件小事。 b.同学们分享自己续编的故事,学会总结经验,吸取教训,不断进步。
Part 3.Key points and difficult points of lesson 教学重点及难点
1. 掌握并能运用本课的主题句表达自己的思想。
2. 学会基本的阅读技巧,并能对阅读材料进行有目的地分析。
Part 4 Teaching methods and Study methods 教法,学法设计 鉴于本篇是阅读教学,教师分阅读前,阅读中和阅读后三步展开自己的教学设计。阅读前以谈话,猜谜的形式鼓励学生对本文内容进行合理想象,为接下来的文本教学做好铺垫;阅读中引导学生在读中发现问题,思考问题,讨论问题,解决问题,培养学生一定的学习能力和阅读技巧,达到深挖文本内容,理解文本意义的目的;在学生理解并掌握阅读内容后,鼓励学生将语言运用到故事的续编中,进一步加强语言运用。 Part 5.Teaching steps 教学步骤
Step 1.Lead in 导入
T:Good morning ,good morning, you can call me Miss Wang, good morning ,good morning, I am Miss Wang.(唱歌曲《早安歌》并向学生自我介绍) Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.
T:Welcome to my class. OK, class, now, please look at the blackboard. Can you guess ,what’s this (逐步画出老虎)
S1:It’s a chair.
T:Is it a chair No, it isn’t. Let’s go on!
S2:It’s a cat.
T:Is it a cat No, it isn’t. Look! It’s a….
Ss: Tiger.
T: Yes, you are right.(板书tiger) The tiger is very hungry. He is looking for something to eat, maybe a cat , maybe a dog, anything else Can you say
S1:A monkey.
S2:A pig. …
T:You know cats, dogs, monkeys and pigs, they can be the tiger’s lunch(板书lunch,并教授) Today, a story for you, the name is The tiger’s lunch.(板书题目) Do you want to know who is the tiger’s lunch in this story
Step 2.Presentatian &practice 呈现与操练
1. 教师设问:“Please read the story quickly ,and answer Who is the tiger’s lunch ”让学生带着问题快速阅读全文。
2. 学生回答问题,教师将学生所描述的动物以简笔画的形式呈现。
3. 教师利用板书的动物简笔画设问,并分段阅读,解决问题:
1) Is the rat the tiger’s lunch (在本段中解决需要掌握的词句,并示范读文本,之后回答问题以及引申问题“Why ”总结出“big” “small”)
2) Is the rabbit the tiger’s lunch (在本段中回答此问题,并再次引申问题“Why ”总结出“big” “small”)
3) Is the deer the tiger’s lunch (学生通过前两段学习基本扫清词句障碍,齐读本段,找出答案并引申问题“Why ”)
4. 回答问题“Who is the tiger’s lunch ”
设计意图(鉴于本课是语篇教学,教师在这一环节中,安排学生对文本进行了四次阅读,针对每一次阅读提出了不同的要求。第一次,让学生通过快速阅读,对文本进行整体感知,了解老虎的午餐,和读前学生自己的预测进行对比,教师对学生的积极发言,大胆预测进行鼓励,使学生体会到成功的喜悦,进一步激发了学生的积极性和主动性。学生在描述老虎的午餐时,教师随机以简笔画的形式板书呈现,加深了学生的理解。第二次,让学生带着问题“Is the rat the tiger’s lunch ”听第一段文本的录音,并引导学生在阅读中发现问题,提出问题,解决问题。教师通过图片展示,表演及有效信息的提供,进一步帮助学生理解文本中重点词汇和句子,扫清阅读障碍。解决第一个分问题的同时,引导学生深入思考,运用简练的语言,概括出主旨。第三遍,让学生带着问题“Is the rabbit the tiger’s lunch ”听教师读第二段文本。由于阅读障碍已经扫清,学生能够从文本中获取有效信息,组织语言,解答问题。第四次,让学生带着问题“Is the deer the tiger’s lunch ”齐读第三段文本。由于有了前两段的积累,学生能够很快找出答案,并总结出本段主旨。本环节教师循序渐进,引导学生积极主动地参与到学习过程中,从整体感知,再到逐段阅读,理解和掌握,层层深入设计活动,从泛读逐步到精读,逐步培养学生良好的阅读习惯,并不露痕迹地对学生的阅读技巧进行了有效的指导。) Step 3.Consolidation 巩固
1. 听全篇文本
I am hungry.
The rat is my ______.
She is small.
Let her ___ _____.
Go away, go away.
Rabbits are over there .
They are big , they are big.
Let me catch a rabbit .
Let me catch a rabbit.
She is my lunch.
She is small.
Let her go away. Go away, go away.
Deer are over there . They are big, they are big.
Let me catch a deer . Let me catch a deer.
She is my lunch. She is fast.
I can’t catch her. Oh, no, oh ,no.
I’m still hungry . Oh, no, oh, no.
Where is my lunch
T&Ss:I’m a tiger, I’m hungry, where is my lunch Oh, a rat, but you are too small, go away. Some rabbits are over there, they are big, let me catch a rabbit. Oh, some deer are over there, they are big, let me catch a deer. But the deer is fast, I can’t catch it. I’m still hungry.
Step 4.Extension 拓展
1. 让学生谈一谈对老虎的看法,并通过教师的一步步引导,总结出老虎贪婪的特征,并教育学生不要贪婪。
T:Class, what do you think about the tiger
S1:He is very kindhearted.
S2:He is very stupid.
T: Look! Small , go away. Big, catch. The tiger is very… You can say Chinese. Yes, you are right. The tiger is very greedy. Yes or no Read after me. He always want the big one, but at last, he get nothing. Greedy will not come to a good end. Do you agree with me So stop being greedy. OK
T:Boys and girls .The tiger is still hungry. He is still looking for his lunch. Look !Some animals are over there. Some hens, some monkeys and so on. If you are the tiger, what should you do Please finish your story, discuss with your partners, work in four.
Step 5:Assign homework 布置作业
T: After class ,share your story with your friends or your parents, OK
Part6.Blackbord writing 板书设计