人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration单词讲解课件(共40张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration单词讲解课件(共40张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 3.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-06-28 12:14:05



astronaut (n.)字航员;太空人
space astronaut (太空航员),
astronaut training (航天员训练),
astronaut suit (太空服)
例句:Neil Armstrong became a famous astronaut after he walked on the moon.(尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在登上月球后成为著名的宇航员。)
同义词:space traveler, cosmonaut
procedure (n.)程序;步骤;手续
词组:medical procedure (医疗程序),
legal procedure (法律程序),
standard procedure (标准操作)
固定搭配:follow a procedure (按照程序进行), go through the procedure (完成手续)
例句:Before surgery, the doctors explained the procedure to the patient.(手术前,医生向患者解释了手术的步骤。)
反义词:disorder, chaos
同义词:process, method, protocol
mental (adj.)精神的;思想的
词组:mental health (心理健康),
mental capacity (智力能力),
mental illness (精神疾病)
固定搭配:mental state (心理状态),
mental faculty (智力能力)
例句:It's important to take care of your mental well-being as well as your physical health.(关注心理健康和身体健康同样重要。)
反义词:physical, bodily
同义词:psychological, cognitive, intellectual
cm (abbr.)厘米
词组:cm ruler (厘米尺),
10 cm (十厘米),
cm measurement (厘米测量)
例句:The length of the table is 120 cm.(桌子的长度是120厘米。)
同义词:centimeter, centimetre
intelligent (adj.): having or showing intelligence or mental acuteness
词组:intelligent person (聪明人), intelligent decision (明智决定), intelligent design (智能设计)
rocket (n.)火箭;火箭弹
词组:space rocket (太空火箭),
rocket launch (火箭发射),
rocket propulsion (火箭推进)
固定搭配:launch a rocket (发射火箭), rocket science (火箭科学)
例句:The rocket blasted off into the sky with a loud roar.(火箭发射后以巨大的轰鸣声冲向天空。)
同义词:missile, spacecraft, projectile
gravity (n.)重力;引力
词组:zero gravity (失重状态),
gravity field (重力场),
gravity pull (重力吸引)
固定搭配:falling due to gravity (因重力下落), escape gravity (逃离重力)
例句:The gravity on the moon is much weaker than the gravity on Earth.(月球上的重力比地球上的重力要弱得多。)
反义词:weightlessness, levity
同义词:attraction, gravitational force
frontier (n.)边境;国界;边远地区
词组:western frontier (西部边疆),
the final frontier (最后的边界),
expanding frontiers (不断扩展的领域)
固定搭配:cross the frontier (越过边境), push the frontier (拓展边界)
例句:The pioneers settled on the frontier and built a new community.(开拓者在边境定居并建立了一个新社区。)
反义词:center, heartland
同义词:border, boundary, outskirts
vehicle (n.)交通工具;车辆
词组:motor vehicle (机动车辆), commercial vehicle (商用车辆),
emergency vehicle (紧急救援车辆)
固定搭配:vehicle registration (车辆登记), vehicle maintenance (车辆维护)
例句:She relies on her car as her primary vehicle for commuting.(她依靠汽车作为通勤的主要交通工具。)
反义词:pedestrian, on foot
同义词:automobile, convey
universe (n.)宇宙;天地万物
词组:observable universe (可观测宇宙), expanding universe (膨胀宇宙),
the mysteries of the universe (宇宙的奥秘)
固定搭配:the known universe (已知宇宙), the vast universe (浩瀚宇宙)
例句:Scientists study the universe to understand its origins and explore its vastness.(科学家研究宇宙,以了解其起源并探索其广袤无垠。)
同义词:cosmos, cosmosphere
determined (adj.)有决心的;意志坚定的
词组:determined effort (坚决努力), determined attitude (坚决态度), determined goal (确定目标)
固定搭配:be determined to (决心要), remain determined (保持决心)
