人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future 完形填空专项练习(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future 完形填空专项练习(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 128.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-26 11:08:22



Unit 2 单元话题完形填空专项练习
(2022·重庆八中高二月考) Trackers on Ice
Just because a scientist puts a GPS tracking collar on a wild polar bear does not mean the animal will willingly keep it on. ___ 1___, these huge collars are purposefully loose so that if one becomes annoying, a bear can
___2___it. But scientists have now found a way to use signals from the discarded(丢弃的)devices.
“These dropped collars___3___would have been considered garbage data,” says Natasha Klappstein, a polar bear researcher at the University of Alberta. She and her colleagues instead used___4___from such collars, left on sea ice in Canada's Hudson Bay, to track the ice itself. For their study, published in June in The Cryosphere, the researchers ___5___twenty collars that sent movement data consistent(与 ······ 一致的)with ice drift rather than polar bear ___6___between 2005 and 2015. The resulting records of how melting ice typically drifts in Hudson Bay
are unique; there are no easily ___7___on-the-ground sensors, and satellite observations often cannot ___8___capture the motion of small ice sheets.
The team compared the discarded collars' movements with widely used ice-drift modeling data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). Collar data indicated that the NSIDC model underestimates the speed at which ice moves around in Hudson Bay--as well as the overall ___9___of drift. Over the course of several months the model could drift away from an ice sheet's location by a few hundred kilometers, the researchers say.
This means the bears may be working harder, when moving against the direction of the ice, than scientists had ____ 10____ .“Since we're underestimating the speed of drift, we're likely underestimating the energetic effort of polar bears," says Natasha Klappstein. The research reveals____ 11____insight (洞悉) into how highly mobile ice moves. As melting increases in coming years, such ice will likely become more ____ 12____farther north, in the central Arctic. Scientists had known NSIDC data could underestimate drift speeds, but “any time we can find a data
____ 13____,it is a good thing.”
Plus,such data could improve predictions about how oil spills or other pollutants may spread in seas ____ 14____ with drifting ice, says Walt Meier, a senior NSIDC research scientist,who was not involved in the study. The findings may even ____ 15____future NSIDC models. “It's a really nice data set,” Meier says."And certainly one we’ll take consideration.
1 .A .In fact B .In a way C .In addition D .In the end
2 .A .destroy B .remove C .resist D .reject
3 .A .particularly B .relevantly C .intentionally D .potentially
4 .A .estimates B .subjects C .measurements D .patents
5 .A .displayed B. identified C. justified D .preserved
6 .A .behavior B. habitat C. manner D .motion
7 .A .flexible B. favorable C. accessible D .changeable
8 .A .internally B. accurately C. securely D .independently
9 .A .extent B. damage C. trend D .limit
10 .A .agreed B. promised C. proved D .assumed
11 .A .immediate B. superior C. entire D .timely
12 .A .evident B. unique C. common D .realistic
13 .A .gap B. scan C. boom D .fit
14 .A .replaced B. littered C. packed D .matched
15 .A .reverse B. resemble C. influence D .motivate
(2021·上海 ·格致中学高二期末) Do you remember how you felt the first time you rode bike What about your first heartbreak ____ 16____ moments and the emotions they arouse can resonate in our minds for decades, powerfully shaping who we are as individuals. But for those who experience severe trauma(创伤), such painful memories can leave people with life-changing mental conditions. So, what if traumatic memories did not have to cause so much ___ 17___ For now, the work is happening in mice.
Neuroscientists usually define a singular memory as an engram---a physical change in brain tissue ____ 18____ a particular recollection. While at MIT in 2013, Steve Ramirez of Boston University and his research partner Xu Liu had a breakthrough: They were able to target the cells that ___ 19___ one engram in a mouse's brain and then implant a false memory. In their work, mice __20__ in fear to a particular stimulus even when they had not been conditioned in advance.
In their current work, Ramirez and his colleagues are investigating whether ___21___ memories can be “overwritten” by positive ones. In their experiments, positive memories are created by putting male mice in cages with female ones for an hour, and negative memories are created by putting the mice in cages that deliver brief foot shocks. After a surgical operation on the mice, the researchers find that ___22___ positive memories while mouse is in a cage makes it less fearful. They think that this memory “retraining"may be helping to ___23___ some of the mouse's trauma. ___24___ , it is unclear whether those original fear memories are completely lost or just suppressed(抑制).
__25__ Ramirez’s team stresses that their work in mice is preliminary(初步的), they see treatment potential for humans down the road. Those suffering from PTSD or depression could have their memories ___26___ , for
instance, so that they don't have a strong ___27___ response to painful recollections.
If it’s one day possible to alter human memory, who should be allowed to receive that treatment And would the ___28___ system be at a disadvantage if key witnesses and victims cannot remember a crime These are questions New York University bioethicist Arthur Caplan says are worth thinking about before the technology is ready for human clinical settings.
As neuroscientists progress with their research, they say these ___29___ issues are being taken into account. Ramirez sees the idea of ___30___ memories as neither good nor bad. Like water, it just depends on how you use
16 .A .Forgettable B .Memorable C .Sustainable D .Believable
17 .A .fruit B .difference C .pain D .movement
18 .A .associated withB .exchanged for C .sentenced to D .deprived of
19 .A .put off B .pick up C .turn on D .make up
20 .A .reacted B .hurried C .stunned D .resolved
21 .A .short-term B .negative C .enjoyable D .reliable
22 .A .deleting B .decreasing C .activating D .pausing
23 .A .recreate B .eliminate C .liberate D .memorize
24 .A .Therefore B .Besides C .Indeed D .However
25 .A .Since B .Unless C .Until D .While
26 .A .removed B .strengthened C .altered D .stimulated
27 .A .emotional B .physical C .controversial D .mechanical
28 .A .immune B.justice C .medical D .commerce
29 .A .mental B .ethical C .criminal D .equality
30 .A .killing B .multiplying C .controlling D.justifying
(2022· 全国 · 高二单元测试) Recently we carried out a survey of 1,000 people from different countries to find out what they think ___31___will be like in the future. The results clearly show both our ___32___and fears.
The survey suggests that___33___ — one of the most important human relationships — will change greatly. People will make friends through the puters will become really___34___by 2050. Even now, some people describe them as their best friends! Others, ___35___, say that we will become much more isolated (孤立 的) from each other ___36___we will have little real human communication.
Education will ___37___ a lot too. As more and more children will be using computers in schools, certain ___38___, such as mental arithmetic (心算), won’t be necessary. Even writing by hand will have become a
thing of the___39___.
According to the survey, home life will be____40____. Most people believe that by 2050 robots will be doing the housework and we will be eating____41____food. A lot of people think that we might only cook for fun in the future. Space exploration will become increasingly____42____. Fifty percent of the people we talked to ____43____that man will regularly (定期地) visit Mars.
Pollution is something that seems to ____44____many people. Some fear that it will____45____to get worse, and that our planet will become____46____to live on. Others even ____47____that one day we' ll have to pay for clean air.
____48____, people seem to be quite optimistic about genetic engineering (基因工程), as they think scientists will use it to ____49____diseases like cancer and AIDS.
No matter how dark or bright it may seem, it is up to us to ____50____our planet and try to make it a better
31 .A. education B. life C. nature D. space
32 .A. hopes B. tears C. rights D. plans
33 .A. marriage B. leadership C. friendship D. neighborhood
34 .A. private B. perfect C. necessary D. expensive
35 .A. however B. instead C. anyhow D. therefore
36 .A. until B. unless C. because D. although
37 .A. provide B. complete C. receive D. change
38 .A. facts B. abilities C. goals D. thoughts
39 .A. end B. past C. moment D. future
40 .A. busier B. safer C. sadder D. easier
41 .A. unhealthy B. frozen C. over-cooked D. ready-made
42 .A. famous B. cheap C. popular D. difficult
43 .A. doubt B. believe C. remember D. warn
44 .A. confuse B. frighten C. satisfy D. worry
45 .A. stop B. continue C. refuse D. begin
46 .A. cold B. impossible C. suitable D. free
47 .A. expect B. promise C. predict D. wish
48 .A. As a result B. In other words C. In a similar way D. On the other hand
49 .A. catch B. spread C. prevent D. carry
50 .A. take over B. look after C. pay for D. think about
(2021·全国 · 高二单元测试) What will man be like in the future How about in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now We can only make a____51____, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from____52____he is today, for man is slowly____53____all the time.
Let us take an example. Man, even 500 years ago, was____54____than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. 500 years is a relatively short period of____55____, so we may guess that man will____56____to grow taller.
Again, in modern world we use our____57____a great deal. Even so, we still____58____only about 20% of the brain’ s capacity (容量).As time____59____, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more --and finally we shall need even larger ones! This is likely to____60____a physical change, too. The head,____61____, the forehead, will grow larger.
Nowadays our eyes are in____62____use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear____63____. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger.
On the other hand, we____64____to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time,____65____our fingers will grow more sensitive (敏感的) because they are used a great deal in modern life.
But what about hair This will probably____66____from the body altogether in course of time because it does not____67____a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald(无发或少发的).
Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very____68____creature to look at! All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in____69____with us. He will still be a human being, with____70____and emotions similar to our own.
51 .A .guess B .research C.joke D .decision
52 .A .what B .how C .that D .which
53 .A .dying B .changing C .growing D .improving
54 .A .longer B .taller C .bigger D .shorter
55 .A.journey B .life C .time D .distance
56 .A .stop B .continue C .keep D .hope
57 .A .minds B .heads C .brains D .hearts
58 .A .occupy B .choose C .control D .use
59 .A .passes down B .goes on C .moves away D .runs out
60 .A .cause B .take C .occur D .lead
61 .A .in total B .in trouble C .in particular D .in charge
62 .A .constant B .practical C .proper D .suitable
63 .A .hats B .smiles C .clothes D .glasses
64 .A .plan B .mean C .tend D .decide
65 .A .therefore B .however C .otherwise D .besides
66 .A .grow B .appear C .disappear D .survive
67 .A .have B .keep C .hold D .serve
68 .A .attractive B .ugly C .special D .ordinary
69 .A .size B .difference C .appearance D .common
70 .A .bodies B .thoughts C .mouths D .noses
(2021· 吉林 · 长春市第二十九中学高二阶段练习) When I was a boy I dreamed of my future. I was going to be a cowboy. Then I dreamed of being a fire fighter and ____71____ people from burning buildings. I just couldn’t ____72____ to grow up and be an adult. After I went to college and those dreams ____73____. I thought I would be a scientist, then I switched to being a teacher. When I ____74____ and had children, my dreams of the future changed again. Now it wasn’t so much a ____75____ career that I dreamed of but a time when I could be settled and ____76____ and my family and I would finally be problem free.
That dream, of course, didn’t ____77____. In fact, none of those dreams ever came to life. It took me many years as well to ____78____ that living in a dream future was living in a ____79____ and that each moment I spent there was taking a moment away from the _____80_____ NOW. I saw that there could be no perfect, problem free future because problems are a part of _____81_____.
It is only in the NOW that we can truly live. Our dreams for the future are just that: _____82_____. Whether they come true or not isn’t as _____83_____ as how we live each day here. A hug shared today can never be _____84_____. An act of kindness not given now is lost forever. A moment of love missed can never be _____85_____ again. Each second of the NOW is precious and priceless. Don’t waste a one of them.
71 .A .liberating B .carrying C .rescuing D .supporting
72 .A .wait B .stop C .stay D .rest
73 .A .remained B .matched C .broke D .changed
74 .A .retired B .married C .succeeded D .divorced
75 .A .certain B .firm C .promising D .professional
76 .A .silent B .gentle C .secure D .uncertain
77 .A .lose B .happen C .produce D .destroy
78 .A .recognize B .appreciate C .conclude D .realize
79 .A .hope B .fantasy C .fable D .vision
80 .A .precious B .favorite C .common D .popular
81 .A .activity B .movement C .life D .business
82 .A .realities B .dreams C .purposes D .treasures
83 .A .famous B .serious C .impressive D .important
84 .A .replaced B .followed C .recovered D .reviewed
85 .A .picked up B .broken up C .made up D .put up
(2020·全国 · 高二专题练习) Finding Home
“I hate New Orleans! I wanna go home!” I ___86___ to my mother as we moved boxes. ___87___, going home was not easy because my home was 1, 100 miles away.