例句:She was determined to overcome any obstacles and achieve her dreams.(她有决心克服任何困难,实现自己的梦想。)
反义词:indecisive, wavering
同义词:resolute, steadfast, persistent
satellite (n.)人造卫星;卫星
词组:artificial satellite (人造卫星), communication satellite (通信卫星), weather satellite (气象卫星)
固定搭配:launch a satellite (发射卫星), satellite imagery (卫星图像)
例句:The satellite provides us with accurate weather information.(卫星为我们提供准确的天气信息。)
同义词:spacecraft, orbiter
launch (vt. & n.)发射;发起;上市
词组:launch a rocket (发射火箭),
launch a campaign (发起活动),
product launch (产品发布)
固定搭配:launch into (开始进行),
launch an investigation (展开调查)
例句:The company plans to launch a new product next month.(公司计划下个月推出一款新产品。)
同义词:initiate, commence, start
orbit (n.)(环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道;势力范围
词组:Earth's orbit (地球轨道), geostationary orbit (静止轨道), orbit the sun (绕太阳运行)
固定搭配:enter into orbit (进入轨道), satellite orbit (卫星轨道)
例句:The spacecraft entered a stable orbit around the planet.(宇宙飞船进入了行星的稳定轨道。)
反义词:standstill, stagnation
同义词:trajectory, path, circuit
giant (adj.): 巨大的;伟大的;巨人;巨兽;伟人
词组:giant leap (巨大飞跃),
giant corporation (巨头公司),
giant strides (巨大进展)
固定搭配:giant of industry (产业巨头), giant in the field (该领域的巨人)
例句:The giant building dominated the city skyline.(巨大的建筑主宰着城市的天际线。)
反义词:tiny, miniature
同义词:enormous, colossal, titan
leap (n.)跳跃;剧增;剧变
词组:leap of faith (冒险尝试),
quantum leap (突破性进展),
leap forward (飞跃)
固定搭配:leap over (跳过),
take a leap (冒险尝试)
例句:The athlete made a graceful leap over the hurdle.(运动员优雅地跃过栏杆。)
反义词:stillness, stagnation
同义词:jump, bound, surge
mankind (n.)人类
词组:history of mankind (人类历史), progress of mankind (人类进步), fate of mankind (人类命运)
固定搭配:benefit mankind (造福人类), love for mankind (对人类的爱)
例句:The advancement of technology has greatlybenefited mankind in various ways.(技术的进步在各种方式上极大地造福了人类。)
同义词:humanity, humankind, people
agency (n.)(政府的)专门机构;服务机构;代理处
词组:government agency (政府机构), advertising agency (广告公司), intelligence agency (情报机构)
固定搭配:through the agency of (借助...的机构), authorized agency (授权机构)
例句:The agency is responsible for managing environmental protection.(该机构负责管理环境保护工作。)
同义词:organization, bureau, authority
transmit (vt. & vi.)传输;发送
词组:transmit information (传输信息), transmit a disease (传染病), transmit a signal (传输信号)
固定搭配:transmit data (传输数据), transmit knowledge (传授知识)
例句:The radio station transmits the news to listeners around the world.(无线电台向全世界的听众传输新闻。)
反义词:receive, withhold
同义词:broadcast, convey, transfer
data (n.)[复数形式] 资料;数据
词组:collect data (收集数据),
analyze data (分析数据),
store data (存储数据)
固定搭配:data analysis (数据分析),
data management (数据管理)
例句:The scientist gathered data to support her research findings.(科学家收集数据来支持她的研究结果。)
同义词:information, facts, statistics
disappointed (adj.)失望的;沮丧的
词组:feel disappointed (感到失望),
be disappointed with (对...感到失望),
a disappointed look (失望的表情)
固定搭配:disappointed in (对...感到失望), disappointed by (对...感到失望)
例句:She was disappointed with the results of the exam.(她对考试结果感到失望。)
反义词:satisfied, content
同义词:disheartened, let down, discouraged
desire (n.)[名词] 渴望;欲望;[动词] 渴望;期望
词组:have a desire (有渴望), express a desire (表达愿望), fulfill a desire (满足愿望)
固定搭配:desire for (对...的渴望), desire to (渴望做...)