I was born and ___88___ in northern Virginia. Virginia was my home, and I never expected that to ___89___. In 2014, my family experienced a tragedy (悲剧), so my parents decided to move to my mom’s hometown of New
Only three months after my parents made the ___90___ to move, I found myself moving boxes into our new house. My announcement to my mother that I ___91___ the new environment was partly motivated by how hot it was, but it was mostly due to the fact that I felt like my entire life had been turned upside down. 1,100 miles away from everyone and everything I had ever known, I was ___92___. To make matters worse, I was starting high school in two weeks Beginning high school is a scary ___93___ on its own.
I spent my first few months in New Orleans, ___94___ wanting to go home to Virginia. But after a few months of missing home, I ____95____ that I had a choice. I could continue thinking about how much I missed my old home, ____96____ I could start trying to build a new home right here. I chose the latter.
As soon as I stopped giving all my ____97____ to how much I missed Virginia, I was able to begin accepting the love that people were already giving me. I joined some clubs at school, which gave me the chance to make friends. My neighbor taught me how to cook some New Orleans food, and I found a wonderful ____98____ of fellow cooks and neighbors. Overall, I seized every possible opportunity to ____99____ myself and to rebuild my life.
Because of my resilience (复原力) in creating a new home for myself and the ____ 100____ that people have
shown to me, home is right here.
86 .A .announced B .replied
87 .A .Therefore B .Instead
88 .A .trained B .raised
89 .A .develop B .continue
C .turned
C .However
C .promoted
C .exist
D .pointed
D .Besides
D .fed
D .change
90 .A .attempt B. suggestion C. excuse D .decision
91 .A .preferred B. missed C. hated D .imagined
92 .A .surprised B. frightened C. delighted D .relieved
93 .A .performance B. activity C. presentation D .experience
94 .A .partly B. badly C. slightly D .hardly
95 .A .realized B. remembered C. observed D .complained
96 .A .and B. but C. or D .so
97 .A .attention B. patience C. trust D .confidence
98 .A .generation B. community C. race D .school
99 .A .teach B. accept C. judge D .better
100 .A .belief B. freedom C. love D .interest
1 .A 2 .B 3 .D 4 .C 5 .B 6 .D 7 .C 8 .B 9 .A 10 .D 11 .D 12 .C 13 .A 14 .B
15 .C
1.考查介词短语辨析。句意:事实上,这些巨大的项圈是故意松开的,如果一个项圈让熊觉得讨厌,熊 可能会把它取下来。 A. In fact 事实上;B. In a way 某种程度上;C. In addition 另外;D. In the end 最后。根 据上下文可知, 科学家将 GPS 跟踪项圈放在野生北极熊身上, 并不意味着北极熊会愿意继续使用它。后文 表示实际情况,项圈是故意松开的,可以被北极熊摘下的。故选 A 项。
2 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,这些巨大的项圈是故意松开的,这样如果一个项圈让熊觉得讨厌, 熊可能会把它取下来。 A. destroy 摧毁;B. remove 移掉,脱下,摘下;C. resist 抵抗,抵制;D. reject 拒绝。 此处表示北极熊不愿带项圈时,项圈是可以被北极熊摘下的。故选 B 项。
3 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:“这些掉下来的项圈很有可能被认为是垃圾数据, ”阿尔伯塔大学的北极熊研 究人员娜塔莎 · 克拉普斯坦说。A. particularly 尤其;B. relevantly 相关地;C. intentionally 有意地;D. potentially 有可能地。根据上文语境, 由于项圈可以被松开, 因此, 这部分掉下来的项圈很有可能被认为是垃圾数据。
故选 D 项。
4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,她和她的同事利用遗留在加拿大哈德逊湾的冰块上留下的项圈上的 测量数据来追踪冰块本身。 A. estimates 估计;B. subjects 主题;C. measurements 测量数据;D. patents 专利。 与上文 garbage data 呼应,根据本句中“from such collars”可知,在项圈上的应该是测量数据。故选 C 项。
5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在六月份发表在《冰冻圈》上的研究中,研究人员鉴定了 20 个项圈,它们 在 2005 年到 2015 年之间发送的运动数据与冰层漂移而不是与北极熊的运动一致。A. displayed 展示;B. identified 识别,鉴定;C. justified 证明合法;D. preserved 保护。此处是出于研究目的,从四个选项来看只 有 identified 最符合搭配。故选 B 项。
6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在六月份发表在《冰冻圈》上的研究中,研究人员鉴定了 20 个项圈,它们 在 2005 年到 2015 年之间发送的运动数据与冰层漂移而不是与北极熊的运动一致。A. behavior 行为;B. habitat 栖息地;C. manner 方式、礼仪;D. motion 运动。本题为单词复现题。第 8 空所在的句子“and satellite observations often cannot accurately capture the motion of small ice sheets”中出现了 motion。故选 D 项。
7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:关于融化的冰如何在哈德逊湾典型漂移的结果记录是独特的:地面传感 器不易探测, 卫星观测常常无法准确捕捉小冰原的运动。A. flexible 灵活的;B. favorable 赞许的;C. accessible 易接近的、可理解的;D. changeable 可改变的。根据“often cannot”及“no easily”可知,此处表示无法探测地 面传感器。故选 C 项。
8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:关于融化的冰如何在哈德逊湾典型漂移的结果记录是独特的:地面传感器 不易探测, 卫星观测常常无法准确捕捉小冰原的运动。 A. internally 内部地;B. accurately 精确地;C. securely 安全地;D. independently 独立地。根据“capture the motion of small ice sheets”及“no easily”可知,此处表示 无法精确捕捉小冰原的运动。故选 B 项。
9 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:项圈数据表明,NSIDC 模型低估了哈德逊湾海冰移动的速度—— 以及漂移 的总体范围。 A. extent 范围;B. damage 毁坏;C. trend 趋势;D. limit 限制。根据下文“Over the course of several months the model could drift away from an ice sheet's location by a few hundred kilometers”可知,此处指总体的 漂移范围。故选 A 项。
10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这意味着北极熊在逆冰移动的时候可能比科学家们想象的更加努力。A. agreed 同意;B. promised 保证;C. proved 证明;D. assumed 设想,假设。根据后文的“underestimating”可知,此处 表示科学家的设想。故选 D 项。
11 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这项研究及时地揭示了高速移动的冰是如何移动的。A. immediate 立刻 的;B. superior 更好的,上级的;C. entire 整体的;D. timely 及时的。从文章后面对于近年冰盖变化的描 述来看,此处是表达科学家对于冰盖漂移发现的及时性。故选 D 项。
12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于冰川融化在未来几年会增加,这样的冰块在更北边的地方可能会变 得更常见。 A. evident 清晰可见的;B. unique 独一无二的;C. common 普通的,常见的;D. realistic 现实的。 根据“Asmelting increases in coming years”推测,这样的冰块在北方更为常见。故选 C 项。
13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:科学家们已经知道 NSIDC 的数据可能会低估漂移速度,但“任何时候我们 都能发现数据缺口,这是一件好事。”A. gap 缺口;B. scan 扫描;C. boom (贸易和经济活动的) 激增;D. fit (癫痫等的) 突发,发作。根据“NSIDC data could underestimate drift speeds”和“it is a good thing.”可知,这 里指发现数据缺口。故选 A 项。
14.考查过去分词词义辨析。句意:此外,未参与这项研究的 NSIDC 资深研究科学家 Walt Meier 说:“这 些数据可以改善对溢油或其他污染物如何在满是浮冰的海洋中扩散的预测。”A. replaced 被替换的;B. littered 散放的;C. packed 被打包的;D. matched 被配对的。此处“littered with drifting ice”修饰“ocean”,为 过去分词作后置定语,意思为:满是浮冰的。故选 B 项。
15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这样的发现甚至也许会影响未来的 NSIDC 模型。A. reverse 逆转;B. resemble 类似,像;C. influence 影响;D. motivate 激励。上文有提到模型和实际的差距,因此这项研究只能影响到 新的模型,做出调整和改进。故选 C 项。
16 .B 17 .C 18 .A 19 .D 20 .A 21 .B 22 .C 23 .B 24 .D 25 .D 26 .C 27 .A 28.
B 29 .B 30 .C
【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了神经科学家们在老鼠身上做实验, 看是否可以改变大脑中有关痛 苦的那些记忆,且该实验已经取得初步效果。
16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那些记忆深刻的时刻和他们激起的情感可以几十年在我们的头脑中产生 共鸣,塑造着我们是谁。A.Forgettable 忘记了的;B. Memorable 记忆深刻的; C.Sustainable 可持续的; D. Believable 可以相信的。根据上句“Do you remember how you felt the first time you rode bike ” (作者问第 一次骑车的时候)可知,作者在讲过去的记忆。故选 B。
17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果这些创伤不会造成如此多的伤害,那会怎么样呢?A.fruit 水果; B.difference 不同, 影响; C.pain 痛苦; D.movement 运动。根据上句“such painful memories can leave people with life-changing mental conditions. (这些痛苦的记忆会给人们带来改变生活的精神状况。)“创伤”应该是痛 苦的经历,所以会造成“痛苦” 。 故选 C。
18.考查动词短语辨析。句意:神经系统科学家通常定义一个记忆为“一个印迹符号”--在大脑组织中的和 一个特定的记忆有关的物理改变。 A.associated with 和...有关;B.exchanged for 交换; C.sentenced to 判刑; D.deprived of 剥夺。 “ define a singular memory as ”本句解释的是“memory”的定义, recllection 是它的近义词, 因此应该是“和它相关的”。故选 A。
19 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们能够瞄准那个构成记忆符号的细胞,然后植入一个虚假的记忆。 A.put off 推迟;B.pick up 捡起;C. turn on 打开; D.make up 构成。根据“a physical change in brain tissue 3 a particular recollection. ” (科学家对“engram”的定义) 可知, 那个细胞储存着记忆, 构成了记忆符号。故选

20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他们的工作中,老鼠会对某个特定的刺激作出惊恐的反应,即使当它们 提前没有遭遇到这种情况。 A. reacted 反应;B.hurried 匆忙; C.stunned 震惊; D.resolved 决心。根据“They were able to target the cells that 4 one engram in a mouse's brain and then implant a false memory. ”
(科学家们在做研究, “往它们体内植入虚假的记忆”),所以应该是老鼠对此作出反应。故选 A 。 21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他们当前的工作中,他和同事正在调查是否这些消极的记忆可以被积 极的记忆改写。 A.short-term 长期的;B.negative 消极的;C.enjoyable 快乐的;D.reliable 可靠的。根据后 文的“be “overwritten” by positive ones”可知,本空应该是它的反义词。故选 B 。 22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在对老鼠进行外科手术之后科学家们发现,当老鼠在笼子里的时候激活那 些积极的记忆会让它不再那么恐惧。A.deleting 删除;B.decreasing 减少;C.activating 激活; D.pausing