例句:She has a strong desire to travel around the world.(她有强烈的愿望环游世界。)
反义词:aversion, indifference
同义词:craving, longing, aspiration
carry on继续做,坚持干
词组:carry on with (继续进行),
carry on a conversation (进行对话),
carry on the tradition (延续传统)
例句:Despite the challenges, he decided to carry on with his studies.(尽管面临困难,他决定继续学业。)
ongoing (adj.)持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的
词组:ongoing project (进行中的项目), ongoing investigation (进行中的调查), ongoing support (持续支持)
固定搭配:ongoing process (持续进行的过程), ongoing discussion (持续讨论)
例句:The company is committed to the ongoing improvement of its products.(公司致力于持续改进其产品。)
反义词:completed, finished
同义词:continuing, current, in progress
independently (adv.)独立地;自立地
词组:work independently (独立工作), think independently (独立思考),
live independently (独立生活)
例句:She decided to start her own business and work independently.(她决定自己创业,独立工作。)
反义词:dependently, reliant
同义词:autonomously, self-sufficiently
dock (n.)[名词] 码头;船坞;[动词] 对接;(使)...进港
词组:dock a ship (使船进港),
dock workers (码头工人),
dock area (码头区域)
例句:The ship was docked at the pier for repairs.(船只停靠在码头进行修理。)
signal (vt. & vi.)[动词] 标志着;标明;发信号;[名词] 信号;标志
词组:send a signal (发送信号),
receive a signal (接收信号),
strong signal (强信号)
例句:The traffic light turned red, signaling the cars to stop.(红绿灯变红,发出信号让车辆停下。)
so as to (do sth):为了;以便
词组:study hard so as to succeed (努力学习以获得成功),
save money so as to travel (存钱以便旅行)
例句:He woke up early so as to catch the first train.(他早起以便赶上第一班火车。)
recycle (vt.)回收利用;再利用
词组:recycle paper (回收废纸),
recycle plastic (回收塑料),
promote recycling (推广回收利用)
例句:We should recycle plastic bottles instead of throwing them away.(我们应该回收利用塑料瓶,而不是扔掉它们。)
lack (n.)[名词] 缺乏;短缺;[动词] 没有;缺乏
词组:lack of resources (资源匮乏),
lack of motivation (缺乏动力),
lack confidence (缺乏自信)
例句:There is a lack of communication between the two departments.(这两个部门之间缺乏沟通。)
float (vi.)[动词] 浮动;漂流;漂浮
词组:float in water (在水中浮动),
float a boat (使船浮起),
float an idea (提出一个想法)
汉译:例句:The leaves floated on the surface of the pond.(树叶在池塘的水面上漂浮。)
beyond (prep.)在更远处;超出
词组:beyond imagination (超出想象),
beyond reach (超出范围),
beyond repair (无法修复)
例句:The mountain peak is located beyond the forest.(山峰位于森林的更远处。)
solar (adj.)太阳的;太阳能的
词组:solar energy (太阳能),
solar power (太阳能电力),
solar panel (太阳能板),
solar system (太阳系; 太阳能系统)
例句:We installed solar panels on the roof to generate electricity.(我们在屋顶上安装了太阳能板以发电。)
current (adj.)[形容词] 当前的;现在的;[名词] 水流;电流;思潮
词组:current situation (当前情况),
current affairs (时事)
electric current (电流)
例句:The current economic situation requires immediate action.(当前的经济形势需要立即采取行动。)
sufficient (adj.)足够的;充足的
词组:sufficient time (足够的时间),
sufficient resources (充足的资源),
sufficient evidence (充分的证据)
例句:Please provide sufficient documentation to support your claim.(请提供足够的文件以支持您的主张。)
facility (n.)设施;设备
词组:sports facility (运动设施),
educational facility (教育设施),
manufacturing facility (生产设施)
例句:The hotel has excellent facilities including a swimming pool and a gym.(这家酒店设施齐全,包括游泳池和健身房。)
argue (vt. & vi.)论证;争辩;争论
词组:argue a case (辩护),
argue for/against (为/反对...辩论),
argue with (与...争论)
例句:They argued about the best way to solve the problem.(他们对如何解决问题争论不休。)
fatal (adj.)致命的;灾难性的
词组:a fatal accident (致命事故),
fatal mistake (严重错误),
fatal consequences (严重后果)
例句:Speeding can have fatal consequences.(超速驾驶可能带来严重后果。)
run out:用完,耗尽
run out of something(用完,耗尽)
run out of time(时间不够用)
run out of patience(失去耐心):
I've patience with your constant excuses.