暂停。根据“positive memories are created by putting male mice in cages with female ones for an hour”,(科学家
们对老鼠输入了积极的记忆),所以推测本句指“激活”这些积极记忆。故选 C。
23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们认为这种记忆的“重新训练”有助于去除掉老鼠的一些创伤。 A.recreate 重新创造; B.eliminate 消除; C.liberate 解放;D.memorize 记住。根据下文,“it is unclear whether those original fear memories are completely lost or just suppressed” (不知这些原始恐惧是否完全消失) 可知,本句 指这样做可以“消除”掉一些创伤。故选 B。
24 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,是否这些原始的恐惧记忆完全消除或抑制是不清楚的。 A.Therefore 因此 ;B.Besides 另 外 ;C.Indeed 实 际上 ;D.However 然而 。根据上文 “They think that this memory “retraining"may be helping to 8 some of the mouse's trauma. ”,这样做有助于消除恐惧记忆, 下 句又讲“能否完全消除还不清楚”,因此两句之间是转折关系。故选 D。
25.考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管他们的团队强调他们在老鼠身上的成果只是初步的,但是他们也看到 了在这条路上为人类治疗的潜力。 A.Since 因为; B.Unless 除非;C.Until 直到;D.While 然而。根据从句 中“preliminary(初步的)”一词,及主句中“潜力”一词,可推出主从句之间为转折关系。故选 D。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,那些遭受抑郁的人们就可以让他们的记忆被转换,以致于他们对痛 苦的经历没有一种强烈的反应。 A.removed 移除;B.strengthened 加强;C.altered 转换;D.stimulated 刺激。 根据 “Ramirez’s team stresses that their work in mice is preliminary( 初步 的), they see treatment potential for humans down the road”,“科学家们在对老鼠做实验的成效中, 看到了人类治疗的潜能”,所以本句是这种“潜 能”应用的例子,就是可以转换人的记忆。故选 C。
27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:例如,那些遭受抑郁的人们就可以让他们的记忆被转换,以致于他们对 痛苦 的经历没有一种强烈 的反应 。A.emotional 情感 的 ;B.physical 身体 的 C.controversial 传统 的 ; D.mechanical 机械的;本空修饰“response to painful recollection”’ (人对痛苦回忆的反应),这种反应应该是 “情感上的”。故选 A。
28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果关键的证人和受害者不能记得犯罪事件,那么执法系统会处于不利地 位吗 A.immune 免疫的;B.justice 公正的,正义,执法制度;C.medical 医疗的;D.commerce 商业。根据 “system be at a disadvantage if key witnesses and victims cannot remember a crime ”意思,证人和受害者不记 得犯罪事件后,那么“执法部门”就无法找到确切的犯罪证据。故选 B。
29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:伴随着神经科学家们的研究进展,他们说这些道德上的问题也正在被考 虑中。 A.mental 精神的;B.ethical 道德上的,伦理的 ;C.criminal 罪犯的;D.equality 平等性。根据“These are questions New York University bioethicist Arthur Caplan says are worth thinking about ”作者提出, 如果这种 技术应用在人身上后,会出现的各种问题可知,这些问题都属于“道德”方面的。故选 B。
30 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ramirez 认为这种控制记忆的想法既不是好的,也不是坏的,这取决于你 怎样使用它。 A.killing 杀害; B.multiplying
繁殖;C.controlling 控制;D.justifying 证明...合法,辩护。根据“memories can be “overwritten” by positive ones”可知,本文主要讲“改变人的记忆”的问题,所以这里应该是“控制记忆”。故选 C。
31 .B 32 .A 33 .C 34 .C 35 .A 36 .C 37 .D 38 .B 39 .B 40 .D 41 .D 42 .C 43.
B 44 .D 45 .B 46 .B 47 .C 48 .D 49 .C 50 .B
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最近,我们对来自不同国家的 1000 人进行了一项调查,以了解他们对未 来生活的看法。 A. education 教育;B. life 生活;C. nature 自然; D. space 太空。根据下文描述的交友、教 育、太空探索以及污染问题等可知,此问卷调查是关于未来“生活(life)”的。故选 B。
32 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:结果清楚地显示了我们的期许和担忧。 A. hopes 期许,希望;B. tears 眼泪;
C. rights 权力;D. plans 计划。根据本空后的fears 以及下文描述的未来生活的不同方面可知,问卷结果显 示了人们对未来生活的“期许(hopes)”和担忧。故选 A。
33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项调查表明,友谊——最重要的人际关系之一——将发生巨大变化。A. marriage 婚姻;B. leadership 领导才能;C. friendship 友谊;D. neighborhood 地区效应。根据下文的“one of the most important human relationships”和“People will make friends through the Internet”可知, 此处是说未的“友谊 (friendship)”会发生巨大的改变。故选 C。
34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:到 2050 年,计算机将变得非常必要。 A. private 私人的;B. perfect 完美 的;C. necessary 必须的;D. expensive 昂贵的。根据本段描述电脑对人们的影响可知,到 2050 年,电脑将 变得“必不可少(necessary)”。故选 C。
35.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而, 我们将变得更加孤立, 因为我们将很少有真正的人类交流。 A. however 然而;B. instead 相反,代替;C. anyhow 无论如何;D. therefore 因此。 “一些人认为电脑是最好的朋友”和“有 些人认为人与人之间将变得更加孤立”之间是转折关系,需用表示转折关系的副词 however。故选 A。
36.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:然而, 我们将变得更加孤立, 因为我们将很少有真正的人类交流。 A. until 直到;B. unless 除非;C. because 因为;D. although 尽管。“缺少真实的人际交流”是“人们变得更加孤立” 的原因,所以空处需用 because 引导原因状语从句。故选 C。
37 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:教育也会改变很多。A. provide 提供;B. complete 完成;C. receive 收到;
D. change 改变。根据下文描述心算变得没有必要可知,未来的教育也会“改变(change)”很多。故选 D。
38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着越来越多的孩子在学校里使用计算机,某些能力,如心算,将不再是 必要的。 A. facts 事实;B. abilities 能力;C. goals 目标;D. thoughts 思想。根据空后“such as mental arithmetic
(心算)”可知,此处指的是某些能力。故选 B。
39 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:即使是手写也将成为过去。A. end 结束;B. past 过去;C. moment 时刻;
D. future 将来。由于电脑的普及,某些“技能(abilities)”,如心算,将没有必要。甚至用手写字也会变得过 时。 a thing of the past 指“过时的事物”,固定搭配。故选 B。
40 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:根据调查,家庭生活会更轻松。A. busier 更忙碌的;B. safer 更安全的;
C. sadder 更悲伤的;D. easier 更容易的。根据下文的“robots will be doing the housework”可知,未来家庭 生活将变得“更轻松(easier)”。故选 D。
41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大多数人相信,到 2050 年,机器人将做家务,我们将吃已经做好的食 物。 A. unhealthy 不健康的; B. frozen 冷冻的; C. over-cooked 煮老的; D. ready-made 已做好的,预制的。 根据下文的“we might only cook for fun in the future”可知, 到 2050 年人们基本不做饭, 而是吃“已经做好的 (ready-made)”饭。故选 D。
42 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:太空探索将越来越受欢迎。 A. famous 著名的;B. cheap 便宜的;C. popular 流行的;D. difficult 困难的。根据下文的“man will regularly visit Mars”可知,未来的太空探索将非常“流行 (popular)”。故选 C。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们交谈过的人中有 50%相信人类会定期访问火星。A. doubt 怀疑;B. believe 相信 ;C. remember 记得 ;D. warn 警告 。根据上文 的 Most people believe 可知 ,50% 的受访者“ 相信 (believe)”人类会定期拜访火星。故选 B。
44 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:污染似乎让许多人担心。 A. confuse 使困惑;B. frighten 使害怕;C. satisfy 使满足; D. worry 担心。根据下文的“Some fear that.”可知,环境污染让很多人“担心(worry)”。故选 D。
45 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些人担心情况会继续恶化,我们的星球将变得不可能生存下去。 A. stop 停止;B. continue 继续;C. refuse 拒绝;D. begin 开始。本段指污染带给人们的影响。有些人担心如果环 境“继续(continue)”变糟糕,在地球上居住将变得“不可能(impossible)”。故选 B。
46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一些人担心情况会继续恶化, 我们的星球将变得不可能生存下去。 A. cold 寒冷的;B. impossible 不可能的;C. suitable 合适的;D. free 自由的,免费的。前文提到环境如果继续恶 化,那么在地球上居住将不可能。故选 B。
47 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:其他人甚至预测,总有一天我们要为清洁的空气买单。A. expect 期待;B. promise 承诺;C. predict 预测;D. wish 希望。根据前文可知,环境污染了,这使得有些人“预测(predict)”有 一天呼吸干净的空气也需要付费。故选 C。
48.考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:另一方面,人们似乎对基因工程相当乐观,因为他们认为科学家将利 用它来预防癌症和艾滋病等疾病。A. As a result 结果;B. In other words 换言之;C. In a similar way 以相似 的方法;D. On the other hand 另一方面。对未来生活, 人们一方面担心环境污染, 而“另一方面(Onthe other hand)”则对基因工程相当乐观。故选 D。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一方面,人们似乎对基因工程相当乐观,因为他们认为科学家将利用它 来预防癌症和艾滋病等疾病。 A. catch 抓住;B. spread 传播;C. prevent 阻止;D. carry 携带。根据上文的“be quite optimistic”可知,有一些人相信科学家可以利用基因工程“防治(prevent)”诸如癌症和艾滋这样的疾病。 故选 C。
50.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:不管它看起来有多暗或多亮,都要由我们来照顾我们的星球,并努力 使它成为一个更好的地方。 A. take over 接管;B. look after 照顾;C. pay for 为……付款;D. think about 考 虑。根据上述调查结果以及作者的结论“try to make it a better place”可知,作者认为我们应该“照顾(look after)”好地球。故选 B。
51 .A 52 .A 53 .B 54 .D 55 .C 56 .B 57 .C 58 .D 59 .B 60 .A 61 .C 62 .A 63.
D 64 .C 65 .B 66 .C 67 .D 68 .A 69 .D 70 .B
【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍关于未来人类外貌的猜测, 告诉我们未来的人看起来与我们可能 会完全不同。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当然,我们只能作一个猜测,但我们可以肯定,他将不同于今天的他,因 为人类一直在慢慢地变化。 A. guess 猜测;B. research 研究;C. joke 玩笑;D. decision 决定。根据上文 What will man be like in the future How about in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now 可知,此处是指对未来的人 类进行猜测。故选 A。
52.考查连接词辨析。句意:当然,我们只能作一个猜测,但我们可以肯定,他将不同于今天的他,因为 人类一直在慢慢地变化。此处为宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,指代外表应用 what。故选 A。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当然,我们只能作一个猜测,但我们可以肯定,他将不同于今天的他,因 为人类一直在慢慢地变化。 A. dying 死亡;B. changing 改变;C. growing 成长;D. improving 改善。根据最 后一段第二句“All the same, in spite of all these changes,”以及全文的描述可知,通篇都是描述未来人类的变 化,故此处是指人类在不断变化中。故选 B。
54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人类,即使在 500 年前,也比今天矮。 A. longer 更长的;B. taller 更高的;
C. bigger 更大的;D. shorter 更矮的。根据下一句中“Now, on the average, men are about three inches taller.”现 在的人类比过去的人类平均高三英寸,可推知,过去的人类要矮得多。故选 D。
55 .考查名词词义辨析。句意: 500 年是一个相对短的时间,所以我们可以猜测人类会继续长高。 A.
journey 旅行;B. life 生活;C. time 时间;D. distance 距离。根据上文 500 years is a relatively short period of 可知 500 年相对于漫长的人类历史长河来说是一个短暂的时期。故选 C。
56 .考查动词词义辨析。句意: 500 年是一个相对短的时间,所以我们可以猜测人类会继续长高。 A. stop 停止;B. continue 继续;C. keep 保持;D. hope 希望。根据第一段中最后一句“For man is slowly ...all the time.”可知,人类总在不断地变化中,而且这种变化将持续下去。故选 B。
57 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:再说一次,在现代世界中,我们大量地使用我们的大脑。A. minds 思维;
B. heads 头;C. brains 大脑;D. hearts 心。根据后文 only about 20% of the brain's 可知此处指使用大脑。故 选 C。
58.考查动词词义辨析。句意:即便如此, 我们仍然只使用了大约 20%的大脑容量。 A. occupy 占据;B. choose 选择;C. control 控制;D. use 使用。根据后文 we shall have to use our brains more and more 可知我们如今指 使用了大约 20%的脑容量。故选 D。
59.考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,随着时间的推移,我们将越来越多地使用我们的大脑——最终我们 将需要更大的大脑! A. passes down 传递;B. goes on 继续;C. moves away 离开;D. runs out 用完。结合上 文 Astime 可知是指随着时间的推移继续,故选 B。
60 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:这也可能会引起生理上的变化。 A. cause 引起,造成;B. take 带走;C. occur 发生; D. lead 带领。根据后文 a physical change, too 可知大脑的变大也会引起生理上的变化。故选 A。
61 .考查介词短语辨析。句意:头部,尤其是前额,会变得更大。A. in total 总计;B. in trouble 处于困境;
C. in particular 尤其;D. in charge 负责。人类频繁使用大脑会使大脑变大,尤其(in particular)是前额会变 得更大。故选 C。
62 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在我们的眼睛经常被使用。A. constant 经常的;B. practical 实际的;
C. proper 适当的;D. suitable 合适的。根据后文 we use them so much that very often 可知我们经常使用眼睛。 故选 A。
63 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上, 由于我们经常使用眼睛, 眼睛变得越来越弱, 我们不得不戴眼镜。
A. hats 帽子;B. smiles 微笑;C. clothes 衣服;D. glasses 眼镜。根据本句的前半句“In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker ”可知,因用眼过度而导致视力减弱,应该戴眼镜。故选 D。
64 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一方面,我们趋向于较少使用我们的胳膊和腿。A. plan 计划;B. mean 意味着;C. tend 趋向;D. decide 决定。根据后面一句“These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker.”可知,我 们趋向于较少使用我们的胳膊和腿,所以四肢因为缺乏锻炼所以变得虚弱。故选 C。
65.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,与此同时,我们的手指会变得更加敏感,因为它们在现代生活中被 大量使用。 A. therefore 因此; B. however 然而; C. otherwise 否则; D.
besides 而且。结合上下文语境可知为转折关系,应用however。故选 B。
66 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,它可能会从身体上完全消失,因为它不再有用。 A. grow 生长;B. appear 出现;C. disappear 消失;D. survive 幸存。根据后文 In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.可知头发可能会完全消失。故选 C。
67 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,它可能会从身体上完全消失,因为它不再有用。 A. have 有;B. keep 保持;C. hold 握住;D. serve 服务。根据后文 a useful purpose any longer 可知头发不再服务于 一个有用的目的,也就是说,头发已无存在的价值。故选 D。
68.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:也许所有这一切给人的印象是, 未来的人不会是一个非常吸引人的动物!
A. attractive 吸引人的;B. ugly 丑陋的;C. special 特别的;D. ordinary 普通的。根据上文上面提到的这些 变化可以描绘出未来人类的形象并不好看,并不吸引人。故选 A。
69.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管发生了这些变化, 但是未来的人类仍然和我们有很多共同之处。 A. size 尺寸;B. difference 差异;C. appearance 外貌;D. common 共同的。结合上文 All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in 可知此处指未来的人类仍然和我们有很多共同之处。短语 have a lot in common with…表示“与……有许多共同之处”。故选 D。
70.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他仍然是一个人, 有着和我们一样的思想和情感。 A. bodies 身体;B. thoughts 思想;C. mouths 嘴巴;D. noses 鼻子。根据后文 and emotions similar to our own 可知是指与我们有着一样 的思想和情感。故选 B。
71 .C 72 .A 73 .D 74 .B 75 .A 76 .C 77 .B 78 .D 79 .B 80 .A 81 .C 82 .B 83.
D 84 .A 85 .C
【分析】这是一篇说明文。作者小时候有很多梦想, 并且随着年龄增长, 梦想也发生着变化。作者很多年
71.考查动词辨析。句意:那是我梦想变成消防员, 从着火的大楼里营救人们。 A. liberating 解放;B. carrying 运送; C. rescuing 营救; D. supporting 支持。根据常识 消防员是灭火救人的。故选 C。
72 .考查动词辨析。句意:我迫不及待的长大变成成人。 A. wait 等待;B. stop 停止; C. stay 停留;D. rest 休息。 “couldn’t wait”意为“迫不及待地”,是一个固定搭配,故选 A。
73 .考查动词辨析。句意:进入大学后, 那些梦想改变了。 A. remained 保持;B. matched 和 …相配;C. broke 打破; D. changed 改变。此空格与下文中的“changed again”呼应。故选 D。
74 .考查动词辨析。句意:当我结婚有了孩子后,我对未来的梦想又变了。A. retired 退休;B. married 结 婚; C. succeeded 成功; D. divorced 离婚。我们知道先结婚才能有孩子,故选 B。
75.考查形容词辨析。句意:现在它不再是某一的职业,我梦想有一天能安定下来,衣食无忧,而且我和 我的家人都没有烦恼。A. certain 某一,确定的;B. firm 坚定的,牢固的;C. promising 有希望的;D. professional 专业的, 职业的。我们可以看到作者之前的梦想是一个个具体的职业, 现在的梦想是一段时光, 所以梦想 已经发生改变,不再是一个个确定的或者某一职业了。故选 A。
76 .考查形容词辨析。句意同上。 A. silent 沉默的;B. gentle 温和的;C. secure 安全的, 稳妥的;D. uncertain 不确定的。衣食无忧就是安全的,稳妥的,故选 C。
77 .考查动词辨析。句意:当然,那个梦想没有发生。A. lose 浪费,遗失; B. happen 发生;C. produce 生产;D. destroy 毁坏。此空格与下句中的 none of those dreams ever came to life (那些梦想都没有成为现实) 呼应,故选 B。
78 .考查动词辨析。句意:我花了很多年才意识到生活在梦想的未来其实就是生活在幻想之中,我梦想一 分钟就是从宝贵的现在夺走一分钟。 A. recognize 认出,识别;B. appreciate 欣赏,感激;C. conclude 推断, 断定; D. realize 意识到。下文将会讲到经过这么多年我意识到的东西,领会到的事情。故选 D。
79 .考查名词辨析。句意同上。 A. hope 希望;B. fantasy 幻想;C. fable 寓言;D. vision 视力,美景。由于 下文讲的是要珍惜现在,不要活在梦想之中,所以这里说梦想其实就是幻想,不真实的。故选 B。
80 .考查形容词辨析。句意同上。A. precious 宝贵的;B. favorite 最受喜爱的;C. common 共同的, 普通的; D. popular 流行的。此空格与下文中的 Each second of the NOW is precious 呼应,故选 A。
81 .考查名词辨析。句意:我认为不能有完美无忧的未来因为问题就是生活的一部分。A. activity 活动;
B. movement 运动,活动;C. life 生活,生命;D. business 贸易。麻烦是生活的一部分,所以我们才无处可
逃。故选 C。
82 .考查名词辨析。句意:我们对未来的梦想仅仅是梦想。 A. realities 现实; B. dreams 梦想; C. purposes 目的; D. treasures 宝物。这里强调梦想就是梦想,不是现实生活。故选 B。
83 .考查形容词辨析。句意:无论它们实现与否都不如当下我们如何过好每一天重要。A. famous 著名的;
B. serious 严肃的;C. impressive 给人以深刻印象的;D. important 重要的。此空格与下文中的 precious 呼应, 强调当下的重要性。故选 D。
84 .考查动词辨析。句意:今天分享的拥抱将不会被取代。A. replaced 取代,替换;B. followed 跟着,听 从;C. recovered 恢复;D. reviewed 复习,评估。今天过去就不会回来,所以说今天分享的拥抱不会被取 代。故选 A。
85 .考查动词短语。句意:错过的一刻的爱永远也补不回来。 A. picked up 捡起; B. broken up 破碎,分解;
C. made up 弥补; D. put
up 穿上。与上句意思一样,强调此时此刻的宝贵,这一刻错过就是错过,无法弥补。故选 C。
86 .A 87 .C 88 .B 89 .D 90 .D 91 .C 92 .B 93 .D 94 .B 95 .A 96 .C 97 .A 98.
B 99 .D 100 .C
【分析】这是一篇记叙文。从小出生和成长在北弗吉尼亚的作者在家庭遭遇了一场悲剧之后, 不得不跟随 父母搬到母亲的老家新奥尔良。作者起初对新家非常反感和讨厌, 而在几个月之后作者意识到自己有一个 选择:是继续想家还是开始在这里建一个新家。作者选择了后者,然后作者逐渐发现了新环境中的美好,
86 .考查动词辨析。 A. announced 述说;宣布;B. replied 回答;C. turned 转向;D. pointed 指着。句意:“我 讨厌新奥尔良!我想回家!”我们搬箱子的时候,我对妈妈说。故选 A。
87 .考查连词辨析。 A. Therefore 因此;B. Instead 而不是;C. However 然而;D. Besides 除此之外。根据下 文 going home was not easy because my home was 1, 100 miles away.可知, 虽然作者想要回家, 但是在已经在
1100 英里之外了。上下文为转折关系,故选 C。
88 .考查动词辨析。 A. trained 训练;B. raised 养育;提高;C. promoted 促进;D. fed 喂养。句意:我在北 弗吉尼亚出生和养育长大。故选 B 。
89 .考查动词辨析。 A. develop 发展;B. continue 继续;C. exist 存在;D. change 改变。根据上文 Virginia was my home, and I never expected 可知,作者认为弗吉尼亚是家,从未想过会改变,会搬家。故选 D。
90 .考查名词辨析。 A. attempt 企图;B. suggestion 建议;C. excuse 借口;D. decision 决定。句意:就在我 父母作出搬家的决定三个月后。短语 make a decision“做决定”。故选 D。
91 .考查动词辨析。 A. preferred 偏爱;B. missed 错过;C. hated 恨;D. imagined 想象。根据上文 I hate New Orleans! I wanna go home!可知,作者憎恨新的环境,故选 C。
92 .考查形容词辨析。A. surprised 惊讶的;B. frightened 害怕的;C. delighted 高兴的;D. relieved 放心的。 根据上文 I felt like my entire life had been turned upside down. 1,100 miles away from everyone and everything I had ever known 可知,作者离所认识的人和事都有 1100 英里远,觉得整个生活都被颠覆了。因此很害怕, 故选 B。
93 .考查名词辨析。 A. performance 表现;B. activity 活动;C. presentation 展示;D. experience 经历。根据 上文 Tomake matters worse 可知,作者认为上高中是一个可怕的经历。故选 D。
94 .考查副词辨析。 A. partly 部分地;B. badly 严重地;非常; C. slightly 轻微地;D. hardly 几乎不。句意: 我在新奥尔良度过了头几个月,非常想回到弗吉尼亚的家。故选 B。
95 .考查动词辨析。 A. realized 意识到; B. remembered 记得; C. observed 观察; D.
complained 抱怨。句意:但是在几个月的想家之后,我意识到我有一个选择。故选 A 。 96 .考查连词辨析。 A. and 并且;B. but 但是;C. or 或者;D. so 因此。句意:我可以继续想我有多想念我 的老房子, 或者我可以开始在这里建一个新家。根据后文 Ichose the latter.可知, 本句中表示两者之间的选 择,故选 C。
97 .考查名词辨析。A. attention 注意;B. patience 耐心;C. trust 信任;D. confidence 自信。句意:当我不 再把所有的注意力放在我多么想念弗吉尼亚的时候,我就能够开始接受人们已经给予我的爱。短语 give attention to“注意”,故选 A。
98 .考查名词辨析。A. generation 一代;B. community 社区;团体;C. race 种族;D. school 学校。句意: 我的邻居教我如何烹饪新奥尔良的食物,我发现了一个有很棒的厨师和邻居的社区。故选 B。
99 .考查动词辨析。 A. teach 教;B. accept 接受;C. judge 判断;D. better 改善;完善。句意:我抓住每一 个可能的机会来完善自己,重建我的生活。故选 D。
100 .考查名词辨析。 A. belief 相信;B. freedom 自由;C. love 爱;D. interest 兴趣。根据第五段第一句 I was able to begin accepting the love that people were already giving me 可知,人们对我展示出的“爱”,故选 C。